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Introduction to Globalization

The Contemporary World: Lesson 1

between people in their own

country and between different
Globalization countries (includes access to the
internet and social media
● Globalization is the free movement of networks).
goods, services and people across the 3. Political
world in a seamless and integrated
a. The amount of political
manner. Globalization can be thought of
cooperation there is between
to be the result of the opening up of the
global economy and the concomitant
b. Countries are attempting to
increase in trade between nations.
adopt similar political policies
● It is the process by which the
and styles of government in
experience of everyday life, marked by
order to facilitate other forms of
the diffusion of commodities and ideas,
is becoming standardized around the
world. Globalization makes the world
more accessible to all people.
Causes of Globalization
Today, the economies of most countries are so
interconnected that they form part of a single, 1. Improved Communications
interdependent global economy. a. The development of
communication technologies
Characteristics: such as the internet, email, and
● Connectivity mobile phones have been vital
● Borderless Globe to the growth of globalization
● Free Trade because they help MNCs
● Cultural Diversity (multinational corporations) to
● Mobility operate throughout the world.
● Information Technology changes b. The development of satellite TV
channels such as Sky and CNN
Types of Globalization have also provided worldwide
marketing avenues for the
concept and products of
1. Economic
a. Countries that trade with many
2. Improved Transport
others and have few trade
a. The development of refrigerated
barriers are economically
and container transport, bulk
shipping and improved air
b. A worldwide economic system
transport has allowed the easy
that permits easy movement of
mass movement of goods
goods, production, capital, and
throughout the world.
resources (free trade facilitates
3. Free Trade Agreements
a. MNCs and rich capitalist
2. Social
countries have always promoted
a. A measure of how easily
global free trade as a way of
information and ideas pass
increasing their own wealth and planet. As the world becomes
influence. more unified, diverse cultures
b. International organizations such are being ignored. MNCs create
as the World Trade Organization a monoculture as they remove
and the IMF also promote free local competition and thereby
trade. force local firms to close.
6. Increase in Anti-Globalisation
Note: Under a free trade policy, goods and services Protests
can be bought and sold across international borders a. There is a growing awareness of
with little or no government tariffs, quotas, subsidies,
the negative impacts of
or prohibitions to inhibit their exchange.
b. People have begun to realize
4. The Growth of MNCs
that globalization can be
a. The rapid growth of big MNCs
challenged by communities
such as Microsoft, McDonalds,
supporting each other in
and Nike is a cause as well as a
business and society and
consequence of globalization.
through public protests and
b. The investment of MNCs in
political lobbying.
farms, mines, and factories
across the world
c. Globalization allows MNCs to
produce goods and services and Importance of Globalization and
to sell products on a massive
scale throughout the world. Roles in the 21st Century

Effects of Globalization Globalization is important because it opens

many doors to various fields of study. It
broadens the educational horizons for students.
1. Changed Food Supply
a. Food supply is no longer tied to
Technology in the world today has made it
the seasons. We can buy
easier for students to find more in depth
anywhere in the world at any
information that they are looking for to use for
time of the year.
educational purposes. Students can also learn
2. Division of Labor
more about other countries because of the
a. Because MNCs search for the
impact of globalization.
cheapest locations to
manufacture and assemble
components, production
processes may be moved from Implementing Technology Tools
developed to developing
countries where costs are lower. to Promote Globalization
3. Less Job Security
a. Jobs are becoming more ● Facebook - the ability to communicate
temporary and insecure. with people all over the world.
4. Damage to the Environment ● Skype (video chatting) - the ability to
a. More trade means more have a live visual meeting with people
transport which uses more fossil all over the world.
fuels and causes pollution. ● Twitter - the ability to communicate and
b. Climate change is a serious share information with people all over
threat to our future. the world
5. Cultural Impact ● WikiSpaces - the ability to share ideas,
a. Websites such as Youtube thoughts and images with people all
connect people across the over the world
● Phones - the ability to verbally and/or
visually communicate with people all
over the world.
● Microsoft Office - the ability to verbally
and visually communicate with people
through email, live chat and instant
● WebQuest - teachers can create one
for students to participate in an
educational journey on various topics
while using the world wide web.
● Podcast - teachers can create a
podcast for students to listen to using
media or create assignments and
students can listen to the podcast as
many times as they want.
● Email - the students can use it to
communicate with:
○ Students in other countries
○ People and/or businesses in the
○ Pen-Pals
○ Organizations, companies, and
corporations all over the world
○ Teachers and peers

Conclusion: There are many different

technological uses that promote globalization.
Technology is a big part of changing the way
people communicate and learn in the world
today. People are starting to rely on technology
more and more to communicate globally
instead of traveling to places that are far away.

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