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Impact of Supply Chain Management on

Firms sustainability and performance

Name: Yash Jain

Class: 6BBA-A

Reg. No: 19111348

The supply chain is defined as "a set of three or more entities (organizations or
individuals) directly involved in the upstream and downstream flow of products,
services, finances and/or information from a source to a customer ". level, supply chain
management (SCM) is nothing but the management of these flows to create value for
partner companies and the end customer in their founding document defines SCM as
"the coordination systemic and strategic approach to traditional business functions and
tactics across those business functions within a given business
and between businesses within the supply chain, in order to improve the long-term
performance of individual businesses and to the supply chain as a whole." has caught
the attention of industry professionals and academics. SCM literature is enriched with
research threads, such as supply chain integration, supply chain coordination inaction
and agile supply chain, supply chain performance procurement, supply chain design,
etc. The growing trend towards sustainability has shifted attention to SSCM.
In recent years, sustainability has been a topic of discussion in major global
corporations, which has highlighted the need for organizations to understand the
importance of achieving sustainability in their business operations. It is also essential
for the company to know if its sustainable practices are paying off, which makes it
important to measure the impact of sustainability practices from 3BL's perspective on
company performance. Properly understanding the nuances in the relationship between
SSCM (with associated practices) and business performance (or vice versa) will help
stakeholders guide their businesses to achieve better performance by adopting
sustainable practices.
SSCM can be defined as "the management of the flow of materials, information and
capital as well as the cooperation between companies along the supply chain by
integrating the objectives of the three dimensions of sustainable development, namely
economic, environmental and social, which arise from customer and stakeholder
requirements. In sustainable supply chains, members must meet environmental and
social criteria to remain in the supply chain, while the competitiveness of
should be maintained by meeting customer needs and related economic criteria." SSCM
is a critical node on which the triple bottom line of environmental, social and economic
performance is based. SSCM leads to economic gains because it increases energy
efficiency, improves goodwill and brand value, results in lower costs, etc. The
complexity of SCM is gradually increasing and factors such as globalization, cyber-
attacks, and opportunistic partner behavior make the implementation of SSCM in SMBs
even more challenging.


1. Examine competitive performance by tightly integrating internal functions within the

business and effectively linking them to external operations of vendors and channel

2. Investigate the impact of supply chain management on overall organizational

effectiveness and identify issues affecting the success of supply chain management.

3. Provide sustainability performance assessment of lean, agile, resilient and green

supply chain management practices.

4. Discover the role of supply chain performance as a mediator between the big data-
driven supply chain and sustainable business performance.
Problem Statement

The major problem that has to be defined through this research paper is how different
supply chain management practices affects the firm’s sustainability and performance
considering various factors. The role sustainability plays for any firms becomes very
vital when it comes to customer satisfaction or value given to them which will ultimately
decide firms performance and their profitability. Hence, to satisfy customer needs
supply chain management comes into the picture as distribution & retail, wholesale
distribution, logistics, warehouse, consumer goods importers, warehouse management
systems, inventory management, etc.… are key factors to firm’s performance. The
customer expects great service and they are giving money to perfectly satisfy their needs
to get product on time. Therefore, firms supply chain management is far and away most
effective customer service tool which directly dictates the two most vital parts of
customer satisfaction: price and delivery. This research paper define impact of supply
chain management on firm’s sustainability and performance.

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