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Name Miguel salas_____ Final project- statement of purpose peer

Revised by _________________________________

Use this checklist and questions to evaluate your partner’s statement of purpose. Evaluate each category on a 0-5 scale using whole
numbers. If a certain category doesn’t relate to the specific option chosen by the author, mark it N/A.

evaluated by
The hook draws the reader’s attention. 5 Long term professional and personal goals
Includes the name and location of the institution 5 How this program/job position will help the author
department and program/job position achieve those goals
Reasons for choosing the institution 5 Specific research interests
Reasons for choosing the program/job position 5 The cinch is a strong and unique closing statement
Educational experience Cohesiveness
Other relevant experience Writing conventions (spelling, capitals, grammar)
Relevant projects/tasks Use of connectors
How educational experiences have prepared the
author for the program/job Use of future tenses
Relevant abilities/skills Use of vocabulary related to education and/or jobs
Relevant personal attributes Professional tone
Interesting aspects of the program/job
Most interesting courses/
Most interesting job responsibilities
Specific research interests
How the program/job is the correct place
How the university/company is the correct place
How the location is the correct place

What is your general impression of the author’s statement of purpose?

What things does the author do well in their statement of purpose?

How can the author improve their statement of purpose?

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