Subtopik 4.1

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NOTES Chapter 4

Variety of Minerals
Kepelbagaian Mineral

1. Minerals are substance found naturally on the Earth’s crust.

Mineral merupakan bahan-bahan yang ditemui secara semula jadi pada kerak Bumi.

2. Classification of minerals / Klasifikasi mineral:

(a) Element / Unsur
• Metal – Gold
Logam – Emas
• Non-metal – Mercury
Bukan logam – Merkuri
(b) Compound / Sebatian
• Oxide – Bauxite
Oksida – Bauksit
• Carbonate – Calcite
Karbonat – Kalsit
• Sulphide – Galena
Sulfida – Galena
3. The carbonates of potassium and sodium are soluble in water.
Karbonat kalium dan natrium larut di dalam air.

4. The carbonates of potassium and sodium do not decompose when heated.

Karbonat kalium dan natrium tidak mengurai apabila dipanaskan.

5. The sulphides of potassium, sodium and calcium are soluble in water.

Sulfida kalium, natrium dan kalsium larut di dalam air.

6. When metal sulphides are heated, sulphur dioxide is given off. The residue left behind after heating is the oxide
of the metal.
Apabila sulfida logam dipanaskan, gas sulfur dioksida dibebaskan. Mendakan yang tertinggal selepas dipanaskan ialah
oksida logam tersebut.

7. The oxides of potassium and sodium are very soluble in water.

Oksida kalium dan natrium sangat larut di dalam air.

8. The oxides of calcium and magnesium are slightly soluble in water.

Oksida kalsium dan magnesium larut sedikit di dalam air.

9. Metal oxides are not affected by heat except the oxides of mercury and silver.
Oksida logam tidak ada kesan terhadap haba kecuali oksida merkuri dan argentum.

10. Silicon is an element that reacts with other elements or compounds to form a compound of silicon.
Silikon merupakan sejenis unsur yang bertindak balas dengan unsur atau sebatian lain untuk membentuk sebatian

11. Classification of silicon compound:

Klasifikasi sebatian silikon:
(a) Silica / Silika
(i) Silicon / Silikon
(ii) Oxygen / Oksigen
(b) Silicate / Silikat
(i) Silicon / Silikon
(ii) Oxygen / Oksigen
(iii) Metals / Logam

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