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Official Report

of the Games of the

XXV Olympiad
Barcelona 1992
Official Report
of the Games of the
XXV Olympiad
Barcelona 1992

Volume I

The challenge
From the idea
to the nomination

Director of the Report: Photographs:
Romà Cuyàs All Sport-Firo Foto, AOMSA archive,
Association of Municipalities of the
Cover illustration: Barcelona Metropolitan Area,
Original picture by Antoni Clavé Barcelona Archaeological Museum,
produced specially for this edition and "Barcelona posa't guapa" campaign,
kindly presented to COOB'92 by the Bert archive, Agustí Carbonell, Jaume
artist Casas, Eugenio Castillo, Francesc
Català-Roca, Josep Coronilla,
Graphic design: COOB'92 archive, Department of
Zimmermann Asociados, S.L. Commerce, Consumer Affairs and
Tourism (Generalitat of Catalonia), El
Editorial coordination: Mundo Deportivo archive, Historical
Thema Equipo Editorial archive of the city, IMBE, IMPUSA,
Institute of Cartograpy of Catalonia,
Institute of Publications (Barcelona
Provincial Council), IOC archive,
FRIS, Lunwerg Editores, Jordi Llobet,
COOB'92 would like to thank the Oriol Maspons, Christian Maury,
following companies for their help with Melcior Colet Museum and Study
the preparation of this work: Centre, Municipal Tourist Board,
Museum of Modern Art, OCSA,
Manuel Perez, Marta Povo, Felipe
Raurich, Miguel Raurich, Sebastià
Sabaté, Lluís Sans, Rafa Seguí, Sports
Information Service (Barcelona City
Council), Sports library, (Generalitat of
Catalonia), TAF, Tàpies Foundation,
TAVISA, Technical Office of the
Image (Barcelona City Council), VOSA.

Thema Equipo Editorial

Crack, Cromoarte, Sator
And special thanks for assistance with
distribution to: Printing and binding:
Grafos, S.A., Art sobre paper

Ikonorex Special Matt 150 g
manufactured by Zanders and
distributed in Spain by
Torraspapel, S.A.

Enciclopèdia Catalana, S.A.

Published by: 84-7868-107-8 (4 Volume set)
COOB'92, S.A. 84-7868-108-6 (volume I)
© 1992 COOB'92, S.A.
Plaça de la Font Màgica, s/n DL:
08038 Barcelona B-22559-92
Foreword by Pasqual Maragall 21
Introduction by Josep Miquel Abad 23
Editor's note by Romà Cuyàs 27

1. The city 31

Barcelona, a great metropolis 33

A privileged climate and setting 33
An active and industrious city 37
A well-connected city 41

Barcelona through the ages 47

From the Romans to the city of the Counts 47
The Mediterranean expansion 49
From a city of artisans to a city of industrialists 53
The city in the twentieth century 57

Cultural and artistic Barcelona 61

The Catalan language 67

The transformation of the city 69

The stages of growth 69
The Barcelona of the Games 75
Squares and urban thoroughfares 75
Large scale projects 77
The new seafront 79
The ring roads 83
Telecommunications 85
The definition of the city centre 89
The cultural infrastructure 93

2. The Olympic Games 97

2.1. Origin and recovery of the Olympic Games 99

The Olympic Games and classical Greece 101
The setting of the Olympic Games 101
The return of the Games: the Modern Era 103

2.2. The Summer Olympic Games of the Modern Era 107

Athens 1896 (I Olympiad) 109
Paris 1900 (II Olympiad) 113
St Louis 1904 (HI Olympiad) 117
London 1908 (IV Olympiad) 121
Stockholm 1912 (V Olympiad) 125
Antwerp 1920 (VII Olympiad) 129
Paris 1924 (VIII Olympiad) 133
Amsterdam 1928 (IX Olympiad) 137
Los Angeles 1932 (X Olympiad) 141
Berlin 1936 (XI Olympiad) 145
London 1948 (XIV Olympiad) 149
Helsinki 1952 (XV Olympiad) 153
Melbourne 1956 (XVI Olympiad) 157
Rome 1960 (XVII Olympiad) 161
Tokyo 1964 (XVIII Olympiad) 165
Mexico City 1968 (XIX Olympiad) 169
Munich 1972 (XX Olympiad) 173
Montreal 1976 (XXI Olympiad) 177
Moscow 1980 (XXII Olympiad) 181
Los Angeles 1984 (XXIII Olympiad) 185
Seoul 1988 (XXIV Olympiad) 189
3. The Candidature 197

3.1. The city and sport 199

The sporting tradition of Barcelona 201
The practice of sport today 201
Sport in recent years 206
The Olympic calling 207
The first attempt 207
The great hope fails 210
The People's Olympiad 212
A forgotten attempt 213
The Stadium in a ferment 214
The hope eluded 215

3.2. The idea: Barcelona'92 is born 217

From the idea to the first text 219
The first estimates 219

3.3. The project stage (1983-1984) 223

The Olympic Office and the Managing Council 225
The city gets ready 226
Future projects and immediate
measures 226
A velodrome in the Vall d'Hebron 227
The Montjuïc Olympic Ring 227
A village by the sea 229
Promotion and popularisation of the idea 231
Public appearances 232
The image of the candidature 233

3.4. The Preliminary Project 235

The plan 237
The sports programme and calendar 237
The sports facilities 237
Accommodation for the participants 238
The new infrastructures 239
Telecommunications 240
The budget and financing 241
The cultural programme 243
The first official approval 243
The international debut in an Olympic year 244

3.5. The machine in operation (1985-1986) 247

Institutional support 249
The formal application and the reinforcement of the structure 249
Work goes ahead on the Olympic venues 250
Building work on Montjuïc 250
Planning the Parc de Mar Area 252
Filling a gap 255
The Candidature around the world 255
A successful presentation 255
From continent to continent 258
The decisive year 259

3.6. The Candidature Dossier 261

The commitment of the city 263
The drafting of the Dossier 263
The Magic Box 264
Prior guarantees 266
The calendar and sports 268
The competition programm 269
The Olympic areas 270
The Montjuïc Area 272
The Diagonal Area 273
The Vall d'Hebron Area 274
The Parc de Mar Area 275
The cities of 1992 275
The Olympic residences 276
Efficient transport 278
Information technology and telecommunications 280
A balanced budget 283
The financial model 283
The Organising Committee budget 284
Expenditure 285
Income 286
The cultural project 287
The fact-finding committees 289

3.7. The final push 293

Everyone's goal 295
Social and institutional unanimity 295
The last Olympic Days 295
Beyond Barcelona 296
The Olympic Bus around Spain 296
The volunteers: a new record 297
Everywhere at once 298
The campaign 300
Informing the electors 300
Coubertin and the new decalogue 301
At all the championships 303

3.8. The nomination 305

"Operation Lausanne" 307
The preparations 307
The exhibition at the Hermitage 307
The final impact 308
The week of the nomination 310
The session begins 310
The ambassador Montserrat Caballé 310
A sudden return 310
The final exam 311
The presentation 312
"A la ville de ... Barcelona!" 314
Three rounds of voting 315
The Barcelona Olympic outburst 316
Montjuïc, chock-a-block:
"Now we are Olympic!" 318
COOB'92 is born 319

4. Appendixes 323

4.1. The structure of the Candidature 325

4.2. The Council of Support 335

4.3. Chronology of the Candidature 357

4.4. Olympic glossary 367

4.5. Olympic medals 383

4.6. Tables, maps and photo credits 455

H.R.H. Felipe de Borbón
Prince of Asturias
Honorary president of COOB'92

"For Barcelona'92, in the memories and

hearts of everyone"
Prince of Asturias
Mr Felipe González Márquez
President of the Spanish Government
Mr Jordi Pujol ì Soley
President of the Generalitat of Catalonia
Mr Pasqual Maragall i Mira
Mayor of Barcelona and
President of COOB'92
Mr Carles Ferrer Salat
President of the COE
First vice-president COOB'92

Mr Javier Gomez Navarro

President of the Higher Sports Council
Second vice-president of COOB'92

Mr Josep Lluís Vilaseca i Guasch

Secretary general for Sport at
the Generalitat of Catalonia
Third vice-president of COOB'92

Mr Josep Miquel Abad i Silvestre

Chief executive officer of COOB'92
Pasqual Maragall i Mira On 17 October 1986, a long road paved with efforts and hopes reached
President of COOB'92 and its end when Barcelona was chosen to be the site of the Games of the
mayor of Barcelona XXV Olympiad. After so many years, history finally smiled on Barcelona.
The Olympic movement placed its faith in the city, in its enthusiastic
and hard-working people. For almost six years, the organisation has
acted to meet the commitment undertaken by its citizens to the country
and the international community.
On 25 July we shall be raising the curtain on the Olympic Games and
Barcelona will once again be making history on a grand scale.
Thousands of eyes will be turned to the city. Now we can say that we
have done honourably by what was expected of us.
When the Olympic flame has been quenched, everyone, and particularly
the generations to come, will be left with a city transformed, with a
new urban weft and a new loom. Those of us who have lived through
that time will also have the satisfaction of having worked on the
organisation of a unique event.
This Official Report is a modest tribute to everyone who has made the
Barcelona Olympic Games possible.

Introduction It must be admitted that the best and most thorough report of the
Josep Miquel Abad Barcelona'92 Olympic Games is the one that each of us has stored
Chief executive officer away among our most intimate memories. No-one can conjure up this
of COOB'92
historic moment better than we ourselves with emotions, images or
sensations. No chronicler could match the strength of our own experience.
The true collective memory, as I understand it, is made up of
thousands of hours lived and shared by thousands of people who will
have thrilled to the Games, whether near or far away. Historians have
already undertaken the task of researching, verifying, rationalising and
interpreting the events. For the time being, the most genuine records
are those of eye-witnesses.
But the human memory, so powerful and suggestive, also has its
lacunae. This is particularly true for the Olympic Games, where the
poetry of the moment may cause it to miss a detail, overlook a fact or
distort the measurement of time. I am convinced, therefore, that an
official report is an indispensable complement to what will become an
unforgettable episode in our life.
With this Report we fulfil the obligations of the Olympic Charter, but
also an obligation to the people of the city and lovers of sport. If the
stadiums and the roads are the tangible legacy, the publication you are
reading now is the written monument to the Games of the XXV
Olympiad. Any admirer of our city or the Olympics will be able to 23

satisfy the need to know about all the details of this historic occasion in
the pages which follow.
I recognise that the publication of this first volume of this Official
Report before the Games are held may come as a surprise. This is not,
of course, an exercise in clairvoyance. First, we wanted to show what
we have always said: that the sixteen days of competition will be the
climax of a process which has taken years and that many of our
objectives -the reactivation of the city and the country, the town
planning works, the boost to the economy- will have already been more
than accomplished before the magic date. Furthermore, we would like
to give the readers an opportunity to find out what has happened and
to arouse their interest so that they can come to the Games with
enough background information to have a better understanding of how
and why they have been organised in a certain way.
Of Barcelona, of the history of the Olympics and the candidature for
the Games of 1992 we can speak before the torch enters the Montjuïc
Stadium. As for other matters, however, we shall have to wait until
after the closing ceremony. We shall only be able to make a clear
assessment of the resources -facilities, staff and equipment- when we
have seen them in action. For the second volume, therefore, we shall
have to wait until the operators have finished off the task that the
planners, the workers and the fitters began.
The third volume is a similar case: we shall have to wait in order to
appraise the efforts of hundreds of people, and especially of those most
directly involved in the organisation, until we have the results. More
than once the operation involved in the Olympic Games has been
compared to a military campaign; and even if the objectives are quite
incompatible, there are certain parallels. The logistical complexity is
one, and the mission is not accomplished until the objective has been
secured. The daily battles are important, but only the last one is
Allow me to make an observation which touches on moral ground. If
we are capable of mobilising so many people and so many resources, of
bringing together the youth so many countries, of capturing the
attention of such different audiences, around such noble ideals, in a
great festival of peace and youth, it means that we can have faith in
the human condition. The energy and the enormous human potential
that spring from the Olympic Games serve fundamentally for that
purpose: to prove that people are still anxious to live moments of joy.
The last volume of the Official Report we shall be keeping, with due
devotion, for the true heroes and heroines: the sportsmen and women.
The vast majority of spectators will remember Barcelona'92 for their
idols: their sporting feats and their records. The quest for perfection,
excellence and beauty will be immortalised in images that will travel
around the world: the sportsmen and women will be the leading actors
on the stage that, for two weeks, will be Barcelona and the Olympic
To explain the Games of the XXV Olympiad in four volumes, even
long ones, is not easy. We shall include the essentials and I am sure
that a few years from now we shall feel the lack of items of
information that might seem of slight importance to us today. But the
vital thing is the great work of compilation immediately after the
Olympic event when the material is still fresh and the memory still
The Barcelona 1992 Official Report will be the first one to be on sale
to the public. So far the summary and analysis of the Games has been
restricted to a select group of people and, in an abbreviated version, to
the press. This time we wanted to round off the job with a piece of
work which will be thorough, free of secrets and within the reach of
Ultimately, the Olympic Games would not be what they are without
communication. Thousands of millions of people follow them on the
small screen and without that enormous audience the sources of finance
or the massive support which makes it possible to meet the cost would
simply not be forthcoming. The event is interesting in itself, but so is
the expectation it arouses.
This communicative potential gives us the chance to broadcast our
message loud and clear. It allows us to bring our way of living, our way
of working and our way of understanding the relationships between 25

people to the four corners of the earth.

With the Official Report, we analyse the facts and the capacity of our
organisation. But, most of all, we scatter to the four winds the
enthusiasm of our people, which has been decisive, since the outset, in
the will to offer the best and most universal Olympic Games in history.
Editor's note One of the commitments undertaken by the Organising Committee of
Romà Cuyàs i Sol the Olympic Games is to take charge of the publication of the Official
Director of Report. The Report has one essential purpose: to pass on to the
the Official Report
managers of the Olympic Movement and future Organising Committees
the experience acquired. As an additional benefit, it provides the
Olympic Family as a whole with the results of the sports competitions.
Furthermore, because they involve the whole world, the Olympic
Games are the most complex and demanding event on the calendar.
They are itinerant by nature, which means that the organising city is
unlikely to have any previous experience. And so the Official Report
which each Organising Committee leaves to its successors must be a
reflection not only of the sporting event, which has already been
thoroughly discussed and analysed by the media on the five continents,
but also of each and every aspect of the organisation which made it
possible and which only the Report can explain in the necessary depth
and detail. It must therefore be an exhaustive, serious document from
which future organisers can extract the maximum amount of information.
But the Official Report of the Games of the XXV Olympiad is the first
one in history to be available to the public. This unusual element poses
a new challenge to the people in charge of producing it: to make the
explanation of the organisation of the Games interesting and enjoyable
to a wide audience without sacrificing the seriousness and thoroughness 27
demanded by the content.
Facing this twofold requirement, then, COOB'92 set to work on the
Report about a year and a half ago. The first step was an exhaustive
analysis of previous reports in terms of both structure and content,
graphics and text. One of the first decisions was to shun the
monumental in terms of extent and presentation; the dimensions chosen
were intended to make for easier reading. The planned length was
about one thousand five hundred pages spread over four volumes of
similar length. This would make it possible to market it in serial form,
with the added advantage that distribution could begin before the
Games. This has meant that the Report itself is an element in
stimulating public interest in the Games just a few months before they
are held; such is the aim of this first volume which, as it covers the
period of the Candidature, will be available before the opening ceremony.
And so, as Josep Miquel Abad says in his introduction, the first volume
will be "the climax of a process which has taken years", and the fruit of
the labours of the whole city and the entire country. Moreover, the
book explains the transformation of Barcelona since holding the Games
there became more than just an idea.
As a contribution to the spread of the Olympics and bearing in mind
that for the first time the general public has been included in the
reading of an official report, COOB'92 has decided to introduce a
chapter dealing with the history of the Games since their revival in
1896 to the Barcelona Games this year. The outstanding events of each
one are listed and there are tables with the complete results of all the
competitions in all the sports on the official programme in Barcelona.
Thus the reader can follow the evolution of the scores and times
achieved over the years and discover the highlights of each sport. A
further contribution to Olympic knowledge is the glossary, which you
will find in the appendices to this volume, which defines the terms
found in the Olympic Charter or commonly used by COOB'92.
The drafting of this first volume has involved a tremendous labour of
documentation. The information has been taken, as far as possible,
from the most reliable sources, the basis being the documents published
by the Olympic Office and the branches of the administration which
formed the consortium of the Managing Council during the period of
the Candidature. The IOC archives have also been consulted, as well as
those of the companies which make up HOLSA (AOMSA, VOSA and
IMPU) and those so kindly placed at our disposal by the institutions of
the COOB'92 consortium through the relevant organisations. Some
private archives were also referred to when the need arose. Altogether
the compilers have read over thirty thousand pages and looked at over
ten thousand photographs. In the selection of the photographic material
prominence has been given to the documentary and informative
aspects. Moreover, the Report has benefited from the contribution of
specialists from a wide range of disciplines -who have brought to our
work an authority which it would not otherwise have had- and, as the
drafting progressed, from the suggestions of all those closely involved
with the Candidature.
The next volumes will concentrate on the planning, organisation and
staging of the Barcelona Olympic Games. COOB'92 is already working
on the compilation of the documents.
We trust that this volume will live up to expectations and that in the 29
future it will be a reference point for students of a period as thrilling
and decisive in the history of the city and the country as these years of
preparation for the Games of the XXV Olympiad.
Barcelona, a great metropolis
The Rambla in Barcelona is
Barcelona is a city with more than two A privileged climate and setting
well - loved and used by thousand years of history. Since its
the people of the city and founding by the Romans in the first
by visitors.
century it has continued to grow until it Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, one
2 now occupies the whole of the plain of the seventeen autonomous
The breakwater for the port
is also used in moments of bounded to the north and south by the communities into which Spain is divided
leisure. rivers Besòs and Llobregat, and to the administratively. Catalonia has its own
east and west by the Mediterranean and history, language and culture. Barcelona
The district of Poblenou, the Collserola range of hills. According to is also the second largest city in Spain,
completely transformed for the 1991 census, of the slightly more after Madrid, and the leading industrial
the Olympic Games.
than 3 million inhabitants in the centre.
4 Barcelona metropolitan area 1,623,542
The Sant Josep market, Catalonia is situated in the north-east of
popularly known as La
live in the 99 square kilometres enclosed
Boqueria. by the city boundaries. the Iberian peninsular. It is almost
perfectly triangular in shape, with two
Four and a half kilometres Barcelona's location in the south-west of natural frontiers: the Pyrenean mountain
of seafront have been Europe and on the shores of the range to the north and the Mediterranean
rehabilitated for the city.
Mediterranean has made it a historically to the east. A virtually straight western
6 important crossroads for commerce and boundary runs between the Pyrenees and
The Parc de la Creueta del the sea. It occupies an area of great
Coll is a former quarry culture: technical innovations, ideas,
converted into a new currents of thought and fashions from all orthographic variety; 32,000 square
recreational area. over the world have found their way into kilometres, 6.3% of the total of Spain.
7 the Iberian peninsular through the Catalonia has 6 million inhabitants out
The popular musical bars gateway of Barcelona. This has been of a total Spanish population of 39
play an important part in
Barcelona nightlife. important in making the city known in million and is therefore one of the most
Europe and the rest of the world. densely populated parts of the country
(187 inhabitants/square kilometre).

2 4 6 33

5 7
Previous page. The wooded slopes of the Pyrenees are Barcelona has a temperate Mediterranean
View of Barcelona from
Tibidabo. the source of the main rivers in climate. Extremes of temperature are
Catalonia: the Ter, the Llobregat, the rare; winters are short and mild and the
The monastery of Sant Pere Segre (a tributary of the Ebro) and the heat of the summer is relieved by the sea
de Rodes is one of the Noguera Pallaresa and the Noguera breezes. The sun shines in all seasons of
finest examples of Catalan Ribagorçana which, in their turn, are the year and there are only seventy
tributaries of the Segre. The coastal zone, cloudy days on average.
A beautiful panorama of
more than 400 km in length, can be
the snow-covered Pyrenees. divided into three main sectors: the
northern coast (Costa Brava), rocky with
The village of Taüll is steep cliffs; the Maresme, with beaches of An active and industrious city
notable for the bell towers thick white sand; and the southern coast
of its Romanesque churches. (Costa Daurada), with long expanses of
4 beach. Inland lies the Central Catalan Barcelona was at the forefront of Spanish
Catalonia's beaches are one Depression, made up of a mosaic of river industrialisation, which began with the
of its main tourist
attractions and a source of valleys, plains and plateaus. In the far emergence of the Catalan textile industry,
wealth for the country. south lies the Ebro Delta, one of the based principally on family firms, at the
5 most important in Europe for the end of the eighteenth century. In the
The Ebro Delta is an richness of its animal life. course of the nineteenth and twentieth
agricultural area of great centuries other industries such as
ecological importance.
The mild climate, the beauty of the metallurgy and chemicals have also
Market day in the Plaça
landscape and the extensive network of established themselves. The economic
del Mercadal in Balaguer, air, land and sea communications have growth of the nineteen sixties extended
in the centre of Catalonia. made Catalonia one of the major tourist to neighbouring communities such as
areas of Europe, with more than 16 Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Badalona,
million visitors a year. Sant Adrià de Besòs, Cornelia and

2 3 5 37

4 6
The Zona Franca in
l'Hospitalet de Llobregat, which came to 45.7% in the secondary sector (industry
Barcelona, situated in the form a dense agglomeration around the and construction) and 49.1% in the
basin of the River city. tertiary sector or services.
Llobregat, is an industrial
and warehousing area
which is well connected Since Spain's accession to the European The majority of companies in Catalonia
with the rest of Catalonia. Community in 1986 there has been a are located in the area of Barcelona
2 growth in the presence of foreign firms which contributes 80% of the Gross
The new architecture of the and multinationals in Barcelona and its Added Value (GAV) to the Catalan
buildings in the Avinguda
Diagonal contrasts with the surrounding area. These firms are economy. In European terms this has an
classic colours of the engaged in a large variety of industrial above average growth rate for Gross
Barcelona taxis.
sectors. Recent reports on the economic Domestic Product (GDP). The most
3 prospects of European cities are agreed active economic sectors include the
The fishing zone of the port
of Barcelona. In spite of in describing Barcelona as one of the automotive industry, Pharmaceuticals,
the important industrial first choices for company investment, electronics, computers and new
and commercial elements in something which has reinforced its role technologies, graphic arts and the textile
the port, fishing activity
still goes on. as a commercial crossroads. industry.
Barcelona is the centre of Because of the size of its industrial The industrial diversity of the Catalan
an important area of sector, Catalonia -which accounts for economy, the high level of specialisation
industrial activity and almost 25% of Spanish industrial
services for more than three
and the fact that none of its basic
million people. production- is today one of the most industries was seriously affected by the
important industrial regions in Europe. economic crisis of the nineteen seventies,
Antiquarians bring The distribution of the economically together with its traditional openness,
Barcelona's past alive. active population by sector in the region have all been decisive factors in ensuring
is typical of an advanced economy: 5.2% its continued competitiveness in the
engaged in the primary sector recent period of economic adjustment.
(agriculture, stockbreeding and fishing),

2 3 4 39

The town of Calella, an
A well-connected city weather conditions throughout the year.
important tourist centre in Thanks to its location on the coast, it is
the Maresme, has one of
the most popular beaches
an extremely safe airport which is open
on the whole of the Catalan The port of Barcelona is one of the to traffic 95% of the available time. It
coast. busiest in the Mediterranean and is one handles more than 9 million passengers a
of the driving forces behind the year and over 100,000 regular flights
Entering Barcelona by the economic development of the connect it with the major cities of the
Avinguda Diagonal. Traffic metropolitan area and Catalonia as a world. The three new terminals which
flow at the access points to
Barcelona and the central whole. It handles a large part of the have been brought into service for the
area of the city has goods traffic entering Spain and leaving 1992 Olympic Games have given it a
improved thanks to the
construction of rapid routes for the rest of Europe and is a pole of capacity of more than 16 million
which encircle the city. attraction for the location of industry passengers a year.
and services. Its increasing dynamism in
The port of Barcelona, at the nineteen eighties has led to a far Because of Barcelona's strategic position
the bottom of the Rambla. greater increase in traffic than in other in the European road, motorway and rail
ports in Mediterranean Europe. The port networks, a large part of the goods traffic
of Barcelona and the neighbouring port between Spain and the rest of Europe
of Tarragona, which specialises in passes through the city. The motorway
petroleum and chemicals for the which links Barcelona with France makes
petrochemical industry in the region, the frontier accessible in an hour and a
together handle forty million tonnes of half and both the motorway which leads
goods per year. on into the Peninsula and the one which
follows the coast down to southern Spain
The airport, situated just ten kilometres connect it to the main cities of the
from the city centre and with excellent country. Catalonia also has 600
road and rail connections to the whole of kilometres of internal motorway.
the surrounding area, enjoys magnificent

3 41

The Olympic Port, situated
next to the Olympic
Village, is a marina with
more than 800 berths.
The Barcelona Airport
Barcelona itself is surrounded by a
concourse, which has been system of ring roads which facilitate
extended and redesigned for
the Olympic Games by the
communications between the outlying
architect Ricard Bofill. areas of the city and between the centre
and certain key points, such as the
An everyday scene in the airport and the port.
Estació de França before
renovation. Barcelona's urban transport system
3 includes 70 kilometres of subway lines
Barberà del Vallès
motorway intersection
which connect the centre of the city with
fifteen kilometres from the surrounding districts and the
Barcelona. The motorway industrial centres and is used by
network connects Barcelona
with the main Spanish and 270 million passengers a year. The bus
European cities. network carries 200 million passengers
within the city and another 35 million in
the metropolitan area.

2 3 45
Barcelona through the ages

Columns from the Roman
From the Romans to the city of the The expansion of Islam into Europe,
temple dedicated to Counts through the Iberian Peninsula, in the
Augustus. This building was seventh century came up against the
situated on Mount Taber,
the small hill which was organised defence of the Franks. Their
the site of the Roman In the first century AD the Romans Emperor, Charlemagne, established the
colony of Barcino. Spanish March on either side of the
founded the the colony Julia Augusta
2 Paterna Favencia Barcino on Mount Pyrenees. This name referred to
Water channels from a
street in Roman Barcelona.
Taber, a hill which was in those days a territories which formed the shifting
Remains from the ancient coastal promontory. This colony would boundary between Moorish and Christian
city can be seen in the eventually give the city its name. Barcino domains and which were the origin of
Museu d'Històrìa de la
Ciutat, near the Plaça del was situated in an area of marshland and what would later become Catalonia.
Rei in the Earn Gòtic. lagoons, which the Romans quickly
developed as a port in place of the At the end of the tenth century, the
Pantocrator from the ancient Iberian port of Laie situated at counts of Barcelona cut the bonds of
church of Sant Climent in
Taüll, which is to be found
the the foot of Montjuïc. Barcino grew vassalage with the Franks and, with their
in the National Museum of rapidly and by the second century it had power increased through the union with
Art of Catalonia on already become an important market the kingdom of Aragon in 1149, began to
Montjuïc. This museum is
considered the most centre for the western Mediterranean, govern their domains as independent
important in the world for rivalling Tarraco (Tarragona) and kings. This was the era in which
Romanesque painting.
Massalia (Marseille). Romanesque art flourished in all its
4 splendour, especially in pockets of
The monastery of Sant Pau
del Camp, Visigoth and
In the third century the city entered a resistance to Islam and centres of
Romanesque in style, was period of crisis and instability thanks to civilisation and culture in the Pyrenees.
founded at the beginning of
the tenth century outside
successive conquests by the Visigoths, The monasteries of Ripoll, Sant Cugat
the walls of Barcelona on Moors and Franks. The first barbarian del Vallès, Sant Pere de Rodes, Sant
the road to Montjuïc. invasion led to the city being fortified Marti del Canigó and Sant Miquel de
with new protective walls.

2 3 4
Vaults in the central nave
Cuixà and the churches of Taüll and Boí The Catalan expansion into the
of the church of Santa are the most important examples of Mediterranean and the establishment of
Maria del Mar; built in the Catalan Romanesque. local institutions coincided with the
fourteenth century, it is the
finest example of Catalan development of Gothic art. Barcelona
Gothic. still retains beautiful examples of
religious and civil buildings which
Mural by Ferrer Bassa, The Mediterranean expansion display the luminosity and gracefulness
from the fourteenth century, characteristic of Gothic architecture: the
in the monastery of
Pedralbes. church of Santa Maria del Mar
With the consolidation of the (constructed between 1329 and 1383 at
Gallery of the Gothic Catalan-Aragonese crown and, above all, the instigation of the merchants, artisans
courtyard in the Palau de starting from the reign of the Jaume I in and seamen who inhabited the Ribera
la Generalitat de
Catalunya; the work of the the thirteenth century, Catalonia initiated district), the monastery of Pedralbes, the
architect Marc Safont, it is a process of commercial and military Cathedral, the palaces in the Carrer de
the most important mediaeval expansion into the Mediterranean. This Montcada, the Llotja and the Drassanes.
civic building in the city.
period gave rise to some important These buildings have their equivalents in
4 political institutions: the Corts General other parts of Catalonia, such as Lleida
In the Plaça del Rei, centre
of the Gothic Quarter, is (1214), considered by some historians as and the royal monasteries of Poblet,
the Palau Reial Major, the first parliament in Europe; the Santes Creus and Vallbona de les Monges.
where the Counts of
Barcelona lived. Consell de Cent (1265); the consultative
assembly for the municipal government In the closing years of the fifteenth
The Saló de Cent in
of Barcelona; and the Generalitat (1365), century, after the union of the crowns of
Barcelona Town Hall, a permanent delegate body of the Corts Castile and Aragon through the marriage
Gothic in style. with governmental functions. of their king and queen, Ferdinand and
6 Isabella, the city entered a period of
Tiles from the eighteenth economic decline which was to last for
century representing various
occupations of the period.

2 3 5

4 6
Previous page.
The Llotja de Barcelona.
the two centuries during which the From a city of artisans to a city of
This great Gothic hall is at Hapsburgs were on the throne of Spain. industrialists
present home to the The discovery of America, in 1492, led
Barcelona Stock Exchange.
to a decline of the Mediterranean ports
1 to the advantage of the Atlantic The process of industrialisation which
Saló del Palau Moja, one
of the neoclassical palaces seaboard. The War of Succession took place during the nineteenth century
on the Rambla. (1702-1714), finally won by the Bourbon led to one of the most spectacular
pretender, Felipe V, opened a new era in periods of growth in the city's history.
Front page of the first Catalan and Spanish history. This is the The industrial revolution gave rise to a
edition of the Diari de period when Montjuïc Castle and the new class: the bourgeoisie, and with it
Barcelona, the second
oldest daily newspaper in military fortifications which occupied the the cultural, artistic and literary
Europe still in production. site of the present Ciutadella Park were movements of the Renaixença and
constructed. During the second half of Modernism, which were marked in a
The Mar Bella beach in the eighteenth century the city underwent political sense by Catalan nationalism.
Poblenou at the beginning a revival, thanks to trade with America The growth experienced by the city
of this century.
and the success of its incipient industry. during the nineteenth century was
4 The prosperity of the period is expressed extraordinary: in 1832 the first factory
Part of the site of the 1888
Universal Exhibition. in the neoclassical buildings of the powered by steam was established; two
Rambla, the facade of the Palau de la years later the first steam ship was built;
The old Maquinista Generalitat, the church of La Mercè and by 1842 the city had gas lighting; in
Terrestre i Marítima factory. the Civil Government building 1848 the first railway line in Spain was
(previously the Customs House) situated opened between Barcelona and Mataró;
El Born, once the central in the Plaça del Palau. and by the end of the century the first
market of Barcelona. trams were in operation and the city was
alive with industrial activity.

2 3 5

4 6
Inside the Gran Teatre del
Liceu, in use since 1847.

Stained glass ceiling in the
From 1854 onwards, after the mediaeval the first third of the twentieth century
Palau de la Música walls surrounding the city were finally produced the Modernist buildings of
Catalana, designed by Luís pulled down and with the approval of Antoni Gaudí (the Sagrada Família, the
Domènech i Montaner.
the "Plan for the Reform and Extension Parc Güell, the Pedrera, Can Batlló),
2 of Barcelona" by Idelfons Cerdà in 1859, Lluís Domènech i Montaner (the Albert
The Modernist style can be
seen in small shops in the city began to spread out over the Lleó i Morera house, the Palau de la
Barcelona. plain which separated it from the small Música Catalana, the Hospital de San
neighbouring towns. The first Pau) and Josep Puig i Cadafalch (the
Poster by Ramon Casas. international event to be held in modern Casa de les Punxes, the Casa Amatller),
Painter and draughtsman, Barcelona, the Universal Exhibition of and the work of painters such as Ramon
he was one of the group of
Modernist artists who met 1888, was important for the Cases, Santiago Rusiñol and Isidre
in the bar Els Quatre Gats. consolidation of several important Nonell, sculptors such as Josep Llimona,
4 thoroughfares in the city, such as the metalworkers, stained glass workers,
The Sagrada Família, Paral-lel, the Passeig de Colom and the cabinet makers and other artisans. They
Gaudi's best-known work Rambla de Catalunya, and for the
and symbol of the city. were the local expressions of the artistic
creation of one of the largest open public ferment of fin de siècle Europe.
The Hospital de Sant Pau,
spaces in the city, on the site of the old
one of the other jewels of military citadel built in 1716. This
Modernism in the city. period of expansion initiated the
6 incorporation into the city of the The city in the twentieth century
Modernist furniture. neighbouring communities on the
Barcelona plain, which still constitute
clearly differentiated neighbourhoods. The first third of the twentieth century
was marked by the activities of the
This period of intense, thrusting, thinkers and artists in the noucentisme
innovative activity which extended into movement and the political activity of

2 4 5 57

The Casa Milà, popularly
the Mancomunitat de Catalunya. The Civil War in 1936 prevented the
known as La Pedrera, by Universal Exhibition of 1929 was a new implementation of the extensive projects
Antoni Gaudí. occasion for planning the Barcelona of through which the Generalitat and the
2 the future. The structure of the old city City Council aimed to turn Barcelona
View of the Poble Espanyol was partially reorganised, the slopes of into a modern metropolis.
in Montjuïc, built for the
1929 International Tibidabo were developed and the first
Exhibition. subway lines were built. The monumental After the end of the war, in 1939, and a
complex of buildings constructed on number of years of international isolation
Numerous advances in Montjuïc for the Exhibition is now used and repression under the Franco regime,
science and technology were
on display at the
every year to house the most important Barcelona experienced a period of growth
International Exhibition. trade fair in Spain and numerous and expansion which began towards the
international shows, which justify the end of the nineteen fifties and
The Palau Nacional, in description of Barcelona as the city of accelerated during the following decade.
Montjuïc, seen from an fairs and congresses. Large scale immigration from other parts
illuminated Avinguda de la of the country necessitated the provision
Reina Maria Cristina.
After the proclamation of the Second of both private and public sector housing
The German pavilion at the
Spanish Republic in 1931 and the and the construction of new suburbs.
International Exhibition, restoration of the Generalitat of This period of economic prosperity also
designed by Mies van der Catalonia, the first urban and social brought some improvements in the
planning projects were drawn up, transport infrastructure, such as the
6 inspired by the functionalism of the railway line in the Carrer d'Aragó being
Other pavilions at the
Exhibition, such as that of
Catalan Architects and Technicians re-routed underground, the construction
Sweden, also represented Group for Progress in Contemporary of the central railway station in Sants
avant-garde architectural Architecture (GATCPAC), which was and the extension of the Gran Via to the
influenced by the ideas of Le Corbusier. north of the city.
However, the outbreak of the Spanish

2 4 5 59

Cultural and artistic Barcelona
Entrance to the Picasso
Barcelona has a deeply rooted cultural and Gothic buildings which give their
Museum. Situated in the tradition which is expressed in its historic imprint to the city is matched by
Carrer Montcada, it has an contributions to the worlds of art, culture the brilliance of the modernist
important collection of the
painter's work, above all and science. The numerous museums in constructions by Aritoni Gaudí or the
from his youth and the blue the city include the Picasso Museum, German Pavilion designed by Mies van
period. der Rohe for the 1929 Universal
with more than 4,000 works by the
2 artist; the Miró Foundation, a museum Exhibition, known as the Pavelló
In recent years, Barcelona
has become a leading centre
and a centre for the study of Barcelona, which is considered to be one
for interior and furniture contemporary art designed by the of the most important architectural
design. architect Josep Lluís Sert; the Tàpies works of the twentieth century.
3 Foundation; the Science Museum; the
The Orfeó Català, one of Modern Art Museum, which contains the Barcelona's artistic proclivity is also
the most prestigious choirs most important examples of Catalan reflected in its important growth as a
in Barcelona, was created
in 1891 by Lluís Millet modernism and noucentisme, and the fashion and design centre. In addition to
and Amadeu Vives. National Museum of Art of Catalonia, the traditional textile design, industrial,
4 situated in Montjuïc Park and home to furniture and other design are all thriving
Towards evening, the Plaça the most important collection of in Barcelona.
de Sant Iu in the Gothic
Quarter becomes a peaceful Romanesque art in the world.
spot for listening to music. Barcelona has a long musical tradition,
However the historical and artistic represented above all by the opera house,
Monument to Francesc heritage of Barcelona is not only to be the Liceu, opened in 1847, and the Palau
Macià, president of the found within the walls of the museums; de la Música Catalana, built in 1908 as a
Generalitat of Catalonia
from 1931 to 1933, it can also be seen on the streets. home and concert hall for the Orfeó
designed by Josep Maria Barcelona is a city recognised throughout Català. Composers such as Isaac Albéniz,
the world for its innovative aesthetic Enric Granados, Ricard Viñes, Pau
sense. The beauty of the Romanesque Casals, Frederic Mompou, Robert

2 3 5 61

Sculptures on the roof of
the Miró Foundation.
Designed by the architect
Josep Lluís Sert, it is home
to an important permanent
collection of works by the
painter, as well as
temporary exhibitions of
contemporary art.

Mosaic by Joan Miró, in
Gerhard and Xavier Monsalvatge; The dramatic arts in the city are going
the Pla de l'Ós in the musicians Alicia de Larrocha and Tete from strength to strength, thanks to the
Rambla, once a crossroads Montoliu; and outstanding figures from two theatres administered by the
for roads leaving the city
through the city walls. the world of opera Fransesc Viñas, Generalitat of Catalonia (the Poliorama
Victoria de los Angeles, Jaume Aragall, and the Romea), the Teatre Lliure and
Castells (human towers), Montserrat Caballé and Josep Carreras the National Theatre of Catalonia, which
together with the sardana, have represented Catalonia in concert is under construction. The early nineteen
are among the most halls and on stages all over the world. eighties saw the foundation of an annual
representations of Catalan summer festival of high quality
folk culture. The oldest examples of local folklore international productions in the Teatre
3 survive in the city's popular festivals. Grec and the Festival de Tardor. Catalan
One of the most popular Apart from the Festes de la Mercè, theatre, represented by many different
events in the festival of the celebrations of the patron saint of
city of Barcelona is the groups, is successful today on stages
corre-foc. Barcelona, and the annual festivals in around the world.
many neighbourhoods, such as Sarrià,
Some of the Gothic palaces Gràcia and Sants, traditional festivities There are five universities in Barcelona:
in the old part of the city such as Sant Ponç, fireworks and Barcelona University, the oldest, founded
have been turned into
cultural and artistic centres. bonfires on the night of Sant Joan, in 1842; the Polytechnic University of
Carnival and corre-focs with dragons, Catalonia; the Autonomous University of
devils and other monstrous figures, are Barcelona, in Cerdanyola; the Pompeu
also celebrated. Human castles and the Fabra University, which opened its doors
traditional dance, the sardana, are an in 1990, and the first private university
integral part of many of the city in Catalonia, Ramon Llull, which was
celebrations. founded in 1991.

2 4 65

The Tupies Foundation.
The Catalan language In the middle of the nineteenth century
Housed in the old Editorial the Catalan language gained new force
Montaner i Simon, it is the
work of Lluís Domènech i
through the movement of the
Montaner. Catalan is the native language of Renaixença, whose key figure was the
Catalonia and, with Spanish, the poet Jacint Verdaguer. Among the
The giants of the city. co-official language. It has been the literary figures dating from the period
These figures, which often normal vehicle of communication for the before the codification of the language by
represent kings or lords, majority of the inhabitants for more than Pompeu Fabra at the beginning of this
have a long tradition
throughout Catalonia. ten centuries. The first known examples century, the most important are Angel
of the written language date from the Guimerà, Narcís Oller and Joan
The book of Usatges is a twelfth century. Maragall. These names have since been
legal work compiled from joined by those of Josep Carner, Carles
the twelfth century
onwards. Initially written Catalan has been a medium for literary Riba, J.V. Foix, Josep Maria de Sagarra,
in Latin, the Catalan expression for centuries, as in the work Josep Pla, Mercè Rodoreda and Salvador
version dates from the
thirteenth century.
of Ramon Llull of Palma, who was using Espriu.
it to express his philosophical ideas in
4 the thirteenth century, or in the Quatre Barcelona is the main centre for the
Saint George's day in the
Plaça de Sant Jaume. The Grans Cròniques (thirteenth and publishing industry in Spanish and at the
traditional festival of the fourteenth centuries), which tell the story same time the centre of a growing
book and the rose.
of the lives of the Catalan count-kings. production in Catalan. The considerable
The illustrious figures of Arnau de increase in local literary production and
Vilanova, Francesc Eiximenis, Bernat publishing in Catalan has been aided by
Metge, Ausiàs Marc - one of the great the use of the language in magazines and
European poets of the fifteenth century- newspapers such as L'Avui and the two
and Joanot Martorell -author of Tirant hundred year old Diari de Barcelona, and
lo Blanc- contributed to the formation by the opening of two television channels
and development of an extremely rich at the beginning of the nineteen eighties
literary tradition in the Middle Ages. to broadcast solely in Catalan.
2 3 4 67
The transformation of the city
Engraving from Civitas
The stages of growth Palau de la Generalitat, the seat of the
Orbis Terrarum, published autonomous government of Catalonia,
in Cologne in 1597. The present conurbation of Barcelona and the Town Hall, the seat of the
Barcelona seen from
Montjuïc in the sixteenth has been formed by the addition to the municipal government, face each other
century. ancient Roman and mediaeval city of the today.
development known as the "Eixample",
Plaça de Sant Felip Nerí, which began in the middle of the The second stage of urban growth was
in the Gothic Quarter, near nineteenth century; the incorporation of that of the mediaeval town which
the cathedral.
communities on the Barcelona plain into covered the area of the Ciutat Vella,
3 the city between the turn of the century including the cathedral, the royal palaces
Map of Barcelona from the
beginning of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteen and various buildings of great historical
century, signed by the twenties; and the accelerated growth of importance. This area is bounded by the
geographer Nicolas de Fer.
It shows the streets, water the nineteen sixties. The Barcelona urban four Rondas: Sant Pau, Sant Antoni,
channels, convents, mills area has therefore gone through four Universitat and Sant Pere. The
and other towns on the basic stages of development. population of the city seems to have
Barcelona plain.
reached 40,000 in the fourteenth century,
The first of these stages corresponds to falling again to 30,000 by the end of
the primitive Roman settlement situated sixteenth century as a result of
on the Mount Taber promontory and epidemics. The population grew by
enclosed by walls which were later almost 100% during the eighteenth
reinforced and extended. The population century to reach a figure of 125,000.
of the city in the fourth century, known Barcelona retained its mediaeval
by the name of barcinonenses or structure until the middle of the
fauentini, varied between 3,500 and nineteenth century, when the walls were
5,000 inhabitants. The centre of the pulled down. From this point onwards
Roman city was situated close to the the city began to extend rapidly outwards.
present Plaça Sant Jaume, where the

2 3 69
View of Barcelona by the
The response to Barcelona's need lor is reflected in the present division of the
Frenchman A. Guesdon, expansion defined the third stage of city into ten districts.
dated between 1860 and urban growth. The key element was the
1870. It shows the smoke
from the factories and the Eixample, constructed between 1860 and Finally, the form of the city was
steam ships, symbols of the 1930 in accordance with a plan by completed in a fourth stage, which began
growing industrialisation.
Ildefons Cerdà. The Eixample is an at the end of the nineteen fifties and
2 extensive development based on a regular centred on the construction of residential
During the festival of
Gràcia, a former village
grid pattern of streets running parallel suburbs to house successive waves of
which retains a strong sense and perpendicular to the sea, which form immigrants, above all from southern and
of identity, the inhabitants square, uniform islands of housing central Spain. The influx of newcomers
decorate the streets with
great imagination. measuring one hundred by one hundred brought the population of Barcelona to
metres. The Carrer de Balmes divides it over one and a half million in 1965 and
In the nineteen fifties and into two zones: the right and left this considerable demographic growth led
sixties, decades of Eixample. The extraordinary growth of to a shortage of open spaces and public
immigration into
Barcelona, the city spread
the city at the end of the nineteenth facilities. Between 1960 and 1975 the
out to the north with the century and the beginning of the growth extended to the Barcelona
creation of numerous new twentieth obliged Barcelona, which metropolitan area whose population
already had half a million inhabitants, to increased from two million to more than
4 incorporate neighbouring communities. three million.
Map of the Barcelona After overcoming strong resistance, the
metropolitan area. At
present, Barcelona and the city incorporated the nearby villages -Les
surrounding communities
occupy 600 square
Corts, Gràcia, Sarrià, Sant Marti de
kilometres. Provencals, Sants, Sant Andreu de
Palomar and Horta-, some of which still
conserve their own structure and
character. This process of incorporation

2 4 71
Previous page. The Barcelona of the Games The new projects were situated mainly in
Aerial view of part of the
Eixample and Gràcia. The the old city and the suburbs, the areas
Eixample, designed by most affected by the waves of
Ildefons Cerdà in 1855 to immigration. The intention was to give
develop the Barcelona plain,
joined the old city with its Squares and urban thoroughfares the projects a specific style and their own
neighbouring towns and
aesthetic forms. This idea was borne in
The end of the Franco regime and the mind in the commissioning and
1 introduction of democracy into local execution of the projects and was also
Dona i ocell. Sculpture by
Joan Miró in the Parc de councils made it necessary to provide an given expression in the placing of
l'Escorxador. answer to the problems created by the sculptures by well-known artists in the
lack of an urban planning policy: new parks. Some examples are the
The Plaça dels Països massifïcation and the shortage of land spectacular work by Eduardo Chillida in
Catalans, designed by Helio
Piñón and Albert Viaplana,
for infrastructure and leisure activities in the Parc de la Creueta del Coll, the
is one of the earliest the city. emblematic Dona i ocell by Joan Miró in
examples of the the Parc de l'Escorxador and the original
transformation of the city
at the beginning of the Therefore, in 1980 a programme of design for the Parc de l'Espanya Industrial.
nineteen eighties. constructing public spaces was launched.
During the period of the transition to Clearance and restoration projects in
Parc de l'Espanya democracy old industrial and various areas in the centre of Barcelona
Industrial, by Peña
Ganchegui and Rius i
warehousing sites had been acquired. The revived and beautified public spaces.
Camps, built on the site of programme took the form of converting Some of the more important examples
a former textile mill of the these sites into sports and leisure areas are the Plaça Reial, the Plaça de la
same name.
and at the same time beginning the Mercè and the Plaça de Sant Agustí Vell
conversion of some historic buildings for in the old city and the Places de Rovira i
popular use. Trias and Trilla in the district of Gràcia.

2 3 75
A spectacular view of
This activity led to the School of Urban accompanied by improvements in the use
Barcelona can be had from Design at Harvard University awarding of the existing road system.
the Hotel de les Arts, next
to the Olympic Village.
Barcelona the 1991 Prince of Wales Prize
for architecture in recognition of the A number of specific plans were also
2 modernity and rationality which had drawn up for the transformation of the
The Rovira tunnel. This
project, begun at the end of guided the planning of the new spaces general urban infrastructure systems
the nineteen eighties, created during the first years of (transport, communications, lighting,
connects the middle and municipal democracy. sewerage, etc), which were put into
outer ring roads, below the
Carmel district. operation immediately, so that they
would not affect the more ambitious
The Plaça Reial, heart of projects, which in many cases required
the old part of the city. Large scale projects an agreement between the various public
Many of the streets and
squares in this part of administrative bodies or the intervention
Barcelona have been of the private sector.
renovated. Despite the limited resources available,
at the beginning of the nineteen eighties The designation in 1986 of Barcelona as
a series of projects designed to improve the site for the 1992 Olympic Games was
communications within the city were to be a upheaval for the city similar to
started. Some infrastructure work was that of the exhibitions of 1888 and 1929.
resumed, such as the second ring road, The Games have been the catalyst for
which had been in abeyance for more improvements in the general
than thirteen years, the connection infrastructure of the metropolitan area
between the first and the second ring and for large scale planning projects
roads through the Rovira tunnel, the area which, because of their location and their
of the Vallvidrera tunnel through size, will alter the shape of the growth of
Tibidabo and the Valldaura -Llucmajor- the city. This was a situation which
Via Julia axis. These projects were Barcelona had not faced for half a century.

2 3 77
The Moll de la Fusta
The new seafront The redevelopment of the area changed
contains various open-air all this.
cafes, examples of the
innovative spirit of the city
in new leisure areas. In 1987, the redevelopment of the Bosch An alteration in the route of the railway
i Alsina wharf -popularly known as the lines was already envisaged in a project
One of the office buildings Moll de la Fusta- and its connection to to reorganise the Barcelona railway
in the Olympic Village. The the area of the old city was the first step system, with two new stations planned
different buildings have
been designed by winners of
in the renovation of the central area of on the outskirts of the city. The design
the Premi del Foment de les Barcelona's seafront. It was the beginning for the residential area was to follow the
Arts Decoratives, as part of of an extensive redevelopment of the old pattern of streets in the Eixample,
an. overall project designed
by the Martorell/ Bohigas/ port of Barcelona with the object of something which would also allow the
Mackay/ Puigdomènech turning it into a recreational and sporting Diagonal to be extended as far as the sea
area. This process of renewing the city's and would integrate the new area of the
3 seafront was complemented by Olympic Village into the fabric of the
The coastal ring road at
the Moll de la Fusta. Part
improvements to the district of city.
of the road passes Barceloneta and the conversion of the
underneath the wide avenue old industrial and warehousing zone of Finally, the development of the Poblenou
of palm trees, open-air
restaurants and terraces. Poblenou into a residential area. seafront and the construction of the
coastal ring road entailed the redesign of
The former Magatzems The Parc de Mar Area, the proposed the system of main drains. A plan was
Generals del Comerç at the location of the Olympic Village for the drawn up in 1988 which covered the
Moll del Dipòsit, the work
of Elies Rogent. Their
Games, was undergoing a process of municipality of Barcelona and its entire
restoration is part of the deindustrialisation; the beaches were in hydrographic area and provided for a
general redevelopment of an extremely degraded state and railway 100 kilometre extension of the sewer
the old port.
lines separated the district from the sea. network.

2 4 79

Previous page.
The bridge designed by
The ring roads 90,000. Both were designed with a
Santiago Calatrava which double structure: a central section
unites the Carrer Bac de connected with the regional road network
Roda and Carrer Felip II,
and facilitates In 1988, with the impetus of the and lateral sections with the local
communication between the Olympic Games, the construction of the network. They were also to be provided
districts of Sant Andreu de
Palomar and Sant Marti ring roads was speeded up. This work with traffic control systems, especially at
de Provencals. followed the provisions of the 1976 intersections, and their impact on the
General Metropolitan Plan, but environment was to be minimised.
Section of the outer ring abandoned the concept of "urban
road at the intersection of motorways", adopted when some sections In this last case, the delay which
Via Favència and Via Júlia.
were to be constructed during the Barcelona had experienced in reinitiating
2 nineteen seventies. the construction of its ring roads had
The Parc de la Guineueta,
an extensive green area in allowed time for other experiments to be
the north of the city, begin The new ring roads were designed to studied. An assessment was made of the
at the Plaça Llucmajor. facilitate entry and exit from the city and impact which various types of road
3 to improve the connections between the construction had had on the environment
Intersection of the Diagonal main road network and the various areas in other cities around the world. This led
and the Ronda del Mig.
This is one of the most of Barcelona. The new ring roads would to the adoption of measures to diminish
important commercial and also be a fundamental element in the the barrier effect which ring roads have
services areas in Barcelona.
links between the different Olympic areas on the areas which they pass through.
during the 1992 Games. The Barcelona ring roads have therefore
been designed principally as high density
The second, or "mountain", ring road and relatively high speed routes (80
was to absorb between 130,000 and kilometres per hour in the central
140,000 vehicles a day, while the coastal section), but with the ability to also take
ring road would take between 80,000 and local traffic.

2 3 83
Services gallery. The
It was also thought essential to take demand for new telecommunications
construction of the ring advantage of the investment in the lines which greatly exceeded the
roads made it possible to construction of the ring roads to install provisions which had been made and
modernise the utilities
running under the city. service galleries providing independent quickly saturated the existing network.
access to the the underground gas, water,
The Vallvidrera tunnel. In electricity and telephone networks, which The telephone company was forced to
1991, the historic project would make the disruption of the normal speed up its investment plan to complete
linking the city with the
western Vallès district via a
functioning of the new roads unnecessary. the necessary modernisation and
tunnel under the Serra de extension of the network. As a result by
Collserola was implemented. The utilities companies -the majority of 1991 30% of the telephone exchanges in
3 which were undertaking extensive Barcelona were digital, a 40,000
Section of the outer ring modernisation of their networks- kilometre fibre optic network had been
road. The new ring roads contributed to the financing of the
have eased the passage of
completed, the system of
traffic through the centre of galleries and were involved in the telecommunications masts had been
the city planning which their construction extended, and a number of specialised
entailed. The galleries also have space for installations had been built, such as the
the expansion of services in the future. International Exchange, the new mobile
telephone switchboards and the Montjuïc
telecommunications mast designed by
Santiago Calatrava.
However, the most ambitious projects
undertaken for 1992 are the Granada del
The economic upturn which took place Penedès Satellite Communications
in the second half of the nineteen Complex, the Barcelona teleport in
eighties produced a sudden increase in Castellbisbal and the Barcelona

2 3
The Passeig de Luci Minici
Natal, in the Montjuïc
Olympic Ring with the
redesigned Olympic
Stadium and the Palau
Sant Jordi.
The Trade buildings, built
telecommunications tower situated on the the city to counteract the tendency for
in 1969 in the Diagonal Sierra de Collserola. The tower, the work activity to concentrate in the south west
area, are the work of Josep of Norman Foster, is complemented by a of the city, starting from the Diagonal.
Antoni Coderch.
7,500 square metre service building
2 which has been placed half underground The Barcelona Candidature Dossier
Collserola proposed a number of projects in four
telecommunications tower.
to minimise its impact on the
Designed by Norman Foster surroundings. The tenth floor of the 115 areas strategically located around the
and situated near the metre high tower houses a public viewing city: Montjuïc, Diagonal, Vall d'Hebron
summit of Tibidabo, the
viewing platform on the point. This construction, which rises and Parc de Mar. These so-called
tenth floor gives a from the crest of the Collserola range Olympic Areas, which will contain the
wonderful panoramic view
of Barcelona and the whole -the backdrop to the city- has become main facilities for the 1992 Games, have
of the Vallès. one of the most spectacular symbols of been the subject of extensive
the new Barcelona. redevelopment for use after the event.
Zona Universitària.
Faculties of the University
of Barcelona are situated
The planning of the Parc de Mar Area,
along the final section of entailing as it does conversion to
the Diagonal. The definition of the city centre residential use and opening up to the sea,
has been the most innovative of all the
transformations which Barcelona has
Over time the services district of experienced in preparation for the
Barcelona has shifted from the Ciutat Olympic Games, because the changes
Vella to the Eixample and more recently which it has brought cover such a large
to the upper part of the Diagonal. For section of the city -more than seventy
this reason, the large scale projects for hectares.
1992 have been concentrated in the
peripheral and relatively inactive areas of

2 3 89
The two towers constructed
The plan for the Diagonal Area, which is
at the end of the Passeig de spread over the municipalities of
Carles I are a gateway to Barcelona, l'Hospitalet and Esplugues,
the Olympic Harbour and
provide the coastline with a centres on the provision of
new profile. infrastructures to complement and order
a group of existing sports facilities, as
The Velòdrom, the ideal well as new services, hotels and office
setting for cycling events. and commercial areas. The Carrer
3 Tarragona gives this area direct and
Aerial view of the Olympic rapid access to the Plaça Espanya and
Ring. The Olympic project
was always designed to be the Montjuïc Area. Altogether, this
located primarily on development constitutes what has been
Montjuïc. called the Eix de Ponent.
Aerial view of the Diagonal
Area, with the Real Club de
The development of the Vall d'Hebron
Polo in the foreground on Area has produced an extensive park out
the right. of a zone previously occupied by terraces
and slopes which separated the districts
The development of the in this sector from the rest of the city; a
Parc de Mar Area has number of sports facilities and residential
made possible the
continuation of the Passeig areas have been built, and a number of
Marítim, which links the
beaches along the coast.
services linking the districts of La
Teixonera, Els Penitents, Horta, Montbau
and Carmel have been installed.

2 3 4 91

The Sala Oval in the Palau
The cultural infrastructure An agreement was made for the joint
Nacional de Montjuïc. The financing of the Auditorium in
Palau has been redesigned September 1989 and in December of the
by Gae Aulenti to become
the permanent home of the As a consequence of Barcelona's following year work was started near the
National Museum of Art of designation as the site for the Olympic Plaça de les Glòries, based on a design
Games, a number of cultural projects by the architect Rafael Moneo. The
2 were launched, some of which will be construction of the National Theatre of
Sculpture by C. Oldenburg completed after 1992. These included the Catalonia, designed by the architect
in the Vall d'Hebron Area.
A significant number of renovation of the National Museum of Ricard Bofill, is planned for the
well-known artists have Art of Catalonia, the Municipal neighbouring site. Responsibility for this
helped to beautify the city
with their works. Auditorium, the National Theatre of project has been taken on by the
Catalonia, the Centre of Contemporary Generalitat.
The campaign slogan Culture, the Museum of Contemporary
"Barcelona, més que mai" Art and the new Botanical Garden in the In 1980 the Regional Government and
(more than ever), which has Parc del Migdia on Montjuïc. the City Council agreed to devote the
figured in various
municipal advertising Casa de la Caritat, a former charitable
campaigns. In December 1990, the Italian architect institution, to a cultural purpose. It was
4 Gae Aulenti was commissioned to decided to convert it into the home of
Graffiti on the ventilation undertake the project for the renovation the Centre of Contemporary Culture and
shafts on the Via Julia.
of the Palau Nacional in Montjuïc, the Museum of Contemporary Art. The
5 converting it into the permanent home of design for the first of these was produced
Model of the city
Auditorium, designed by
the National Museum of Art of by Helio Piñón and Albert Viaplana and
Rafael Moneo, and the Catalonia. In June 1990 the City the work started early in 1991.
National Theatre of Council, the Generalitat and the Ministry Meanwhile, in 1988 the Generalitat, the
Catalonia, by Ricard Bofill.
of Culture reached an agreement on the City Council and the Museum of
financing of the work. Contemporary Art Foundation formed a

2 4 5 93

Building work on the new
consortium to begin the building. In circumstances would have taken several
Centre of Contemporary October of that year Richard Meier was decades.
Culture. commissioned to undertake the project
2 and the work began the following year.
The rehabilitation of the
beaches has provided new
leisure areas for young and Finally, in 1989, as part of the new
old. layout of the Parc del Migdia on
Montjuïc, a project was drawn up to
Gallery in the Casa de la move the Botanical Garden there. A
Caritat. This building, commission was set up to carry out the
previously a convent, is the
site of the new Centre of plan made up of representatives from the
Contemporary Culture and Generalitat, the City Council, the
Museum of Contemporary
Art. Catalan universities and the Botanical
Institute. Work started in 1991.
Montjuïc, as well as
containing museums and Montjuïc will also be home to the Teatre
funfairs and providing Lliure when it moves to its new site in
facilities far sporting
activities, is also an one of the buildings of the old Mercat de
open-air art area. les Flors.
Municipal office for urban In general terms, as a consequence of the
redevelopment in the old presentation of the Candidature and the
part of the city.
designation of Barcelona as the site for
the 1992 Olympic Games, the city has
undergone a spectacular change in no
more than ten years which under normal

2 3 5 95

The Olympic Games and
classical Greece
Scene showing two boxers.
Myth and legend have attributed reserved for men, though some women's
The one on the left is different meanings to the origin of the competitions were held. At Olympia,
raising his index finger to Olympic Games, but everything points to only one woman was allowed to be
acknowledge defeat. Greek
ornamental and votive a ritual ceremony of some kind present: the priestess of Demeter, who
ceramics show scenes of the celebrated in honour of Zeus, father of occupied the place of honour.
various gymnastic,
equestrian and artistic
the gods, at the shrine at Olympia. Many
contests, known as agon, different dates have been given for the
which made up the
programme of the Games.
first Games, but the most widely The setting of the Olympic Games
accepted is 776 BC.
The shrine of Olympia was located in the
This occasion gradually increased in region of Elis in the north-east of the
importance until the Olympic Games central Peloponnese at the confluence of
became a focal point for the whole the rivers Alpheus and Cladeus, 340
Hellenic world. The calendar was based kilometres from Athens. From the
on the four year periods which separated remains discovered in the archaeological
the Games and became the Olympiads. excavations which began in 1875, it has
It is highly probable that in the been possible to reconstruct the original
beginning the Olympic Games were appearance of the buildings which made
simply an encounter for young people up the setting for the Olympic Games.
from neighbouring cities who came to They all lay within the sacred perimeter,
attend the religious ceremonies and the Altis, from which rose the
display their sporting skills. As Greece Olympieium, the temple which housed
grew, the Games grew with it and the monumental statue of Zeus. The
athletes from all around the shores of the statue of the god was the work of the
Mediterranean came to take part. Three sculptor Phidias and was one of the
months before the festival a sacred truce seven wonders of the world. The main
was declared and all wars between the sports facilities were the stadium, the
city-states ceased for the duration. palaestra, the gymnasium and the
hippodrome. 101
But although the Olympic Games were
the most ancient sports festivals, they The stadium was a flat rectangle 211
were not the only ones in Hellas. There metres long and 32 metres wide. Fresh
were three others in which the whole water flowed along a channel which was
Hellenic world took part and which were built all around it. Across the stadium
also considered sacred because they took from east to west ran a ridge of marble
place at important shrines: the Isthmian furrowed by two parallel grooves where
Games at the shrine in Corinth; the the athletes placed their feet to launch
Nemean Games in the city of Nemea; themselves into the race. It was divided
and the Pythian Games in Delphi. The into twenty sections, one for each
Olympic and Pythian Games were held competitor. There were no stands: the
every four years, whilst the Nemean and spectators stood or sat on the grass on a
Corinthian were biennial. Apart from series of terraces alongside the stadium.
these pan-Hellenic festivals, there were There was only one platform, on the
many local ones organised by cities on southern side: we suppose it was where
special occasions. the judges and the people presiding the
Games sat.
The Isthmian Games were held in spring
and the others in summer and the The palaestra was the building where the
competitions were divided into three different kinds of wrestling competition
disciplines: equestrian, gymnastic and took place. It was an almost perfect
musical. The prizes awarded at the four square 66 metres along the sides. Inside
sacred festivals were purely honorary: an there was another square area about 40
olive crown at Olympia, laurel at Delphi, metres along the sides. In the space
pine branches at Corinth and wild celery between the inner columns and the outer
at Nemea. But the winners' greatest wall were a series of compartments and
rewards came with their return to their rooms used for different purposes.
native cities, where they were often
received in triumph and rewarded with The gymnasium was the place where the
sums of money. Some sculptors, such as runners and the competitors in the
Myron, or poets such as Pindar or pentathlon trained. The pentathlon was a
Bachillides made a living from carving competition consisting of five events:
bronze statues of the triumphant athletes long jump, wrestling, discus, javelin and
or composing odes in their honour. The sprint. The gymnasium was rectangular
pan-Hellenic Games were mainly with columns all around the edge. Inside
The Greek world in
there were two race tracks 192 metres sacrilege and that they would not use the fifth century B.C.
long. The building was covered by a illicit methods to triumph. The area influenced by Greek
wooden roof supported by two rows of civilisation is in yellow
66 Doric columns. The rules for each event were precise 1 Gades 24 Corinth
and clear and the judges made sure that 2
The equestrian competitions and chariot they were observed to the letter. If an 4 Empúries 27 Sparta
5 Roses 28 Thera
races took place at the hippodrome. It athlete disagreed with the outcome of an 6 Massilia 29 Knossos
was a great esplanade with two pillars event, he could appeal to the Olympic 7
separated by a distance of two stadii (1 Senate, which would look into the case. 9 Rome 32 Theodosia
10 Ancona 33 Byzantium
stadium = 192.27 metres). The pillars 11 Naples 34 Pergamon
marked the starting line and the place Altogether, 293 Games were held at 12
where the turns were made when the Olympia: 194 before the birth of Christ 14 Croton 37 Miletos
15 Himera 38 Halicarnassos
race involved various laps of the circuit. and 99 after. This speaks eloquently of 16 Selinus 39 Rhodes
The equestrian events always closed the the depth to which group feeling and 17
competitions of the Olympic Games. appreciation of the sporting tradition 19 Syracuse 42 Antioch
20 Epidamnus 43 Damascus
were rooted in Greek culture. 21 Apollonia 44 Jerusalem
Messengers were dispatched to the cities 22
Megara 46
to announce the sacred truce and the The crisis of the Hellenic world also
opening of the Games, which were held affected the Olympic Games, which went
between July and August and lasted into decline, particularly under Roman
seven days. On the first day would-be domination. At last, when Christianity
competitors had to swear an oath that became the official religion of the
they were free men and of Hellenic Roman Empire, the emperor Theodosius
blood. They also had to declare that they issued an edict in 393 AD abolishing the
were under no penalty for crime or Games and all other pagan events.

Remains of the crypt
The return of the Games: the The industrial revolution which was
passage or secret door in Modern Era sweeping Europe, involving mass
Olympia. Built in the movement of people to the cities and
middle of the second
century AD as part of the The coming of the Enlightenment and new forms of social organisation, brought
reconstruction carried out the publication of the Encyclopaedia in about reforms in the educational systems.
under the Romans, it led
from the sacred Altis to the the eighteenth century, events whose In the mid-nineteenth century a
stadium. origins can be traced back to the movement emerged which advocated
Renaissance two hundred years before, universal schooling and the adaptation of
Representation of a chariot were decisive in establishing values based the curriculum to the social conditions of
on a panathenaic amphora on a knowledge of man. In this context, the time. At the same time, varying in
from the sixth century BC
there was renewed interest in discovering extent from one country to another,
3 and studying the Hellenic world. interest in sport grew. Books about sport
Panoramic view of the
ancient stadium at Excavations began to reveal the way of were published and private associations
Olympia. In the foreground life of the ancient civilisation. In the to encourage the practice of certain
is the grooved marble ridge classical texts, especially the works of sports were founded.
which marked the starting
line for the runners. Pausanias, there was mention of the
shrine of Olympia. More documents were
Model of the ancient gathered and in 1875 a group of
sanctuary at Olympia. In archaeologists began to dig systematically
the centre, the temple of
Zeus, which sheltered a around the site of the ancient Greek
monumental statue of the shrine. Their discoveries told them a
god by Pheidias. great deal about the exact location of
5 Olympia and re-awoke interest in the
Runners with torches. The Games which had been held so long ago.
ritual use of fire was linked
with the Olympic Games
from the beginning.

1 3 103

4 5

These two factors -the rediscovery of Coubertin's perseverance led to the Some of the fifteen
Olympia and the rise of sport- triggered constitution of the first International members of the first
an extraordinary interest in the Olympic Olympic Committee (IOC) on 23 June International Olympic
Committee which organised
Games. Among all the people and groups 1894. The first members were fifteen the first modern Olympic
who became involved, the outstanding people chosen by de Coubertin from Games in Athens in 1896.
From left to right, standing,
name, on grounds of sheer tenacity, was outstanding figures of the aristocracy or Wilhelm Gebhardt from
that of a French thinker and the military establishment of thirteen Germany, Jiri
educationalist, Pierre de Fredy, Baron de Guth-Jarkovsky from
countries. Bohemia, Ferec Kemeny
Coubertin. from Hungary and the
Since the foundation of the IOC, the Swede, General Victor
Balck; sitting, Pierre de
On 25 November 1892 at the Sorbonne members have not been representatives Coubertin from France,
in Paris, Coubertin made a formal of their countries, but representatives of Demetrius Vikelas from
Greece (first president of
proposal to the French Association of the organisation in their countries. The the IOC, from 1894 to
Athletic Sports: to re-establish the first ones to have members on this new 1896) and the Russian
Olympic tradition of ancient Greece in international body were Argentina, General Von Boutowsky.
the modern world. Fifteen hundred years Belgium, Bohemia, France, Germany, 2
had passed since they disappeared, but Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, The Cháteau de Vidy, in
Lausanne, has been the
the recovery of classical ideals which was New Zealand, Russia, Sweden and the headquarters of the IOC
a feature of European thought at the turn United States. The members' first task since 1915, when it was
chosen by Pierre de
of the century coincided with the social was to approve the Olympic Charter, the Coubertin.
and educational value of sport document which contains the rules and
propounded by Coubertin himself. bye-laws of the Olympic movement and 3
Pierre de Coubertin
all information and instructions required (1863-1937), the French
for the organisation of the Games. teacher and thinker, was
the prime mover in the
restoration of the Olympic
Games. Coubertin also laid
the foundations of the

104 1 2

Olympic Movement and Although Coubertin had been the
created the Olympic
ideology, which he promoter of the Olympic movement, he
expounded and developed in declined the presidency of the IOC in
his many works. He was
president of the IOC from favour of the Greek Demetrius Vikelas.
1896 to 1925.
The IOC president's office
in Lausanne.
An old edition of the
Olympic Charter, the
document which contains
the rules and by-laws of the
Olympic Movement and all
the instructions regarding
the organisation of the
In Paris on 23 June 1894,
before two thousand leading
citizens and delegates from
thirteen countries, Pierre de
Coubertin publicly
proclaimed his desire to
restore the Olympic Games
of ancient Greece. Two
years later, the Games of
the I Olympiad of the
modern era were held in
Athens, with 295 athletes
and 13 countries

4 6 105

Athens 1896
(I Olympiad)
Not a single poster was
The first aim of the newly formed marble in the shape of an elongated U,
published for the first International Olympic Committee was to with a 250 metre track and a capacity of
Olympic Games of the make the dream which had inspired it 60.000.
modern era; as their use
was still not widespread. come true and organise an Olympic
On the left is the cover of Games. The debate centred on the choice Although the invitations were sent out
the Official Report. It of venue. Although the father of the late and the newness of the occasion
shows the goddess Athene
holding the winner's olive project wanted to have the Games in meant that the number of international
crown, the rebuilt
panathenian stadium, with
Paris, it was finally decided to hold them athletes attending was smaller than
the Acropolis in the in the country where they had been born. hoped, the Games were opened on
background and the figures The city of Athens had the honour of Wednesday, 6 April 1896, by King
776-1896, which refer to
the year in which the first being the first Olympic city of the George I. They lasted ten days. 295
known Olympic Games modern era. competitors, all men, from 13 countries
were held in ancient Greece took part. The largest delegation, 197,
(776 BC) and the year of
their restoration. The organisation of those first Olympic was from the host country, followed by
Games was still rudimentary, but they Germany and France with 19 each. The
were the incarnation of the original idea: countries taking part were Australia,
to bring together athletes from different Austria, Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark,
countries and focus the eyes of the world France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece,
on the competitions. The ancient Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland and the
stadium in Athens, built in 350 BC, was United States. The teams were
reconstructed to be the Olympic stadium heterogeneous and the competitors often
with private donations, particularly from chosen at random. There were no
the Greek banker George Averoff, who qualifying events and some competitors
lived in Alexandria. This patron gave a were students on holiday who entered at
million gold drachmas for the the last moment. The winner of the
organisation of the Games. The discus, for example, was a student from
pan-Athenian stadium was built in white Princeton, Robert Garrett, who had

2 4
A set of commemorative
stamps was issued to mark
the Athens Games. There
were twelve values, with
eight different designs,
based on scenes from the
ancient Games. The ten
drachma stamp (2) showed
the Acropolis and the
Parthenon; while the 25
and 60 lepta stamps (3)
3 featured a chariot drawn by
white horses and a winged
Victory, inspired by an
ancient Greek coin which
also commemorated a
victory in the Olympic
Games. These stamps were 5
the work of the teachers
Svoronos and Guilleron
and the engraver Eugene
Mouchon. The medals
awarded at those first
Olympic Games of the
modern era, which were
silver, bore an allegorical
representation of Olympia
on one side (4) and the
Acropolis on the other (5).
handled the discus for the first time just The swimming and cycling events at the 1
The start of the first
three days before the competition. Athens Games bear scant resemblance to Olympic 100 metres final,
the competitions today: the swimming which was won by the
American Thomas Burke.
At these first Games there were 43 events were held out to sea, the The regulation starting
events in 9 sports; many of them have competitors plunging into the water from position had still not been
boats at anchor. The cycling, in which laid down and the lanes
since vanished from the programme. The were divided by ropes.
sports on the programme were athletics, the French distinguished themselves, was
cycling, fencing, gymnastics, weightlifting, held at the New Phaleron velodrome on 2
Rope climbing was
tennis, wrestling, swimming and shooting. the outskirts of the city. occasionally included in the
The first Olympic champion was James gymnastics competition
until the 1932 Games. The
Brendan Connolly of the United States, In the 100 kilometre cycling event there first winner was the Greek
the winner of the triple jump with a was a demonstration of the gymnast Nicolaos
distance of 13.71 metres. The United sportsmanship advocated by the Olympic
States carried off the prizes for most of precepts: when the French cyclist Léon
the athletics events. The Marathon, the Flameng realised that his Greek rival was
event closest to the hearts of the Greeks, having mechanical problems, he stopped
was won by one of their athletes, the and waited for him to finish the repairs
shepherd Spyridon Louis, who ran the before continuing with the race, from
last few metres escorted by the heir to which Flameng eventually emerged the
the throne, Prince Constantine, amidst victor.
general rejoicing. In recognition of his
triumph, the winner was presented with At the Athens Games, the winners in
a complete wardrobe, a shaving kit and a each event received silver medals, as
free room at a hotel in Athens for a year. there was not enough money left to mint
them in gold. All in all, the most
important feature of the Games was the

110 1 2
The French cyclists Léon
revival of the Olympic spirit. In spite of
Flameng, winner of the 100 their technical shortcomings, they were a
km track event, and Paul resounding success in terms of
Mason, winner of the
333.33 m, the 2000 m and participation and were the key to the
the 10000 m races. rebirth of the Olympic movement. The
international press gave them ample
Robert Garrett, winner of coverage.
the discus event. Garrett,
an American student who
was on holiday in Athens, The closing ceremony at Athens marked
entered for the Games even an unexpected triumph, which was not to
though he had never seen
an official discus until be repeated for some years, and the
three days before the return of the Olympic Games.
The rebuilt panathenaic
stadium was the main
venue for the 1896 Games.
Like the original,
constructed in 350 BC, it
was built of white marble
and held some sixty
thousand spectators. It was
also used for the
Pan-Hellenic Games in

3 5

Paris 1900
(II Olympiad)
No poster was published for
In 1900 the founder of the modern Nevertheless, there were more
the Paris Games, but there Olympic Games, Baron de Coubertin, competitors than in Athens. 1,077
were posters for some of the saw his wish to hold them in his own athletes from 21 countries entered and
sports in the Concours
Internationaux d'Exercices country fulfilled. The principle of women's events were held for the first
Physiques et de Sports, as different countries and continents taking time -though they were not officially
the 1900 Games were
known. An emerging turns to host them was also established. recognised- in golf and in tennis, where
artistic genre gave the the British player Charlotte Cooper
poster reproduced on the However, the second Games were shone. The Games failed to draw the
left, for fencing, a period
feel. It shows a female somewhat uneven. They coincided with number of spectators who had flocked to
athlete as women took part the Universal Exhibition in the French Athens. The largest turnout was under
for the first time in the
Olympic Games, although capital, which meant that the Games 3,000, for an athletics competition, while
they were not officially were eclipsed by the variety of events eliminating rounds in the other sports
and settings. This, combined with the took place in front of much smaller
decision of the organisers to spread the crowds. Competitions were held in 17
competitions over six months from 20 sports altogether, 8 more than at the first
May to 28 October, with no opening or Games.
closing ceremony, cast a pall over the
Olympic event. Many of the participants Paris had no Olympic stadium to
were not even sure that they were concentrate the athletics events, which
competing in the Olympic Games, as were scattered around more than fifteen
they were called Concours Internationaux venues, some of them hardly suitable for
d'Exercices Physiques et de Sports. The the practice of sport. The racing track at
first Games of the century are the only the Racing Club de France in the Bois
ones with no official results. Another de Boulogne was very hard and the high
detail is that the medals were sent by and long jumpers had to dig the pits for
post years later. their competitions. The swimming events
were held at Asnières, a suburb on the

2 Unlike in Athens, no 3
commemorative stamps were
issued for the Paris Games.
In fact, they went almost
unnoticed amongst the
festivities surrounding the
Universal Exhibition, two
of the designs for which are
reproduced here. No-one
attending the 1900 Games,
which were poorly
organised and spread over a
long period, could have
guessed the significance
that the modern Olympic
Games would achieve.
River Seine; yachting at Meulan; fencing programme but had little future there: 1
The cycling events were
at the Tuileries; tennis at the Île de cricket, croquet and even fishing in the held at the Parc des
Puteaux; gymnastics at Vincennes; the Seine. Princes velodrome. In the
background is a giant
equestrian sports at Breteuil; and cycling balloon, one of the
in the Parc des Princes. This dispersal Some famous names stand out in Paris. attractions at the Universal
Exhibition. For the
detracted from the lustre of the Olympic Alvin Kraenzlein of the United States organisers of the Paris
occasion. However, thanks to the won four individual events (the 60 Games, the sporting events
metres, the 110 and 200 metres hurdles were always subsidiary to
personal efforts of many athletes these the great spectacle of the
obstacles were overcome and the Games and the long jump), a feat which has Exhibition.
were held. never been equalled since. Ray C. Ewry,
his fellow countryman, won three gold The American athlete Alvin
A noteworthy feature was that the medals in the standing high jump, long Kraenzlein, the only person
to win four gold medals in
swimming and water polo competitions jump and triple jump, in spite of the fact individual athletics events
were held in the River Seine. The water that as a child he had been paralysed in at the same Games (60 m,
polo match between France and England the legs. Ewry carried off three more 110 and 200 m hurdles and
long jump).
was an eventful occasion, as the two medals at the Games in St Louis in 1904
teams were playing to different rules, and two in London in 1908. Altogether, 3
While running in the
thereby demonstrating the need to lay the US competitors took home seventeen Marathon, the French
down sports regulations which would be of the twenty-three titles. athlete Émile Champion
drinks from a bottle offered
valid internationally. In rowing Holland by a following cyclist.
won the coxed event; what made this
remarkable was the fact that the
coxswain was a ten-year-old boy who had
been chosen from the spectators a few
minutes before the race began. Other
sports were included on the official

114 1 2
Two participants in the golf
After Paris, Coubertin retired to
competition finishing their Lausanne to prepare the next Games in
round. Eleven women took
part in the Paris Games,
greater calm and with fewer pressures.
although not officially. He had fought hard for the Games to
change venue in the face of opposition
The shooting competition. from the Greek members, who wanted to
Many of the participants keep them in their country.
were professional soldiers.
At these second Olympic
Games, no attention at all
was paid to the amateur or
professional status of the
The American athlete Ray
C. Ewry was a legendary
figure in early twentieth
century sport: in the Games
of 1900, 1904 and 1908 he
won eight gold medals for
the standing start jump.
The achievement was
especially remarkable
considering Ewry had had
polio as a child.

3 4 115

5 6
St Louis 1904
(III Olympiad)
There was no poster for the
In 1904 the Olympic Games crossed the participants: only 554 from 12 countries
St Louis Games either and, Atlantic for the first time. Coubertin, entered. The only European countries to
as at Paris, they coincided
with the staging of a
who was now president of the IOC, attend were Germany, Great Britain
Universal Exhibition in the wanted to hold each Games in a (with just one representative), Greece,
same city. The programme different part of the world and his wish Hungary and Norway. In many events
cover, reproduced here, went
against the trends of the came true. In spite of the signs of crisis the only competitors were athletes from
day by deliberately in the Olympic movement which were American universities and sports clubs.
advertising the Exhibition apparent after the Paris Games, the Nor was there any unifying criterion for
rather than providing a
simple decorative addition. four-yearly event was duly held again, measuring scores. Whilst the metric
this time in St Louis. Chicago had also system was used for the athletics events,
been a candidate to host the Games, but other competitions used yards, feet and
the president, Theodore Roosevelt, inches.
intervened to secure the nomination for
the city on the Mississippi. There were 15 sports on the official
programme. The St Louis Games brought
The situation in St Louis was practically in basketball roque and lacrosse as
a re-run of Paris. The Games coincided exhibition sports and boxing and
with the World Fair held to wrestling became official for the first
commemorate the centenary of Louisiana time. However, there were no yachting
joining the United States. Once again the events. Innovations were introduced into
competition calendar spanned a long many Olympic sports. In athletics it was
period, from 1 July to 23 November. decided to include a combined event
And just as in Paris four years before, -the direct ancestor of the decathlon-
there was no opening ceremony. and the 56 pound weight throw event,
which was only to be held once more, in
The distance from Europe also meant a 1920. The team event was brought back
considerable drop in the number of

2 3
The Universal Exhibition
overshadowed the St Louis
Games. The two events were
mixed even on the winners'
medals, as demonstrated by
the two sides of this bronze
in gymnastics and more modes were steeplechase. Harry Hillman won the 400 1
The American athlete Ralph
introduced into fencing. metres and the 200 and 400 metres Rose beat his compatriots
hurdles, the latter with a time of 53 to take the gold medal for
the shot put. Rose,
The hero of this encounter was Archibald seconds, a new world record. It was not nicknamed "Elephant
Hahn of the USA, known as "the made official, however, as the athlete Baby" because of his baby
face and sturdy build,
Milwaukee Meteor". He won three gold knocked over the last hurdle; at the time, dominated this event at the
medals in the 60, 100 and 200 metres, this meant that the record could not be 1904, 1908 and 1912
with a time of 21.6 seconds in the last, recognised. It should be pointed out that Games. His career was
brought to an untimely end
an Olympic record which was not broken the hurdles were then 76 centimetres by his death in 1913 at the
for twenty-eight years. The Marathon was high, as opposed to 90 today. age of only twenty-eight.
marred by the scandal provoked by Fred 2
Lorz. also of the USA. Having been The small group of European competitors Harry Hillman of the
United States, who took the
acclaimed victor and congratulated by no shone in the form of the German gold medal in the 400 m
less a person than Alice Roosevelt, the swimming team, who won three gold and the 400 m hurdles.
daughter of the president, it was medals. The only medallists in the
discovered that he had done part of the athletics events who were not from the
route by car. The real winner, Thomas United States were Thomas Kiely of
Hicks, another American, reached the Ireland in the combined event and the
finishing line in a state of intoxication Canadian Etienne Desmarteau in the 56
due to the brandy and strychnine which pound weight throw.
he had been consuming along the way.
The shot put was won by Ralph Rose, a
Another winner at the St Louis Games giant weighing 115 kilograms, who threw a
was James Lightbody, a middle distance distance of 14.8 metres. Rose won the
runner. He was the victor in the 800 and gold medal again at the London Games in
1500 metres and in the 2500 metres 1908 and a silver at Stockholm in 1912.

118 1 2
The Marathon was
At the St Louis Games, however, the
surrounded by controversy. Olympic spirit was dimmed by the
The first runner to cross celebration of the Anthropology Days, a
the finishing line, Fred
Lorz of the United States, series of events off the programme
had covered part of the reserved for athletes of all races except
course by car. When the
fraud was discovered, the
the white. The participants were pygmies,
medal went to the athlete Ainu from Japan, Patagonians, Turks,
who had come second, Philipinos and Sioux Indians, some of
Thomas Hicks (in the
photograph), also of the whom worked on the stalls at the
United States. Exhibition. The protests of the IOC, of
4 Coubertin himself (although he did not
The German swimmer Emil attend the Games) and some journalists
Rausch, winner of the mile were unable to prevent these events from
and 880 yards freestyle,
was one of the few taking place.
non-American swimmers to
win a gold medal.
Nevertheless, the press paid little
5 attention to the Games of the III
So-called Anthropological
Days were held during the Olympiad. The reporters had their eyes
St Louis Games. These glued to the Russo-Japanese conflict
were parallel events for which was then monopolising the
non-white competitors,
outside the official headlines in all the newspapers.
competitions. The protests
of some Olympic leaders
were not enough to stop
these events from being held.

3 4 5 119
London 1908
(IV Olympiad)
The organisation of the
The 1908 Olympic Games were to have The London Games, which opened on 27
London Games was far been held in Rome, but the eruption of April 1908 and closed on 31 October,
more thorough than Vesuvius, serious economic problems and brought about a crucial change in the
previous editions, and
meant a great step forward the resentment of other cities, such as nature of the Olympics. For the first
in the development of the Milan and Turin, drove the Italian time a stadium was built specially for the
Olympics. The programme
cover features the name of capital to withdraw 2 years before the Games with a concrete track for cycling.
the Shepherd's Bush Games. In spite of the lack of time, A swimming pool and a diving tower
Olympic stadium, the scene which almost led to the postponement of were built nearby. The stadium was the
of most of the competitions
and the first to be built the Games, London offered to be a last White City in Shepherd's Bush, a suburb
specially for the Games. minute candidate. in west London.

Great Britain had been the cradle of The London Games were notable for
modern sport. It had drafted most of the their meticulous organisation. For the
rules, had launched distinguished first time the teams and competitors
sportsmen and women onto the world were representatives of countries and not
scene, created a large number of of clubs or just individuals. The parade
international federations and had the of countries at the beginning of the
best facilities of the day. Everything opening ceremony was introduced. One
suggested that these Games would be feature of most of the events at the
splendid and, indeed, their arrival in stadium was the rivalry between Great
London was of great benefit to the Britain and the United States.
Olympic movement. Links were forged
between the IOC and the emerging The number of competitors also
national Olympic committees (NOC) and increased substantially: 2,034 from 22
the international federations of the sports countries. There were 21 sports on the
on the Olympic programme. programme, which was far more

2 Originally, the Games of 3
the IV Olympiad had been
awarded to Rome, but in
1906, during the
Pan-Hellenic Games in
Athens (intended, in part,
to erase the bad memory of
the St Louis competitions),
the Italian organisers
renounced their claim to
them. The IOC turned to
London, and the British
capital was designated host
city for the Olympic Games
at the last moment. Thanks
to the long British tradition
of organising sporting
events, the London Games
were a great success,
providing the definitive
spirit in which the Games
should be held. Shown here
are the two sides of the
gold medals awarded at the
coherent, and the venues were close help him across the line, which provoked 1
Many of the athletics
together. These were also the first Games the United States, whose runner John events which were held in
at which women took part in an official Hayes came second, to challenge the London were still not
organised in accordance
capacity. result; they succeeded in having him with modern rules. The
disqualified. Nevertheless, Queen photograph shows some
athletes negotiating the
There was some debate about which Alexandra awarded him a gold cup as a water jump in the
sports should be included. Athletics, special distinction, unaware of the fact steeplechase, which was run
swimming, boxing, fencing, gymnastics, over a distance of 3200 m.
that the Italian runner had drugged
rowing, yachting and football were himself before the race with a strychnine 2
retained. Others, such as tennis, archery, compound. The Organising Committee The rowing events were held
on the Thames at Henley,
polo, rugby and motor canoe races set the Marathon at 42 kilometres 195 and they attracted large
disappeared after the Games in London, metres, the distance from Windsor Castle crowds. This river had been
the scene of the traditional
though some of them were to be revived to the finishing line, which became the Oxford versus Cambridge
later. Even equestrian sports, so British official figure from 1924 onwards. boat race since 1829.
in their roots, were not held, while figure 3
skating, the precursor of the Winter There were many other remarkable The women's archery
Olympic Games, hockey and incidents at the London Games. Forrest competition, in which only
British archers took part,
Greco-Roman wrestling, made their Smithson, who won the gold medal in was won by Sybil
debut. The women's event in archery, the 110 metres hurdles, ran with a bible "Queenie" Newall. The
women -36 in all- were
one of the few sports to admit women in his hand as a protest against the taking part officially in the
competitors, was won by Sybil "Queenie" holding of competitions on Sunday. Olympic Games for the
Newell of Britain. Once again the Reginald Walker, a last-minute addition first time, albeit only in
tennis, archery and figure
Marathon was the centre of attention: the to the South African team, won the 100 skating.
Italian Dorando Pietri ran the last lap at metres. The final of the 400 metres was
the White City stumbling and staggering; somewhat lacking in sporting appeal: it
some of the judges stepped forward to was won by the English runner,

122 1 2
Figure skating was one of
Wyndham Halswelle, literally on his own:
the demonstration sports. the final was a repeat of the day before
when Carpenter of the USA had blocked
The Italian runner him several times during the race. When
Dorando Pietri, on the Carpenter was disqualified, two of his
point of collapse, finished fellow countrymen, Robbins and Taylor,
first in the Marathon, yet
the help he received from failed to turn up for the re-run and so
officials a few moments
before crossing the line led
Halswelle ran in solitary splendour. The
to his being disqualified. middle distance specialist Mel Sheppard
Queen Alexandra, however, won the 800 and 1500 metres. There
rewarded him for his efforts
with a cup. were more British triumphs in rowing,
water polo and swimming; Henry Taylor
The French cyclists
distinguished himself in the 400 and
Maurice Schilles and André 1500 metres freestyle.
Auffray, winners of the
2000 m tandem race, which
was removed from the On balance the London Games were a
Olympic programme after tremendous success. The Olympic idea
the 1972 Games.
had taken shape. The IOC was more
than satisfied and a brilliant future was
predicted for the Games. At a mass held
at St Paul's Cathedral as a prelude to the
opening, the archbishop of Pennsylvania
spoke the most famous words of the
Olympic Movement: " The important
thing in the Olympic Games is not
winning but taking part".

3 4 5 123

Stockholm 1912
(V Olympiad)
1 The Games of the V Olympiad were held reddish stone in a very Scandinavian
This is the first real
Olympic poster. It is by the in Stockholm from 5 May to 22 July architectural style and held 30,000 people.
Swedish artist Olle 1912. A century and a half before,
Hjortzberg (1872-1959), a
teacher at the Royal Sweden and other Scandinavian countries The Stockholm Games were a success in
Academy of Fine Arts in had started a gymnastics movement every way. The number of athletes taking
Stockholm, of which he which had made a considerable impact part was higher than at earlier Olympic
became director. The poster
caused something of a stir, and this helped the Swedes win the Games: 28 countries from the five
as it was considered a little
too daring. Hjortzberg's
confidence of the IOC in their ability to continents -among them a newcomer,
poster is an excellent organise the Games of 1912. Japan- sent a total of 2,504 competitors,
example of the early period including 57 women. The organisers
of this artistic genre (at
which painters such as Important technical innovations were excluded boxing from the official
Toulouse-Lautrec had introduced in Stockholm and the programme and introduced women's
excelled), and which was events in the swimming competition.
beginning to be widely used regulations established by the IOC were
for advertising purposes. observed far more scrupulously. It was
the first time that electric time-keeping Moreover, the Games made a profit for
and the photofinish were used. The the host city and the Swedes won most
quality of the tracks and teams was of the medals. In Stockholm the IOC
rising steadily and this was reflected in authorised the participation of teams
the improvement in the times and scores. from Finland and Bohemia, although the
Grand Duchy was still subject to Russia
Stockholm also had a stadium built and Bohemia was part of the
specially for the Games, the Djungarden, Austro-Hungarian Empire.
which still stands today. It was raised on
the grounds of the royal zoological Among the outstanding performers were
gardens, donated by King Gustav V, who the American Indian Jim Thorpe, whose
opened the Games. It was built in tribal name was Wa-Tho-Huck (Shining

2 No commemorative stamps 3
were issued for the
Stockholm Games. Instead,
they produced an official
postcard with the words
"Stockholm Olympic
Games 1912" and a
promotional postmark.
Shown here are the two
sides of one of the
twenty-six gold medals
awarded at the Games.
Path): he won the pentathlon and swimming events. In Greco-Roman 1
The American athlete Platt
decathlon -both newly introduced- with wrestling, which had made its debut in Adams in the standing start
great authority. Nevertheless, the London, a curious episode took place: long jump, in which he won
the silver medal. After
following year the Amateur Athletic two wrestlers, the Estonian Martin Klein Stockholm this type of
Union informed the IOC that Thorpe and the Finn Alfred Asikainen fought a jump was dropped from the
Olympic programme.
had been a professional baseball player true battle of the Titans in one of the
and he was obliged to return his medals. semi-finals, which lasted eleven hours 2
His rivals, it should be said, refused to without a break. In the end Asikainen The semi-final of the
middleweight Greco-Roman
accept them. In 1982, nineteen years succumbed, but Klein was too exhausted wrestling competition
after his death, the IOC decided to to fight in the final. between Martin Klein, an
Estonian member of the
reinstate him and restore the medals to Russian team, and Alfred
his heirs. Thorpe's feats were The Marathon was back in the headlines Asikainen, of Finland. The
match was won by Klein
immortalised in the film Man of Bronze, in Stockholm, as the Portuguese runner after eleven hours, but he
directed by Michael Curtiz with Burt Francisco Lázaro, unable to endure the was so exhausted that he
Lancaster in the leading role. Thorpe's fierce heat, collapsed and died -the first declined to take part in the
final. Hence, the gold
countryman, Avery Brundage, future death in a modern Olympic Games. A medal went to the Swedish
president of the IOC and a champion of tribute was organised at the Olympic wrestler Claes Johanson.
amateurism, also competed in the Stadium to collect money for the 3
pentathlon. athlete's family. Avery Brundage, of the
United States, who was to
be president of the IOC
One of the three Finnish Kolehmainen Pierre de Coubertin sought the union of from 1952 to 1972.
brothers, Hannes "the Strong", won the sport and culture and with that aim he Brundage took part in the
decathlon, alongside his
5000 and 10000 metres, the 3000 metre inaugurated competitions in music, compatriot Jim Thorpe, one
team event and the cross-country. The painting and poetry inspired by sport. of the heroes of the
Stockholm Games.
Hawaiian "Duke" Kahanamoku, the king These were the forerunners of what was
of the crawl, made his entry in the to be the Olympic Arts Festival, held at

126 1 2

Judges at the finish line in
the same time as the Games. Curiously
the Olympic stadium. enough, the winner of the two poetry
Electronic chronometers prizes was Baron de Coubertin himself,
and the photo-finish system
were used for the first time who had entered under a pseudonym. In
at Stockholm. Until then, painting, the first prize went to Giovanni
times had been measured
manually. The Games Pellegrini for his oil Winter Sports; in
provided an important boost music the gold was won by Riccardo
for the use of technology in Barthelemy for his composition Olympic
Triumphal March.
The British women's
swimming team won the The Stockholm Games marked the
gold medal in the 4 x 100 consolidation of the modern Olympics.
m freestyle. This was the
first time that women had The technical foundations which were
taken part in the swimming laid have survived to our time. At these
competition. Coubertin was Games the International Amateur
not keen on women taking
part in the Olympic Games. Athletics Foundation (IAAF) was
constituted, with a strict code which
The Swedish shooting team made it possible to judge and classify
in action. athletes.

4 6 127

Antwerp 1920
(VII Olympiad)
The First World War
Eight years had gone by since Stockholm, sportsmen were unable to compete
meant that the Games were as the Games planned for Berlin had to because they were still enlisted in armies,
not held again until 1920
in Antwerp (Belgium). They
be suspended because of the First World which reduced the number of records,
were promoted by a poster War. Antwerp, which had already been a well below the previous Games
by the Belgian artists candidate in 1914, was nominated to
Marth van Kuyck and
Walger van der Ven, which host the Games in 1920 in recognition of At the Antwerp Games the Olympic flag
is based on the same the suffering of the city during the and oath were first introduced. The idea
thematic elements as the conflict. Because of the recent war, the of Coubertin, the five coloured rings
poster for the 1912 Games:
the naked athlete and the IOC did not invite Germany, Bulgaria, symbolising the five continents
billowing flags. The effect Hungary, Austria or Turkey, the nations interlinked on a white background
is less audacious, however,
and the poster did not which had instigated hostilities and their represented the peace which governed the
provoke the same allies. Russia did not take part either and Olympic ideals. The honour of swearing
controversy as at the
Stockholm Games. was not to do so again until 1952 as "the the first oath fell to the Belgian polo
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. player and fencer Victor Boin, future
president of the Olympic Committee of
As the country's economy had been his country and of the International
badly damaged by the war, the Antwerp Sporting Press Association. This historic
Games ran into severe financial oath was sworn on behalf of 2,591
problems, in spite of the decisive athletes from 29 countries. Another
intervention of King Albert I and the innovation at Antwerp was the releasing
support of private patrons who made of thousands of white doves at the
cash contributions. To ensure that as opening ceremony as a symbol of peace
many athletes as possible took part, the among nations.
competitors were given special facilities,
but the spectators were charged high Weightlifting, boxing and freestyle
prices. No more than 6,000 people wrestling became permanent features of
attended any of the events. Many the programme in the Belgian city and

2 Three stamps were issued 4
for the Games of the VII
Olympiad. As in Athens in
1896, various ancient Greek
elements were used, such as
Myron's Discobolos (2) for
the 5 centime stamp and a
victorious chariot (3), for
the 10 centime stamp. The
finely-engraved gold medal
(4), shows an athlete with
the winner's crown and palm.

several rather strange events, such as single and double sculls. His son John 1
Two of the most important
tug-of-war and swimming with hurdles, was also to become an Olympic athlete symbols of the Olympic
were eliminated. and, years later, president of the US Games-the flag with the
five rings and the Olympic
Olympic Committee, while his daughter oath- were introduced at
Finland provided the big surprise of the Grace became princess of Monaco. Antwerp. The first Olympic
oath was spoken by the
Games. Still exhausted by the war it had Belgian fencer and
fought to win its independence, the The American runners dominated the water-polo player Victor
country carried off fifteen medals. Two sprint events, particularly Charley Boin, who was later to
become president of his
of their great athletes were the long Paddock, who was famous for his country's Olympic
distance runners Hannes Kolehmainen, unorthodox leap just before crossing the Committee.
who won the Marathon and had taken finishing line. The Hawaiian "Duke" 2
part in Stockholm and London, and Kahanamoku was still speed king in the Suzanne Lenglen, of
France, one of the best
Paavo Nurmi, "the human stopwatch", swimming pool, just as he had been at tennis-players of her time,
who won the 10000 metres. Another earlier Games. won three medals at the
notable achievement was that of Ethel Antwerp Games, two golds
in the singles and mixed
Bleibtrey, the swimmer from the USA, The Antwerp Games were also the scene doubles and a bronze medal
who won three gold medals. Among the of Spain's official debut. The football in the women's doubles.
other outstanding figures of the Games and polo teams won silver medals and 3
were Philip Noel-Baker of England, delegations were also sent to compete in Paavo Nurmi, "the Human
Stopwatch", became
runner-up in the 1500 metres, who was swimming, shooting, athletics and tennis. legendary in long-distance
to win the Nobel Peace Prize forty years races in the twenties.
later, and John Kelly, who had been Antwerp was the beginning
of a sensational series of
barred from the Henley regatta because victories and second places
the rules only allowed "gentlemen", as which brought him nine
gold medals and three silver
amateurs were called, to take part. He medals in three consecutive
was proclaimed Olympic champion in Games.

130 1 2 3
Patrick Ryan of the United
At a time when peace seemed to have
States won the hammer returned to Europe, the Olympic
event. Movement left Antwerp with excellent
5 prospects for the future, far greater than
The British team-consisting Coubertin had imagined in 1916.
entirely of policemen-beat
the United States in the
tug-of-war. This was the
last time this curious event
appeared at the Olympic

4 5 131
Paris 1924
(VIII Olympiad)
The poster for the 1924
In 1924, for the first time, the Games On 5 July the president of France,
Paris Games was selected returned to a former venue. Coubertin's Gaston Doumergue, opened the first
after a competition held by
the French Committee, for
wish was for the French city to wipe out Games to adopt the slogan "Citius,
which there were 150 the bad memories of the II Olympiad, altius, fortius". Some competitions had
entries. The winner was the which it managed to do, though not already started early in May. The official
French artist Jean Droit
(1884-1961). The Games of without difficulty. Only one year before, programme was modified as the Games
the VIII Olympiad were no agreements had been reached and no went along: events which had been held
held in the French capital budget drafted; the possibility that the before were excluded and the rules of
at the express wish of the
Baron de Coubertin, who Games might be transferred to Los others were modified. The 3000 metres
wanted to efface the
memory of the somewhat
Angeles drove the president to concede and the 56 pound weight throw were
unsuccessful 1900 Games the credit for the Olympic stadium at the eliminated from the programme, tennis
before he retired from the eleventh hour. disappeared until 1988 and the number
presidency of the IOC.
of events in gymnastics and swimming
The Paris Games marked a major were increased.
increase in participation: 44 countries
and 3,075 athletes, of whom 136 were The Paris Games were the first to have
women. There were competitions in 17 an Olympic Village for the athletes.
sports. Many countries were now anxious Coubertin thus achieved one of his
to take part in a competition which had ideals: for sportsmen and women to live
become a-fully-fledged event on the together in pursuit of the solidarity and
international calendar and had inspired mutual awareness which the Olympic
other similar, but more local, movement hoped to foster. Furthermore,
championships, such as the Latin the Games began to be a motive for
American or the Far Eastern Games. In major town planning activities in the
spite of the winds of peace that were host city. Paris built the Colombes
blowing through Europe, Germany was stadium on land ceded by the Racing
still excluded. Club de France. The swimming

2 To commemorate the 5
second Games to be held in
Paris, France issued four
Olympic stamps, including
the 30 centimes (2),
showing Milon of Croton, a
famous ancient Greek
wrestler, and the 10
centimes (3), which shows a
victorious athlete saluting.
Uruguay also issued three
stamps, showing the Victory
of Samothrace (4), to
commemorate their team's
triumph in the football
competition at the Games.
The gold medal features an
athlete aiding a companion
3 on one side and an 6
allegorical motif on the

competitions took place in an Olympic steeplechase, the 10000 metres, the 3000 1
The 1924 Games were the
pool specially built for the occasion, Les metres team race and the 10000 metres first for which a Village
Tourelles. Technology was also a feature: cross-country team event. Some team was built to accommodate
the athletes, constructed
the Games were broadcast for the first sports sprung a few surprises: the US from prefabricated wooden
time by radio, a recent invention, which rugby team beat the powerful French units. Paris also saw the
adoption of the Olympic
allowed people all over the world to have fifteen and in football an unknown team, motto: "Citius, altius,
the results of the sporting events as they Uruguay, defeated Switzerland in the final. fortius".
happened every day. 2
The 1924 Games were recalled in the The American swimmer
One of the outstanding performers was film Chariots of Fire, which tells the Johnny Weissmuller
shaking hands with another
Johnny Weissmuller, who won three gold story of the open rivalry between the great swimmer, the
medals for swimming and became the Scot Eric H. Liddell and the Englishman Hawaiian Duke
Kahanamoku. Weissmuller
first man to swim the 100 metres Harold M. Abrahams. The former, who -later to become famous in
freestyle in under a minute. He was later was a theology student, refused to run the role of Tarzan- won the
to become famous in the cinema as his speciality, the 100 metres, on a 100 m freestyle. Two years
earlier, in 1922, he had
Tarzan. But once again the Finn Paavo Sunday. Abrahams ran in his place and beaten the world record for
Nurmi was the star of the Games. He won the gold medal from the American this event, with the first
time under one minute.
achieved a feat which has never been favourites. Nevertheless, Liddell ran the
equalled, to win five of the hardest 400 metres, the race which in theory his 3
The British athlete Eric H.
events in athletics in seven days: the team-mate should have run. Liddell won the 400 m with
1500 metres, the 5000 metres, the 10000 a new Olympic and world
metres cross-country, the 3000 metres The Paris Games continued the record. Liddell's
participation in this event
team event and the 10000 metres experiment of 1912 and integrated art instead of his teammate
cross-country team event. His and sport: many outstanding literary Harold M. Abrahams, who
competed in the 100 m, is
fellow-countryman Ville Ritola won the figures, painters and musicians of the dramatised in the film
gold medal in the 3000 metres day went to Paris. Chariots of Fire.

134 1 2 3
1 The 1924 Games saw technical Olympic Movement had lost its way.
The Austrian weightlifter
Franz Aigner, silver improvements in both athletes and "The common enemy is professionalism",
medallist in the venues and the growing complexity of he affirmed on his retirement.
heavyweight category,
demonstrates his strength the organisation of an event of this kind.
by lifting 97 kg with one They were a resounding success in terms
hand. of attendance: over 625,000 spectators
5 and 1.000 journalists went to see them
The British runner Harold
M. Abrahams was first,
live. The increase in the number of
unexpectedly, in the 100 m athletes taking part and in the number of
final. Abrahams, who ran events on the programme made it
instead of Liddell, beat the
American Jackson Scholz essential to strictly define the word
and the New Zealander "amateur". In fact some of the athletes
Arthur Porritt. in Paris had been paid as trainers or
6 instructors, though rarely as competitors.
The gold medal-winning
Uruguayan football team.
The Uruguayans, who beat The IOC Congress in Prague in 1925
the Swiss in the final, also tackled the problem. It also elected the
won the gold at the
following Games in new president Henri de Baillet-Latour.
Coubertin, now sixty-two years old, had
resigned from his post with the
organisation a year before. He had seen
his wish for a brilliant Games in the
capital of his country fulfilled, but he
abandoned the presidency of the IOC
somewhat demoralised as he felt that the

4 5 135

Amsterdam 1928
(IX Olympiad)
The poster for the
After two frustrated attempts, cameras, which was naturally an
Amsterdam Olympic Games Amsterdam finally hosted the Olympic extremely unpopular measure.
by the Dutch artist Joseph
Johannes Rovers, born in
Games in 1928. It had been chosen at
Utrecht in 1893. In the the IOC Session in 1920, when the next The Amsterdam Games offered various
distance, behind the figure two Games were awarded to Paris and novelties. For the first time the Olympic
of the striving athlete, is
the tower of the stadium in the Dutch city. flame burned for the duration of the
the Dutch capital where the Games. The torch that lit it was brought
Olympic flame burned for The organisation of the Games ran into directly from Olympia overland.
the first time. Amsterdam
represented the serious difficulties. The Dutch
consolidation of the government refused to subsidise them A notable feature was the participation
Olympic Movement, which
had spread sport and Queen Wilhelmina, who was of 290 women. At last the International
throughout the world. decidedly lukewarm about the idea, even Olympic Committee, which had a new
Athletes from Europe,
America, Asia, Africa and declined to preside over the opening. president, allowed them to compete in
Oceania all won medals This situation was in marked contrast to the athletics events. Coubertin had
there. previous occasions when the royal always been reluctant to allow women to
families had worked closely with the take part in the Olympic Games. "The
organisers, fully convinced of the benefits Games", he pronounced, "must be a
the Games would bring to the country. solemn, periodic exaltation of male
The financial restrictions forced the athletics, based on internationalism,
organising committee to carry out a loyalty as a method, art as a framework
highly imaginative marketing programme. and the applause of women as a reward".
The US team arrived on board a ship The women's athletics events consisted of
which they also used as a hotel during 100 metres and 800 metres races, a
the Games. The photography rights were 4 x 100 metres relay, high jump and
sold to a commercial firm; as a result the discus. The women athletes were so
spectators were searched for hidden unaccustomed to running 800 metres

2 The Netherlands issued a 4
set of eight stamps with
designs representing various
Olympic sports, including
yachting (2), fencing (3)
and equestrian sports (4).
At Amsterdam the medal
designed by the Florentine
artist Cassioli was adopted
for the first time, showing
an allegorical figure (5).
This design continued to be
used in subsequent Games.

-many of them arrived at the finishing the first time since the war. This made a 1
An aerial view of the
line exhausted- that the event considerable difference to the Games, Amsterdam stadium during
disappeared for twenty-five years. with the Germans winning 31 medals. the opening ceremony of the
Games of the IX Olympiad,
Some countries, such as Haiti, Cuba and which involved 2,971
For the first time, the organisers installed Panama sent a single representative. athletes - 290 of whom
were women- from 46
a large board to keep the spectators different countries.
informed of the results of the events, a Paavo Nurmi continued to add to his
necessary invention in view of the triumphs by winning the 10000 metres. 2
Lord Burghley, Marquess of
growing numbers of people attending and He had won nine gold and three silver Exeter, was the winner of
the increase in the capacity of the medals at three successive Games. The the 400 m hurdles.
Burghley, who was a
stadiums. The athletes suffered from the swimmer Johnny Weissmuller won his member of the team which
lack of training and the fact that the last Olympic medal at Amsterdam. The came second in the 4 x 400
m relay in Los Angeles in
track was only completed forty-eight US athletics team was generally less 1932, was twice
hours before the opening ceremony. successful than at earlier Games. One of vice-president of the IOC.
There was a tense incident at the the competitors in Amsterdam was one
ceremony when the French delegation of the most important sports
refused to parade because the day before administrators of the future, the Marquis
an over zealous porter had barred their of Exeter, Lord David Burghley, who
way when they tried to visit the stadium. won the 400 metres hurdles; he was later
elected president of the IAAF and twice
There were less sports on the programme vice-president of the IOC.
than in Paris; polo, rugby, tennis and
shooting had gone, but others, such as The presence of new countries spread the
hockey, were back. 46 countries entered Olympic glories around a little more
a total of 2,971 athletes. Among the evenly. The Canadians arrived in force
countries were Germany and Austria, for in the sprint events and put an end to

138 1 2
In the cauldron of the
the domination of the United States. In
Amsterdam stadium, the football the South American teams had
Olympic flame burned entered their Golden Age: the
throughout the Games for
the first time. Uruguayans beat the Argentinians in the
final. In hockey India began its reign,
At Amsterdam the riders which was to last for six successive
José Alvarez de las Asturias Olympic Games. The Spanish delegation
(in the photograph), José won a gold medal in the team jumping
Navarro Morenés and Julio
García Fernández., all three event in the equestrian competition.
of them cavalry captains,
were the first Spaniards to
win a gold medal, which
came in the equestrian team
jumping championships.
The start of the 10000 m.
The first on the right is
Paavo Nurmi (who won one
gold and two silver medals
at these Games), on his last
Olympic appearance: the
International Amateur
Athletics Federation would
not let him compete at Los
Angeles in 1932, claiming
that he was a professional.

3 4 139

Los Angeles 1932
(X Olympiad)
The poster for the Los
In 1932 the Games returned to America. Massive publicity campaigns were
Angeles Olympic Games is Just as in St Louis, the distance from mounted across the States to promote the
very different both from Europe meant a considerable drop in the Games. Over a million people went to
those that preceded it and
those for later Games. The number of countries and athletes see the events live at a stadium, the
victorious athlete, or the entering. Only 38 countries with 1,331 Coliseum, which seated 105,000. The
athlete in the heat of nautical stadium in Long Beach held
competition, is replaced by competitors went to the Californian city.
a gentler figure, with a The number of official sports was kept at 17,000. All the facilities and installations
laurel garland-symbol of 14 with 117 competitions. incorporated the technological advances
peace- announcing the
Games and pleading for an that the sports required. The opening
end to wars. The poster is There had been fears that the Los ceremony, with 300 musicians and 150
by the Hungarian-born
American artist Julius Angeles Games would not be held, as the singers, set the standard for later Games.
Kilenyi. stock market crash of 1929 was still very Remember that the Games of Los
recent. However, the United States had Angeles were the Games of the country
now entered a phase of unstoppable of the Hollywood stars, of stagecraft and
recovery. As in Paris in 1924, the Los show business, of cinema as a form of
Angeles Games were an attempt to wipe communication with tremendous impact
out the bad image left behind by the and the radio with an ever-increasing
Games in St Louis in the III Olympiad. audience.
The Olympic Village was very
comfortable, with prefabricated chalets in The guiding spirit of the Games was the
the colonial style. The organisers businessman William May Garland. He
provided the competitors with things managed to secure the help of
which had never been provided before: industrialists and politicians, who were in
soap, towels, saunas, massages, a laundry no doubt of the potential profits of the
and dry-cleaning service and a bus project. At the end it was calculated that
service. But the Olympic Village was the Organising Committee had a surplus
only for men; the women were of one million dollars. These were the
accommodated in hotels.

2 3
The United States postal
service issued two stamps to
commemorate the 1932
Olympic Games. The 5
cents (2) shows Myron's
Discobolos and the 3 cents
(3) a runner in the starting
position. The design of the
official medals (4) was the
same as that for the
Amsterdam Games.

first Games that produced such a high winner. Lauri Lehtinen of Finland, which 1
A publicity shot from the
level of profit. provoked the crowd to an extremely Los Angeles Games of
audible protest. Once back in his 1932, typically American in
New technologies appeared in Los country. Lehtinen cut the gold medal in
Angeles. The finishes of the competitions two and sent half to Hill. There was also 2
The American runner
were filmed, thus allowing the order of controversy in the 100 metres: Eddie Edward Tolan won the 100
competitors to be decided with no Tolan and Ralph Metcalfe, two black and 200 m. Technical
chance of error. This was also when the runners, broke the tape together. The resources were still very
limited, so it was difficult
familiar three-level podium for the rules were not clear in such a case and to establish whether he had
medals ceremony made its appearance. the gold medal went to Tolan for the really beaten his fellow
countryman Ralph Metcalfe
sole reason that as he was slimmer he in the 100 m.
Various anecdotes have survived from was considered to have crossed the
Los Angeles. In the steeplechase the finishing line first. This was the The Los Angeles Olympic
time-keeping judges made a mistake in beginning of the domination of the sprint Village was built from
the distance and the runners covered 460 events by black runners. prefabricated colonial style
metres too many. When the mistake was
discovered, it was agreed that the places The home athletes took their revenge for 4
The British athlete Thomas
would be calculated from the correct Amsterdam. Their supremacy in the Hampson took the gold
distance of the race: 3000 metres, which short events was quite clear. A notable medal and broke the world
record in the 800 m.
altered the second and third places: the name was Mildred "Babe" Didrikson, Behind him came the
silver medal was given to Joseph who won the 80 metres hurdles and the Canadians Alexander
McCluskey of the USA, but he refused it javelin and was runner-up in the high Wilson and Philip Edwards.
on the grounds that it belonged to the jump.
British runner Tom Evenson. In the 5000
metres Ralph Hill, also of the USA, The Japanese, who had made their first
appeared to have been blocked by the appearance at the 1912 Games, were the

142 1 2 4

Mildred Didrikson of the
victors in swimming, collecting five of
United States, nicknamed the eight gold medals. The American
Babe, was only eighteen
when she won the javelin
swimmers saved face in the springboard
and the 80 m and took the and platform events and the 400 metres
silver in the high jump. freestyle, which was won by Clarence
"Buster" Crabbe. the second cinema
The Finn Lauri Lehtinen Tarzan. India won the hockey again and
won the 5000 m, beating Hungary the water polo. The winner of
the American Ralph Hill.
Lehtinen later sent half the the Marathon was the Argentinian, Juan
gold medal to Hill. The Carlos Zabala. The great name missing
Finnish athlete had been
accused of obstructing the was Paavo Nurmi. who had been
American at the finish. disqualified for professionalism.
The Los Angeles Coliseum The small Spanish delegation (one
was the scene of the first yachtsman and five pistol shooters) won
truly spectacular Games in
the history of the Olympics. a bronze medal, that of Santiago Amat
The photograph shows the
105,000 capacity stadium
from Barcelona, in the Snowbird class
full to bursting on the day after seven regattas.
of the opening ceremony.
Los Angeles had organised a great
Games. The mild climate of California
was ideal and the facilities were first
rate, which helped to produce excellent
final results: sixteen world records and
over thirty Olympic records.

5 7

Berlin 1936
(XI Olympiad)
The poster for the Games of
The Games returned to Europe for the Organising Committee, the Olympic
the XI Olympiad was by XI Olympiad. The 1936 Games in Berlin flame was brought from Olympia by a
Franz Würbel, born in were a turning point in the history of the series of athletes as if it were a baton in
Berlin in 1896. It shows a
foreshortened view of the Olympics; their colossal scale and the a kind of relay, over a total of 3,000
chariot which crowns the political use that was made of them were kilometres through six countries.
Brandenburg Gate, with a
laurel-crowned athlete not entirely new, but under the Nazi
behind. The work expresses regime of Adolf Hitler they found their The United States was on the point of
artistically both the colossal fullest expression. It cannot be denied not attending the Games because of the
scale of the Games (which
had not previously been a that the Germans' organisation was pressure brought to bear on the sporting
feature) and the perfect, but the National Socialist authorities by the Jewish community, but
organisational rigour which
characterised them. In spite symbols were all pervasive. the guarantees given to Avery Brundage,
of the sporting successes then president of the American Athletic
which were achieved there, Union and future president of the IOC,
in Berlin the delicate The opening ceremony was carried out
balance between sport and with full pomp and circumstance. by the German Chancellor finally
politics was upset. Thousands of Germans hailed the Führer convinced them. Nevertheless, in spite of
with their arms raised in the Nazi salute. the brutality of later events, in Berlin the
Two thousand doves were released and Olympic spirit imposed itself on political,
flew up towards the airship Hindenburg, racial and religious discrimination. The
which was flying over the stadium while Germans included Jewish athletes in
the music of Wagner, conducted by their teams, such as the fencer Helene
Richard Strauss, accompanied the parade Mayer, who won the silver medal.
of athletes. The official film of the
Games, Olympia, directed by Leni Other political events were stirring up
Riefenstahl, was another clear tension on the international scene: Italy
demonstration of the Nazi interpretation had invaded and conquered Ethiopia;
of this sporting event. After an idea of Japan had invaded Manchuria and
Carl Diehm, secretary general of the resigned from the League of Nations;


2 At Berlin, not only was the 4

Olympic Flame carried to
the stadium from Olympia
by runners, as it has ever
since, but for the first time
the sacred flame was
ritually lit. The torch (2)
was conceived by the
German Olympic executive
Carl Diem, inspired by
designs on ancient
ceramics. It was designed
by the artist Lemeke and
manufactured by Krupp.
The German athlete Fritz
Schilgen was chosen to
light the cauldron (4).
Eight stamps were issued to
commemorate the Berlin
Games, and the four below
show the javelin, the
carrying of the torch,
fencing and rowing (3). The
design of the medals (5)
was again the same.

Greece was living through a tense period; But the most important new element in 1
For the first time, the
Austria was threatened by Anschluss and terms of the future was that in 1936 Olympic Flame was brought
Chancellor Dolfuss had just been television made its first appearance at from Olympia to the
stadium by relays of
assassinated; France was ruled by the the Olympic Games, though with the athletes. Before being
Popular Front and Spain was on the resources available at the time the carried through Berlin
-between ranks of
brink of a civil war which was to last broadcasts were confined to the city of uniformed youths- it had
three years. Berlin. In places specially prepared for passed through Athens,
the purpose, thousands of spectators Thessaloníki, Sofia,
Belgrade, Vienna and
Barcelona had presented its candidature gathered to watch broadcasts of the Prague.
for these Games. As they were given to sporting events filmed by cameras with 2
Berlin, a People's Olympiad was telephoto lenses. Leni Riefensthal was
organised in Barcelona, but was never commissioned to make the
first official film of the
held owing to General Franco's military The triumphs of Jesse Owens at the Games (The Triumph of
rising against the government of the Games are famous; four gold medals in the Will). In spite of the
the 100 and 200 metres, the 4 x 100 film's ideological
Republic. There was therefore no Spanish connotations, it is a great
delegation at the Games of the XI metres relay and the long jump. Another work of cinema.
Olympiad. notable competitor in Berlin was 3
Marjorie Gestring, also of the USA, who The Latvian team coming
The Berlin Games broke all records of at the age of thirteen was -and still is- out of the sports hall. This
was the last time that this
participation, with 3,980 athletes and 49 the youngest person to win an Olympic Baltic country was to take
national delegations. The number of medal: a gold in the springboard diving part in the Olympic Games
event. With a world record set by Jack until their reappearance in
sports was also increased to 19 with the 1992.
significant incorporation of basketball, Lovelock in the 1500 metres, New
canoeing, football, handball and polo. Zealand founded a tradition of successes
in the middle distances. In women's
swimming Hendrika W. Mastenbroek of

146 1 2
The Italian fencer Franco
the Netherlands reigned supreme with parenthesis in the history of the
Riccardi (on the left) beat three gold medals. The Germans carried Olympics, which was to last for twelve
his team-mate Valeria off most of the medals; they were years.
Ragno in the sabre final.
Fencing has been part of particularly outstanding in rowing,
the Olympic programme equestrian sports and gymnastics. Sixteen
since the first Games of the
modern era. new records were set in athletics.
The American athlete James
Other records were broken at the Berlin
Cleveland "Jesse" Owens, Games. One million people watched the
at the start of the 200 m Marathon. Four and a half million
final. Owens, who won four
gold medals (100 and 200 tickets were sold over the fifteen days of
m, long jump and 4 x 100 the competition. The spectators paid
m relay), was the star of
the Berlin Games. 2,800,000 dollars at the turnstiles. A
special Olympic stadium with a capacity
Argentina defeated Britain
of 110,000 was built, as well as a
in the polo final by a complex for the nautical events with
resounding 11-0. This was 20,000 seats. Dietetics, medicine,
the last time this sport was
included in the Olympic technique and even psychology entered
Games. the world of sport and opened up new
frontiers in all the disciplines.
The 1936 Games were
broadcast on television. The next host city for the Games was to
However, the technological
limitations of the time have been Tokyo in 1940. Once again
meant that the broadcasts
could be received only in
Barcelona had presented its candidature,
the German capital. for the third time. But the Second World
War broke out and opened the second

3 5 6

London 1948
(XIV Olympiad)
The poster for the London
In 1945 peace had finally returned to shortages took their toll on the results
Games of 1948 -which were Europe. After the armistice the IOC and not one Olympic record was broken.
characterised by post-war ratified the choice of London, which had
austerity- was by the
British artist Walter Herz, been appointed to organise the Games of Both Germany and Japan were absent
born in 1909. It combines 1944 which never took place, to host the from the Games although Italy attended.
the five Olympic rings with Germany had no recognised committee
two symbols chosen for the XIV Olympiad. As in Antwerp in 1920,
occasion: Myron's the city chosen had been severely and Japan made no attempt to attend.
Discobolos and the Houses punished by the war and once again a The USSR was invited by the IOC, but
of Parliament, one of the
London's most famous city was selected for the second time. declined. The new State of Israel took
buildings. In spite of the The president of the IOC, Henri de part with two athletes, but did not
difficulties of the period,
the organisation of the Baillet-Latour, had also died during the display the star of David, as the
London Games was war. He was replaced by the Swede Organising Committee wanted to avoid
Sigfrid Edström, a former athlete and aggravating the Arab-Israeli conflict.
organiser of the 1912 Games and
vice-president of the IOC since 1931. The number of women was still rising:
385 came to London to take part.
Once again the record for participation Outstanding among them was Fanny
was broken: 58 countries and 4,062 Blankers-Koen of the Netherlands who,
sportsmen and women. London was in a at the age of thirty, won four gold
precarious position, busy with rebuilding; medals (100 and 200 metres, 80 metres
there was food and clothes rationing. But hurdles and 4 x 100 metres relay).
in spite of these difficulties, the level of
organisation was very high. There were some legendary names among
Unfortunately, this was not reflected in the male competitors. In only his third
the standards of the competition; The decathlon Bob Mathias, a
aftermath of the war and post-war seventeen-year-old runner from

2 Two torches were used at 4
London, one for the last
runner and another lighter
one; both were the same
shape (2). The cauldron at
Wembley stadium was more
modest than on previous
occasions (4). The torch
travelled 3,160 km and was
carried by 1,688 runners;
for the first time, part of
the journey was by sea
(Corfu-Bari). Four stamps
of different values were
issued to commemorate the
London Games; the £1
stamp shows the goddess
Victory with an olive crown
and a portrait of King
George VI (3). The medals
(5) bore the same design as
those for previous Games.

California, won the gold medal and spirit that has always moved the British 1
On 29 July 1948, when the
obliterated his rivals. Only the and by the will to put a country back on Olympic Flame entered
magnificent performance of the Czech its feet, taking advantage of the benefits Wembley stadium carried
by the British athlete John
long-distance runner Emil Zatopek could that the Games might bring. RAF nissen Mark, the Olympic Games
hold a candle to him. His tormented huts were used to accommodate the men began again after the long,
sad hiatus caused by the
style, the grimace of pain on his face, his while the women stayed in colleges. Food Second World War.
way of clutching his sides or doubling up was provided by a daily air shuttle of
as if under an unbearable weight which basic necessities from the USA. The 2
The very young American
made it almost impossible for him to Italians brought a ton of pasta asciutta. athlete Bob Mathias
move, had the spectators in constant became one of the
outstanding figures of the
agony. Zatopek won the gold medal in London Games when he
the 10000 metres and the silver in the became Olympic decathlon
champion, well ahead of his
5000. Once again the king of the sprints rivals.
was a black athlete: Harrison Dillard of
the United States. The closing ceremony.
Sigfrid Edström, president
The Spanish delegation in London was of the IOC, hands the
Olympic flag to the mayor
made up of one hundred athletes. They of Helsinki, who was to
won another medal in the equestrian keep it until the next
Games, held in the Finnish
team jumping events, a silver this time, capital in 1952.
with a team formed by Jaime García
Cruz, José Navarro Morenés, Marcelino The Dutch athlete Fanny
Gavilán y Ponce de León. Blankers-Koen, in the final
of the 80 m hurdles (on the
far right of the
The London Games were the Games of photograph.) At thirty
austerity, only overcome by the sporting years of age, she was one of

150 1 2 3

the stars of the London Wembley Stadium was the main venue
Games. She took four gold
medals: the 100 m, the 80 for the competitions. The opening
m hurdles, the 200 m and ceremony was watched on television by
the 4 x 100 m relay.
half a million people. One of the athletes
5 who had fought in the war read the
The Jamaican athlete
Arthur Wint carried off the Olympic oath: his name was Donald
gold medal for the 400 m. Finlay and he was a wing commander in
In spite of their success in the RAF. The swimming competition was
terms of participation, no
important records were set held at the Empire Pool, which was built
at the London Games. by a private firm next to the Stadium.
6 King George VI opened the gardens of
The Hungarian László Papp Windsor for the cycling events.
was the first boxer to win a
gold medal in three
consecutive Olympic Games
(1948, 1952 and 1956)

5 6 151
Helsinki 1952
(XV Olympiad)
The poster for the Olympic
The Helsinki Games symbolised the end own request, outside the Olympic
Games of Helsinki in 1952 of the antagonism left over from the war. Village, well away from the Western teams.
was the same as the one Germany and Japan returned to the
which had been issued
twelve years earlier, for the Olympic palaestra. The USSR sent its Helsinki was the first city to have four
1940 Games, which should first official delegation; the IOC had official languages, the IOC official
have been held in the
Finnish capital. This recognised its Olympic Committee in languages, French and English and the
aspiration was frustrated by 1951. The IOC also passed a motion in two languages of the host city, Swedish
the outbreak of the Second order to allow both the People's Republic being a co-official language with Finnish.
World War. The artist,
Ilmari Sysimetsä (1912- of China and Taiwan to attend. Only the The organisers approached this aspect of
1955) wanted to pay
homage to a national hero,
former actually went, not to return until communication with great sensitivity.
the great long-distance 1984.
runner Paavo Nurmi who, The number of participants continued to
at the age of 55, carried
the Olympic Flame into the In spite of the climate of the Cold War grow and a new record for attendance
stadium during the opening -the Korean War had broken out two was set. The final figure was 5,867
ceremony. years before- Finland prepared a Games athletes. 518 of them women, and 69
distinguished by meticulous organisation national Olympic committees. The
and the cordiality among everyone members of the IOC still limited the
involved: athletes, spectators and number of sports according to the
organisers. The Finns demonstrated that principles of Coubertin; on this occasion
the success of a Games does not depend there were 17.
on the grandiosity and luxury of the
facilities but on the atmosphere among If the last lap of the Olympic torch relay
the participants. This was clear in the is customarily reserved for athletes of
fraternization between the Soviet particular distinction, this time, as
competitors and the other delegations, Finland was the host country, it had to
although the Soviets were lodged, at their be Paavo Nurmi and Hannes

2 The Olympic torch (2) was
made of silver alloy and the
handle was of birch-wood.
Two sets of stamps were
issued for the Helsinki
Games, each of two values
(3). For these Games,
commemorative coins were
minted for the first time; 5
there were two issues of the
same value (500 marks), in
silver (4). The great Finnish
athlete Hannes
Kolehmainen lit the
cauldron, amid the
enthusiasm of the public
(5). The medals bore the
design which had by then
become traditional (6).

Kolehmainen. The secret was kept until The Soviet athletes emerged from their The Czechoslovakian athlete
the last moment and when Nurmi first Olympic Games with flying colours, Emil Zatopek (on the
entered the stadium, the spectators went winning twenty-two gold medals. The US right), in the final of the
5000 m. This long-distance
wild. This national hero, who had been athletes won fourteen victories in the runner became the hero of
prevented from taking part in the 1932 twenty-four athletics events and, as usual, Helsinki. He won the 5000
and 10000 m and the
they did well in swimming, basketball Marathon. His tortured
Games by the IOC for his supposed and rowing. running style concealed
professionalism, had not been forgotten. great technical skill.
Kolehmainen lit the flame in the The outstanding performer in the men's 2
cauldron which presided over the sprint events was Harrison Dillard, who The Italian walker
Giuseppe Dordoni, winner
Olympic Stadium and it burned there won two gold medals, one in the 110 of the 50 km event, setting
from 19 July to 3 August. metres hurdles and the other in the 4 x a new Olympic record. He
beat the Czech Josef
100 metres relay. In the women's events, Dolezal (silver) and the
Like all Olympic Games, Helsinki had its Marjorie Jackson from Australia won Hungarian Antal Róka
heroes. Emil Zatopek, who was now a (bronze).
both the 100 and 200 metres. But in the
lieutenant-colonel in the Czech army, relay race, when victory was within the 3
came into full flower. He won three gold grasp of her team, the baton fell from Marjorie Jackson, of
Australia, who took the
medals and broke three Olympic records, her hands. In the decathlon the winner gold medal in the 200 m.
in the 5000 and 10000 metres and the was Bob Mathias, who had triumphed in In Helsinki a new record
was set for the number of
Marathon, an event in which he was London. After Helsinki he retired and women competitors: 518
running for the first time. But there was went into films. Joseph Barthel carried took part.
another Zatopek among the Olympic off the first gold medal for Luxembourg
champions: his wife, Dana, who won the in the 1500 metres.
gold medal for the javelin on the same
day that her husband achieved victory in
the Marathon.

154 1 2
The final of the 110 m
A French swimmer, Jean Boiteux, won In cycling Jacques Anquetil of France
hurdles. The winner of this the gold medal in the 400 metres had a disappointing run; he was later to
event, Harrison Dillard of freestyle, the first time for his country. A hold the record for victories in the Tour
the United Stales, also won
a gold medal in the 4 x curious scene took place in the final of de France. In fencing his fellow
100 m relay. the event: as Boiteux touched the wall of countryman Christian d'Oriola won the
the pool with his last stroke, his father gold medal in the individual and team
Joseph Barthel, of jumped into the water fully clothed, foil events. The Spanish athlete Angel
Luxembourg, is first across overcome by emotion, to be the first to León won the silver medal in the free
the finishing line, smiling,
in the 1500 m. This was congratulate him. The Hungarian pistol event.
Luxembourg's first ever
gold medal.
swimmer Eva Szekely was the gold
medallist in the 200 metres breaststroke;
6 her style, arms above the level of the
Undoubtedly the most
curious incident at Helsinki water, which was perfectly legal at the
concerned Gaston Boiteux, time, was the precursor of the butterfly.
who did not take part in
any event. He was the
father of the French There was a most unusual incident in the
swimmer Jean Boiteux, the boxing competition: in the heavyweight
surprise winner of the 400
m freestyle. Without a final Hayes Edward Sanders of the
second thought, and still United States beat the Swede Ingmar
wearing his beret, he leapt
into the water to be the Johansson, who was disqualified for "not
first to congratulate the giving of his best". Johansson went on to
have a professional career and become
world heavyweight champion.

3 4 155

5 6
Melbourne 1956
(XVI Olympiad)
The poster for the
It had seemed in Helsinki in 1952 that presence of a team from Taiwan. The
Melbourne Olympic Games the political conflicts which had dogged Lebanon, Egypt and Iraq also boycotted
in 1956 made a complete the Olympic movement were a thing of the Games, in their case because of the
break with those for
previous Games. Based on a the past, but this was not the case at the Anglo-French intervention in the Suez
fusion of the five Olympic XVI Olympiad. It was the first time that Canal dispute.
rings with the host city's
coat of arms, it was a the Games had been held in the
departure from the Southern Hemisphere. Australia was a All in all 67 countries took part with
symbolism which had country with a great Olympic tradition,
characterised the posters for 3,342 athletes. As on other occasions
previous Games and which had decided the IOC to award when the Games took place outside
followed the trend of
contemporary graphic
Melbourne the nomination. Another Europe, the number of participants
design, influenced by Olympic ring was to take up the dropped perceptibly. The Melbourne
abstract painting. It was challenge. It should be said, however, Games marked the beginning of the
designed by the British
artist Richard Beck. that the city had won by just a few votes sports rivalry between the Soviet Union
from Buenos Aires and that there had and the United States, which was the
been no European candidature. focus of attention in many competitions.
There were 17 sports on the official
The fifties were a thorny period in programme in 1956.
international politics. The Cold War was
approaching a climax. The recent The Games were held from 22
invasion of Hungary by Soviet troops November to 8 December -not July and
was condemned by many Western August, as had become traditional-
countries, Spain, Holland and coinciding with the Australian spring,
Switzerland withdrawing from the Games and there were two venues. The strict
in protest. Nor was that the only laws governing quarantine imposed by
flashpoint: the Suez war had increased Australia meant that the equestrian
international tension and China did not events had to be held in Stockholm. The
come to Melbourne because of the heroes in Sweden were the German

2 Two torches of the same 4
design were used at
Melbourne (2); the lighter
of the two was used for the
relays. To mark the Games
of the XVI Olympiad a set
of four stamps was issued,
with Olympic motifs and
views of Melbourne (3).
The cauldron at the
Olympic stadium in the
Olympic city, the
Melbourne Cricket Ground
(4), burned from 22 5
November to 8 December
1956. Captain Hans Wilke,
of Sweden, lit the cauldron
(5) in Stockholm, where the
equestrian events were held
in June, because of the six
month quarantine imposed
on horses entering
Australia. There was a
special poster for the
equestrian competition (6).

Hans-Günter Winkler, who rode with a Among the outstanding figures of those 1
The Brazilian Adhemar
broken rib, and the Italian brothers Piero Games was the Soviet long-distance Ferreira da Silva, executing
and Raimondo d'Inzeo, who dominated runner Vladimir Kuts, who won the 5000 one of his spectacular triple
jumps. He won the gold
the Nations Grand Prix. and 10000 metres, demonstrating that medal in Melbourne, as he
Soviet athletics was alive and well. Two had in Helsinki four years
The athletics events were contested in a notable figures from the US team were
vast stadium, the Melbourne cricket the sprinter Robert Morrow in the 100 2
ground, which held 110,000. The and 200 metres and the 4 x 100 metres The German rider
Hans-Günther Winkler
Olympic Park swimming pool, built relay and the pole-vaulter Bob Richards. took the gold medal in the
specially for the Olympic competition, The Marathon was won by Alain individual jumping event in
Stockholm, where the
was elegant and extremely comfortable Mimoun who, in the twilight of his equestrian events were held,
for the public, who had high hopes for sporting career, finally wrote his name in in spite of competing with
an injury.
their swimming team. The Olympic the annals of the event after three
Village consisted of 841 small huts with successive attempts at previous Games. 3
a very cosy atmosphere. This time all the The Czech discus champion
Olga Fikotova, together
athletes lived there, with no exceptions. Romantic interest was provided by with the hammer champion
Harold Connolly of the USA and Olga Harold Connolly of the
United States, provided the
At the closing ceremony there was a Fikotova of Czechoslovakia, who fell in romantic touch in
novelty, the result of a suggestion by a love during the Games. He won the gold Melbourne. One year after
the Games they were
Chinese schoolboy: the sportsmen and medal in the hammer and she in the married in Prague after
women all paraded together, with no discus. A year later, having overcome overcoming a variety of
grouping in teams and no flags. This various political obstacles, they were political obstacles.
informal close has been incorporated into married in Prague.
all subsequent Games.
The Australian swimmers did not
disappoint their public and won five of

158 1 2 3
Bob Richards of the United
the seven finals in which they took part.
States, training for the pole Dawn Fraser won the women's 100
vault in the Melbourne metres freestyle; Murray Rose won the
Olympic Village. Unlike in
Helsinki, the Soviet athletes men's 400 and 1500 metres freestyle. In
also stayed in the village, the 100 metres freestyle events the
in spite of serious
international political Australians won all six medals.
The final of the water polo competition
Unquestionably one of the between the USSR and Hungary
outstanding figures at provoked serious incidents in the pool.
Melbourne was the
Ukrainian long-distance Vyacheslav Ivanov was outstanding in
runner Vladimir Kuts, rowing, establishing a domination in the
winner of the 5000 and
10000 m. His great rival, sculls that was to last for many years. In
the British athlete Gordon hockey India finally met a rival of its
Pirie (directly behind the own calibre, neighbouring Pakistan.
Soviet athlete in the
photograph), took the silver
medal in the 5000 m. The holding of the Games in the
6 southern hemisphere and on a new
The Indian team won the continent was a great success for the
gold medal for hockey,
beating Pakistan 1-0. The Olympic Movement. The technical
captain of the winning team improvements in all the sports and the
salutes the crowd from the records (eighteen Olympic records and
podium on 6 December 1956.
two world records were broken) ushered
in the new era of sport.

4 5 6
Rome 1960
(XVII Olympiad)
Armando Testa, born in
The city which had been the heart of an opening, 300,000 people gathered in St
Turin in 1917, won the empire which was split in two when Peter's Square in the Vatican. Athletes,
competition for the official Theodosius I abolished the Olympic officials and spectators mingled with the
poster for the Rome Games
in I960. Testa managed to Games of antiquity, prepared itself to people of Rome to listen to the speech of
give artistic expression to host the Games of the XVII Olympiad. welcome by Pope John XXIII. At the
one of the main themes laid There was a new record for the number
down for the competition: opening ceremony all the bells of the city
the union between Olympic of countries entered (84) but not pealed when the president of the
sport and Rome. It includes participants (5,396). The 610 women Republic declared the Games open.
the wolf of the Capitoline
hill, which was the official now accounted for more than ten per
symbol of the Games. The cent of the total. The Rome Games were It is difficult to single out one man or
success of this poster can
be attributed to its thus a truly universal event, even more woman from the five thousand who took
suggestion of the reunion of so because of the hundred television part; so many of them shone. One
the two Romes: ancient
Rome, which saw the networks which broadcast the notable performance was by the
abolition of the ancient competitions. Ethiopian Abebe Bikila in the Marathon:
Games, and modern Rome, he was the first to pass beneath the Arch
site of the Games of the
XVII Olympiad in 1960. 1,567 years after Theodosius' edict, of Constantine after running the 42
Rome organised Games which were kilometres barefoot. That was the
artistically superb. Naples shared the beginning of African domination in the
honours by hosting the yachting long distance events. Wilma Rudolph of
competitions. Besides the Marmori the United States, "the black gazelle",
Stadium with its imposing white statues won the 100 and 200 metres and ran in
of the 60 sporting disciplines, the Italian the victorious team in the 4 x 100
capital provided other competition metres relay. The greatness of this
venues: the Baths of Caracalla for achievement is even more striking if we
gymnastics, the Basilica of Maxentius for bear in mind that she had suffered from
wrestling. Lake Albano for rowing and a polio as a little girl. The gold medal in
new sports palace for boxing. Before the the men's long jump went to Ralph

2 The torch for Rome (2), 4
conceived by Professor
Maiure and his team at the
National Archaeological
Museum in Naples, was
inspired by designs on
ancient ceramics. On the
occasion of the Games a set
of stamps was issued
showing the new sports
facilities, ancient Roman
monuments (3) and
classical sculptures of
athletes (5). The official
medal was the same as at
previous Games (4). There
were no special coins, but
commemorative medals 5
were minted (6).

Boston, also from the USA, who broke The anthems of the two countries were 1
The Ethiopian athlete Abebe
Jesse Owens' Olympic record. In the replaced by Beethoven's Ode to Joy. The Bikila runs barefoot
men's 100 metres Armin Hary of differences between the IOC and the through the streets of
Rome. After winning the
Germany won the gold medal, bringing it nationalist China of Taiwan also became Marathon it was discovered
back to Europe for the first time since patent; the Olympic organisation obliged that it was only the third
time he had run this
Paris in 1924. them to parade under the name of distance. In Tokyo, four
Formosa, despite the protests of the years later, he repeated his
Death carried off a competitor during Taiwanese competitors. At the parade at triumph, but this time
wearing running shoes.
one event: the Danish cyclist Knud the opening ceremony they hung a notice
Enemark succumbed to the effect of the beneath the name Formosa which read 2
The Soviet gymnast Larisa
stimulants he had taken in the 100 "By imposition". Latinina achieved great
kilometre team time trial. This success in Rome, winning
three gold medals, two
unfortunate incident led the organisers of At the Rome Games a legend of the ring silver and one bronze.
future Games to pay more attention to was bom: Cassius Clay, who beat the During her career she won
Pole Zbigniew Pietrzykowski in the nine gold medals, five silver
drug tests. and four bronze. The Soviet
light-heavyweight final. In hockey the gymnasts dominated the
Explosive incidents were not lacking in Spanish team managed to win a bronze Rome games.
either sport or politics. The problem of medal. Pakistan won the tournament, 3
the two Germanies loomed over all relegating India to second place. In one The South African team,
without any black athletes,
international forums. The IOC found an of the swimming events the victory was in the opening procession.
equitable solution, however. All the awarded to a swimmer who, when the It was to be the last time
this country took part in
German athletes were integrated into a film was shown, turned out not to have the Olympic Games until it
single team with one uniform and one been the first to finish. Since then was readmitted by the IOC
flag, red and yellow with black edges, electronic time-keeping has become in 1991.
common to the two states, but with the standard at all Olympic events. The
five Olympic rings in white in the centre. Australians once again displayed their
superiority in this sport.

162 1 2 3

The Soviet sisters Tamara
As is usual with the host nation, Italy
and Irina Press. Tamara emerged with honour: thirteen medals in
(right) came first in the all. The Italian public entered fully into
shot put and second in the
discus; Irina won the 80 m the Olympic festivities. At the closing
hurdles. ceremony, during the final parade, the
crowd lit matches and lighters, creating a
Ralph Boston, of the United most moving atmosphere.
States, broke the Olympic
long jump record, beating
the legendary jump by Jesse
Owens in Berlin.
Cassius Clay on the
podium after taking the
light heavyweight title.
Aerial view of the Rome
Olympic stadium
The lithe and agile Wilma
Rudolph, the black gazelle,
during a race.

5 6 8 163

Tokyo 1964
(XVIII Olympiad)
The many advances
Tokyo was meant to have organised the Palau Sant Jordi. The Olympic stadium
available to sport in Tokyo Games in 1940, the 26th centenary of was renovated and Tokyo provided a
made these Games the first the foundation of Japan, but had Village for the journalists for the first
at which technology played
a major role. As far as withdrawn because of the Sino-Japanese time. The athletes' village was a model
architecture -and even town war of 1936. In the end, those Olympic of Japanese hospitality and style: small
planning- were concerned, Games were never held because of the chalets with gardens linked by broad
the Japanese far surpassed
what had been achieved at outbreak of the Second World War. paths lined with flowers.
previous Games. The simple
and straightforward official
poster for the Tokyo With the organisation of the Games in Once again the record for participation
Games, by Uusaki 1964, the Japanese did not want to let was broken: 94 countries and 5,586
Kemejura, also reflects the
renewal, modernisation and slip an opportunity of showing the athletes. New African nations joined the
opening to the outside Western world the progress they had Olympic celebration. However there were
world which the Tokyo two notable absences: South Africa,
Games implied for Japanese made since their defeat at the hands of
society. the allied armies in 1945. banned for its racist policy, and China,
which refused to attend as long as
The Japanese city underwent a thorough Taiwan was still among the participants.
transformation to host the Games of the The international situation was hardly
XVIII Olympiad. The architect Kenzo encouraging. China had just exploded its
Tange and his team designed an indoor first atom bomb and tensions between
swimming pool, a sports palace and a China and the Soviet Union were
hall for judo, which were warmly praised spiralling. The missile crisis between
by the European and American visitors. Cuba and the USA had flared up not
One member of that team was a young long before and war was breaking out in
architect called Arata Isozaki, who was Vietnam. Tokyo was to be the last time
later to be the designer of one of the until reunification that the two
emblematic buildings of the Olympic Germanies would take part under a
Ring for the 1992 Barcelona Games: the single flag.

2 4
The torch for Tokyo (2),
made of stainless steel, was
very simple. Yoshinori
Sakai, nineteen years of age
and born in Hiroshima on
the day the atomic bomb
was dropped, was chosen to
light the flame (3). For
these Games special coins
of 100 and 1000 yen were
minted (4). Commemorative
stamps were also issued (5).

The most moving event at the Tokyo formed among the medal winners. Ann The national stadium, the
Games was the entry into the stadium Packer, who won the gold in the 800 scene of the main events at
during the opening ceremony of metres, married her British team-mate the Tokyo Olympic Games.
Yoshinori Sakai, nineteen years old, who Robbie Brightwell, who won a silver 2
had been born in Hiroshima on the day medal in the 4 x 400 metres relay. The Soviet high jumper
Valeri Brumel clears the
that the city was destroyed by the atomic bar at 2.18 m; this jump
bomb. The gesture had a double The most brilliant page was written by won him the gold medal.
the sprinter Bob Hayes from the USA. In Brumel was the last great
significance: Japan wished to show that it high jumper to use the
had risen from the ashes and that it the 100 metres he won the gold medal belly-flop technique.
sought international reconciliation. Just and set a new world record at 10 seconds 3
before, a squadron of planes had drawn flat. It should be remembered that in Bob Hayes, of the United
the five Olympic rings in their colours in Tokyo the event was run on a cinder States, crosses the finishing
line in the 4 x 100 m relay.
the sky. track and at sea level. Hayes also won the 100 m,
with a time of 10.0
seconds, thus equalling the
The Ethiopian Abebe Bikila won the As usual there were some strange world record and setting a
Marathon for the second time; this time, incidents at the Games. The Soviet new Olympic record.
however, wearing shoes. In the pole vault weightlifter Alexei Vakhonin celebrated 4
the fibreglass pole was used for the first his victory in the 56 kilogram category Final of the 1500 m. The
time. The new technique had no effect with a display of strength: he lifted the winner of this event, the
New Zealander Peter Snell,
on the supremacy of the United States barbells while standing on one leg. also came first in the 800
and Fred Hansen won his country's Another outstanding figure was the m.
fifteenth consecutive victory in the event. discus thrower Al Oerter, who won his 5
third gold medal in a row in spite of The American pole vaulter
Peter Snell won the middle distances, having dislocated his neck. He was to Fred Hansen broke the
record with a jump of 5.10
800 and 1500 metres. As at the win yet again in Mexico, thus retaining a m. Fibreglass poles were
Melbourne Games, a new couple was crown that no-one else has ever been used for the first time in
the Olympic Games.

166 1 3 5

2 4
6 able to keep for so long. In the high By the end the USSR had won the
Dawn Fraser, of Australia,
was the first woman to jump Valeri Brumel of the Soviet Union largest number of medals. In second and
swim the 100 m freestyle in was the victor; he was the supreme third places were the USA and Japan.
under one minute. This was
her third victory in the exponent of the straddle style. A new But the most important thing was that
same event at consecutive star rose in boxing: Joe Frazier. The athletes from 42 countries won medals.
Olympic Games. fights between him and Cassius Clay
7 reached epic proportions in the seventies. The Games were becoming truly
The men's athletics in In swimming Dawn Fraser won her third international in terms of results.
Tokyo was dominated by
the United States, even in Olympic medal at the age of
the long-distance events. A twenty-seven in the 100 metres freestyle.
surprise came in the 10000
m, when Billy Mills, a And in under a minute. This was the
Sioux Indian from South first time that a woman had equalled
Dakota, won unexpectedly. Johnny Weissmuller's feat in 1922 and
8 she was the only woman swimmer to
The Dutchman Antonius carry off the prize for the same event at
Geesink beat the Japanese
Akio Kaminaga in the judo three consecutive Games.
final. It was said that the
result caused a number of
suicides in Japan. The Japanese met with a great
disappointment in their national sport,
judo. Undisputed masters of the
discipline, they saw their idol Akio
Kaminaga, the favourite in the open
category, defeated by Antonius Geesink
of the Netherlands.

6 8 167

Mexico City 1968
(XIX Olympiad)
1 In 1968 the world was still racked by sea level) would have on performance. In
The striking poster for the
Mexico Olympic Games regional conflicts, whether wars or fact, the height favoured short intense
was created by the president political and social disturbances. It was bursts of effort, under two minutes, while
of the Organising
Committee of the Games, the year of the assassination of Martin more sustained ones were more difficult.
the Mexican architect Luther King and Robert Kennedy. Soviet But the teams of the great powers
Pedro Ramirez Vázquez, tanks had entered Czechoslovakia and managed to prepare well beforehand at
Eduardo Terrazas, also
from Mexico, and the put an end to the Prague Spring. France venues located at similar altitudes. In
American Lance Wyman.
From the pop art school,
was in turmoil with the workers' and spite of the fears, the Mexico City
the poster has another very students' movements in the famous May Games closed with seventeen world
unusual characteristic: it is of 68. which inspired students around records and twenty-nine new Olympic
square. The world was
going through a period of the world. Ten days before the Games, records.
upheaval and the Games on the orders of President Díaz Ordaz,
were not lacking in incident the army brutally crushed a The Games opened on 12 October and
either. Nevertheless, the
organisers managed to demonstration of thousands of students closed fifteen days later. The competitors
provide a few original
touches, notably in the field
in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in numbered 6,626, of whom 781 were
of visual communication. Mexico City, causing thirty deaths women, from 113 countries. Gender
according to official figures and over controls were carried out for the first
three hundred according to eyewitnesses. time.

Mexico City had been chosen to host the The Mexico City Games are also
Games at the IOC assembly in remembered for several notable events.
Baden-Baden in Germany in 1963, where The first was at the opening ceremony
for the first time each candidature was itself, where Enriqueta Basilio was the
present with a promotional stand. first woman to light the Olympic flame.
For the first time the two Germanies
The question that was raised was what sent separate delegations. The most
effect the altitude (2,250 metres above impressive sporting feat, without any

The Mexico torch (2) 4
weighed 780 g and
measured 52.3 cm. In 1965
Mexico issued a set of
stamps devoted to the 1968
Games, with pre-Columbian
motifs (3). A Mexican
athlete, Enriqueta Basilio,
lit the flame in the
cauldron (4); the first
woman to do so. To mark
the Games a special coin
was minted (5) and several
sets of stamps were issued; 5
the 5 pesos (6) showed the
logos of the Olympic sports.

doubt, was that of the athlete Bob The black athletes from the States were 1
This is doubtlessly the
Beamon, who set a record of 8.90 metres in the news for an act of racial defiance sporting moment of the
in the long jump, which stood for rather than for their performances. At Mexico Olympic Games:
Bob Beamon of the United
twenty-three years. the medals ceremony, Tommie Smith States jumped 8.90 m in
and John Carlos, gold and bronze medal the long jump. This record
was not to be broken for
Another athlete from the States roused winners in the 200 metres, raised their another twenty-three years.
the Olympic Stadium with a jump, this clenched fists in black gloves and bowed
time the high jump. Dick Fosbury their heads when the national anthem of 2
At Mexico the American
carried off the gold by jumping the bar their country was played in an act of high-jumper Dick Fosbury
backwards, head first and back parallel protest against the racial tension that was introduced a revolutionary
style -which was
to the ground. A new style had been prevalent in the United States. Their immediately adopted by the
born and was baptised with the athlete's attitude led to their expulsion from the great majority of
high-jumpers- with which
name: the Fosbury flop. It was possible Olympic Village. The sprinters in the 4 x he won the gold medal.
thanks to the introduction of latex mats 400 metres relay also stood on the
to break the fall. In the 100 metres Jim podium wearing black berets and gave 3
The black Americans
Hines won the gold medal with a time of the black power salute, but when the Tommie Smith and John
9.95 seconds, a new Olympic record. Al anthem was played they stood to attention. Carlos, first and third in
the 200 m, raise clenched
Oerter won the gold medal for the fourth fists and lower their heads
time in the same event: the discus. Only The height favoured some of the African on the podium while the
American national anthem
Victor Sanejev of the Soviet Union in long distance runners, who were is played: in this way they
the triple jump, Gyula Zsivotsky of accustomed to running in similar sought to protest before the
whole world about the
Hungary in the hammer and Janis Lusis, conditions. Naftali Temu from Kenya racial tension which existed
also of the Soviet Union, in the javelin, won the 10000 metres. Mohamed in the United States.
managed to break US domination in the Gammoudi from Tunisia won the gold in 4
athletics events. the 5000 metres and the bronze in the The Czech gymnast Vera
10000 metres, while another Kenyan, Cáslavská, "the sweetheart
of Mexico", won four gold
Kip Keino, won gold medal in the 1500

170 1 2 4

and two silver medals. That
was two months after the and the silver in the 5000. In the 3000 on the podium. That was two months
Soviet tanks had entered metres steeplechase the winner was also a after the Prague Spring.
Prague. Kenyan, Amos Biwott, who two months
5 earlier had not been aware that it was an In the exhibition sports, Santana and
The Mexico Olympic obstacle race. Orantes dominated the singles in the
Games were the fourth in
which Al Oerter, the great tennis event, winning the gold and silver
American discus thrower, Colette Besson of France won the 400 medals, and were runners-up in the
competed. Oerter achieved
what had seemed metres and Wyomia Tyus of the USA doubles.
impossible: he won a fourth won the gold medal in the 100 metres
gold medal. for the second time, after Tokyo.
The altitude of Mexico City There were new events in the swimming
-2,250 m above sea level-
was favourable to events competition, four for men and six for
involving quick bursts of women. The swimmers from the States
energy, but a disadvantage
for those involving once again demonstrated their mastery in
sustained effort. This the water. The Mexican public watched
explains the avalanche of one of their own sportsmen, Felipe
records -as some
remarked- more appropriate Muñoz, "El Tibio", take his place on the
to the twenty-first century podium to collect the gold medal for the
than to the year 1968.
200 metres breaststroke.
At 12.51 on 12 October
1968, Enriqueta Basilio Gymnastics consolidated its position as
strode into the Aztec the third most important Olympic sport
stadium. The photograph in Mexico City. The Czech Vera
shows her climbing the
steps of the central tower to Caslavska won four gold and two silver
light the flame in the medals, in spite of the competition from
the Soviets, who completely ignored her

5 6 171

Munich 1972
(XX Olympiad)
Of the 2,333 entries for the
The Bavarians used the old Munich events. Munich had the first Olympic
competition for the official airport, the Obenweissenfeld, to build the mascot, Waldi the dachshund.
poster for the Munich 1972 Olympic facilities. The silhouette of the
Olympic Games, the winner
was the one designed by the Olympic Stadium with the translucent A week before the opening, the IOC
German graphic artist Otl plastic suspended roof has passed into decided to withdraw the invitation to
H. Aicher, born in Ulm in
1922. It is a work of great the annals of the history of sports Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in view of the
formal refinement, which architecture. The organisers built a sports boycott announced by several African
plays with the transparency hall and a swimming pool. An Olympic countries against the racist regime of the
of the suspended roof of the
Olympic stadium and the Village for 12,000 athletes was built former British colony. Other countries
adjacent buildings, and the around the venues along with a press absent from the Games were Libya,
silhouette of the
communications tower, in centre for 4,000 journalists, equipped in Jordan, South Africa and China.
the background. great comfort and with unprecedented
data-processing resources. The special The German sprinter Heidi Schüller,
correspondents had a central computer twenty-two years old, swore the Olympic
with sixty terminals to gather and order oath, the first time that a woman had
the data. Sixty television networks done so at a Summer Games. For the
relayed live pictures of the competitions, last lap of the torch relay the bearer was
filmed by a hundred colour cameras. Günther Zahn, accompanied by four
And the 7,894 athletes who entered from athletes from other countries as a symbol
122 countries set a new record for of the union of the five continents.
The Munich Games included 21 sports.
The city lavished resources on the Water skiing and badminton were
Games. They built a subway and demonstration sports and archery, absent
extended the airport. Also, as was the since 1920, returned to the official
custom, they organised an interesting programme. So did judo, omitted since
programme of artistic and cultural Tokyo in 1964, and handball, which had

2 4
The Munich torch (2) was
made by the Krupp
company, as was the one
for the Berlin Games in
1936. It was of stainless
steel and contained a liquid
gas cartridge which enabled
it to burn for 20 minutes.
The German Günther Zahn, 5
who lit the flame in the
cauldron with the torch (3),
entered the Olympic
stadium escorted by four
athletes representing the
other four continents:
Africa, America, Asia and
Oceania. For the first time,
the Olympic Games had an
official mascot; it proved to
be a very effective
communications and
commercial element. At 6
Munich, the mascot was
Waldi (4), a friendly
dachshund. Outstanding
amongst the stamps issued
for the Games of the XX
Olympiad was a block of
various values, each
representing one of the 7
main Olympic facilities (5).
They also appear on the
commemorative coins (6).
The medals awarded at
Munich had a very stylized
design (7).
only appeared once before, in 1936. 200 metres, and the West Germans Heidi 1
The Olympic sports
Before the opening of the Games, Avery Rosendahl, gold medallist in the long facilities built on the site of
Brundage, now eighty-five, left the jump, and Ulrike Meyfarth who, at the the city's old airport, the
Obenweissenfeld, were of
presidency of the IOC in the hands of age of sixteen, beat the world high jump admirable architectural
Lord Killanin. record with 1.92 metres. The East quality; especially notable
was the Olympic stadium
German Wolfgang Nordwig was the first with its plastic canopy.
A new Finnish runner also appeared at athlete not from the United States to win
Munich: Lasse Viren, who won a double the gold medal for the pole vault. 2
The Soviet runner Valeri
in the 5000 and 10000 metres. The Borzov (in lane 5) broke
USSR won two golds in the sprints, In basketball the USSR took the gold the supremacy of the
United States in the sprint
thanks to Valeri Borzov, considered to from the USA with a controversial events by winning the 100
have the ideal physique for a sprinter. basket in the last three seconds, when the and 200 m. The USSR and
the United States, great
US team were celebrating their victory in rivals at the Munich
But the laurels this time were reserved the belief that the match was over. They Olympic Games, won 101
for a swimmer, Mark Spitz from were in such a huff that they did not go medals (50 golds) and 91
(33 golds) respectively.
California. He won four gold medals in to collect the silver medal.
individual events and three in relays: 3
The famous Soviet
seven medals altogether and seven The Spanish team won a bronze medal weightlifter Vassili
Olympic records. in boxing: Rodríguez Cal in the light Alekseyev celebrates a good
lift. Alekseyev dominated
flyweight. The long distance runner Super Heavyweight
The Soviet gymnasts Olga Korbut and Mariano Haro came fourth in the 10000 weightlifting during the
Ludmila Turitscheva captivated the metres. There was a notable Spanish seventies.
spectators and audiences around the participant at the Games: Prince Juan
world by their skill on the mat and the Carlos, a member of the yachting team.
apparatus. In athletics the outstanding
women were the East German sprinter But Munich was the most dramatic
Renate Stecher, winner of the 100 and Games in history. At the height of the

174 1 2
The American swimmer
competition, a Palestinian commando When the Games closed everyone felt
Mark Spitz was the belonging to the terrorist organisation that, in spite of the tragic events, Munich
indisputable star of Black September kidnapped part of the had been a milestone in the history of
Munich. He won seven
medals (four of them in Israeli delegation inside the Olympic the Olympic movement. Fine facilities,
individual events), and Village itself. They demanded the release record participation, first rate electronic
broke seven world records.
of two hundred prisoners of the Israeli and technical resources and a large
5 government led by Golda Meir in television audience had pointed the way
Closing ceremony at the exchange for the hostages, but Israel for future Games.
Munich stadium. The high
standards reached, the refused to meet their demands.
record number of Negotiations bore no fruit and the
participants and the
technical resources incident ended in a bloody shoot-out at
employed made the Munich the airport. The final result of the
Games -in spite of the
tragic massacre of Israeli tragedy was seventeen dead: eleven
athletes by Palestinian Israeli athletes (two of whom had already
terrorists- a point of been killed at the Olympic Village), five
reference for future
Olympic Games. of the eight terrorists and a German
policeman. Israel demanded the closure
The Soviet gymnast of the Games, but they continued after
Ludmila Turischeva on the the funerals: in all, a twenty-four hour
balance beam. Ludmila and
her team-mate Olga Korbut adjournment. In addition to Israel,
enchanted everyone in the Egypt, Syria and Kuwait decided to
gymnastics events at the withdraw.
Munich Games.

3 4 6 175

Montreal 1976
(XXI Olympiad)
The official poster for the
The Montreal Olympic Games suffered Games was one and the same: the
Games of the XXI the first block boycott by a group of the mayor, Jean Drapeau. The city took
Olympiad in Montreal was National Olympic Committees which are advantage of the Games to carry out
notable for its simplicity
and even austerity; the members of the IOC. The presence of extensive redevelopment, with no support
Olympic rings -symbol of New Zealand provoked the withdrawal of from either the central government or
the five continents and the twenty-seven countries from the African the province of Quebec. They built a
union of nations through
sport-are the only feature. continent after the delegations had subway, a new airport, opened new
The rings fade into the arrived in Canada. The reason was that a accesses to the motorways and made a
white background; a visual
device which gives the New Zealand rugby team had toured new city underground with warm,
poster a certain kinetic South Africa. Only the Ivory Coast and comfortable shops and other commercial
dimension. It was designed
by Ernst Roch and Rolf Senegal did not join in. Some African premises, a desirable amenity in a
Harder, members of the athletes even asked the IOC if they could country where winter does not encourage
graphic design team headed
by Georges Huel and
take part individually, but the Olympic a stroll down the road. The Olympic
Pierre- Yves Pelletier. organisation was unable to meet their Village, the stadium, the velodrome and
request. In addition, the prime minister several sports halls were also built by the
of Canada, Pierre Trudeau, opposed the City Council. The organisers faced two
participation of Taiwan in the Games if major problems: the increase in costs,
it did so using the name of China. The which had originally been estimated at
athletes and officials of the island 310 million Canadian dollars and which
therefore also withdrew from the finally rose to 1,500 million, and the
competition. labour conflicts with the building unions
which threatened strikes unless their
Montreal had held a universal exhibition members were given a wage increase.
in 1967, the same year that the capital of
Quebec had won the Olympic Finally, on 17 July 1976, the opening
nomination in Teheran. The force behind ceremony of the Games of the XXI
the exhibition and the 1976 Olympic Olympiad was held. Two young athletes,

2 The Montreal torch (2), 4
conceived by Georges Huel
and Michel Dall, was of
aluminium and was fuelled
by olive oil, treated in a
special way to enable it to
withstand the wind and the
rain. The Canadian postal
service issued several sets of
stamps to celebrate the
event, and of special
interest are those which
show statues of athletes (3).
The medals which were
awarded were specific to
each sport (4). The torch
covered some of its journey
by canoe, on horseback and 5
by bicycle (5). Canada
minted 31 coins to mark
the Games (6). A beaver
(famous for its patient and
hard-working nature) called
Amik, was the official
mascot (7).

3 7
a boy and a girl, carried the torch on the and Munich, which lit up his adversary's 1
The stadium in Montreal,
last lap of the relay and lit the flame in touch light at a distance. on 17 July 1976. The last
the cauldron. They symbolised the minute boycott by the
African countries did not
brotherhood of the two language The star of the Games was the detract from the opening
communities in Quebec: the French and Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci. At ceremony of the Games of
the XXI Olympiad, which
English speakers. Queen Elizabeth of the age of fourteen, 1.53 metres tall and were presided over by
England (whose daughter Anne had weighing 39 kilograms, she was the Queen Elizabeth II.
entered as a competitor) declared the precursor of a new style in gymnastics. 2
Games open in both languages, thereby Comaneci had been entering for The Cuban Alberto
recognising the importance of the two competitions since she was twelve. She Juantorena (217), winner of
the 800 m final. He was
language communities. 6,189 athletes, of not only won five medals -three of them also the winner of the 400
whom 1,251 were women, from 88 gold- but brought up two tens on the m, an unprecedented
achievement in the history
countries came to Montreal. Scoreboard with her performance, a score of the Olympic Games.
which judges have always been most
Exhaustive drug tests were carried out at reluctant to give in competitions. The 3
Heidi Rosendahl, of West
the Games: 1,500 in fifteen days by an swimming pool was also the scene of Germany won the gold
integrated, automatic system. Some great deeds of prowess. Kornelia Ender medal in the long jump.
athletes who had taken one of the ninety of East Germany broke the record for
pharmaceutical products banned by the the 100 metres freestyle, making her
IOC were stripped of their medals. A country's supremacy patent. In the men's
rather unsporting detail in the fencing events John Naber and James
event of the modern pentathlon was the Montgomery from the USA were
discovery of an electric device on the outstanding. Montgomery broke the 50
pommel of the epee of the Soviet second barrier in the 100 metres
pentathlete Boris Onischtschenko, who freestyle. Between them and the rest of
had been silver medallist in Mexico City

178 1 2
Nadia Comaneci, on the
the team they carried off twenty-seven of The Spanish delegation won two silver
beam. The lithe and the thirty-nine medals at stake. medals: in yachting in the 470 class,
extremely young Romanian thanks to Antonio Gorostegui and Pere
girl, creator of a new style
of gymnastics, was the first In athletics a new figure emerged: the Lluís Millet, and in canoeing, in the K-4
athlete ever to be awarded Cuban Alberto Juantorena, "El Caballo", 1000 metres, with a team made up of
the maximum of 10 points. Luis Gregorio Ramos Misioné, Herminio
Comaneci was the who won the 400 and 800 metres, a feat
unquestioned star of the which no other runner has equalled. But Menéndez, José Esteban Celorrio and
Montreal Games. other winners must not be forgotten: José Díaz Flor.
5 Edwin Moses in the 400 metres hurdles;
The Finnish athlete Lasse the discus thrower Mac Wilkins; the
Viren, winning the 5000 m
in front of the New Hungarian javelin thrower Miklos
Zealander Dick Quax and Nemeth; the Polish runner Irena
the West German
Klaus-Peter Hildenbrand. Szewinska, who won the gold medal for
Viren also won the 10000 the 400 metres at her fourth Olympic
m gold medal. Games; Lasse Viren from Finland,
6 winner of the 5000 and 10000 metres;
The last relay of the the Cuban boxer Teófílo Stevenson,
Olympic torch. Two
Canadian athletes, a young winner of the gold in the heavyweight
French-speaking man and a category; or Bruce Jenner of the USA,
young English-speaking
woman, were to light the the decathlon champion. In basketball
flame in the cauldron; a the US team won the gold medal in
symbol of the Olympic revenge for their humiliation at Munich.
desire for harmony.
The surprise winners of the hockey
competition were the New Zealand team.
The sport was played on artificial turf
for the first time.

3 4 5 179

Moscow 1980
(XXII Olympiad)
Of the 26,000 entries from
At the 75th Session of the IOC in ones. Spain, which did not join the
8,500 designers, Vladimir Vienna in October 1974 the Moscow boycott either, paraded under a white
Arsentiev's effort was
chosen as the official poster
candidature was chosen for the Games of flag with the shield of the Spanish
of the 1980 Moscow the XXII Olympiad. For the first time Olympic Committee. The other countries
Games. Born in 1951 in the Games were to be held in an Eastern of Western Europe marched with a
Guriev, Kazakhstan,
Arsentiev studied at the bloc country. But the choice, years later, placard bearing their name behind the
Faculty of Applied Arts in had serious repercussions for the Olympic flag. Naturally, participation in
Rezekne in Latvia. The organisers. Moscow was smaller than at earlier Games.
work is highly schematic in
conception, employing In the Soviet capital 81 national Olympic
geometric patterns: it
represents the five Olympic
On 20 January 1980, the president of the committees entered with a total of 5,923
rings and the lane USA, Jimmy Carter, announced his athletes. The Olympic truce, which had
markings of an athletics country's decision to boycott the Moscow been a feature of classical Greece, was
track which converge on a
five-pointed red star. Games unless Soviet troops withdrew ignored once again.
from Afghanistan within a month. The
decision, taken in election year with the The opening ceremony was spectacular
support of 85% of the population, found and lasted over four hours. Six thousand
an echo in other countries, such as the soldiers with coloured scarves composed
Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, highly artistic patterns on the grass.
China -whose national Olympic Sergei Belov, the basketball player who
committee had been recognised by the had won the gold for the USSR in
IOC the year before, along with that of Munich with the controversial last
Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)–, Canada and basket, lit the Olympic flame. To reduce
Kenya. Thirty-eight countries were absent the impact of the boycott to a minimum,
in all. Others, such as Great Britain, the organisers paid for the travel and
Italy, Australia and France took part in accommodation of the representatives of
the parade without their flag or anthem, various African and South American
for which they substituted the Olympic countries.


The Moscow torch (2) was 4

conceived by a group of
Leningrad engineers led by
Bon's Tuchin and was made
of aluminium alloy. The
series of commemorative
coins minted on the
occasion of the Games was
the largest and most varied
issued by any Olympic host
country until then (3). The
bear Misha (4), the mascot
of the 1980 Games, was by
Viktor Tshichikov. Viktor
Soneiev was the last athlete
in the Olympic torch relay
and the basketball player
Sergei Belov was chosen to
light the great cauldron in
the stadium (5). The USSR 5
was also the country to
issue the largest number of
stamps on the occasion of
the Games (6).

Three days before the opening Juan Sebastian Coe and Steve Ovett. Coe won 1
The opening ceremony of
Antonio Samaranch was chosen as the the gold for the 1500 metres and Ovett the Moscow Olympic
new president of the IOC. That was on the 800. Another British athlete, Allan Games was then the most
spectacular ever staged. The
16 July 1980. Born in Barcelona, a Wells, won the 100 metres, but Pietro absence of 38 of the
member of the IOC since 1966 and Mennea of Italy beat him into second countries who had
originally entered did not
ambassador to the USSR at the time, he place in the 200 metres. Another detract from the sporting
replaced the diplomat Lord Killanin, who sensational performance at the Moscow achievements of the
had been president of the Olympic competitors.
stadium was by the Ethiopian Miruts
organisation for eight years. Yifter who, at the age of thirty-seven 2
won the gold medal in the 5000 and The Soviet gymnast Nelli
Kim, who had been
Without the United States and other 10000 metres. Without the opposition of Comaneci's great rival in
Western countries the Games were West Germany or the USA, Daley Montreal in the floor
exercises. At the Moscow
dominated by the Soviets and East Thompson of Britain had no difficulty Games, the two athletes
Germans, particularly in the swimming winning the decathlon with 8,495 points, shared the gold medal for
this event.
events. Vladimir Salnikov won three gold far behind his own personal best of 8,743.
medals. Barbara Krause of East Germany 3
was the first woman to swim the 100 Nadia Comaneci, who no longer had the Miruts Yifter, during a
race. This Ethiopian
metres freestyle in under 55 seconds and childish figure that had captured the athlete's thirty-seven years
her fellow countrywoman Rica Reinisch limelight at Montreal, won two gold of age did not prevent him
from winning the gold
won three golds. There was one Soviet medals and two silvers despite the medal in the 5000 m and
hero, the gymnastics teacher Alexander pressure of being the focus of everyone's 10000 m.
Ditjatin, who won a total of eight medals. attention. In Moscow a new star 4
appeared, a formidable young gymnast: The British athlete Daley
On the track Soviet and East German Nelli Kim of the Soviet Union, who won Thompson came first in the
decathlon, although without
domination was broken by a British duel the gold for the floor exercises. approaching his best
between the long distance runners performance. In 1984 in
Los Angeles, he was to
repeat his triumph.

182 1 2 3
The Soviet swimmer
The 1980 Games were marked by the were the best Spanish performance at
Vladimir Salnikov won the favouritism of the referees and the use of any Olympic Games.
400 m, the 1500 m freestyle stimulants and anabolics by many
and the 4 x 200 m freestyle.
athletes. Later analyses showed that 15% The Games mascot, the bear Misha, was
6 of the athletes tested had taken reproduced everywhere. On 3 August the
The figure of Misha the
bear appeared in the stands testosterone or some other product Olympic flame was quenched at the
during the opening banned by the IOC. grandiose Lenin Stadium. On the
ceremony. As at other electronic Scoreboard appeared the phrase
Olympic Games, the mascot
was to be seen everywhere. In Moscow Spain performed with merit. "Goodbye until Los Angeles 1984". To
The supreme garland was won by the the strains of Beethoven's Ode to Joy, the
Sebastian Coe (254) won pair formed by Alejandro Abascal and flags of the USSR, Greece and the city of
the 1500 m. The battle Miguel Noguer in yachting, in the Flying Los Angeles were hoisted on the main
between the British runners
Coe and Steve Ovett (279) Dutchman class. There were three silver flagpole. The decision of the Soviet
was one of the high points medals: for Jordi Llopart in the 50 leaders whether or not to attend the
of the 1980 Games. Ovett kilometres walk; for the canoeing team 1984 Games was left hanging in the air.
won the 800 m.
formed by Herminio Menéndez and
Teófilo Stevenson in
Guillermo del Riego in K-2 500 metres;
Moscow. This Cuban boxer and the hockey team, which lost to India
is, undoubtedly, the most in the final. There were two bronze
outstanding figure in
Olympic boxing history, medals: for David Lopez Zubero in the
taking the heavyweight gold 400 metres butterfly, the first medal won
at three consecutive Games: by a Spanish swimmer at the Games;
1972, 1976 and 1980.
and Luis G. Ramos Misioné and
Herminio Menéndez, also in canoeing, in
the K-2 1000 metres. These six medals

4 5 7 182

6 8
Los Angeles 1984
(XXIII Olympiad)
The poster for Los Angeles
As some journalists had predicted, the government paid a penny from their
broke with tradition, as had USSR and the countries of the Eastern budgets. Existing facilities were used,
the one for Mexico City:
while the poster for the
bloc returned the boycott that the including the Olympic Stadium which
1968 Games was square, Moscow Games had suffered in 1980. had been built for the Games in 1932.
the 1984 poster was The reasons advanced were the lack of Only the swimming pool and velodrome
atypical because of its
elongated shape. It is security they had observed for their were built new by a hamburger chain
completely dominated by athletes and the invasion of Grenada by and a supermarket respectively. With this
the American star the United States. Romania and
representing all the states
model of organisation a new path in the
of the Union. The broken Yugoslavia decided to take part. In spite world of the Olympics opened up. At the
lines give an impression of
movement and express the
of the absence of the Soviet bloc, the Los Angeles Games the television rights,
dynamism of the Olympic Games of the XXIII Olympiad had the one of the main sources of income,
Games. The poster is by the highest number of countries taking part: reached the record sum of 276 million
painter Robert
Rauschenberg, born in Port 140 delegations and 7,055 athletes. For dollars. One novelty was the creation of
Arthur (Texas) in 1925, the first time, countries such as the a body of Olympic volunteers as soon as
and one of the leaders of Solomon Islands, Mauritius, Gambia and
the pop art movement. the city had been awarded the Games.
Qatar took part and the People's Altogether 28,742 of the 45,000 who had
Republic of China returned after an presented entry forms took part. The
absence of twenty-eight years. Libya volunteers helped with many tasks,
abandoned Los Angeles three days before particularly the competitions and areas
the start of the Games when three such as health, press, hosting and
Libyans accredited as journalists were accreditations. Their civic spirit and
refused visas. enthusiasm sounded an original note at
the 1984 Games. The organising
The organisation of the Games was left committee made a profit of 225 million
in the hands of private enterprise, as dollars after deduction of expenses of
neither the city nor the federal around 650 million.

2 4
The torch for Los Angeles
(2), conceived by Newhart,
Turner Industries Inc. and
made of aluminium and
bronze, had sufficient fuel
for 45 minutes. To mark
these Games, a number of
countries minted coins:
Jamaica issued one for 10
dollars (3). The United
States postal service issued
five sets each of four
stamps, representing twenty
Olympic sports (4). The
mascot of the Los Angeles
Games was the eagle Sam
(5) designed by C. Robert
Moore and produced by
Walt Disney Productions
Inc. The lighting of the
cauldron (6) was highly
original: Rafer Johnson,
gold medallist in the
decathlon at Rome 1960,
was handed the torch by
Gina Hemphill,
grand-daughter of Jesse
Owens, the hero of the
Berlin Games of 1936.

The opening and closing ceremonies had Carl Lewis was predictably the centre of 1
The opening ceremony of
all the glitter of a Hollywood production attention during the Games. Everyone, the Games of the XXIII
and all the television coverage of a great including him, felt that he had no rivals. Olympiad. In spite of the
absence of the USSR and
event. A choir of 1,000 voices, an And such was the case. He won gold the majority of the Eastern
orchestra of 100 musicians, 84 pianists, medals in the 100 and 200 metres, the European countries, the Los
Angeles Games were a great
2,500 doves and a man flying over the long jump and as a member of the 4 x sporting success and also
stadium at the opening ceremony were 100 metres relay team. With these the most financially
just some of the elements which were victories he equalled the feat of Jesse rewarding in the history of
the Olympics.
part of the show. The Californian city, Owens at the Berlin Games in 1936.
with about 12 million inhabitants, 2
Edwin Moses, who swore
already had all the necessary Daley Thompson of Britain showed once the Olympic oath, was the
infrastructure. However, the urban sprawl again that he was the perfect all-rounder. winner of the 400 m hurdles.
meant that long distances had to be In the decathlon he repeated his success 3
travelled between the venues, sometimes in Moscow over his eternal rival Jürgen Luis Doreste and Roberto
as much as 200 kilometres. The security Hingsen of Germany. Sebastian Coe won Molina were first in the
470 class in yachting. The
of athletes, journalists, referees and the gold medal in the 1500 metres and Spanish team did well at
officials was in the hands of 20,000 the silver in the 800. In the Marathon Los Angeles, obtaining five
police and 100 helicopters spread around the victory went unexpectedly to Carlos
the three Olympic Villages. Lopes of Portugal, who thus won the first 4
Final of the 5000 m. The
ever gold medal for his country. Moroccan runner Said
A nervous Edwin Moses was charged Aouita eventually took the
with speaking the Olympic oath. In the women's Marathon, on the gold medal for this event.
However, in the 400 metres hurdles he Olympic programme for the first time, 5
recovered his nerves and won decisively. the spectators at the stadium witnessed a A spectacular jump by a
Pakistani player in the
moving scene. Gabriela Andersen of hockey match between
Switzerland staggered into the Memorial Britain and Pakistan.

186 1 3 5

2 4
A moment from the
Coliseum. Everyone could see the terrible USA stood out in the diving events,
basketball final between the difficulty she was having in moving springboard and platform. His last dive,
United States and Spain. normally. Her legs bent, her face twisted, a three and a half turn somersault, was a
7 hardly knowing which way to go and direct defiance of the law of gravity.
Final of the 100 m. The about to collapse to the ground from
American runner Carl
Lewis (915) was the star of
exhaustion and dehydration, she was The Spanish team had one of their most
Los Angeles. He was making unmistakable signs that no-one successful Games. Luis Doreste and
unrivalled in the sprints, was to help her to the finish. She made Roberto Molina won the gold medal in
winning the 100 m, 200 m,
and 4 x 100 m relay, as it. She collapsed at the line, having put the 470 yachting class. The basketball
well as the long jump. her life in considerable danger. She did team, defeated in the final by the host
8 not win a medal, but she gave a lesson country, won the silver. In canoeing, in
A moment from a water in Olympic courage. the C-2 500 metres, with Enrique Míguez
polo match between Spain
and Australia. and Narciso Suárez, and in rowing, with
In the pool fifteen-year-old Tracy Fernando Climent and Luis Lasúrtegui,
The unmistakeably
Caulkins of the USA distinguished there were medals: one bronze and one
American closing ceremony herself: she won the 200 and 400 metres silver. Lastly, José Manuel Abascal won
of the Los Angeles Games medley and helped her country to win the bronze in the 1500 metres, behind
was just as spectacular as
the opening ceremony. the gold in the 4 x 100 metres relay Sebastian Coe and Steve Cram.
medley. In the men's events the West
German Michael Gross burst on the
scene; he was nicknamed "the albatross"
because of the breadth of his stroke.
Gross won the gold medal in the 200
metres freestyle and the 100 metres
butterfly. In both cases he set an
Olympic record. Greg Louganis of the

6 7 187

8 9
Seoul 1988
(XXIV Olympiad)
The attractive design of the
Seoul was chosen to host the Games at image to the world. The opening and
official poster for Seoul was the 84th Session of the IOC in closing ceremonies were beautiful to
matched by the high Baden-Baden in September 1981. In spite watch and attempted to convey the
standard of organisation
and sporting achievement at of the forecasts about the international culture and the sensibility of the country.
the 1988 Games. The fears conflicts which the choice of Seoul might
which some had voiced
about possible political provoke, the Games of the XXIV The Games were held from 17
conflicts or cultural Olympiad had the highest number of September to 2 October. The accredited
confrontations proved to be participants in the history of the journalists who attended, almost 5,000,
Olympics, both in terms of the number were housed in a press village. The
of countries and the number of athletes: television rights reached a record figure:
9,417, of whom 2,471 were women, from 407 million dollars. It has been estimated
160 countries. that 3,000 million viewers all around the
world watched the Games on the small
North Korea aspired to organise the screen.
Games jointly with the South. Juan
Antonio Samaranch offered the neutrality The major facilities -stadium, swimming
symbolized by his post to resolve the pool, sports palace, baseball stadium and
political differences in favour of the rowing canal- were concentrated in the
Olympic movement. In spite of his Chamsil area on the banks of the River
mediation, North Korea did not take Han. The stadium held 100,000 people
part in the end and was joined by and was completely covered by a circular
Albania, Cuba, Ethiopia, Madagascar, roof.
Nicaragua and the Seychelles.
During the XXIV Olympiad the TOP
The Games were organised basically by (Olympic Programme) was introduced.
the State and South Korea carried out a Invented by the IOC and managed by
wide-ranging operation to present its ISL (International Sports Leisure) it

2 4
The Seoul torch (2), by Lee
Woo-Song, professor at the
women's university of
Sookmyung, was made of
leather and plastic. Both
before and during the
Games, South Korea issued
several special sets of
stamps, with designs
showing all the Olympic
sports (3). The Seoul
mascot was the tiger
Hodori (4), a symbol of
courage and greatness. It
was designed by Kim Hyun.
Twenty-five countries,
including the host, minted
a total of 162 different
commemorative coins (5).
The athletes responsible for
lighting the flame at the
Seoul Games ascended to
the cauldron in a lift (6).
This spectacular image has
been engraved on the
memory of everyone who
saw it.

3 6
allowed a group of companies to One of the sports which aroused unusual 1
The opening ceremony. The
commercialise a product category emotion was women's gymnastics. Elena estimated 3,000 million
worldwide with an exclusive for the use Chouchounova of the USSR and Daniela viewers who watched the
broadcast were treated to
of the symbols of the organising Silivas of Romania battled out a an extremely beautiful
committees of the Summer (Seoul) and competition which was no less spectacle in the Olympic
Winter (Calgary) Olympic Games and the spectacular than the performance of
Olympic rings for the four years of the Nadia Comaneci in Montreal. 2
Olympiad. This first, TOP-1, programme A taekwondo contest. One
of the innovations at Seoul
had a total of nine companies. At the 1988 Games the Canadian runner was the inclusion of
Ben Johnson won the 100 metres with a taekwondo as a
demonstration sport.
At Seoul table tennis and tennis became world record time of 9.79 seconds.
official, whilst taekwondo, baseball and Seventy-two hours later there was a 3
The Chinese weightlifter He
women's judo were demonstration sports commotion at the Olympic Village: in Yingqiang, silver medallist
and badminton and bowling exhibition the analysis of the drug test he was in the 56 kg category.
sports. In taekwondo the Spanish teams, found to have been taking anabolics and Weightlifting has formed
part of the Olympic
men and women, won a total of nine was stripped of his gold medal, which programme since the Games
medals. was given to Carl Lewis, who had run a of the I Olympiad.
time of 9.92 seconds. 4
Florence Griffith of the USA with three The Soviet gymnast Elena
Chouchounova, on the
gold medals and one silver in athletics, The Spanish team won four medals. José beam. Once again, the
Kristin Otto of East Germany with six Luis Doreste won the gold in yachting. great Eastern European
gold medals in swimming and Matt Emilio Sánchez Vicario and Sergio Casal gymnasts attracted the
public's attention and
Biondi, the swimmer from the States, won the silver medal in tennis. Sergi obtained the best results.
with five gold medals, one silver and one López won the bronze for the 200 metres
bronze medal were the outstanding breaststroke and Jorge Guardiola did the
figures of Seoul. same in shooting.

190 1 2

5 The closing ceremony at the Seoul
Qualifying match in the
football tournament between Games marked the start of the XXV
West Germany and Olympiad, the four years during which
Tunisia. In this competition
the gold medal went to the Barcelona had to guard the Olympic
Soviet Union, the silver to colours. After the performance of a group
Brazil and the bronze to of Catalan dancers before millions of
West Germany.
viewers around the world, Pasqual
The Catalan swimmer Sergi
Maragall, the mayor of Barcelona,
López, third in the 200 m received the Olympic flag from the hands
breast-stroke, was the of the president of the IOC, Juan
winner of one of the four
medals obtained by Spanish Antonio Samaranch. The Olympic
athletes at Seoul. Movement bade farewell to the Korean
city and arranged to meet in Barcelona
Catalan dancers taking part in 1992.
in the closing ceremony of
the Games of the XXIV
Olympiad in Seoul. With
this spectacle and the
handing over of the
Olympic flag to the mayor
of Barcelona, Pasqual
Maragall, the Olympic
Movement parted until the
next meeting, in Barcelona
in 1992.

4 5 191

6 7
Summer Olympic Games

1. The equestrian competition was

I. 6.IV-15.IV Athens 1896 295 0 295 13 9 held in Stockholm from 10 to 17
June. 29 NOCs, 145 men and 13
II. 20.V-28.X Paris 1900 1,066 11 1,077 21 17 women took part.

III. 1.VII-23.XI Saint Louis 1904 546 8 554 12 15

IV. 27.IV-31.X London 1908 1,998 36 2,034 22 21

Source: Repertoire du mouvement
V. 5.V-22.7 Stockholm 1912 2,447 57 2,504 28 13 olympique, IOC, 1991.
VI. Not held

VII. 20.IV-12.IX Antwerp 1920 2,527 64 2,591 29 21

VIII. 4.V-27.VII Paris 1924 2,939 136 3,075 44 17

IX. 17.V-12.VIII Amsterdam 1928 2,681 290 2,971 46 14

X. 30.VII-14.VIII Los Angeles 1932 1,204 127 1,331 38 14

XI. 1.VIII-16.VIII Berlin 1936 3,652 328 3,980 49 19

XII. Not held

XIII. Not held

XIV. 29.VII-14.VIII London 1948 3,677 385 4,062 58 17

XV. 19.VII-3.VIII Helsinki 1952 5,349 518 5,867 69 17

XVI. 22.XI-8.XII Melbourne 1956 2,958 384 3,342 67 17

10.VI-17.VI Stockholm 1956 (1)

XVII. 25.VIII-11.IX Rome 1960 4,786 610 5,396 84 17

XVIII. 10.X-24.X Tokyo 1964 4,903 683 5,586 94 19

XIX. 12.X-27.X Mexico 1968 5,845 781 6,626 113 18

XX. 26.VIII-11.IX Munich 1972 6,824 1,070 7,894 122 21

XXI. 17.VII-1.VIII Montreal 1976 4,938 1,251 6,189 88 21

192 XXII. 19.VII-3.VIII Moscow 1980 4,835 1,088 5,923 81 21

XXIII. 28.VII-12.VIII Los Angeles 1984 5,435 1,620 7,055 140 21

XXIV. 17.IX-2.X Seoul 1988 6,946 2,471 9,417 160 23


Olympic cities of the modern era

1 Athens, 1896
2 Paris, 1900 and 1924
3 St Louis, 1904
4 London, 1908
5 Stockholm, 1912
6 Antwerp, 1920
7 Chamonix,1924
8 Amsterdam, 1928
9 St Moritz, 1928 and 1948
10 Los Angeles, 1932 and 1984
11 Lake Placid, 1932 and 1960
12 Berlin, 1936
13 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 1936
14 Helsinki, 1952
15 Oslo, 1952
16 Melbourne, 1956
17 Cortina d'Ampezzo, 1956
18 Rome, 1960
19 Squaw Valley, 1960
20 Tokyo, 1964
21 Innsbruck, 1964 and 1976
22 Mexico City, 1968
23 Grenoble, 1968
24 Munich, 1972
25 Sapporo, 1972
26 Montreal, 1976
27 Moscow, 1980
28 Sarajevo, 1984
29 Seoul, 1988
30 Calgary, 1988
31 Barcelona, 1992
32 Albertville, 1992
33 Atlanta
34 Lillehammer

Summer Games cities in red

Winter Games cities in green
Olympic Programme. Men










Equestrian sports







Modem pentathlon



Table tennis








Figure skating


Ice hockey

Jeu de paume


Motor canoeing




Olympic Programme. Women









Equestrian sports







Modem pentathlon



Table tennis







Figure skating


Ice Hockey

Jeu de paume


Motor canoeing





Source: Wallechinsky, David.

The Complete Book of the
Londres: Aurum Press Ltd.,
The sporting tradition of Barcelona
Detail of a Roman mosaic
Barcelona is a city with a notable all questions arising from neighbouring
of the fourth century BC, sporting record, dating back to Roman estates and rural or urban buildings and
found in Barcelona and times. the rights and duties involved. Obvious
preserved in the
Archaeological Museum differences apart, mediaeval tournaments
there, which shows a The Romans who settled on the Iberian with different weapons were the sporting
chariot race in a circus.
Peninsula kept up the sporting tradition competitions of the time. In the Middle
2 of the founders of the Olympic Games, Ages crossbow contests were held outside
Greek amphora from the Greeks, who had sailed to the Barcelona at the monastery of Santa
Empúrìes, sixth century
B C. The decoration Catalan coast in the fifth century BC and Clara in what today is the Ciutadella
represents two athletes founded the small colony of Empúries. park. In Don Quixote, when Cervantes
taking part in a race at the
Olympic Games. The mosaics and ceramics which have describes a combat between his hero and
survived from Roman times give us an the Knight of the Black Moon on the
Monument dedicated to idea of how the founders of Barcino beaches of Barcelona, he is parodying the
Lucius Minicius Natali. It played sport. There is evidence that some tournaments which were held in the city
contains his testament and citizens made donations of money to be in the sixteenth century and were
mentions his Barcelona
origin: "To the Barcelona invested in sporting competitions. One extremely popular with the inhabitants.
colonists of Hispania
Citerìor amongst whom he
such person was the centurion Cecilius
was born". Lucius Optatus in the second century AD, who
Minicius, who held public gave 7,500 denarii so that the yearly The practice of sport today
office in several posts in the
time of the Emperor interest could be used to hold wrestling
Trajan, won the laurel competitions in the city amphitheatre The practice of sport as we understand it
crown at Olympia in the every tenth of June. today did not reach Barcelona until the
chariot races of the
CCXVII Olympiad, in 129 second half of the nineteenth century.
AD. One of the leading families in Barcino in Individuals, such as a sailor called
the second century AD was that of Fornells who taught rowing and
Lucius Minicius Natali. The father was a organised competitions in the port of
well-known politician and soldier who Barcelona in the eighteen-fifties, and
became a Roman senator during the collective ventures, such as the
2 reign of the Emperor Trajan. The foundation of the Garcia Alsina
Minicius Natali family founded baths in gymnasium in 1868, prepared the city for 201
Barcino. the proliferation of sports associations
around the turn of the century.
The son, Lucius Minicius Natali
Quadroni Ver, was a tireless traveller. He Clubs and gymnasiums sprang up in the
was also the only citizen of Barcino who city in obedience to the new educational
is known to have taken part in an precepts which arrived from other
Olympic Games. When he was only European countries and advocated the
seventeen he was made a tribune in the introduction of gymnastics into schools
army. At nineteen he was already an and the practice of sport outdoors. These
officer and embarked on a military trends intermingled with the walking and
career in Africa at his father's side. He nature study movement, which had been
held the posts of quaestor and augur well established in Catalonia for a
before being appointed tribune of the quarter of a century, when the Associació
people in Rome at the age of thirty-two. Catalanista d'Excursions Científïques was
He was also governor of the provinces of founded (1876). A few years later it was
Lower Moesia and Africa. He always replaced by the Centre Excursionista de
stressed that he had been born in Catalunya (1890), which is still
Barcino, as the five surviving monuments flourishing today.
to him bear witness. These monuments
are in Libya, Bulgaria, where he was The gymnasiums were the cornerstones
tribune of the legion, London, Rome and of many of the new sports clubs. The
Olympia itself, where there is a stone García Alsina gymnasium produced
commemorating his victory in the chariot monitors who themselves set up new
race at the CCXVII Olympiad in 129 centres: Vila, Motiño, Tiberghien, Bricall,
AD. This feat is also recorded on a Solé, Ramis, Gibert or Tolosa, among
plaque which can be seen in the others, all frequented mostly by members
Archaeological Museum of the city of of the well-to-do classes, students and
Barcelona. foreign technicians who lived in Barcelona.
In the Middle Ages, arms and the Sea sports also began to make their
practice of sport were closely linked, as appearance: the Club Català de Regates
we can read in works such as the (1879) and the Reial Club Nàutic (1881)
Registre d'Ordinacions, dating from the were founded. In 1907, Bernat Picornell,
fourteenth century. This book governed a friend of the man who had revived the
Olympic Games, Baron Pierre de was founded in 1906 and promoted the 1
A pupil of the García
Coubertin, and some of his friends first motor racing competition to be held Alsina gymnasium taking
founded the Club Natació Barcelona. A in Spain on the Sitges-Vallmoll-Vilafranca the first steps on a balance
beam. This gymnasium,
water polo section was opened and circuit in 1908. There were other founded in 1868, was the
matches were played off the beach at competitions, such as the Copa de precursor of a series of
centres of this type which
Barceloneta until a pool was built, one of Catalunya in 1908 and 1910. In 1916 a sprang up in Barcelona at
the first in Spain. new organisation, the Penya Rhin, the end of the nineteenth
appeared and organised various century.
One of the most popular sports in the motor-racing events, sometimes jointly 2
city was football, which started its career with the RACC. Among them were the Professor Tolosa, founder of
a gymnasium which bore
as an association sport in 1899 when first car race on Montjuïc in 1921 and his name, surrounded by a
Joan Gamper, a Swiss who had settled in the inauguration of the motor racing group of pupils. Pupils from
the early Barcelona
Barcelona, founded the Futbol Club circuit in Sitges in 1923. gymnasiums often founded,
Barcelona, which has done more than in turn, other centres for
The sporting infrastructure was rounded the practice of sport. It is
anything else to make the city famous not surprising, therefore,
around the world and has over 100,000 off with the addition of clubs such as the that early in the present
members today. A year later RCD Unió Esportiva de Sants (1882), and the century Barcelona had a
variety of clubs and
Espanyol was founded and then Europa Esport Ciclista Barcelona (1929) for facilities for the main
(1907), Martinenc (1909), Júpiter (1909) cycling; the Real Sociedad Colombófila sports of the time: tennis,
swimming, cycling, football
and Sant Andreu (1910). de Catalunya (1890); the Club de Tennis and boxing, amongst others.
Barcelona (1899) and the Tennis Barcino
Those were also the days of the first (1917) for tennis; the Real Club de Polo 3
A tennis match at the Club
motor racing competitions on the (1900) for equestrian sports; the de Tennis Barcelona in the
esplanade which is the present day Barcelona Boxing Club (1913) for boxing; twenties. Tennis, the laws
of which date from 1877,
Passeig de Sant Joan. The Reial the Sociedad de Sport Vasco (1903), the soon appeared on the
Automòbil Club de Catalunya (RACC) nucleus of the Club Vascònia (1924) for Barcelona sporting scene.

202 1 3

Cover of the first issue of
pelota. After the pioneering Club Natació Pelotari (1896) and Los Deportes (1897).
the magazine Los Deportes, Barcelona, other swimming clubs were Altogether, at the beginning of the
which appeared on 1 founded, such as the Fèmina Natació twentieth century twenty-four sports
January 1899. The style of
the illustration reflects the Club (1912), the Natació Atlètic (1913), papers were published in Catalonia. One
artistic taste of the day, the Barceloneta (1929), the Mediterrani of them, El Mundo Deportivo (1906), is
dominated by the modernist
movement. (1931) and the Catalunya (1931). Some the second oldest surviving sports journal
of these clubs had athletics, cycling, after La Gazzetta dello Sport of Milan.
Reproduction of a drawing basketball or rugby sections and many of
from the mast-head of the them are still active today. They were And so, at the turn of the century, as
first issue of the magazine the cornerstone of the Catalan sporting people enjoyed more leisure time,
El Ciclista, of 16 July
1891, the organ of the movement. sporting activities became increasingly
Sociedad Velocipédica popular. A good example of the
(Union Velocipédica Overall, therefore, at that time Barcelona principles that were being assimilated by
Española). It was one of
the first Spanish sport was equipped with various sports society is the motto proposed for schools
papers and it was facilities, among them a racecourse, a by the Mancomunitat de Catalunya in
published, like many others,
in Barcelona. cycling track, a swimming pool, tennis the twenties: "A boy who jumps, runs
courts and football pitches, which show and swims is not only guaranteeing his
First issue of El Mundo how receptive Catalonia had been to good health but is also becoming a good
Deportivo, which appeared sporting innovations. Simultaneously, citizen."
in 1906. Of all the sports especially in the last quarter of the
dailies which are still
published in Europe, this is nineteenth century, the people of It is not surprising, therefore, that
the second oldest, after Barcelona also began to take an interest Barcelona was at the heart of the
Milan's La Gazetta dello
Sport. in the sporting press. Journalists and sporting boom in Spain at the end of the
financiers promoted publications such as nineteenth century. Later on, the
El Cazador (1856), El Ciclista (1891), La foundations that had been laid created
Velocípeda (1892), La Bicicleta (1896), El the conditions for famous sportsmen in

4 5 203

Barcelona and Catalonia to emerge on mayor of Barcelona in 1919; Joan 1
Finish of the Jean Bouin
the scene: Bernat Picornell in swimming; Ventosa i Calvell; Jaume Messalles and race of 1928. The Jean
Joan Serrahima and Pere Prat in Narcís Masferrer, all figures from the Bouin, one of the oldest
races in the city, was
athletics; Santiago Amat in yachting; intelligentsia, industry or Catalan founded in 1920 in memory
Eduard Flaquer or the Sindreu brothers nationalist politics. of the French athlete who
had died six years earlier
in tennis; Josep Canudas in aviation; during the First World War.
Marià Cañardo in cycling; Ricard As the sporting spirit spread to all levels
Zamora and Josep Samitier in football; of society, it awoke an ambition to take 2
The walker Guerau García
Joaquim Blume in gymnastics. part in the Olympic Games, even to accompanied through the
organise them in Barcelona. And so in streets of Barcelona by fans
on bicycles. García was a
On the managerial side this breeding 1913 a group of distinguished journalists great walker: he was senior
ground was no less fruitful. Men such as and citizens decided to take steps to champion of Spain between
1927 and 1943.
Josep Elies Juncosa, "Corredisses", a ensure that sportsmen from Barcelona
sporting journalist who worked on La could compete in the Games. After the 3
Veu de Catalunya and La Publicitat and First World War, during which the Since the middle of the
nineteenth century, the port
was editor of the Boletín de la Unión project was adjourned, these Olympic of Barcelona has often been
Velocipédica and Stadium, was one of the aspirations were renewed. At that time used for rowing and
canoeing. As with most
leading promoters of Spanish sport was already well established in the sports, women took part
participation in the 1920 Olympic Games city. In 1918, for example, the first right from the early days.
and the Barcelona Candidature to host Congress on Physical Education in
the Games of 1924. Other members of Schools was held. Many notable people
the sporting movement were Josep Maria took part: August Pi i Sunyer, Rosa
Co i de Triola, one of the promoters of Sensat, Narcís Masferrer, Eladi Homs,
the Minyons de Muntanya and the Josep Elias i Juncosa and Francesc Canto
Aeroclub de Catalunya; Eusebi Bertrand, i Arroyo. It was a manifestation of the
golf promoter and president of the first concern to incorporate sport into the
Motor Show; Antoni Martinez Domingo, school curriculum.

204 1 2

Santiago Güell, Baron de
Finally, in 1924, in response to repeated In 1939, when the Civil War which had
Güell, member of the IOC demands by the sporting press, the broken out three years before came to an
from 1922, was the first Spanish Olympic Committee (COE) was end, this state of affairs changed. The
president of the Spanish
Olympic Committee, founded in Barcelona. The president was direction that sport had to take was
founded in Barcelona in Baron Santiago de Güell, who had been decided by the Franco regime rather than
a member of the IOC since 1922. the associations or individual initiative.
5 Moreover, a large number of Spanish Nevertheless, there were some notable
The motorcyclist Fernando federations were founded in the city. sporting events at that time, such as the
Aranda with his mobile
workshop in the Diagonal two world roller hockey championships
in Barcelona in 1927. During those years, workers' (1951 and 1954) and the Second
Aranda was European
champion six times. organisations began to include sport Mediterranean Games (1955), all held in
Motorcycling has a long among the activities of their members Barcelona.
tradition in Spain and is
extremely popular. and to form their own clubs. The main
one was the Centre Autonomista de By the sixties a certain liberalisation of
A motor race in 1923 at
Dependents del Comerç i de la Indústria the regime and a more amenable
the Terramar track in (CADCI), which gave its members an disposition on the part of the sporting
Sitges. The track was one opportunity to play almost all the sports authorities allowed civil society to
of the first to be built in
Spain. of the time. Another notable one, though recover its role little by little. The clubs
shorter lived, was the Club Femení could work practically without hindrance
A great goal by the FC d'Esports. The strength of the sporting and the federations were gradually
Barcelona player Josep movement was such that in 1934 the restored to their former importance.
Samitier, at the old Les president of the Generalitat of Catalonia,
Corts ground in 1925. This
football club, founded in Lluís Companys, signed a decree
1899, now has over a constituting the Unió Catalana de
hundred thousand members.
Federacions Esportives.

4 5 6 205

Sport in recent years In some cases, clubs in Catalan towns 1
A striking image of the epic
won European titles: hockey (Terrassa), match between the Basque
With the return of democracy in the late roller hockey (Reus, Sant Sadurní Paulino Uzcudun and the
German Max Schmeling
seventies, the administrations initiated a d'Anoia and Igualada), basketball for the European
policy of building new facilities and (Badalona), handball (Granollers) and heavyweight championship
at the Montjuïc Stadium in
providing equipment to introduce young swimming (Sabadell). 1932, before more than
people to the practice of sport. These forty thousand spectators.
facilities were built to be used to the full During those years Barcelona maintained 2
and for durability and easy maintenance. the prestige which it had won through The Volta Ciclista a
The result of this is that today thirty the organisation of major sporting events, Catalunya in 1920. The
Volta is the third oldest
percent of the population of Catalonia some of which dated back many years: stage race in Europe, after
regularly practise some sport or other. the Tour of Catalonia cycle race (1911), the Tour de France and the
Giro d'Italia.
the Jean Bouin race (1920), the
In the seventies and eighties, all this traditional Christmas swim across the 3
work and the task carried out by clubs Port of Barcelona (1927), the Reis A moment from a women's
basketball match in the
and federations with the support of new (Epiphany) hockey tournament (1948), forties between RCD
techniques and improvements in the the Comte de Godó tennis trophy (1953), Espanyol and the women's
section of the Falange. The
equipment of the facilities bore fruit and the Barcelona-Sitges vintage car rally game was introduced into
Barcelona and the whole country saw a (1959), the uphill cycle race to Montjuïc Spain via Barcelona in the
early twenties. In 1924, in
substantial increase in the quantity and Castle (1965), the Joan Gamper football connection with the
quality of sport. This progress reached trophy (1967) and the Joaquim Blume founding of the Catalan
many parts of Catalonia with a long gymnastics memorial (1968). Federation, the first official
matches were held in
sporting tradition and they became Catalonia.
leaders in their particular sports or The institutions have also taken an
consolidated the status they already had. interest in top level sport. One practical
manifestation of this is the High

206 1 2 3
The great champion Tazio
Performance Centre (CAR) in Sant sports federations had a total of 5,079
Nuvolarì in one of the Cugat, one of the most extraordinary affiliated bodies, which by 1990 had
motor races which were new facilities, which was set up by the risen to 8,617.
held at the Montjuïc circuit
in 1936. This urban circuit Generalitat of Catalonia and the Higher
was the scene of Formula 1 Sports Council to foster top-level sport. In short, the improvement in economic
World Championship races Inaugurated in October 1987, it is and social conditions and the increase in
in 1969, 1971, 1973 and
1975. Catalonia did not equipped with high quality technical, the popularity of sport -due largely to
again have a permanent
track for races of this
scientific and educational resources to the boost given by the media, television
category until 1991, when train the sportsmen and women who will in particular- have been decisive factors
the Circuit de Catalunya at take part in the leading competitions and in the growth and spread of the practice
Montmeló was opened.
act as a spur to the practice of sport by of sport in Catalonia.
5 the general public. The CAR has athletics
Finish of the traditional
Christmas swim across the tracks, an indoor pool, a grass pitch,
Port of Barcelona, which tennis courts, grounds and halls for one
the Club Natació
Barcelona, founded by
or various sports. In 1991 there were 180 The Olympic calling
Bernat Picornell in 1907, boarders, 150 day students and 50
organised from 1927
members of staff: teachers, trainers,
doctors and technicians.
The first attempt
Over the last few years, with the
Olympic Games in view, federated sport At the 18th Session of the IOC held in
has gone from strength to strength. Antwerp during the 1920 Olympics,
Assistance from institutions, federations Barcelona made a formal request to
and clubs has led to a dramatic increase organise the Games in 1924. The other
in the number of people playing sport of candidate cities were Amsterdam, Rome,
one kind or another. In 1986 the Catalan Los Angeles, Prague and Paris.

4 5 207
Josep Eliàs i Juncosa and Santiago city for 1928. Shortly afterwards 1
Coubertin with several
Garcia Alsina attended the session, but Coubertin's recommendation (no less personalities and officers of
the host city was not chosen: the decision than a coup d'état, as he himself the Club Gimnàstic de
Tarragona, one of the
was adjourned to the session planned for acknowledged) proved its effectiveness: oldest in Catalonia,
June 1921 in Lausanne. Paris and Amsterdam were chosen to founded in 1868. In 1926,
Pierre de Coubertin, driving
organise the Games of the VIII and IX force behind the revival of
While waiting for the year to pass, the Olympiads. The president's letter read: the Olympic Games and
city created a candidature committee "The choice of the city which will take president of the IOC until
the previous year, visited
headed by King Alfonso XIII as on the organisation of the next Games is Barcelona and other parts
honorary president and work began on particularly important on this occasion, of Catalonia. He made his
first visit because years
La Foixarda Stadium, which was finished as the VIII Olympiad coincides with the earlier Barcelona had made
in 1923. Today it is used as a rugby thirtieth anniversary of the revival of the its first application to
organise the Games.
ground. Olympic Games. Many attractive
candidatures have been put forward. If 2
However, the Barcelona Candidature was we weigh up the qualities of the cities This poster announcing the
sports competitions
faced with a decisive setback: Pierre de the name of Amsterdam seems to stand organised in connection
Coubertin wrote a letter to the members out. But, on the other hand, as the with the Barcelona
Universal Exhibition in
of the IOC asking them to vote for Paris. renewer of the Olympic Games is 1929 shows that Catalonia
The argument he advanced was the approaching the end of his labours, had some fine sports poster
thirtieth anniversary of the revival of the no-one will deny his right to ask a
Games, though he also wished to wipe special favour for his native city. Paris
out the bad memory left behind by the was the place where, on 23 June 1894,
way the event had been organised in the the revival of the Olympiads was
city in 1900. In the letter he recognised carefully prepared and solemnly
the quality of the Amsterdam proclaimed. I must therefore advise you
candidature and asked for a vote for the in all honesty, dear colleagues, that at

208 1 2
The third president of the
our next meeting I shall be asking you to impromptu change of site. When the
IOC, Henri de set aside your preferences and your Paris organisation finally got off the
Baillet-Latour from national interests under these great ground, the Games of the X Olympiad
Belgium, during his visit to
Barcelona for the opening circumstances and to accept the award of were awarded to Los Angeles, nine years
of Montjuïc Stadium in the Games of the IX Olympiad to in advance.
1929. Two years earlier this
Olympic leader had been Amsterdam (1928) and to proclaim Paris
present at the laying of the host city for those of the VIII Olympiad
foundation stone of the (1924)."
stadium, restored for the
1992 Games.
Of the candidate cities for the
Montjuïc Stadium in 1929. organisation of the 1924 Games, Los
In the foreground, one of Angeles was the one to voice its disgust
the two equestrian
sculptures by Pau Gargallo at the IOC's decision most strongly as,
which crowned the facade. like Barcelona, it had already begun to
build various Olympic facilities. In
recognition of the tenacity shown by the
Barcelona sports managers, the
Associació Esportiva de Catalunya
received the Olympic Cup in the same

In March 1922, things in Paris were not

going too well and the French Olympic
Committee considered the possibility of
withdrawing. Coubertin contacted Los
Angeles to see about the possibility of an

3 4 209
The great hope fails the time large enough for Olympic 1
On 20 May 1929, King
competitions. Alfonso XIII officially
After these nominations Barcelona opened Montjuïc Stadium.
presented its second candidature, for the On 5 April 1927 the foundation stone of 2
Games of 1936. The Barcelona of the the Montjuïc Stadium was laid. Count Mountain sports, closely
second decade of the century, a associated with the
Henri de Baillet-Latour, president of the discovery of nature and
manufacturing and sporting centre which IOC, was present as part of an leisure, have long been very
had consolidated the ties between the exhaustive visit to Barcelona. On the popular. The mountain
sports section of the Centre
city and the Olympic movement, first day he went from Miramar to La Excursionista de
received a visit from Baron Pierre de Foixarda, the Palau Nacional and offices Catalunya, formed in 1890
as a result of the
Coubertin in 1926. He left behind a of the 1929 Exhibition, where he saw the amalgamation of the
phrase which has become famous: plans for the stadium. The next day he Associació Catalanista
d'Excursions Científiques
"Before I had visited Barcelona, I visited the Club Marítim, then took a (1876) and the Associació
thought that I knew what a sporting city boat trip to the Club Natació Barcelona Catalana d'Excursions
was like" (7 November 1926). and visited the courts of the Reial Club (1878), organised skiing,
skating and bobsleigh
de Tennis Barcelona and the Club de championships in the
The second application by Barcelona Tennis del Turó. To finish off he went to Pyrenees in 1912.
aroused great enthusiasm and coincided the Real Club de Polo, the Cercle
with an economic and cultural boom. In Eqüestre and the Real Sociedad de
1929 the International Exhibition was Carreras de Caballos.
held and two sports facilities were
inaugurated for the occasion on Alexandria, Berlin, Budapest, Buenos
Montjuïc, bearing fresh witness to the Aires, Cologne, Dublin, Frankfurt am
city's determination to hold the Games: Main, Helsinki, Nuremberg, Rome and
the stadium (now the Estadi Olímpic) Barcelona were the candidates on the
and the swimming pool, the only one at short list for the Games of 1936. The

210 1 2
Poster for the car and
nomination was to be decided in the pride of Spanish sport, and I have no
motorcycle races at the Barcelona on 24 April 1931 at the 29th doubt that the city has the strength, the
Terramar track in Sitges in Session of the IOC and the prospects for capacity and the spirit to organise the
the city could not have been brighter. Olympic Games. The presence of the
4 presidents of the Second Republic of
On 24 April 1931 the 29th
IOC Session was held in But at the time the political situation in Spain and the Generalitat of Catalonia in
Barcelona. This meeting Spain was very tense: ten days earlier the the box shows that the whole country
was to decide the Olympic Second Republic had been established participates in these sporting events."
city for the 1936 Games. In
honour of the president of and King Alfonso XIII had gone into
the IOC, Henri de
Baillet-Latour, a football
exile. In spite of everything, nineteen of Because of a lack of quorum, the
match was organised at the sixty-seven members of the IOC decision about the site for the 1936
Montjuïc Stadium between came to Barcelona. The Olympic Games was adjourned and it was agreed
the Irish Free State and the
Spanish Republic, delegation were pleasantly surprised by that there would be a postal vote. The
proclaimed a few days their reception by the Catalan authorities count was made in Lausanne one month
earlier. Present, amongst and by the response of the people of the later: Berlin, the winner, obtained 43
other figures, were Niceto
Alcalá Zamora, president of city. The mayor of Barcelona, Jaume votes; Barcelona 16; and there were 8
the Republic, Francesc
Macià, president of the
Aiguadé, and the president of the abstentions.
revived Generalitat of Generalitat, Francesc Macià, spared no
Catalonia and Lluís effort to make the visitors feel welcome.
Companys, mayor of
Barcelona. After a football match between the teams
of the Irish Free State and the Spanish
Republic at a packed Montjuïc Stadium,
Count Baillet-Latour stated at a press
conference: "The Olympic calling of
Barcelona is beyond any doubt. I have
been to the splendid Montjuïc Stadium,

3 4
The People's Olympiad countries, particularly in France, the
forces of the left and the trade unions
With the disappointment of 1931 and advocated a boycott of the Berlin Games,
the political events of the time in Spain though in the end the government of
and the rest of Europe, the idea of Léon Blum decided to take part.
organising an athletics event in Nevertheless, they granted a subsidy of
opposition to the Berlin Games gradually 600,000 francs to the delegation which
took shape. It was to be a counterblast to was to attend the alternative event. On 6
the concept of sport held by the National and 7 June 1936 an International
Socialist regime of Adolf Hitler, which Conference for the Defence of the
had been in power since 1933. Olympic Spirit was held in Paris;
alternative competitions were organised
The government of the Spanish Republic in Prague and an exhibition called The
declined to take part in Berlin and Olympiad under the Dictatorship was held
groups emerged from various quarters in Amsterdam.
prepared to promote an alternative
meeting to the official Games. The The sporting competitions of the People's
influential American Amateur Athletic Olympiad, the name given to the
Union made its participation conditional alternative Games, were to be held in
on an official declaration from the Barcelona in the week of 19 to 26 July
German government about the Jewish 1936. The Generalitat had promoted an
athletes. The president of the IOC, Henri organising committee, the facilities
de Baillet-Latour, took a similar line, inaugurated on Montjuïc in 1929 would
demanding that the German Olympic be used as the venues for the
Committee adhere strictly to the rules of competitions and accommodation and
the Olympic Charter. In many European the writer Josep Maria de Sagarra was

January Reis (Epiphany) International Hockey Start of the Monte Carlo Rally Sports competitions held
Tournament annually in Barcelona

February Solo Moto Indoor Dirt Track Trial Ciutat de Barcelona Swimming Grand Prix
March International Winter Polo Tournament Catalana Cycling Week
Barcelona-Sitges International Vintage Car Barcelona Clay Pigeon Shooting
Rally Championship
Lloret-Costa Brava Car Rally Catalonia Cycling Week
Ciutat de Barcelona Fencing Trophy
April Comte de Godó Tennis Trophy
May Barcelona Equestrian Grand Prix Roller-skate race
El Corte Inglés Popular Race Ciutat de Barcelona Rythmic Gymnastics
Ciutat de Barcelona Athletics Championship Championship
International Tennis Tournament Ciutat de Barcelona Squash Tournament
June Ciutat de Barcelona International Petanque Catalunya Polo Championship
Tournament International Junior Hockey Tournament
July Ciutat de Barcelona Athletics Trophy Ciutat de Barcelona Modern Pentathlon
Ciutat de Barcelona Archery Trophy Trophy
Ciutat de Barcelona Yachting Trophy
August International Springboard Diving Tournament Joan Gamper Football Trophy
Barcelona Mediterrani International Ciutat de Barcelona Football Trophy
Windsurfing Regatta
September Tour of Catalonia (Cycling) Open Golf Tornament
Formula Motorboat Grand Prix La Mercè Race
October Segura-Viudas Rally Montjuïc Castle International Cycling Climb
Ciutat de Barcelona Table Tennis Tournament
November Ciutat de Barcelona Judo Cup "Joaquim Blume Memorial" Ciutat de
Ciutat de Barcelona International Barcelona Men's Artistic Gymnastics
Taekwondo Championship International Criterium
December Catalonia International Women's Artistic Christmas Swimming Cup Source: Sports department.
Gymnastics Trophy Jean Bouin Grand Prix Ciutat de Barcelona Handball Tournament Barcelona City Council
On 19 July 1936 the papers
commissioned to write an anthem, which being held. On the day the newspaper
were still announcing the was set to music by the German exile headlines still read "Today the People's
opening ceremony of the Hans Eisler. According to later Olympiad begins". Given the turn that
People's Olympiad. This
event had been organised in calculations, about 6,000 competitors events were taking, there was only time
response to the growing entered for the events; they were mostly to make the opening speech and for the
politicisation of the Berlin
Olympic Games, which Spanish (4,000) and French (1,500), but athletes to form Picasso's dove of peace
were to take place the there were delegations from Algeria, on the turf at the Montjuïc Stadium. As
following month. Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, soon as the uprising in Barcelona had
2 Denmark, Finland, Germany, Great been smothered, the foreign athletes were
The People's Olympiad was Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, evacuated. However, some of them
to have taken place between
22 and 26 July, but the Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, stayed on in the city and enlisted in the
rising against the Palestine, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA International Brigades, which defended
government of the Republic
by troops in Barcelona on and the USSR. About 20,000 visitors the Republic during the Civil War.
19 July, the day after the were expected.
start of the Spanish Civil
War, caused its cancellation.
The whole event was organised in a A forgotten attempt
record time of two months and enjoyed
wide popular support. On 19 July At the 30th Session of the IOC in Los
everything was ready for the opening Angeles during the 1932 Games,
ceremony of the Games and the People's Barcelona had again presented its
Folklore Week that was to accompany candidature for 1940, in spite of its
them. But General Franco's uprising in earlier disappointment. The site was to
Morocco against the legitimate be decided in Berlin in July 1936 before
government of the Republic two days the opening of the Games. The other
before marked the outbreak of the Civil cities competing were Alexandria,
War and prevented the competition from Budapest, Buenos Aires, Dublin,

1 2
Helsinki, Montreal, Rio de Janeiro, In the end Tokyo was chosen, but in July 1
The first international
Rome and Toronto. 1938 it withdrew because of the competition to be held in
Sino-Japanese War. The Games were Spain after the Civil War
was the World Roller
Constancy and tenacity were the cards then hastily given to Helsinki, but the Hockey Championship,
played by two of the European cities, onset of the Second World War brought which was held in
Barcelona and Rome. Nevertheless, Barcelona in 1951. Three
about the cancellation of the event. years later, the
another unexpected competitor emerged: championship returned to
Tokyo, which sent representatives to the Catalan capital, with
the triumph of the host
Rome to talk to Mussolini and explain The Stadium in a ferment team, whose coach was
their plans to him. Rome withdrew and Juan Antonio Samaranch
(second on the right).
Tokyo presented its candidature. The The Olympic Games, adjourned for two
arguments were that the Games had consecutive Olympiads because of the 2
never been held in Asia and that 1940 Poster for the Second
war, returned in London in 1948. Mediterranean Games,
would mark the commemoration of the which were held in
26th centenary of the foundation of In 1951 Barcelona organised the World Barcelona in the summer of
1955. With the holding of
Japan. The Tokyo City Council had Roller Hockey Championship, the first these Games, the city once
decided to grant a credit of a million yen international sporting event held in the again demonstrated its
capacity to play host to
to cover the athletes' travelling expenses. city since the Civil War, and repeated it international sporting
in 1954. competitions.
In spite of the power of the Tokyo
candidature, Barcelona forged ahead with In July 1955 Barcelona hosted the
its attempt, but the outbreak of the Civil Second Mediterranean Games. On that
War fifteen days before the nomination occasion, the city demonstrated its
prevented the Spanish delegation, led by organisational capacity and its
August Pi i Sunyer, president of the inhabitants' love of sport: they filled not
COE, from going to Berlin to formalise only the Montjuïc Stadium but all the
the petition.

1 2
3 competition venues for the 21 sports on Mediterranean Games, which have been
The Palau d'Esports de
Barcelona, on Montjuïc, the programme, such as the Palau held in Beirut, Naples, Tunis, Smyrna,
was built for the Second d'Esports or La Foixarda Stadium. This Algiers, Split, Casablanca, Latakia and
Mediterranean Games.
was the first opportunity for the Athens.
4 members of the IOC to visit the city
A novelty in the streets of At the closing ceremony, Armand
Barcelona: illuminated since the session of 1931.
signs in the city centre Massard of France, the official
during the Second The idea of applying to host the Second representative of the IOC, spoke these
Mediterranean Games.
Mediterranean Games had come from words: "After living with you for two
5 Epifani de Fortuny i de Salazar, Baron weeks, I can state that Barcelona
Opening of the Second
Mediterranean Games, at d'Esponellà. A crucial part was played by deserves to organise the Olympic Games.
Montjuïc Stadium. An Juan Antonio Samaranch, who Your managers, the athletes of the
amphora full of sea water country, the enthusiasm of the public,
from the ancient Greek port encouraged the involvement of the
of Empúrìes on the Costa Olympic federations of the sports on the the sports facilities, everything has
Brava was carried to the
stadium by relays of runners.
programme. demonstrated that Barcelona is a city
capable of carrying out the organisation
The opening of the Games was heralded of the leading Olympic event. I shall put
by the arrival of an amphora with water this in my report."
from the Mediterranean brought from the
beaches of Empúries, the ancient Greek
colony. From there it was carried by The hope eluded
relays of athletes to Barcelona in
imitation of the traditional Olympic In 1965 Barcelona City Council
torch route. This original idea, attributed presented a new application to organise
to Carles Pardo, press officer for the the Olympic Games, this time in 1972.
Games, has been carried on at later The proposal was sent to the IOC. At the

3 5 215

end of December, the president of the the most privileged cities to organise, The Catalan gymnast
COE, José Antonio Elola Olaso, for no when required, an Olympic Games. It Joaquim Blume performing
apparent reason, changed the candidature has been well accredited to do so for on the rings, on which he
was a consummate expert.
for Madrid, with a proposal to hold the many years". Blume, senior Spanish
aquatic and nautical sports events in gymnastics champion
between 1949 and 1958 and
Barcelona. Juan Antonio Samaranch, European champion in
now national delegate for Sport in 1957, could not take part
in the Melbourne Games in
Catalonia, was on a trip to Australia 1956, at which he was a
with the Spanish Davis Cup Team. Other certain candidate for a
Catalan members of the COE were on medal, because of a
Spanish boycott. Three
trips or on holiday and so missed the years later he died in a
meeting at which the change was decided. plane crash.

Madrid formalised its candidature to the The torch which took the
IOC on 30 December 1965, a few days Olympic flame to Mexico
in 1968 passed through the
before the official deadline. The other city of Barcelona on its
aspiring cities were Detroit, Montreal way from Olympia to the
Mexican capital. From
and Munich. At the 64th Session of the Barcelona it was carried by
IOC in Rome in April 1966, the Games relays of athletes to Palos
de la Frontera, where it was
were awarded to Munich. taken on board ship for the
journey to the host country.
At the Munich Olympic Games, Lord
Killanin was elected president of the
IOC. On a visit to Barcelona in October
1972, he declared: "The sports facilities
of this great city place Barcelona among

216 1 2
1 From the idea to the first text Tàpies; it explained the reasons why
Opening ceremony of the
World Cup in June 1982 at Barcelona deserved to host the Olympic
the FC Barcelona stadium. In mid-1980, the mayor of Barcelona, Games. Reactions to the book were very
On the turf, hundreds of
volunteers formed Picasso's Narcís Serra, and the deputy mayors, favourable; it was published in five
dove of peace, from which Josep Miquel Abad, Josep Maria Cullell languages and presented to the journalists
the flags of the competing and Pasqual Maragall, began to carry out with a key-ring, post cards, writing paper
countries emerged.
a study of the possibility of holding the and envelopes. The City Council also
On 31 January 1981 at the
Olympic Games in the city. On 31 brought out the Guia de l'Esport, which
dinner organised annually January 1981, at a dinner to celebrate contained an exhaustive list of the 1,300
by the daily El Mundo the awards for the sportsmen and women facilities and 250 areas which could be
Deportivo to announce the
sportsmen and women of of the year organised annually by El used for sport, as well as the 1,200
the year, mayor of Mundo Deportivo at the Hotel Princesa sporting bodies in the city.
Barcelona Narcís Serra
made public for the first Sofía, Narcís Serra announced in public
time, before the president of that he wished to offer the city as the
the IOC, Juan Antonio
Samaranch, his wish to
site for the 1992 Olympic Games. Juan The first estimates
present Barcelona's Antonio Samaranch was also present: he
Candidature for the had been appointed president of the IOC At the same time, a study of the works
organisation of the 1992
Olympic Games. in July of that year. The dinner was to be done in the city and the real
attended by about a thousand people, chances it had of winning the
A lithograph from the including sportsmen and women and nomination was prepared. The report,
studio of the painter Antoni directors of sports federations and clubs. entitled Projecte de Jocs Olímpics
Tàpies, reproduced on the
cover of the City Council's
They all received the proposal with Barcelona 1992. Primeres aproximacions,
first publication related enthusiastic applause. This piece of news was presented to reporters on 11
with the Barcelona was more than just an idea, as was November 1982. It appraised the
Candidature, Barcelona
pretén els Jocs de 1992. confirmed by later events. usefulness and the possibilities of the
candidature and posed five questions:
The next step was to have a plenary
session of the City Council agree to 1. Is it desirable for a country to
make an official application for the organise the Olympic Games? 219
organisation of the 1992 Olympic 2. Is the project in the interests of
Games. The city council, democratically Barcelona, Catalonia and the rest of Spain?
elected for the first time in forty years, 3. Is it possible for Barcelona to win the
had councillors from five parties: PSC, nomination?
PSUC, CiU, UCD and ERC. From the 4. Are we ready to take on the Games?
debate which took place on 30 June 1981 What are we lacking?
among the representatives of these 5. Can we assume the economic
parties came the first agreement adopted responsibility?
unanimously by the new democratic
council: to present the Barcelona The answer to the first question was
Olympic candidature again. totally positive; the city would be the
focus of world attention for fifteen days,
Just a month before, in the Saló de Cent, with all the spin-offs of an Olympic
the mayor had taken advantage of the event: crowds of visitors, improvements
king's visit to Barcelona on the occasion to telecommunications, a boost for the
of the Armed Forces Week to present to practice of sport. The report also
him the proposal to apply for the affirmed that the Games were the most
organisation of the 1992 Olympic important peaceful event in the world.
Games. Although King Juan Carlos did
not give an official reply, he did express For the second question, the report
his sympathy with the Olympic stated that the commitments involved in
aspirations of the city. the organisation of the Games could be a
useful instrument for political decision
A decree from the mayor's office on 14 making and a way of speeding up
January 1982 put the official seal on the improvements to the city and the quality
work that Romà Cuyàs had been doing of life of the people who lived there. It
since the summer of 1981. He was also also defended the thesis that the Olympic
commissioned to direct a viability study Games would make it possible to provide
for the Games and to produce a dossier amenities and plan the promotion of
for the reporters who would be travelling sport globally for the city and the country.
to Barcelona for the World Football Cup
on 12 June 1982. This was the birth of As far as the third question was
the publication Barcelona pretén els Jocs concerned, the report evaluated the real
de 1992, which was produced with covers possibilities of Barcelona winning the
specially designed by the painter Antoni nomination. Conditions for 1992 were
ideal, as neither of the previous Games the city and open up the main 1
During a visit to Barcelona
had been held in Europe. Furthermore, thoroughfares. It pointed out that by the king and queen of
in spite of repeated applications, Spain twenty-seven of the thirty-two venues Spain in May, 1981, the
mayor of Barcelona
had never been awarded the Olympics. required for the competitions already repeated the city's intention
existed. Furthermore, the occasion should to apply to organise the
Games, and asked for royal
Moreover, the report mentioned that the be used to carry out a series of building sponsorship for the
new president of the IOC had been born works which, without the deadline of the Candidature.
in Barcelona, which was an excellent Games, would be unlikely to be completed. 2
letter of introduction for the candidature. On 11 November 1982 the
It also recalled that this was the fourth Bearing in mind the sporting tradition of study Projecte de Jocs
Olímpics Barcelona 1992.
application to host the Games and Montjuïc, there was a proposal to build a Primeres aproximacions.
pointed out that the infrastructure of the sports hall beside the Stadium which, in was released to the press.
This report examined for
city was appropriate for an event of this turn, would be renovated. Athletics the first time the city's
scope and that there was a fund of training tracks would also be laid, the chances of submitting a
accumulated experience in the Bernat Picornell swimming pools and the sound application to hold
the Games.
organisation of international sporting Palau d'Esports would be refurbished and
competitions and tournaments. new car parks and accesses would be
For the fourth question the report
described the basic scheme for the
preparation of the Games, based on a
specific project for the city which could
be applied and remain valid for the next
ten years. The areas requiring
development were identified; the
intention was to restore the balance of

220 1 2
Projecte de Jocs Olímpics
The report emphasised the importance of Lastly, the report weighed the question
Barcelona 1992. Primeres the Diagonal area and the heavy of the financing of the organisation. It
aproximacions. This report concentration of private sports facilities proposed to follow a similar model to
proposed the location of the
Olympic areas of Barcelona which could be used during the Games. the one to be used for the Games in Los
and the participation of It also recommended eliminating the Angeles, where private enterprise played
other cities as Olympic
subsites. railway line which crossed Poblenou, an important part. Later, most of the
which would leave a large plot of land financial forecasts were more than realised.
The Plaça de Francesc
free for the site of the Olympic Village.
Macià, one of the main
commercial and service The report also proposed that other
centres of the city, is
located at the main towns around Barcelona should be used
entrance to the Diagonal for Olympic competitions. The process of
Olympic Area.
transforming the city was conceived in
terms of the whole metropolitan area,
with a series of town planning measures,
roads and transport systems. Mention
was made of constructing the Llobregat
dual carriageway, a coastal ring road and
the Vallvidrera and Rovira tunnels, of
completing the second ring road, of
extending the Avinguda Diagonal towards
the sea, of enlarging the airport and
extending the subway to Montjüic.

3 4 221
On 12 November 1982 the mayor of 1
The Piscines Bernat
Barcelona, Narcís Serra, and the director Picornell, in the Montjuïc
general of Sport at the Generalitat, Josep Area, were built for the
European Swimming
Lluís Vilaseca, the representative of the Championships in 1970.
government of Catalonia, which had The early reports on the
viability of organising the
given its support to the Barcelona 1992 Games considered
venture from the very early stages, refurbishment to make
presented the first estimates to Juan them suitable as an
Olympic venue.
Antonio Samaranch, president of the
IOC. They travelled to Lausanne,
accompanied by the councillor for Sport
for Barcelona, Enric Truñó, and the
author of the report, Romà Cuyàs.

222 1
Aerial view of the coastal
The Olympic Office and the Managing On 4 February 1983 Armand Carabén
district of Poblenou in the Council was appointed commissioner for the
late seventies. The Candidature, replacing Romà Cuyàs, who
Barcelona Candidature
proposed the rebuilding of The presentation of the report Primeres had been appointed secretary general for
the whole of this section of aproximacions, which demonstrated the Sport in the Spanish government on 15
the city to accommodate
the Olympic Village, which viability of the Olympic project, was the December 1982. Armand Carabén only
would house all the athletes starting signal of a race to reach the date occupied the post from February to May
and accompanying persons of the nomination, four years later, with 1983, when Joan Mas Cantí replaced
who would attend the 1992
Games. The demolition of maximum guarantees of success. The first him until the nomination. At the same
the old factories and step was to establish and formalise the time, the post of director of the Olympic
warehouses, many of which
were already disused, and organisational structures for the Office was created and Jordi Serra was
the removal of the railway administration of the Candidature. appointed. In the last months of 1983,
lines that ran parallel to
the coast, has meant that the Olympic Office left its headquarters
Barcelona has recovered On 26 November 1982, the Barcelona in the Barcelona City Council and
four and a half kilometres City Council approved the setting up of moved to a building belonging to the
of beach and put an end to
the centuries-old expression the Olympic Office, with Romà Cuyàs as Consorci de la Zona Franca.
that the city "lives with its commissioner. That was one of the last
back to the sea".
steps taken by Narcís Serra, as after the At the start, the Office was financed by
2 elections that year he was summoned to the municipality, but soon its income
On 2 December 1982, the
mayor, Narcís Serra, the be minister of Defence and left the was increased by contributions from the
initial promoter of the mayor's post to his deputy for the other institutions represented on the
Olympic Candidature, left Treasury, Pasqual Maragall. The new Managing Council and from the business
office and was succeeded by
his deputy, Pasqual incumbent was no less enthusiastic about sector.
Maragall. the idea than his predecessor had been.
Indeed, at one of the first events that he In November 1983, Pasqual Maragall
attended, just a few days after his met a group of businessmen under the
appointment, he personally presented the aegis of the Barcelona Chamber of
king with the book Barcelona pretén els Commerce, Industry and Navigation and
Jocs de 1992. asked them to take part in the 225
management and financing of the
The operational framework for the Candidature. This was the first time that
Candidature was formally established in a joint venture of this kind had been
January 1983, when the Barcelona City suggested to local firms; precedents had
Council and the Generalitat of Catalonia to be sought in the steps taken by Mayor
signed the agreement constituting the Francesc N. Rius i Taulet to finance the
Managing Council for the Barcelona Universal Exhibition in 1888. The
Candidature for the 1992 Olympic businessmen welcomed the idea and
Games. The Managing Council, which from that first encounter there emerged a
had to bring together all the institutions commitment to economic cooperation on
which were to make the Games of the the Candidature budget and the inclusion
XXV Olympiad possible, became the of a representative of the sector on the
highest representational and decision governing bodies.
making body. Its main function was to
set out the guidelines for the Olympic
project and coordinate the measures to
be taken.

The Olympic Office was to be the organ

responsible for implementing the
decisions of the Managing Council and
its mediator and technical adviser in all
the actions planned. It therefore took on
a double role. First, it had to coordinate
projects and studies, both those
connected with town planning and
development and those related
specifically to the organisation of the
Games, and prepare the Preliminary
Project and the Candidature Dossier.
Second, it had to promote the Games to
the public, institutions and the Olympic
authorities with the aim of creating the
most favourable conditions for the
The city gets ready aspirations of the city to host the Games 1
The Velodrome, in the Vall
of the XXV Olympiad were made public d'Hebron Area, was the
the first technical and legal studies first Olympic-standard
venue to be built in
examining the adaptation of the city to Barcelona before the
Future projects and immediate measures the urban and sporting demands of the nomination. It was opened
on the occasion of the
Games were set in motion. World Cycling
The presentation of a candidature for the Championships, which were
organisation of the Olympic Games There were two very positive facets to held there in the summer of
required action on two fronts which were this. First, the Candidature acted as a
clearly differentiated in terms of spur to contending with certain historical
implementation. First, all the deficits in infrastructures and amenities
organisational and functional aspects in the city and triggered off a burst of
which would make the Games possible activity which was not dependent on the
had to be planned, described and eventual success of the application.
designed; in other words, the Preliminary Second, the Candidature would
Project had to be prepared. However, the demonstrate to the IOC that the city was
most critical projects, such as willing to prepare and that not only were
infrastructures and the main facilities plans being made, but measures were
which would provide the framework for being taken in the sectors crucial to the
the Olympic event and which were not Games.
ready, had to be got underway
immediately. Rapid action was called for;
planning had to begin and, in some
cases, the implementation of certain
projects, well before the Olympic
nomination. From the moment that the

226 1
2 A velodrome in the Vall d'Hebron The Montjuïc Olympic Ring
Model of the Olympic
Stadium. The Candidature
proposed the preservation, Barcelona had no facilities for high level One of the first decisions taken during
because of its symbolic
value, of the facade of the track cycling competitions, something the embryonic stage of the Candidature
old stadium which had been which would be indispensable for the was to locate the venues for the leading
opened in 1929 for the Olympic events. The idea of building a events on the Olympic programme in
International Exhibition
and the reconstruction of velodrome was put forward when the Montjuïc. Both its proximity to the sea
the entire interior, with a
new stand and a larger
idea of the Barcelona Candidature was and the city centre and its long sporting
capacity. just emerging. tradition -several facilities had already
been built there- carried decisive weight
The agreement for the In July 1981 the preliminary studies had when it came to making the choice.
constitution of the been carried out with the idea of holding
Managing Council of the the 1984 World Cycling Championship Montjuïc already had an Olympic
Barcelona Candidature for
the 1992 Olympic Games there. Stadium which had been inaugurated in
and the creation of the
Olympic Office was signed
1929, but it had deteriorated through
by the Generalitat of In this way the Barcelona Candidature lack of use and maintenance. Part of the
Catalonia and the could show the Olympic Family one of Barcelona Olympic plan was to recover
Barcelona City Council in
January 1983. Later, they the most modern facilities of its kind, the Stadium, to complete the
were joined by the Spanish which would be ready for the Games in development of Montjuïc Park and to
government and the COE. 1992. The new velodrome, designed by integrate it into the city as a public space
4 the architects Esteve Bonell and Francesc which could be exploited to the full. The
Montjuïc Stadium before
the rebuilding work began.
Rius, is a fine building located in the emblematic nature of the Stadium and
north of the district of Horta and the wish to restore it to the function for
became the central sports venue of the which it had been built were the
Vall d'Hebron Olympic Area. arguments advanced in support of the
implementation of this plan. On 6

2 3 227

October 1982, the Barcelona City accesses to the hill and particularly to 1
The various parts of the
Council announced its intention to throw the facilities of the Ring. Olympic Ring were shared
open an international competition for the amongst some of the
architects who had taken
renovation of the Stadium and the In August 1983, the Managing Council part in the international
development of the Montjuïc Olympic invited eight teams of leading architects competition organised by
Ring. the Managing Council in
to present a general plan for laying out January 1984. The team
the Olympic Ring in such a way that the consisting of Frederic
The Olympic Office began to draft the use of the facilities and public areas for Correa, Alfons Milà, Joan
Margarit and Carles
Montjuïc Olympic Ring Master Plan, the Games would be compatible with the Buixadé were commissioned
which was completed in April 1983. It use to be made of them afterwards. The to execute the overall
design of the Ring and to
was approved by the Managing Council teams invited were those of Ricard cooperate in the rebuilding
at a meeting in July and later ratified by Bofïll, Josep Antoni Coderch, Frederic of the stadium.
the City Council. Correa/Alfons Milà/Joan Margarit/Carles 2
Buixadé, Francisco Sainz de Oiza/Rafael The model of the project by
The Master Plan established exactly Moneo, Vittorio Gregotti, Arata Isozaki, Arata Isozaki shows a
daring, avant-garde design.
which sports facilities would be built in James Stirling and Richard Weidle. It was chosen for an
the Montjuïc Olympic Ring: the Olympic Coderch and Stirling declined the extremely important
building: the sports hall.
Stadium, the new sports hall (the future invitation; the other groups submitted
Palau Sant Jordi), the Bernat Picornell their proposals at the end of the year. 3
swimming pools and the Institut Ricard Bofill's architectural
studio presented a
Nacional d'Educació Física de Catalunya On 16 January 1984, a technical neoclassical design, chosen
(INEFC ) headquarters, and suggested a committee delegated by the Managing for the University of Sport,
later the INEFC.
certain way of laying them out -along a Council announced the results of the
wide avenue which would act as a competition: it was decided to share out
linking element. It also provided for a the different elements of the Olympic
large park and set out a system of Ring among the majority of the

228 1 3

2 4
Project presented by the
competitors: the Correa/Milà/ the foundations for the sports hall, did
Italian architect Vittorìo Buixadé/Margarit team was not begin until February 1985. However,
Gregotti, who was finally commissioned to produce the general the unanimous opinion was that progress
entrusted with rebuilding
the Olympic stadium, in design of the Olympic Ring; the same was faster than in most of the other
conjunction with the team with Vittorio Gregotti, to carry out cities which aspired to be candidates for
team. the restoration of the Olympic Stadium; the 1992 Olympic Games.
Arata Isozaki was to construct the new
On the basis of the projects
sports hall and Ricard Bofïll the
of the various groups of headquarters of the INEFC. The plans A village by the sea
architects, the Olympic presented were exhibited at the College
Office prepared this initial
drawing of the Olympic of Architects in April 1984. The Apart from the facilities in the Montjuïc
Ring. Later, a baseball exhibition was called "Montjuïc Olímpic" Olympic Ring and the Vall d'Hebron, the
stadium was added, located
near the INEFC, and an and was complemented by a cycle of Barcelona Candidature had made plans
athletics track, adjacent to lectures by the authors of the projects, for urban development in what was to be
the new Pau Negre rugby which were included in the catalogue. another large Olympic area for the
stadium, behind the sports
hall. Barcelona of 1992: the Parc de Mar, in
From May to July, the different teams Poblenou, where the Olympic Village for
delivered the preliminary projects for the athletes and team officials who would
each of the buildings to the Olympic be coming to the Games was to be built.
Office and in October the architects
agreed with the City Council on the Initially the sheer size of this
drafting of the definitive versions. development aroused doubts and
reticence and it was suggested that
The detailed studies were made but the alternatives should be sought to cover the
first building works, the restoration of Olympic accommodation. In the end,
the Olympic Stadium and the laying of however, it was decided to forge ahead

5 229
with the studies and the planning of Parc RENFE was drafting to rationalise and One of the Candidature's
de Mar, which would open up the city to modernise the Barcelona train services, great challenges was the
almost five kilometres of coastline. the mayor, Narcís Serra, and the recovery of the Barcelona
coastline for leisure
president of the railway company, amenities. After the Games
The Barcelona Candidature proposed to Alejandro Rebollo, agreed on the bases the apartments which form
the Olympic Village of
demolish all the obstacles which stood in for cooperation to solve the urban Poblenou were to become a
the way of this opening to the sea. To do development problems created by the new residential area of the
so they had to draft a wide-ranging plan city rail network. At that time the City city.
to restructure the area, to modify the Council purchased the land on which the
railway network and to modernise the old Estació del Nord stood in order to
sewage system. convert it into amenities. No-one could
have foreseen then that during the 1992
In order to proceed with the new layout Games these facilities were to be the
of the seafront, all the administrations setting for the Olympic table tennis
involved, the city, the metropolitan area, competition.
the autonomous community and the state
had to reach an agreement. Further The Preliminary Project for the
arrangements had to be made with Candidature, which was being drafted at
service companies, such as RENFE, and the time, dealt with the proposal in more
the land occupied by old industries, most detail: it consisted of putting the part of
of them obsolete, as well as some the Glories branch line which crossed the
dwellings, had to be expropriated. Poblenou area underground and
removing the line along the coast.
The precedents for this town planning
project go back to December 1981:
coinciding with the projects which

230 1
In March 1983 the
Although these projects were considered and clubs were held to prepare the
Olympic Office began to necessary and seemed feasible on paper, Preliminary Project. The report Primeres
publish the bulletin it was not possible at the time to find aproximacions was used as a starting
Barcelona Olympic News
in four languages, to keep practical ways of carrying them out. point for the drafting.
the Olympic Family
informed about the progress
of the Candidature. At the same time the Olympic Office
carried out a series of initiatives to make
The first poster published
Promotion and popularisation its work public and to move the
by the Olympic Office of the idea Candidature beyond the original idea,
combined, with tremendous with the twofold aim of popularising it
visual impact, the silhouette
of Montjuïc with the in the city and bringing it closer to the
Olympic rings standing out Meanwhile, the Olympic Office set its managers of the Olympic Movement. The
from the seaward horizon.
administrative structure in motion and idea and the contents of the Barcelona
divided up its activity on several fronts. project were therefore explained fully to
The main objective was to draft the town councils, districts, political parties
Preliminary Project. The Los Angeles and sports associations in Catalonia and
Games would be an ideal opportunity to all over Spain.
present the Barcelona Candidature to the
Olympic Family, but for that the Project
had to be completed and approved by
the Spanish government and the COE.

In the summer of 1983 coordination

meetings between the Olympic Office
team and the members of the public
administrations, the sports federations

2 3 231
Public appearances the World Cycling Championship held in 1
The official posters for the
Barcelona in 1984. Olympic Games were
In the summer of 1982, that is, before exhibited in the Saló del
Tinell on the occasion of
the Olympic Office was set up, the City On 16 June 1983 the First Olympic Day the first Olympic Day, 16
Council had published a book entitled was held. An exhibition was mounted at June 1983.
Barcelona pretén els Jocs de 1992. In the Saló de Tinell with the 33 official 2
1984 another one called Barcelona'92 posters for the Summer and Winter The Candidature invited the
appeared; it was a summary of the Olympic Games up to 1984. This was president of the Organising
Committee of the Mexico
Preliminary Project in which the initial the first time that the IOC had loaned Olympic Games, Pedro
ideas were made more specific. The the posters; moreover, the president lent Ramírez Vázquez, to
Barcelona, where during the
Olympic Office continued to issue 144 more from his own private first Olympic Day he gave
reports, bulletins and works for public collection. During the Session in the Salò a speech in the Saló de
Cent in the city hall about
consumption. In March 1983 Barcelona de Cent at the City Council, the the organisation of those
Olympic News was founded; it was a president of the Mexico City Organising Games.
periodical written in what would be the Committee, Pedro Ramírez Vázquez,
four official languages of the Games: gave a lecture on the organisation of the
Catalan, Spanish, French and English. In 1968 Games and in the Palau de la
1984 the first video with the generic title Música Catalana the Olympic anthem
Barcelona'92 was produced and presented was played. It was the work of the Greek
at the Los Angeles Olympic Games. composer Spyridon Samaras with words
by his fellow-countryman, the poet Costis
In March 1983 the exhibition "Què és Palamas.
Barcelona?" opened, the first of a series
which explained the progress made by The Second Olympic Day was held on 6
the candidature. They often coincided June 1984. The torches of the twelve
with important sporting events, such as previous Olympiads, including the

232 1 2
The president of the IAAF
Summer Games from Berlin to Los The image of the candidature
and the ASOIF, Primo Angeles and the ones used at the Winter
Nebiolo, lent his support to Olympics, were on show. The exhibition,
the Candidature. While he
was in Barcelona on the at which the book La flama olímpica was At the beginning of 1984, the Managing
occasion of the second presented, was held at the Palau de la Council decided to provide the
Olympic Day on 6 June Candidature with a graphic image which
1984, he gave an address in Virreina and was opened by Louis
the Saló de Cent in the city Girandou-N'Diaye, first vice-president of would identify it and give it its own seal.
hall. the IOC. At the Saló de Cent, the In April a committee was constituted to
4 president of the International Amateur draft the bases for a competition to
The Candidature logotype, Athletics Federation (IAAF) and the choose it. In essence the image sought
by the designer America
Sánchez. With this logotype Association of Summer Olympic was not specifically local, but one which
the Candidature acquired a International Federations (ASOIF), Primo would communicate the Barcelona'92
special graphic image. concept and would be as understandable
Nebiolo, who expressed his sympathy for
5 the Barcelona Candidature, gave a lecture in the city as in an international context.
The second Olympic Day entitled "Athletics as a basic sport of the Before the competition, other temporary
was attended by Louis
Girandou-N'Diaye, then Olympic Games". The Ciutat de designs had been used, such as the poster
first vice-president of the Barcelona orchestra, accompanied by the which showed the outline of Montjuïc
IOC. The Olympic leader
was present at the opening Orfeó Gracienc, also gave a rendering of with the five Olympic rings rising over
of the exhibition of the Olympic anthem at the Palau de la the coastline.
Olympic torches at the Música.
Palau de la Virreina.
The bases of the competition specified
During the Candidature phase two more the various applications for which the
Olympic Days were held, in 1985 and future logotype would be used, both
1986. internal for the Olympic Office
(stationery, exterior signposting,
publications) and external (sports events,

3 4 233

advertising campaigns, facilities, Besides appearing on cars, the logotype 1
The Candidature logotype
transport, decoration). Of the various was adapted to many objects: T-shirts, applied to several
designs presented, the one chosen was by towels, pencils, pens, lighters, eyeshades, promotional and everyday
objects, created by the
América Sánchez, who popularised a watches, maps, ties, postcards, Olympic Office.
particular aesthetic linked to the handkerchiefs and badges. It was also
Candidature. It was based on the five used for promotional purposes in Barcelona subway carriage
Olympic rings flattened and in publications, on murals, advertisements with the promotional
sticker of the Candidature.
perspective. Below them, like a cushion, and signs both in institutional and The graphic image of the
was an elongated, curved, silver shape private publicity. Candidature soon became
which, according to the author, popular amongst the people
of Barcelona, who exhibited
represented the outline or horizon of the it everywhere.
city from the sea. The phrase
"Barcelona'92" was written on it. The
logotype was rapidly incorporated into all
the Olympic Office publications and the
various activities in which the
Candidature took part.
The image soon became popular with the
public, perhaps because of its
adaptability and neutral character. The
growing relationship between the
Candidature and the people of the city
and Catalonia as a whole helped with the
rapid assimilation of the symbol.

234 1 2
Aerial view of the Montjuïc
The plan to in the Olympic Charter, the same ones
Area in 1985. The that had been included in the Los
construction of the Olympic Angeles programme. The dates proposed
Ring and the landscaping
of the Parc del Migdia The Preliminary Project listed the venues were early summer, between the end of
completed the plans for for the competitions and described the June and the beginning of July, over a
Montjuïc, begun in 1929 period of sixteen days which would begin
on the occasion of the
Barcelona Olympic Games. In the first
International Exhibition. phase, the general criteria had to be on a Saturday and finish on a Sunday, as
developed and the process of had been the custom since the Games in
The location of the Olympic transformation of the city to host the Munich in 1972.
areas in different outlying event specified.
areas of the city was a
response to the planners'
desire to correct The Candidature Preliminary Project was
Barcelona's tendency to finished in 1983. It took six months to The sports facilities
grow towards the west.
draft, and during that time a team of
The preliminary project of
specialists outlined the matters which
the Candidature, prepared would have to be dealt with: the sporting As the sports facilities in the host city
in late 1983, laid down the and technological requirements, the town are one of the basic aspects of the
general criteria for the
transformation the city was planning, the residences and the planning of the Olympic Games, it was
to undergo over the financing. Experiences from previous necessary to analyse the sporting
following years. It defined
the four Olympic areas and Olympics and contacts with the infrastructure in Barcelona at the time
the venues for the sports on organisers of the Los Angeles Games and see how it compared with the
the Olympic programme. were a primary source of information general requirements of the IOC. For this
and comparison. purpose the Preliminary Project team
made an analysis from which specific
The conclusions of the Preliminary proposals for action were drafted.
Project followed the line traced in
Primeres aproximacions. The figures for The Candidature extended the number of
the budget, though it was stressed that sports facilities required ex professo so
they were merely indicative, that the subsequent selection would be 237
corresponded to detailed estimates easier. Moreover, the criterion for
compared with data from previous choosing the facilities gave preference to
Games. They were therefore a useful existing ones. Of the 46 considered
reference point for the administrations suitable for tournaments and finals, only
involved when it came to estimating the 13 had to be newly built (including the
financing for the infrastructures required Olympic Stadium, which was restored).
to organise the Games. There was also The idea of building a single
an analysis of the cost to the city in monumental sports facility complex was
comparison with that of host cities on discarded from the outset, as in the long
earlier occasions and the conclusion run it would be an excessively onerous
reached was that it was within its means. operation for the city.

The Preliminary Project defined The Preliminary Project stated that being
fundamental questions for the later chosen to host the Games would justify
development of the Candidature and the constructing unique amenities which
Barcelona'92 organisation: the Barcelona did not possess (Olympic
demarcation of the four Olympic areas, stadium, sports hall, Olympic swimming
Montjuîc, Diagonal, Vall d'Hebron and pool, velodrome). But for the sports
Parc de Mar (where the Olympic Village which, however relevant to the Olympic
was to be located); the participation of Games, were not widely practised
other cities as venues for sports (archery, weightlifting, wrestling),
competitions; the establishment of a temporary constructions would be
mixed model of financing, which chosen. In these cases it was considered
included contributions from public more suitable to use existing buildings or
administrations and the support of take advantage of spaces which could be
private enterprise; and the programming easily adapted.
of a cultural Olympiad lasting four years.
Lastly, the proposed new facilities and
the policy of improving existing ones
helped to correct the deficits and to
The sports programme and calendar refurbish districts in the city, thus
encouraging an increase in the practice of
sport by the public.
The Preliminary Project provided for
events in the 23 official sports referred
Accommodation for the participants campus of the Barcelona Autonomous 1
Of the four planned
University. Later on the proposal was Olympic areas, the
modified and the space in question was Diagonal Area had the
largest number of existing
The Preliminary Project expected a used to accommodate the security forces. sports facilities. It was also
maximum of 15,000 athletes and team planned that the members
of the IOC would stay there.
officials, of whom about 3,000 would be The Preliminary Project suggested
women, to come to Barcelona to take building a special village for the 2
part in the Games. These participants journalists, though without deciding a The planning of the Vall
d'Hebron was to fill an
would have to be housed in specially location. Moreover, it recalled that the important gap in the urban
prepared dwellings. hotels in the city and along the coast fabric and to provide
several districts with
could absorb a large part of the demand. much-needed sports
To accommodate the athletes there was a facilities. Furthermore, the
construction of the outer
proposal to build an Olympic Village on For the remainder of the Olympic ring road ended the
the Barcelona seafront, specifically in the Family the plan was to take advantage of isolation of this sector of
eastern sector near the River Besòs. This the preparatory activity to build new the city.
operation would involve the recovery of hotels in the city, particularly top 3
the area facing the sea and the category. As an unusual detail, there was The Estació de França was
completely refurbished for
construction of a new district which a suggestion that it would be quite viable the 1992 Olympic Games,
would be part of the city after the to anchor deep draught luxury liners in as the terminal for
international trains and the
Games. On the reclaimed land new the port of Barcelona to make up the future high speed train.
sports and leisure areas could be built as supply of rooms during the Games.
well as the residences.
The Preliminary Project also took up the
It was proposed that the judges and initiative of previous Games in
referees would be lodged in an area of organising an International Youth Camp.
Cerdanyola del Vallès on land near the

1 2 3
A ship moored at one of the
The new infrastructures The Preliminary Project included plans
wharfs of the Port of to dismantle the stretch of railway line
Barcelona. The preliminary from the Estació de França to the Plaça
project provided for its
enlargement. The preparation of the city to receive de les Glòries and to put the coastal line
and transport the large number of from the Estació de França to Badalona
participants and visitors was examined underground where it crossed Poblenou.
from a list of the different transport The possibility of building a halt for the
systems existing at the time and new Olympic Village was also mooted.
speculation as to how they could be
used; moreover, the adaptations which Taking advantage of the provisions of
would have to be made in the the Barcelona Subway Plan, the
intervening years were taken into Preliminary Project proposed to extend
account. A first conclusion of the study the cross-city lines to connect the centre
was the need to enlarge the airport with the neighbouring towns and finally
terminals by 9,400 square metres and it open Line 2, for which work on the
was proposed to provide 5,000 new infrastructure had begun in 1975 and
parking spaces and bring a third runway had still not been finished.
into operation to allow an increase in air
traffic. The proposed transformation of the road
system would allow though traffic to
It would also be necessary to extend the avoid the city centre. This would involve
port to the west to have more berths and two ring roads and the junctions and
allow the vessels providing the extra links between them. The proposal to
accommodation to be moored at a improve the thoroughfares included an
central point between the Montjuïc and extension to the Diagonal as far as the
Parc de Mar areas. sea and the completion of several

4 239
pending projects, such as the advances in the fields of computers, 1
The outer ring road at the
construction of the Rovira and broadcasting and telecommunications. To Plaça Karl Marx, one of
Vallvidrera tunnels, the new layout of the this end it was considered necessary for the first sections of this
important link to be
Plaça de les Glòries and the provision of the Candidature to sign agreements with finished before the
3,000 extra parking places. the Spanish ministries and the industrial nomination. The proposed
road network was intended
sectors involved so that they would to enable through traffic to
With these measures the Preliminary cooperate on research into the new bypass the city rather than
Project considered that traffic within the technologies required for the Games. cross the centre.
city could be relieved and connections 2
between the districts, particularly the All the technological functions needed for The Organising
Committee's initial budget
Olympic areas, improved. In this way the Games were identified. Moreover, presupposed that a large
transport for the Olympic Family would there was a proposal to build a part of the income would
come from television rights,
be punctual, rapid, safe and efficient. telecommunications mast to cover which had grown steadily
broadcasting requirements. To coordinate over previous Olympic
the tasks of radio and television, both Games.
operational and technological, a special 3
Telecommunications body was to be created: the Olympic Model of the new
Collserola communications
Radio and Television Organisation tower. In view of the
(ORTO), which was finally called tremendous importance of
The Preliminary Project paid special telecommunications in the
Olympic Radio and Television (RTO). organisation of the Olympic
attention to the technological aspects. Games, the Barcelona
The underlying idea was that through the Candidature expected that
more than three thousand
Olympic event the city had to face up to million people would watch
new challenges and use the Games to the competitions live on
offer the world a demonstration of the
application of the latest technological

240 1 2 3
The budget and financing the time) for the Los Angeles Olympic
Games Organising Committee.

In 1983 the first budget of the Revenue from the exploitation of the
Organising Committee was estimated at Olympic symbols was prudently
73,250 million pesetas. estimated at about 2,000 million pesetas.
The remainder of the income came from
58% of the budget, 42,640 million a share of lotteries and issues of coins
pesetas, was set aside for the organisation and stamps (20% of the total budget);
of the Games. The remaining 42% was transfers and subsidies (15%) and sale of
distributed over the Organising assets (7%).
Committee's share in the facilities,
mostly sports (18%), adaptation of areas To evaluate the cost of organisation of
(14%) and miscellaneous (10%). the Games, the compilers of the
Preliminary Project divided the different
The aim of the economic model elements into twelve broad areas:
proposed for the Games was to achieve administration, technology, services, press
the maximum degree of self-financing. and publications, image, urban
The internal revenue section was development, security, Olympic villages,
equivalent to 58% of the total, notably sports, ceremonies, cultural activities and
television rights, which could reach International Youth Camp. The cost of
32,500 million pesetas. Although this staff, goods, services and equipment to
figure was enormous, it was not at all be contracted and acquired for each
rash, as it was known that the same department was analysed. There was also
rights had brought in 281.5 million a preliminary estimate of the number of
dollars (about 42,225 million pesetas at staff who would be required: 1,100

Initial budget of the 241

Organising Comittee*
Organisation of the Games 42.64 Own income 42.43
Staff 10.26 Tickets 2.45
* In thousands of millions Purchase of goods and services 21.15 Accomodation at the Olympic Village 1.20
of pesetas 1983 value. Equipment 11.23 Programmes, posters and lithographs 0.15
Sponsorship 2.00
Sites (participation quota) 12.80 Broadcasting rights 32.50
Competition venues 7.92 Provision of service 1.63
Training facilities 2.97 Interest and other income 2.50
complementary (Press) 0.97
complementary (Accomodation) 0.94 Participation in income 14.20
Lotteries 2.10
Actions in specific areas 10.34 Pools 8.10
Basic costs 0.00 Coins 3.00
Conversion costs 10.34 Postage stamps 1.00
Unforeseen 7.47 Transfers and subsidies 11.00
From the private sector 3.00
From the public sector 8.00
Sale of assets 5.62

Pro memoria Pro memoria

Quota from the public administrations: 14.94 Collateral from the public administration
Source: Olympic Office: direct investment quota 14.94
Preliminary Project for
the Candidature, 1984.
permanent members and 40,000 external scene. In short, the economic and social 1
On 27 November 1984,
contributors. incentives which would be generated by King Juan Carlos I gave an
the Candidature were valued positively audience to the members of
the Managing Council. His
The first budget of the Organising even if the city was not chosen in the Majesty took advantage of
Committee was calculated by adding the end. the occasion to reiterate his
support for the Candidature.
investment quota assumed by the public
administrations for facilities and actions 2
in specific areas, which was set at 14,940 A room in the old Museum
of Modern Art in
million pesetas, to the general budget of Barcelona, where some of
the Games. In the Preliminary Project the most representative
works of Catalan
the set of actions on facilities and areas modernism were exhibited.
necessary for the Games and the As part of the restructuring
of the city's museums, this
distribution of costs among the investors collection has become part
in both the public and private sectors of the National Museum of
was decided. Art of Catalonia on

Lastly, the Preliminary Project concluded

that the Olympic Games were well
within the reach of Barcelona, Catalonia
and Spain. They would serve to project a
modern image of the city and the
country abroad. They would also act as a
spur to the economy, catalyse investment
and have a multiplying effect on the
local and regional economy and on
Spain's presence on the international

242 1
Montjuïc also contains the
The cultural programme February 1984, the Spanish Olympic
Joan Miró Foundation, Committee also gave the go-ahead, after
designed by the architect some reticence at the beginning. With
Josep Lluís Sert, which
houses an important Although the reason for organising the this approval, the Candidatures of Jaca
collection of work by the Games is primarily to do with sport, and Granada to organise the Winter
since the origins the artistic and cultural Games in 1992 were discarded so as to
4 aspects of the Olympics have always concentrate all efforts on securing the
The Gran Teatre del Liceu, played a prominent part. In the nomination of Barcelona as host city for
a world famous opera house
where the most prestigious Preliminary Project, the Candidature had the Summer Games.
singers and companies expressed a wish to organise a cultural
frequently appear. The arts
in Barcelona endorsed the Olympiad which would last for four The Higher Sports Council received the
organisation of the four years. Work on the programme would favourable reports from the Spanish
year Cultural Olympiad,
which had been provided begin as soon as Barcelona was officially Olympic sports federations and passed on
for in the preliminary designated host city. the Preliminary Project to the
project. government. At a meeting of the Council
5 of Ministers on 28 March 1984 the
Homenatge a Picasso, project was approved and the
sculpture by Antoni Tàpies.
Two names intimately The first official approval Candidature given official support. In
related with the artistic life November the same year, Pasqual
of Barcelona.
Maragall appeared before the Culture
The Preliminary Project of the Barcelona and Sports Committee of the Parliament
Candidature was approved by the of Catalonia to ask for the support of all
Managing Council on 12 December 1983. the Catalan parties and institutions. A
The Assembly of the Spanish Olympic few months later, in May 1985,he did
Sports Federations gave its approval on the same before the Education and
21 December the same year. Last, on 28 Sports Committee of the Congress of

2 4 243

3 5
Deputies. At both forums the In February that year a delegation from A colourful image of the
Candidature received the formal support Barcelona travelled to Sarajevo to attend opening ceremony of the
of all the parliamentary groups. the Winter Games and promote the Los Angeles Olympic
Games in the summer of
Barcelona Candidature. Representatives 1984. The Barcelona
also began to make appearances at Candidature attended in
order to collect information
meetings of the Olympic organisations; in about the organisation of
The international debut in an Olympic the same year the Candidature went to the Games and to promote
year Mexico for the annual assembly of the the Catalan capital
amongst the Olympic
Association of National Olympic leaders who had travelled to
Committees (ACNO). California.
Early in 1984, the Barcelona Candidature 2
had already secured substantial support Nevertheless, it was not until July, on The representatives of the
Barcelona Candidature who
from the institutions and had an the occasion of the Games of the XXIII went to Los Angeles
organisational and technical plan to Olympiad in Los Angeles, that Barcelona watched the basketball final
implement the project. It began to formally introduced itself to the Olympic in which the Spanish team
won a silver medal.
consider what international promotion Movement and presented the
would be necessary to make the city and Candidature and its new logotype to the 3
A moment from the press
its aspirations to organise the Games Olympic Family. conference given by the
known. Barcelona Candidature for
the international press at
The Hotel Biltmore was the headquarters Los Angeles. The
1984 provided an excellent occasion to of the Organising Committee of the Los Candidature was very well
learn at firsthand from the experience of Angeles Games and the residence of the received and made an
excellent impression on the
two Olympic cities, Los Angeles and members of the IOC. The Candidature members of the Olympic
Sarajevo, and to introduce Barcelona and mounted a small exhibition showing the Family.
its ambitions to the world. more technical aspects of the Olympic
project by means of panels and models.

244 1 2

At Los Angeles, the Spanish
It held a reception at the hotel for 500 Barcelona also took the opportunity to
delegation stayed at a people, among whom were the mayor of make contact with the Games organisers
house which was christened Los Angeles and many members of the to glean further information.
Casa Barcelona, and which
became a pleasant meeting IOC. The Candidature delegation which
place far the members of travelled to the city set up an operations
the delegation and for the
rest of the Olympic Family. centre at a residence located near
Hollywood, which was christened the
"Casa Barcelona". It became a
rendezvous for many members of the
Olympic Family who were curious to
know more about the Barcelona proposal.

Other cities which were aiming for the

1992 Games were also present in Los
Angeles, among them Amsterdam, whose
Candidature drew special praise from the
local press. All in all, the Barcelona
Candidature, for which the visit to the
Californian city was a highly positive
experience in terms of its future actions,
made an excellent impression of
seriousness and enthusiasm on both the
members of the Olympic Family and the
international press. The mayor of

4 245
Aerial view of the
Barcelona waterfront, from
Institutional support this support from the business sector,
the port to Badalona. The was elected president of Barcelona
various stages of the growth Olímpica'92, with Leopold Rodés as
of the city can be
distinguished: the perimeter With a year to go before the IOC vice-president. Shortly afterwards, in
of the Roman nucleus, the decided which of the candidate cities June, Ferrer Salat was appointed a
shape of the mediaeval
walled area, the grid of would organise the 1992 Olympic member of the IOC at its 90th Session in
streets of the Eixample and Games, the Barcelona Candidature had Berlin.
of Barceloneta, and the secured all the promises of institutional
structure of some of the old
factories, such as those of backing which it had been asked for. To The participation of business was not
Poblenou, an area which, this could be added an increasing level of confined to the provision of financial
thanks to the impulse of the
Olympic Games, has public awareness and support, not only contributions. It also played a decisive
undergone a spectacular in Barcelona but also in the rest of role in the promotion of the Candidature
Spain; an initial survey of public opinion in the outside world and in the
King Juan Carlos listens commissioned by the Olympic Office impression of solidity and cooperation
closely as the mayor of showed that 64% of the population which it conveyed to the IOC. The
Barcelona, Pasqual associate companies demonstrated their
Maragall, explains the
believed that the choice of Barcelona for
model of the Olympic Ring the Olympic Games would be beneficial commitment by incorporating the
during a visit to the for the whole of the country. logotype of the Candidature into their
Olympic Office in May
1985. advertising and on their products,
3 1985 was a key year in the consolidation something which also helped to make it
Enrique Tierno Galván,
then mayor of Madrid, also
not only of an idea and a project, but familiar.
visited the Olympic Office, also of the institutional and social
accompanied by Ramón framework which would bring it to
Mendoza and Vicente
Calderón, the presidents of fruition.
the two most important The formal application and the
football clubs in the On 9 March an agreement was signed reinforcement of the structure
Spanish capital. All three
wished to make known their between the mayor of Barcelona, the
support for the Barcelona president of the Generalitat of Catalonia
and the minister of Culture, restructuring On 13 May 1985 the president of the
2 249
the Managing Council which had been COE, Alfonso de Borbón, and the
created two years before by the City Candidature commissioner, Joan Más
Council and the Generalitat. In Cantí, formally presented the Barcelona
accordance with this agreement the application to organise the 1992 Olympic
Spanish government joined the Managing Games to the IOC. The City Council had
Council on 2 April 1985. unanimously approved the presentation
of the Candidature a month earlier, on
The COE, which a year previously had 11 April, and the COE had recently
expressed its approval of the Preliminary taken the decision to join the Managing
Project, reaffirmed its support on 22 Council. Meanwhile, a second survey had
March. Some months later, on 13 June, confirmed the sense of expectation
it also joined the Managing Council, thus created by the Olympic project and the
ensuring that the decision-making body growing support it enjoyed among the
of the Candidature included all the Spanish public.
institutions that would need to be
involved in the organisation of the The increasing complexity and scale of
Games. In May, the king made an the work undertaken by the Candidature
official visit to the Olympic Office in called for a strengthening of the
Barcelona and accepted the presidency of organisational structure. Therefore, on 15
the Council of Honour for the July 1985, Pasqual Maragall proposed
Candidature. Josep Miguel Abad as chief executive
officer, the senior executive post in the
This institutional support was Candidature. At the time Abad was
accompanied by backing for the director general of the Barcelona Trade
Candidature from the world of business, Fair and had been associated with the
expressed in significant financial Olympic project from the outset as
contributions. Early in 1985 this was deputy mayor of Barcelona City Council
reinforced by a joint venture between and a member of the first Managing
Barcelona City Council and business Council for the Candidature.
circles which led to the setting up of the
association Barcelona Olímpica'92, Shortly afterwards, at the instigation of
composed of 92 companies, each the chief executive officer, two other
contributing ten million pesetas to the organisations were created: the Executive
Candidature. On 25 March Carles Ferrer Board and the International Relations
Salat, who had been the prime mover of Committee. The Executive Board, on
which all the organisations making up one in the Zona Franca. It was an ideal 1
The king and queen of
the Managing Council were represented, place in which to undertake the rapidly Spain, accompanied by staff
was responsible for following up the accelerating amount of work to be faced from the Olympic Office
during their visit to
agreements made by that body. The in the final stage of the process. Barcelona in May 1985.
nature and scope of the tasks to be
carried out by the Executive Board The rebuilding of the
required that it meet at weekly intervals. Montjuïc Olympic Stadium
Work goes ahead on the Olympic venues began in February 1985, at
a time when the Olympic
The International Relations Committee nomination was still a mere
had the task of promoting the aspiration, Barcelona
wanted to show the
Candidature abroad, above all among the Olympic world that it was
members of the IOC: providing them Building work on Montjuïc taking advance action in
crucial aspects of the
with information about the project and organisation of the Games.
accompanying them on their visits to In January 1985 the final Master Plan
Barcelona. Carles Ferrer Salat, who was was drawn up for the Montjuïc Olympic 3
In November 1985, the
named president of the new organisation, Ring, differing from the original proposal Olympic Office moved to
and Leopold Rodés took on this in the siting of the Palau Sant Jordi and new premises. From the
offices in the Zona Franca,
responsibility. the INEFC. For technical reasons the it moved to the former
position of these two buildings was Institut Nacional
d'Indústria building,
In November 1985 the Olympic Office reversed, allowing a better arrangement overlooking the Font
moved from the Zona Franca to the of the esplanades which formed part of Màgica (Magic Fountain)
Institut Nacional d'lndústria (INI) the Olympic Ring. A baseball training in the Montjuïc Olympic
building in the Montjuïc trade fair field was also added, replacing the one
precinct, situated in the Plaça de la Font situated to the east of the Olympic
Màgica. At 1,600 m2, the new Stadium, and the Pau Negre hockey field
headquarters was twice the size of the was moved to a position next to the

250 1 2

The first phase of work on
athletics warm-up track, in front of the Preparatory work also began on the site
the Montjuïc Area began southern facade of the stadium. for the sports hall. This consisted of
with the erection of moving the municipal nurseries,
scaffolding all round the
stadium, thus enabling The complexity of the work on the demolishing some shacks which were still
work to begin on the Olympic Ring and the desire to link it to standing in the area and levelling and
rebuilding of the venue. It
was carried out under the the Candidature led to the creation of a closing off the site. In fact, the work to
auspices of the Higher body with specific responsibility for install the municipal nurseries in the area
Sports Council. overseeing its progress. In March 1985 a of Tres Pins was the first step in turning
plenary session of Barcelona City Council the previously undeveloped part of
approved the constitution of a company Montjuïc into a park.
with the name Anella Olímpica de
Montjuïc, S.A. (AOMSA), which would In the summer of 1985 excavation work
also have Josep Miquel Abad as its chief for the new sports hall began, including
executive officer. the removal of the solid refuse that had
accumulated on the site. In October of
In February 1985, with finance from the the same year earth moving work was
Higher Sports Council, demolition work started to create platforms for the pilings.
began on the old stadium, after
scaffolding had been placed around the In June 1986 the plenary session of the
exterior to protect the facade. This work City Council incorporated the provisions
and the excavations to lower the interior of the Olympic Ring Master Plan into
level of the stadium by 11 metres in the Montjuïc Special Development Plan,
order to increase seating capacity which took in the Olympic venues and
continued until the following October. the whole of the Ring. In the same
The sculptures by Pau Gargallo were also month the Barcelona Provincial Council
removed from the main facade for signed an agreement with the City

Council under which it would take Planning the Parc de Mar Area 1
The sculptural groups by
responsibility for the sports hall, which Pau Gargallo which
was to be given the name of Palau Sant The decision to place the railway line crowned the main facade of
the old Montjuïc Stadium,
Jordi. Meanwhile, work had started on between the Estació de França and the seriously deteriorated over
the pilings. On 18 September the Plaça de les Glòries underground was the course of the years,
were temporarily removed
foundation stone was laid for the sports taken in February 1985. Barcelona City in May 1986 for
hall which would later become one of the Council and the Barcelona Metropolitan restoration. They were later
returned to their original
outstanding buildings of Olympic Corporation (CMB) followed this up by position.
Barcelona. ordering technical studies to be made for
the reorganisation of the railway network 2
The first stage of the
With construction of the Olympic in Barcelona. rebuilding of the Montjuïc
Stadium and the Palau Sant Jordi in Stadium involved
demolishing all the interior
progress the Olympic Ring began to take This decision removed the most structures and lowering the
shape, notably with the construction of a important question mark over the internal ground level by
eleven metres in order to
water tank with a capacity of 160,000 Candidature, the location of the Olympic increase the seating capacity.
m3 and an area of 1,350 m2, replacing Village, and the City Council was able to
an existing one. The construction of a go ahead with the planning of the Parc 3
The laying of the
large square -the future Plaça d'Europa- de Mar Area. The work was undertaken foundation stone of the
on top of this tank, situated at the end by the architectural firm Martorell/ Palau Sant Jordi in August
1985. This building was
of the Avinguda de l'Anella Olímpica, Bohigas/ Mackay/ Puigdomènech, which financed by the Barcelona
was planned. presented its project on 18 October of Provincial Council.
the same year. Several successive
versions were produced, each improving
on the initial project in accordance with
recommendations from various
government and council departments,

1 2 3
especially those from the Ministry of the coastline in the metropolitan area,
Public Works and Planning. the City Council set up the Special Unit
for the Redevelopment of the Poblenou
The final project, the Special Seafront, an executive body with powers
Development Plan for the Barcelona to manage, coordinate and implement all
Seafront, approved by the City Council measures related to the Olympic Village
on 26 June 1986, contained a number of and the seafront. Once this body had
central, interlinked proposals for one of been set up the process of acquiring the
the most important steps in the creation land was begun, one of the first plots to
of the Barcelona of the future: the be appropriated being the 40,000 m2 site
construction of a new area which would owned by the Crédito y Docks company,
serve as the Olympic Village and would situated on the Avinguda Icària.
then be destined for residential use after
the Games, the opening up of the city to The foundation stone of the Olympic
the sea, and the reorganisation of the Village was laid on 21 January 1986. At
road system. All this would have to take the same time the CMB, which was
place on a site which, until then, had responsible for the sewage system, started
been occupied by industrial buildings, work on the main drains which would
workshops and, to a lesser extent, make it possible to construct the
housing, whose occupants would have to underground section of the Plaça de les
be provided with alternative Glòries branch line. Further plots of land
accommodation. were acquired from the company
Catalana de Gas, among which was a site
To supervise the whole project and in called L'Arenal, which made it possible
accordance with the Coastal Plan being for work to start at the perimeter of the
drawn up by the CMB for the whole of future Village.

Companies forming the Barcelona Abengoa, S.A. Construcciones Núñez y Navarro, S.A. HUSA 253
Olímpica'92 Business Association Aceros Boixareu, S.A. Control y Aplicaciones, S.A.
ACESA Cubiertas y Mzov, S.A. IBM
Antonio Puig, S.A. Indicesa
Arthur Andersen & Cia. DAMM, S.A. Iberia, S.A.
ASEPEYO Danone, S.A. Industrias Burés
Dragados y Construcciones, S.A. Isolux, S.A.
Banc de Sabadell
Banca Catalana El Corte Inglés, S.A. J. Uriach & Cia, S.A.
Banco Atlántico El País
Banco Central ENHER La Maquinista Terrestre y Marítima, S.A.
Banco de Bilbao ENASA La Vanguardia
Banco de Europa EMTE Laboratorios Dr. Esteve, S.A.
Banco de Progreso Enrique Masó, E.D.S. Leche Pascual
Banco de Santander Entrecanales y Tavora, S.A.
Banco de Vizcaya Maquimpres, S.A.
Banco Exterior de España FECSA Material y Construcción, S.A.
Banco Hispanoamericano Ferrer Internacional, S.A. Med Playa Hotels
Bamices Valentine, S.A. Ferrocarril Metropolitano de Barcelona Mestre i Ballbé, S.A.
Basi Hermanos, S.A. Ferrovial, S.A. Motor Ibérica, S.A.
BBC Brown Boveri, S.A. Fichet, S.A.E.
Belloc Escuté FOCSA Nestle, A.E.P.A.
Bodegas Torres Foret, S.A. Nutrexpa, S.A.
Francisco Quintana Ylzarbe, S.A.
Caixa de Barcelona Freixenet, S.A. Obras y Construcciones, S.A.
Caixa d'Estalvis de Catalunya Fujitsu-España, S.A.
Caixa de Pensions Philips Ibérica, S.A.E.
CAMUNSA Galerias Preciados Rank Xerox Española, S.A.
Casinos de Catalunya, S.A. Grupo Asegurador Catalana Roca Radiadores, S.A.
Catalana de Gas i Electricitat Occidente
Cementos Asland, S.A. Grupo Ramel Sanyo
Cementos Uniland Grupo Z Siemens, S.A.
CEPSA Sintel, S.A.
Compañía Telefonica Nacional de España Henry Colomer Torras Hostench
COMSA Hispano Alemana de Construcción, S.A. Torres Herrería y Construcciones
Source: Olympic Office: Official Report, 1986. Hispano Olivetti, S.A.
While this work was beginning the Both the Olympic Village, which was 1
The route taken by the
institutional agreements were being located beside the sea and extended the railway through the district
finalised. In February 1986 the line of the streets of the Eixample, and of Poblenou made
numerous level crossings
Generalitat of Catalonia, the City the whole operation in the Parc de Mar and bridges necessary. The
Council, the CMB, the Ministry of Area of which it was part were designed construction of the Olympic
Transport and the railway company Village and the
to put an end to the isolation of a large restructuring of the whole
RENFE signed the official agreement to part of Poblenou in the north of the city. of the city's railway
re-route the lines in Poblenou, which in The redevelopment of the triangle network has meant that this
image is now only a memory.
turn followed an agreement between the formed by the Passeig de Carles I, the
CMB and the Ministry of Public Works Avinguda Bogatell and the coastline 2
The Barcelona Trade Fair
over the redevelopment of the seafront in entailed work on 47 of the 100 hectares precinct, adjacent to the
the area. which made up the so-called Parc de Plaça d'Espanya, in the
Montjuïc Area. The
Mar. The name "Nova Icària" was Candidature proposed that
In September 1986, the allocation of proposed for the new district in memory the Press Centre should be
work on the restructuring of the railway of the utopian Icària, which had taken located here.
was signed by the mayor of Barcelona root in the working class tradition of
and the president of RENFE, Julian Poblenou.
Garcia Valverde. This provided for the
removal of the lines running parallel to The Olympic Village was the most
the coast and the burying of the line to important urban development connected
the Plaça de les Glòries, which skirted with the Candidature. For the first time
the area. It was followed soon afterwards the operation to provide accommodation
by an agreement on an overhaul of the for the athletes at the Games would lead
Bogatell sewage system. to the transformation of an important
sector of the host city. The Village is
only 6 kilometres from the Olympic

254 1 2
3 Stadium, 5 kilometres from the Main Olympic project gave the final push to
View of the Vall d'Hebron
area, with the Velodrome in Press Centre, 6.5 kilometres from the the extension of the long postponed
the foreground. The project hotel which would serve as the IOC second ring road, part of the 1976
proposed that this zone be General Metropolitan Plan, which was in
transformed into one of the headquarters, 7 kilometres from the
four Olympic areas. Diagonal area, 6.5 kilometres from the turn based on an initial idea from the
Vall d'Hebron area and 600 metres from 1917 Road Links Plan. The new ring
the Hospital del Mar, which would be road would finally provide this area with
the Olympic hospital during the Games better access from the centre of the city.

Filling a gap
The Candidature around the world
In April 1985 the Olympic Office drew
up a master plan for the Vall d'Hebron
Area, one of the four Olympic areas
containing the main venues for the 1992 A successful presentation
Alongside these town planning and
Located in the north-west of Barcelona, development measures, the Barcelona
the Vall d'Hebron Area was a triangle of Candidature abroad was making itself
more than 160 hectares surrounded by felt through a presence at international
districts with serious deficiencies in sporting events and meetings of the IOC
accesses and services. The construction and other organisations in the Olympic
of the velodrome in 1984 had been the Movement.
first step in the recovery of the largest
gap in the city for public use. The

3 255
The reception which Barcelona received have brought the most added value in 1
The Candidature presented
at the 90th Session of the IOC, held in their presentations. The Australian a lengthy report to the 90th
East Berlin from 1 to 5 June 1985, was Candidature, because it was an unknown Session of the IOC, which
was held in East Berlin in
especially favourable. The Candidature quantity and projected a favourable 1985. At that Session,
attended the meeting with the object of image, and ours, because we have Carles Ferrer Salat was
elected a member of the
showing the changes that had taken place presented a progress report which has international organisation.
in the city since its first formal made a great impression." Until then, Ferrer Salat
presentation abroad at the Los Angeles had been head of the
Barcelona Olímpica'92
Olympic Games the year before. A report A stand was constructed to display the Association, which lent
entitled From Los Angeles to Berlin, technical project. The design minted the significant support to the
city's Olympic aspirations.
1984-1985 was distributed to everyone modern, creative, Mediterranean image
attending the Session. It was divided into which was to become associated with the
chapters with forceful titles: "Barcelona Barcelona Candidature. The floor of the
moves forward", "Barcelona spreads the stand was blue perspex, lit from beneath,
Olympic spirit", "Barcelona plans and with a wooden platform in the shape of
builds", "Barcelona guarantees the map of Catalonia. One of the panels
accommodation", "Barcelona will provide held a model of Barcelona on which the
transport" and "Barcelona can finance sites of the sports venues and other
the Games". places of interest were picked out by
laser. A metal tower was installed with
All the cities which aspired to host the video monitors offering graphic
1992 Summer Games were present in information in eight languages. The
Berlin. At a press conference after the luminosity, combined with the dynamism
90th Session of the IOC, Pasqual of the technology used, gave an
Maragall declared: "Barcelona and impression of the finest aesthetic quality,
Brisbane are the Candidatures which and this was an aspect in which

256 1
Albertville, candidate to
Barcelona was to be the leader 5. Barcelona'92: an architectural style
organise the 1992 Winter throughout the campaign. The stand was combining tradition and modernity.
Olympic Games, exhibited visited by 8,000 people. 6. A Mediterranean style: the Olympic
this sober and functional
stand at Berlin. Village by the sea.
The presence of the Barcelona 7. A first class location for the Olympic
The stand of the Paris Candidature in East Berlin was Family.
Candidature. In 1985, the considered a great success as a 8. The press at the heart of the Games.
cities of Brisbane, promotional exercise abroad. The 9. A project for the city of the future.
Amsterdam, Paris and
Birmingham had joined the synthesis between serious organisation 10. With everyone's support, we are ready.
race to organise the 1992 and aesthetic quality produced an
Games. Belgrade was later
added to the number. excellent result with a unique style based After Berlin the stand also appeared at
on a balanced projection of the content the meeting of the IOC Executive Board
At the Barcelona
and the form of the Barcelona Olympic with ACNO, held at the Hotel Alfa in
Candidature stand at the proposal. Lisbon from 14 to 19 October 1985.
90th Session of the IOC, Delegations from Albertville, Anchorage,
visitors could obtain
information about facilities The first "decalogue", which summed up Belgrade, Birmingham, Cortina
which formed part of the the message of the Candidature and was d'Ampezzo, Lillehammer, Paris and Sofia
project using a computer
terminal; at the same time, presented in the German city, was as were also present at the meeting.
they could see a photograph follows:
and find them on a model
of the city, where they were
picked out by a laser beam. 1. By land, sea and air, all roads lead to
The stand was designed by Barcelona.
Josep A. Pols and Antoni
Rosselló. 2. The Games with short journeys.
3. Rapid and easy communication
between the different areas.
4. Sites full of the magic of the city.

2 4

From continent to continent In December 1985 the 5th General The president of the
Assembly of the African Olympic Generalitat of Catalonia,
The delegation from Barcelona also took Committees was held in the capital of Jordi Pujol, at the opening
of the International Tourist
advantage of meetings of the Olympic Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. Here the Fair in Milan. The public
committees from one of the continents to Barcelona delegation established further bodies associated with the
Candidature took every
establish personal and institutional useful contacts with Olympic executives. opportunity to publicise it
contacts. Apart from Barcelona, the meeting was abroad.
attended by the delegations which had 2
One example of this was the 4th General been present in Bahrain and those from The Candidature was
Assembly of the Asian Olympic Cortina d'Ampezzo and Berchtesgaden. present at the meetings of
all the international
Committees held in Bahrain on 4 and 5 associations which make up
December 1985. Although some While the Candidature was being the Olympic Movement. At
Buenos Aires, Raimon
difficulties were encountered in bringing presented at the various forums of the Martínez Fraile, deputy
the promotional material into this Olympic Movement, the Olympic Office mayor on the Barcelona
Persian Gulf country, an exhibition was also organised exhibitions at other City Council, explained the
Olympic project to Jo-o
mounted in the Hotel Diplomat, where international fairs and shows. Those in Havelange, member of the
the meeting was held. In Bahrain Milan, Stockholm and Buenos Aires in IOC and president of FIFA.
contacts were established with members the first quarter of 1985 were particularly
of the IOC from South East Asia and important.
from other countries on the continent,
many for the first time. The The occasion in Milan was the Tourist
Candidatures from Amsterdam, Fair held in the Palazzo di Brera
Anchorage, Albertville, Birmingham, between 20 and 25 February 1985 and
Falun, Lillehammer, Paris and Sofia were the exhibition was opened by the
also at the Assembly and each was given president of the Generalitat, Jordi Pujol.
time to make a brief presentation to the

258 1 2
In Stockholm the exhibition was stages, work had started on the Olympic
mounted as part of Barcelona Week, Village and was progressing on the
organised in March by the Metropolitan Olympic Ring. Furthermore, the first of
Tourist Office. It was accompanied by a the new sports venues destined for use at
Gaudí exhibition and a Catalan cookery the Games, the velodrome, had already
show. In Buenos Aires the exhibition was been in operation for two years.
installed in the headquarters of the
Argentinian Olympic Committee between On 27 December 1985, a plenary session
17 and 24 April, where it made a great of the City Council ratified the Barcelona
impact, despite coinciding with the application to organise the Games and
massive public demonstrations which undertook to respect the Olympic
were taking place in Argentina at the Charter. Soon afterwards, on 24 January,
time. the Council of Ministers passed a similar
resolution and a month later the COE
took the same step.

The decisive year On 1 March 1986, Pasqual Maragall and

other members of the Managing Council
presented the Candidature Dossier to the
In 1986, the year in which the IOC had IOC at its headquarters in Lausanne, the
to decide which city would organise the other candidate cities having done so
1992 Olympic Games, Barcelona was several days before, following an order
getting ready, spurred by a Candidature established by lot. The Dossier was then
which had become a long-awaited source unveiled to the press on 14 March.
of hope and renewal. The drafting of the
Candidature Dossier was in its final

Public opinion in the Barcelona Do you think that the Olympic Games will be beneficial to the city of Barcelona? 259
metropolitan area concerning
the Barcelona Candidature

Very 77.0 82.4 84.0

Fairly 16.0 11.7 7.6
Not very 3.0 4.6 3.2
Don't know 4.0 1.3 5.2

Source: Olympic Office:

Official Report, 1986. Personal interviews carried out among people between 16 and 65 resident in the Barcelona metropolitan area.
The presentation of the Dossier was the given to the committees of inquiry sent 1
In March 1986, the
decisive step in the application process; by the IOC, the ACNO and the president of Spain, Felipe
the Barcelona Candidature was now in International Federations were the best González, paid an official
visit to the Olympic Office
the final straight. A few days later the means of reasserting the Olympic project to give his support to the
president of the Spanish government, and maintaining the institutional and city's Olympic aspirations.
Felipe González, made an official visit to popular support which underpinned it. 2
the Olympic Office and was followed The president of the
soon afterwards by the minister of Generalitat, Jordi Pujol,
registered as an Olympic
Culture and Sport, Javier Solana. The volunteer during his visit to
president of the Generalitat, Jordi Pujol, the Olympic Office in June
also came and registered as an Olympic

With the handing in of the Dossier the

Olympic project was complete and no
further modifications could be made.
Nevertheless, several months still
remained before the voting in October,
during which time the Candidature could
be further promoted and explained.
Presentations of the Candidature all over
the world, the competitions organised in
Spain during the period, the campaign for
Olympic volunteers, the Olympic Bus
which visited the capitals of all the
autonomous communities and the answers

260 1 2
The Candidature Dossier
The commitment of the city process which had begun in mid-1980
was the document which and which had to be tied up in a
contained Barcelona's feasible, coherent proposal.
proposals for the
organisation of the 1992 A few months before the Olympic
Games. The originality of nomination, the cities aspiring to
Barcelona's presentation of
the Dossier -after an idea organise the Games have to present a
by the designer André final report to the IOC. This is called the The drafting of the Dossier
Ricard- was highly praised Candidature Dossier.
by the press and television,
who soon re-christened it
the Magic Box. The Candidature Dossier is a formal On this basis, in mid-1985 a team began
2 commitment made by a city applying to to study the requirements of the IOC
The mayor of Barcelona host the Olympic Games. Basically it is and the international federations and to
and president of the
Managing Council, Pasqual the answer to a detailed questionnaire compare them with the solutions that the
Maragall, and the chief prepared by the IOC and the city and the Candidature had already
executive officer of the
Candidature, Josep Miquel international federations. The questions found. This revealed all possible gaps in
Abad, present the refer to all aspects of the organisation of the project. Previously the team had
Candidature Dossier to the the Games: infrastructures, facilities and made an exhaustive analysis of the
Barcelona press.
services, human resources and financing dossiers presented by the Olympic
and all legal and contractual relations candidatures which had been successful
established by the IOC with the city in earlier years: Los Angeles (1984),
chosen in order to guarantee observance Calgary (1988) and Seoul (1988).
of the rules and regulations of the
Olympic organisation. The final version of the Barcelona
Candidature Dossier consisted of six
The candidate cities have to send copies volumes and complementary elements.
of the dossier to IOC headquarters in The title of the first volume was
Lausanne, to all members of the "Request to the International Olympic
organisation, to all the international Committee by the Barcelona Candidature
federations and the NOCs. The for the hosting of the Games of the XXV 263
information in the dossier has to be Olympiad". The volume opened with
checked by three committees of experts letters of support from the king, the
sent by the IOC, the ASOIF and the president of the Spanish Government,
ACNO to the candidate cities. After their the president of the Generalitat of
visit, these fact-finding committees have Catalonia, the president of the Spanish
to report on their conclusions to the Olympic Committee and the mayor of
organisations they represent so that the Barcelona and contained a list of the
members of the IOC can take them into members of the Candidature. The body
account when making their final decision. of the volume provided the answers to
the twenty-three questions posed by the
Besides Barcelona, five other cities had IOC; there were comments on the
applied for the Summer Games: conditions required of the candidate
Amsterdam, Belgrade, Birmingham, cities by the IOC and the proposed
Brisbane and Paris. The growing interest contract between the Organising
in sport and the increase in revenue from Committee, the IOC and the COE if the
the sale of television rights and the profit city were chosen; and there was an
made by the Los Angeles Organising explanation of the plan to organise the
Committee had raised the number of International Youth Camp. The volume
candidate cities. In its Candidature closed with the answers to the
Dossier, therefore, Barcelona had to show questionnaire about organising the IOC
that it was capable of undertaking the sessions which would coincide with the
organisation of an event of this scale, Olympic Games.
which meant that the answers had to be
absolutely precise. The second volume referred to the
minimum requirements for coverage of
The Barcelona'92 organisation strategy the Games by press, photographers and
and the progress made on the early broadcasters. The third, fourth, fifth and
preparations for the Olympic Games had sixth volumes contained the sports
been set out in various publications: The programme and answers to the questions
Barcelona'92 Preliminary Project, of the international federations about
presented in Los Angeles in 1984; the each of the official Olympic sports,
Progress Report, presented in Berlin in which were arranged in groups of six.
1985; and the periodical, Barcelona
Olympic News. The presentation of the In addition to all the printed material,
Candidature Dossier was the end of a there was an audio cassette, a video and
a diskette with general information about Dossier became both symbol and fruit of 1
The Dossier amounted to
the city and the Olympic project. the tenacity and determination of the more than seven hundred
city to be chosen to host the Olympic pages of information and
multi-media material. Its
In the copies addressed to the members Games. preparation, directed by
of the IOC there was a personal letter Fèlix Àrias, was arduous
and intense, and lasted
from the king, the book Ara Barcelona more than four years. Some
by the journalist Carles Sentís and a The Magic Box 750 professionals from a
personal greeting from the mayor great variety of disciplines
were involved in it.
recorded on video tape. Special attention was paid to the external
appearance of the Dossier for maximum 2
A delegation of the
The drafting of the Candidature Dossier impact at the presentation. In November Managing Council presents
involved a process of selection from over 1985, the designer André Ricard was the Candidature Dossier to
commissioned to produce a container for the president of the IOC at
100 preliminary projects, 3,000 the organisation's
photographs, 2,000 plans and 150 the materials and books which were headquarters in Lausanne.
illustrations. There were 50 hours of being prepared.
audio and video recording. Altogether the
preparation of the Dossier represented The detailed nature of the contents of
500,000 hours work over four years and the Candidature Dossier conditioned the
involved 750 professionals from different design of the container, since it was
disciplines. necessary to be able to add information
or modifications which would improve
No city had ever presented a candidature Barcelona's tender up to the last
report resembling the Barcelona Dossier, moment. As André Ricard commented,
either in terms of exterior appearance or "This need for flexibility and
contents, as the international press open-endedness was the basic
pointed out at the time. The Barcelona conditioning factor in the structure of the

264 1 2
Barcelona's proposal
Barcelona Dossier. We were looking for made of bubinga wood, fastened with a
included twenty-four sports: an original, convenient and prestigious gilded brass fastener bearing the
the twenty-three which solution and we found that the best way Candidature emblem and the name of
made up the official
programme at the Games in was to group the documents in a series the person to whom it was addressed,
Seoul in 1988, plus of open containers which would make it which created a subtle link between the
badminton. After the
nomination had been won, possible to move them around right up city and the recipient. The result was
a twenty-fifth sport, to the last day." soon christened the Magic Box.
baseball, was added. Three
demonstration sports were
also included: Basque The solution which was adopted The whole Dossier weighed nearly twelve
pelota, roller hockey and consisted of a dark grey filing box, with kilos. A packaging for mailing and a
plastic drawers fitted with handles which container which would make it possible
made them slide on rollers. The index of to move it around conveniently and
the contents of each drawer was printed which fitted in with the general concept
on the outside. The container was were designed. The container was a white
designed in such a way that its cardboard box with canvas straps and
appearance suggested tradition and wooden handles. When the lid was
modernity, quality and technique. removed, the sides dropped down to
reveal the wooden box. The idea was to
The Dossier was presented in a special make an immediate impact on the
edition addressed to the members of the recipient.
IOC by name and another to be
distributed amongst the international
federations and the NOCs. 100 of the
former and 900 of the latter were made.
The Dossier addressed to members of the
IOC was contained in a special box

Prior guarantees at the Council of Ministers in January 1
Plan of the Barcelona
1986 the Spanish Government had given subway network. The city
explicit guarantees that everyone taking has more than seventy
kilometres of subway line,
The Candidature Dossier began by part in the Games would be able to enter used every year by 270
explaining how the Barcelona Olympic the country freely and that the million passengers.
Games Organising Committee would be Organising Committee, in accordance 2
constituted and at what stage. The with the Olympic Charter and the For the football World Cup
Organising Committee would have numerical criteria of the IOC, would in 1982, signposting for the
Barcelona subway was
independent legal status and would be accredit everyone with an Olympic redesigned by Josep M.
structured in two governing bodies, the Identity Card. Trias.
Assembly and the Executive Board. The
first organisation chart and its probable Within the framework of the Spanish
evolution until 1992 also appeared. The Constitution, the Candidature Managing
City Council and the COE undertook to Council guaranteed that no political
constitute it no later than six months demonstrations which might distort the
after the nomination. Games would be allowed within the
Olympic sites or the surrounding areas.
The Dossier stated that under Spanish Furthermore the Barcelona City Council
law there were no obstacles to holding undertook not to authorise any political
the Games and recalled that Articles 30 event at the Olympic venues for a period
and 31 of the law governing physical beginning one week before and ending
education and sport, of 20 March 1980, one week after the Games.
provided a framework for the promotion
of the functions of the COE and the Bearing in mind that the IOC is the
propagation of Olympism throughout exclusive owner of broadcasting rights to
Spanish territory. It also pointed out that the Games, the Candidature promised to

266 1 2
Plan of the Olympic
respect its rights and prerogatives and to In the Dossier, the Candidature
Stadium. The Candidature manage all the tasks connected with the undertook to give the Olympic symbols
Dossier described the broadcasting of the Games properly and and emblems protection under the law
competition and training
facilities to be used by each efficiently. This declaration was backed before the Games: use of them was the
sport during the Olympic by letters from the director general of exclusive prerogative of the IOC. It also
Games. It also included a Radio Televisión Española, José Maria
detailed study of the referred to Spanish law, which explicitly
seating, within each venue, Calviño, and the director general of the granted this protection under Article 32
of the groups which make Corporació Catalana de Ràdio i of the law governing physical education
up the Olympic Family.
Televisió, Joan Granados, who and sport, which attributed the
4 acknowledged formally that the IOC management of the Olympic symbols on
Plan of the RCD Espanyol
Stadium, one of the venues owned the exclusive broadcasting rights Spanish territory to the COE.
selected from the beginning for the Games. However, the budget
for the football competition.
established the distribution of television Through the commitments assumed by
rights as set out in Clause 33 of the the Barcelona City Council, it was
Olympic contract with the city guaranteed that the Games would be
nominated. In accordance with that held in the candidate city and events
contract, which had to be signed on the would only be held outside it with the
day of the nomination, the IOC granted express authorisation of the IOC. It also
to the Organising Committee 20% of the guaranteed that the Organising
income from television, to cover the Committee would provide facilities for
production costs; of the remaining 80%, the IOC to hold a session during the
one third was to be retained by the IOC Games and that every one of the
and the other two thirds would be paid eighteen clauses of the Olympic contract
to the Organising Committee as a would be observed.
contribution to the financing of the Games.

3 4 267
In accordance with the contract between The choice of dates had taken account of On 14 November 1985, the
the IOC and the city appointed, the various factors. As far as the climate was IOC chose the laboratory
Dossier affirmed that although the object concerned, the fortnight selected was the of the Barcelona Municipal
Institute for Medical
was to achieve a balanced budget, if the best for open-air sports, as statistics Research to carry out
Barcelona Games generated a profit, it showed that during that period the doping control tests for
international competitions.
would be distributed as follows: 10% for average temperature in Barcelona was
the IOC, 10% for the COE and the 24° C, with daily maximum and 2
minimum variations of no more than 6° The canoe slalom was
remaining 80% to be invested for the included in the competition
general benefit of Spanish sport. The C. Rainfall was sparse -over the last programme which the
Dossier also stated that the IOC would thirty years it had only rained six times Barcelona Candidature
presented to the IOC. The
be entitled to 3% of the contracts for the and those just light showers- and the sport had not been seen at
commercial exploitation of the winds were gentle. Moreover, studies the Olympic Games since
Barcelona'92 symbols. revealed that July and August are the
months with the lowest levels of 3
According to the proposed
atmospheric pollution owing to the programme for
favourable meteorological conditions and Barcelona'92, for the first
The calendar and the sports the reduction of contaminating elements. time badminton would be
an official sport at the
Furthermore, summer -and especially the Olympic Games.
last days of July and the whole month of 4
Barcelona proposed that the sixteen August- is the time when traffic flows Taekwondo was one of the
consecutive competition days for the most freely in the city centre, as many of three demonstration sports
provided for in the Dossier.
1992 Games should be from 25 July to 9 the inhabitants have gone away on their The Spanish team had had
August. They would begin on a Saturday holidays and companies are closed or great success at the Seoul
and end on a Sunday, as had become the working a short timetable, which means Games, where the sport had
also formed part of the
custom at earlier Olympics. a fall in goods transport activities, and demonstration programme.
schools and universities are enjoying the
long vacation.

268 1 2

Basque pelota, of which
Lastly, the programme suited the 1972). Once Barcelona had been
there is a great tradition in international sporting competition nominated, baseball was added as an
Barcelona, became a calendar and the traditional cycle of the official sport and roller hockey,
demonstration sport for the
first time at the Olympic practice of Olympic sports and so the taekwondo and pelota as demonstration
Games. At the London athletes would have plenty of time to sports.
Games in 1908, a very prepare for the Games, as had been
similar sport -jeu de
paume- had formed part of demonstrated by a survey sent to the There were to be some changes to the
the competition programme. international federations and various competition organisation due to the
6 NOCs. overall increase in the number of
Roller hockey was competitors: there were more women's
introduced into Catalonia
in 1915. Many Catalan teams in basketball, handball and hockey,
roller hockey teams have The sports programme though the number of wrestlers was
won international reduced. Nevertheless, the Candidature
competitions, and the
Spanish team have been The Barcelona Candidature kept the remained open to modifications and the
world champions ten times. twenty-three sports and their events suggestions of the international
Roller hockey was chosen
as one of the three sports planned at Seoul on the programme. In federations and the IOC.
which, according to the addition, in accordance with the
Olympic Charter, may be
included in the programme recommendations and observations of the The Dossier went into great detail -four
of demonstration sports at IOC and the international federations, a volumes- about the sports programme
the Olympic Games. new official sport would be included for the Barcelona Games and answered
(badminton) and some new events (the the international federation
3000 metres women's walk in athletics, questionnaires for each of the Olympic
the women's events in judo, the 50 sports. There were general guidelines
metres freestyle in swimming and the which would cover them all and the
slalom events in canoeing, which had not specific criteria for each one were set
been held since the Munich Games in out. There were also details of all kinds

4 5 6 269
about the location and characteristics of together competition venues and training 1
Map of the venues Included
the facilities which would be used for facilities, parks, gardens and leisure in the Candidature Dossier.
competition and training. Then came the spaces, cultural buildings and Olympic Apart from a few small
differences, it is the same
accommodation for the competitors, the Family residences. as the definitive map.
coaches, the federation staff and
technical staff. The organisation of the The "areas" were an attempt to
meetings and congresses which the IOC concentrate a series of activities at sites
and the international federations usually which, in the tradition of the Olympic
hold during the Olympic Games was also parks, would provide suitable conditions
mentioned. There was ample information for holding the great festival which is the
about accesses, parking spaces and Games. At the same time, the intention
transport. Last, there was general was to avoid packing all the sports
information about the competition facilities into a single place, which would
calendar and the distances between the have meant that they were useful for the
Olympic areas. sixteen days of the Olympic competition,
but would have been of little social value
afterwards. Another consideration was
ease of access to all the venues, which
The Olympic areas were located at reasonable distances to
avoid transport problems and other
inconveniences for the Olympic Family
To carry out the programme proposed and the spectators.
for the Games of the XXV Olympiad,
the Barcelona Candidature chose The competitions in nineteen of the
different facilities concentrated in the twenty-four sports planned would be held
so-called "Olympic areas". These grouped in the four areas chosen (Montjuïc,

270 1
Facilities for shooting at
Diagonal, Vall d'Hebron and Parc de adapted for the occasion), 5 were under
Montjuïc. Subsequently, it Mar). The areas were all near junctions construction and 5 more at the planning
was decided to construct a with main city thoroughfares and easily stage. As far as the training facilities
new facility for the 1992
Olympic Games: the Camp accessible by public transport. All four were concerned, the city could provide
de Tir Olímpic at Mollet, were within a circle with a radius of five about 1,300.
one of the most advanced
in the world. Shooting has kilometres and travelling time between
been part of the Olympic them would not exceed twenty minutes To make clear the location of the
programme since the very either by public or private transport.
first Games of the modern
competition venues the Dossier included
era. maps showing them all and a sheet for
The remaining sports on the official each one -with the name, town, capacity,
programme would be played at various events to be held, distance from the
sites in the metropolitan area or in other Olympic Village, state of building work,
parts of Catalonia, chosen either for their owner and ground plan- a photograph
long tradition in the sport and the large and a detailed description of each
number of people playing or because Olympic area.
they had ideal facilities and natural
settings. In short, the Games would be
held in four areas of the city, well
connected with each other and the
neighbouring towns, and in other places
in Catalonia.

The Dossier stated that of the 37

competition venues required for the
Games, 27 were already built (of which 5
would need to be converted and 7

2 271
The Montjuïc Area The development of the Olympic Ring, 1
Plan of the Montjuïc
which had begun in 1984, included the Olympic Area. The Olympic
Montjuïc was to be the main setting for main sports buildings of the Games: the Ring is constructed along a
broad avenue; at one end
the competitions of the 1992 Olympic Olympic Stadium, the Palau Sant Jordi, stands the Olympic
Games. The sports to be held there were the Bernat Picornell swimming pools and Stadium and, at the other,
the INEFC, to which could be added the the INEFC. On one side of
athletics, boxing, fencing, gymnastics, the avenue is a new sports
modern pentathlon, swimming, table conversion and renovation of existing hall, and on the other, the
tennis, water polo, weightlifting and facilities. Piscines Bernat Picornell.
wrestling and the finals of basketball, 2
handball and volleyball. Some of these Some of the Barcelona Trade Fair The moats of Montjuïc
Castle provide a popular
sites were changed later; this was the pavilions were also to be adapted for use training area for archers.
case with basketball, boxing and table as the Media Centre (MC), as they were
tennis. adjacent to the Olympic Ring and at Interior of the Palau de la
distances of between 100 and 1000 Metal-lúrgia. It was
Montjuïc Park already had a large metres from the competition venues. intended that many of the
Barcelona Trade Fair
number of sports venues, which had been Connections with the city and the other facilities would be used for
built over the years. Many of them had Olympic areas were provided by two the 1992 Games.
appeared in earlier applications to host subway lines and six bus routes; they 4
the Games: the Estadi de la Foixarda were near the Plaça d'Espanya, a car The Palau de Congressos,
thanks to its location and
(1920), the Olympic Stadium (1929), the park and direct access to the coastal ring the facilities it possesses,
Montjuïc swimming pools (1929) and the road. was considered highly
Bernat Picornell swimming pools (1969). suitable for use as the
Main Press Centre.
Some of them would have to be
converted for the 1992 Games. 5
Model of the structure
supporting the roof of the
Palau Sant Jordi.

272 1 3 5

2 4
Tennis courts in the
The Diagonal Area zone, build new roads and take
Diagonal Area, proposed as complementary measures, such as a new
training facilities for tennis. Around the perimeter of the Diagonal park between the Real Club de Polo and
7 Area, one of the main gateways to the university buildings, and develop the
Plan of the Diagonal Area, Barcelona, were many of the sports empty spaces between the faculties.
which already had facilities of the city. Among the private
important sports facilities,
such as the FC Barcelona ones were the football grounds of FC According to the Dossier the Olympic
Stadium, the RCD Barcelona and RCD Espanyol, the CE competitions to be held in this area
Espanyol Stadium, the Real
Club de Polo, the CE Laietà, the Real Club de Polo or the would be equestrian sports, football,
Laietà, the Club de Tennis Club de Tennis del Turó; and the public judo, modern pentathlon and tennis,
del Turó and the Zona
Universitària. ones, the Zona Universitària and although in the end tennis was
recreational areas such as the Parc de transferred to Vall d'Hebron. The
The Real Club de Polo, in
Cervantes and the Palau de Pedralbes. Diagonal area was the second most
the Diagonal Area, was Moreover, there was a large public space, important in terms of concentration of
chosen as the ideal venue
for the equestrian events.
so far undeveloped, for which the Olympic activities, after Montjuïc. Some
Later, for the endurance Candidature designed a master plan of the facilities there were to be the
test and dressage sections setting the boundaries of most of the venues for competitions which were also
of the three-day event, the
facilities of the Centre sports venues, which had been built held in other areas, such as football and
d'Hípica del Montanyà without any overall order. It also revived modern pentathlon, and others would be
were added. an old plan to build a new amenity: the used for training, as was the case with
9 Pubilla Casas sports complex in hockey.
Aerial view of the Diagonal l'Hospitalet de Llobregat, a town
adjoining Barcelona, where development Besides being the site for those sports,
10 had begun a year before the Olympic the Diagonal area was to be the zone for
Panoramic view of the FC
Barcelona stadium. The nomination. The aim of the master plan the residences for members of the IOC
Dossier proposed that the was to give an overall pattern to the and the NOCs, the technical delegates of
final of the football
competition be held there.

6 7 9

8 10
the international federations, referees' planned to set up the International 1
Plan of the Vall d'Hebron
committees and other technical staff. It Youth Camp. Area.
would also have suitable premises for the 2
congresses or sessions of Olympic The events planned for this area in the Sculpture by Joan Brossa,
organisations coinciding with the Games. dossier were archery, the track cycling close to the Velodrome.
Barcelona has been
competitions and some of the handball noteworthy, in recent years,
events, though it was decided later that for the sculptures by
The Vall d'Hebron Area these would be held in Granollers. In the famous artists which have
been erected in the streets
end, tennis, volleyball and Basque pelota and squares of the city.
In the Vall d'Hebron Area, the were also included. 3
Candidature Dossier could point to an Plan of the Velodrome, in
Olympic venue completed well before the the district of Horta,
chosen as the venue for the
city was nominated to host the 1992 Olympic track races.
Games: the velodrome, which had been
inaugurated on the occasion of the World
Cycling Championship in 1984.

The area, which occupies 160 hectares,

has other facilities, such as the Llars
Anna Gironella de Mundet, the Club
Esportiu Hispano-Francès and the Unió
Esportiva d'Horta. The Llars Mundet,
between the Velodrome and the Ciutat
Sanitària, is a residential complex with a
variety of spaces designed for the
practice of sport, where the Dossier

274 1 2 3
Definitive model of the
The Parc de Mar Area would contribute to the renewal of the
Olympic Village and the whole city.
Parc de Mar area, designed The Parc de Mar Area was to be the site
by the team of architects
Josep Martorell/Oriol of the Olympic Village, but it was also
Bohigas/David proposed to hold the badminton and The cities of 1992
Mackay/Josep yachting competitions there, though
Palma de Mallorca was suggested as an Competitions in other sports would be
Plan of the Barcelona
alternative location for the regattas. The held at sites outside the four main areas,
waterfront, included in the venues would be complemented by but as near to Barcelona as possible:
Candidature Dossier. training facilities. Badalona (basketball), Banyoles (rowing),
6 Castelldefels (canoeing), Granollers
The Barcelona yacht The main axis of the area was the (handball), L'Hospitalet (volleyball),
harbour in the old port. extension of the marine parade, Palma de Mallorca (possible venue for
The Olympic nomination
also brought with it the eventually five kilometres long including the yachting competition, with the port
renovation of the old port the kilometre which already existed in of Barcelona), Sabadell (football), La Seu
to convert it into an
important service area for the district of Barceloneta. This d'Urgell (slalom canoeing), Terrassa
the city. promenade would run all along the (hockey) and Viladecans (equestrian).
seafront and link the new beaches in the After the city had been nominated, other
reclaimed spaces between the six places were added: Mollet del Vallès
breakwaters. The creation of the Parc de (shooting), Reus, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia
Mar and Vall d'Hebron Areas was an and Vic (roller hockey), and Zaragoza
expression of the wish of the and Valencia (football).
Candidature to adapt the location of the
venues to the structure of the city. In The Dossier, therefore, had defined the
this way Barcelona would benefit from role that the Barcelona'92 subsites would
the new sports facilities and the Games finally play. Their participation would

4 5

spread the impact of the Games. with a total surface area of 225,000 1
View of part of old
Moreover, as was the case with square metres, would be residences for Poblenou. The old factories
Barcelona itself, the Olympic nomination athletes and team officials. Altogether and warehouses were to be
demolished to make way for
would provide an opportunity to there would be 2,500 dwellings for the new apartments of the
revitalise the subsite towns, build modern 15,000 people, in line with the estimates future Olympic Village,
forming part of the
sports facilities and improve of the international federations. The residential area of Nova
infrastructures and communications. Organising Committee of the Barcelona Icària.
Games would take charge of 2
accommodation, catering and medical Thanks to the Olympic
care for all the athletes staying at the project, which has meant
the removal of the railway
The Olympic residences Village, as well as laying on all other lines which crossed
necessary services. Poblenou, the city has been
opened up to the sea.

The Barcelona Candidature proposed The Olympic Village buildings were laid 3
that the Olympic Village, the residence out simply by means of precincts with One of the factories on the
Avinguda d'Icària which
for the sportsmen and women, should subdivisions. There was to be a traffic was still in use. Some of
occupy part of a newly built residential control centre and an internal transport the factories and workshops
in this section of Poblenou,
district in the Parc de Mar area in system. The Candidature Dossier transformed as a result of
Poblenou. specified the security measures which the the Olympic Games, have
carried on their activities in
residents would have to observe within other industrial areas of
The Dossier gave a detailed explanation, the Olympic precinct. Along the avenue Barcelona.
by means of a plan, of the location of all which crossed the Village was the Parc
the services that the Olympic Village de Mar, ten hectares of gardens for
would provide and its general layout. strolling and recreation.
The ground floors would be set aside for
common services and the five others,

276 1 3

View of Banyoles Lake, 130
The Olympic Village had to be open to shores of the lake where the rowing
kilometres from Barcelona: all participants with all the services in competitions would be held, there would
a beautiful setting for water operation at least two weeks before the be an Olympic Village for 1,200 people,
Games. The precinct would have a men's included in a residential project for the
5 zone, a women's zone and a mixed zone Parc de la Draga. As with the Poblenou
La Nova Creu Alta with common services. There would be a Village, the new dwellings would be put
Stadium in Sabadell.
space for reporters, for whom the on the market after the Games. The
Organising Committee had reserved a Banyoles Olympic Village would have
certain number of passes, to hold training facilities and support services.
interviews with the athletes and officials. The canoeists and their officials would
The primary medical care services would stay at a luxury hotel in La Seu d'Urgell.
be in the Village and specialised In both places there would be a heliport
medicine would be available at the for athletes who wished to go to
Hospital de Mar on the old marine Barcelona. The dossier also discussed the
parade, which would be the official possibility of adapting a luxury hotel in
Olympic hospital during the Games. The the port of Palma if the city were
Village would be equipped with a eventually chosen to host the yachting
heliport and in the outer precinct there competitions.
would be a car park for 1,000 vehicles,
constantly attended, for the NOCs, guests For accommodation in Barcelona, the
and staff. Dossier pointed out that the city's hotel
capacity was more than sufficient for the
To provide athletes and officials with members of the Olympic Family and the
maximum comfort, it was decided to visitors to the Games. Besides the hotels
provide residences at Banyoles and La in Barcelona, there were others in nearby
Seu d'Urgell as well. In Banyoles, on the towns, which had coped with 28 million

4 5 277
tourists over the last five years. The about the airport and the conversion it 1
The members of the IOC
estimates in the Dossier were about would require to cope with the volume would, acccording to the
750,000 beds available less than ninety of passengers over the coming decades. Dossier, reside in the hotels
of the Diagonal Area.
minutes from the Olympic Stadium.
As in the Preliminary Project, the 2
In recent years, as a result
Among the accommodation provisions Dossier reported on the capacity of the of the Olympic project, the
were the 6,000 places on luxury liners different city transport systems (bus, city of Barcelona has
which would anchor in the port during subway, taxi and rental cars) and, in significantly increased its
hotel capacity thanks to the
the Games. In the Diagonal Area were particular, the connections between the construction of modern
two hotels for the senior Olympic four Olympic areas. The central location establishments.
executives. Some of the buildings around and compactness of the competition 3
the Olympic Village would be used to venues and training facilities was clear Barcelona possesses many
house journalists, with a total capacity of restaurants which have
from the table of distances and times. helped give Catalan cuisine
4,100 people. The press and broadcasters The Olympic Family would have good the prestige it enjoys.
would also have 5,000 hotel rooms. connections through the city transport 4
systems: bus, subway and fast roads. The The Barcelona proposal
airport and railway stations were also considered the possibility
that some luxury liners
Efficient transport close to all four areas with excellent might be moored in the.
connections. port to provide
accommodation during the
The Dossier gave an account of the Games.
different means of transport available in The Olympic Office studied the
the city and explained the special adaptation of a special transport 5
Mural by Joan Miró in the
adaptations which would be made before programme for the days of the Games. It old terminal building at
1992. There was an account of the contained different initiatives, some of Barcelona airport.
railway network, the motorway system which had been sketched in the
and the port. There was also information Preliminary Project: to create a lane for

278 1 3 4

Plan of the renovated
Olympic Family transport; to restrict
Barcelona airport, traffic in certain areas to authorised
according to the design by vehicles and to prohibit it altogether in
Ricard Bofill. The new
terminals came into service others; to provide car parks on the
before the Games, outskirts and a combined ticket for
increasing the capacity of
the airport to 16 million public transport; to ask companies to
passengers per year. shorten the working day and time the
holidays to overlap with the Games. The
Barcelona buses also lent Dossier guaranteed transport for the
their support to the whole of the Olympic Family and stated
the number of drivers, cars with and
8 without driver, minibuses and coaches
Barcelona taxis, with their
typical back and yellow which would be available to them.
livery, are an unmistakable
feature of the city streets.
The Estació de Franca,
from which the first train
to run in the Iberian
Peninsula left in 1848, was
refurbished thanks to the
impetus provided by the
Olympic Games. In April
1992 it became the
terminal for long-distance

6 8 9 279

Information technology and the future needs of the city and the 1
Barcelona City Council's
telecommunications surrounding area. traffic control room. The
opening of the new ring
roads is expected to reduce
BIT'92 set out to plan the technological traffic density in the city
The interest aroused by the Olympic needs of the Barcelona Games in the centre by 15%.
Games in thousands of millions of fields of information technology, 2
people across the five continents during telecommunications and broadcasting. It In July 1986 the study
the sixteen days of competition lays an analysed information requirements, Barcelona Informàtica i
Telecomunicacions 1992
obligation on the organising city to which it divided into six groups: business (BIT'92) was released to
provide the necessary technical facilities management, event organisation, the press. It described the
city's computing and
to satisfy this demand. On 14 May 1984, communication and information, telecommunications
five months after the Preliminary Project services, support and security. The requirements, the
possibilities for innovation
for the Candidature was approved, the functions, main specifications and most opened up by the Olympic
Barcelona City Council announced a important inputs and outputs for each Games and the road to be
competition for the design and system were described. followed in the future.
preparation of the project for
information technology and Four types of hardware architecture were
telecommunications requirements for the defined according to the characteristics
1992 Olympic Games. This study, which of the various systems: one large
was finally entitled BIT'92 (Barcelona computer for general management,
Informàtica i Telecomunicacions 1992), another for Olympic management, a
pursued two objectives: first, to meet the network of minicomputers for
requirements of the IOC, that is, to show information and communication services,
that Barcelona was technically capable of and a scattered network of integrated
organising the Olympic Games and, at terminals, work stations and personal
the same time, to draft plans suited to computers.

280 1 2
Television control room. A schedule was proposed as part of the BIT'92 demonstrated to the IOC and the
Technological renewal of final information and communications media that Barcelona was able to
the audio-visual media was plan and a series of estimates for
a watchword of the
guarantee the communications and
Olympic project. financial and human resources were computing services needed for the
made for the following sectors: Olympic Games.
The logotype of Television information technology, broadcasting,
Española. telecommunications, score-boards and Most of the proposals contained in
track instruments. Recommendations BIT'92 went beyond the basic
The logotype of Televisió de were also made for the recycling of all requirements imposed by the Games; for
Catalunya. The the resources and systems after the this reason the drafting of the study had
Candidature assumed that
the two channels would Games, and a support and promotion to provide the necessary impulse to
cooperate on the television plan for applied research was described. enable public bodies and companies to
coverage of the Olympic
Games. The study advised that three projects modernise information technology in a
should be set in motion as soon as short period of time.
View of the premises of
possible, regardless of whether or not the
Televisió de Catalunya at Games were awarded: the BIT'92 specified the services and
Sant Joan Despí. communications mast, an experimental networks which had to be created so that
wide-band network and the definition of Barcelona could provide, with an ample
technological standards and margin, the telecommunications which
recommendations. journalists and broadcasters from all over
the world would need at the Games. The
Many of the recommendations included Dossier, however, had stated that the
in BIT'92, which was presented on 2 facilities and communications services
July 1986, had already been included in required could not be assessed in detail
the Candidature Dossier which Barcelona until the exact needs of the television
had presented in March of that year. and broadcasting organisations had been

3 6 281

determined. This assessment was to be The Dossier calculated that during the 1
A television studio.
made, in the event that the city was 1992 Games some 9,000 radio and
awarded the Games, when the television journalists and technicians 2
Telefónica commissioned
broadcasting rights for each country were would be in the city. A Media Centre the engineer Santiago
negotiated and the Organising Committee was to be set up in the Barcelona Trade Calatrava to design a
telecommunications tower
knew what the demand would be. Fair precinct. This facility was to cover to be built in the middle of
However, the Dossier did set out aspects an area of between 10,000 and 21,000 the Olympic Ring to help
of the telecommunications plan which square metres and would be divided into with the broadcasting of the
Games and to contribute to
would have to be taken into account: the three areas: the Main Press Centre the improvement of
provision for output to the international (MPC), the Photography Centre and the telecommunications in the
Barcelona area.
video and sound circuits by land line or International Broadcasting Centre (IBC).
by satellite, telephone and telex circuits, The services to be provided by each and
and local telecommunications facilities. the technical provisions required were
In order to make clear what the various described: camera, commentators' and
circuits and proposals meant, the photographers' positions at the venues,
technical explanation was accompanied the nature of the lighting, technical
by a series of diagrams representing the support and general services. There
architecture of the main would also be a common services area
telecommunication systems. with interview rooms, medical care,
banking services, cafeterias and
The Barcelona Candidature called for the restaurants, amongst others.
creation of an Olympic broadcasting
organisation which would be directly
responsible to the Organising Committee,
an arrangement which had never been
adopted at any previous Olympic Games.

282 1 2
A balanced budget The financial model

The economic possibilities and the

One of the most important studies made socio-political situation of Barcelona, its
by the Candidature was the forecast for metropolitan area and Catalonia as a
the cost of staging the Games and the whole made a mixed model of financing
sources of finance. From the Primeres advisable. Thus, the model adopted was
Aproximacions and the Preliminary not one based totally on private
Project to the Dossier, Barcelona'92 enterprise, as was the case with Los
proposed a model of balance between Angeles in 1984 (where there was no
income and expenditure. civic project and therefore no need for
the public sector to intervene), nor one
The principles governing the definitive of state finance, as was the case with
financial model for the Games devised Moscow in 1980. The money was to be
by the Candidature were the following: raised by a joint effort by the Organising
Committee, whose income was to be
1. No new taxes were to be introduced as derived mainly from the sale of
a result of the Games. television rights and the marketing of the
2. No profit was to be expected. If there Olympic symbols, and by all the public
were any, it would be ploughed back into administrations involved in the Games
sport. (the state, the autonomous government
3. The investment as a whole was to be and the local authorities), who were to
approached in such a way as to obtain undertake specific investments in
the maximum socio-economic benefits. facilities and areas. Once the guidelines
had been laid down, business criteria
were to be applied.

Organising Committee Budget* 283

* 1985 value.
Organisation of the Games 70,254 439.1 Own income 70,212 438.8
Staff 13,706 85.6 Tickets 2,895 18.1
Purchase of goods and services 42,156 263.5 Accommodation at the Olympic Village 735 4.6
Inversions 14,392 90.0 Programmes, posters and lithographs 225 1.4
Sponsorship 15,000 93.7
RTV rights 46,900 293.1
Provision of services 4,457 27.9

Sites 18,235 114.0 Participation in income 20,710 129.4

Competition venues 10,380 64.9 Lotteries 7,000 43.7
Training facilities 7,125 44.5 Pools 7,750 48.4
Complementary 730 4.6 Coins 4,970 31.1
Postage stamps 990 6.2
Actions in specific areas 9,294 58.1
Basic costs Transfers 9,500 59.4
Conversion costs 9,294 58.1 From the State 9,500 59.4

Miscellaneous 8,938 55.8 Other income 6,299 39.4

Interest, unforeseen, etc. 8,938 55.8 Sale of assets 6,299 39.4
Source: Olympic Office:
Candidature Dossier, 1986.
The Candidature undertook a study of 1988 Games, that is, that the amount 1
The opening of the Olympic
the evolution of the budgets of previous paid by the North American networks Games in Moscow in 1980.
Olympic Games in order to determine would remain at a high level and that of 1,500 million people
watched the Games on
what costs had been generated and how the European networks would rise. television. This figure has
the resources were obtained. This study increased for all the
Olympic Games since then,
showed that, since the Games in Munich up to 3,500 million viewers
in 1972, the proceeds from both the sale The Organising Committee budget for the Barcelona Games.
of television rights and the marketing of 2
the symbols had increased progressively. It was intended that the Organising A new approach to
On the other hand, traditional sources of Committee budget would be balanced, financing and organising
the Olympics was taken at
income such as the issue of coins and that is, the income generated was to be Los Angeles, where the
lotteries, which had covered 45% of the sufficient to cover the total costs. At Games were held in 1984.
cost of Munich in 1972, had become less 1985 values, the budget which was 3
and less important, except for the proposed amounted to 106,721 million At the Montreal Olympic
Moscow Games in 1980. It also pesetas. Adding to this the public Games in 1976 the income
from the sale of television
transpired that Games-generated income investment in sports facilities and urban rights was US$34.895
had risen while the contribution from the improvements, the final total was million, a figure which has
increased spectacularly ever
public sector had shrunk. Combined with 170,000 million pesetas. It should be since to reach more than
these other factors, this meant that there remembered that at that time, the US US$600 million for the
Barcelona'92 Games.
was an ever greater incentive for a city dollar was worth about 180 pesetas, and
to aspire to organise the Olympic Games. even though it was expected to maintain
its value or even rise, the Candidature
In order to err on the side of prudence, team worked with a moderate estimate of
the Dossier assumed that for 1992 the about 150 pesetas/dollar.
income from television rights would not
increase significantly with respect to the

284 1 2 3
Expenditure that of road infrastructure,
telecommunications and transport. In the
The budgeted cost of organising the majority of cases, this meant adapting
Olympic Games was divided into three the plans and projects which needed to
main headings: organisation, facilities be carried out in the city and its
and urban renewal. metropolitan area to the requirements of
the Games.
The expenditure provided for in the
Organising Committee budget was To finance the construction of
classified under twelve headings: complementary facilities, essentially
administration, technology, services, press residential (Olympic villages), the
and publications, image, town planning Candidature counted on the cooperation
technical control, security, Olympic of private enterprise, since these facilities
Village, sports, ceremonies, cultural would subsequently be used for private
activities and International Youth Camp. housing.
This calculation took into account the
services of volunteer staff and the free As regards the third main section under
use of services and equipment provided the heading of expenditure - work in
by companies and institutions sponsoring areas - the cost of adaptation of the
the Organising Committee. Olympic areas was to be met by the
Organising Committee, while the basic
The budget also included investment in cost of urban infrastructure would be the
sports facilities and the cost of responsibility of the local authority, or of
preparation of the Olympic areas. The the private developer if the works in
cost of the construction of some of the question affected a residential area for
most important facilities was to be met private use.
by the public administrations, as was

Publications of the 285

Olympic Office Books Barcelona pretén els Jocs de 1992 (1982) BAYÉS, P. and PERIS, F. Petita història dels Jocs
Barcelona'92 (1984, 2nd edition 1985) Olimpics(1985)
Montjuïc Olímpic. Barcelona 1992 (1984) Barcelona, un deseo unánime. Gimnasia (1986)
Barcelona'92. Preliminary Project presented in Barcelona, un deseo unánime. Atletismo (1986)
Los Angeles 1984(1984) DURÁNTEZ, CONRADO. Olimpia y los Juegos
Progress Report to the 90th Session of the IOC. Olímpicos antiguos (1986)
From Los Angeles to Berlin 1984-1985 (1985) Lausana, 10 arguments (1986)
Història de I'Estadi Olímpic de Montjuïc (1985) La Guía de Barcelona'92 (1986)
Studies Avantprojecte de Candídatura. Jocs Olímpícs BIT'92. Proyecto de Planificación de las
Barcelona 1992(1983) necesidades informáticas y de
Candidature Dossier (1986) telecomunicaciones de los Juegos Olímpicos de

Source: Olympic Office:

Magazines Barcelona Olympic News (7 numbers, Barcelona'92 (3 numbers, July 1986-September
Official Report, 1986. March 1983-March 1986) 1986)
Income third of the sum fixed for the Los
Angeles Games and, taking inflation into
The income the Organising Committee account, half that of the Munich and
would obtain was divided into two main Montreal Games. The sale of
classes: that which the Committee would programmes, posters and prints and the
raise on its own account and that which rental of accommodation in the Olympic
would require the authorisation or Village would provide comparatively
cooperation of the Spanish government. little, in the latter case since it was
intended that athletes' accommodation
Regarding the first class, the greater part should be free.
of income generated would be from
sponsorship and the sale of broadcasting Even though the greater part of the
rights. The cession of the right to use the income was to be raised by the
Olympic emblems and symbols, including Organising Committee on its own
the mascot, would raise 15,000 million account, it was to be supplemented by
pesetas. It was estimated that the sale of revenue of the second type: a share in
broadcasting rights would bring in a total the proceeds of the issue of stamps and
of 293.1 million dollars. coins and in lotteries and pools. These
operations would be carried out by the
Another important source of income central government. Finally, transfers
would be the sale of tickets. It was from the central government to the
estimated that there would be a total of Organising Committee were regarded as
4,800,000 tickets, ten per cent of which supplementary and the amount would
would be reserved for the requirements depend on the increase in tax revenue
of the Olympic Family. The average generated by economic activity related to
price of tickets was set at 825 pesetas, a the Olympic Games.

286 Income from television rights

since the Munich Games
Africa _ 1001 42 110 170 in 1972*
Latin America2 628 635 1.080 2.254 3.432
Asia 95 2.1003 4504 4.775 5.795 * In thousands of US dollars.
Australia 90 _ 1.360 10.600 7.000
Canada 289 360 1.000 3.000 4.200
Arab countries - 150 300 410 420
United States 13.500 23.000 85.000 225.500 302.110
Western Europe 1.700 6.550 5.950 19.800 28.000
Eastern Europe 300 2.000 1.500 2.500 3.000
Japan 1.050 - 4.500 18.500 52.000
Hong Kong - - - 325 1.000
Philippines - - - 400 550

1. Including South Africa, which did not buy TV rights in 1980, 1984 or 1988.
2. Including the Caribbean and Puerto Rico.
3. Including Australia, Japan, Hong Kong. Source: Official Reports of the Olympic
4. Including Hong Kong. Games of 1972, 1976, 1984 and 1988.
Exhibition by the painter
The cultural project of 1992, Barcelona proposed to organise
Miquel Barceló at the old a programme of cultural events and
Casa de la Caritat. The
building has been
activities. This programme would include
refurbished to accommodate All Olympic Games since Munich have exhibitions, folk entertainment, concerts
the Centre of Contemporary been accompanied by an arts festival, a of classical and popular music and opera,
Culture, designed by Helio
Piñón and Albert Viaplana, programme of activities parallel to the dance and theatre.
and the Museum of competitions designed to show off the
Contemporary Art, on the artistic and cultural assets of the 2. The Olympic Barcelona International
basis of a plan by Richard
Meier. organising city. Festival. This was to consist of a variety
of events and programmes which were to
A show at the cabaret El The Barcelona proposal went beyond the take place in the years leading up to the
Molino, a typical Barcelona tradition of previous Games, since it Games, as follows: 1988 was to be the
night-spot. Theatrical life
in the city is very varied.
consisted of a wide-ranging, ambitious Gateway to the Olympiad, when the
programme of cultural events lasting Olympic flag would be brought to the
Picasso, Miró and Dalí,
throughout the four years of the city; 1989, the year of Culture and Sport;
three renowned painters Olympiad. This programme had two 1990, the year of the Arts, and 1991, the
who are closely associated aims: first, to convey the cultural year of the Future. In each of these
with the artistic tradition
of the city. potential of Barcelona and the Olympic years, important exhibitions would be
spirit and, second, to increase the organised related to the chosen themes.
attractions of the city for visitors.
3. The Barcelona'92 International Prizes
The cultural programme revolved around as a prologue to the Olympic Arts
three axes: Festival. These prizes would be
announced in 1990 and would be outside
1. The 1992 Olympic Arts Festival. As a the sphere of the Nobel prizes. They
complement to the Games in the summer would be: Juan Antonio Samaranch, for

1 2

sport; Joan Miró, for the plastic arts; Pau In Barcelona, the torch would be carried 1
Musicians and artists
Casals, for classical music; Antoni Gaudí, around all the districts of the city before create a special atmosphere
for architecture and town planning; arriving at the Olympic Stadium. in the streets and squares
of the Gothic Quarter.
Narcís Monturiol, for technological
innovation in the urban environment; 2
One of the rooms in the
and El Brusi, for journalism. Barcelona's Miró Foundation on
cultural plans also included the Montjuïc.
production of a film chronicle and there 3
was to be a special programme for the A performance of the
athletes who would be in Barcelona spectacle La Nit, by the
theatre company Els
during the Games, including activities Comediants. Catalan
within the Olympic Village and artistic theatre has achieved notable
success around the world.
events produced in the city. The
programme would be accompanied by
the issue of special stamps.

In the Dossier, the Candidature proposed

the route to be followed by the torch
which would light the Olympic flame at
the opening ceremony. It would link
cities on the five continents, many of
which had been the scene of the Olympic
Games on previous occasions, before
reaching Spain, where it would pass
through all the autonomous communities.

288 1 2 3
The ACNO fact-finding
The fact-finding committees The Olympic Office designed a common
committee, which visited programme for the three visits, in which
Barcelona from 19 to 24
March 1986. It was made
meetings with the people in charge of the
up of Arne B. Mollen of The most important Olympic organisation and administration of the
Norway, Mbogo Wa organisations, the ASOIF, the ACNO and Candidature were combined with visits
Kamau of Kenya and
Jacques Rogge of Belgium. the IOC itself, sent delegations to each of to the proposed venues and
Its report was presented to the candidate cities to check all the supplementary cultural or leisure
the members of the IOC,
who the following October
information contained in their dossiers in activities, so as to give the members a
at Lausanne were to choose minute detail and in the field and to chance to know what the city was really
the city to hold the 1992 collect the maximum amount of like and to get a feel for its people. Press
supplementary information regarding the conferences and formal events were
plans of each of the cities for the organised with the presence of
organisation of the Olympic Games. representatives of the public
These are known as the fact-finding administrations, such as the official
committees and the submission of their receptions at the invitation of the
reports is one of the last procedures president of the Generalitat and the
before the IOC nominates the next mayor of Barcelona.
Olympic city.
The three fact-finding committees were
The three fact-finding committees, which received by the Managing Council and
had submitted a questionnaire in which the technical staff from the Olympic
general questions alternated with specific Office, with Josep Miquel Abad, Alfonso
ones posed by their constituent de Borbón, Carles Ferrer Salat and
organisations, visited Barcelona between Leopold Rodés at the head. Pere Sust,
January and April 1986, coinciding with Jordi Serra, Fèlix Arias, Lluís Millet,
the final preparation and presentation of Jordi Carbonell, Pedro Palacios and
the Candidature Dossier.

Andreu Mercé Varela responded to all organisations, such as the sports 1
The ASOIF fact-finding
the questions which the representatives federations. committee, which visited
of international sport wanted to put to the city from 23 to 25
January 1986, was the first
them. The ACNO fact-finding committee of those the IOC sent to all
visited Barcelona from 19 to 24 March. the candidate cities to
check the state of affairs in
The ASOIF committee visited Barcelona It consisted of Arne B. Mollen, president each of them and the
from 23 to 25 January. It was made up of the Norwegian National Olympic progress which had been
of Ruben Acosta, from Mexico, president Committee; Samuel Mbogo Wa Kamau, made before the final
selection. It consisted of
of the International Volleyball Federation president of the Kenya National Olympic Ruben Acosta of Mexico,
(FIVB); Tamas Ajan, from Hungary, Committee; and Jacques Rogge, Tamas Ajan of Hungary
and Nigel Hacking of the
secretary general of the International vice-president of the Belgian National United Kingdom.
Weightlifting Federation (IWF), and Olympic Committee. Unlike the ASOIF,
Nigel Hacking, from Great Britain, the ACNO had to judge the candidate
secretary general of the International city's potential for organising the Games,
Yacht Racing Union (IYRU). The rather than to obtain detailed replies
ASOIF report, which was not binding, regarding aspects of the competitions or
had to provide the IOC with a technical the various sports. The report considered
assessment, especially with regard to the the problems which might be faced by
sports organisation and facilities offered the competing teams, the press and the
by the candidate cities. Before meeting spectators of the Games.
the candidatures, the Committee sent
them a questionnaire to be completed After the ASOIF and ACNO committees
and then discussed during their visit. The had visited the city, the IOC sent its own
answers to the questionnaire were fact-finding committee, which was in
discussed not only with the members of Barcelona from 1 to 4 April 1986. The
each candidature, but also with national members were Gunnar Ericsson, from

290 1
The committee which the
Sweden; Nikos Filaretos, from Greece;
IOC sent to Barcelona and Mohamed Zerguini, from Algeria.
from 1 to 4 April 1986 was The IOC members were received
made up of Gunnar
Ericsson of Sweden, Nikos personally by Felipe González, a further
Filaretos of Greece and demonstration of the support of the head
Mohamed Zerguini of of the Spanish government for the
Barcelona'92 project. The aim of the
IOC committee was to report on the
city's capability for organising the Games
and the extent to which the requirements
of the Olympic Charter were met. This
report was sent to the president of the
IOC and all its members to be studied
before 17 October 1986, when the
organising city of the 1992 Olympic
Games was to be designated by ballot.

2 291
On 28 August 1986, a
Everyone's goal throughout Spain expressed their
Catalan expedition led by sympathy for the Candidature.
Conrad Blanch reached the
summit of Everest. In the
photograph, Òscar Cadiach, This support culminated in the decision
one of the climbers who Social and institutional unanimity by the Higher Sports Council to set the
reached the summit along appointment of Barcelona as the site for
with Antoni Sors and
Carles Vallès, accompanied The nomination of Barcelona as the site the 1992 Olympic Games as its leading
by three sherpas, unfurls a
banner with the
of the 1992 Olympic Games depended objective for 1986.
Candidature logotype. largely on the unanimity of all
institutions with a part in the
Candidature and on majority support The last Olympic Days
within Catalan and Spanish society.
From the first day, one of the objectives One of the most important occasions for
of the Olympic Office was to popularise meeting and cooperation between the
the project. With only a few months to Olympic Office and the representatives
go before the decision, this organisation of Spanish sporting institutions was the
set out to stimulate interest and approval Third Olympic Day, held on 18 June
among all sectors of society. 1985. This was devoted to a detailed
presentation of the progress which
The support of institutions such as the Barcelona had made since it had decided
Parliament of Catalonia, the Barcelona to present itself as a candidate to
Provincial Council, the CMB and a large organise the 1992 Olympic Games, for
number of autonomous communities and the benefit of members of the Spanish
town councils throughout Spain was and Catalan Olympic sports federations
added to that of the mainstays of the and the members of the COE Standing
Candidature: the City Council, the Committee.
Generalitat of Catalonia, the Spanish
government and the Spanish Olympic This meeting had precedents in the
Committee. The commitment of the Olympic Days held in 1983 and 1984. As
central government was expressed in on those previous occasions, a number of
various initiatives and operations, carried different events were organised, such as
out by the Ministries of Culture, the "Sixty Olympic Medals" exhibition in
Education, Foreign Affairs, Industry and the Saló del Tinell and the talk given by
Finance, aimed at enhancing the viability the president of the International
of the Olympic project and promoting it Association Football Federation (FIFA)
both within Spain and abroad. The world and member of the IOC, João Havelange
of business, which had lent its support to of Brazil, who expressed his support for
the Candidature from the start and had the Barcelona Candidature.
participated in its financing, also
increased its cooperation at this time. As part of the Fourth Olympic Day, held
on 19 September 1986, shortly before the
The outburst of joy among the people of IOC chose the city as the site for the
Barcelona on the day the city was 1992 Games, the Spanish institutional,
awarded the Games was the culmination sporting and cultural world expressed its
of five years of growing popular support. support for the Barcelona Candidature at
One of the clearest demonstrations of a ceremony held in the Saló de Cent in
this was in the identification with the the Town Hall in which the Council of
Olympic project by people, organisations Support for the Candidature, composed
and groups through the logotype of the of 300 leading figures, was formally
Candidature, which was to be seen on constituted.
car stickers, in shop windows and
commercial establishments, on public
transport and in the media.

The sporting world also provided

indispensable technical support to the
Barcelona project. Representatives of the
Catalan and Spanish Olympic sports
federations worked with members of the
Olympic Office to prepare the technical
aspects of the competition organisation
and adapt them to the requirements of
the international federations. Sporting
bodies and leading sports personalities
Beyond Barcelona This exhibition travelled to the capitals 1
The Olympic Bus in the
of all the Spanish autonomous Plaza Mayor in Madrid.
communities, staying in each one for a The interest which the
Barcelona Candidature
week, and institutional, social and aroused throughout Spain
The Olympic Bus around Spain cultural events in support of the prompted the Olympic
Office, in February 1986,
Candidature were organised to coincide to organise a mobile
The Barcelona Candidature aroused with the visits. The Olympic Office exhibition to show the
interest throughout Spain and increasing enjoyed the cooperation of institutions at Barcelona project to each of
Spain's seventeen
amounts of information were being local, provincial and autonomous autonomous communities.
demanded. For this reason the Olympic community level in all the places on the
Office launched a project to promote the route. These institutions were responsible Poster for the campaign
Candidature all over the country: it was for promoting the events among local "The important thing is to
take part. Become an
called the Olympic Bus. bodies, sports clubs, territorial sports Olympic volunteer". With
federations, leisure and cultural this campaign, the
The Olympic Bus was a large trailer organisations and schools. This Candidature sought to sign
up the largest possible
fitted out specially to hold a mobile institutional cooperation, and above all number of volunteers ready
exhibition with photographs, models, the response of the people, made the to help with the Games.
audio-visual displays and various other project a success. 3
sorts of material which would introduce The Olympic volunteers
agreed to help with the
the Barcelona Olympic project and The Olympic Bus campaign was given organisation of the Games
disseminate the values of sport and wide coverage by the press in the without pay, if Barcelona
Olympism. When the vehicle arrived at a autonomous communities, which thereby were designated as the 1992
Olympic city.
particular place it was converted into a also lent their support to a project that
large exhibition hall. had gone beyond Barcelona and
Catalonia to be shared with the majority
of the people of Spain.

1 2

Drawing by Núría Pompeia
After the designation of Barcelona as commitment and expectation which the
illustrating the typical organiser of the 1992 Games, the Barcelona Olympic project had
Olympic volunteer on the Olympic Bus had still to travel through awakened. There had been Olympic
basis of the data collected
at the end of the campaign. the towns of Catalonia and the volunteers at previous Games; they had
metropolitan area of Barcelona. When it had an especially important role in Los
By the end of the volunteers finally reached the future Olympic site it Angeles, when the Organising Committee
campaign, 102,000 people toured the ten districts into which the had managed to mobilise some 40,000.
had enrolled. city is divided.
6 The objectives of the campaign fell into
When the Candidature was two groups: on the one hand, to
presented at Lausanne on
17 October 1986, Barcelona The volunteers: a new record popularise the Barcelona'92 Candidature
could be proud of the fact throughout Spain, to offer those people
that the number of The most significant demonstration of
volunteers obtained by the
who wished to become involved a means
Los Angeles'84 organisation popular support for the Barcelona of participating, and to have 40,000
had been surpassed during Candidature was the number of Olympic volunteers registered by the end of the
the eight months of the
campaign. volunteers who registered to take part in campaign; and on the other, to make
the organisation of the Games. On 10 clear that the Barcelona Candidature was
On 10 February 1986, the February 1986, several months before the progressing rapidly -solving problems
volunteers campaign was nomination, the Managing Council of the which other cities competing to organise
presented in Barcelona. Candidature approved the launching of a the Games had so far only looked at
Well-known sports
personalities and figures campaign called "The important thing is briefly- to demonstrate that the
from public institutions
represented on the
to take part. Become an Olympic Candidature commanded widespread
Managing Council attended volunteer", which was aimed at securing popular support and to promote the
the event. the highest possible level of registration image of a Candidature which was
and thus giving the Olympic Family a active, organised and open to everyone.
demonstration of the popular The campaign defined the Olympic

4 5 7

volunteer as a person who, without The success of the volunteer recruitment 1
On 25 May 1986, 53,145
seeking any financial or other reward, campaign received favourable comment runners took part in the
was committed individually, and in a in sections of the international press, C'ursa Popular de
Barcelona in solidarity with
completely altruistic way, to offering his such as Le Monde, The International the organisation Sport Aid,
or her abilities and time to the Barcelona Herald Tribune, Le Matin and Newsweek. as part of the campaign
against hunger in Africa.
Candidature and, if the city was
nominated, to the organisation of the The large number of volunteers gave the 2
Games. Barcelona Candidature great moral Princess Elena on
horseback with the Olympic
strength and was a powerful argument flag, yet another
There was an immediate, positive when the time came to take the decision. demonstration of the royal
household's support for the
response. The announcement of the After the nomination, the campaign Barcelona Candidature.
campaign, which was covered extensively continued to produce a high rate of
by the media, produced an avalanche of registration so that when it closed in
registrations in Catalonia and in the December 1986, there were 102,000
cities where the Olympic Bus had been. registered volunteers.
On 5 April, only 56 days after the start
of the campaign, 8,924 people had
registered in Catalonia and the Everywhere at once
autonomous communities of Valencia,
Murcia and Andalucía. On 15 July, five Apart from the Olympic working
months after the start of the campaign, sessions, the Olympic Bus and the
55,610 volunteers had been registered volunteer recruitment campaign, the
and on 6 September the figure had Olympic Office organised other publicity
reached 61,547. campaigns and promotional events and
produced literature and audio-visual
material to maintain the contact between
the Olympic project and society.

298 1 2
On 23 December 1985, a
Exhibitions were mounted periodically and Guia i Plànol Barcelona'92 (July
group of 150 scouts started -the first having taken place in 1983- to 1986). A new version of the video
Operation Petrol Station, show the public what stage work on the Barcelona'92 was made; it was entitled
which consisted of
distributing stickers with Candidature had reached. They coincided Barcelona'92. Everyone's goal.
the Candidature logo with sports events, such as the World
around the service stations.
In 1992, many cars still Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships in Apart from the publications and
sport them. Valladolid in October 1985, the Aid for audio-visual material, a large number of
Africa race which took place in other graphic materials were created and
Opening parade at the XXI Barcelona in 1986, and the World helped to spread the dream of an
World Rhythmic Basketball and Swimming Championships Olympic Barcelona: from Christmas
Gymnastics Championships,
which took place in in Madrid, also in 1986. Sometimes they cards to lithographs, such as The Cosmic
Valladolid in October 1985. were mounted at events which were Athlete by Dalí and works by Tàpies, and
The logotype of the
Barcelona Candidature was firmly established on the calendar of the including posters, magazines and
visible throughout the city: the Saló Nàutic, the Fira de brochures.
competitions. Mostres, the Saló Construmat and the
Fira ciutat de l'Hospitalet. Others were The Olympic Office also undertook other
organised in Palma de Mallorca and Las publicity campaigns such as the
Palmas. advertising hoardings or the "Olympic
countdown", aimed at the press in
In the field of publications and Barcelona who, as well as incorporating
audio-visual productions, there was a the logotype of the Candidature on their
new edition of Barcelona'92 (1985) and front pages, counted off the days to go
with the following works: Montjuïc before the designation of the city which
olímpic (1985, in association with the was to organise the 1992 Games. In
Barcelona College of Architects), Olímpia November 1985, with the aim of taking
y los juegos olímpicos antiguos (1986) the Candidature into the schools, the

3 4 299
"Mascot Competition" campaign was The Candidature contacted the members 1
Some entries for the
launched; boys and girls of school age of the IOC personally to promote the drawing competition for the
were invited to design a mascot to Olympic project: they were visited in mascot, organised by the
Olympic Office amongst all
personify the city. Twenty thousand their home countries or welcomed in children of school age.
schoolchildren took part. The winning Barcelona so that they could be given the
drawing was a dragon by Xavier Martí. maximum possible information about the 2
The Barcelona Association
plan. Sixty-five members of the IOC of Confectioners also lent
visited the city, which was especially their support to the
Olympic project, making a
important as the majority did not know chocolate replica of the
The campaign it at first hand or had received hardly Olympic Ring.
any information. They were shown 3
various aspects of Barcelona, ranging The Candidature logotype
from sport to culture to the people. Each at Barcelona Airport. The
Olympic Office installed a
Informing the electors visit included a helicopter flight over the computer terminal
sports venues, a meeting with the providing general
information about the city
Towards the end of 1985 the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Olympic project for
Candidature drafted the dossier which and another with the mayor, together interested passengers.
the competing cities had to present to with other tourist and social activities. 4
the IOC seven months before the The ship which took the
Apart from visits by the members of the participants in the 1986
decision was to be taken. At the height Volta Ciclista a Catalunya
of the campaign, with many of the IOC to get to know the city on the spot, to Alghero in Sardinia left
infrastructure projects already under way the International Relations Committee the port of Barcelona with
a giant Candidature banner.
and institutional unanimity assured, the made personal visits to members of the
organisers continued working to reinforce governing body of the Olympic
the impression that Barcelona was the Movement in their home countries. The
best candidate to host the 1992 Games. president of the businessmen's

300 1 3 5

2 4
Xavier Martí, the boy who
association Barcelona Olímpica'92, Carles Candidature continued to attend all the
won the drawing Ferrer Salat, visited the other candidate important meetings of the Olympic
competition for the mascot,
with a reproduction of his
cities and a total of twenty-four Movement and in the few months before
entry. countries, the majority of which were in the nomination of the future Olympic
Europe. The vice-president of this same site it intensified its promotional
Some castellers unfurl the organisation, Leopold Rogés, also campaign.
Olympic flag during the travelled to twenty-four countries around
Festes de la Mercè, (the the world. The secretary of the Between 4 and 6 April 1986 the 4th
feast of the patron saint of
Barcelona) in September International Relations Committee, General Assembly of the ASOIF was held
1986. The great majority of Ignasi Masferrer, visited ten, mostly in in the Hilton Hotel in Rome. The
people of Barcelona wanted
the city to be designated for Asia and Africa. Masferrer had been meeting was attended by representatives
the 1992 Olympic Games appointed by the Ministry of Foreign of the IOC and the Seoul Olympic
the following month.
Affairs to establish links between the Games Organising Committee (SLOOC),
Candidature and Spanish embassies and by the Summer Olympic
around the world. Andreu Mercé Varela international federations. All the cities
also visited ten countries. Finally, the which were candidates to organise the
president of the COE, Alfonso de 1992 Games were there, including
Borbón, visited various South American Belgrade, making its first public
countries. Numerous official visits were appearance. On the Barcelona stand was
made by the mayor, Pasqual Maragall. a photograph of Baron de Coubertin,
commemorating a visit he had made to
Barcelona in 1926. On that occasion the
Coubertin and the new decalogue father of the modern Olympic Movement
had praised the city with the phrase
During the spring of 1986, after the which the Candidature had rediscovered:
Dossier had been presented, the "Before I had visited Barcelona, I

6 301
thought that I knew what a sporting city decalogue with which the Candidature 1
The stand of the Barcelona
was like." The use of the photograph of summed up its plan at this final stage. At Candidature at the 5th
the Baron in the promotion of the the end of the speech, the Candidature General Assembly of the
ACNO, which took place in
Candidature provoked criticism from Dossier was presented to the members of Seoul in April 1986. A
their opposite numbers from Paris, the the IOC who had still not received a photograph of Pierre de
city which had provided the fiercest Coubertin, the man who
copy. revived the Olympic Games,
competition which Barcelona had had to can be seen and the
face during the promotion campaign. The new decalogue of the Candidature celebrated phrase he uttered
when he visited the city in
presented at this final stage consisted of 1926: "Before I had visited
Shortly afterwards, between 21 and 26 the following points: Barcelona, I thought that I
knew what a sporting city
April, there was another encounter was like."
between the candidate cities and the 1. Barcelona has applied to organise the
senior executives of the Olympic Olympic Games four times. Spain is the
Movement, at the 5th General Assembly only country in Western Europe which
of the ACNO in Seoul. This was the last has never organised an Olympic event.
opportunity which the various 2. Barcelona has the unanimous support
candidatures had before the nomination of the people, the institutions and the
to present their projects to a meeting of sporting world.
the Olympic management. It also 3. Barcelona is ready: 88% of the
provided an opportunity to establish necessary facilities are already available.
contacts with members of the Organising 4. Barcelona can offer a compact Games:
Committee of the Seoul Games, two the competition venues and the Olympic
years before the event. The Barcelona Village will be concentrated within a
case was presented by the president of circle with a radius of five kilometres.
the COE, Alfonso de Borbón, and it 5. Barcelona has demonstrated its
focussed on the points of the new sporting tradition and its experience in

302 1
Press conference held on 25
the organisation of various world should receive the Olympic nomination.
June 1986, during the championships. He also reminded his listeners that 65
Football World Cup in 6. Barcelona has a network of hotels and out of the 90 voting members of the IOC
Mexico in 1986. Beside the
mayor, Pasqual Maragall, tourist facilities of world renown. There had visited the city and that the
are Carles Ferrer Salat and are 750,000 hotel beds no more than volunteer recruitment campaign had
Leopold Rodés, president sixty minutes away. resulted in more than 40,000
and vice-president
respectively of the 7. Barcelona has a mild climate. registrations. The press agreed that
Barcelona Olímpica'92 8. Barcelona has a rich cultural heritage, Barcelona had a clear advantage over the
business association.
as illustrated by its world famous artists: other aspirants.
Gaudí, Picasso, Miró, Caballé, etc.
9. Barcelona is a safe city. The summer of 1986 was teeming with
10. Barcelona and Spain live for sport. international competitions. The
King Juan Carlos is the only head of Candidature wished to take advantage of
state to have competed in the Olympic this circumstance and made an
Games. appearance at the most important ones.
In June the Barcelona'92 project was
presented at the Roland Garros tennis
At all the championships tournament in Paris, at the opening of
the Albergo Olímpico in Puerto Rico and
In June 1986, 118 days before the at the Central American and Caribbean
nomination of the host city for the 1992 Games in the Dominican Republic. In
Games, the World Football August, the Candidature was present at
Championships were held in Mexico. On the Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh,
26 June, Pasqual Maragall arrived and, at the World Basketball Championships,
in front of more than 100 journalists, which took place in Madrid and
listed the ten reasons why Barcelona Barcelona, at the European Athletics

2 303
Championships in Stuttgart and at the 1
Match between Spain and
World Swimming Championships, which Cuba in the 1986 World
also took place in Madrid. The last Basketball Championship,
held in Madrid. As at all
opportunities which the Candidature had important international
to lobby Olympic organisations were the competitions which took
place that year, the
meeting of the European NOCs in Candidature was there with
Budapest in August 1986 and the Asian its promotional campaign.
Games in Seoul at the beginning of
September. These events once again
provided contacts with the electors who
were to decide the host city for the 1992
Olympic Games.

304 1
Reproduction of The
"Operation Lausanne" Committee, drawing up the different
Cosmic Athlete, painted by information materials, deciding the
Salvador Dalí in 1960. strategy to be pursued in relation to the
This work presided the
exhibition Treasures of The IOC settled on the third week of accredited press, defining the programme
Barcelona which the October 1986 to hold the 91st Session, at of popular and institutional support and
Olympic Office organised the end of which the organisers of the selecting the staff who would accompany
at the Hermitage
Foundation in Lausanne on Summer and Winter Games of the XXV the official delegation to the Swiss city.
9 October 1986, a few days Olympiad would be chosen. Six cities
before Barcelona was
awarded the 1992 Games at (Amsterdam, Belgrade, Birmingham,
the 90th Session of the IOC. Brisbane, Paris and Barcelona) had The preparations
2 presented their candidature for the
The mayor of Barcelona, Summer Games in 1992 and seven The presence of Catalonia as guest of
Pasqual Maragall, speaking (Albertville, Anchorage, Berchtesgaden, honour at the 67th Fair of the Comptoir
during the opening of the
exhibition Treasures of Cortina d'Ampezzo, Falun, Lillehammer Suisse, which had opened a few weeks
Barcelona. and Sofia) for the Winter Games. On the before the meeting in Lausanne, gave the
eve of this decisive encounter in city a considerable initial advantage, as it
Lausanne, the managers of the Barcelona allowed Barcelona to make contact with
Candidature prepared for the final effort, the local media and to join in the
the culmination of a task that had begun institutional life of the Swiss city. Every
five years before with the first statements effort was made to secure a propitious
of intent. atmosphere in the canton of Vaud and
the sympathy of its inhabitants for the
From the Candidature Dossier, which ambitions of Barcelona. On 15
had been presented in March, and the September, the president of the
reports of the fact-finding committees, Generalitat of Catalonia, Jordi Pujol, and
the electors were already familiar with the mayor of Barcelona, Pasqual
the technical project: the guidelines, the Maragall, inaugurated the Catalan
venues plan, the budget and the pavilion at the fair.
organisation of services. For this reason 307
it was decided to concentrate, at this last On 8 September, an Olympic Office
stage of the operation, on the aesthetic attache, in cooperation with the official
and human values and the originality of liaison officer appointed by the IOC,
the Barcelona tender; the aim was to began to establish and coordinate the
convey an emotive image of the city different areas of work, from hotel
which would add attractive elements to reservations and car rentals to the
the project and tip the balance in favour preparation of the Candidature
of the Barcelona Candidature. headquarters. On 6 October, a first team
from the Olympic Office installed itself
During those final days, the in Lausanne to provide support and
representatives of Barcelona made every finalise details for the IOC Session.
effort to emphasise the civic and cultural
values of the city. The Candidature
stressed the degree of popular and The exhibition at the Hermitage
institutional support it had received and
recalled that Spain had never had the Alongside these activities, on 9 October
chance to organise the Olympic Games. the Hermitage Foundation inaugurated
These arguments, combined with the the exhibition "Treasures of Barcelona"
expectation and unanimous will to win in Lausanne. This display of the cultural
the nomination, were presented as a heritage and artistic sensibility of the city
complement to the organisational gave a new dimension to the promotion
capacity and the seriousness of the of the Candidature. Shortly before the
Olympic project. opening, the prestigious magazine L'Oeil
had devoted a special number to Catalan
In the field of organisation, "Operation art.
Lausanne" was prepared by means of a
strategic plan which had been carefully The Hermitage Foundation, founded in
drafted over the preceding months. Every 1976 at the former residence of the
department of the Olympic Office had Bougnion family with Jean-François
been working flat out on the projects Daulte as director, provided an ideal
which had to be completed for the 91st setting for the exhibition; the Catalan
Session of the IOC: setting up the stand intellectual Josep Pijoan, whose wife was
at the Palais de Beaulieu, making the a member of the Bougnion family, had
film which would introduce the lived in the mansion for the last years of
Candidature to the members of the his life. And so, through the Hermitage
Foundation, another link was forged The exhibition, which was open until 29 1
The Managing Council of
between the IOC headquarters and October, was inaugurated by the mayor the Candidature is
Barcelona, this time in the field of art. of Barcelona and the chairman of the photographed in front of
the Magic Fountain of
Hermitage Foundation in the presence of Montjuïc a few days before
The exhibition showed three stages of a large audience, among whom was travelling to Lausanne.
modern art in Barcelona: the turn of the Raymond Gafner representing the IOC. 2
century, the avant-gardes and the last Portrait of Senyora Canals,
work of Picasso, Dalí and Miró. A painted by Pablo Picasso in
1905. It was reproduced in
painting by Picasso from 1905, Portrait The final impact the exhibition catalogue
of Senyora Canals, appeared on the cover and on the cover of the
special issue of the
of the catalogue, which was widely At the Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne, prestigious international art
distributed in Switzerland. Over one where the IOC session was to be held, magazine L'Oeil, published
in Lausanne, devoted to
hundred works were on display, some the stands where each delegation would Catalan art a few months
from the Picasso Museum, the Dalí broadcast its final message were installed. before the nomination.
Museum, the Miró Foundation and the This was the climax of the promotion
Barcelona Museum of Modern Art and campaign.
others from private collections in
Catalonia and Switzerland. The Spanish The concept and assembly of the
Royal Family lent Dalí's painting The Barcelona stand had been entrusted to
Cosmic Athlete specially for the occasion; the designer Leopold Pomes and the
it hung in the place of honour at the architect Ricard Sans. It was an open
exhibition. Also on show were works by space which tried to transmit an image
Juli Gonzalez, Pau Gargallo, Isidre of clarity, daring in line and
Nonell, Ramon Casas and others. Mediterranean in aesthetic. The message
was one of enthusiasm which shunned
lengthy explanations and concentrated on

308 1 2
The stand set up at
two arguments: the fact that Spain had The Barcelona delegation had sent an
Lausanne by the Olympic never organised an Olympic Games and Olympic Office press team to Lausanne
Office was an open space
with a Mediterranean
the broad movement of keen support to coordinate the Candidature
flavour. It was designed by which surrounded the Barcelona information for the media. The team
Leopold Pomes and Ricard Candidature. The first idea was depicted received visits, held conversations with
by a printed panel with a map of Europe members of the IOC and circulated
4 in a shade of green showing a series of statements and press releases from the
The Albertville'92 logo flaming torches marking the cities which Candidature operations centre at the
dominated the French city's
stand. Albertville was had hosted the Summer or Winter Hotel de la Paix and the press office,
chosen as the scene of the Games; the Iberian Peninsula was which was permanently installed at the
1992 Winter Games,
winning against Anchorage, shrouded in darkness in token of the fact Palais de Beaulieu. Both centres became
Berchtesgaden, Cortina that it had never organised an Olympic the focus of attention for Spanish and
d'Ampezzo, Falun,
Lillehammer and Sofia. event. The second idea was conveyed international journalists.
through a line of silhouettes of Olympic
The stand of the Paris
volunteers of different ages, symbolising
Candidature. the broad popular support for the
Barcelona Candidature. These figures,
made of perspex, were superimposed on
a luminous background which was a
reproduction of a mural by Joan Miró.
On a white marble floor stood five chairs
designed by Gaudí and a table showing a
map of the planned sports facilities. All
the materials were of the same high
quality as the stands mounted at earlier
IOC sessions in Berlin and Seoul.

3 5 309

The week of the nomination conference with the mayor Pasqual 1
Recital by Montserrat
Maragall, at which they explained the Caballé at Lausanne
cultural project for the Barcelona Cathedral, before nearly
2,300 guests. This concert
Olympiad. On 13 October, in Lausanne was one of the main events
The session begins cathedral, Montserrat Caballé gave a in the programme prepared
by the Olympic Office
memorable concert to an audience of during the week of
On Sunday 12 October 1986 the 91st 2,300, which was broadcast by TVE. She "Operation Lausanne".
Session of the IOC was officially opened. also accompanied the wives of the 2
All the members of the official delegation members of the IOC to the "Treasures of The Candidature stand
of the Barcelona Candidature attended. Barcelona" exhibition at the Hermitage received many visits by
supporters, notable amongst
In the afternoon the stands of the Foundation; the members themselves whom were the Spanish
different candidatures were inaugurated went the next day. Olympic medallists
Herminio Menéndez, Luis
in the hall of the Palais de Beaulieu. Doreste, Fernando Molina,
From then on members of the Olympic Jordi Llopart, Jose Manuel
Office and the International Relations A sudden return Abascal and Francisco
Fernandez Ochoa.
Committee were in permanent contact
with the members of the IOC and the On the night of 14 October there was an 3
Prince Albert of Monaco,
media. attack by the terrorist group ETA in the one of the 69 members of
Plaça d'Espanya in Barcelona which the IOC who were to
choose the city to hold the
caused the death of the policeman Angel 1992 Olympic Games, visits
The ambassador Montserrat Caballé Gonzalez. The mayor, who was heading the Barcelona stand
the official delegation of the accompanied by Carles
Ferrer Salat, Josep Miguel
In the afternoon of 12 October, the Candidature, hurried back to Barcelona Abad and Andreu Mercé
Catalan soprano Montserrat Caballé, who to attend the funeral. He returned to Varela.
had become cultural ambassador for the Lausanne on the fifteenth for the
Barcelona Candidature, had held a press presentation of the Candidature.

1 2

Exterior of the Palais de
The final exam The delegation attending the IOC
Beaulieu in Lausanne, assembly was made up of thirty-six
where the 90th Session of On Thursday 16 Barcelona presented the people: six official delegates, six experts,
the IOC was held.
Candidature to the IOC assembly. The four support staff and twenty observers.
5 city was drawn to appear fourth, at
A fine example affair play:
the mayor of Amsterdam
midday. First came Belgrade (8.30),
and the president of the second Amsterdam (9.40) and third
Dutch Olympic Committee,
with some of the
Brisbane (10.50); after Barcelona came
representatives of the Birmingham (15.00) and Paris (16.10).
Barcelona Candidature. When the presentations were over, the
6 fact-finding committees of the ASOIF,
The president of Spain, the ANOC and the IOC would read their
Felipe Gonzalez, and the
president of the Generalitat
reports on the candidate cities to the
of Catalonia, Jordi Pujol, assembly.
formed part of the official
delegation which presented
the Barcelona Candidature The day before, Wednesday 15, the
to the members of the IOC. president of the Generalitat of Catalonia,
Jordi Pujol, had arrived in Lausanne. On
the morning of Thursday 16, the
president of the Spanish government,
Felipe Gonzalez, joined the official
delegation. The presence of the two
presidents in Lausanne ratified the
support of their administrations and of
the people of Catalonia and the rest of
Spain for the Candidature.

4 311

5 6
The presentation "It is a fact that my city, Barcelona, has
always been linked with this idea: it had
The presentation of the Candidature already presented its Candidature for the
followed the schedule established. First, Games in 1924 and 1931 and again for
Carles Ferrer Salat, as a member of the 1972 ..."
IOC, presented the Barcelona
Candidature and then followed the "Barcelona has not only waited;
speech by the president of the Managing Barcelona has built; more than that:
Council, Pasqual Maragall. Here are Barcelona has learned! It has learned the
some extracts: lesson of Olympism ..."

"I would like to convey the excitement, "Our decalogue is complete: merit,
the enthusiasm and the care with which unanimity, sporting tradition,
Barcelona and the whole country are concentration, organisation, climate,
preparing for this possibility ..." accommodation, culture, security and a
head of state who is not only honorary
"It is a fact that Spain is the only president of our candidature, but was a
country of the twelve represented here by competitor in the Munich Games in
the candidate cities to host the Summer 1972 ..."
or Winter Games in 1992 which has
never had the honour of organising an "The Barcelona Games will be the
Olympic Games ..." Games of plucky little Catalonia, of the
great Spain which is awakening, of the
"It is a fact that Spain has applied for America which is so close to us, of our
this honour on more than one occasion." sister country Portugal and, why not, of
the first step towards our neighbour
Africa ..."

312 The official delegation in Lausanne

Official delegates Pasqual Maragall President of the Managing Council and mayor of Barcelona
Felipe Gonzalez President of the Spanish Government
Jordi Pujol President of the Generalitat of Catalonia
Alfonso de Borbon President of the Spanish Olympic Committee
Josep Miguel Abad Chief executive officer of the Candidature
Leopold Rodes Vice-president of the Barcelona Olimpica'92 Business
Experts Roma Cuyas Secretary of State for Sport
Josep Llui's Vilaseca Director General of Sport at the Generalitat of Catalonia
Jordi Serra Director of the Olympic Office
Felix Arias Director of the Candidature Dossier
Llui's Millet Director of the Department of Architecture and Town
Planning at the Olympic Office
Jordi Carbonell Technician in the Department of Architecture and Town
Planning at the Olympic Office
Observers Narcis Serra Minister of Defence in the Spanish Government
Javier Solana Minister of Culture in the Spanish Government
Manuel Fonseca Secretary of the COE
Luis Yanez Secretary of State for Iberoamerican Cooperation
Antoni Dalmau President of the Barcelona Provincial Council
Joan Mas Canti Commissioner of the Candidature
Higini Clotas Spokesman for the Socialist Group in the Parliament of
Jose Manuel de Hoz Vice-president of the COE
Jordi Parpal Deputy mayor for Town Planning and Public Works in the
Barcelona City Council
Merce Sala Vice-president of the Barcelona Metropolitan Corporation
Enric Truno Councillor for Youth and Sport in the Barcelona City
Jordi Vallverdu Vice-president of the Barcelona Provincial Council
Ramon Trias Fargas Leader of the opposition and spokesman for the CIU
Group in the Barcelona City Council
Enric Lacalle Representative of the Grup Popular in the Barcelona City
Victoria Ybarra Representative of the COE
Julio Feo Secretary to the Presidency of the Spanish Government
Ferran Perpinya Under-Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Juan Luis Pan de Soraluce Spanish ambassador in Switzerland
Ignasi Masferrer Secretary of the Committee of International Relations
Llui's Prenafeta Secretary general of the Presidency of the Generalitat of
Conrado Durantez President of the Spanish Olympic Academy
Technicians Josep Roca Head of international exhibitions at the Olympic office
Miquel Company Relations with the international federations and the NOCs
Enriqueta Bosch Member of the Committee for International Relations
Salvador Blanch Project manager Source: Olympic Office: Official Report, 1986.
"Trust us." "Spanish people and Barcelona want to
make their contribution to strengthening
"In 1992 we will be able to provide you this movement, the largest peaceful
with an unforgettable Games." movement in the world."

At one point in his speech, Pasqual After Maragall had finished, it was the
Maragall handed over for a few minutes turn of the president of the Generalitat,
to the president of the COE, Alfonso de Jordi Pujol, who, in a brief speech,
Borbón. Here are some excerpts from his stressed the unity of the economic,
speech: social, cultural and sporting worlds which
were solidly behind the Candidature.
"Barcelona is the ideal place to hold the
Olympic Games. Baron Pierre de Next, the Candidature film was shown; it
Coubertin spoke words of praise for a had been made by Leopold Pomes in 35
city which aspired to become a meeting mm Panavision. It showed Barcelona,
point for sportsmen and women and where the inhabitants awoke and
sports enthusiasts from all over the gradually joined in a great race, a symbol
world ..." of their support for a common project. It
stressed the two final arguments of the
"We shall know how to make this Candidature, which had already been
leading sports event into a universal advanced on the stand: unanimous
occasion, open, brotherly, memorable. popular support and the fact that Spain
We shall know how to respond to had never organised the Olympic Games.
tradition and the desire for renewal of
the Olympic Movement in its finest After the film had been shown, various
hour ..." members of the IOC put questions to the

Route of the Olympic Bus around Spain 313

1 Barcelona 26/2/86 to 3/3
2 Valencia 4/3 to 11/3
3 Murcia 14/3 to 21/3
4 Sevilla 1/4 to 7/4
5 Cáceres 9/4 to 15/4
6 Toledo 16/4 to 22/4
7 Madrid 24/4 to 3/5 and 14/7 to 21/7
8 Valladolid 6/5 to 12/5
9 Santiago de Compostela 13/5 to 20/5
10 Oviedo 22/5 to 30/5
11 Santander 31/5 to 9/6
12 Bilbao 10/6 to 16/6
13 Pamplona 17/6 to 24/6
14 Logroño 25/6 to 1/7
15 Zaragoza 4/7 to 10/7
16 Las Palmas 3/9 to 5/9
17 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 8/9 to 12/9

512,000 visitors
15,732 volunteres registered
15,000 kilometres covered
delegation, asking for more details of the Besides the public specially invited by 1
At half-past one in the
explanations they had given. The the IOC, there were thirty members of afternoon, the president of
questions were also intended to clarify or each Candidature in the room. At half the IOC, Juan Antonio
Samaranch, gets ready to
broaden the information contained in the past one on the dot, the president of the announce the decision of
Candidature Dossier, such as the official IOC, Juan Antonio Samaranch, prepared the Olympic governing
body. More than a
competition programme, the to open the sealed envelope which thousand journalists were
characteristics of the Olympic Village, contained the final verdict. accredited and everybody
the transport, the cultural programme, waited with bated breath.
the hospitals and the financial guarantees Samaranch's words were: "As president 2
for the Games. Pasqual Maragall of the International Olympic Committee, A photograph for the
history books: the president
answered the questions posed by the IOC I have the honour to announce that the of the IOC is on the point
and Felipe Gonzalez closed the Committee has decided to award the of opening the envelope
organisation of the Games of the XXV containing the name of the
presentation with a few words. city which is to organise
Olympiad to the city of... " A pause and the 1992 Olympic Games.
the words "Attendez un moment ..." had First, however, there was a
pause: "Attendez un
"A la ville de ... Barcelona!" the hearts of the members of all the moment...".
delegations in their mouths, until the
At nearly half past one on Wednesday 17 president finally added: " a la ville de ...
October, the members of the IOC, who Barcelona", making the name of the city
had been assembled and deliberating at echo around the world, with a
the Palais de Beaulieu since eight o'clock pronounced Catalan accent.
in the morning, went into the hall of the
building where the delegations of the The emotions and nerves which had been
Candidatures and the international press suppressed burst out in unison in
were awaiting the final decision of the Lausanne and Barcelona, Catalonia and
Olympic organisation. the whole of Spain. At last the efforts

314 1 2
3 and the tenacity of a large team, with the 43 votes it needed for an outright
Those in charge of the
Candidature did not support of the people and of a country, majority. In the second round, Barcelona
attempt to hide their had made a long-cherished dream come obtained 37 votes and Paris, 20; Belgrade
enthusiasm: Barcelona had
been selected on the third true. Over a thousand journalists from and Brisbane, with 11 and 9 votes, lost
vote. the five continents and forty-two ground; and Birmingham, with 8 votes,
television networks were covering an IOC was eliminated.
Session which had aroused the highest
expectation. Barcelona had won! It was in the third round that Barcelona
was chosen. Judge Kéba Mbaye,
spokesman for the members of the IOC
Three rounds of voting who did the recount of the votes, advised
the electors that one of the candidates
The way in which the choice of the already had an outright majority.
future Olympic city had been made was Immediately, everyone in the room
not revealed until after the official turned and showered congratulations on
announcement of the verdict. The city one of the members of the International
which is to host the Olympic Games is Olympic Committee: the vice-president
chosen by secret ballot, in as many of the Managing Council of the
rounds as necessary for one of the Barcelona Candidature, Carles Ferrer
candidate cities to win an outright Salat. Samaranch had to intervene to
majority. In the first round Barcelona remind the everyone that the result of
obtained 29 votes; Paris, 19; Belgrade, 13; the vote had not yet been officially
Brisbane, 11; Birmingham, 8; and announced. The recount awarded victory
Amsterdam, 5. The last city was to Barcelona, which had won 47 votes;
eliminated and Barcelona, in spite of Paris had obtained 23, Brisbane 10 and
being in first place, was still far from the Belgrade, 8.

3 315
The Barcelona Olympic outburst When Samaranch spoke the name of 1
The crowds gathered in the
Barcelona, which the announcers Plaça de Catalunya to
covering the session chorused with barely follow the result of the vote
live on television. On
The possibility, more real than ever, that disguised glee, the city exploded with hearing the word
Barcelona would finally succeed in being delight. The sky above the Plaça de "Barcelona", they burst in
unison into a chorus of "Ja
nominated site of the Olympic Games, Catalunya was filled with balloons and som olímpics!" (Now we
had aroused great expectation. The final fire-crackers, while people shouted for are Olympic!).
stage of the 91st Session of the IOC, joy, hugged each other, wept and raised 2
broadcast to the whole world by their arms in triumph. Everyone had "... the IOC has decided to
Eurovision, had been followed by most awoken from a wonderful dream to find award the Games of the
XXV Olympiad to the city
of the radio and television stations in the that it had come true. The shouting in of..."
country. For several days before, they the main square of the city found an
had warmed up the atmosphere with echo in homes, offices and cars; for a 3
"... Barcelona!"
detailed information about everything moment, everyone had stopped to watch
that was happening in Lausanne and the television or listen to the radio to
demonstrated their support for the hear the verdict of the IOC. The festive
Barcelona Candidature with unusual spirit and the need to share a success
insistence. The Catalan circuit of which everyone felt as his or her own
Television Española had erected a stage brought people out onto the streets with
in the Plaça de Catalunya in the city flags and placards and sounded the horns
centre from where it broadcast a special of cars in a huge chorus chanting the
programme with live coverage of the name of the city. The Ramblas were the
event that was taking place at the Palais point where most people flocked. The
de Beaulieu. People thronged around the party lasted all day.
giant screens set up in the square.

316 1 2

Immediately after the
The Spanish government, which was at a hugging and shaking hands; one of the
announcement of the IOC's meeting of the Council of Ministers, warmest embraces was between Maragall
decision, the contract toasted the nomination of Barcelona with and his predecessor, the minister of
between the Olympic
organisation and the city of cava and the president, Felipe Gonzalez, Defence, Narcís Serra, as the Barcelona
Barcelona was signed at the appeared on television to tell the Olympic Candidature had first seen the
Palais de Beaulieu.
country: "This is a moment of great light when he was mayor of the city.
5 happiness for the whole of Spain." The
The former mayor of president of the Generalitat, Jordi Pujol, Then Maragall, as president of the
Barcelona, Narcís Serra,
with the staff of the also expressed his satisfaction in front of Managing Council of the Candidature,
Olympic Office, moments the cameras and said that the Games and Alfonso de Borbón, as president of
after having heard of the
designation of Barcelona. would make "Barcelona and Catalonia the COE, signed the agreement between
The continuous tension of bigger and better." The Barcelona City the IOC and the Organising Committee
the previous days gave way
to a great wave of joy. Council published a proclamation saying of the Barcelona'92 Olympic Games.
that "the Games are the great Jean-Claude Killy and the other
opportunity to show Catalonia to the representatives of the French city of
world, and we Catalans have to seize this Albertville, which had been proclaimed
opportunity with seriousness and host city for the 1992 Winter Olympics
efficiency." on the same day, also received the
congratulations of the International
In Lausanne the Barcelona delegation, Olympic Committee.
seated in the first row of the chamber at
the Palais de Beaulieu, had jumped for The mayor of Barcelona telephoned the
joy when they heard the verdict king of Spain to give him the good news.
pronounced. The last to rise from his "We have won, sir," were his opening
seat, in a thoughtful attitude, was words. At the other end of the line, Juan
Pasqual Maragall. Then everyone was Carlos, overcome by enthusiasm, began
to sing the name of Barcelona.

4 5 317
Montjuïc, chock-a-block: "Now we are A platform had been erected by the 1
Barcelona's reaction was
Olympic!" Montjuïc fountains for the delegation. As immediate. The festive
a background, the Olympic rings, spirit of the people of the
city and the desire to share
That same evening the IOC had illuminated, covered the facade of the in a success which belonged
organised a party in Lausanne to Palau Nacional. At half past midnight, to everyone brought the
people out on the streets to
celebrate the nominations. After putting Pasqual Maragall mounted the podium express their joy. Barcelona
in an appearance, most of the Barcelona between Jordi Pujol and Narcís Serra. had won!
delegation flew back home, where an The mayor, dressed in a black raincoat - 2
emotional scene awaited them. At ten the temperature was mild (18° C), but he On the night of 17 October,
o'clock in the evening an Iberia DC-10, was still suffering from the aftermath of fireworks lit up Montjuïc,
the new Olympic venue.
on which a huge Barcelona'92 logotype a cold -and bursting with joy, raised Nearly two hundred people
had been opportunely pasted, took off arms in the victory sign. The crowd crowded into the Avinguda
from Geneva for the city. de la Reina Maria Cristina
shouted as one person: "Now we are to celebrate the city's
Olympic!" triumph.
About two hundred thousand people, 3
most of them young, had gathered in the Then Maragall addressed the audience Most of the Barcelona
Avinguda de la Reina Maria Cristina at -those present and those watching on delegation returned from
Lausanne that night to take
the foot of Montjuïc to welcome the television- with a few short, but telling, part in the festivities
Barcelona "embassy" returning from phrases: "The Olympic Games are good organised at Montjuïc. The
Lausanne with the nomination. The city chief members of the
for Barcelona. What is good for Candidature were
had not seen such a massive turnout Barcelona is good for Catalonia. And applauded by the thousands
since the days of the transition, when what is good for Catalonia is good for who had gathered there.
thousands of citizens took to the streets Spain."
to demand their democratic freedoms.

318 1 2

On 12 March 1987 the
Then there was a firework display to the COOB'92 is born
Barcelona'92 Olympic strains of the Olympic anthem, sounding
Organising Committee in the host city of the XXV Olympiad. When the first outburst of joy had died
(COOB'92) was constituted,
with representatives of the At a welcome-back party at the Palau de down, the time came to start work on
same public bodies which Victòria Eugenia in the Montjuïc Trade the organisation, for such was the aim of
had made up the Managing Fair precinct, leading citizens and
Council of the Candidature. all concerned, of the finest Olympic
politicians of all colours continued to Games in history. In December the
exchange congratulations and make good Managing Council of the Candidature
resolutions to prepare and stage the was dissolved. In January 1987, the Joint
Barcelona'92 Olympic Games with the Liaison Committee was founded and this
same unanimity and consensus with in turn led, in March, to the constitution
which the city had been nominated. The of a consortium made up of the
street party went on for several hours Barcelona City Council, the Generalitat
more. of Catalonia, the Spanish government
and the Spanish Olympic Committee. It
On Saturday 18 October, the front pages was called the Barcelona'92 Olympic
of all the newspapers -some of them had Organising Committee and became the
brought out special editions on Friday organising committee of the Games.
17- announced the triumph of Barcelona. COOB'92 had been born.
At midday King Juan Carlos received
Pasqual Maragall and the delegation
which had accompanied him to Lausanne.

4 319
From 10 April to 17 May 1987, the 1
The exhibition How we
University of Barcelona mounted an won the Olympic Games
exhibition explaining the history of the was held at Barcelona
University from 10 April to
Candidature. It was called "How we won 17 May 1987. It showed
the Olympic Games" and was an account the history of the
Candidature and the
of the road from the beginnings to the various promotional stands
nomination. that had been built at each
stage. It was the brilliant
conclusion of six years of
hard work and shared
On 17 October, Barcelona
finally landed the Olympic
prize, having sought the
Olympic nomination three
times. What had been
"everyone's goal" had been
achieved. In summer 1992,
millions of people would
have their eyes on the
Catalan capital. The
countdown had begun.

320 1
4.1. The structure of the Candidature
The Managing Council of the Candidature of Barcelona
for the 1992 Olympic Games

President H.E. Mr Pasqual Maragall i Mira Mayor of Barcelona

Vice-presidents H.E. Mr Romà Cuyàs i Sol Secretary of State for Sport

H.E. Mr Josep Lluís Vilaseca Director general of Sport

i Guasch at the Generalitat of Catalonia

Councillors with the rank H.R.H. Alfonso de Borbón President of the COE
of vice-president

H.E. Mr Antoni Dalmau i Ribalta President of the Barcelona

Provincial Council
H.E. Mr Carles Ferrer Salat President of Barcelona Olímpica'92
Member of the IOC

326 Councillors H.E. Mr Josep Miquel Abad Chief executive officer

i Silvestre of the Barcelona Candidature
H.E. Mr Higini Clotas i Cierco Member of the Parliament of

H.E. Mr Josep Maria Figueras President of the Official Chamber

i Bassols of Commerce, Industry and
Navigation of Barcelona

Mr Sebastià Gallego i Rovira Coordinator of Sports at the

Provincial Council

Mr Juan Manuel de Hoz Bravo Vice-president of the Executive

Board of the COE
H.E. Mr Enric Lacalle i Coll Councillor at the Barcelona
City Council

H.E. Mr Josep Margalef i Meler Technical secretary general

of the Department of Education
of the Generalitat of Catalonia

H.E. Mr Francesc Marti i Jusmet Government delegate in Catalonia

H.E. Mr Raimon Martínez i Fraile Deputy mayor in charge of Public
Relations at the Barcelona City

H.E. Mr Joan Mas i Cantí Commissioner for the Barcelona

Source: Olympic Office: Candidature Report (1986) and Consejo de Apoyo a la Candidatura de Barcelona para los Juegos Olímpicos de
1992 (1986).
Councillors H.E. Mr Àngel Miquel Sanz Director general of Tourism
i Arnalot at the Generalitat of Catalonia
H.E. Mr Miguel Muñiz President of the Institute of
de las Cuevas Official Credit
H.E. Mr Joaquim de Nadal Deputy mayor in charge of Finance
i Caparà at the Barcelona City Council
H.E. Mr Jordi Parpal i Marfà Deputy mayor in charge of
Town-planning and Public Works
at the Barcelona City Council
H.E. Mr Pedro Pérez Fernández Secretary general of Economy
and Planning
Mr Leopoldo Rodés i Castañé Vice-president of Barcelona
H.E. Mrs Mercè Sala Vice-president of the Barcelona
i Schnorkowski Metropolitan Corporation
H.E. Mr Fidel Sust i Mitjans Assistant director general of Sport
at the Generalitat of Catalonia
H.E. Mr Joaquim Tosas i Mir Technical secretary general of the
Department of Territorial Policy
and Public Works at the
Generalitat of Catalonia 327

H.E. Mr Ramon Trias Fargas Leader of the opposition with the

rank of deputy mayor at the
Barcelona City Council
H.E. Mr Enric Truñó i Lagares Councillor for Youth and Sport at
the Barcelona City Council
H.E. Mr Jordi Vallverdú i Gimeno Vice-president of the Barcelona
Provincial Council
H.E. Mrs Victoria Ybarra Vice-president of the Spanish
de Oriol Volleyball Federation Member of
the COE

Councillor-advisers H.E. Mr Baltasar Aymerich Under-secretary at the Ministry of

i Corominas Public Works and Town-planning
H.E. Mr Julián García Vargas Minister of Health and Consumer

- H.E. Mr Joan Majó i Cruzate Minister of Industry and Energy

H.E. Mr Fernando Perpiñá-Robert Under-secretary at the Ministry of
Peyra Foreign Affairs
H.E. Mr Narcís Serra i Serra Minister of Defence
H.E. Mr Pedro Ybarra Honorary member of the IOC
Macmahon, Barón de Güell
Secretary H.E. Mr Jordi Baulies i Cortal Secretary general of the Barcelona
City Council

Olympic Office coordinator H.E. Mr Jordi Serra i Villalbí

Executive Board of the Managing Council

President H.E. Mr Pasqual Maragall i Mira Mayor of Barcelona

Chief executive officer H.E. Mr Josep Miquel Abad

i Silvestre


Members H.E. Mr Josep Lluís Vilaseca Director general of Sport

i Guasch at the Generalitat of Catalonia

H.E. Mr Jordi Parpal i Marfà Deputy mayor in charge of

Town-planning and Public Works
at the Barcelona City Council

H.E. Mr Francesc Martí i Jusmet Government delegate in Catalonia

H.E. Mr Jordi Vallverdú i Gimeno Vice-president of the Barcelona

Provincial Council

H.E. Ms Mercè Sala Vice-president of the Barcelona

i Schnorkowski Metropolitan Corporation

H.E. Ms Victoria Ybarra Vice-president of the Spanish

de Oriol Volleyball Federation
Member of the COE

Mr Leopoldo Rodés i Castañé Vice-president of Barcelona


H.E. Mr Joan Mas i Cantí Commissioner for the Candidature

Secretary H.E. Mr Jordi Serra i Villalbí Olympic Office coordinator

International Relations Committee

President H.E. Mr Pasqual Maragall i Mira Mayor of Barcelona

Executive president H.E. Mr Carles Ferrer Salat President of Barcelona

Olímpica'92 Member of the IOC

Members H.E. Mr Romà Cuyàs i Sol Secretary of State for Sport

H.E. Mr Josep Lluís Vilaseca Director general of Sport

i Guasch at the Generalitat of Catalonia

H.E. Mr Josep Miquel Abad Chief executive officer

i Silvestre of the Executive Board

H.E. Ms Victoria Ybarra Vice-president of the Spanish

de Oriol Volleyball Federation
Member of COE

Mr Leopold Rodés i Castañé Vice-president of Barcelona


H.E. Mr Joan Mas i Cantí Commissioner for the Candidature 329

Secretary H.E. Mr Ignasi Masferrer i Sala

Olympic Office

Coordination Jordi Serra Coordinator of the Olympic Office

Maria Josep Alemany Secretary

Mireia Sitges Secretary

Candidature Dossier Felix Àrias Director

Alfred Bosch Assistant director
Núria Pompeia Coordinator of photography
Míriam Buxeda Secretary
Architecture and town Lluís Millet Director
planning projects
Gemma Biosca Assistant director
Jordi Carbonell Assistant director
Carles Llop Architect
Enric Noëlle Architect
Paca Buades Secretary
Elvira Queralt Secretary
Sylvia Uhrlep Secretary
Anna Bellera Draughtsman
Néstor Cznchowicky Draughtsman
Gemma Goday Draughtsman
Montse Sanfeliu Draughtsman
Carme Sedó Draughtsman
Ferran Solé Draughtsman
Margarita Torrente Draughtsman

Organisation projects Francesc Segura Director

Assumpta Mas Assistant director
Isabel Crespo Secretary
Yvonne Barral Olympic Bus
Toni Català Secretary

Financial projects Ramon Romaguera Economist

Ferran Sicart Economist

Data-processing and Jordi López Telecommunications

telecommunications projects
Relations with federations Miquel Company Ex-president of the Spanish
and clubs Yachting Federation
Rafael Torras Ex-president of the Catalan Skiing
Rosa Comanges Secretary

International relations Ignasi Masferrer Ambassador

Andreu Mercé Varela Adviser
Úrsula de Bähr Assistant
Anna Puigdollers Secretary
Sergi Zaragoza Auxiliary

Press Pedro Palacios Coordinator

Miguel Ángel Buil Journalist
Margarita Roncero Secretary

Promotion Roberto Marcos Álvarez Coordinator

Julio Rocha Assistant to the coordinator
Josep Roca Exhibitions
Albert Sagrera Audiovisual media
Alexandra Heeroms Secretary
Xavier Muñoz Auxiliary

Administration Antònia Bisbal Coordinator

Anna Forcadell Administrator
Carme Villella Secretary
Teodoro López Auxiliary
Documentation Clara Plasència Archivist

Ferran Villalbí Computer systems

Anillo Olímpico de Montjuïc, S. A.

Manager Ernest Serra

Technical Department Lluís Millet Director

Gaietà Granell Engineer

Pere Sariola Engineer
Lola Queralt Architect
Antoni Nadal Draughtsman


Administration Judith Avinyó Lawyer

Dolors Ricart Secretary

Special Body for the Administration of the Poblenou Seafront (Olympic Village)

Chief executive officer Ramon Boixadós

Technical Department Manuel Herce Director

Alfons Rodríguez Engineer

Juli Laviña Architect

Miguel Ángel Andújar Engineer

Perfecto Zayuelas Topographer

Manuel Hernández Surveyor
Administration Margarita Ruiz Management secretary
Carme Simó Recepcionist
Rosa Maria Farràs Secretary

4.2. The Council of Support
The Council of Support for the Candidature of Barcelona
for the 1992 Olympic Games

Council of Honour His Majesty King Juan Carlos I King of Spain

H.E. Mr Felipe González President of the Spanish
Márquez Government

The Rt. Hon. Mr Jordi Pujol President of the Generalitat

i Soley of Catalonia
H.E. Mr Javier Solana Madariaga Minister of Culture
H.E. Mr Pasqual Maragall i Mira Mayor of Barcelona

Institutions, organisations, H.E. Mr Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo Ex-president of the Spanish

associations and VIPs Bustelo Government
H.E. Adolfo Suárez González Ex-president of the Spanish
Duque de Suárez Government

Molt Hble. Sr. Josep Tarradellas Ex-president of the Generalitat

i Joan of Catalonia
Marqués de Tarradellas

H.E. Mr Enric Masó i Vázquez Ex-mayor of Barcelona

H.E. Mr Josep Maria de Porcioles Ex-mayor of Barcelona
i Colomer

H.E. Mr Narcís Serra i Serra Minister of Defence

Ex-mayor of Barcelona
H.E. Mr Josep Maria Socias Ex-mayor of Barcelona
i Humbert

The Rt. Hon. Mr Heribert Barrera Secretary general of ERC

i Costa
The Rt. Hon. Mr Miquel Coll President of UDC
i Alentorn
H.E. Mr Gregorio López Ex-president of the PSUC
H.E. Mr Joan Raventós i Carner President of the PSC
Ilmo. Sr. Ramon Trias Fargas President of CDC

Sr. Josep Azuara i Gonzalez President of the Catalan

Association of Municipalities

* Source: Olympic Office: The Council of Support for the Candidature of Barcelona for the 1992 Olympic Games (1986).
Institutions, organisations, H.E. Mr Joaquim Nadal i Farreras President of the Federation of
associations and VIPs Municipalities of Catalonia
H.E. Mr Tomás Rodríguez President of the Spanish
Bolaños Federation of Municipalities

Mr José María Cuevas Salvador President of the Spanish

Confederation of Business
H.E. Mr Josep Maria Figueras President of the Chamber of
i Bassols Commerce, Industry and
Navigation of Barcelona and of
the Higher Council of Chambers
of Commerce of Catalonia
President of the Executive Board
of the Official International
Barcelona Trade Fair
H.E. Mr Pere Llorens i Lorente President of the Barcelona
Council of Trade Guilds
Mr Alfred Molinas i Bellido President of the Department for
the Creation of Employment
H.E. Mr Adrian Piera Jiménez President of the Higher Council of
Chambers of Commerce, Industry
and Navigation of Spain
Mr Josep Lluís Rovira i Escubos President of the Small Business
Association of Catalonia

H.E. Mr Marcelino Camacho Abad Secretary general of CC.OO.

H.E. Mr Justo Domínguez Secretary general of the UGT
de la Fuente of Catalonia
H.E. Mr Josep Lluís López Bulla Secretary general of the CC.OO.
of Catalonia
H.E. Mr Nicolás Redondo Urbieta Secretary general of the UGT

H.E. Dr. Josep Maria Bricall Rector of the University of

i Masip Barcelona
H.E. Dr. Gabriel Ferrate Rector of the Polytechnic
i Pascual University of Catalonia
H.E. Mr Emilio Lamo Secretary general of the Council of
de Espinosa Universities
H.E. Dr. Ramon Pascual Rector of the Autonomous
i de Sans University of Barcelona
H.E. Mr Enric Trillas i Ruiz President of the Higher Council
for Scientific Research
Institutions, organisations, H.E. Mr Luis Blanco-Soler Director of the San Fernando
associations and VIPs Academy of Fine Arts
Mr Enric Casassas i Simó President of the Institute of
Catalan Studies
H.E. Mr Domingo García Sabell President of the Royal Galician
Academy of the Language
H.E. Mr Pedro Laín Entralgo President of the Royal Spanish
Academy of the Language
H.E. Mr Frederic Marés President of the Sant Jordi
i Deulovol Academy of Fine Arts
H.E. Mr Ángel Martín Municio President of the Royal Academy
of Exact, Physical and Natural
Mr José María Satrústegui Zubeldia Secretary general of Euskalzandia

Sr. Ignasi Bañares i Sanz Syndic-president of the Official

Institute of Stockbrokers
Mr Modest Batlle i Girona Dean of the Official Institute of
338 Road, Canal and Port Engineers
of Catalonia
Mr Agustí Borrell i Calonge Dean of the Official Institute of
Architects of Catalonia
Mr Francesc Caballero i Ortiz President of the Official Institute
of Qualified Nurses and Medical
Technical Auxiliaries
Mr Esteban Camarasa Rovira President of the Official Institute
of Insurance Brokers
Mr Pere Camprubí i Garcia President of the Official Institute
of Biologists
Mr Antonio de las Heras i Territorial President of the
Redondo Official Institute of Technical
Topographic Engineers
Mr Delfín Fernández de Sevilla Dean of the Official Institute of
Torrijos Technical and Public Works
Mr Vicente Font Boix Dean of the Official Institute of
Notaries of Barcelona
Mr Marià Ganduxer i Relats President of the Official Institute
of Mercantile Officials of Barcelona
Mr Josep Maria Gras i Isern President of the Barcelona Official
Institute of Pharmacologists
Mrs Mercè Izquierdo i Aymerich Dean of the Official Institute of
Arts and Sciences Doctors and
Graduates of Catalonia
Institutions, organisations, Mr Florentí Manyà i Turbí Dean of the Official Institute of
associations and VIPs Industrial Technical Engineers of
Mr Francesc Monné i Orga President of the Official Institute
of Veterinary Surgenons of
Mrs Anna Morató i Sáenz President of the Official Institute
of Qualified Social Workers of
Mr Gaspar Núñez i Simón President of the Official Institute
of Customs Brokers and Agents
Mr Antoni Plasència i Monleón Dean of Illustrious Institute of
Lawyers of Barcelona
Mr Carles Ponsa i Ballart Dean of the Official Institute of
Industrial Engineers of Catalonia
Mr Carles Puiggrós i Lluelles President of the Official Institute
of Surveyors of Barcelona
Mr Francesc Santacana i Martorell Dean of the Official Institute of
Economists of Catalonia
H.E. Mr Carles Sentís i Anfruns Dean of the Official Institute of 339
Journalists of Catalonia
Mr Ramon Trias i Rubies President of the Official Institute
of Doctors of Barcelona
Mr Pablo Vidal Francesc President of the Official Institute
of Property Registrars

Mr Antonio Alcoba López President of the National

Association of Graphic Reporters
Mr Luis Apostua Palos President of the Federation of
Spanish Press Associations
Mr José María Lorente Toribio President of the Spanish
Association of Sports Journalists
Mr Joaquín Pérez Díaz-Palacios President of the Spanish
Association of Radio and
Television Sports Reporters
Mr Horaci Seguí i López President of the National
Association of Graphic Reporters
of Catalonia
Mr Antoni Trapé i Pi President of the Provincial
Association of Sports Journalists
Mr Miguel Vidal Tociño President of the Spanish Union of
Sports Journalists
Institutions, organisations, Mr Enric Coromines i Vila President of the Economists' Circle
associations and VIPs
Mr Miquel Esquirol i Clavero President of the Friends of the
H.E. Mr Ricard Gutiérrez i Marti President of the Spanish Red
Cross in Barcelona
President of the Spanish Red
Cross Catalan Assembly
H.E. Mr Jordi Maragall i Noble President of the Ateneu Barcelonès
H.E. Mr Leocadio Marín President of the Spanish Red
Rodríguez Cross Assembly
Mrs Marga Rodríguez i Piquer President of the Federation of
Neighbourhood Associations

Mr Rafael Alberti Writer. Cervantes Prize

Mr Andreu Alfaro Sculptor. National Prize for the
Plastic Arts
Mr Néstor Almendros Photographer. Oscar from the
Academy of Motion Picture Arts
and Sciences, Hollywood
Mr Jordi Alumà Painter
H.E. Mr Dr. Joaquim Barraquer Professor of Ocular Surgery
Mr Miguel Berrocal Sculptor
Mr Conrad Blanch Leader of the 1986 Everest
Mr Ricard Bofill Architect and town-planner
Mr Oriol Bohigas Architect and town-planner. Gold
medal of the Barcelona City
H.E. Mr Antonio Buero Vallejo Writer. National Prize for the
H.E. Ms Montserrat Caballé Opera singer. Gold medal of the
Generalitat of Catalonia
H.E. Mr Julio Caro Baroja Writer and anthropologist.
National Prize for Spanish Letters
Mr Josep Carreras Opera singer
Mr Josep Maria Castellet Writer
Mr Francesc Català i Roca Photographer. National Prize for
the Plastic Arts
Institutions, organisations, Mr Camilo José Cela Writer
associations and VIPs
Mr Xavier Corberó Sculptor
Mr Xavier Cugat Musician. Gold medal of the
Barcelona City Council
H.E. Mr Eduardo Chillida Sculptor
H.E. Mr Salvador Dalí Painter. Gold medal of the
Marqués de Púbol Generalitat of Catalonia
H.E. Mr Enrique de la Mata President of the League of Red
Gorostizaga Cross and Crescent Moon Societies
H.E. Ms Alícia de Larrocha Pianist. Gold medal of the
Generalitat of Catalonia and the
Barcelona City Council

H.E. Mr Miguel Delibes Writer. Principe de Asturias Prize

H.E. Ms Victoria de los Angeles Singer. National Prize for Music
H.E. Mr Gerardo Diego Writer. Cervantes Prize
Mr Plácido Domingo Opera singer
H.E. Mr Pere Duran i Farell Businessman
Mr Apeles Fenosa Sculptor. Gold medal of the
Generalitat of Catalonia and the
Barcelona City Council
Mr Josep Maria Flotats Actor. Nacional Prize for the
Theatre of the Generalitat of
H.E. Mr Carles Güell Businessman
de Sentmenat
H.E. Mr Cristobal Halffter Compositor. National Prize for
Mr Joan Hernández Pijuan Painter. National Prize for the
Plastic Arts
Mr Joaquim Homs Musician. Gold medal of the
Barcelona City Council
Mr Julio Iglesias Singer
Mr Josep Maria Llompart President of the Association of
Writers in Catalan
H.E. Mr Julián Marías Writer. Fastenrah Prize
H.E. Mr Adolfo Marsillach Actor and director of the National
Classical Theatre
H.E. Lieutenant-General Representative of the Ministry of
Federico Michavilla Defence on the Higher Sports
Institutions, organisations H.E. Mr Fèlix Millet President of the Orfeó Català
associations and VIPs
H.E. Mr Frederic Mompou Composer. Gold medal of the
Generalitat of Catalonia and the
Barcelona City Council
Mr Tete Montoliu Musician. Gold medal of the
Barcelona City Council
Mr Xavier Montsalvatge Composer. National Prize for
H.E. Mr Severo Ochoa Biologist. Nobel Prize
H.E. Mr Manuel Olivencia Comissioner general of the Sevilla
1992 Universal Exhibition
H.E. Mr Marcelino Oreja Secretary general of the Council of
Mr Lluís Pasqual Theatre director. National Prize
for the Theatre
Mr Albert Puig Gold medal of the Barcelona City
H.E. Mr Antoni Puigvert Professor of Urology
Mr Albert Ràfols i Casamada Painter. National Prize for the
Plastic Arts
Mr André Ricard Critic and industrial designer
H.E. Mr Joaquín Rodrigo National Prize for Music
Mr Manuel Romero Director of Sports operations of
the UER
Mr Luis Rosales Writer. Cervantes Prize
H.E. Mr Xavier Rubert de Ventós Philosopher
Mr Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oiza Architect
Mr Joan Manuel Serrat Singer and composer
H.E. Mr Miguel Siguan i Soler Gold medal of the Barcelona City
Mr Josep Maria Subirachs Sculptor
Mr Antoni Tàpies Painter. Gold medal of the
Generalitat of Catalonia
H.E. Mr Gonzalo Torrente Writer. Cervantes Prize
Mr Antoni Vila i Arrufat Painter and engraver. Gold medal
of the Barcelona City Council
Mr Narciso Yepes Musician
Sports H.E. Mr Luis M. Bandrés Unanue Councillor for Culture and Sport
Basque Country

H.E. Mr José María Barreda Councillor for Education and

Fontes Culture
Castille-La Mancha
H.E. Mr Justino Burgos González Councillor for Education and
H.E. Mr Cebrià Ciscar i Casaban Councillor for Culture, Education
and Science
Community of Valencia
H.E. Mr Andrés Cuartero Moreno Councillor for the Presidency and
Institutional Relations
H.E. Mr Esteban Egea Fernández Councillor for Culture and

H.E. Mr Francisco C. España Councillor for Education, Culture,

Fuentes Sport and the Artistic Heritage
H.E. Mr Román Felones Morras Councillor for Education and 343
H.E. Mr Alejandrino Fernández Councillor for Culture and Social
Barreiro Welfare
H.E. Mr Manuel Fernández Councillor for Education, culture
de la Cera and Sport
H.E. Mr José Luis García Alonso Councillor for Culture, Sport and
H.E. Mr Francisco Gilet Girart Councillor for Education and
Balearic Islands
H.E. Mr Felipe Pérez Moreno Councillor for Culture and Sport
Canary Islands
H.E. Mr José Ignacio Pérez Sáenz Councillor for Education, Culture
and Sport
La Rioja
H.E. Mr Luis Alberto Rodríguez Councillor for Culture, Education
González and Sport
H.E. Mr Javier Torres Vela Councillor for Culture
Sports Mr Manuel Fonseca de la Llave Secretary general of the Spanish
Olympic Committee
H.E. Mr Daniel Romero Álvarez Director general of Sport at the
Higher Sports Council

Mr Miguel Ángel Delgado Noguera Director of the INEF Granada

Mr José Luis Hernández Vázquez Director of the INEF Madrid
Mr Pere Miró i Sellarés Director of the INEF Cataluña

Mr Jesús Agüero i Cayon President of the Catalan Rowing


Ms Carmen Algora Sanjuán President of the Spanish

Gymnastics Federation
Mr Joan Amigó i Freixa President of the Catalan Aerial
Sports Federation

344 Mr Miquel Arbós i Abadal President of the Catalan Cycling


Mr Domènec Argemí i Madurell President of the Catalan Hockey


Mr Marià Arisó i Espinal President of the Catalan

Motorcycling Federation

Mr Antoni Asensio Forcà President of the Catalan Wrestling


Mr Luis Báguena Salvador President of the Spanish Judo


Mr Enric Ballesteros i Figueres President of the Catalan

Underwater Sports Federation

Mr Jordi Batalla i Escoda President of the Catalan Shooting


Mr Sebastià Benasco i Martínez President of the Catalan

Volleyball Federation

Mr Basilio Blanco Piqueras President of the Spanish

Pigeon-Fanciers Federation

Mr Agustí Brugués i Puig President of the Catalan Pelota

Mr Guillermo Cabeza President of the Spanish
Federation of Sports for the
Sports Mr Joan Casellas i Xirgú President of the Catalan Handball

Mr Pere Cuatrecasas i Sabata President of the Catalan Golf


Mr Francesc Josep d'Abadal President of the Catalan Polo

i Lacambra Federation

Mr Arturo Delgado de Almeida President of the Royal Spanish

Yatching Federation

Mr Francisco de Asís Geli Simon President of the Spanish

Motorboat Federation

Mr Juan Manuel de Hoz President of the Spanish Athletics


Mr Joan de la Llera i Trens President of the Catalan

Gymnastics Federation
President of the Union of Catalan
Sports Federations

Mr Angel de Lamo Alonso President of the Spanish Pelota

Mr Lluís Fernández de Retama President of the Catalan Carrier
i Illa Pigeon Federation
Mr Josep Julià del Valle i González President of the Catalan Boxing
Mr Joaquín Díez Díez President of the Spanish Fishing
Mr Manuel Domènech i Miró President of the Spanish Skating

Mr Segundo Eguía Herrera President of the Spanish Skittles

Mr Josep Maria Emerich i Ribas President of the Catalan Fishing

Mr Antonio Espinós Ortueta President of the Spanish Karate

Mr Josep Ferrer i Peris President of the Catalan Tennis

Mr Luis Figueras-Dotti President of the Spanish Golf


Mr Alfredo Flórez Plaza President of the Spanish

Swimming Federation
Mr Ángel Font i González President of the Catalan
Motorboat Federation
Mr Ernest Font i Pou President of the Catalan
Automobile Federation
Sports Mr Segismundo Fraile President of the Spanish Winter
Sports Federation

Mr Eduardo Gallart Baldo President of the Spanish Boxing


Mr Josep García i Mateos President of the Catalan

Pigeon-Fanciers Federation

Mr José Antonio García Muñoz President of the Spanish Wrestling

Mr Francesc Garcia i Suárez President of the Catalan Baseball
and Softball Federation
Mr Joan Garrigós i Toro President of the Federation of
Excursionist Oganisations of
Mr Santiago Gil de Biedma President of the Spanish Polo

Mr Antonio Gil Pérez President of the Spanish Aerial

Sports Federation

Mr Eduardo Góngora Benítez President of the Spanish Squash

de Lugo Federation
Mr Alfredo Goyeneche Moreno President of the Spanish
Marqués de Artasona Equestrian Federation
Mr Carlos Gracia Fuertes President of the Spanish
Automobile Federation

Mr Antoni Guasch i Carrete President of the Catalan Football


Mr José Antonio Hermida President of the Spanish Petanque


Mr José Luis Ibáñez Arana President of the Spanish Cycling


Mr Francesc Izard i Gavarró President of the Catalan Winter

Sports Federation

Mr Juan Andrés Larrazábal President of the Spanish

Greyhound Federation

Mr Miquel Llompart i Triaou President of the Catalan Billards


Mr Antonio López López President of the Spanish

Motorcycling Federation

Mr Ángel Manso i Ortega President of the Catalan Squash


Mr Josep Maria March i Pàmpols President of the Catalan Canoeing


Mr Carlos Marqués Prats President of the Spanish

Pigeon-Fanciers Federation
Sports Mr Josep Maria Martí i Font President of the Catalan Petanque

Mr Joan Martin i Barrat President of the Catalan Archery


Mr Juan Martínez Valero President of the Spanish

Water-Skiing Federation
Mr Feliciano Mayoral Barba President of the Spanish
Volleyball Federation

Mr Joan Mercadé i Brullés President of the Catalan

Water-skiing Federation

Mr Francesc Miró-Sans President of the Catalan

i Casacuberta Greyhound Federation
Mr David Moner i Codina President of the Catalan
Swimming Federation

Mr Fernando Muñoz Guerra President of the Spanish

Mountaineering Federation

Mr Leandro Negre Carrió President of the Spanish Hockey


Ms Mercè Olivera i Capellades President of the Catalan 347

Life-Saving Federation

Mr Joan Olivier i Genovès President of the Catalan

Equestrian Federation

Mr Francesc Ordeig i Terricabras President of the Catalan Hunting

Mr Miquel Ortín i Rull President of the Spanish Baseball
and Softball Federation
Mr Joan Palau i Francas President of the Catalan
Federation of Sports for the

Mr Lesmes Peña Hurtado President of the Spanish Hunting


Mr Joan Peña i Morera President of the Catalan

Weigthlifting Federation

Mr Pau Pérez i de Pedro President of the Spanish Potholing


Mr Antonio Pérez Francés President of the Spanish Archery


Mr José Perurena López President of the Spanish Canoeing


Mr Alberto Pico Marín President of the Spanish Rugby


Mr Enric Piquet i Miquel President of the Catalan

Basketball Federation
Sports Mr Jordi Prat i Puigdengolas President of the Catalan Table
Tennis Federation

Mr Agustí Pujol i Niubó President of the Royal Spanish

Tennis Federation

Mr Javier Quintano Muñoz President of the Spanish Table

Tennis Federation
Mr Manuel Recoder President of the Catalan Karate

Mr Enric Redondo i Fabregat President of the Spanish

Underwater Sports Federation

Mr Xavier Ribalta i Balcells President of the Catalan Fencing

Mr Joan Ricart i Aguilà President of the Catalan Skittles

Mr Manuel Rivas Ferviño President of the Royal Spanish

Shooting Federation
Mr José Luis Roca Millán President of the Royal Spanish
Football Federation

348 Mr Joan Maria Roig i Claret President of the Catalan Yatching

Mr Guillem Ros i Massot President of the Catalan Athletics
Mr Juan Ruiz Pérez President of the Royal Spanish
Fencing Federation

Mr Josep Antoni Sancha i de Prada President of the Catalan Rugby


Mr Ricardo Sánchez Lozano President of the Spanish Modern

Pentathlon Federation

Mr Joan Segura i Vila President of the Spanish Chess


Mr Emilio Serna Díez President of the Catalan Judo


Mr Alexandre Soler-Cabot i Serra President of the Catalan Modern

Pentathlon Federation

Mr Pere Sust i Sagau President of the Spanish

Basketball Federation
President of the Catalan
Association of Sports Managers
Mr Roberto Tendero Llofriu President of the Spanish Handball

Mr Román Torán Albero President of the Spanish Chess

Sports Mr Pere Torras i Escudé President of the Catalan Skating

Mr Francesc Valls i Luque President of the Catalan

Badminton Federation

Mr Pedro Várez Delgado President of the Spanish

Weightlifting Federation
Mr José Luis Vila Piñeiro President of the Spanish
Badminton Federation
Mr Jesús Villamor y Villachica President of the Spanish Billiards

Mr Salvador Vives i Jorba President of the Catalan Potholing


Mr Pedro Walch den Tuinder President of the Spanish

Life-Saving Federation

Mr Francisco Zuriarrain Altuna President of the Spanish Rowing


Mr Alejandro Abascal Olympic medal-winner

Mr José Manuel Abascal Olympic medal-winner
Mr Francesc Alguersuari Olympic Order
Mr José Alvarez Bohorques Olympic medal-winner
Mr Joan Amat Olympic medal-winner
H.E. Mr Luis Azemar Olympic Order
Mr Jacinto Ballester Olympic Order
Mr Severiano Ballesteros Golfer

Mr Benito Castejón Olympic Order

Mr Juan José Castillo Olympic Order
Mr Fernando Climent Olympic medal-winner
Mr Juan Antonio Corbalán Olympic medal-winner

H.E. Carlos de Godó Olympic Order

Conde de Godó

Mr Guillermo del Riego Olympic medal-winner

Mr José Ramón Díaz Flor Olympic medal-winner
Mr Luis Doreste Olympic medal-winner
Mr Eduardo Dualde Olympic medal-winner
Mr Conrado Durántez President of the Olympic Academy
Sports Mr José María Esteban Celorrio Olympic medal-winner
Mr Francisco Fernández Ochoa Olympic medal-winner
Mr Antonio Gorostegui Olympic medal-winner
Mr Luis María Lasúrtegui Olympic medal-winner
Mr Jordi Llopart Olympic medal-winner
Mr David López Zubero Olympic medal-winner
Mr Herminio Menéndez Olympic medal-winner
Mr Andreu Mercé i Varela Olympic Order
Mr Enrique Míguez Olympic medal-winner
Mr Pere Lluís Millet Olympic medal-winner
Mr Roberto Molina Olympic medal-winner
Mr Ángel Nieto Motorcyclist
Mr Miquel Noguer Olympic medal-winner
Mr Luis Gregorio Ramos Misioné Olympic medal-winner
Mr José Enrique Rodríguez Cal Olympic medal-winner
Mr Manuel Santana Tennis player
Mr Raimundo Saporta Olympic Order
Mr Narciso Suárez Olympic medal-winner

Barcelona Olímpica'92 H.E. Mr José M. Aguirre González President

Business Association SIEMENS, S. A.
Mr Roberto Alcalde Castillo President
S. A.
H.E. Mr Joan Alegre i Marcet President
H.E. Mr Narcís Andreu i Musté President and director general
H.E. Mr Ramón Areces Rodríguez President of the Board of
Mr Antonio Asensio Pizarro President
Barcelona Olímpica'92 Mr Joan Lluís Asmarats i Pujol President
Business Association CAMUNSA
Mr Fernando de Asúa Álvarez President
H.E. Mr Baltasar Aymerich President
i Coromines SINTEL, S. A.
Mr Xavier Aznárez i Hermosa President
Mr Josep Maria Ballbé i Armengol Manager
Mr Javier Bañón Seijas President
Mr José Basi Sabi Manager
Mr Alfredo Basté Schwartz President
Mr Romà Jesús Belloc i Escuté President
Mr Manuel Bellsolell i Coma Managing director 351
H.E. Mr Javier Benjumea President
Puigcerver ABENGOA, S. A.
Mr Alfredo Bernad Herrando Chief Executive
H.E. Mr Joaquín Bertrán de Caralt President
H.E. Mr Claudio Boada Villalonga President of the Board of
Mr Joaquim Boixareu i Gimó President
H.E. Mr Emilio Botín López President
H.E. Mr Miguel Boyer Salvador President
H.E. Mr Carlos Bustelo García President
del Real ACESA
Mr José Ramón Castelló Bueso Director general
S. A.
Mr Narcís Codina i Surós Chief executive
Barcelona Olímpica'92 Mr Carles Colomer i Casellas President
Business Association HENRY COLOMER

H.E. Mr Fernando Coll Picar President of the Board of


Mr Joan Corominas i Vila President


Mr Francesc Daurella Chief executive

H.E. Mr Iñigo de Oriol e Ybarra President

Mr Jesús de Polanco Gutiérrez President

H.E. Mr Rafael del Pino President
Mr Enric Domènech i Jaime Manager
H.E. Mr Antonio Durán Tovar President
H.E. Mr Joan Echevarría i Puig Executive president

Mr José María Entrecanales Director general

S. A.
H.E. Mr Alfonso Escámez López President

Dr. Josep Esteve i Soler President

Mr Josep Ferrer i Sala Managing director

Mr Carles Ferrer Salat President

S. A.
Mr Ignasi Ferrero i Jordi Director general
Mr Santiago Fradera i Butsems Administrator
Mr Ricardo Fuster Fuster President
Mr Salvador Gabarró i Serra Manager
Barcelona Olímpica'92 Dr. Romano Gabriele Director general
Business Association HISPANO OLIVETTI, S. A.
H.E. Mr Angel Galíndez Celayeta President

H.E. Mr Joan Gaspart i Bonet President


Mr Javier Godó Muntañola Editor

Mr José Acacio Gómez Vigo Chief executive

Mr Humberto González Espinosa Chief executive

Mr Pere Grau i Hoyos President

Mr Emilio Haase Barasoain Director general

S. A.
Mr Josep Maria Juncadella i Burés INDUSTRIAS BURÉS
Mr Hans-Wolfgang Langner Chief executive 353

Mr Juan March Delgado President


Mr Manuel Martínez Fernández President


Mr Francesc Mas-Sardà i Casanelles President


H.E. Mr Enric Masó i Vázquez President


Mr Enrique M. Meijer President


Mr Antonio Messa Buxareu Chief executive


Mr Josep Miarnau i Banús Manager


H.E. Mr Salvador Millet i Bel President

Mr José Montes Heredia Chief Executive
H.E. Mr Vicente Mortes Alfonso President
Barcelona Olímpica'92 Mr Juan Ignacio Muñiz Entrialgo Chief Executive
Business Association MATERIAL

Mr Josep Lluís Núñez i Clemente President


Mr Jorge Núñez y Lasso de la Vega President

H.E. Mr Tomás Pascual Sanz President

Mr Alfredo Pastor Bodmer Chief executive


Mr Josep Joan Pintó i Ruiz President


Mr Gabriel Pretús i Becerra President


Mr Mariano Puig i Planas Manager


354 Mr Francesc Quintana i Cascante Manager


Mr Jaume Rosell i Sanuy Director general


Mr Alfredo Sáenz Abad President


Mr Miguel Sáenz de Viguera President


Ilma. Sra. Mercè Sala President

i Schnorkowski FERROCARRIL

Mr Romà Sanahuja i Bosch President of the Board of


H.E. Mr José Ángel Sánchez President


Mr Abdulla A. Saudi President


Mr Jordi Serra i Bayona Managing director


H.E. Mr Antoni Serra President

Barcelona Olímpica'92 Mr Jesús Serra i Santamans Chief executive
Business Association GRUPO ASEGURADOR
H.E. Mr Luis Solana Madariaga President
Mr Manuel Soto Serrano President
Mr Federico Sotomayor Gippini President
Mr Chiaki Sugishima Chief executive
Mr Artur Suqué i Puig President
S. A.
Mr Miquel Torres i Carbó President
Dr. Joan Uriach i Marsal President and Managing director

4.3. Chronology of the Candidature
Chronology of the Candidature

1980 1982 6 October 1982

The international competition for
architectural projects for the Montjuïc
17 July 1980 4 January 1982 Olympic Ring is convened.
The plans of the mayor of Barcelona, The workshop of the painter Antoni
Narcís Serra, to hold the Olympic Tàpies produces the first Candidature
Games in the city, are mentioned in the poster, which is used for the covers of 11 November 1982
press for the first time. the publications about the Barcelona The Barcelona City Council receives the
Olympic project. report on the viability of holding the
1992 Games in Barcelona, Projecte de
5 October 1980 Jocs Olímpics Barcelona 1992. Primeres
Juan Antonio Samaranch, recently 14 January 1982 aproximacions, drafted by Romà Cuyàs.
elected president of the IOC, makes a A municipal decree is passed appointing
statement to the press that "Barcelona Romà Cuyàs commissioner for the
is capable of organising the Olympic Candidature and entrusting him with a
Games." study of the viability of organising the
Games in the city of Barcelona.

6 April 1982
The book Guia de l'esport is published
1981 by the City Council. It contains a
complete list of the sports facilities,
complexes and organisations in
31 January 1981 Barcelona.
At the dinner for the sportsman and
woman of the year for 1980, the mayor
of Barcelona, Narcís Serra, announces
in the presence of the president of the 12 November 1982
IOC, Juan Antonio Samaranch, that he The mayor of Barcelona, Narcís Serra;
wishes Barcelona to organise the 1992 the director general of Sport at the
Summer Olympic Games. Generalitat, Josep Lluís Vilaseca; the
councillor for Sport at the Barcelona
City Council, Enric Truñó; and the
358 7 April 1981 director of the report Projecte de Jocs
Narcís Serra briefs senior management Olímpics Barcelona 1992. Primeres
of the Catalan Association of Sports aproximacions, Romà Cuyàs, present
Managers on the first steps taken and the viability study to the president of
asks them for their support. the IOC, Juan Antonio Samaranch.

30 May 1981 15 November 1982

Narcís Serra requests the patronage of The Executive Board of the COE
HM King Juan Carlos I for the decides to give initial support to the
Barcelona Candidature project. Barcelona Candidature.

26 November 1982
The Municipal Standing Committee
27 April 1982 approves the opening of the Olympic
Publication of the book Barcelona Office.
pretén els Jocs de 1992, the first
account of the Barcelona Candidature
project. 2 December 1982
Pasqual Maragall succeeds Narcís Serra
as mayor of Barcelona, the latter having
12 June 1982 been named minister of defence in the
The World Cup opens in Barcelona. Spanish government.
The international sports press is
informed of the aspirations of the city
to host the Olympic Games. 10 December 1982
The new mayor of Barcelona, Pasqual
Maragall, presents the king with the
30 June 1981 book Barcelona pretén els Jocs de 1992.
The Barcelona City Council, in a
plenary session, unanimously supports
the initiative. 14 December 1982
The new president of the Spanish
government, Felipe González,
30 September 1981 announces to the mayor of Barcelona,
Narcís Serra delivers the municipal Pasqual Maragall, the unconditional
agreement to the president of the COE, support of his cabinet for the Barcelona
Jesús Hermida. Candidature.

16 December 1982
At a plenary session, the COE pledges
its support for the Candidature.
1983 them to participate in the 14 May 1984
administration and financing of the The Managing Council approves the
Candidature. logotype, based on the project presented
7 January 1983 by Juan Carlos Pérez Sánchez (America
Brisbane informs the IOC of its Sanchez).
intention to present its Candidature for 13 December 1983
the 1992 Olympic Games. The Managing Council approves the The Barcelona City Council calls for
Barcelona '92 Candidature Preliminary applications for the study and the
The president of the Generalitat, Jordi Project. drafting of the computer and
Pujol, and the mayor of Barcelona, telecommunications requirements
Pasqual Maragall, sign the agreement project for the 1992 Olympic Games
constituting the Managing Council of 21 December 1983 (BIT'92).
the Barcelona Candidature. The COE decides to support the
Barcelona Candidature for the 1992
Summer Olympic Games and discards
the Candidatures of Jaca and Granada
for the Winter Games in the same year.

22 December 1983
The mayor of Barcelona, Pasqual
Maragall, presents the president of the
Spanish government, Felipe González,
with a copy of the Barcelona'92
Candidature Preliminary Project.
6 June 1984
The Second Barcelona Olympic Day is
held, with the inauguration of an
exhibition of Summer Olympic torches
February 1983 from 1936 to 1984, at the Palau de la
The Barcelona Metropolitan Virreina.
Corporation and its component 1984
municipalities offer their support for
the Candidature project. 17 July 1984
16 January 1984 Alfonso de Borbón is elected president 359
The winner of the international of the COE, replacing Romà Cuyàs.
4 February 1983 competition for architectural projects
Armand Carabén is appointed Olympic for the Montjuïc Olympic Ring is chosen.
commissioner, replacing Romà Cuyàs, 28 July 1984
who has been appointed secretary of Opening of the Los Angeles Olympic
State for Sport. 24 January 1984 Games.
Amsterdam announces that it will be
presenting its Candidature for the 1992
16 March 1983 Summer Olympic Games.
Launching of the Candidature bulletin
Barcelona Olympic News, edited by
Andreu Mercè Varela. 8-19 February 1984
A Candidature delegation travels to
Sarajevo (Yugoslavia) to attend the
16 June 1983 1988 Winter Games and to present a
The First Barcelona Olympic Day is progress report on the Barcelona project.
held at the Saló del Tinell, with the
inauguration of the exhibition of official
posters for the Summer and Winter 28 February 1984
Olympic Games. The COE ratifies its support for
Barcelona'92. 31 July 1984
Joan Mas Cantí is appointed The Candidature Preliminary Project is
comissioner of the Candidature, presented to the Olympic Family at the
replacing Armand Carabén. 28 March 1984 Hotel Biltmore during the Los Angeles
The Spanish government, at a meeting Olympic Games.
of the Council of Ministers, approves
20 June 1983 the Preliminary Project and pledges its
Jordi Serra is appointed director of the support for the Candidature. 27 August 1984
Olympic Office. Inauguration of the Vall d'Hebron
velodrome on the occasion of the
April 1984 World Cycling Championship.
19 July 1983 The guidelines for the competition for
The Managing Council approves the the Candidature logotype are made
Master Plan for the Montjuïc Olympic public.
5 April 1984
24 November 1983 The "Montjuïc Olímpic" exhibition
The mayor of Barcelona, Pasqual opens at the College of Architects of
Maragall, holds a meeting with a group Catalonia, with a presentation of the
of businessmen at the headquarters of Olympic Ring architectural projects. A
the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, catalogue is published with the same
Industry and Navigation and invites title.
12-14 September 1984 of Catalonia and the Spanish 21 May 1985
A seminar is held at the Menéndez government making the Spanish The mayor of Barcelona, Pasqual
Pelayo International University (UIMP) government a member of the Managing Maragall, appears before the Education
on the subject "Analysis and prospects Council of the Candidature. and Sports Committee of the Congress
for the impact of the Olympic Games of Deputies.
on the city."
10-16 March 1985
Presentation of the Candidature in 1-5 June 1985
7 November 1984 Stockholm at the Barcelona Week Carles Ferrer Salat is elected a member
The Barcelona Candidature is presented organised by the Municipal Tourist of the IOC at the 90th Session in West
to the ACNO, at a meeting in Mexico. Board of the Catalan capital. Berlin.
At the 90th Session of the IOC, the
22 November 1984 25 March 1985 Barcelona Candidature presents the
The mayor of Barcelona, Pasqual Constitution of the Barcelona Olímpica Progress Report: from Los Angeles to
Maragall, presents the Barcelona 1992 Association, with Carles Ferrer Berlin, 1984-1985,
Candidature to the Culture and Sports Salat as president, bringing together
Committee of the Parliament of ninety-two companies to work
Catalonia. disinterestedly on the financing of the 13 June 1985
Candidature. The COE joins the organisation
structure of the Managing Council.
28 November 1984
The mayor of Paris, Jacques Chirac, 2 April 1985
announces the presentation of the At a plenary session, the Barcelona City 17 June 1985
Candidature of the city for the 1992 Council sets up the private municipal Jordi Pujol confers the gold medal of
Olympic Games. company Anella Olímpica de Montjuïc, the Generalitat -the Sant Jordi medal-
S.A. (AOMSA), to implement the on Juan Antonio Samaranch.
projects in the area and other building
works on the Olympic programme.
18 June 1985
The Third Olympic Day is held in the
17-24 April 1985 Saló del Tinell in Barcelona, with the
Promotion of the Barcelona opening of an exhibition of designs for
1985 Candidature in Buenos Aires, during medals awarded at the Summer
360 the session of the Argentine Olympic Olympic Games of the modern era.
February 1985
The phrase "Everyone's goal" is
adopted as the slogan for the 26 April 1985
Candidature. The planning of the Parc de Mar Area
and the Olympic Village is awarded to
the team of architects formed by Oriol
5 February 1985 Bohigas, Josep Maria Martorell, David
The president of the IOC, Juan Antonio Mackay and Albert Puigdomènech.
Samaranch, meets the president of the
Spanish government, Felipe González.
13 May 1985
Conversion work begins on the The president of the COE, Alfonso de
Montjuïc Olympic Stadium. Borbón, and the comissioner of the
Candidature, Joan Mas Cantí, deliver a
letter in Lausanne from the city of
Barcelona applying to be a candidate
for the organisation of the 1992 12 July 1985
Olympic Games. The Olympic Committee of Great
Britain approves the presentation of the
Candidature of Birmingham for the
16 May 1985 1992 Olympic Games.
The king and queen of Spain visit the
Olympic Office and are presented with
the Barcelona Olympic project. The 15 July 1985
king accepts the presidency of the Josep Miquel Abad is appointed chief
Committee of Honour of the executive officer of the Candidature and
Candidature. Carles Ferrer Salat executive president
6 February 1985 of the International Relations
The president of the IOC meets the Committee.
president of the Generalitat of
Catalonia, Jordi Pujol.
5 August 1985
Work begins on the new sports hall,
20-25 February 1985 now the Palau Sant Jordi, in the
Presentation of the Candidature at the Montjuïc Olympic Ring.
Tourist Fair in the Palazzo di Brera in
28 August 1985
A climbing expedition led by Conrad
9 March 1985 Blanch plants the flag of the
An agreement is signed between the Candidature on the summit of Everest.
Barcelona City Council, the Generalitat
31 October 1985 19 December 1985
The city of Belgrade approves the The president of the IOC, Juan Antonio
presentation of the Candidature of the Samaranch, confers the Olympic Order
city to organise the 1992 Olympic Games. on King Juan Carlos.

4 November 1985 23 December 1985

The new headquarters of the Olympic A group of 150 young people launch
Office opens in Montjuïc, in the old the campaign "Operation Petrol
INI building in the Trade Fair precinct. Station", which consists of distributing
stickers with the Candidature logotype.
14 November 1985
The laboratory of the Barcelona
Municipal Institute of Medical Research
is officially accredited by the IOC to
carry out drug tests at international

16 November 1985
Consitution of the Barcelona'92 Hotels
10 September 1985 Committee, formed by representatives
A seminar is held at the Menéndez of the Hotel Business Association of
Pelayo International University (UIMP) Catalonia and the Barcelona Hotels
on the subject "Past, present and future Association.
of the Olympic Games."
December 1985 27 December 1985
October 1985 The "Olympic countdown" campaign is At a plenary session, the Barcelona City
Spanish football teams taking part in launched in Barcelona newspapers and Council agrees to apply officially for the
international competitions give their magazines. organisation of the 1992 Summer
backing to the Barcelona promotion and Olympic Games and formally
sport the Candidature emblem on their undertakes to accept the commitments
shirts. 4 December 1985 which are set out in the Olympic Charter.
The Council of Ministers approves a
royal decree by which the Barcelona
10-15 October 1985 Olímpica 1992 Association is declared 1986
Promotional activities are carried out at an organisation of "public utility".
the World Rhythmic Gymnastics
Championship in Valladolid. 21 January 1986
4-5 December 1985 Work begins on the redevelopment of
The Candidature is presented at the 4th the Parc de Mar Area with the laying of
Session of the OCA in Bahrain. the foundation stone of the
infrastructure of what is to be the
Olympic Village.
5 December 1985
At a plenary session, the City Council
approves the constitution of the Special 23-25 January 1986
Organisation for the Conversion of the The ASOIF fact-finding committee
Poblenou Seafront, where the Olympic visits Barcelona.
Village is to be built.
24 January 1986
6 December 1985 The Spanish government, at a meeting
Presentation of the children's drawing of the Council of Ministers, agrees to
competition "Operation mascot", give its official support to the
promoted by the Olympic Office. Candidature and to respect the
principles of the Olympic Charter. It
also approves various measures to assist
14-19 October 1985 with the staging of the Games.
The Barcelona Candidature is presented 7 December 1985
to the Executive Boards of the IOC and A delegation from the Olympic Office,
the ACNO in Lisbon. led by the mayor of Barcelona, Pasqual
Maragall, attends the meeting in 3 February 1986
Lausanne of candidate cities for the The mayor of Barcelona, Pasqual
organisation of the 1992 Olympic Games. Maragall, presents a 9 metre pennant
22 October 1985 bearing the logotype of the Candidature
The Congress of Deputies unanimously to the captain of the Juan Sebastian
approves an institutional motion of Elcano, the Spanish naval training vessel.
support for the Candidature and asks 17-19 December 1985
for the support of Spanish public and Presentation of the Candidature at the
private institutions. 5th Assembly of the ACNOA in Addis
Ababa. 10 February 1986
The Managing Council approves the
Candidature Dossier.
24 October 1985
The Metropolitan Council gives initial Olympic sportsmen and women launch
support for the project for the the campaign entitled "I'm already
replanning of the coastal zone in the taking part", designed to enlist the help
city (Coastal Plan). of Olympic volunteers in the
preparation and organisation of the 4-6 March 1986
Games. The mayor of Barcelona reports on the
progress of the Candidature to the
Assembly of the ASOIF at the Hilton
Hotel in Rome.

6 March 1986
The president of the Spanish
government, Felipe González, visits the
Olympic Office.

14 March 1986
Presentation of the Candidature Dossier
13 February 1986 to the media.
The sports directors of the autonomous
communities meet in Barcelona for a
briefing on the Olympic project and the 19-24 March 1986
presentation of the Olympic Bus. The ACNO fact-finding committee
visits Barcelona.
The official agreement for the rerouting 3 May 1986
of the Poblenou railway is signed The president of the IOC, Juan Antonio
between the Generalitat of Catalonia, 1-4 April 1986 Samaranch, opens the Catalan Sports
the Barcelona City Council, the The IOC fact-finding committee visits Museum and the Melcior Colet Sport
Barcelona Metropolitan Corporation, Barcelona. Study Centre in Barcelona.
the Ministry of Transport and the state
railway company RENFE.

20 February 1986
At a meeting in Madrid, the Managing
Council of the International Amateur
Athletics Federation (IAAF) chooses
Barcelona to organise the Fifth World
362 Athletics Cup in 1989, which is to
coincide with the inauguration of the
Olympic Stadium.

21 February 1986
The mayor of Barcelona, Pasqual
Maragall, inaugurates the exhibition
"Barcelona'92" at the Llotja in Palma
de Mallorca. 5 April 1986 5 May 1986
The president of the Spanish Beginning of the "Olympic Week" at
government receives the IOC the National Physical Education
24 February 1986 fact-finding committee and assures the Institute (INEF) in Madrid, organised
The COE and the Barcelona City members of the IOC of the support of by the COE.
Council sign before the IOC the the government for the Candidature.
agreement for the formal presentation
of the Candidature. 6 May 1986
9 April 1986 The king receives Pasqual Maragall,
The president of the Spanish Federation mayor of Barcelona; Alfonso de Borbón,
27 February 1986 of Municipalities and Provinces pledges president of the COE; Carles Ferrer
The Olympic Bus begins its journey the support of the organisation for the Salat, member of the IOC; and Josep
around the seventeen autonomous Barcelona project. Lluís Vilaseca, director general of Sport
communities of Spain in the Plaça de at the Generalitat in audience.
Sant Jaume in Barcelona.
21-26 April 1986 An exhibition about the Candidature is
The Candidature attends the 5th put on at the campus of the
Session of the ACNO in Seoul. Autonomous University of Barcelona.
6,000 volunteers join the campaign.
30 April 1986
Presentation of the volunteers campaign 7 May 1986
at the headquarters of the Madrid A huge Candidature flag is hoisted at
Assembly, attended by distinguished the Sanchez Pizjuán Stadium in Seville,
sportsmen and women. at the European Cup final between FC
Barcelona and Steaua.
2 May 1986
Inauguration of the 49th Congress of 9 May 1986
the International Sports Journalism Signing of the agreement for
1 March 1986 Association (AIPS) at the Palau de cooperation between the Ministry of
The mayor of Barcelona and other Congresses in Montjuïc, attended by Works and Town Planning and the
members of the Managing Council representatives from 58 countries. The Barcelona Metropolitan Corporation for
present the Candidature Dossier to the mayor of Barcelona and the president the renovation of the seafront in the
IOC in Lausanne. of the IOC preside. Poblenou district.
21 May 1986 11 June 1986 The Barcelona City Council and the
The Barcelona City Council approves The president of the Generalitat of Barcelona Provincial Council sign an
the projects for the Olympic Stadium Catalonia, Jordi Pujol, pays an official agreement to build a new sports hall,
and the new sports hall. visit to the Olympic Office and signs on which will be called the Palau Sant
as a volunteer. Jordi.
22 May 1986 Barcelona City Council approves the
The president of the IOC, Juan Antonio Special Plan for Montjuïc. 31 July 1986
Samaranch, closes the cycle of lectures The international art magazine L'Oeil,
on "Barcelona and the Olympic Games" published in Lausanne, brings out a
at the Ateneu Barcelonès. 13 June 1986 special number on art in Barcelona.
With over 40,000 registered, the
Xavier Martí, a 15 year old schoolboy, number of volunteers breaks the Los
wins the schools' competition for the Angeles record. August 1986
Candidature mascot with his drawing of The SEAT company places Candidature
St George's dragon. stickers on the vehicles produced at its
19 June 1986 factories.
The minister of Defence, Narcís Serra,
25 May 1986 visits the Olympic Office.
As a gesture of solidarity with the 8-12 August 1986
organisation Sport Aid, and as part of Alfonso de Borbón, president of the
the campaign against hunger in Africa, 20 June 1986 COE, accompanied by Romà Cuyàs,
53,145 people take part in the Presentation of the magazine secretary of state for sport, visits
Barcelona People's Race. Barcelona'92, published by the Olympic Panama, Venezuela and Colombia to
Office and edited by Pedro Palacios. present the Barcelona Candidature
25 June 1986
Presentation of the Candidature at the 13 August 1986
World Football Championships in Opening at L'Escala of the exhibition
Mexico. "For a flame'92 at Empúries".

26 June 1986 22 August 1986

The Barcelona City Council approves The Candidature is presented to the 363
the Special Plan for the layout of the international accredited press in Madrid
seafront. on the occasion of the Fifth World
Swimming Championships.
July 1986
Presentation of the Guia Barcelona'92, 25 August 1986
published by the Olympic Office. The IAAF Executive Board agrees to
27 May 1986 hold the 1989 Congress of the
The Managing Council holds a meeting Federation in Barcelona.
to present the definitive project for the 2 July 1986
budget and reports on the result of the The minister of Industry presides at the
BIT'92 competition. presentation of the Study for the 6 September 1986
planning of computer and The figure for the number of volunteers
30 May 1986 telecommunications requirements for the registered reaches 61,547.
1992 Olympic Games, BIT'92.
Players and officials of the Spanish
basketball team visit the Olympic Office
and register as volunteers.

5 June 1986
The new board of the Higher Sports
Council expresses its support for the

7 June 1986
The season of Olympic cinema opens as
part of the 54th Barcelona International
Trade Fair and the International
Cinema Week.

15 September 1986
14 July 1986 The president of the Generalitat of
The Barcelona Provincial Council Catalonia and the mayor of Barcelona
presents Joaquim Molas' book Passió i inaugurate the Catalan pavilion at the
mite de l'esport. 67th Fair of the Comptoir Suisse in
25 July 1986
The Catalan Association of Small 18 September 1986
Businesses pledges support for the The mayor of Barcelona and the
Candidature. president of RENFE sign the contract
for the works on the Barcelona railway 13 October 1986 5 December 1986
network. Montserrat Caballé gives a concert in The Council of Ministers, at a meeting
Lausanne cathedral. presided by Felipe González, decides to
Laying of the foundation stone of the confer the Royal Order of Sporting
Palau Sant Jordi. Merit on Juan Antonio Samaranch,
president of the IOC, and Pasqual
Maragall, mayor of Barcelona.
Establishment of the company Vila
Olímpica, S.A. (VOSA), to administer
the urban development works on the
Poblenou sector of the seafront.

10 December 1986
The king receives the Managing Council
of the Candidature shortly before its

16 October 1986
Presentation of the Barcelona
Candidature to the 91st Session of the
19 September 1986 IOC.
At the Fourth Barcelona Olympic Day
at the Saló de Cent in the Barcelona
Town Hall, the Council of Support for 17 October 1986 1987
the Candidature is constituted. It brings Barcelona is chosen as the host city for
together over three hundred leading the 1992 Olympic Games in the third
figures from the worlds of politics, round of voting at the IOC plenary January 1987
culture and sport. session. Over 100,000 people celebrate Work begins on the underground
the nomination in the streets of reservoir in the Montjuïc Olympic Ring.
Barcelona. The same day, the French
6 October 1986 city of Albertville is designated host city
A first team from the Olympic Office for the Winter Olympic Games of the 14 January 1987
installs itself in Lausanne to prepare the same year. The Executive Committee of Barcelona
364 presentation of the Barcelona City Council approves the basic criteria
Candidature at the 91st Session of the for the layout of the Vall d'Hebron
IOC, where the host city of the 1992 Area.
Olympic Games will be chosen.
The "Peace Torch", organised by 16 January 1987
UNICEF, arrives in Barcelona. The sports clubs in the city pay tribute
to everyone who made the nomination
of Barcelona for the 1992 Olympic
7 October 1986 Games possible.
Work begins on assembling the
Barcelona Candidature stand in
Lausanne. 17 January 1987
The Barcelona City Council and the
COE set up the Joint Liaison
Committee between the Candidature
and the future Organising Committe of
the 1992 Games.

9 February 1987
The Barcelona City Council approves
the basic project for the National
Institute of Physical Education of
Catalonia (INEFC), which is to be built
in the Montjuïc Olympic Ring.

9 October 1986
Opening of the exhibition "Treasures of 18 October 1986
Barcelona" at the Hermitage Foundation. The king receives the mayor of
Barcelona, Pasqual Maragall.
10 October 1986
At the Chateau de Vidy, the draw is 10 November 1986
held for the order in which the The volunteer recruitment campaign
candidate cities will present their cases closes with 102,000 people registered.
to the 91st Session of the IOC.
4 December 1986
12 October 1986 The Ministry of Transport, Tourism 13-February 1987
Inauguration of the 91st Session of the and Communications approves the The Barcelona City Council and the
IOC at the Palais de Beaulieu in conversion of Barcelona airport. COE approve the statutes of the
Lausanne. Organising Committee.
26 February 1987 13 March 1987
Definitive approval of the Special Plan The first COOB'92 General Assembly is
for the layout of Montjuïc Hill. held, under the presidency of the mayor
of Barcelona, Pasqual Maragall, with
the president of the COE, Carles Ferrer
12 March 1987 Salat, acting as first vice-president; as
Constitution of the Barcelona'92 second vice-president the secretary of
Olympic Organising Committee State for Sport, Javier Gómez Navarro;
(COOB'92). Pasqual Maragall, mayor of and as third vice-president, the director
Barcelona; Jordi Pujol, president of the general of Sport at the Generalitat of
Generalitat of Catalonia; Javier Solana, Catalonia, Josep Lluís Vilaseca. The
minister of Culture; and Alfonso de Assembly unanimously appoints Josep
Borbón, president of the COE, sign the Miquel Abad as chief executive officer
statutes, the economic protocol and the of the Barcelona'92 Olympic Organising
sports protocol. Committee.

4.4. Olympic glossary

A accreditation: document which appeals jury: the highest court

identifies the people involved of appeal, appointed by the
in the organisation of the international federations for
Olympic Games and specifies each sport to deal with
the group to which they protests and appeals against
belong. It allows access to and the decisions taken during the
around the facilities and Olympic Games. The verdicts
confers the right to the use of of the jury are final. At the
certain services during the Olympic Games in antiquity
Games. the Olympic Senate was the
highest court of appeal and
ACNO: Association of saw that the Olympic laws
National Olympic Committees. which governed the
It includes all the National organisation and management
Olympic Committees of the competitions were
recognised by the IOC. As of upheld and applied.
1992, the president is Mario
Vázquez Raña of Mexico. ARISF: Association of the IOC
Recognised International
ACNOA: Association of Sports Federations. The sports
African National Olympic may or may not be included
Committees. As of 1992, the on the Olympic programme.
president is Jean-Claude As of 1992, the president is
Ganga of the Congo. Un Yong Kim of Korea.
ACNOE: Association of ASOIF: Association of
European National Olympic Summer Olympic International
Committees. As of 1992, the Federations. As of 1992, the
president is Jacques Rogge of president is Primo Nebiolo of
Belgium. Italy.
AGFIS: General Association of Association of African National
International Sports Olympic Committees: (cf
Federations. As of 1992, the ACNOA)
368 president is Un Yong Kim of
Korea. Association of European
National Olympic Committees:
agon: Greek word meaning (cf ACNOE)
'tournament' or 'competition'.
In ancient Greece, the sports Association of National
agons (gymnastic -or athletic- Olympic Committees: (cf ACNO)
and equestrian) and the artistic
agons (poetic and musical) Association of Summer
were events of great social Olympic International
importance. The agonistic Federations: (cf ASOIF)
spirit (the spirit of competition
and trials of strength among Association of the International
peers) permeated every sphere Winter Sports Federations: (cf
of everyday life (cf competition). AIWF)

AIORMS: International Association of the IOC

Olympic Association for Recognised International Sports
Sports-Medical Research. A Federations: (cf ARISF)
body whose purpose is to work
with the IOC Medical athlete: primarily, a man or
Commission in the struggle woman who practises one of
against drug abuse and in the disciplines of athletics,
research in the fields of though it is often used for a
biomechanics, physiology and competitor in any of the sports
sports medicine in general. It on the Olympic programme. In
is also the institution which is classical Greece, the word
responsible for the athlete was also used for a
accreditation of the doping person who took part in any
control laboratories and the competition, though
regulation of certain specific particularly in gymnastics.
aspects of the biomechanical
tests during the Games. As of attaché: person appointed by
1992, the president is Juan each National Olympic
Antonio Samaranch. Committee, who is in
permanent contact with the
AIWF: Association of the Olympic Games Organising
International Winter Sports Committee and acts as liaison
Federations. As of 1992, the between the two organisations.
president is Marc Hodler of
B Baillet-Latour, Henri de: Fifth president of the IOC
(Brussels, Belgium, 1876-1942). (1952-1972). He competed in
Third president of the IOC the Games of the V Olympiad
(1925-1942). He became a in Stockholm. He was
member in 1903 and organised president of the American
the Third Olympic Congress in Athletic Union from 1928 to
Brussels in 1905. Member of 1938 and of the American
the Higher Council for Olympic Committee from then
Physical Education in Belgium, until 1954. He was a member
he promoted the candidature of the IOC from 1936 and
of the city of Antwerp for the became a staunch defender of
1920 Games, which were amateurism in sport. He
eventually held in the city. resigned his post before the
Munich Games in 1972.
Brundage, Avery: (Detroit,
USA, 1887 - Garmisch bye-law: (cf Olympic Charter)
Partenkirchen, FRG, 1975).

C candidature dossier: report in the Olympic Congress in Le

which each candidate city for Havre in 1897.
the organisation of the
Olympic Games has to present closing ceremony: final
to the IOC a few months ceremony of the Olympic
before the date of the election Games. It is a farewell in a
of the Olympic site so that the festive spirit for everyone who
Committee can assess the has taken part in the Games.
candidature. The dossier It begins with a parade of all
contains the answers to a the national flags and some
questionnaire drafted by the members of each delegation in 369
IOC and the international the Olympic Stadium after the
federations and expounds the last event on the competition
arguments which the candidate programme. The ceremony
city advances in support of its ends with the lowering of the
project and the reasons which flag and the quenching of the
led it to apply for the flame. During the ceremony,
designation. The dossier must in the presence of the
contain an expression of president of the IOC, the
support for the candidature by mayor of the host city hands
the government of the country over the official Olympic flag
and the NOC. to the mayor of the city which
will be organising the next
cauldron: bowl-shaped Olympic Games.
receptacle where the Olympic
flame burns during the Games. COE: Spanish Olympic
It must be at the Olympic Committee. The COE was
Stadium and visible from the founded in Barcelona in 1921.
grandstand. The first president was
Santiago Güell, Barón de
chef de mission: person Güell. Today the headquarters
responsible for an NOC of the COE is in Madrid. As
delegation attending the of 1992, the president is
Olympic Games and liaison Carles Ferrer Salat.
between the IOC, the
international federations and commemorative medal: medal
the organising committee. awarded, with a diploma, to
all the competitors, officials
citius, altius, fortius: Olympic and members of the IOC, the
motto. In Latin, it means international federations,
'faster, higher, stronger'. It NOCs, judges, referees,
expresses the message which time-keepers, inspectors, etc.,
the IOC sends to all the who have taken part in the
members of the Olympic Olympic Games.
Movement inviting them to
excel in the Olympic spirit. competition: in ancient Greece
The author of the motto was a an encounter based on the
friend of Baron de Coubertin, rivalry between opponents and
Father Henri Didon, prior of the struggle for victory.
the College d'Arcueil near Competitions were usually
Paris, who played a vital role organised on the occasion of a
religious festival. To refer to Coubertin, Pierre de (Baron):
the traditional competitions (Paris, 1863 - Geneva 1937).
which were held in ancient Second president of the IOC
Hellas, the Greeks used the (1896-1925). French thinker
word "competition" and not and educationalist, born into a
"games". The events were well-to-do family, he was the
divided into equestrian (horse main promoter of the
races and chariot races), restoration of the Olympic
gymnastics (foot races, Movement in the modern era.
wrestling, boxing and He was convinced of the need
pentathlon) and artistic to incorporate sport into
(theatrical or poetical and education. On 23 June 1894 in
musical) competitions. Paris, before two thousand
authorities and delegates of
competitor: sportsman or twelve countries, he
woman entered for the proclaimed his intention to
Olympic Games. Each restore the Olympic Games.
competitor must observe and He worked tirelessly to spread
obey the rules of the IOC and his beliefs, laid down the
the international federation for foundations of the Olympic
the sport. Age limits for Movement and created the
competing in an Olympic ideology of Olympism, which
Games are the ones included, he explained and developed in
for health reasons, in the his copious writings.
regulations of the international

D delegation: group of members boosting performance during a

of an NOC who take part in competition.
an Olympic Games.
370 doping control: set of tests
demonstration sport: sport which reveal whether
approved by the IOC, at the competitors have taken
request of an OCOG, to be unauthorized substances. Since
played at the Olympic Games doping is strictly prohibited at
off the official programme. the Olympic Games, all
Demonstration sports must be competitors have to submit to
widely practised or have a long the medical controls and
tradition in the country where examinations required by the
the Games are being held. IOC Medical Commission
They are sometimes adopted according to IOC rules. The
as official sports at later Games. Commission has established a
list of banned products and
doping: use by a sportsman or unauthorized procedures.
woman of unauthorized Doping controls are carried
substances for the purpose of out during the Olympic Games.
artificially and temporarily

E Edström, J. Sigfrid: (Göteborg, IOC from 1920 and was

Sweden 1870-1964). Fourth elected vice-president in 1931
president of the IOC and president in 1946 in
(1946-1952). He was an Lausanne. In 1952, before
outstanding sportsman and Helsinki was awarded the
excellent manager. He took Olympic Games, he resigned
part in the organisation of the from his post at the age of 82.
Stockholm Olympic Games in
1912 and was the leader of the exhibition sport: sport chosen
delegation of his country at by the Olympic Organising
the Los Angeles Games in Committee for exhibition
1932. He founded the competitions simultaneous to
International Amateur the Games. As these sports are
Athletics Federation (IAAF), of not part of the official
which he was president until programme, their number is
1946. He was a member of the strictly limited.
F final: last phase of an event, at teams who have classified in
which the winner is decided. the semi-finals take part.
The sportsmen and women or

G Games: in ancient Greece, manifest the links between the

where they were called agons members of an ethnic group
(competitions), encounters scattered around the shores of
which were mostly sporting in the Mediterranean.
nature. The games were many
and varied. After they were gender verification test: set of
established as periodic festivals tests established by the IOC
in honour of a divinity (in the Medical Commission to
sixth century BC), a determine the gender of the
distinction was made between women competitors in the
great games and local games. Olympic Games.
The four great games
(Olympic, Pythian, Nemean General Association of
and Isthmian) were organised International Sports
at a sanctuary, which Federations: (cf AGFIS)
conferred a sacred character
on them, and the prizes gymnasium: place where the
awarded were purely symbolic. athletes trained in ancient
But the local games were Greece. If originally they were
organised in a city with money just places for the practice of
prizes. Because of their physical exercise, with time
Pan-Hellenic character, the they became cultural centres.
great games forged and made

H honorary member of the IOC: Honorary members may

member of the IOC who has continue their activities on
served the organisation for at behalf of the IOC and attend
least ten years and retires due the sessions and congresses as
to age, health or other reasons. guests without voting rights.

I International Federation of Olympism. The Academy has

Olympic Philately: organisation its permanent headquarters in
founded in 1982 on the Olympia, on the hill of
initiative of Juan Antonio Cronus, which overlooks the
Samaranch, president of the ancient sacred precinct of
IOC, for the purpose of Attis. The original idea for the
publishing and distributing foundation of the institution
studies and articles about came from Baron Pierre de
philately connected with Coubertin. As of 1992, the
Olympic subjects. This president is Nikos Filaretos of
federation organises Greece.
exhibitions and meetings of
collectors. Since 1984 the host International Olympic
city has always mounted an Association for Sports-Medical
international Olympic stamp Research: (cf AIORMS)
exhibition on the occasion of
the Games. International Olympic
Committee: (cf IOC)
International Olympic
Academy: institution founded International Youth Camp:
in 1961, devoted to research camp for young people from
and cultural and educational the countries taking part in the
activities connected with Olympics set up by the
Organising Committee and commercialisation of rights to
held to coincide with the the use of its symbols.
Games. The first International
Youth Camp was organised in IOC commissions: working
Munich in 1972. parties set up directly by the
president of the IOC to deal
international federation: with specific aspects of the
international organisation Olympic Movement. Some of
which brings together the the commissions are mixed, i.e.,
national federations for a they include members of the
particular sport. As of 1992 IOC and representatives of the
the IOC recognises 48 IFs and the NOCs, besides
international summer and technicians and specialists
winter sports federations, 30 advisers. In 1992 the IOC had
officially. The sports of the the following commissions:
officially recognised The Commission for the
international federations are International Olympic
on the official Games Academy, the Eligibility
programme. Those not Commission, the Apartheid
officially recognised may only and Olympism Commission,
be included as demonstration the Athletes Commission, the
or exhibition sports. The Coordination Commission for
international federations in the Olympic Games, the
turn are grouped in different Cultural Commission, the
associations: AGFIS, AIWF, Finance Commission, the
ARISF and ASOIF. Medical Commission, the
Commission for the Olympic
IOC: International Olympic Movement, the Press
Committee. The IOC is an Commission, the Commission
international association with of Preparation for the Olympic
independent legal status, Congress of the Centenary, the
founded in 1894. The Radio and Television
headquarters is in Lausanne, Commission, the Commission
where it was installed by of New Sources of Financing,
Baron Pierre de Coubertin in the Commission for the
1915. The purpose of the IOC Olympic Programme, the
372 is to direct the Olympic Olympic Solidarity
Movement according to the Commission, the Sport for All
terms of the Olympic Charter. Commission and the Council
Its main objectives are: to of the Olympic Order.
promote the development of
sport and sporting IOC Executive Board: an IOC
competitions in general; to committee elected at a Session
guide and keep sport within and composed of a president,
the Olympic ideal; to foster four vice-presidents and six
and strengthen friendship other members. The Executive
among sportsmen and women Board sees that the rules of
around the world; and to the IOC are strictly observed,
ensure that the Olympic decides the agenda for the
Games are held regularly Sessions, proposes new
according to the ideals which members of the Committee,
revived them. The IOC administers the finances,
Session is the general assembly performs managerial tasks and
of its members and the keeps the records. It usually
supreme decision making meets three or four times a
organ. Members of the IOC year.
must be citizens of a country
with a recognised NOC and IOC session: plenary meeting
speak one of the two official or general assembly of the
languages of the Committee, members of the IOC which is
French or English. The held at least once a year.
members of the IOC are There the most important
representatives of the decisions are taken, such as
organisation in their country elections to posts or the
of residence and not delegates designation of the cities to be
of their countries within the the sites of the Summer and
IOC. The IOC is composed of Winter Olympic Games. The
a presidency, four session assesses the reports
vice-presidencies, an executive which are presented by the
board, a directorate general, a Organising Committees of the
secretariat general and various coming Games, examines the
special commissions which Olympic programme and
formulate proposals which agrees on modifications to the
have to be approved by the rules. It also approves the
Executive Board. The IOC is reports of the different
financed basically by the commissions of the IOC,
proposals for the recognition Isthmian Games: in ancient
of new NOCs, the election of Greece, athletics, equestrian,
new members and the nautical and musical games
suggestions of the international which were held in honour of
federations. A session is Poseidon at the Isthmus of
usually held in the host city Corinth every other year in
during the Olympic Games. spring from 582 BC.

K Kìllanin, Lord: (London 1914). he occupied the

Sixth president of the IOC vice-presidency of the
(1972-1980). He was a sports organisation from 1958. He
reporter, businessman and succeeded Avery Brundage and
cinema producer in his youth. his term of office was
He was president of the Irish characterised by a spirit of
Olympic Committee from openness to dialogue. He has
1950 to 1972. Elected a been honorary president of the
member of the IOC in 1952, IOC since 1980.

L Lausanne: city in Switzerland Vaud. Since 10 April 1915, the

on the shores of Lake Geneva IOC has had its official
and capital of the canton of headquarters there.


M mascot: figure, usually an International Olympic

animal, chosen to be a symbol Committee and represents the
of the Olympic Games. The organisation in his or her
first official Olympic mascot country. Members are eminent
appeared at the Munich people co-opted by the other
Games in 1972. The Winter members of the IOC. They
Games also have their own must speak French or English
mascot. and be citizens and residents
of a country with a recognised
medals ceremony: (cf victory NOC. Members of the IOC are
ceremony) obliged to attend the sessions
and the congresses of the
member of the IOC: person organisation.
who belongs to the

N National Olympic Committee: NOC: National Olympic

(cf NOC) Committee. An organisation
composed of the
national federation: representatives of all the
organisation in a country national federations of a
which brings together the clubs country which are affiliated to
and associations for a the international federations
particular sport. recognised by the IOC and of
the members of the IOC in
Nemean Games: in ancient that country. They are
Greece, sports competitions responsible for the progress
which had their origins in and protection of the Olympic
funeral rites and were held in Movement and sport in
honour of Zeus in a sacred general. For an NOC to obtain
wood in the valley of Nemea recognition, at least five
in Argolis every other year national federations for sports
from 573 BC. on the Olympic programme
affiliated to their respective transport, accommodation,
international federations must insurance and medical services
make an official application. for all members of the
The NOCs are official delegation). All the NOCs are
representatives of the represented on the Association
sportsmen and women of their of National Olympic
country or territory according Committees (ACNO). There
to IOC regulations for are five continental
admission. Each NOC is associations which make up
responsible for organising and the collective of NOCs. (çf
supervising the participation of ACNOA, ACNOE, ODEPA,
the delegation of its country in OCA and ONOC).
the Olympic Games (luggage,

O OCA: Olympic Council of to the Olympic Charter, have

Asia. This is the association of to be produced by the
National Olympic Committees Organising Committee for the
of Asia. As of 1992, the Olympic Family before, during
president is Ahmad Fahad and after the Games. They
Al-Jaber Al-Sabah of Kuwait. include an explanatory booklet
for each sport, with the
Oceania National Olympic regulations and the
Committees: (cf ONOC) arrangements for the special
programme of the Games, a
OCOG: Organising Committee medical booklet and the
of the Olympic Games. The official report. They have to
generic term used by the be published in English and
Olympic Charter for the French and the language or
executive body responsible for languages of the host country.
the organisation of the They may not contain
Olympic Games, which has advertising.
independent legal status. It
acts by delegation, within the official report: report which the
limits set, and may not Organising Committee of the
supplant the IOC, whose rules Olympic Games must present
it must observe. The OCOG is to the IOC -one copy to each
usually dissolved six months member-, to the international
after the closing ceremony, the federations and the NOCs
absolute maximum being within a maximum of two
twelve months. years after the closing of the
Games. The official report is a
ODEPA: Pan-American Sports exhaustive document which
Organisation. This is the explains the organisation and
association of National staging of the Games, with a
Olympic Committees of detailed list of all the
America. As of 1992, the disciplines, the names of the
president is Mario competitors and the results.
Vázquez-Raña of Mexico. The report must be published
in English and French and
official film of the Olympic may also be produced in the
Games: film of the highlights language or languages of the
of the Olympic Games. It country where the Games have
shows images of all the sports been held.
and the opening and closing
ceremonies. OIC: Olympic identity card. A
document issued by the
official languages: the official OCOG to each of its members,
languages of the IOC are the competitors, the guests and
French and English. At the the technical and auxiliary
IOC Sessions, however, there staff, which establishes the
is a simultaneous identity of the holder and
interpretation service in authorizes entry into the
Arabic, German, Russian and country in which the host city
Spanish. During the Olympic of the Olympic Games is
Games the official language or located.
languages of the host country
may also be used. Olympia: shrine and religious
centre in ancient Greece, near
official publications: the city of Elis, at the
publications which, according confluence of the rivers
Alpheus and Cladeus. There authorized by the IOC, the
was a shrine dedicated to Zeus city designated may share the
at Olympia and the Olympic status of Olympic site with
Games of antiquity were other cities or towns in the
organised in his honour. In same country, except for the
1961 an historical museum of opening and closing ceremonies.
the Olympic Games was
founded there. Olympic congress: meeting
convened by the IOC at which
Olympiad: period of four years the members of the
following an Olympic Games. Committee, members and
The most ancient Olympiad of delegates of the international
which records survive was the federations and the NOCs,
one that began in 776 BC and representatives of other
the last one before the organisations and guests of the
Olympic Games disappeared, IOC take part. All matters
to be revived in the modern concerning the Olympic
era, began in 393 AD. In 1896 Games are discussed. The first
the first Olympiad of the Olympic congress was held in
modern era began in Athens. Paris in 1894 and was
The Olympiads and the convened by the Union des
Olympic Games are counted Sociétés Françaises de Sports
from that date, even if the Athlétiques with the aim of
Games of a particular examining the question of
Olympiad are not held. amateurism and the
unification of sports
Olympic anthem: anthem regulations. The decision to
specially commissioned by the revive the Olympic Games was
Organising Committee for the taken at the congress. Since
inauguration of the first then there have been Olympic
Olympic Games of the modern Congresses in 1897 (Le
era in Athens in 1896, where Havre), 1905 (Brussels), 1906
it was performed by a choir. (Paris), 1913 (Lausanne), 1914
The author of the words is the (Paris), 1921 (Lausanne), 1925
Greek poet Costis Palamas (Prague), 1930 (Berlin), 1973 375
and the music is by the Greek (Varna), 1981 (Baden-Baden)
composer Spyridon Samaras. and 1989 (Tokyo). The
Between 1900 and 1956, at the centenary congress is planned
instigation of the Organising to take place in Paris in 1994.
Committees, other pieces were
specially composed for the Olympic Council of Asia: (cf
Games. In Rome in 1960, the OCA)
IOC revived the first anthem
by Palamas and Samaras, Olympic Cup: distinction
which was arranged by the conferred by the IOC on any
Italian composer Domenico institution or association noted
Fantini for a band. Since then for its merits and whose
it has been the official disinterested action has
Olympic anthem and is played rendered a valuable service to
at the opening and closing sport or the Olympic
ceremonies of the Summer and Movement.
Winter Olympic Games.
Olympic diploma: distinction
Olympic arts festival: artistic granted to the people classified
events (architecture, painting, in the first eight positions in
sculpture, photography, music, each Olympic event. The
literature and sports philately) participants in the Olympic
which, on the initiative of the Games and the official staff
Organising Committee, take who have worked on them also
place in the host city at the receive a commemorative
same time as the Games. diploma and medal.
Olympic Charter: document Olympic discipline: branch of
containing the rules and an Olympic sport comprising
bye-laws of the Olympic one or more events. The
Movement and all instructions criteria for admission of a
concerning the organisation of discipline to the Olympic
the Olympic Games. It also programme are the same as for
establishes the attributions of sports.
the various Olympic
organisations, the NOCs and Olympic emblem: emblem
the International Federations. formed by the inseparable
combination of the five
Olympic city: city elected by Olympic rings and another
the IOC to be the site of the distinctive sign, usually a
Olympic Games. If so symbol or image which each
Olympic host city chooses to Amsterdam Games in 1928,
identify its own Games. The when a cauldron beside the
rings must be at least half the Olympic Stadium was lit with
width and height of the a flame brought direct from
distinctive sign. Olympia. At the Los Angeles
Games in 1932, fire was also
Olympic entry: form with an element at the opening
which a sportsman and woman ceremony. However, the ritual
is entered for the Olympic which is followed today was
Games by the NOC of his or not laid down until the Berlin
her country. The sportsman or Games in 1936, at the
woman must accept the suggestion of Carl Diem,
provisions of IOC rules and be secretary general of the
vouched for by the relevant Organising Committee.
international federation. The Following a ritual practised in
number of entries for an ancient Greece and Rome, the
Olympic sport is determined sacred flame is lit by a
by the international federation parabolic mirror which focuses
in question in agreement with the rays of the sun. This
the IOC. ceremony takes place in front
of the Temple of Hera at
Olympic event: competition in Olympia, beside the
a sporting discipline which is monument where the heart of
part of the Olympic Games Pierre de Coubertin is buried.
and results in a ranking and The flame lights the first of
an award of medals. To be the torches with which relays
included on the Olympic of runners, each covering one
programme, an event must kilometre, carry it to the site
have a recognised international of the Games, where it is
standing, both numerically and placed in the cauldron at the
geographically, and have been Olympic Stadium during the
included at least twice in opening ceremony. Since 1952
world, continental or regional the Winter Games have also
championships. had their own Olympic flame.

Olympic Family: group of Olympic Games: in ancient
people who take part in the Greece, the Olympic Games
Olympic Games. It includes were sporting and cultural
the sportsmen and women, the competitions held every four
team officials and years at Olympia in honour of
accompanying persons, the Zeus. They were the most
referees and judges, the famous games of antiquity.
members of the international The first Olympic Games of
federations, the IOC and the which records survive were
NOCs, the broadcasters and held in 776 BC and the last in
journalists and the guests. 393 AD.
Olympic flag: flag of the IOC, Olympic Games of the modern
white, without a border, with era: a set of sports
the five Olympic rings. It was competitions held every four
designed by Baron de years in the style of the Games
Coubertin in 1913. The held at Olympia in ancient
original flag measured 3 x 2 Greece. They are also called
metres and the Olympic rings Games of the Olympiad.
were in the centre, occupying a Sportsmen and women from
rectangle 2 x 0.60 metres. It all over the world take part
was first shown in 1914 at the without discrimination on
Olympic Congress in Paris on grounds of race, religion or
the occasion of the twentieth politics. They are entered by
anniversary of the restoration their National Olympic
of the Games. It flew for the Committees. The Olympic
first time in 1920 at the Games are competitions
Antwerp Games. between individuals and
teams, not between countries,
Olympic flame: symbol of and they may not last longer
modern Olympism, than sixteen days, including
commemorating the sacred fire the day of the opening
which burned at the Olympic ceremony. The organisation of
Games of ancient Greece. The the Olympic Games is
ritual was laid down in Athens awarded to a city which is
on 18 May 1934 at the designated by the IOC and has
instigation of the IOC and its the approval of the NOC of its
president at the time, Henri country. On the initiative of
Baillet-Latour. The fire had Baron de Coubertin, the first
appeared for the first time as Games of the modern era were
an Olympic symbol at the held in Athens in 1896, an
event which marked the 11,000 m2, the work of the
restoration of a tradition architects Pedro Ramírez
which had lasted for over ten Vázquez and Jean Pierre
centuries. Cahen. The museum will have
Olympic identity card: ( cf a library, a video library and a
OIC) photographic archive.
Olympic medal: prize awarded Olympic oath: the words
to the first three individual spoken at the opening
competitors or teams in the ceremony of each Olympic
final of each Olympic event. Games by a sportsman or
The medal has the name of woman chosen by the
the sport and the event Organising Committee. The
engraved on the obverse and is text of the oath is: "In the
attached to a ribbon which is name of all the competitors I
placed around the necks of the promise that we shall take part
winners at the victory in these Olympic Games,
ceremony. In individual and respecting and abiding by the
team events the first prize is a rules which govern them, in
silver gilt medal and a the true spirit of
diploma, the second a silver sportsmanship, for the glory of
medal and a diploma and the sport and the honour of our
third a bronze medal and a teams." The oath was first
diploma. In team events only sworn at the Antwerp Games
the members of the winning in 1920. The sportsman
teams who have taken part in chosen on that occasion was
a competition during the the Belgian fencer and polo
Games are entitled to a medal. player Victor Boin. Though
the original words were "the
Olympic medals table: list of honour of our country", they
the competitors who have won were changed later to "the
medals at the Olympic Games, honour of our teams."
distributed by sports.
Olympic Order: distinction 377
Olympic Message: magazine awarded by the IOC to anyone
published by the IOC every whose activities have earned
four months about Olympic outstanding merit in sport or
subjects. Each number is have served the cause of
usually devoted to a single Olympism.
topic. Apart from the Spanish
edition, there is a bilingual Olympic principles: ideals
version in French and English. which appear in the Olympic
Charter and are: to promote
Olympic motto: motto of the the development of the
Olympic Games, the Latin physical and moral qualities
phrase citius, altius, fortius which are the bases of sport;
('faster, higher, stronger'), to inculcate in young people,
which expresses the aspirations through sport, a spirit of
of the Olympic Movement. greater mutual understanding
and friendship to contribute to
Olympic Movement: group of the building of a better, more
organisations whose aim is to peaceful world; to divulge the
promote all aspects of Olympic principles throughout
Olympism. Its main tasks are the world and in this way to
to support and foster sport, arouse international good will;
the sporting spirit, the and to bring together the
Olympic principles and the athletes of the world at the
Games. The IOC is the great four-yearly sport festival
supreme authority of the of the Olympic Games.
Olympic Movement and the
other pillars are the NOCs and Olympic programme: set of
the international sports sports, disciplines and events
federations. in which the sportsmen and
women entering for the
Olympic Museum: IOC Olympic Games may take part.
institution where works of art, There must be a minimum of
posters and other objects fifteen sports and the
related to the Olympic Games programme is reviewed after
and sport in general are each Games. A sport may only
exhibited. Inaugurated in 1934 appear on the official
in the villa Mon Repos in programme when its
Lausanne, since 1982 it has international federation has
been installed at a temporary been recognised as Olympic.
site. The definitive site, also in
Lausanne, will be opened in Olympic radio and television:
June 1993. It is a building of body responsible for
broadcasting the radio and Olympic subsite: town other
television signals during the than the host city where some
Games. of the competitions on the
Olympic programme may be
Olympic record: official score organised with the
by a sportsman or woman or a authorization of the IOC.
team which excels all results
obtained under the same Olympic symbol: (cf Olympic
conditions at an Olympic rings)
Olympic torch: object in which
Olympic Review: magazine the Olympic flame is brought
published by the IOC in from Olympia to the host city
Lausanne. It is the official of the Olympic Games. Since
organ of the Olympic 1936, when it was used for the
Movement and deals with first time in the modern era,
subjects related to the IOC each the Games has had its
and the practice of sport in own torch. The first bearer of
general. There are ten numbers the Olympic torch was
a year (two of them double Constantine Condylis of
issues) in three languages: Greece. It is usually carried by
French, English and Spanish. runners, but it has also been
borne by horse riders, skiers,
Olympic rings: symbol of the motorcyclists, cyclists and car
IOC. They are five interlinked drivers. It has always been
rings -blue, black, red, yellow designed according to the
and green- on a white characteristics of the host city
background which represent and the time at which the
the union of the five Games have been held. (cf
continents and symbolize the Olympic flame)
coming together of nations and
athletes from all over the Olympic torch relay: each of
world in the Olympic spirit. the stretches into which the
route of the Olympic flame is
Olympic site: (cf Olympic city) divided, from the time the
first runner takes up the torch
378 Olympic Solidarity: programme in Olympia. In each relay, the
organised by the IOC to help torch is carried by a different
NOCs carry out their task of runner; the bearer who makes
promoting and protecting sport the last relay is the one who
and the Olympic Movement. lights the flame in the
cauldron in the Olympic
Olympic sport: sport included Stadium. The relays are
on the Olympic programme at normally one kilometre. (cf
the decision of the IOC. The Olympic flame, Olympic torch)
only sports eligible for
inclusion on the Olympic Olympic Village: place set
programme are ones which, in aside by the Organising
the men's category, are Committee for the
practised in at least 75 accommodation of the
countries and on 4 continents competitors and the technical
and, in the women's, in 40 and auxiliary staff at the
countries and on 3 continents. Olympic Games. The site must
A sport is understood to be be near the Stadium and the
widely practised when national other venues and be available
championships or cup to the competitors and team
competitions are regularly officials at least two weeks
organised by the national before the official opening
federation or when ceremony until three days after
competitions with participants the closing ceremony.
from different countries and According to the distribution
regional and/or world of the venues, there may be
championships are held. one or more Olympic Villages.
Olympic sportsman/woman:
person who practises a sport Olympic volunteer: person who
which is registered on the undertakes, individually and
official programme for an altruistically, to work
Olympic Games. according to his or her
capacity on the organisation of
Olympic Stadium: main the Olympic Games,
competition venue for the performing the tasks to which
Olympic Games and the site he or she is assigned without
of the opening and closing any kind of economic or other
ceremonies. payment.
Olympism: doctrine which president is Kevan Gosper of
contains the fundamental Australia.
precepts of the Olympic
Movement. It seeks the opening ceremony: inaugural
physical and spiritual ceremony of the Olympic
improvement of mankind and Games. It is an event
today it is trying to strengthen combining Olympic ritual and
understanding and friendship a taste of the cultural
among peoples with the aim of personality of the organising
contributing to a better, more city. The Olympic ritual
peaceful world. consists of a parade of
participants at the Stadium,
Olympus: a mountain in the entry of the Olympic flag,
Greece between Macedonia which is hoisted in a place of
and Thessaly, 2,911 metres honour, the lighting of the
high, now a national park. The flame in the cauldron, the
ancient Greeks believed that it protocol speeches and the
was the home of the gods. swearing of the Olympic oaths
by the sportsmen and women,
ONOC: (Association of) referees and judges.
Oceania National Olympic
Committees. As of 1992, the Organising Committee of the
Olympic Games: (cf OCOG)

P palaestra: in ancient Greece, makes it possible to identify

the place where the athletes the winner in the event of a
practised gymnastic exercises, close contest. It was
boxing and wrestling. introduced at the Stockholm
Games in 1912.
Pan-American Sports 379
Organisation: (cf ODEPA) pre-Olympic event: event
organised before the Olympic
Pan-Hellenic Games: the four Games under the control of
great sports events of ancient the OCOG and governed by
Greece: the Olympic, Pythian, the technical regulations of the
Isthmian and Nemean Games. international federation. It is
held at an Olympic venue and
parade of participants: part of serves as a preparation for
the ritual of the opening and both the competitors and the
closing ceremonies, at which organisation.
each delegation parades with
its uniform, flag and president of the IOC: member
name-board. of the IOC elected by the
members in a secret ballot and
pentathlon: group of five by outright majority to be at
events to be entered by a the head of the organisation
single competitor. The events for a mandate of eight years.
in the modern pentathlon are He may be re-elected for
riding, fencing, shooting, successive four year terms.
swimming and cross country Since the foundation of the
running, but in the ancient IOC in 1894 there have been
world the five elements were a seven presidents.
footrace, a long jump, the
pankration (wrestling and Pythian Games: in ancient
boxing), javelin and discus Greece, games and drama and
throwing. music contests which were
held in honour of Pythian
photofinish: photograph of the Apollo at the shrine in Delphi
competitors in a race taken as in the third year of every
they cross the line which Olympiad.

R roll of honour: list of the sent to the IOC. Classifications

competitors classified in the by countries are not valid, as
first eight places in each event the Olympic Games are not a
of the Games, established by competition between nations.
the Organising Committee and
S Samaranch, Juan Antonio: vice-president of the IOC
seventh president of the IOC, (1974-80). During his term of
elected in 1980, shortly before office, the IOC has won
the Moscow Games. He was worldwide recognition and
born in Barcelona on 17 July revised many of its procedures.
1920. A sports administrator
from 1946, he worked as an Spanish Olympic Committee:
editor on several journals; he (cf COE)
took part in the organisation
of sporting competitions, such sports federation: organisation
as the World Roller Hockey which brings together the
Championships and the sportsmen and women or clubs
Second Mediterranean Games; from the same territory who
he was chef de mission at the practise a particular sport for
Games in Cortina dÁmpezzo, the purpose of establishing
Rome and Tokyo and held regulations and organising
various posts, notably competitions.
president of the Spanish Roller
Hockey Federation, national sportsman/woman: person who
delegate for Physical Education regularly practises a sport for
and Sport, president of the pleasure to keep in good
COE, member of parliament, physical condition or because
president of the Barcelona it is his or her primary activity.
Provincial Council and
Spanish ambassador to the stadium: place where the
USSR. He has been a member gymnastics competitions were
of the IOC since 1966; he was held in ancient Greece.
head of protocol (1968-70),
member of the Executive Summer Olympic Games: (cf
Board (1970-80) and Olympic Games)


T technical delegate: one of the London Games in 1908. A few

two representatives chosen by days later, at a dinner hosted
an international federation to by the British government,
take charge of the technical Coubertin quoted and glossed
management of the sport and the phrase, which is why the
the control of the facilities for words are often erroneously
the Olympic Games. He or she attributed to him.
also makes sure that the
federation rules are observed TOP: The Olympic
when the facilities are being Programme. A worldwide
prepared and supervises sporting sponsorship
accommodation, catering and programme set up by the IOC
transport arrangements for the before the Seoul Games in
technical staff and the judges. 1988. It is negotiated jointly
for the Summer and Winter
"The important thing in the Games. Twelve companies
Olympic Games is not winning took part in the programme
but taking part": words spoken for Barcelona and Albertville,
by the archbishop of called TOP-2. As sponsors,
Pennsylvania at the ceremony they have worldwide exclusive
in Saint Paul's cathedral in rights to the use of the
honour of the sportsmen and Olympic symbols for certain
women taking part in the product categories.

V vice-president of the IOC: victory ceremony: ceremony at

member of the IOC who which the president of the IOC
assists the president. He is (or a member selected by
elected by the members of the him), accompanied by the
organisation in a secret ballot. president of the International
The IOC has four Federation for the sport (or his
vice-presidents elected for a deputy), presents the medals to
term of four years. They may the competitors classified first,
be re-elected after a minimum second and third in an
interval of four years. Olympic event after the
competition is over. During member of the Pan-Hellenic
the ceremony the flags of the Club in Athens and
NOCs of the winners are represented his country at the
hoisted and the (abbreviated) First Olympic Congress in
anthem of the winner's Paris in 1894, the year he was
delegation is played. appointed president of the
organisation. He also managed
Vikelas, Demetrius: (Syra, to secure the first Olympic
Greece, 1835 - Athens, 1908). Games of the modern era for
First president- of the IOC Athens.
(1894 - 1896). He was a

W Winter Olympic Games: Innsbruck (1964), Grenoble

competitions in winter sports (1968), Sapporo (1972),
such as skiing and skating, Innsbruck (1976), Lake Placid
governed by the Olympic (1980), Sarajevo (1984),
Charter. The first Winter Calgary (1988) and Albertville
Olympic Games were held in (1992). Until 1992, the
Chamonix in 1924. Since then Summer and Winter Games
they have been held in St were held in the same year,
Moritz (1928), Lake Placid but from 1994, although the
(1932), Garmisch Winter Games will still be
Partenkirchen (1936), St held every four years, they will
Moritz (1948), Oslo (1952), be two years away from the
Cortina dÁmpezzo (1956), Summer Games.
Squaw Valley (1960),

4.5. Olympic medals
Olympic medals Results tables for the
sports events held at the Summer
Olympic Games*
The tables on the following pages are a - Fencing: since the 1984 Games, the
compilation of the results in the events final part of the Olympic tournament has
held at all the Olympic Games of the been contested by an elimination system;
modern era which have been included on previously the fencers fought a round
the programme of the 1992 Games. It robin.
also contains results of events which
have been discontinued, but which have - Gymnastics: since the 1936 Games,
had an influence on the evolution of scores have been out of 10, except in
others which are still held today. If a 1948, when they were out of 20.
table does not include the year of an
Olympic Games it means that the event - Weightlifting: the rules of the sport
in question was not held on that were not formulated until 1928. Since
occasion. Demonstration and exhibition 1976, the competition has been decided
sports have not been taken into account. by the sum of the weights lifted in two
movements: snatch and clean and jerk.
The names of the Olympic medal
winners for each event are given. - Judo: at the 1980 Games all the
However, it must be borne in mind that categories were changed, except the open,
at the first Olympic Games the medals which continued until 1984.
were not awarded according to any
well-established rules and the times, - Rowing: the distance for the men's
distances etc were not always recorded. competitions is 2000 metres in all events.
In 1904, however, it was 3,218.7 metres
In general, the maiden names of (2 miles); in 1908, 2,444 metres (1.5
384 sportswomen who later adopted their miles); and in 1948, 1,880 metres (1 mile
husbands' names are in brackets. So, for 296 yards). Until the 1984 Games, the
example, Irena Kirszenstein, silver women's events were contested over a
medallist in the 200 metres and the long distance of 1000 metres; since then it has
jump in the 1964 Games, appears under been 2,000.
the name Szewinska (Kirszenstein) at the
Olympic Games in 1968, 1972 and 1976. - Shooting: at the 1988 Games, the
scoring system was modified and a final
The notes at the foot of some of the phase was introduced in which the top
tables explain vital elements of the event classified shooters from the preliminary
in question or important changes in its phase compete at the same time. From
historical development or simply draw 1968 to 1984, women competed in the
attention to a significant feature. same events as men. Since 1984,
however, the events have been divided
The following sports have special into three kinds: men only, women only
characteristics: and mixed.
- Boxing: since the 1952 Games, a - Yachting: in 1968 the scoring system
bronze medal has also been awarded to was changed with the introduction of Source:
the losers of the semi-finals. minus points. The events in each class Kamper, Erich.
Lexicon der 14.000 Olympioniken.
are contested in seven regattas. Graz: Leykam Verlag, 1983.
- Equestrian sports: the name of the
Wallechinsky, David.
rider is followed by the name of the The Complete Book of the Olympics.
horse in brackets. Londres: Aurum Press, 1992.
Initials of National Olympic
Committees used in the tables
AFG Afghanistan IVB British Virgin Islands TUR Turkey
AHO Netherlands Antilles JAM Jamaica UAE United Arab Emirates
ALB Albania JOR Jordan UGA Uganda
ALG Algeria JPN Japan URU Uruguay
AND Andorra KEN Kenya USA United States of America
ANG Angola KOR Korea VAN Vanuatu
ANT Antigua KSA Saudi Arabia VEN Venezuela
ARG Argentina KUW Kuwait VIE Vietnam
ARU Aruba LAO Laos VIN St Vincent and the Grenadines
ASA American Samoa LAT Latvia YEM Yemen
AUS Australia LBA Libya YUG Yugoslavia
AUT Austria LBR Liberia ZAI Zaire
BAH Bahamas LES Lesotho ZAM Zambia
BAN Bangladesh LIB Lebanon ZIM Zimbabwe
BAR Barbados LIE Liechtenstein
BEL Belgium LTU Lithuania
BEN Benin LUX Luxembourg
BER Bermuda MAD Madagascar
BHU Bhutan MAR Morocco
BIZ Belize MAS Malaysia Other initials of National
BOL Bolivia MAW Malawi
BOT Botswana MDV Maldives Olympic Commites used in the
BRA Brazil MEX Mexico tables
BRN Bahrain MGL Mongolia
BRU Brunei MLI Mali
BUL Bulgaria MLT Malta BOH Bohemia
BUR Burkina Faso MON Monaco BWI British West Indies
CAF Central African Republic MOZ Mozambique CEY Ceylon (now SRI)
CAN Canada MRI Mauritious FRG Federal Republic of Germany
CAY Cayman Islands MTN Mauritania GDR German Democratic Republic
CGO People's Republic of Congo MYA Union of Myanmar IRN Iran (now IRI)
CHA Chad NAM Namibia RUS Russia
CHI Chile NCA Nicaragua SAF South Africa or Union of South Africa
CHN People's Republic of China NED The Netherlands UAR United Arab Republic
CIV Côte d'Ivoire NEP Nepal URS Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
CMR Cameroon NGR Nigeria
COK Cook Islands NIG Niger 385
COL Colombia NOR Norway
CRC Costa Rica NZL New Zealand
CUB Cuba OMA Oman
CYP Cyprus PAK Pakistan
DEN Denmark PAN Panama Abbreviations and symbols used
DJI Djibouti PAR Paraguay in the tables
DOM Dominican Republic PER Peru
ECU Ecuador PHI Philippines
EGY Arabe Republic of Egypt PNG Papua New Guinea kg kilogram
ESA El Salvador POL Poland m metre
ESP Spain POR Portugal
EST Estonia PRK People's Democratic Republic of
ETH Ethiopia Korea
EUN Unified Team PUR Puerto Rico
FIJ Fiji QAT Qatar
FIN Finland ROM Romania
FRA France RSA South Africa
GAB Gabon RWA Rwanda
GAM Gambia SAM Western Samoa
GBR Great Britain SEN Senegal
GEQ Equatorial Guinea SEY Seychelles
GER Germany SIN Singapore
GHA Ghana SLE Sierra Leone
GRE Greece SLO Slovenia
GRN Grenada SMR San Marino
GUA Guatemala SOL Solomon Islands
GUI Guinea SOM Somalia
GUM Guam SRI Sri Lanka
GUY Guyana SUD Sudan
HAI Haiti SUI Switzerland
HKG Hong Kong SUR Surinam
HON Honduras SWE Sweden
HRV Croatia SWZ Swaziland
HUN Hungary SYR Syria
INA Indonesia TAN Tanzania
IND India TCH Czech and Slovak Federative
IRI Islamic Republic of Iran Republic
IRL Ireland TGA Tonga
IRQ Iraq THA Thailand
ISL Iceland TOG Togo
ISR Israel TPE Chinese Taipei
ISV Virgin Islands TRI Trinidad and Tobago *International Olympic Commitees
ITA Italy TUN Tunisia recognized by the IOC in may 1992.
Individual Olympic FITA round

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 J. Williams USA 2,528 G. Jervill SWE 2,481 K. Laasonen FIN 2,467
1976 D. Pace USA 2,571 H. Michinaga JPN 2,502 G. Ferrari ITA 2,495
1980 T. Poikolainen FIN 2,455 B. Isachenko URS 2,452 G. Ferrari ITA 2,449
1984 D. Pace USA 2,616 R. McKinney USA 2,564 H. Yamamoto JPN 2,563
1988 J. Barrs USA 2,605 S.-S. Park KOR 2,614 V. Esheyev URS 2,600

Team Olympic FITA round

Gold Silver Bronze

1988 KOR 986 USA 972 GBR 968

Individual Olympic FITA round

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 D. Wilber USA 2,424 I. Szydlowska POL 2,407 E. Gaptxenko URS 2,403
1976 L. Ryon USA 2,499 V. Kovpan URS 2,460 Z. Rustamova URS 2,407
1980 K. Losaberidze URS 2,491 N. Butuszova URS 2,477 P. Meriluoto FIN 2,449
1984 H.-S. Seo KOR 2,568 Li Lingjuan CHN 2,559 J.-H. Kim KOR 2,555
1988 S.-N. Kim KOR 2,683 H.-K. Wang KOR 2,612 Y.-S. Yun KOR 2,593

Team Olympic FITA round

Gold Silver Bronze

1988 KOR 982 INA 952 USA 952

386 Athletics

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 T. Burke USA 12.0 F. Hofmann GER 12.2 A. Szokolyi HUN 12.6
1900 F. Jarvis USA 11.0 J. W. Tewksbury USA 11.1 S. Rowley AUS 11.2
1904 A. Hahn USA 11.0 N. Cartmell USA 11.2 W. Hogenson USA 11.2
1908 R. Walker SAF 10.8 J. Rector USA 10.9 R. Kerr CAN 11.0
1912 R. Craig USA 10.8 A. Meyer USA 10.9 D. Lippincott USA 10.9
1920 C. Paddock USA 10.8 M. Kirksey USA 10.8 H. Edward GBR 11.0
1924 H. Abrahams GBR 10.6 J. Scholz USA 10.7 A. Porritt NZL 10.8
1928 P. Williams CAN 10.8 J. London GBR 10.9 G. Lammers GER 10.9
1932 E. Tolan USA 10.3 R. Metcalfe USA 10.3 A. Jonath GER 10.4
1936 J. Owens USA 10.3 R. Metcalfe USA 10.4 M. Osendarp NED 10.5
1948 H. Dillard USA 10.3 H. N. Ewell USA 10.4 L. LaBeach PAN 10.4
1952 L. Remigino USA 10.4 H. McKenley JAM 10.4 E. M. Bailey GBR 10.4
1956 B. Morrow USA 10.5 W. T. Baker USA 10.5 H. Hogan AUS 10.6
1960 A. Hary GER 10.2 D. Sime USA 10.2 P. Radford GBR 10.3
1964 R. Hayes USA 10.0 E. Figuerola CUB 10.2 H. Jerome CAN 10.2
1968 J. Hines USA 9.9 L. Miller JAM 10.0 C. Greene USA 10.0
1972 V. Borzov URS 10.14 R. Taylor USA 10.24 L. Miller JAM 10.33
1976 H. Crawford TRI 10.06 D. Quarrie JAM 10.08 V. Borzov URS 10.14
1980 A. Wells GBR 10.25 S. Leonard CUB 10.25 P. Petrov BUL 10.39
1984 C. Lewis USA 9.99 S. Graddy USA 10.19 B. Johnson CAN 10.22
1988 C. Lewis USA 9.92 L. Christie GBR 9.97 C. Smith USA 9.99

200 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1900 J. W. Tewksbury USA 22.2 N. Pritchard IND 22.8 S. Rowley AUS 22.9
1904 A. Hahn USA 21.6 N. Cartmell USA 21.9 W. Hogenson USA
1908 R. Ken CAN 22.6 R. Cloughen USA 22.6 N. Cartmell USA 22.7
Gold Silver Bronze
1912 R. Craig USA 21.7 D. Lippincott USA 21.8 W. Applegarth GBR 22.0
1920 A. Woodring USA 22.0 C. Paddock USA 22.1 H. Edward GBR 22.2
1924 J. Scholz USA 21.6 C. Paddock USA 21.7 E. Liddell GBR 21.9
1928 P. Williams CAN 21.8 E. Rangeley GBR 21.9 H. Körnig GER 21.9
1932 E. Tolan USA 21.2 G. Simpson USA 21.4 R. Metcalfe USA 21.5
1936 J. Owens USA 20.7 M. Robinson USA 21.1 M. Osendarp NED 21.3
1948 M. Patton USA 21.1 H. N. Ewell USA 21.1 L. LaBeach PAN 21.2
1952 A. Stanfield USA 20.7 W. T. Baker USA 20.8 J. Gathers USA 20.8
1956 B. Morrow USA 20.6 A. Stanfield USA 20.7 W. T. Baker USA 20.9
1960 L. Berruti ITA 20.5 L. Carney USA 20.6 A. Seye FRA 20.7
1964 H. Carr USA 20.3 O. Drayton USA 20.5 E. Roberts TRI 20.6
1968 T. Smith USA 19.8 P. Norman AUS 20.0 J. Carlos USA 20.0
1972 V. Borzov URS L. Black USA 20.19 P. Mennea ITA 20.30
1976 D. Quarrie JAM 20.23 M. Hampton USA 20.29 D. Evans USA 20.43
1980 P. Mennea ITA 20.19 A. Wells GBR 20.21 D. Quarrie JAM 20.29
1984 C. Lewis USA 19.80 K. Baptiste USA 19.96 T. Jefferson USA 20.26
1988 J. DeLoach USA 19.75 C. Lewis USA 19.79 R. Silva BRA 20.04

400 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 T. Burke USA 54.2 H. Jamison USA 55.2 C. H. Gmelin GBR
1900 M. Long USA 49.4 W. Holland USA 49.6 E. Schultz DEN
1904 H. Hillman USA 49.2 F. Waller USA 49.9 H. Groman USA 50.0
1908 W. Halswelle GBR 50.0
1912 C. Reidpath USA 48.2 H. Braun GER 48.3 E. Lindberg USA 48.4
1920 B. Rudd SAF 49.6 G. Butler GBR 49.9 N. Engdahl SWE 50.0
1924 E. Liddell GBR 47.6 H. Fitch USA 48.4 G. Butler GBR 48.6
R. Barbuti USA 47.8 J. Ball CAN 48.0 J. Büchner GER 48.2
1932 W. Carr USA 46.2 B. Eastman USA 46.4 A. Wilson CAN 47.4
1936 A. Williams USA 46.5 A. G. Brown GBR 46.7 J. LuValle USA 46.8
1948 A. Wint JAM 45.2 H. McKenley JAM 46.4 M. Whitfield USA 46.9
1952 G. Rhoden JAM 45.9 H. McKenley JAM 45.9 O. Matson USA 46.8
1956 C. Jenkins USA 46.7 K.-F. Hass GER 46.8 V. Hellstén FIN 47.0
A. Ignatiev URS 47.0
1960 O. Davis USA 44.9 C. Kaufmann GER 44.9 M. Spence SAF 45.5
1964 M. Larrabee USA 45.1 W. Mottley TRI 45.2 A. Badenski POL 45.6
1968 L. Evans USA 43.8 L. James USA 43.9 R. Freeman USA 44.4
1972 V. Matthews USA 44.66 W. Collett USA 44.80 J. Sang KEN 44.92
1976 A. Juantorena CUB 44.26 F. Newhouse USA 44.40 H. Frazier USA 44.95
1980 V. Markin URS 44.60 R. Mitchell AUS 44.84 F. Schaffer GDR 44.87
1984 A. Babers USA 44.27 G. Tiacoh CIV 44.54 A. McKay USA 44.71
1988 S. Lewis USA 43.87 H. B. Reynolds USA 43.93 D. Everett USA 44.09

The 1908 final was repeated due to the disqualification of J.C. Carpenter (USA). Only W. Halswelle of Great Britain reported for the re-run, as Robbins and Taylor of
the USA withdrew.

800 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 E. Flack AUS 2:11.0 N. Dáni HUN 2:11.8 D. Golemis GRE
1900 A. Tysoe GBR 2:01.2 J. Cregan USA 2:03.0 D. Hall USA
1904 J. Lightbody USA 1:56.0 H. Valentine USA 1:56.3 E. Breitkreutz USA 1:56.4
1908 M. Sheppard USA 1:52.8 E. Lunghi ITA 1:54.2 H. Braum GER 1:55.2
1912 J. Meredith USA 1:51.9 M. Sheppard USA 1:52.0 I. Davenport USA 1:52.0
1920 A. Hill GBR 1:53.4 E. Eby USA 1:53.6 B. Rudd SAF 1:54.0
1924 D. Lowe GBR 1:52.4 P. Martin SUI 1:52.6 S. Enck USA 1:53.0
1928 D. Lowe GBR 1:51.8 E. Byléhn SWE 1:52.8 H. Engelhard GER 1:53.2
1932 T. Hampson GRB 1:49.7 A. Wilson CAN 1:49.9 P. Edwards CAN 1:51.5
1936 J. Woodruff USA 1:52.9 M. Lanzi ITA 1:53.3 P. Edwards CAN 1:53.6
1948 M. Whittfield USA 1:49.2 A. Wint JAM 1:49.5 M. Hansenne FRA 1:49.8
1952 M. Whittfield USA 1:49.2 A. Wint JAM 1:49.4 H. Ultzheimer GER 1:49.7
1956 T. Courtney USA 1:47.7 D. Johnson GBR 1:47.8 A. Boysen NOR 1:48.1
Gold Silver Bronze
1960 P. Snell NZL 1:46.3 R. Moens BEL 1:46.5 G. Kerr BWI 1:47.1
1964 P. Snell NZL 1:45.1 W. Crothers CAN 1:45.6 W. Kiprugut KEN 1:45.9
1968 R. Doubell AUS 1:44.3 W. Kiprugut KEN 1:44.5 T. Farrell USA 1:45.4
1972 D. Wottle USA 1:45.9 E. Arzhanov URS 1:45.9 M. Boit KEN 1:46.0
1976 A. Juantorena CUB 1:43.50 I. van Damme BEL 1:43.86 R. Wohlhuter USA 1:44.12
1980 S. Ovett GBR 1:45.40 S. Coe GBR 1:45.85 N. Kirov URS 1:45.94
1984 J. Cruz BRA 1:43.00 S. Coe GBR 1:43.64 E. Jones USA 1:43.83
1988 P. Ereng KEN 1:43.45 J. Cruz BRA 1:43.90 S. Aouita MAR 1:44.06

1,500 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 E. Flack AUS 4:33.2 A. Blake USA 4:35.4 A. Lemusiaux FRA 4:36.0
1900 C. Bennet GBR 4:06.2 H. Deloge FRA 4:06.6 J. Bray USA 4:07.2
1904 J. Lightbody USA 4:05.4 W. F. Verner USA 4:06.8 L. Hearn USA
1908 M. Sheppard USA 4:03.4 H. Wilson GBR 4:03.6 N. Hallows GBR 4:04.0
1912 A. Jackson GBR 3:56.8 A. Kiviat USA 3:56.9 N. Taber USA 3:56.9
1920 A. Hill GBR 4:01.8 P. Noel-Baker GBR 4:02.4 L. Shields USA 4:03.1
1924 P. Numi FIN 3:53.6 W. Schärer SUI 3:55.0 H. Stallard GBR 3:55.6
1928 H. Larva FIN 3:53.2 J. Ladoumègue FRA 3:53.8 E. Purje FIN 3:56.4
1932 L. Beccali ITA 3:51.2 J. Cornes GBR 3:52.6 P. Edwards CAN 3:52.8
1936 J. Lovelock NZL 3:47.8 G. Cunningham USA 3:48.4 L. Beccali ITA 3:49.2
1948 H. Eriksson SWE 3:49.8 L. Strand SWE 3:50.4 W. Slijkhuis NED 3:50.4
1952 J. Barthel LUX 3:45.1 R. McMillen USA 3:45.2 W. Lueg GER 3:45.4
1956 R. Delany IRL 3:41.2 K. Richtzenhain GER 3:42.0 J. Landy AUS 3:42.0
1960 H. Elliot AUS 3:35.6 M. Jazy FRA 3:38.4 I. Rózsavölgyi HUN 3:39.2
1964 P. Snell NZL 3:38.1 J. Odložil TCH 3:39.6 J. Davies NZL 3:39.6
1968 K. Keino KEN 3:34.9 J. Ryun USA 3:37.8 B. Tümmler FRG 3:39.0
388 1972 P. Vasala FIN 3:36.3 K. Keino KEN 3:36.8 R. Dixon NZL 3:37.5
1976 J. Walker NZL 3:39.17 I. van Damme BEL 3:39.27 P. H. Wellmann FRG 3:39.33
1980 S. Coe GBR 3:38.40 J. Straub GDR 3:38.80 S. Ovett GRB 3:38.99
1984 S. Coe GBR 3:32.53 S. Cram GBR 3:33.40 J. M. Abascal ESP 3:34.30
1988 P. Rono KEN 3:35.96 P. Elliott GBR 3:36.15 J. P. Herold GDR 3:36.21

5,000 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 J. Kolehmainen FIN 14:36.6 J. Bouin FRA 14:36.7 G. Hutson GBR 15:07.6
1920 J. Guillemot FRA 14:55.6 P. Nurmi FIN 15:00.0 E. Backman SWE 15:13.0
1924 P. Nurmi FIN 14:31.2 V. Ritola FIN 14:31.4 E. Wide SWE 15:01.8
1928 V. Ritola FIN 14:38.0 P. Nurmi FIN 14:40.0 E. Wide SWE 14:41.2
1932 L. Lehtinen FIN 14:30.0 R. Hill USA 14:30.0 L. Virtanen FIN 14:44.0
1936 G. Höckert FIN 14:22.2 L. Lehtinen FIN 14:25.8 H. Jonsson SWE 14:29.0
1948 G. Reilf BEL 14:17.6 E. Zátopek TCH 14:17.8 W. Slijkhuis NED 14:26.8
1952 E. Zátopek TCH 14:06.6 A. Minoun FRA 14:07.4 H. Schade GER 14:08.6
1956 V. Kuts URS 13:39.6 G. Pine GBR 13:50.6 D. Ibbotson GBR 13:54.4
1960 M. Halberg NZL 13:43.4 H. Grodotzki GER 13:44.6 K. Zimny POL 13:44.8
1964 R. Schul USA 13:48.8 H. Norporth GER 13:49.6 W. Dellinger USA 13:49.8
1968 M. Gammoudi TUN 14:05.0 K. Keino KEN 14:05.2 N. Temu KEN 14:06.4
1972 L. Viren FIN 13:26.4 M. Gammoudi TUN 13:27.4 I. Stewart GBR 13:27.6
1976 L. Viren FIN 13:24.76 D. Quax NZL 13:25.16 K. P. Hildenbrand FRG 13:25.38
1980 M. Yifter ETH 13:20.91 S. Nyambui TAN 13:21.60 K. Maaninka FIN 13:22.00
1984 S. Aouita MAR 13:05.59 M. Ryffel SUI 13:07.54 A. Leitão POR 13:09.20
1988 J. Ngugi KEN 13:11.70 D. Baumann FRG 13:15.52 H. Kunze GDR 13:15.73

10,000 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 J. Kolehmainen FIN 31:20.8 L. Tewanima USA 32:06.6 A. Stenroos FIN 32:21.8
1920 P. Nurmi FIN 31:45.8 J. Guillemot FRA 31:47.2 J. Wilson GBR 31:50.8
Gold Silver Bronze
1924 V. Ritola FIN 30:23.2 E. Wide SWE 30:55.2 E. Berg FIN 31:43.0
1928 P. Nurmi FIN 30:18.8 V. Ritola FIN 30:19.4 E. Wide SWE 31:00.8
1932 J. Kusocinski POL 30:11.4 V. Iso-Hollo FIN 30:12.6 L. Virtanen FIN 30:35.0
1936 I. Salminen FIN 30:15.4 A. Askola FIN 30:15.6 V. Iso-Hollo FIN 30:30.2
1948 E. Zátopek TCH 29:59.6 A. Mimoun FRA 30:47.4 B. Albertsson SWE 30:53.6
1952 E. Zátopek TCH 29:17.0 A. Mimoun FRA 29:32.8 A. Anufriev URS 29:48.2
1956 V. Kuts URS 28:45.6 J. Kovács HUN 28:52.4 A. Lawrence AUS 28:53.6
1960 P. Bolotnikov URS 28:32.2 H. Grodotzki GER 28:37.0 D. Power AUS 28:38.2
1964 B. Mills USA 28:24.4 M. Gammoudi TUN 28:24.8 R. Clarke AUS 28:25.8
1968 N. Temu KEN 29:27.4 M. Wolde ETH 29:28.0 M. Gammoudi TUN 29:34.2
1972 L. Viren FIN 27:38.4 E. Puttemans BEL 27:39.6 M. Yifter ETH 27:41.0
1976 L. Viren FIN 27:40.38 C. Lopes POR 27:45.17 B. Foster GBR 27:54.92
1980 M. Yifter ETH 27:42.69 K. Maaninka FIN 27:44.28 M. Kedir ETH 27:44.64
1984 A. Cova ITA 27:47.54 M. McLeod GBR 28:06.22 M. Musyoki KEN 28:06.46
1988 M. B. Boutaib MAR 27:21.46 S. Antibo ITA 27:23.55 K. Kimeli KEN 27:25.16


Gold Silver Bronze

1896 S. Louis GRE 2:58:50.0 C. Vasilakos GRE 3:06:03.0 G. Kellner HUN 3:06:35.0
1900 M. Théato FRA 2:59:45.0 É. Champion FRA 3:04:17.0 E. Fast SWE 3:37:14.0
1904 T. Hicks USA 3:28:53.0 A. Corey USA 3:34:52.0 A. Newton USA 3:47:33.0
1908 J. Hayes USA 2:55:18.4 C. Hefferon SAF 2:56:06.0 J. Forshaw USA 2:57:10.4
1912 K. McArthur SAF 2:36:54.8 C. Gitsham SAF 2:37:52.0 G. Strobino USA 2:38:42.4
1920 J. Kolehmainen FIN 2:32:35.8 J. Lossmann EST 2:32:48.6 V. Arri ITA 2:36:32.8
1924 A. Stenroos FIN 2:41:22.6 R. Bertini ITA 2:47:19.6 C. DeMar USA 2:48:14.0
1928 B. El Quafi FRA 2:32:57.0 M. Plaza CHI 2:33:23.0 M. Marttelin FIN 2:35:02.0
1932 J. Zabala ARG 2:31:36.0 S. Ferris GBR 2:31:55.0 A. Toivonen FIN 2:32:12.0
1936 K. Sohn JPN 2:29:19.2 E. Harper GBR 2:31:23.3 S. Nam JPN 2:31:42.0
1948 D. Cabrera ARG 2:34:51.6 T. Richards GBR 2:35:07.6 E. Gailly BEL 2:35:33.6
1952 E. Zátopek TCH 2:23:03.2 R. Gorno ARG 2:25:35.0 G. Jansson SWE 2:26:07.0
1956 A. Mimoun FRA 2:25:00.0 F. Mihalic YUG 2:26:32.0 V. Karvonen FIN 2:27:47.0
1960 A. Bikila ETH 2:15:16.2 R. Ben Abdesselem MAR 2:15:41.6 B. Magee NZL 2:17:18.2
1964 A. Bikila ETH 2:12:11.2 B. Heatley GBR 2:16:19.2 K. Tsuburaya JPN 2:16:22.8
1968 M. Wolde ETH 2:20:26.4 K, Kimihara JPN 2:23:31.0 M. Ryan NZL 2:23:45.0
1972 F. Shorter USA 2:12:19.8 K. Lismont BEL 2:14:31.8 M. Wolde ETH 2:15:08.4
1976 M. Cierpinski GDR 2:09:55.0 F. Shorter USA 2:10:45.8 K. Lismont BEL 2:11:12.6
1980 W. Cierpinski GDR 2:11:03.0 G. Nijboer NED 2:11:20.0 S. Dzhumanazarov URS 2:11:35.0
1984 C. Lopes POR 2:09:21.0 J. Treacy IRL 2:09:56.0 C. Spedding GBR 2:09:58.0
1988 G. Bordin ITA 2:10:32.0 D. Wakiihuri KEN 2:10:47.0 H. Ahmed Saleh DJI 2:10:50.0

Since 1924, the distance has been 42.195 km, fixed in 1908. In previous years, the distance varied. In 1908, the Marathon was won by the Italian D. Pietri, who was
later disqualified.

110 m hurdles

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 T. Curtis USA 17.6 G. Goulding GBR 17.7
1900 A. Kraenzlein USA 15.4 J. Mac Lean USA 15.5 F. Moloney USA
1904 F. Schule USA 16.0 T. Shideler USA 16.3 L. Ashburner USA 16.4
1908 F. Smithson USA 15.0 J. Garrels USA 15.7 A. Shaw USA
1912 F. Kelly USA 15.1 J. Wendell USA 15.2 M. Hawkins USA 15.3
1920 E. Thomson CAN 14.8 H. Barron USA 15.1 F. Murray USA 15.2
1924 D. Kinsey USA 15.0 S. Atkinson SAF 15.0 S. Pettersson SWE 15.4
1928 S. Atkinson SAF 14.8 S. Anderson USA 14.8 J. Collier USA 14.9
1932 G. Saling USA 14.6 P. Beard USA 14.7 D. Finlay GBR 14.8
1936 F. Towns USA 14.2 D. Finlay GBR 14.4 F. Pollard USA 14.4
1948 W. Porter USA 13.9 C. Scott USA 14.1 C. Dixon USA 14.1
1952 H. Dillard USA 13.7 J. Davis USA 13.7 A. Barnard USA 14.1
1956 L. Calhoun USA 13.5 J. Davis USA 13.5 J. Shankle USA 14.1
1960 L. Calhoun USA 13.8 W. May USA 13.8 H. Jones USA 14.0
1964 H. Jones USA 13.6 H. B. Lindgren USA 13.7 A. Mikhailov URS 13.7
Gold Silver Bronze
1968 W. Davenport USA 13.3 E. Hall USA 13.4 E. Ottoz ITA 13.4
1972 R. Milbum USA 13.24 G. Drut FRA 13.34 T. Hill USA 13.48
1976 G. Drut FRA 13.30 A. Casañas CUB 13.33 W. Davenport USA 13.38
1980 T. Munkelt GDR 13.39 A. Casañas CUB 13.40 A. Puchkov URS 13.44
1984 R. Kingdom USA 13.20 G. Foster USA 13.23 A. Bryggare FIN 13.40
1988 R. Kingdom USA 12.98 C. Jackson GBR 13.28 A. Cambell USA 13.38

In 1896, the distance was 100 m and there were only two finalists.

400 m hurdles

Gold Silver Bronze

1900 J. W. Tewksbury USA 57.6 H. Tauzin FRA 58.3 G. Orton CAN
1904 H. Hillman USA 53.0 F. Waller USA 53.2 G. Poage USA
1908 C. Bacon USA 55.0 H. Hillman USA 55.3 L. Tremeer GBR 57.0
1920 F. Loomis USA 54.0 J. Norton USA 54.3 A. Desch USA 54.5
1924 F. M. Taylor USA 52.6 E. Vilén FIN 53.8 I. Riley USA 54.2
1928 D. Burghley GBR 53.4 F. Cuhel USA 53.6 F. M. Taylor USA 53.6
1932 R. Tisdall IRL 51.7 G. Hardin USA 51.9 F. M. Taylor USA 52.0
1936 G. Hardin USA 52.4 J. Loaring CAN 52.7 M. White PHI 52.8
1948 R. Cochran USA 51.1 D. White CEY 51.8 R. Larsson SWE 52.2
1952 C. Moore USA 50.8 Y. Lituyev URS 51.3 J. Holland NZL 52.2
1956 G. Davis USA 50.1 E. Southen USA 50.8 J. Culbreath USA 51.6
1960 G. Davis USA 49.3 C. Cushman USA 49.6 R. Howard USA 49.7
1964 W. Cawley USA 49.6 J. Cooper GBR 50.1 S. Morale ITA 50.1
1968 D. Hemery GBR 48.1 G. Hennige FRG 49.0 J. Sherwood GBR 49.0
1972 J. Akii-Bua UGA 47.82 R. Mann USA 48.51 D. Hemery GBR 48.52
1976 E. Moses USA 47.64 M. Shine USA 48.69 E. Gavrilenko URS 49.45
1980 V. Beck GDR 48.70 V. Arjipenko URS 48.86 G. Oakes GBR 49.11
1984 E. Moses USA 47.75 D. Harris USA 48.13 H. Schmid FRG 48.19
1988 A. Philips USA 47.19 E. H. D. Ba SEN 47.23 E. Moses USA 47.56

3,000 m Steeplechase

Gold Silver Bronze

1900 G. Orton CAN 7:34.4 S. Robinson GBR 7:38.0 J. Chastanié FRA
1904 J. Lightbody USA 7:39.6 J. Daly GBR 7:40.6 A. Newton USA
1908 A. Russell GBR 10:47.8 A. Robertson GBR 10:48.4 J. Eisele USA 11:00.8
1920 P. Hodge GBR 10:00.4 P. Flynn USA E. Ambrosini ITA
1924 V. Ritola FIN 9:33.6 E. Katz FIN 9:44.0 P. Bontemps FRA 9:45.2
1928 L. Loukola FIN 9:21.8 P. Nurmi FIN 9:31.2 O. Andersen FIN 9:35.6
1932 V. Iso-Hollo FIN 10:33.4 T. Evenson GBR 10:46.0 J. McCluskey USA 10:46.2
1936 V. Iso-Hollo FIN 9:03.8 K. Tuominen FIN 9:06.8 A. Dompert GER 9:07.2
1948 T. Sjöstrans SWE 9:04.6 E. Elmsäter SWE 9:08.2 G. Hagström SWE 9:11.8
1952 H. Ashenfelter USA 8:45.4 V. Kazantsev URS 8:51.6 J. Disley GBR 8:51.8
1956 C. Brasher GBR 8:41.2 S. Rozsnyói HUN 8:43.6 E. Larsen NOR 8:44.0
1960 Z. Krzyszkowiak POL 8:34.2 N. Sokolov URS 8:36.4 S. Rjixtxin URS 8:42.2
1964 G. Roelants BEL 8:30.8 M. Herriott GBR 8:32.4 I. Beliaiev URS 8:33.8
1968 A. Biwott KEN 8:51.0 B. Kogo KEN 8:51.6 G. Young USA 8:51.8
1972 K. Keino KEN 8:23.6 B. Jipcho KEN 8:24.6 T. Kantanen FIN 8:24.8
1976 A. Gärderud SWE 8:08.02 B. Malinowski POL 8:09.11 F. Baumgarti GDR 8:10.36
1980 B. Malinowski POL 8:09.70 F. Bayi TAN 8:12.48 E. Tura ETH 8:13.57
1984 J. Korir KEN 8:11.80 J. Mahmoud FRA 8:13.31 Ð. Diemer USA 8:14.06
1988 J. Kariuski KEN 8:05.51 P. Koech KEN 8:06.79 M. Rowland GBR 8:07.96

In 1900, the distance was 2,500 m. In 1904, it was 2,590 m, and in 1908, it was 3,200 m. In 1932, the distance in the final was 3,460 m, due to a mistake by the judge
who was counting the laps.
20 km walk

Gold Silver Bronze

1956 L. Spirin URS 1:31:27.4 A. Mikenas URS 1:32:03.0 B. Yunk URS 1:32:12.0
1960 V. Golubnichi URS 1:34:07.2 N. Freeman AUS 1:34:16.4 S. Vickers GBR 1:34:56.4
1964 K. Matthews GBR 1:29:34.0 D. Under FRG 1:31:13.2 V. Golubnichi URS 1:31:59.4
1968 V. Golubnichi URS 1:33:58.4 J. Pedraza MEX 1:34:00.0 N. Smaga URS 1:34:03.4
1972 P. Frenkel GDR 1:26:42.4 V. Golubnichi URS 1:26:55.2 H. Reiman GDR 1:27:16.6
1976 D. B. Rocha MEX 1:24:40.6 H. Reiman GDR 1:25:13.8 P. Frenkel GDR 1:25:29.4
1980 M. Damilano ITA 1:23:35.5 P. Pochinchuk URS 1:24:45.4 R. Wieser GDR 1:25:58.2
1984 E. Canto MEX 1:23:13.0 R. González MEX 1:23:20.0 M. Damilano ITA 1:23:26.0
1988 J. Pribilinec TCH 1:19:57.0 R. Weigel GDR 1:20:00.0 M. Damilano ITA 1:20:14.0

50 km walk

Gold Silver Bronze

1932 T. Green GBR 4:50:10.0 J. Dalinš LAT 4:57:20.0 U. Frigerio ITA 4:59:06.0
1936 H. Whitlock GBR 4:30:41.1 A. Schwab SUI 4:32:09.2 A. Bubenko LAT 4:32:42.2
1948 J. Ljunggren SWE 4:41:52.0 G. Godel SUI 4:48:17.0 T. Lloyd-Johnson GBR 4:48:31.0
1952 G. Dordoni ITA 4:28:07.8 J. Doležal TCH 4:30:17.8 A. Róka HUN 4:31:27.2
1956 N. Read NZL 4:30:42.8 E. Maskinskov URS 4:32:57.0 J. Ljunggren SWE 4:35:02.0
1960 D. Thompson GBR 4:25:30.0 J. Ljunggren SWE 4:25:47.0 A. Pamich ITA 4:27:55.4
1964 A. Pamich ITA 4:11:12.4 P. Nihill GBR 4:11:31.2 I. Pettersson SWE 4:14:17.4
1968 C. Höme GDR 4:20:13.6 A. Kiss HUN 4:30:17.0 L. Young USA 4:31:55.4
1972 B. Kannenberg FRG 3:56:11.6 V. Soldatenko URS 3:58:24.0 L. Young USA 4:00:46.0
1980 H. Gauder GDR 3:49:24.0 J. Llopart ESP 3:51:25.0 E. Ivchenko URS 3:56:32.0
1984 R. González MEX 3:47:26.0 B. Gustafsson SWE 3:53:19.0 A. Bellucci ITA 3:53:45.0
1988 V. Ivanenko URS 3:38:29.0 R. Weigel GDR 3:38:56.0 H. Gauder GDR 3:39:45.0

4 x 100 m relay

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 GBR 42.4 SWE 42.6
1920 USA 42.2 FRA 42.6 SWE 42.9
1924 USA 41.0 GBR 41.2 NED 41.8
1928 USA 41.0 GER 41.2 GBR 41.8
1932 USA 40.0 GER 40.9 ITA 41.2
1936 USA 39.8 ITA 41.1 GER 41.2
1948 USA 40.6 GBR 41.3 ITA 41.5
1952 USA 40.1 URS 40.3 HUN 40.5
1956 USA 39.5 URS 39.8 GER 40.3
1960 GER 39.5 URS 40.1 GBR 40.2
1964 USA 39.0 POL 39.3 FRA 39.3
1968 USA 38.2 CUB 38.3 FRA 38.4
1972 USA 38.19 URS 38.50 FRG 38.79
1976 USA 38.33 GDR 38.66 URS 38.78
1980 URS 38.26 POL 38.33 FRA 38.53
1984 USA 37.83 JAM 38.62 CAN 38.70
1988 URS 38.19 GBR 38.28 FRA 38.40

4 x 400 m relay

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 USA 3:16.6 FRA 3:20.7 GBR 3:23.2
1920 GBR 3:22.2 SAF 3:24.2 FRA 3:24.8
1924 USA 3:16.0 SWE 3:17.0 GBR 3:17.4
1928 USA 3:14.2 GER 3:14.8 CAN 3:15.4
1932 USA 3:08.2 GBR 3:11.2 CAN 3:12.8
1936 GBR 3:09.0 USA 3:11.0 GER 3:11.8
1948 USA 3:10.4 FRA 3:14.8 SWE 3:16.0
1952 JAM 3:03.9 USA 3:04.0 GER 3:06.6
1956 USA 3:04.8 AUS 3:06.2 GBR 3:07.2
Gold Silver Bronze
1960 USA 3:02.2 GER 3:02.7 BWI 3:04.0
1964 USA 3:00.7 GBR 3:01.6 TRI 3:01.7
1968 USA 2:56.1 KEN 2:59.6 FRG 3:00.5
1972 KEN 2:59.8 GBR 3:00.5 FRA 3:00.7
1976 USA 2:58.65 POL 3:01.43 FRG 3:01.98
1980 URS 3:01.1 GDR 3:01.3 ITA 3:04.3
1984 USA 2:57.91 GBR 2:59.13 NGR 2:59.32
1988 USA 2:56.16 JAM 3:00.30 FRG 3:00.56

High jump

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 E. Clark USA 1.81 J. Connolly USA 1.65 R. Garret USA 1.65
1900 I. Baxter USA 1.90 P. Leahy GBR/IRL 1.78 L. Gönczy HUN 1.75
1904 S. Jones USA 1.80 G. Serviss USA 1.78 P. Weinstein GER 1.78
1908 H. Porter USA 1.90 C. Leahy GBR/IRL 1.88
I. Somodi HUN 1.88
G. André FRA 1.88
1912 A. Richards USA 1.93 H. Leische GER 1.91 G. Horine USA 1.89
1920 R. Landon USA 1.94 H. Muller USA 1.90 B. Ekelund SWE 1.90
1924 H. Osbom USA 1.98 L. Brown USA 1.95 P. Lewden FRA 1.92
1928 R. King USA 1.94 B. Hedges USA 1.91 C. Ménard FRA 1.91
1932 D. McNaughton CAN 1.97 R. van Osdel USA 1.97 S. Toribio PHI 1.97
1936 C. Johnson USA 2.03 D. Albritton USA 2.00 D. Thurber USA 2.00
1948 J. Winter AUS 1.98 B. Paulsen NOR 1.95 G. Stanich USA 1.95
1952 W. Davis USA 2.04 K. Wiesner USA 2.01 J. Telles da Conceiçäo BRA 1.98
1956 C. Dumas USA 2.12 C. Porter AUS 2.10 I. Kashkarov USA 2.08
1960 R. Shavlakadze URS 2.16 V. Brumel URS 2.16 J. Thomas USA 2.14
392 1964 V. Brumel URS 2.18 J. Thomas USA 2.18 J. Rambo USA 2.16
1968 R. Fosbury USA 2.24 E. Caruthers USA 2.22 V. Gavrilov URS 2.20
1972 Y. Tarmak URS 2.23 S. Junge GDR 2.21 D. Stones USA 2.21
1976 J. Wszola POL 2.25 G. Joy CAN 2.23 D. Stones USA 2.21
1980 G. Wessig GDR 2.36 J. Wszola POL 2.31 J. Freimuth GDR 2.31
1984 D. Mögenburg FRG 2.35 P. Sjöberg SWE 2.33 Zhu Jianhua CHN 2.31
1988 G. Avdeyenko URS 2.38 H. Conway USA 2.36 R. Povarnitsin URS 2.36
P. Sjöberg SWE 2.36

Pole vault

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 W. Hoyt USA 3.30 A. Tyler USA 3.25 E. Damaskos GRE 2.85
1900 I. Baxter USA 3.30 M. B. Colkett USA 3.25 C. A. Andersen NOR 3.20
1904 C. Dvorak USA 3.50 L. Samse USA 3.43 L. Wilkins USA 3.43
1908 E. Cooke USA 3.71 E. Archibald CAN 3.58
A. Gilbert USA 3.71 C. Jacobs USA 3.58
B. Söderström SWE 3.58
1912 H. Babcock USA 3.95 F. Nelson USA 3.85
M. Wright USA 3.85
1920 F. Foss USA 4.09 H. Petersen DEN 3.70 E. Myers USA 3.60
1924 L. Barnes USA 3.95 G. Graham USA 3.95 J. Brooker USA 3.90
1928 S. Carr USA 4.20 W. Droegemuller USA 4.10 C. McGinnis USA 3.95
1932 W. Miller USA 4.32 S. Nishida JPN 4.30 G. Jefferson USA 4.20
1936 E. Meadows USA 4.35 S. Nishida JPN 4.25 S. Oe JPN 4.25
1948 O. G. Smith USA 4.30 E. Kataja FIN 4.20 R. Richards USA 4.20
1952 R. Richards USA 4.55 D. Laz USA 4.50 R. Lundberg SWE 4.40
1956 R. Richards USA 4.56 R. Gutowski USA 4.53 G. Roubanis GRE 4.50
1960 D. Bragg USA 4.70 R. Morris USA 4.60 E. Landström FIN 4.55
1964 F. Hansen USA 5.10 W. Reinhardt GER 5.05 K. Lehnertz GER 5.00
1968 R. Seagren USA 5.40 C. Schiprowski FRG 5.40 W. Nordwig GDR 5.40
1972 W. Nordwig GDR 5.50 R. Seagren USA 5.40 J. Johnson USA 5.35
1976 T. Šlusarski POL 5.50 A Kalliomäki FIN 5.50 D. Roberts USA 5.50
1980 W. Kozakiewicz POL 5.78 K. Volkov URS 5.65 T. Šlusarski POL 5.65
Gold Silver Bronze

1984 P. Quinon FRA 5.75 M. Tully USA 5.65 E. Bell USA 5.60
T. Vigneron FRA 5.60
1988 S. Bubka URS 5.90 R. Gataullin URS 5.85 G. Egorov URS 5.80

Long jump

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 E. Clark USA 6.35 R. Garrett USA 6.18 J. Connolly USA 6.11
1900 A. Kraenzlein USA 7.18 M. Prinstein USA 7.17 P. Leahy GBR/IRL 6.95
1904 M. Prinstein USA 7.34 D. Frank USA 6.89 R. Stangland USA 6.88
1908 F. Irons USA 7.48 D. Kelly USA 7.09 C. Bricker CAN 7.08
1912 A. Gutterson USA 7.60 C. Bricker CAN 7.21 G. Aberg SWE 7.18
1920 W. Petersson-Björneman SWE 7.15 C. Johnson USA 7.09 E. Abrahamsson SWE 7.08
1924 W. D. H. Hubbard USA 7.44 E. Gourdin USA 7.28 S. Hansen NOR 7.26
1928 E. Hamm USA 7.73 S. Cator HAI 7.58 A. Bates USA 7.40
1932 E. Gordon USA 7.64 C. L. Redd USA 7.60 C. Nambu JPN 7.45
1936 J. Owens USA 8.06 L. Long GER 7.87 N. Tajima JPN 7.74
1948 W. Steele USA 7.82 T. Bruce AUS 7.55 H. Douglas USA 7.54
1952 J. Biffle USA 7.57 M. Gourdine USA 7.53 O. Földessy HUN 7.30
1956 G. Bell USA 7.83 J. Bennett USA 7.68 J. Valkama FIN 7.48
1960 R. Boston USA 8.12 I. Roberson USA 8.11 I. Ter-Ovanesian URS 8.04
1964 L. Davies GBR 8.07 R. Boston USA 8.03 I. Ter-Ovanesian URS 7.99
1968 R. Beamon USA 8.90 K. Beer GDR 8.19 R. Boston USA 8.16
1972 R. Williams USA 8.24 H. Baumgartner FRG 8.18 A. Robinson USA 8.03
1976 A. Robinson USA 8.35 R. Williams USA 8.11 F. Wartenberg GDR 8.02
1980 L. Dombrowski GDR 8.54 F. Paschek GDR 8.21 V. Podluzhni URS 8.18
1984 C. Lewis USA 8.54 G. Honey AUS 8.24 G. Evangelisti ITA 8.24
1988 C. Lewis USA 8.72 M. Powell USA 8.49 L. Myricks USA 8.27

Triple jump

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 J. Connolly USA 13.71 A. Tuffère FRA 12.70 I. Persakis GRE 12.52
1900 M. Prinstein USA 14.47 J. Connolly USA 13.97 L. P. Sheldon USA 13.64
1904 M. Prinstein USA 14.35 F. Englehardt USA 13.90 R. Stangland USA 13.36
1908 T. Aheame GBR/IRL 14.92 J. G. MacDonald CAN 14.76 E. Larsen NOR 14.39
1912 G. Lindblom SWE 14.76 G. Åberg SWE 14.51 E. Almlöf SWE 14.17
1920 V. Tuulos FIN 14.50 F. Jansson SWE 14.48 E. Almlöf SWE 14.27
1924 A. Winter AUS 15.52 L. Brunette ARG 15.42 V. Tuulos FIN 15.37
1928 M. Oda JPN 15.21 L. Casey USA 15.17 V. Tuulos FIN 15.11
1932 C. Nambu JPN 15.72 E. Svensson SWE 15.32 K. Oshima JPN 15.12
1936 N. Tajima JPN 16.00 M. Harada JPN 15.66 J. P. Metcalfe AUS 15.50
1948 A. Åhman SWE 15.40 G. Avery AUS 15.37 R. Sarialp TUR 15.02
1952 A. Ferreira da Silva BRA 16.22 L. Shcherbakov URS 15.98 A. Devonish VEN 15.52
1956 A. Ferreira da Silva BRA 16.35 V. Einarsson ISL 16.26 V. Kreyer URS 16.02
1960 J. Schmidt POL 16.81 V. Goriayev URS 16.63 V. Kreyer URS 16.43
1964 J. Schmidt POL 16.85 O. Fedoseyev URS 16.58 V. Kravchenko URS 16.57
1968 V. Saneyev URS 17.39 N. Prudencio BRA 17.27 G. Gentile ITA 17.22
1972 V. Saneyev URS 17.35 J. Drehmel GDR 17.31 N. Prudencio BRA 17.05
1976 V. Saneyev URS 17.29 J. Butts USA 17.18 J. C. de Oliveira BRA 16.90
1980 J. Uudmäe URS 17.35 V. Saneyev URS 17.24 J. C. de Oliveira BRA 17.22
1984 A. Joyner USA 17.26 M. Conley USA 17.18 K. Connor GBR 16.87
1988 K. Markov BUL 17.61 I. Lapchin URS 17.52 A. Kovalenko URS 17.42

Shot put

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 R. Garrett USA 11.22 M. Gouskos GRE 11.20 G. Papasideris GRE 10.36
1900 R. Sheldon USA 14.10 J. McCracken USA 12.85 R. Garrett USA 12.37
1904 R. Rose USA 14.81 W. Coe USA 14.40 L. Feuerbach USA 13.37
Gold Silver Bronze
1908 R. Rose USA 14.21 D. Morgan GBR 13.62 J. Garrels USA 13.18
1912 P. Mc Donald USA 15.34 R. Rose USA 15.25 L. Whitney USA 13.93
1920 F. Pörhölä FIN 14.81 E. Niklander FIN 14.15 H. Liversedge USA 14.15
1924 C. Houser USA 14.99 G. Hartranft USA 14.90 R. Hills USA 14.64
1928 J. Kuck USA 15.87 H. Brix USA 15.75 E. Hirchfeld GER 15.72
1932 L. Sexton USA 16.01 H. Rothert USA 15.67 F. Douda TCH 15.61
1936 H. Wõllke GER 16.20 S. Bärlund FIN 16.12 G. Stock GER 15.66
1948 W. Thompson USA 17.12 F. J. Delaney USA 16.68 J. Fuchs USA 16.42
1952 P. O'Brien USA 17.41 D. Hooper USA 17.39 J. Fuchs USA 17.06
1956 P. O'Brien USA 18.57 W. Nieder USA 18.18 J. Skobla TCH 17.65
1960 W. Nieder USA 19.68 P. O'Brien USA 19.11 D. Long USA 19.01
1964 D. Long USA 20.33 R. Matson USA 20.20 V. Varju HUN 19.39
1968 R. Matson USA 20.54 G. Woods USA 20.12 E. Guishchin URS 20.09
1972 W. Komar POL 21.18 G. Woods USA 21.17 H. Briesenick GDR 21.14
1976 U. Beyer GDR 21.05 E. Mironov URS 21.03 A. Barishnikov URS 21.00
1980 V. Kisseliov URS 21.35 A. Barishnikov URS 21.08 U. Beyer GDR 21.06
1984 A. Andrei ITA 21.26 M. Carter USA 21.09 D. Laut USA 20.97
1988 U. Timmermann GDR 22.47 R. Barnes USA 22.39 W. Günthör SUI 21.99


Gold Silver Bronze

1896 R. Garret USA 29.15 P. Paraskevopoulos GRE 28.96 S. Versis GRE 28.78
1900 R. Bauer HUN 36.04 F. Janda-Suk BOH 35.25 R. Sheldon USA 34.60
1904 M. Sheridan USA 39.28 R. Rose USA 39.28 N. Georgantas GRE 37.68
1908 M. Sheridan USA 40.89 M. Griffin USA 40.70 M. Horr USA 39.45
1912 A. Taipale FIN 45.21 R. Byrd USA 42.32 J. Duncan USA 42.28
1920 E. Niklander FIN 44.69 A. Tajpale FIN 44.19 A. Pope USA 42.13
394 1924 C. Houser USA 46.16 V. Nittymaa FIN 44.95 T. Lieb USA 44.83
1928 C. Houser USA 47.32 A. Kivi FIN 47.23 J. Corson USA 47.10
1932 J. Anderson USA 49.49 H. Laborde FRA 48.47 P. Winter FRA 47.85
1936 K. Carpenter USA 50.48 G. Dunn USA 49.36 G. Oberweger ITA 49.23
1948 A. Consolini ITA 52.78 G. Tosi ITA 51.78 F. Gordien USA 50.77
1952 S. Iness USA 55.03 A. Consolini ITA 53.78 J. Dillion USA 53.28
1956 A. Oerter USA 56.36 F. Gordien USA 54.81 D. Koch USA 54.40
1960 A. Oerter USA 59.18 R. Babka USA 58.02 R. Cochran USA 57.16
1964 A. Oerter USA 61.00 L. Danek TCH 60.52 D. Weill USA 59.49
1968 A. Oerter USA 64.78 L. Milde GDR 63.08 L. Danek TCH 62.92
1972 L. Danek TCH 64.40 J. Silvester USA 63.50 R. Bruch SWE 63.40
1976 M. Wilkins USA 67.50 W. Schmidt GDR 66.22 J. Powell USA 65.70
1980 V. Rashchupkin URS 66.64 I. Bugár TCH 66.38 L. Delis Fournier CUB 66.32
1984 R. Danneberg FRG 66.60 M. Wilkins USA 66.30 J. Powell USA 65.46
1988 J. Schult GDR 68.82 R. Ubartas URS 67.48 R. Danneberg FRG 67.38


Gold Silver Bronze

1900 J. Flanagan USA 49.73 T. Hare USA 49.13 J. McCraken USA 42.46
1904 J. Flanagan USA 51.23 J. De Witt USA 50.26 R. Rose USA 45.73
1908 J. Flanagan USA 51.92 M. McGrath USA 51.18 C. Walsh USA 48.50
1912 M. McGrath USA 54.74 D. Gillis CAN 48.39 C. Childs USA 48.17
1920 P. Ryan USA 52.88 C. H. Lind SWE 48.43 B. Bennett USA 48.25
1924 F. Tootell USA 53.30 M. McGrath USA 50.84 M. Nokes GBR 48.88
1928 P. O'Callagham IRL 51.39 O. Skiöld SWE 51.29 E. Black USA 49.03
1932 P. O'Callaghan IRL 53.92 F. Pörhölä FIN 52.27 P. Zaremba USA 50.33
1936 K. Hein GER 56.49 E. Blask GER 55.04 F. Wamgård SWE 54.83
1948 I. Németh HUN 56.07 I. Gubijan YUG 54.27 R. Bennett USA 53.73
1952 J. Csermák HUN 60.34 K. Storch GER 58.86 I. Németh HUN 57.74
1956 H. Connolly USA 63.19 M. Krivonosov URS 63.03 A. Samotsvyetov URS 62.56
1960 V. Rudenkov URS 67.10 G. Zsivótzky HUN 65.79 T. Rut POL 65.64
1964 R. Klim URS 69.74 G. Zsivótzky HUN 69.09 U. Beyer GER 68.09
Gold Silver Bronze
1968 G. Zsivótzky HUN 73.36 R. Klim URS 73.28 L. Lovász HUN 69.78
1972 A. Bondarchuck URS 75.50 J. Sachse GDR 74.96 V. Jmelevski URS 74.04
1976 Y. Sedyj URS 77.52 A. Spiridonov URS 76.08 A. Bondarchuck URS 75.48
1980 Y. Sedyj URS 81.80 S. Litvinov URS 80.64 Y. Tamm URS 78.96
1984 J. Tiainen FIN 78.08 K.-H. Riehm FRG 77.98 K. Ploghaus FRG 76.68
1988 S. Litvinov URS 84.80 Y. Sedyj URS 83.76 Y. Tamm URS 81.16


Gold Silver Bronze

1908 E. Lemming SWE 54.83 A. Halse NOR 50.57 O. Nilsson SWE 47.10
1912 E. Lemming SWE 60.64 J. J. Saaristo FIN 58.66 M. Kóczán HUN 55.50
1920 J. Myyrä FIN 65.78 U. Peltonen FIN 63.50 P. Jaale-Johansson FIN 63.10
1924 J. Myyrä FIN 62.96 G. Lindström SWE 60.92 E. Oberst USA 58.35
1928 E. Lundkvist SWE 66.60 B. Szepes HUN 65.26 O. Sunde NOR 63.97
1932 M. Järvinen FIN 72.71 M. Sippala FIN 69.80 E. Penttilä FIN 68.70
1936 G. Stock GER 71.84 Y. Nikkanen FIN 70.77 K. Toivonen FIN 70.72
1948 T. Rautavaara FIN 69.77 S. Seymour USA 67.56 J. Várszegi HUN 67.03
1952 C. Young USA 73.78 W. Miller USA 72.46 T. Hyytäinen FIN 71.89
1956 E. Danielsen NOR 85.71 J. Sidlo POL 79.98 V. Tsibulenko URS 79.50
1960 V. Tsibulenko URS 84.64 W. Krüger GER 79.36 G. Kulcsár HUN 78.57
1964 P. Nevala FIN 82.66 G. Kulsár HUN 82.32 J. Lusis URS 80.57
1968 J. Lusis URS 90.10 J. Kinnunen FIN 88.58 G. Kulcsár HUN 87.06
1972 K. Wolfermann FRG 90.48 J. Lusis URS 90.46 W. Schmidt USA 84.42
1976 M. Németh HUN 94.58 H. Siitonen FIN 87.92 G. Megelea ROM 87.16
1980 D. Kula URS 91.20 A. Makarov URS 89.64 W. Hanish GDR 86.72
1984 A. Härkönen FIN 86.76 D. Ottley GBR 85.74 K. Eldebrink SWE 83.72
1988 T. Korjus FIN 84.82 J. Železný TCH 84.12 S. Räty FIN 83.26 395


Gold Silver Bronze

1912 J. Thorpe USA 6,756 C. Lomberg SWE 5,943 G. Holme SWE 5,956
H. Wieslander SWE 6,161
1920 H. Lövland NOR 5,970 B. Hamilton USA 5,940 B. Ohlson SWE 5,825
1924 H. Osbom USA 6,668 E. Norton USA 6,340 A. Klumberg EST 6,260
1928 P. Yrjöïä FIN 6,774 A. Järvinen FIN 6,815 J. K. Doherty USA 6,593
1932 J. Ðausch USA 6,896 A. Järvinen FIN 7,038 W. Eberle GER 6,830
1936 G. Morris USA 7,421 R. Clark USA 7,226 J. Parker USA 6,918
1948 R. Mathias USA 6,826 I. Heinrich FRA 6,740 F. Simmons USA 6,711
1952 R. Mathias USA 7,731 M. Campbell USA 7,132 F. Simmons USA 7,069
1956 M. Campbell USA 7,708 R. Johnson USA 7,568 V. Kuznetsov URS 7,461
1960 R. Johnson USA 8,001 Chuan-Kwang Yuan TPE 7,930 V. Kuznetsov URS 7,624
1964 W. Holdorf GER 7,887 R. Aun URS 7,842 H.-J. Walde GER 7,809
1968 B. Toomey USA 8,193 H.-J. Walde FRG 8,111 K. Ðendlin FRG 8,064
1972 N. Avilov URS 8,454 L. Litvinenko URS 8,035 R. Katus POL 7,984
1976 B. Jenner USA 8,618 G. Kratschmer FRG 8,411 N. Avilov URS 8,369
1980 D. Thompson GBR 8,495 Y. Kutsenko URS 8,331 S. Zhelanov URS 8,135
1984 D. Thompson GBR 8,797 J. Hingsen FRG 8,673 S. Wentz FRG 8,412
1988 C. Schenk GDR 8,488 T. Voss GDR 8,399 D. Steen CAN 8,328

The points shown in this table have been calculated in accordance with those established in 1962. J. Thorpe, winner of the 1912 event was disqualified the following
year for having been a professional baseball player. In 1982 the IOC posthumously restored his position.


Gold Silver Bronze

1928 E. Robinson USA 12.2 F. Rosenfeld CAN 12.3 E. Smith CAN 12.3
1932 S. Walasiewicz POL 11.9 H. Strike CAN 11.9 W. von Bremen USA 12.0
1936 H. Stephens USA 11.5 S. Walasiewicz POL 11.7 K. Krauss GER 11.9
1948 F. Blankers-Koen NED 11.9 D. Manley GBR 12.2 S. Strickland AUS 12.2
Gold Silver Bronze
1952 M. Jackson AUS 11.5 D. Hasenjager (Robb) SAF 11.8 S. Strickland AUS 11.9
1956 B. Cuthbert AUS 11.5 C. Stubrick GER 11.7 M. Matthews AUS 11.7
1960 W. Rudolph USA 11.0 D. Hyman GBR 11.3 G. Leone ITA 11.3
1964 W. Tyus USA 11.4 E. McGuire USA 11.6 E. Klobukowska POL 11.6
1968 W. Tyus USA 11.0 B. Ferrell USA 11.1 I. Szewiñska POL 11.1
1972 R. Stecher GDR 11.07 R. Boyle AUS 11.23 S. Chibás CUB 11.24
1976 A. Richter GDR 11.08 R. Stecher GDR 11.13 I. Helten FRG 11.17
1980 L. Kondratieva URS 11.06 M. Göhr (Oelsner) GDR 11.07 I. Auerswald GDR 11.14
1984 E. Ashford USA 10.97 A. Brown USA 11.13 M. Ottey-Page JAM 11.16
1988 F. Griffith Joyner USA 10.54 E. Ashford USA 10.83 H. Drechsler GDR 10.85

200 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1948 F. Blankers-Koen NED 24.4 A. Williamson GBR 25.1 A. Patterson USA 25.2
1952 M. Jackson AUS 23.7 B. Brouwer NED 24.2 N. Jnykina URS 24.2
1956 B. Cuthbert AUS 23.4 C. Stubnick GER 23.7 M. Matthews AUS 23.8
1960 W. Rudolph USA 24.0 J. Heine GER 24.4 D. Hyman GBR 24.7
1964 E. McGuire USA 23.0 I. Kirszenstein POL 23.1 M. Black AUS 23.1
1968 I. Szewiñska POL 22.5 R. Boyle AUS 22.7 J. Lamy AUS 22.8
1972 R. Stecher GDR 22.40 R. Boyle AUS 22.45 I. Szewiñska POL 22.74
1976 B. Eckert GDR 22.37 A. Richter FRG 22.39 R. Stecher GDR 22.47
1980 B. Wöckel (Eckert) GDR 22.03 N. Botxina URS 22.19 M. Ottey JAM 22.20
1984 V. Brisco-Hooks USA 21.81 F. Griffith USA 22.04 M. Ottey-Page JAM 22.09
1988 F. Griffith Joyner USA 21.34 G. Jackson JAM 21.72 H. Drechsler GDR 21.95

400 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1964 B. Cuthbert AUS 52.0 A. Packer GBR 52.2 J. Amoore AUS 53.4
1968 C. Besson FRA 52.0 L. Board GBR 52.1 N. Petxenkina URS 52.2
1972 M. Zehrt GDR 51.08 R. Wilden FRG 51.21 K. Hammond USA 51.64
1976 I. Szewiñska POL 49.29 C. Brehmer GDR 50.51 E. Streidt GDR 50.55
1980 M. Koch GDR 48.88 J. Kratochvilová TCH 49.46 C. Lathan (Brehmer) GDR 49.66
1984 V. Brisco-Hooks USA 48.83 C. Cheeseborough USA 49.05 K. Cook GBR 49.42
1988 O. Brizguina URS 48.65 P. Müller GDR 49.45 O. Nazarova URS 49.90

800 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1928 L. Radke GER 2:16.8 K. Hitomi JPN 2:17.6 I. Gentzel SWE 2:17.8
1960 L. Shevtsova URS 2:04.3 B. Jones AUS 2:04.4 U. Donath GER 2:05.6
1964 A. Packer GBR 2:01.1 M. Dupureur FRA 2:01.9 A. Chamberlain NZL 2:02.8
1968 M. Manning USA 2:00.9 I. Silai ROM 2:02.5 M. Gommers NED 2:02.6
1972 H. Falck GDR 1:58.6 N. Sabaite URS 1:58.7 G. Hoffmeister GDR 1:59.2
1976 T. Kazankina URS 1:54.94 N. Xtereva BUL 1:55.42 E. Zinn GDR 1:55.60
1980 N. Olizarenko URS 1:53.43 O. Mineyeva URS 1:54.81 T. Providojina URS 1:55.46
1984 D. Melinte ROM 1:57.60 K. Gallagher USA 1:58.63 F. Lovin ROM 1:58.83
1988 S. Wodars GDR 1:56.10 C. Wachtel GDR 1:56.64 K. Gallagher USA 1:56.91

1,500 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 L. Braguina URS 4:01.4 G. Hoffmeister GDR 4:02.8 P. Cacchi ITA 4:02.9
1976 T. Kazankina URS 4:05.48 G. Hoffmeister GDR 4:06.02 H. Klapezynski GDR 4:06.09
1980 T. Kazankina URS 3:56.56 C. Wartenberg GDR 3:57.71 N. Olizarenko URS 3:59.52
Gold Silver Bronze
1984 G. Dorio ITA 4:03.25 D. Melinte ROM 4:03.76 M. Puicã ROM 4:04.15
1988 P. Ivan ROM 3:53.96 L. Baikauskaite URS 4:00.24 T. Samolenko URS 4:00.30

3,000 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 M. Puicä ROM 8:35.96 W. Sly GBR 8:39.47 L. Williams CAN 8:42.14
1988 T. Samolenko URS 8:26.53 P. Ivan ROM 8:27.15 Y. Murray GBR 8:29.02

10,000 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1988 O. Bondarenko URS 31:05.21 E. McColgan GBR 31:08.44 E. Zhupiyeva URS 31:19.82

4 x 100 m relay

Gold Silver Bronze

1928 CAN 48.4 USA 48.8 GER 49.0
1932 USA 47.0 CAN 47.0 GBR 47.6
1936 USA 46.9 GBR 47.6 CAN 47.8
1948 NED 47.5 AUS 47.6 CAN 47.8
1952 USA 45.9 GER 45.9 GBR 46.2
1956 AUS 44.5 GBR 44.7 USA 44.9
1960 USA 44.5 GER 44.8 POL 45.0
1964 POL 43.6 USA 43.9 GBR 44.0
1968 USA 42.8 CUB 43.3 URS 43.4 397
1972 FRG 42.81 GDR 42.95 CUB 43.36
1976 FRG 42.55 FRG 42.59 URS 43.09
1980 FRG 41.60 URS 42.10 GBR 42.43
1984 USA 41.65 CAN 42.77 GBR 43.11
1988 USA 41.98 GDR 42.09 URS 42.75

4 x 400 m relay

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 GDR 3:23.0 USA 3:25.2 FRG 3:26.5
1976 GDR 3:19.23 USA 3:22.81 URS 3:24.24
1980 URS 3:20.2 GDR 3:20.4 GBR 3:27.5
1984 USA 3:18.29 CAN 3:21.21 FRG 3:22.98
1988 URS 3:15.18 USA 3:15.51 GDR 3:18.29


Gold Silver Bronze

1984 J. Benoit USA 2:24:52 G. Waitz NOR 2:26:18 R. Mota POR 2:26:57
1988 R. Mota POR 2:25:40 L. Martin AUS 2:25:53 K. Dörre GDR 2:26:21

80 m hurdles

Gold Silver Bronze

1932 M. Didrikson USA 11.7 E. Hall USA 11.7 M. Clark SAF 11.8
1936 T. Valla ITA 11.7 A. Steuer GER 11.7 E. Taylor CAN 11.7
1948 F. Blankers-Koen NED 11.2 M. Gardner GBR 11.2 S. Strckland AUS 11.4
1952 S. Strickland AUS 10.9 M. Golubnichaya URS 11.1 M. Sander GER 11.1
1956 S. Strickland AUS 10.7 G. Kòhler GER 10.9 N. Thrower AUS 11.0
1960 I. Press URS 10.8 C. Quinton GBR 10.9 G. Birkemeyer (Köhler) GER 11.0
Gold Silver Bronze
1964 K. Balzer GER 10.5 T. Ciepla POL 10.5 P. Kilborn AUS 10.5
1968 M. Caird AUS 10.3 P. Kilborn AUS 10.4 Chi Cheng TPE 10.4

This event was replaced by the 100 m hurdles as from the Games held in 1972.

100 m hurdles

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 A. Ehrhardt GDR 12.59 V. Bufanu ROM 12.84 K. Balzer GDR 12.90
1976 J. Schaller GDR 12.77 T. Anissmova URS 12.78 N. Lebedeva URS 12.80
1980 V. Komissova URS 12.56 J. Klier (Schaller) GDR 12.63 L. Langer POL 12.65
1984 B. Fitzgerad-Brown USA 12.84 S. Strong GBR 12.88 K. Turner USA 13.06
M. Chardonnet FRA 13.06
1988 J. Donkova BUL 12.38 G. Siebert GDR 12.61 C. Zackiewicz FRG 12.75

400 m hurdles

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 N. El Moutawakel MAR 54.61 J. Brown USA 55.20 C. Cojocaru ROM 55.41
1988 D. Flintoff-King AUS 53.17 T. Ledovskaya URS 53.18 E. Fiedler GDR 53.63

High jump

Gold Silver Bronze

1928 E. Catherwood CAN 1.59 C. Gisolf NED 1.56 M. Wiley USA 1.56
1932 J. Shiley USA 1.65 M. Didrikson USA 1.65 E. Dawes CAN 1.60
1936 I. Csák HUN 1.60 D. Odam GBR 1.60 E. Kaun GER 1.60
1948 A. Coachman USA 1.68 D. Tyler (Odam) GBR 1.68 M. Ostermeyer FRA 1.61
1952 E. Brand SAF 1.67 S. Lerwill GBR 1.65 A. Chudina URS 1.63
1956 M. McDaniel USA 1.76 T. Hopkins GBR 1.67
M. Pissarieva URS 1.67
1960 I. Balas ROM 1.85 J. Józwiakowska POL 1.71
D. Shirley GBR 1.71
1964 I. Balas ROM 1.90 M. Brown (Mason) AUS 1.80 T. Chenchik URS 1.78
1968 M. Rezková TCH 1.82 A. Okorokova URS 1.80 V. Kozir URS 1.80
1972 U. Meyfarth FRG 1.92 Y. Blagoeva BUL 1.88 I. Gusenbauer AUT 1.88
1976 R. Ackermann GDR 1.93 S. Simeoni ITA 1.91 Y. Blagoeva BUL 1.91
1980 S. Simeoni ITA 1.97 U. Kielan POL 1.94 J. Kirst GDR 1.94
1984 U. Meyfarth FRG 2.02 S. Simeoni ITA 2.00 J. Huntley USA 1.97
1988 L. Ritter USA 2.03 S. Kostadinova BUL 2.01 T. Bikova URS 1.99

Long jump

Gold Silver Bronze

1948 O. Gyamati HUN 5.69 N. Simonetto ARG 5.60 A. B. Leyman SWE 5.57
de Portela
1952 Y. Williams NZL 6.24 A. Chudina URS 6.14 S. Cawley GBR 5.97
1956 E. Krzesinska POL 6.35 W. White USA 6.09 N. Dvalishvili (Jngkina) URS 6.07
1960 V. Krepkina URS 6.37 E. Krzesinska POL 6.27 H. Claus GER 6.21
1964 M. Rand GBR 6.76 I. Kirszenstein POL 6.60 T. Shchelkanova URS 6.42
1968 V. Viscopoleanu ROM 6.82 S. Sherwood GBR 6.68 T. Talisheva URS 6.66
1972 H. Rosendahl FRG 6.78 D. Yorgova BUL 6.77 E. Šuranova TCH 6.67
1976 A. Voigt GDR 6.72 K. McMillan USA 6.66 L. Alfeyeva URS 6.60
1980 T. Kolpakova URS 7.06 B. Wujak GDR 7.04 T. Skachko URS 7.01
1984 A. Cusmir-Stanciu ROM 6.96 V. lonescu ROM 6.81 S. Hearnshaw GBR 6.80
1988 J. Joyner-Kersee USA 7.40 H. Drechsler GDR 7.22 G. Chistiakova URS 7.11
Shot put

Gold Silver Bronze

1948 M. Ostermeyer FRA 13.75 A. Piccinini ITA 13.09 I. Schäffer AUT 13.08
1952 G. Zibina URS 15.28 M. Werner GER 14.57 K. Totxenova URS 14.50
1956 T. Tishkevich URS 16.59 G. Zibina URS 16.53 M. Werner GER 15.61
1960 T. Press URS 17.32 J. Lüttge GER 16.61 E. Brown USA 16.42
1964 T. Press URS 18.14 R. Garisch GER 17.61 G. Zibina URS 17.45
1968 M. Gummel GDR 19.61 M. Lange GDR 18.78 N. Chizhova URS 18.19
1972 N. Chizhova URS 21.03 M. Gummel GDR 20.22 I. Christova BUL 19.35
1976 I. Christova BUL 21.16 N. Chizhova URS 20.96 H. Fibingerová TCH 20.67
1980 I. Slupianek GDR 22.41 S. Krachevskaya URS 21.42 M. Pufe GDR 21.20
1984 C. Losch FRG 20.48 M. Loghin ROM 20.47 G. Martin AUS 19.19
1988 N. Lisovskaya URS 22.24 K. Neimke GDR 21.07 Li Meisu CHN 21.06


Gold Silver Bronze

1928 H. Konopacka POL 39.62 L. Copeland URS 37.08 R. Svedberg SWE 35.92
1932 L. Copeland URS 40.58 R. Osburn URS 40.12 J. Wajsówna POL 38.74
1936 G. Mauermayer GER 47.63 J. Wajsówna POL 46.22 P. Mollenhauer GER 39.80
1948 M. Ostermeyer FRA 41.92 E. Cordiale Gentile ITA 41.17 J. Mazéas FRA 40.47
1952 N. Romashkova URS 51.42 E. Bagriantseva URS 47.08 N. Dumbadze URS 46.29
1956 O. Fikotova TCH 53.69 I. Begliakova URS 52.54 N. Ponomareva URS 52.02
1960 N. Ponomareva URS 55.10 T. Press URS 52.59 L. Manoliu ROM 52.36
1964 T. Press URS 57.27 I. Lotz GER 57.21 L. Manoliu ROM 56.97
1968 L. Manoliu ROM 58.28 L. Westermann FRG 57.76 J. Kleiber HUN 54.90
1972 F. Melnik 66.62 A. Menis ROM
URS 65.06 V. Stoeva BUL 64.34
1976 E. Schlaak GDR 69.00 M. Vergova BUL 67.30 G. Hinzmann GDR 66.84
1980 E. Jahl (Schlaak) GDR 69.96 M. Petkova (Vergova) BUL 67.90 T. Lessovaya URS 67.40
1984 R. Stalman NED 65.36 L. Deniz USA 64.86 F. Craciunescu ROM 63.64
1988 M. Hellmann GDR 72.30 D. Gansky GDR 71.88 T. Jhristova BUL 69.74


Gold Silver Bronze

1932 M. Didrikson USA 43.68 E. Braumüller GER 43.49 T. Fleischer GER 43.00
1936 T. Fleischer GER 45.18 L. Krüger GER 43.29 M. Kwasniewska POL 41.80
1948 H. Bauma AUT 45.57 K. Parviainen FIN 43.79 L. Carlstedt DEN 42.08
1952 D. Zátopková TCH 50.47 A. Chudina URS 50.01 E. Gorchakova URS 49.76
1956 I. Yaunzeme URS 53.86 M. Ahrens CHI 50.38 N. Koniayeva URS 50.28
1960 E. Ozolina URS 55.98 D. Zátopková TCH 53.78 B. Kalediene URS 53.45
1964 M. Penes ROM 60.54 M. Rudas HUN 58.27 E. Gorchakova URS 57.06
1968 A. Németh HUN 60.36 M. Penes ROM 59.92 E. Janko AUT 58.04
1972 R. Fuchs GDR 63.88 J. Todten GDR 62.54 K. Schmidt USA 59.94
1976 R. Fuchs GDR 65.94 M. Becker FRG 64.70 K. Schmidt USA 63.96
1980 M. Colón Rueñes CUB 68.40 S. Gunba URS 67.76 U. Hommola GDR 66.56
1984 T. Sanderson GBR 69.56 T. Lillak FIN 69.00 F. Whitbread GBR 67.14
1988 P. Felke GDR 74.68 F. Whitbread GBR 70.32 B. Koch GDR 67.30


Gold Silver Bronze

1964 I. Press URS 5,246 M. Rand GBR 5,035 G. Bistrova URS 4,956
1968 I. Becker FRG 5,098 E. Prokop AUT 4,966 A. Tóth HUN 4,959
1972 M. Peters GBR 4,801 H. Rosendahl FRG 4,791 B. Pollak GDR 4,768
1976 S. Siegl GDR 4,745 C. Laser GDR 4,745 B. Pollak GDR 4,740
1980 N. Tkachenko URS 5,083 O. Rukavishnikova URS 4,937 O. Kuraguina URS 4,875

This event was replaced by the heptathlon as from the 1984 Games. The scoring system was changed in 1972.

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 G. Nunn AUS 6,390 J. Joyner USA 6,385 S. Everts FRG 6,363
1988 J. Joyner-Kersee USA 7,291 S. John GDR 6,897 A. Behmer GDR 6,858


Gold Silver Bronze



Gold Silver Bronze

400 1988 USA YUG URS

Light flyweight

Gold Silver Bronze

1968 F. Rodríguez VEN Y.-J. Jee KOR H. Marbley USA
H. Skrzypczak POL
1972 G. Gedo HUN U.-G. Kim PRK R. Evans GBR
E. Rodriguez Cal ESP
1976 J. Hernández CUB B.-U. Li PRK P. Pooltarat THA
O. Maldonado PUR
1980 S. Sabirov URS H. Ramos CUB I. Jiuseinov BUL
B.-U. Li PRK
1984 P. Gonzales USA S. Todisco ITA K. Mwila ZAM
J.M. Bolivar VEN
1988 I. Jristov (Jiuseihov) BUL M. Carbajal USA L. Serantes PHI
R. Isaszegi HUN

Weight limit: 48 kg.


Gold Silver Bronze

1904 G. Finnegan USA M. Burke USA
1920 F. Di Gennara USA A. Petersen DEN W. Cuthbertson GBR
1924 F. Labarba USA J. MacKenzie GBR R. Fee USA
1928 A. Kocsis HUN A. Appell FRA C. Cavagnoli ITA
1932 I. Énekes HUN F. Cabanas MEX L. Salica USA
1936 W. Kaiser GER G. Matta ITA L. D. Laurie USA
1948 P. Perez ARG S. Bandinelli ITA S. A. Han KOR
1952 N. Brooks USA E. Basel GER A. Bulakov URS
W. Toweel SAF
1956 T. Spinks GBR M. Dobrescu ROM J. Caldwell IRL
R. Libeer FRA
1960 G. Török HUN S. Sivko URS K. Tanabe JPN
A. Elguindi UAR
Gold Silver Bronze
1964 F. Atzori ITA A. Olech POL S. Sorokin URS
R. Carmody USA
1968 R. Delgado MEX A. Olech POL S. Oliveira BRA
L. Rwabwogo UGA
1972 G. Kostadinov BUL L. Rwabwogo UGA I. Blazynsky POL
D. Rodríguez CUB
1976 L. Randolph USA R. Duvalón CUB D. Torosian URS
L. Blazynsky POL
1980 P. Lessov BUL V. Miroshnichenko URS J. Váradi HUN
H. Russell IRL
1984 S. McCrory USA R. Redzepovski YUG E. Can TUR
I. Bilali KEN
1988 K.-S. Kim KOR A Tews GDR M. González MEX
T. Skriabin URS

Weight limit. 51 kg from 1948. 47.63 kg in 1904. 50.80 kg from 1920 to 1936.


Gold Silver Bronze

1904 O. Kirk USA G. Finnegan USA
1908 A. H. Thomas GBR J. Condon GBR W. Webb GBR
1920 C. Walker SAF C. J. Graham CAN G. McKenzie GBR
1924 W. Smith SAF S. Tripoli USA J. Ces FRA
1928 V. Tamagrini ITA J. Daley USA H. Isaacs SAF
1932 H. Gwynne CAN H. Ziglarski GER J. Villanueva PHI
1936 U. Sergo ITA J. Wilson USA F. Ortiz MEX
1948 T. Csik HUN G. B. Zuddas ITA J. Venegas PUR
1952 P. Hämäläinen FIN J. McNally IRL G. Garbuzov URS
J.-H. Kang KOR
1956 W. Behrendt GER S.-C. Song KOR F. Gilroy IRL
C. Barrientos CHI 401
1960 O. Grigoriev URS P. Zamparini ITA O. Taylor AUS
B. Bendig POL
1964 T. Sakurai JPN S.-C. Chung KOR J. Fabila Mendoza MEX
W. Rodríguez URU
1968 W. Sokolov URS E. Mukwanga UGA E. Morioka JPN
K.-C. Chang KOR
1972 O. Martinez CUB A. Zamora MEX G. Turpin GBR
R. Carreras USA
1976 Y.-J. Gu PRK C. Mooney USA P. Cowdell GBR
V. Ribakov URS
1980 J. Hernandez CUB B. J. Pinango VEN M. Anthony GUY
D. Cipere ROM
1984 M. Stecca ITA H. López MEX D. Walters CAN
P. I. Nolasco DOM
1988 K. McKinney USA A. Jhristov BUL J. E. Rocha COL
P. Moolsan THA

Weight limit: 54 kg from 1948. 52.16 kg in 1904. 52.62 kg in 1908. 53.52 kg from 1920 to 1936.


Gold Silver Bronze

1904 O. Kirk USA F. Haller USA F. Gilmore USA
1908 R. Gunn GBR C. W. Morris GBR R. Roddin GBR
1920 P. Fritsch FRA J. Gachet FRA E. Garzena ITA
1924 J. Fields USA J. Salas USA P. Quartucci ARG
1928 L. van Klaveren NED V. Peralta ARG H. Divine USA
1932 C. Robledo ARG J. Schleinkofer GER C. Carlsson SWE
1936 O. Casanovas ARG C. Catterall SAF J. Miner GER
1948 E. Formenti ITA D. Shepherd SAF A. Antkiewicz POL
1952 J. Zachara TCH S. Caprari ITA J. Leisching SAF
J. Ventaja FRA
1956 V. Safronov URS T. Nicholls GBR H. Niedžwiedzki POL
P. Hämäläinen FIN
1960 F. Musso ITA J. Adamski POL W. Meyers SAF
J. Limmonen FIN
1964 S. Stepashkin URS A. Villanueva PHI C. Brown USA
H. Schulz GER
Gold Silver Bronze
1968 A. Roldán MEX A. Robinson USA P. Waruinge KEN
I. Mijailov BUL
1972 B. Kuznetsov URS P. Waruinge KEN C. Rojas COL
A. Botos HUN
1976 A. Herrera CUB R. Nowakowski GDR J. Paredes MEX
K. Kosedowski POL
1980 R. Fink GDR A. Horta CUB V. Ribakov URS
K. Kosedowski POL
1984 M. Taylor USA P. Konyegwachie NGR O. Catari Peraza VEN
T. Aykac TUR
1988 G. Parisi ITA D. Dumitrescu ROM J.-H. Lee KOR
A. Achik MAR

Weight limit: 57 kg from 1952. 56.70 kg in 1904. 57.15 kg from 1908 to 1936. 58 kg in 1948.


Gold Silver Bronze

1904 H. Spanger USA J. Eagan USA R. Van Horn USA
1908 F. Grace GBR F. Spiller GBR H. H. Johnson GBR
1920 S. Mosberg USA G. Johanssen DEN C. Newton CAN
1924 H. Nielsen DEN A. Copello ARG F. Boylstein USA
1928 C. Orlandi ITA S. Halaiko USA G. Berggren SWE
1932 L. Stevens SAF T. Ahlqvist SWE N. Bor USA
1936 I. Harangi HUN N. Stepulov EST E. Ågren SWE
1948 G. Dreyer SAF J. Vissers BEL S. Wad DEN
1952 A. Bolognesi ITA A. Antkiewicz POL G. Fiat ROM
E. Pakkanen FIN
1956 R. McTaggart GBR H. Kurschat GER A. Byrne IRL
A. Laguetko URS
1960 K. Pazdzior POL S. Lopopolo ITA R. McTaggart GBR
402 A. Laudonio ARG
1964 J. Grudzien POL V. Barannikov URS R. A. Harris USA
J. McCourt IRL
1968 R. W. Harris USA J. Grudzien POL C. Cutov ROM
Z. Vujin YUG
1972 J. Szczepanski POL L. Orbán HUN S. Mbugua KEN
A. Pérez COL
1976 H. Davis USA S. Cutov ROM A. Rusevski YUG
V. Solomin URS
1980 A. Herrera CUB V. Demianenko URS R. Nowakowski GDR
K. Adach POL
1984 P. Whitaker USA L. Ortiz PUR M. Ndongo Ebanga CMR
C.-S. Chun KOR
1988 A. Zuelow GDR G. Cramne SWE N. Enkhbat MGL
R. Ellis USA

Weight limit: 60 kg from 1952. 61.24 kg in 1904 and from 1920 to 1936. 63.50 kg in 1908. 62 kg in 1948.

Light welterweight

Gold Silver Bronze

1952 C. Adkins USA V. Mednov URS E. Mallenius FIN
B. Visintin ITA
1956 V. Yenguibarian URS F. Nenci ITA H. Loubscher SAF
C. Dumitrescu ROM
1960 B. Nemecek TCH C. Quartey GHA Q. Daniels USA
M. Kasprzyk POL
1964 J. Kulej POL E. Frolov URS E. Blay GHA
H. Galhia TUN
1968 J. Kulej POL E. Regüeiferos CUB A. Nilsson FIN
J. Wallington USA
1972 R. Seales USA A. Anguelov BUL Z. Vujin YUG
I. Dabord NIG
1976 R. Leonard USA A. Aldama CUB V. Kolev BUL
K. Szczerba POL
1980 P. Oliva ITA S. Konakbayev URS A. Willis GBR
J. Aguilar CUB
Gold Silver Bronze
1984 J. Page USA D. Umponmaha THA M. Puzovic YUG
M. Fulger ROM
1988 V. Yanovski URS G. Cheney AUS R. Gies GDR
L. Myrberg SWE

Weight limit: 63.5 kg.


Gold Silver Bronze

1904 A. Young USA H. Spanger USA J. Lydon USA
J. Eagan USA
1920 A. Schneider CAN A. Ireland GBR F. Colberg USA
1924 J. Delarge BEL H. Méndez ARG D. Lewis CAN
1928 E. Morgan NZL R. Landini ARG R. Smillie CAN
1932 E. Flynn USA E. Campe GER B. Ahlberg FIN
1936 S. Suvio FIN M. Murach GER G. Petersen DEN
1948 J. Torma TCH H. Herring USA A. d'Ottavio ITA
1952 Z. Chychla POL S. Shcherbakov URS J. Jörgensen DEN
G. Heidemann GER
1956 N. Linca ROM F. Tiedt IRL K. Hogarth AUS
N. Gargano GBR
1960 G. Benvenuti ITA Y. Radoniak URS L. Drogosz POL
J. Lloyd GBR
1964 M. Kasprzyk POL R. Tamulis URS P. Purhonen FIN
S. Bertini ITA
1968 M. Volke GDR J. Bessala CMR V. Mussalimov URS
M. Guilloti ARG
1972 E. Correa CUB J. Kajdi HUN D. Tiger Murunga KEN
J. Valdez USA
1976 J. Bachfeld GDR P. Gamarro VEN R. Skricek FRG
V. Zilberman ROM
1980 A. Aldama CUB J. Mugabi UGA K.-H. Krüger GDR
K. Szczerba POL
1984 M. Breland USA Y.-S. An KOR J. Nyman FIN
L. Bruno ITA
1988 R. Wangila KEN L. Boudouani FRA K. Gould USA
J. Dydak POL

Weight limit: 67 kg from 1948. 65.27 kg in 1904. 66.68 kg from 1920 to 1936.

Light middleweight

Gold Silver Bronze

1952 L. Papp HUN T. van Schalkwyk SAF B. Tishin URS
E. Herrera ARG
1956 L. Papp HUN J. Torres USA J. McCormack GBR
Z. Pietrzykowski POL
1960 W. McClure USA C. Bossi ITA B. Lagutin URS
W. Fisher GBR
1964 B. Lagutin URS J. Gonzales FRA N. Maiyegun NGR
J. Grzesiak POL
1968 B. Lagutin URS R. Garbey CUB J. Baldwin USA
G. Meier FRG
1972 D. Kottysch FRG W. Rudkowski POL A. Minter GBR
P. Tiepold GDR
1976 J. Rybicki POL T. Kacar YUG R. Garbey CUB
V. Savchenko URS
1980 A. Martínez CUB A. Koshkin URS F. Franek TCH
D. Kästner GDR
1984 F. Tate USA S. O'Sullivan CAN M. Zielonka FRG
C. Tiozzo FRA
1988 S.-H. Park KOR R. Jones USA R. Woodhall GBR
R. Downey CAN

Weight limit: 71 kg.


Gold Silver Bronze

1904 C. Mayer USA B. Spradley USA
1908 J. Douglas GBR R. Baker AUS W. Philo GBR
1920 H. Mallin GBR G. A. Prud'homme CAN M. H. Herscovith CAN
1924 H. Mallin GBR J. Elliott GBR J. Beecken BEL
1928 P. Toscani ITA J. Hermánek TCH L. Steyaert BEL
1932 C. Barth USA A. Azar ARG E. Pierce SAF
1936 J. Despeaux FRA H. Tiller NOR R. Villareal ARG
1948 L. Papp HUN J. Wright GBR I. Fontana ITA
1952 F. Patterson USA V. Tita ROM B. Nikolov BUL
S. Sjölin SWE
1956 G. Shatkov URS R. Tapia CHI G. Chapron FRA
V. Zalazar ARG
1960 E. Crook USA T. Walasek POL I. Monea ROM
E. Feofanov URS
1964 V. Popenchenko URS E. Schulz GER F. Valla ITA
T. Walasek POL
1968 C. Finnegan GBR A. Kisseliov URS A. Zaragoza MEX
A. Jones USA
1972 V. Lemeshev URS R. Virtanen FIN P. Amartey GHA
M. Johnson USA
1976 M. Spinks USA R. Riskiev URS A. Nastac ROM
L. Martínez CUB
1980 J. Gomez CUB V. Savchenko URS V. Silaghi ROM
J. Rybicki POL
1984 J.-S. Shin KOR V. Hill USA M. Zaoui ALG
A. González PUR
1988 H. Maske GDR E. Marcus CAN C. Sande KEN
H. S. Syed PAK

Weight limit: 75 kg from 1952. 71.68 kg in 1904 and 1908. 72.57 kg from 1920 to 1936. 73 kg in 1948.

404 Light heavyweight

Gold Silver Bronze

1920 E. Eagan USA S. Sörsdal NOR H. Franks GBR
1924 H. Mitchell GBR T. Peterson DEN S. Sörsdal NOR
1928 V. Avendaño ARG E. Pistulla GER K. L. Miljon NED
1932 D. Carstens SAF G. Rossi ITA P. Jörgensen DEN
1936 R. Michelot FRA R. Vogt GER F. Risiglione ARG
1948 G. Hunter SAF D. Scott GBR M. Cia ARG
1952 N. Lee USA A. Pacenza ARG A. Perov URS
H. Siljander FIN
1956 J. Boyd USA G. Negrea ROM C. Lucas CHI
R. Murauskas URS
1960 C. Clay USA Z. Pietrzykowski POL A. Madigan AUS
G. Saraudi ITA
1964 C. Pinto ITA A. Kisseliov URS A. Nikolov BUL
Z. Pietrzykowski POL
1968 D. Pozniak URS I. Monea ROM G. Stankov BUL
S. Dragan POL
1972 M. Parlow YUG G. Carrillo CUB I. Ikhouria NGR
J. Gortat POL
1976 L. Spinks USA S. Soria CUB C. Dafinoiu ROM
J. Gortat POL
1980 S. Kacar YUG P. Skrzecz POL H. Bauch GDR
R. Rojas CUB
1984 A. Josipovic YUG K. Barry NZL M. Moussa ALG
E. Holyfield USA
1988 A. Maynard USA N. Shannivazov URS D. Škaro YUG
H. Petrich POL

Weight limit: 81 kg from 1952. 79.38 kg from 1920 to 1936. 80 kg in 1948.


Gold Silver Bronze

1904 S. Berger USA C. Mayer USA W. Michaels USA
1908 A. Oldham GBR S. C. H. Evans GBR F. Parks GBR
Gold Silver Bronze
1920 R. Rawson GBR S. Petersen DEN X. Eluère FRA
1924 O. von Porat NOR S. Petersen DEN A. Porzio ARG
1928 A. Rodríguez Jurado ARG N. Ramm SWE M. J. Michaelsen DEN
1932 S. Lovell ARG L. Rovati ITA F. Feary USA
1936 H. Runge GER G. Lovell ARG E. Nilsen NOR
1948 R. Iglesias ARG G. Nilsson SWE J. Arthur SAF
1952 H. E. Sanders USA I. Johansson SWE A. Nieman SAF
I. Koski FIN
1956 T. P. Rademacher USA L. Mujin URS D. Bekker SAF
G. Bozzano ITA
1960 F. de Piccoli ITA D. Bekker SAF J. Nemec TCH
G. Siegmund GER
1964 J. Frazier USA H. Huber GER G. Ros ITA
V. Yemelianov URS
1968 G. Foreman USA I. Chepulis URS G. Bambini ITA
J. Rocha MEX
1972 T. Stevenson CUB I. Alexe ROM P. Hussing FRG
H. Thomsén SWE
1976 T. Stevenson CUB M. Simon ROM J. Tate USA
C. Hill BER
1980 T. Stevenson CUB P. Zayev URS I. Levai HUN
J. Fanghänel GDR
1984 H. Tillman USA W. deWit CAN A. Vanderlijde NED
A. Musone ITA
1988 R. Mercer USA H.-M. Baik KOR A. Vanderlijde NED
A. Golota POL

Weight limit: 91 kg from 1984. In 1904 and 1908, this category was reserved for boxers weighing 71.67 kg. Over 79.38 kg from 1920 to 1936. Over 80 kg in 1948.
Over 81 kg from 1952 to 1980. I. Johansson was disqualified from the 1952 final for "not giving of his best" but was reinstated and awarded the silver medal by IOC in

Super heavyweight

Gold Silver Bronze
1984 T. Biggs USA F. Damiani ITA R. Wells GBR
S. Azis YUG
1988 L. Lewis CAN R. Bo we USA A. Miroshnichenko URS
J. Zarenkiewicz POL

Over 91 kg.

Flat water
k1 500 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1976 V. Diba ROM 1:46.41 Z. Sztanity HUN 1:46.95 R. Helm GDR 1:48.30
1980 V. Parfenovich URS 1:43.43 J. Sumegi AUS 1:44.12 V. Diba ROM 1:44.90
1984 I. Ferguson NZL 1:47.84 L.-E. Moberg SWE 1:48.18 B. Brégeon FRA 1:48.41
1988 Z. Gyulay HUN 1:44.82 A. Stähle GDR 1:46.38 P. MacDonald NZL 1:46.46

Flat water
k2 500 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1976 GDR 1:35.87 URS 1:36.81 ROM 1:37.43
1980 URS 1:32.38 ESP 1:33.65 GDR 1:34.00
1984 NZL 1:34.21 SWE 1:35.26 CAN 1:35.41
1988 NZL 1:33.98 URS 1:34.15 HUN 1:34.32

Flat water
k2 1,000 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1936 G. Hradetzky AUT 4:22.9 H. Cämmerer GER 4:25.6 J. Kraaier NED 4:35.1
1948 G. Fredriksson SWE 4:33.2 J. F. Kobberup DEN 4:39.9 H. Eberhardt FRA 4:41.4
Gold Silver Bronze
1952 G. Fredriksson SWE 4:07.9 T. Strömberg FIN 4:09.7 L. Gantois FRA 4:20.1
1956 G. Fredriksson SWE 4:12.8 I. Pisarev URS 4:15.3 L. Kiss HUN 4:16.2
1960 E. Hansen DEN 3:53.00 I. Szöllösi HUN 3:54.02 G. Fredriksson SWE 3:55.89
1964 R. Peterson SWE 3:57.13 M. Hesz HUN 3:57.28 A. Vernescu ROM 4:00.77
1968 M. Hesz HUN 4:02.63 A. Chaparenko URS 4:03.58 E. Hansen DEN 4:04.39
1972 A. Chaparenko URS 3:48.06 R. Peterson SWE 3:48.35 G. Csapó HUN 3:49.38
1976 R. Helm GDR 3:48.20 G. Csapó HUN 3:48.84 V. Diba ROM 3:49.65
1980 R. Helm GDR 3:48.77 A. Lebas FRA 3:50.20 I. Birladeanu ROM 3:50.49
1984 A. Thompson NZL 3:45.73 M. Janic YUG 3:46.88 G. Barton USA 3:47.38
1988 G. Barton USA 3:55.27 G. Davies AUS 3:55.28 A. Wohllebe GDR 3:55.55

Flat water
k2 1,000 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1936 AUT 4:03.8 GER 4:08.9 NED 4:12.2
1948 SWE 4:07.3 DEN 4:07.5 FIN 4:08.7
1952 FIN 3:51.1 SWE 3:51.1 AUT 3:51.4
1956 GER 3:49.6 URS 3:51.4 AUT 3:55.8
1960 SWE 3:34.73 HUN 3:34.91 POL 3:37.34
1964 SWE 3:38.54 NED 3:39.30 GER 3:40.69
1968 URS 3:37.54 HUN 3:38.44 AUT 3:40.71
1972 URS 3:31.23 HUN 3:32.00 POL 3:33.83
1976 URS 3:29.01 GDR 3:29.33 HUN 3:30.36
1980 URS 3:26.72 HUN 3:28.49 ESP 3:28.66
1984 CAN 3:24.22 FRA 3:25.97 AUS 3:26.80
1988 USA 3:32.42 NZL 3:32.71 AUS 3:33.76

Flat water
k4 1,000 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1964 URS 3:14.67 GER 3:15.39 ROM 3:15.51
1968 NOR 3:14.38 ROM 3:14.81 HUN 3:15.10
1972 URS 3:14.02 ROM 3:15.07 NOR 3:15.27
1976 URS 3:08.69 ESP 3:08.95 GDR 3:10.76
1980 GDR 3:13.76 ROM 3:15.35 BUL 3:15.46
1984 NZL 3:02.28 SWE 3:02.81 FRA 3:03.94
1988 HUN 3:00.20 URS 3:01.40 GDR 3:02.37

Flat water
c1 500 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1976 A. Rogov URS 1:59.23 J. Wood CAN 1:59.58 M. Ljubek YUG 1:59.60
1980 S. Postrejin URS 1:53.37 L. Liubenov BUL 1:53.49 O. Heukrodt GDR 1:54.38
1984 L. Cain CAN 1:57.01 H. Jakobsen DEN 1:58.45 C. Olaru ROM 1:59.86
1988 O. Heukrodt GDR 1:56.42 M. Slivinski URS 1:57.26 M. Marinov BUL 1:57.27

Flat water
c2 500 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1976 URS 1:45.81 POL 1:47.77 HUN 1:48.35
1980 HUN 1:43.39 ROM 1:44.12 BUL 1:44.83
1984 YUG 1:43.67 ROM 1:45.68 ESP 1:47.71
1988 URS 1:41.77 POL 1:43.61 FRA 1:43.81
Flat water
c1 1,000 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1936 F. Amyot CAN 5:32.1 B. Karlik TCH 5:36.9 E. Koschik GER 5:39.0
1948 J. Holecek TCH 5:42.0 D. Bennett CAN 5:53.3 R. Boutigny FRA 5:55.9
1952 J. Holecek TCH 4:56.3 J. Parti HUN 5:03.6 O. Ojanperä FIN 5:08.5
1956 L. Rotman ROM 5:05.3 I. Hemek HUN 5:06.2 G. Bujarin URS 5:12.7
1960 J. Parti HUN 4:33.93 A. Silayev URS 4:34.41 L. Rotmann ROM 4:35.87
1964 J. Eschert GER 4:35.14 A. Igorov ROM 4:37.89 E. Peniajen URS 4:38.31
1968 T. Tatai HUN 4:36.14 D. Lewe FRG 4:38.31 V. Galkov URS 4:40.42
1972 I. Patzaichin ROM 4:08.94 T. Wichmann HUN 4:12.42 D. Lewe FRG 4:13.63
1976 M. Ljubek YUG 4:09.51 V. Urchenko URS 4:12.57 T. Wichmann HUN 4:14.11
1980 L. Liubenov BUL 4:12.38 S. Postrejin URS 4:13.53 E. Leue GDR 4:15.02
1984 U. Eicke FRG 4:06.32 L. Cain CAN 4:08.67 H. Jakobsen DEN 4:09.51
1988 I. Klementiev URS 4:12.78 J. Schmidt GDR 4:15.83 N. Bujalov BUL 4:18.94

Flat water
c2 1,000 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1936 TCH 4:50.1 AUT 4:53.8 CAN 4:56.7
1948 TCH 5:07.1 USA 5:08.2 FRA 5:15.2
1952 DEN 4:38.3 TCH 4:42.9 GER 4:48.3
1956 ROM 4:47.4 URS 4:48.6 HUN 4:54.3
1960 URS 4:17.94 ITA 4:20.77 HUN 4:20.89
1964 URS 4:04.64 FRA 4:06.52 DEN 4:07.48
1968 ROM 4:07.18 HUN 4:08.77 URS 4:11.30
1972 URS 3:52.60 ROM 3:52.63 BUL 3:58.10
1976 URS 3:52.76 ROM 3:54.28 HUN 3:55.66
1980 ROM 3:47.65 GDR 3:49.93 URS 3:51.28
1984 ROM 3:40.60 YUG 3:41.56 FRA 3:48.01
1988 URS 3:48.36 GDR 3:51.44 POL 3:54.33

Slalom k 1

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 S. Horn GDR 268.56 N. Sattler AUT 270.76 H. Gimpel GDR 277.95

Slalom c1

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 R. Eiben GDR 315. 84 R. Kauder FRG 327.89 J. McEwan USA 335.95

Slalom c2

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 GDR 310.68 FRG 311.90 FRA 315.10

Flat water
k1 500 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1948 K. Hoff DEN 2:31.9 A. van der NED 2:32.8 F. Schwingl AUT 2:32.9
1952 S. Saimo FIN 2:18.4 G. Liebbhart AUT 2:18.8 N. Savina URS 2:21.6
1956 E. Dementieva URS 2:18.9 T. Zenz GER 2:19.6 T. Söby DEN 2:22.3
1960 A. Seredina URS 2:08.08 T. Zenz GER 2:08.22 D. Walkowiak POL 2:10.46
1964 L. Jvedosiuk URS 2:12.87 H. Lauer ROM 2:15.35 M. Jones USA 2:15.68
Gold Silver Bronze
1968 L. Pinayeva URS 2:11.09 R. Breuer FRG 2:12.71 V. Dumitru ROM 2:13.22
1972 I. Riabchinskaya URS 2:03.17 M. Jaapies NED 2:04.03 A. Pfeffer HUN 2:05.50
1976 C. Zirzow GDR 2:01.05 T. Korshunova URS 2:03.07 K. Rajnai HUN 2:05.01
1980 B. Fischer GDR 1:57.96 V. Guesheva BUL 1:59.48 A. Melnikova URS 1:59.66
1984 A. Andersson SWE 1:58.72 B. Schüttpelz FRG 1:59.93 A. Derckx NED 2:00.11
1988 V. Guesheva URS 1:55.19 B. Schmidt GDR 1:55.31 I. Dylewska POL 1:57.38

Flat water
k2 500 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1960 URS 1:54.76 GER 1:56.66 HUN 1:58.22
1964 GER 1:56.95 USA 1:59.16 ROM 2:00.25
1968 FRG 1:56.44 HUN 1:58.60 URS 1:58.61
1972 URS 1:53.50 GDR 1:54.30 ROM 1:55.01
1976 URS 1:51.15 HUN 1:51.69 GDR 1:51.81
1980 GDR 1:43.88 URS 1:46.91 HUN 1:47.95
1984 SWE 1:45.25 CAN 1:47.13 FRG 1:47.32
1988 GDR 1 :43.46 BUL 1:44.06 NED 1:46.00

Flat water
k4 500 m

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 ROM 1:38.34 SWE 1:38.87 CAN 1:39.40
1988 GDR 1:40.78 HUN 1:41.88 BUL 1:42.63
Slalom k1

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 A. Bahmann GDR 364.50 G. Grothaus FRG 398.15 M. Wunderlich FRG 400.50

Kilometre time trial

Gold Silver Bronze

1928 W. Falck-Hansen DE 1:14.4 G. Bosch E. Gray AUS 1:15.6
van Drakestein NED 1:15.2
1932 E. Gray AUS 1:13.0 J. van Egmond NED 1:13.3 G. Rampelbergt FRA 1:13.4
1936 A. van Vliet NED 1:12.0 P. Georget FRA 1:12.8 R. Karsch GER 1:13.2
1948 J. Dupont FRA 1:13.5 P. Nihant BEL 1:14.5 T. Godwin GBR 1:15.0
1952 R. Mockridge AUS 1:11.1 M. Morettini ITA 1:12.7 R. Robinson SAF 1:13.0
1956 L. Faggin ITA 1:09.8 L. Foucek TCH 1:11.4 A. Swift SAF 1:11.6
1960 S. Gaiardoni ITA 1:07.27 D. Gieseler GER 1:08.75 R. Vargashkin URS 1:08.86
1964 P. Sercu BEL 1:09.59 G. Pettenella ITA 1:10.09 P. Trentin FRA 1:10.42
1968 P. Trentin FRA 1:03.91 N. Fredborg DEN 1:04.61 J. Kierzkowski POL 1:04.63
1972 N. Fredborg DEN 1:06.44 D. Clark AUS 1:06.87 J. Schütze GDR 1:07.02
1976 K. Grünke GDR 1:05.927 M. Vaarten BEL 1:07.516 N. Fredborg DEN 1:07.617
1980 L. Thorns GDR 1:02.955 A. Panfilov URS 1:04.845 D. Weller JAM 1:05.241
1984 F. Schmidtke FRG 1:06.10 C. Harnett CAN 1:06.44 F. Colas FRA 1:06.65
1988 A. Kiritxenko URS 1:04.499 M. Vinnicombe AUS 1:04.784 R. Lechner GDR 1:05.114


Gold Silver Bronze

1896 P. Masson FRA S. Nikolopoulos GRE L. Flameng FRA
1900 G. Taillandier FRA F. Sanz FRA J.H. Lake USA
1920 M. Peeters NED H. T. Johnson GBR H. Ryan GBR
Gold Silver Bronze
1924 L. Michard FRA J. Meijer NED J. Cugnot FRA
1928 R. Beaufrand FRA A. Mazairac NED W. Falck-Hansen DEN
1932 J. van Egmond NED L. Chailtot FRA B. Pellizzari ITA
1936 T. Merkens GER A. van Vliet NED L. Chaillot FRA
1948 M. Ghella ITA R. Harris GBR A. Schandorff DEN
1952 E. Sacchi ITA L. Cox AUS W. Potzemheim GER
1956 M. Rousseau FRA G. Pesenti ITA R. Ploog AUS
1960 S. Gaiardoni ITA L Sterckx BEL V. Gasparella ITA
1964 G. Pettenella ITA S. Bianchetto ITA D. Morelon FRA
1968 D. Morelon FRA G. Turrini ITA P. Trenitn FRA
1972 D. Morelon FRA J. M. Nicholson AUS O. Pjakadze URS
1976 A. Tkác TCH D. Morelon FRA H. J. Geschke GDR
1980 L. Hesslich GDR Y. Cahard FRA S. Kopilov URS
1984 M. Gorski USA N. Vails USA T. Sakamoto JPN
1988 L. Hesslich GDR N. Kovshe URS G. Neiwand AUS

Individual pursuit

Gold Silver Bronze

1964 J. Daler TCH 5:04.75 G. Ursi ITA 5:05.96 P. Isaksson DEN 5:01.90
1968 D. Rebillard FRA 4:41.71 M. F. Jensen DEN 4:42.43 X. Kurmann SUI 4:39.42
1972 K. Knudsen NOR 4:45.74 X. Kumann SUI 4:51.96 H. Lutz FRG 4:50.80
1976 G. Braun FRG 4:47.61 H. Ponsteen NED 4:49.72 T. Huschke GDR 4:52.71
1980 R. Dill-Bundi SUI 4:35.66 A. Bondue FRA 4:42.96 H.-H. Örsted DEN 4:36.54
1984 S. Hegg USA 4:39.35 R. Golz FRG 4:43.82 L. H. Nitz USA 4:44.03
1988 G. Umaras URS 4:32.00 D. Woods AUS 4:35.00 B. Dittert GDR 4:34.17

Bronze medal times are set in a separate race for third place and as such can be faster than those recorded for first or second place.
Team pursuit

Gold Silver Bronze

1920 ITA 5:20.0 GBR SAF
1924 ITA 5:15.0 POL BEL
1928 ITA 5:01.8 NED 5:06.2 GBR 5:02.4
1932 ITA 4:53.0 FRA 4:55.7 GBR 4:56.0
1936 FRA 4:45.0 ITA 4:51.0 GBR 4:53.6
1948 FRA 4:57.8 ITA 5:36.7 GBR 4:55.8
1952 ITA 4:46.1 SAF 4:53.6 GBR 4:51.5
1956 ITA 4:37.4 FRA 4:39.4 GBR 4:42.2
1960 ITA 4:30.90 GER 4:35.78 URS 4:34.05
1964 GER 4:35.67 ITA 4:35.74 NED 4:38.99
1968 DEN 4:22.44 FRG 4:18.94 ITA 4:18.35
1972 FRG 4:22.14 GDR 4:25.25 GBR 4:23.78
1976 FRG 4:21.06 URS 4:27.15 GBR 4:22.41
1980 URS 4:15.70 GDR 4:19.67 TCH
1984 AUS 4:25.99 USA 4:29.85 FRG 4:25.60
1988 URS 4:13.31 GDR 4:14.09 AUS 4:16.02

Bronze medal times are set in a separate race for third place and as such can be faster than those recorded for first or second place. The Federal Republic of Germany
won the final of the 1968 Games but were disqualified. In 1980 Italy were disqualified from the third place race.

Individual points race

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 R. llegems BEL U. Messerschmidt FRG J. M. Youshimatz MEX
1988 D. Frost DEN L. Peelen NED M. Ganeyev URS
Individual road race

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 A. Konstantinidis GRE 3:22:31.0 A. Goedrich GER 3:42:18.0 F. Battel GBR
1912 H. Lewis SAF 10:42:39.0 F. Grubb GBR 10:51:24.2 C. Schutte USA 10:52:38.8
1920 H. Stenqvist SWE 4:40:01.8 H. J. Kaltenbrun SAF 4:41:26.6 F. Canteloube FRA 4:42:54.4
1924 A. Blanchonnet FRA 6:20:48.0 H. Hoevenaers BEL 6:30:27.0 R. Hamel FRA 6:30:51.6
1928 H. Hansen DEN 4:47:18.0 F. W. Southall GBR 4:55:06.0 G. Carlsson SWE 5:00:17.0
1932 A. Pavesi ITA 2:28:05.6 G. Segato ITA 2:29:21.4 B. Britz SWE 2:29:45.2
1936 R. Charpentier FRA 2:33:05.0 G. Lapébie FRA 2:33:05.2 E. Nievergelt SUI 2:33:05.8
1948 J. Beyaert FRA 5:18:12.6 G. P. Voorting NED 5:18:16.2 L. Wouters BEL 5:18:16.2
1952 A. Noyelle BEL 5:06:03.4 R. Grondelaers BEL 5:06:51.2 E. Ziegler GER 5:07:47.5
1956 E. Baldini ITA 5:21:17.0 A. Geyre FRA 5:23:16.0 A. Jackson GBR 5:23:16.0
1960 V. Kapitonov URS 4:20:37.0 L. Trapè ITA 4:20:37.0 W. van den Berghen BEL 4:20:57.0
1964 M. Zanin ITA 4:39:51.63 K. A. Rodian DEN 4:39:51.65 W. Godefroot BEL 4:39:51.74
1968 P. Vianelli ITA 4:41:25.24 L. Mortensen DEN 4:42:49.71 G. Pettersson SWE 4:43:15.24
1972 H. Kuiper NED 4:14:37.0 K. C. Sefton AUS 4:15:04.0 B. Diddle NZE 4:15:04.0
1976 B. Johansson SWE 4:46:52.0 G. Martinelli ITA 4:47:23.0 M. Nowicki POL 4:47:23.0
1980 S. Sujoruchenkov URS 4:48:28.9 C. Lang POL 4:51:26.9 Y. Barinov URS 4:51:26.9
1984 A. Grewal USA 4:59:57 S. Bauer CAN 4:59:57 D. O. Lauritzen NOR 5:00:18
1988 O. Ludwig GDR 4:32:22 B. Gröne FRG 4:32:46 C. Henn FRG 4:32:46

This event has taken place over the following distances: 1896: 87 km. 1912: 320 km. 1920:175 km. 1924:188 km. 1928:168 km. 1932:100 km. 1936:100 km 1948:
194.63 km. 1952: 190.4 km. 1956: 187.73 km. 1960: 175.38 km. 1964: 194.83 km. 1968: 162.2 km. 1972: 200 km. 1976: 175 km. 1980: 189 km. 1984: 190.2 km.
1988: 196.80. In 1972 the Spanish team member J. Huélamo, who obtained third place, was disqualified for doping and the bronze medal was awarded to the New
Zealander B. Biddle.

Team road race

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 SWE 44:35:33.6 GBR 44:44:39.2 USA 44:47:55.5
1920 FRA 19:16:43.2 SWE 19:23:10.0 BEL 19:28:44.4
1924 FRA 19:30:14.0 BEL 19:46:55.4 SWE 19:59:41.6
1928 DEN 15:09:14.0 GBR 15:14:49.0 SWE 15:27:49.0
1932 ITA 7:27:15.2 DEN 7:38:50.2 SWE 7:39:12.6
1936 FRA 7:39:16.2 SUI 7:39:20.4 BEL 7:39:21.0
1948 BEL 15:58:17.4 GBR 16:03:31.6 FRA 16:08:19.4
1952 BEL 15:20:46.6 ITA 15:33:27.3 FRA 15:38:58.1
1956 FRA 22 GBR 23 GER 27

This event was substituted by the 100 km team trial from the 1960 Games onward. It was held together with the individual road race.

100 km team time trial

Gold Silver Bronze

1960 ITA 2:14:33.53 GER 2:16:56.31 URS 2:18:41.67
1964 NED 2:26:31.19 ITA 2:26:55.39 SWE 2:27:11.52
1968 NED 2:07:49.06 SWE 2:09:26.60 ITA 2:10:18.74
1972 URS 2:11:17.8 POL 2:11:47.5 BEL 2:12:36.7
1976 URS 2:08:53 POL 2:09:13 DEN 2:12:20
1980 URS 2:01:21.7 GDR 2:02:53.2 TCH 2:02:53.9
1984 ITA 1:58:28 SUI 2:02:38 USA 2:02:46
1988 GDR 1:57:47.7 POL 1:57:54.2 SWE 1:59:47.3

The distance was 109.89 km in 1964 and 104 km in 1968. The Netherlands team finished in third place in 1972 but were disqualified for doping. The bronze medal was
subsequently awarded to the Belgian team.


Gold Silver Bronze

1988 E. Salumäe URS C. Rothenburguer GDR C. Paraskevin-Young USA
Individual road race

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 C. Carpenter-Phinney USA 2:11:14 R. Twigg USA 2:11:14 S. Schumacher FRG 2:11:14
1988 M. Knol NED 2:00:52 J. Niehaus FRG 2:00:52 L. Zilporitee URS 2:00:52

This event has been held over the following distances: 1984: 79.2 km. 1988: 82 km.

Equestrian Sports
Individual dressage

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 C. Bonde (Emperor) SWE 15 G. A. Boltenstem (Neptun) SWE 21 H. von Blixen-Finecke (Maggie) SWE 32
1920 J. Lundblad (Uno) SWE 27.937 B. Sandström (Sabel) SWE 26.312 H. von Rosen (Running Sister) SWE 25.125
1924 E. Linder (Piccolomini) SWE 276.4 B. Sandström (Sabel) SWE 275.8 X. Lesage (Plumarol) FRA 265.8
1928 C. F. von Langen- GER 237.42 C. Marion (Linon) FRA 231.00 R. Olson (Günstling) SWE 229.78
Parow (Draufgänger)
1932 X. Lesage (Taine) FRA 343.75 C. Marion (Linon) FRA 305.42 H. Tuttle (Olympic) USA 300.50
1936 H. Pollay (Kronos) GER 1.760 F. Gerhard (Absinth) GER 1,745.5 A. Podhajsky (Nero) AUT 1,721.5
1948 H. Moser (Hummer) SUI 492.5 A. Jousseaume (Harpagon) FRA 480.0 G. A. Boltenstem Jr. (Trumf) SWE 447.5
1952 H. Saint Cyr (Master Rufus) SWE 561.0 L. Hartel (Jubilee) DEN 541.5 A. Jousseaume (Harpagon) FRA 541.0
1956 H. Saint Cyr (Juli) SWE 860.0 L. Hartel (Jubilee) DEN 850.0 L. Linsenhoff (Adular) GER 832.0
1960 S. Filatov (Absent) URS 2,144 G. Fischer (Wald) SUI 2,087 J. Neckermann (Asbach) GER 2,082
1964 H. Chammartin (Woermann) SUI 1,504 H. Boldt (Remus) GER 1,503 S. Filatov (Absent) URS 1,486
1968 I. Kizimov (Ijor) URS 1,572 J. Neckermann (Mariano) FRG 1,546 R. Klimke (Dux) FRG 1,537
1972 L. Linsenhoff (Piaff) FRG 1,299 E. Petushkova (Pepel) URS 1,185 J. Neckermann (Venetia) FRG 1,177
1976 C. Stückelberger (Granat) SUI 1,486 H. Boldt (Woycek) FRG 1,435 R. Klimke (Mehmed) FRG 1,395
1980 E. Theurer (Mon Chéri) AUT 1,370 I. Kovshov (Igrok) URS 1,300 V. Ugriumov (Shjval) URS 1,234
1984 R. Klimke (Ahlerich) FRG 1,504 A. G. Jensen (Marzog) DEN 1,442 O. Hofer (Limandus) SUI 1,364
1988 N. Uphoff (Rembrandt) FRG 1,521 M. Otto-Crépin (Coriandus) FRA 1,462 C. Stückelberger SUI 1,417
(Gauguin de Lully)

Equestrian Sports 411

Team dressage

Gold Silver Bronze

1928 GER 669.72 SWE 650.86 NED 642.96
1932 FRA 2,818.75 SWE 2,678.00 USA 2,576.75
1936 GER 5,074.0 FRA 4,856.0 SWE 4,660.5
1948 FRA 1,269.0 USA 1,256.0 POR 1,182.0
1952 SWE 1,593.0 SUI 1,575.0 GER 1,501.0
1956 SWE 2,475 GER 2,346 SUI 2,346
1964 GER 2,558 SUI 2,526 URS 2,311
1968 FRG 2,699 URS 2,657 SUI 2,547
1972 URS 5,095 FRG 5,083 SWE 4,849
1976 FRG 5,155 SUI 4,684 USA 4,647
1980 URS 4,383 BUL 3,580 ROM 3,346
1984 FRG 4,955 SUI 4,673 SWE 4,630
1988 FRG 4,302 SUI 4,164 CAN 3,969

The Swiss team won the 1948 event with 1,366 points but were disqualified the following year.

Equestrian Sports
Individual three-day event

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 A. Nordlander (Lady Artist) SWE 46.59 F. von Rochow (Idealist) GER 46.42 J. Cariou (Cocotte) FRA 46.32
1920 H. Mörner (Germania) SWE 1,775.00 A. Lundström (Yrsa) SWE 1,738.75 E. Caffaratti (Caniche) ITA 1,733.75
1924 A. v. d. Voort van Zijp NED 1,976.00 F. Kirkebjerg (Meteor) DEN 1,873.50 S. Doak (Pathfinder) USA 1,845.50
(Silver Piece)
1928 C. Pahud de Mortange NED 1,969.82 G. de Kruyff (Va-t-en) NED 1,967.26 B. Neuman (llja) GER 1,944.42
1932 C. Pahud de Mortange NED 1,813.83 E. Thompson (Jenny Camp) USA 1,811.00 C. von Rosen SWE 1,809.42
(Marcroix) (Sunnyside Maid)
1936 L. Stubbendorff (Nurmi) GER -37.70 E. Thomson (Jenny Camp) USA -99.90 H. Mathiesen-Lunding (Jason) DEN -102.20
1948 B. Chevalier (Aiglonne) FRA +4 F. Henry (Swing Low) USA -21 R. Selfelt (Claque) SWE -25
1952 H. von Blixen-Finecke Jr. (Jubal) SWE -28.33 G. Lefrant (Verdun) FRA -54.50 W. Büsing (Hubertus) RFA -55.50
1956 P. Kastenman (Iluster) SWE -66.53 A. Lütke-Westhues GER -84.87 F. Weldon (Kibarry) GBR -85.48
(Trux von Kamax)
Gold Silver Bronze
1960 L. Morgan (Salad Days) AUS +7.15 N. Lavis (Mirrabooka) AUS -16.50 A. Bühler (Gay Spark) SUI -51.21
1964 M. Checcoli (Surbean) ITA +64.40 C. Moratorio (Chalan) ARG +56.40 F. Ligges (Donkosak) GER +49.20
1968 J.-J. Guyon (Pitou) FRA -38.86 D. Allhusen (Lochinvar) GBR -41.61 M. Page (Foster) USA -52.31
1972 R. Meade (Laurieston) GBR -57.73 A. Argenton (Woodland) ITA -43.33 J. Jönsson (Sarajevo) SWE -39.67
1976 E. Coffin (Bally-Cor) USA -114.99 J. M. Plumb (Better & Better) USA -125.85 K. Schultz (Madrigal) FRG -129.45
1980 F. E. Roman (Rossinan) ITA -108.60 A. Blinov (Galzun) URS -120.80 Y. Salnikov (Pintset) URS -151.60
1984 M. Todd (Charisma) NZL -51.60 K. Stives (Ben Arthur) USA -54.20 V. Holgate (Priceless) GBR -56.80
1988 M. Todd (Charisma) NZL -42.60 I. Stark (Sir Wattie) GBR -52.80 V. Leng (Master Craftsman) GBR -62.00

Equestrian Sports
Team three-day event

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 SWE 139.06 GER 138.48 USA 137.33
1920 SWE 5,057.50 ITA 4,735.00 BEL 4,560.00
1924 NED 5,297.50 SWE 4,743.50 ITA 4,515.00
1928 NED 5,865.68 NOR 5,395.68 POL 5,067.92
1932 USA 5,038.08 NED 4,689.08
1936 GER -676.65 POL -991.70 GBR -9,195.50
1948 USA -161.50 SWE -165.00 MEX -305.25
1952 SWE -221.94 GER -235.49 USA -587.16
1956 GBR -355.48 GER -475.91 CAN -572.72
1960 AUT -128.18 SUI -386.02 FRA -515.71
1964 ITA +85.80 USA +65.86 GER +56.73
1968 GBR -175.93 USA -245.87 AUT -331.26
1972 GBR +95.53 USA +10.81 FRG -18.00
1976 USA -441.00 FRG -584.60 AUT -599.54
1980 URS -457.00 ITA -656.20 MEX -1,172.85
1984 USA -186.00 GBR -189.20 FRG -234.00
1988 FRG -225.95 GBR -256.80 NZL -271.20

The other two teams which participated in the 1932 event withdrew from the competition.

Equestrian Sports
Individual jumping

Gold Silver Bronze

1900 A. Haegeman (Benton II) BEL 2:16.0 G. van de Poele BEL 2:17.6. M. Champsavin FRA 2:26.0
(Windsor Squire) (Terpsichore)
1912 J. Cariou (Mignon) FRA 4 R. W. von Kröcher (Donna) GER 4 E. Blommaert de Soye BEL 5
1920 T. Lequio (Trebecco) ITA 2 faults A. Valerio (Cento) ITA 3 faults C. G. Lewenhaupt SWE 4 faults
(Mon Coeur)
1924 A. Gemuseus (Lucette) SUI 6 faults T. Lequio (Trebecco) ITA 8.75 faults A. Królikiewicz (Picador) POL 10 faults
1928 F. Ventura (Eliot) TCH 0 faults P. Bertran de Balanda FRA 2 faults C. Kuhn (Pepita) SUI 4 faults
1932 T. Nishi (Uranus) JPN 8 faults H. Chamberlin (Show Girl) USA 12 faults C. von Rosen (Empire) SWE 16 faults
1936 K. Hasse (Tora) GER 4 faults H. Rang (Delfis) ROM 4 faults J. Platthy (Sellö) HUN 8 faults
1948 H. Mariles (Arete) MEX 6.25 faults R. Uriza (Harvey) MEX 8 faults J. F. d'Orgeix FRA 8 faults
(Sucre Pomme)
1952 P. Jonquères d'Oriola (Ali Baba) FRA 8 faults O. Crìsti (Bambi) CHI 8 faults F. Thìedermann (Meteor) GER 8 faults
1956 H.-G. Winkler (Halla) GER 4 faults R. d'lnzeo (Merano) ITA 8 faults P. d'lnzeo (Uruguay) ITA 11 faults
1960 R. d'lnzeo (Posillipo) ITA 12 faults P. d'lnzeo (The Rock) ITA 16 faults D. Broome (Sunsalve) GBR 23 faults
1964 P. Jonquères d'Oriola (Lutteur B) FRA 9 faults H. Schridde (Dozent II) GER 13.75 faults P. Robeson (Firecrest) GBR 16 faults
1968 W. Steinkraus (Snowbound) USA 4 faults M. Coakes (Stroller) GBR 8 faults D. Broome (Mister Softee) GBR 12 faults
1972 G. Mancinelli (Ambassador) ITA 8 faults A. Moore (Psalm) GBR 8 faults N. Shapiro (Sloopy) USA 8 faults
1976 A. Schockemöhle (Warwick Rex) FRG 0 faults M. Vaillancourt CAN 12 faults F. Mathy (Gai Luron) BEL 12 faults
(Branch County)
1980 J. Kowalczyk (Artemor) POL 8 faults N. Korolkov (Espadron) URS 9 faults J. Pérez Heras (Alymony) MEX 12 faults
1984 J. Fargis (Touch of Class) USA 4 faults C. Homfeld (Abdullah) USA 4 faults H. Robbiani (Jessica V) SUI 8 faults
1988 P. Durand (Jappeloup) FRA 1 faults G. Best (Gem Twist) USA 4 faults K. Huck (Nepomuk 8) FRG 4 faults
Equestrian Sports
Team jumping

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 SWE 25 FRA 32 GER 40
1920 SWE 14 faults BEL 16.25 faults ITA 18.75 faults
1924 SWE 42.25 faults SUI 80 faults POR 53 faults
1928 ESP 4 faults POL 8 faults SWE 10 faults
1936 GER 44 faults NED 51.5 faults POR 56 faults
1948 MEX 34.25 faults ESP 56.5 faults GBR 67 faults
1952 GBR 40.75 faults CHI 45.75 faults USA 52.25 faults
1956 GER 40 faults ITA 66 faults GBR 69 faults
1960 GER 46.5 faults USA 66 faults ITA 80.5 faults
1964 GER 68.50 faults FRA 77.75 faults ITA 88.50 faults
1968 CAN 102.75 faults FRA 110.50 faults FRG 117.25 faults
1972 FRG 32.00 faults USA 32.25 faults ITA 48.00 faults
1976 FRA 40 faults FRG 44 faults BEL 63 faults
1980 URS 20.25 faults POL 56.00 faults MEX 59.75 faults
1984 USA 12.00 faults GBR 36.75 faults FRG 39.25 faults
1988 FRG 17.25 faults USA 20.50 faults FRA 27.50 faults

None of the teams participating in the 1932 event were able to complete the course with three riders.

Individual foil

Gold Wins Silver Wins Bronze Wins

1896 E.-H. Gravetotte FRA 4 H. Callot FRA 3 L. Pierrakos GRE 2
1900 E. Coste FRA 6 H. Masson FRA 5 J. Boulenger FRA 4
1904 R. Fonst CUB 3 A. Van Zo Post USA 2 C. Tatham USA 1
1912 N. Nadi ITA 7 P. Speciale ITA 5 R. Verderber AUT 4
1920 N. Nadi ITA 10 P. Cattiau FRA 9 R. Ducret FRA 9
1924 R. Ducret FRA 6 P. Cattiau FRA 5 M. van Damme BEL 4 413
1928 L. Gaudin FRA 9 E. Casmir GER 9 G. Gaudini ITA 9
1932 G. Marzi ITA 9 J. Levis USA 6 G. Gaudini ITA 5
1936 G. Gaudini ITA 7 E. Gardère FRA 6 G. Bocchino ITA 4
1948 J. Buhan FRA 7 C. d'Oriola FRA 5 L. Maszlay HUN 4
1952 C. d'Oriola FRA 8 E. Mangiarotti ITA 6 M. di Rosa ITA 5
1956 C. d'Oriola FRA 6 G. Bergamini ITA 5 A. Spallino ITA 5
1960 V. Zhdanovich URS 7 Y. Sissikin URS 4 A. Axelrod USA 3
1964 E. Franke POL 3 J.-C. Magnan FRA 2 D. Revenu FRA 1
1968 I. Drimba ROM 4 J. Kamuti HUN 3 D. Revenu FRA 3
1972 W. Woyda POL 5 J. Kamuti HUN 4 C. Noel FRA 2
1976 F. dal Zotto ITA 4 A. Romankov URS 4 B. Talvard FRA 3
1980 V. Smimov URS 4 P. Jolyot FRA 4 A. Romankov URS 4
1984 M. Numa ITA M. Behr FRG S. Cerioni ITA
1988 S. Cerioni ITA U. Wagner GDR A. Romankov URS

Individual sabre

Gold Wins Silver Wins Bronze Wins

1896 I. Giorgìadis GRE 4 T. Karakalos GRE 3 H. Nielsen DEN 2
1900 G. de la Falaise FRA L. Thiébaut FRA S. Flesch AUT
1904 M. Díaz CUB 3 W. Grebe USA 2 A. Van Zo Post USA 2
1908 J. Fuchs HUN 6 B. Zulasvsky HUN 6 V. Goppold von Lobsdorf BOH 4
1912 J. Fuchs HUN 6 B. Békéssey HUN 5 E. Mészáros HUN 5
1920 N. Nadi ITA 11 A. Nadi ITA 9 A. de Jong NED 7
1924 S. Posta HUN 5 R. Ducret FRA 5 J. Garay HUN 5
1928 Ö. Tersztyánszky HUN 9 A. Petschauer HUN 9 B. Bini ITA 8
1932 G. Piller HUN 8 G. Gaudini ITA 7 E. Kabos HUN 5
1936 E. Kabos HUN 7 G. Marzi ITA 6 A. Gerevich HUN 6
1948 A. Gerevich HUN 7 V. Pinton ITA 5 P. Kovács HUN 5
1952 P. Kovács HUN 8 A. Gerevich HUN 7 T. Berczelly HUN 5
1956 R. Kárpáti HUN 6 J. Pawlowski POL 5 L. Kuznetsov URS 4
1960 R. Kárpáti HUN 5 Z. Horváth HUN 4 W. Calarese ITA 4
1964 T. Pesza HUN 2 C. Arabo FRA 2 U. Mavlijanov URS 1
Gold Silver Bronze
1968 J. Pawlowski POL 4 M. Rakita URS 4 T. Pésza HUN 3
1972 V. Sidiak URS 4 P. Maroth HUN 3 V. Nazimov URS 3
1976 V. Krovopuskov URS 5 V. Nazlimov URS 4 V. Sidiak URS 3
1980 V. Krovopuskov URS 4 M. Burtsev URS 4 I. Gedövári HUN 3
1984 J. F. Lamour FRA M. Marín ITA P. Westbrook USA
1988 J. F. Lamour FRA J. Olech POL G. Scalzo ITA

Individual epee

Gold Wins Silver Wins Bronze Wins

1900 R. Fonst CUB L. Perrée FRA L. Sée FRA
1904 R. Fonst CUB C. Tatham USA A. Van Zo Post USA
1908 G. Alibert FRA 5 A. Lippmann FRA 4 E. Olivier FRA 4
1912 P. Anspach BEL 6 I. Osiier DEN 5 P. Le Hardy de Beaulieu BEL 4
1920 A. Massard FRA 9 A. Lippmann FRA 7 G. Buchard FRA 6
1924 C. Delporte BEL 8 R. Ducret FRA 7 N. Hellsten SWE 7
1928 L. Gaudin FRA 8 G. Buchard FRA 7 G. Calnan USA 6
1932 G. Cornaggia-Medici ITA 8 G. Buchard FRA 8 C. Agostoni ITA 7
1936 F. Riccardi ITA 5 S. Ragno ITA 6 G. Cornaggia-Medici ITA 6
1948 L. Cantone ITA 7 O. Zappelli SUI 5 E. Mangiarotti ITA 5
1952 E. Mangiarotti ITA 7 D. Mangiarotti ITA 6 O. Zappelli SUI 6
1956 C. Pavesi ITA 5 G. Delfino ITA 5 E. Mangiarotti ITA 5
1960 G. Delfino ITA 5 A. Jay GBR 5 B. Jabarov URS 4
1964 G. Kriss URS 2 W. Hoskyns GBR 2 G. Kostava URS 1
1968 G. Kulcsár HUN 4 G. Kriss URS 4 G. Saccaro ITA 4
1972 C. Fenyvesi HUN 4 J. La Degaillerie FRA 3 G. Kulcsár HUN 3
1976 A. Pusch FRG 3 J. Hehn FRG 3 G. Kulcsár HUN 3
1980 J. Harmenberg SWE 4 E. Kolczonay HUN 3 P. Riboud FRA 3
1984 P. Boisse FRA B. Väggö SWE P. Riboud FRA
1988 A. Schmitt FRG P. Riboud FRA A. Shuvalov URS

Team Foil

Gold Silver Bronze


Only one competion was held at the 1904 Games. It was won by a mixed team (Cuba and the United States of America) which fenced against a team from the United
States of America.

Team sabre

Gold Silver Bronze

Gold Silver Bronze

Team epee

Gold Silver Bronze


Individual foil

Gold Wins Silver Wins Bronze

1924 E. Osiier DEN 5 G. Davis GBR 4 G. Heckscher DEN 3
1928 H. Mayer GER 7 M. Freeman GBR 6 O. Oelkers GER 4
1932 E. Preis AUT 8 J. H. Guiness GBR 8 E. Bogáthy Bogen HUN 7
1936 I. Schacherer-EIek HUN 6 H. Mayer GER 5 E. Preis AUT 5
1948 I. Elek HUN 6 K. Lachmann DEN 5 E. Müller-Preis AUT 5
1952 I. Camber ITA 5 I. Elek HUN 5 K. Lachmann DEN 4
1956 G. Sheen GBR 6 O. Orban ROM 6 R. Garilhe FRA 5
1960 H. Schmid GER 6 V. Rastvorova URS 5 M. Vicol ROM 4
1964 I. Ujlaki-Rejtö HUN 2 H. Mees GER 2 A. Ragno ITA 2
1968 E. Novikova URS 4 M. P. Roldán MEX 3 I. Ujlaki-Rejtö HUN 3
1972 A. Ragno-Lonzi ITA 4 I. Bóbis HUN 3 G. Gorojova URS 3
1976 I. Schwarczenberger HUN 4 M. C. Collino ITA 4 E. Belova (Novikova) URS 3
1980 P. Trinquet FRA 4 M. Maros HUN 3 B. Wysocsañska POL 3
1984 Luan Jujie CHN C. Hanish FRG D. Vaccaroni ITA
1988 A. Fichtel FRG S. Bau FRG Z. Funkenhauser FRG
Team foil

Gold Silver Bronze



Gold Silver Bronze


416 1972 POL HUN GDR


At the Games held in 1900 and 1904 the majority of medals were awarded to club teams rather than teams representing their country.

Artistic Gymnastics
Team competition

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 USA 374.43 USA 356.37 USA 349.69
1908 SWE 438.000 NOR 425.000 FIN 405.000
1912 ITA 265.75 HUN 227.25 GBR 184.50
1920 ITA 359.855 BEL 346.785 FRA 340.100
1924 ITA 839.058 FRA 820.528 SUI 816.661
1928 SUI 1,718.625 TCH 1,712.250 YUG 1,648.750
1932 ITA 541.850 USA 522.275 FIN 509.995
1936 GER 657.430 SUI 654.802 FIN 638.468
1948 FIN 1,358.30 SUI 1,356.70 HUN 1,330.85
1952 URS 574.40 SUI 567.50 FIN 564.20
1956 URS 568.25 JAP 566.40 FIN 555.95
1960 JAP 575.20 URS 572.70 ITA 559.05
1964 JAP 577.95 URS 575.45 GER 565.10
1968 JAP 575.90 URS 571.10 GDR 557.15
1972 JAP 571.25 URS 564.05 GDR 559.70
1976 JAP 576.85 URS 576.45 GDR 564.65
1980 URS 598.60 GDR 581.15 HUN 575.00
1984 USA 591.40 CHN 590.80 JAP 586.70
1988 URS 593.35 GDR 588.45 JAP 585.60

Up until the 1932 Games this event was often very different from the modem day format.
Artistic gymnastics
Individual all-round competition

Gold Silver Bronze

1900 G. Sandras FRA 302 N. Bas FRA 295 L. Démanet FRA 293
1904 J. Lenhart AUT 69.80 W. Weber GER 69.10 A. Spinnler SUI 67.99
1908 A. Braglia ITA 317 S. W. Tysal GBR 312 L. Ségura FRA 297
1912 A. Braglia ITA 135.0 L. Ségura FRA 132.5 A. Tunesi ITA 131.5
1920 G. Zampori ITA 88.35 M. Torres FRA 87.62 J. Gounot FRA 87.45
1924 L. Štukelj YUG 110.340 R. Pražák TCH 110.323 B. Šupcik TCH 106.930
1928 G. Miez SUI 247.500 H Hänggi SUI 246.625 L. Štukelj YUG 244.875
1932 R. Neri ITA 140.625 I. Pelle HUN 134.925 H. Savolainen FIN 134.575
1936 A. Schwarzmann GER 113.100 E. Mack SUI 112.334 K. Frey GER 111.532
1948 V. Huhtanen FIN 229.70 W. Lehmann SUI 229.00 P. Aaltonen FIN 228.80
1952 V. Chukarin URS 115.70 G. Shaguinian URS 114.95 J. Stalder SUI 114.75
1956 V. Chukarin URS 114.25 T. Ono JPN 114.20 Y. Titov URS 113.80
1960 B. Shajlin URS 115.95 T. Ono JPN 115.90 Y. Titov URS 115.60
1964 Y. Endo JPN 115.95 S. Tsurumi JPN 115.40
V. Lisitski URS 115.40
B. Shajlin URS 115.40
1968 S. Kato JPN 115.90 M. Voronin URS 115.85 A. Nakayama JPN 115.65
1972 S. Kato JPN 114.650 E. Kenmotsu JPN 114.575 A. Nakayama JPN 114.325
1976 N. Andrianov URS 116.650 S. Kato JPN 115.650 M. Tsukahara JPN 115.575
1980 A. Ditiatin URS 118.650 N. Andrianov URS 118.225 S. Deltchev BUL 118.000
1984 K. Gushiken JPN 118.700 P. Vidmar USA 118.675 Li Ning CHN 118.575
1988 V. Artemov URS 119.125 V. Liukin URS 119.025 D. Bilozerchev URS 118.975
Up until the 1932 Games this event was often very different from the modern day format.

Artistic gymnastics
Floor exercices

Gold Silver Bronze 417

1932 I. Pelle HUN 9.60 G. Miez SUI 9.47 M. Lertora ITA 9.23
1936 G. Miez SUI 18.666 J. Walter SUI 18.500 K. Frey GER 18.466
E. Mack SUI 18.466
1948 F. Pataki HUN 38.70 J. Mogyorósi-Klencs HUN 38.40 Z. Ružicka TCH 38.10
1952 K. W. Thoresson SWE 19.25 T. Uesako JPN 19.15
J. Jokiel POL 19.15
1956 V. Muratov URS 19.20 N. Aihara JPN 19.10
K. W. Thoresson SWE 19.10
V. Chukarin URS 19.10
1960 N. Aihara JPN 19.450 Y. Titov URS 19.325 F. Menichelli ITA 19.275

1964 F. Menichelli ITA 19.450 V. Lisitski URS 19.350

Y. Endo JPN 19.350
1968 S. Kato JPN 19.475 A. Nakayama JPN 19.400 T. Kato JPN 19.275

1972 N. Andrianov URS 19.175 A. Nakayama JPN 19.125 S. Kasamatsu JPN 19.025

1976 N. Andrianov URS 19.450 V. Marchenko URS 19.425 P. Kormann USA 19.300

1980 R. Bruckner GDR 19.750 N. Andrianov URS 19.725 A. Ditiatin URS 19.700

1984 Li Ning CHN 19.925 Lou Yun CHN 19.775 K. Sotomura JPN 19.700
P. Vatuone FRA 19.700

1988 S. Jarimov URS 19.925 V. Artemov URS 19.900 Lou Yun CHN 19.850
Y. Iketani JPN 19.850

Artistic Gymnastic
Pommel Horse

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 J. Zutter SUI H. Weingärtner GER
1904 A. Heida USA 42 G. Eyser USA 33 W. Merz USA 29
1924 J. Wihelm SUI 21.23 J. Gutweniger SUI 21.13 A. Rebetez SUI 20.73
1928 H. Hänggi SUI 19.75 G. Miez SUI 19.25 H. Savolainen FIN 18.83
1932 I. Pelle HUN 19.07 O. Bonoli ITA 18.87 F. Haubold USA 18.57
1936 K. Frey GER 19.333 E. Mack SUI 19.167 A. Bachmann SUI 19.067

1948 P. Aaltonen FIN 38.70

V. Huhtanen FIN 38.70
H. Savolainen FIN 38.70
1952 V. Chukarin URS 19.50 E. Korolkov URS 19.40
G. Shaguinian URS 19.40
Gold Silver Bronze
1956 B. Shajlin URS 19.25 T. Ono JPN 19.20 V. Chukarin URS 19.10
1960 E. Ekman FIN 19.375 S. Tsurumi JPN 19.150
B. Shajlin URS 19.375
1964 M. Cerar YUG 19.525 S. Tsurumi JPN 19.325 Y. Tsapenko URS . 19.200
1968 M. Cerar YUG 19.325 O. E. Laiho FIN 19.225 M. Voronin URS 19.200
1972 V. Klimenko URS 19.125 S. Kato JPN 19.000 E. Kenmotsu JPN 18.950
1976 Z. Magyar HUN 19.700 E. Kenmotsu JPN 19.575 N. Andrianov URS 19.525
1980 Z. Magyar HUN 19.925 A. Ditiatin URS 19.800 M. Nikolay GDR 19.775
1984 Li Ning CHN 19.950 T. Daggett USA 19.825
P. Vidmar USA 19.950
1988 L. Gueraskov BUL 19.950
Z. Borkai HUN 19.950
D. Bilozerchev URS 19.950
In 1948, despite three gold medals being awarded, L. Zanetti and G. Figore received their respective silver and bronze medals in accordance with the rules current at
that time.

Artistic gymnastics

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 I. Mitropoulos GRE H. Weingärtner GER P. Persakis GRE
1904 H. Glass USA 45 W. Merz USA 39 E. Voigt USA 32
1924 F. Martino ITA 21.553 R. Pražák TCH 21.483 L. Vácha TCH 21.430
1928 L. Štukelj YUG 19.25 L. Vácha TCH 19.17 E. Loffler TCH 18.83
1932 G. Gulack USA 18.97 W. Denton USA 18.60 G. Lattuada ITA 18.50
1936 A. Hudec TCH 19.43 L. Štukelj YUG 18.867 M. Volz GER 18.667
1948 K. Frei SUI 39.60 M. Reusch SUI 39.10 Z. Ružicka TCH 38.50
1952 G. Shaguinian URS 19.75 V. Chukarin URS 19.55 H. Eugster SUI 19.40
D. Leonkin URS 19.40
1956 A. Azarian URS 19.35 V. Muratov URS 19.15 M. Takemoto JPN 19.10
418 M. Kubota JPN 19.10
1960 A. Azarian URS 19.725 B. Shajlin URS 19.500 V. Kapsazov BUL 19.425
T. Ono JPN 19.425
1964 T. Hayata JPN 19.475 F. Menichelli ITA 19.425 B. Shajlin URS 19.400
1968 A. Nakayama JPN 19.450 M. Voronin URS 19.325 S. Kato JPN 19.225
1972 A. Nakayama JPN 19.350 M. Voronin URS 19.275 M. Tsukahara JPN 19.225
1976 N. Andrianov URS 19.650 A. Ditiatin URS 19.550 D. Grecu ROM 19.500
1980 A. Ditiatin URS 19.875 A. Tkachiov URS 19.725 J. Tabák TCH 19.600
1984 K. Gushiken JPN 19.850 M. Gaylord USA 19.825
Li Ning CHN 19.850
1988 H. Behrendt GDR 19.995 S. Tippelt GDR 19.875
D. Bilozerchev URS 19.925

Artistic gymnastics
Horse vault

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 C. Schumann GER J. A. Zutter SUI H. Weingärtner GER
1904 A. Heida USA 36 W. Merz USA 31
G. Eyser USA 36
1924 F. Kriz USA 9.98 J. Koutny TCH 9.97 B. Morkovsky TCH 9.93
1928 E. Mack SUI 9.98 E. Loffler TCH 9.50 S. Derganc YUG 9.46
1932 S. Guglielmetti ITA 18.03 A. Jochim GER 17.77 E. Carmichael USA 17.53
1936 A. Schwarzmann GER 19.20 E. Mack SUI 18.96 M. Volz GER 18.46
1948 P. Aaltonen FIN 19.55 O. Rove FIN 19.50 J. Mogyorósi-Klencs HUN 19.25
F. Pataki HUN 19.25
L. Sotomik TCH 19.25
1952 V. Chukarin URS 19.20 M. Takemoto JPN 19.15 T. Uesako JPN 19.10
T. Ono JPN 19.10
1956 H. Banz GER 18.85 Y. Titov URS 18.75
V. Muratov URS 18.85
1960 T. Ono JPN 19.350 V. Portnoi URS 19.225
B. Shajlin URS 19.350
1964 H. Yamashita JPN 19.600 V. Lisitski URS 19.325 H. Rantakari FIN 19.300
1968 M. Voronin URS 19.000 Y. Endo JPN 18.950 S. Diomidov URS 18.925
1972 K. Köste GDR 18.850 V. Kimenko URS 18.825 N. Andrianov URS 18.800
Gold Silver Bronze
1976 N. Andrianov URS 19.450 M. Tsukahara JPN 19.375 H. Kajiyama JPN 19.275
1980 N. Andrianov URS 19.825 A. Ditiatin URS 19.800 R. Bruckner GDR 19.775
1984 Lou Yun CHN 19.950 Li Ning CHN 19.825
K. Gushiken JPN 19.825
M. Gaylord USA 19.825
S. Morisue JPN 19.825
1988 Lou Yun CHN 19.875 S. Kroll GDR 19.862 J.-H. Park KOR 19.775

Artistic gymnastics
Parallel bars

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 A. Flatow GER J. Zutter SUI H. Weingärtner GER
1904 G. Eyser USA 44 A. Heida USA 43 J. Duha USA 40
1924 A. Güttinger SUI 21.63 R. Praža TCH 26.61 G. Zampori ITA 21.45
1928 L. Vácha TCH 18.83 J. Primožic YUG 18.50 H. Hänggi SUI 18.08
1932 R. Neri ITA 18.97 I. Pelle HUN 18.60 H. Savolainen FIN 18.27
1936 K. Frey GER 19.067 M. Reusch SUI 19.034 A. Schwarzmann GER 18.967
1948 M. Reusch SUI 19.75 V. Huhtanen FIN 19.65 C. Kipfer SUI 19.55
J. Stalder SUI 19.55
1952 H. Eugster SUI 19.65 V. Chukarin URS 19.60 J. Stalder SUI 19.50
1956 V. Chukarin URS 19.20 M. Kubota JPN 19.15 T. Ono JPN 19.10
M. Takemoto JPN 19.10
1960 B. Shajlin URS 19.400 G. Carminucci ITA 19.375 T. Ono JPN 19.350
1964 Y. Endo JPN 19.675 S. Tsurumi JPN 19.450 F. Menichelli ITA 19.350
1968 A. Nakayama JPN 19.475 M. Voronin URS 19.425 V. Klimenko URS 19.225
1972 S. Kato JPN 19.475 S. Kasamatsu JPN 19.375 E. Kenmotsu JPN 19.250
1976 S. Kato JPN 19.675 N. Andrianov URS 19.500 M. Tsukahara JPN 19.475
1980 A. Tkachiov URS 19.775 A. Dtiatin URS 19.750 R. Bruckner GDR 19.650
1984 B. Conner USA 19.950 N. Kajitani JPN 19.925 M. Gaylord USA 19.850 419
1988 V. Artemov URS 19.925 V. Liukin URS 19.900 S. Tippelt GDR 19.750

Artistic Gymnastics
Horizontal bar

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 H. Weingärtner GER A. Flatow GER
1904 A. Heida USA 40 G. Eyser USA 39
E. Hennig USA 40
1924 L. Štukelj YUG 19.730 J. Gutweniger SUI 19.236 A. Higelin FRA 19.163
1928 G. Miez SUI 19.17 R. Neri ITA 19.00 E. Mack SUI 18.92
1932 D. Bixler USA 18.33 H. Savolainen FIN 18.07 E. Teräsvirta FIN 18.07
1936 A. Saarvala FIN 19.367 K. Frey GER 19.267 A. Schwarzmann GER 19.23
1948 J. Stalder SUI 19.85 W. Lehmann SUI 19.70 V. Huhtanen FIN 19.60
1952 J. Güthard SUI 19.55 J. Stalder SUI 19.50
A. Schwarzmann GER 19.50
1956 T. Ono JPN 19.60 Y. Titov URS 19.40 M. Takemoto JPN 19.30
1960 T. Ono JPN 19.600 M. Takemoto JPN 19.550 B. Shajlin URS 19.475
1964 B. Shajlin URS 19.625 Y. Titov URS 19.550 M. Cerar YUG 19.500
1968 M. Voronin URS 19.550 E. Kenmotsu JPN 19.375
A. Nakayama JPN 19.550
1972 M. Tsukahara JPN 19.725 S. Kato JPN 19.525 S. Kasamatsu JPN 19.450
1976 N. Tsukahara JPN 19.675 E. Kenmotsu JPN 19.500 E. Gienger FRG 19.475
H. Boërio FRA 19.475
1980 S. Deltchev BUL 19.825 A. Ditiatin URS 19.750 N. Andrianov URS 19.675
1984 S. Morisme JPN 20.000 Tong Fei CHN 19.975 K. Gushiken JPN 19.950
V. Artemov URS 19.900 H. Behrendt GDR 19.800
1988 V. Uukin URS 19.900 M. Gherman ROM 19.800

At the 1932 Games E. Teräsvirta ceded second place to H. Savolainen.

Artistic gymnastics
Team competition

Gold Silver Bronze

1928 NED 316.75 ITA 289.00 GBR 258.25
1936 GER 506.50 TCH 503.60 HUN 499.00
1948 TCH 445.45 HUN 440.55 USA 422.63
1952 URS 527.03 HUN 520.96 TCH 503.32
1956 URS 444.80 HUN 443.50 ROM 438.20
1960 URS 382.320 TCH 373.323 ROM 372.053
1964 URS 380.890 TCH 379.989 JAP 377.889
1968 URS 382.85 TCH 382.20 GDR 379.10
1972 URS 380.50 GDR 376.55 HUN 368.25
1976 URS 390.35 ROM 387.15 GDR 385.10
1980 URS 394.90 ROM 393.50 GDR 392.55
1984 ROM 392.20 USA 391.20 CHN 388.60
1988 URS 395.475 ROM 394.125 GDR 390.875

Before the 1960 Games this event was very different from the modern day format.

Artistic gymnastics
Individual all-round competition

Gold Silver Bronze

1952 M. Gorojovskaya URS 76.78 N. Botxarova URS 75.94 M. Korondi HUN 75.82
1956 L. Latinina URS 74.933 A. Keleti HUN 74.633 S. Muratova URS 74.466
1960 L. Latinina URS 77.031 S. Muratova URS 76.696 P. Astajova URS 76.164
1964 V. Cáslavská TCH 77.564 L. Latinina URS 76.998 P. Astajova URS 76.965
1968 V. Cáslavská TCH 78.25 Z. Voronina URS 76.85 N. Kuchinskaya URS 76.75
1972 L. Turishcheva URS 77.025 K. Janz GDR 76.875 T. Lazakovich URS 76.850
1976 N. Comãneci ROM 79.275 N. Kim URS 78.675 L. Turishcheva URS 78.625
1980 E. Davidova URS 79.150 N. Comãneci ROM 79.075
420 M. Gnauck GDR 79.075
1984 M. L. Retton USA 79.715 E. Szabó ROM 79.125 S. Pauca ROM 78.675
1988 E. Shushunova URS 79.662 D. Silivas ROM 79.637 S. Boguinskaya URS 79.400

Artistic gymnastics
Horse vault

Gold Silver Bronze

1952 E. Kalinchuk URS 19.20 M. Gorjovskaya URS 19.19 G. Minaicheva URS 19.16
1956 L. Latinina URS 18.833 T. Manina URS 18.800 A.-S. Colling SWE 18.733
O. Tass HUN 18.733
1960 M. Nikolayeva URS 19.316 S. Muratova URS 19.049 L. Latinina URS 19.016
1964 V. Cáslavská TCH 19.483 L. Latinina URS 19.283
B. Radochla GER 19.283
1968 V. Cáslavská TCH 19.775 E. Zuchold GDR 19.625 Z. Voronina URS 19.500
1972 K. Janz GDR 19.525 E. Zuchold GDR 19.275 L. Turishcheva URS 19.250
1976 N. Kim URS 19.800 L. Turishcheva URS 19.650
C. Dombeck GDR 19.650
1980 N. Shaposhnikova URS 19.725 S. Kräker GDR 19.675 M. Rühn ROM 19.650
1984 E. Szabó ROM 19.875 M. L. Retton USA 19.850 L. Agache ROM 19.750
1988 S. Boguinskaya URS 19.905 G. Potorac ROM 19.830 D. Silivas ROM 19.818

Artistic gymnastics
Asymmetric bars

Gold Silver Bronze

1952 M. Korondi HUN 19.40 M. Gorojovskaya URS 19.26 A. Keleti HUN 19.16
1956 A. Keleti HUN 18.966 L. Latinina URS 18.833 S. Muratova URS 18.800
1960 P. Astajova URS 19.616 L. Latinina URS 19.416 T. Liujina URS 19.399
1964 P. Astajova URS 19.332 K. Makray HUN 19.216 L. Latinina URS 19.199
1968 V. Cáslavská TCH 19.650 K. Janz GDR 19.500 Z. Voronina URS 19.425
1972 K. Janz GDR 19.675 O. Korbut URS 19.450
E. Zuchold GDR 19.450
1976 N Comãneci ROM 20.000 T. Ungureanu ROM 19.800 M. Egervári HUN 19.775
Gold Silver Bronze
1980 M. Gnauck GDR 19.875 E. Eberle ROM 19.850 S. Kräker GDR 19.775
M. Rühn ROM 19.775
M. Filatova URS 19.775
1984 Ma Yanhong CHN 19.950 M. L. Retton USA 19.800
J. McNamara USA 19.950
1988 D. Silivas ROM 20.000 D. Kersten GDR 19.987 E. Chuichunova URS 19.962

Artistic gymnastics
Balance beam

Gold Silver Bronze

1952 N. Bocharova URS 19.22 M. Gorojovskaya URS 19.13 M. Korondi HUN 19.02
1956 Á. Keleti HUN 18.800 T. Manina URS 18.633
E. Bosáková TCH 18.633
1960 E. Bosáková TCH 19.283 L. Latinina URS 19.233 S. Muratova URS 19.232
1964 V. Cáslavská TCH 19.449 T. Manina URS 19.399 L. Latinina URS 19.382
1968 N. Kuchinskaya URS 19.650 V. Cáslavská TCH 19.575 L. Petrik URS 19.250
1972 O. Korbut URS 19.400 T. Lazakovich URS 19.375 K. Janz GDR 18.975
1976 N. Comäneci ROM 19.950 O. Korbut URS 19.725 T. Ungureanu ROM 19.700
1980 N. Comäneci ROM 19.800 E. Davidova URS 19.750 N. Chapoichnikova URS 19.725
1984 E. Szabó ROM 19.800 K. Johnson USA 19.650
S. Pauca ROM 19.800
1988 D. Silivas ROM 19.924 E. Chuichunova URS 19.875 G. Potorac ROM 19.837
P. Mills USA 19.837

Artistic gymnastics
Floor exercices

Gold Silver Bronze 421

1952 Á. Keleti HUN 19.36 M. Gorojovskaya URS 19.20 M. Korondi HUN 19.00
1956 Á. Keleti HUN 18.733 E. Leusteanu ROM 18.700
L. Latinina URS 18.733
1960 L. Latinina URS 19.583 P. Astajova URS 19.532 T. Liujina URS 19.449
1964 L. Latinina URS 19.599 P. Astajova URS 19.500 A. Jánosi HUN 19.300
1968 L. Petrik URS 19.675 N. Kuchinskaya URS 19.650
V. Cáslavská TCH 19.675
1972 O. Korbut URS 19.575 L. Turishcheva URS 19.550 T. Lazakovich URS 19.450
1976 N. Kim URS 19.850 L. Turishcheva URS 19.825 N. Comäneci ROM 19.750
1980 N. Kim URS 19.875 N. Chapoixnikova URS 19.825
N. Comäneci ROM 19.875 M. Gnauk GDR 19.825
1984 E. Szabó ROM 19.975 J. McNamara USA 19.950 M. L. Retton USA 19.775
1988 D. Silivas ROM 19.937 S. Boguinskaya URS 19.887 D. Dudeva BUL 19.850

Rhythmic gymnastics
Individual all-round competition

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 L. Fung CAN 57.950 D. Staiculescu ROM 57.900 R. Weber FRG 57.700
1988 M. Lobach URS 60.000 A. Dunavska BUL 59.950 A. Timoshenko URS 59.875


Gold Silver Bronze


At the 1936 Games there was an open air tournament between teams of eleven players, with Germany winning the gold medal, Austria the silver and Switzerland the

Gold Silver Bronze



Gold Silver Bronze


422 Women

Gold Silver Bronze


Extra lightweight

Gold Silver Bronze

1980 T. Rey FRA J. Rodriguez CUB T. Kineses HUN
A. Emizh URS
1984 S. Hosakawa JPN J.-Y. Kim KOR E. Liddie USA
N. Eckersley GBR
1988 J.-Y. Kim KOR K. Asano USA S. Hosokawa JPN
A. Totikaixvili URS

Weight limit: 60 kg.


Gold Silver Bronze

1980 N. Solodujin URS T. Damdin MGL I. Nedkov BUL
J. Pawlowski POL
1984 Y. Matsuoka JPN J.-O. Hwang KOR J. Reiter AUT
M. Alexandre FRA
1988 K.-K. Lee KOR J. Pawlowski POL B. Carabetta FRA
Y. Yamamoto JPN

Weight limit: 65 kg.


Gold Silver Bronze

1964 T. Nakalani JPN E. Hänni SUI O. Stepanov URS
A. Bogoliubov URS
1972 T. Kawaguchi JPN Y.-l. Kim PRK
J.-J. Mounier FRA
1976 H. Rodríguez CUB E.-Y.Chang KOR J. Tuncsik HUN
F. Mariani ITA
1980 E. Gamba ITA N. Adams GBR K.-H. Lehmann GDR
R. Davaadalai MGL
1984 B.-K. Ahn KOR E. Gamba ITA L. Onmura BRA
K. Brown GBR
1988 M. Alexandra FRA S. Loll GDR M. Swain USA
G. Tenadze URS

Weight limit: 69 kg in 1964; 63 kg in 1972 and 1976; since 1980: 71 kg. At the 1972 Games the Mongolion B. Buidas, who took second place, was later disqualified for
failing doping control.


Gold Silver Bronze

1972 T. Normura JPN A. Zajkowski POL D. Hötger GDR
A. Novikov URS
1976 V. Nerzorov URS K. Kuramoto JPN P. Vial FRA
R. Davaadalai MGL
1980 S. Jabareli URS J. Ferrer CUB B. Tchoullouyan FRA
H. Heinke GDR
1984 F. Wieneke FRG N. Adams GBR M. Nowak FRA
M. Fratiçä ROM
1988 W. Legien POL F. Wieneke FRG T. Brechot GDR
B. Varayev URS

Weight limit: 70 kg in 1972 and 1976; since 1980: 79 kg.

Judo 423

Gold Silver Bronze

1964 I. Okamo JPN W. Hofmann GER J. Bregman USA
U.-T. Kim KOR
1972 S. Sekine JPN S.-L. Oh KOR B. Jacks GBR
J.-P. Coche FRA
1976 I. Sonoda JPN V. Dvonikov URS Y.-C. Park KOR
S. Obadov YUG
1980 J. Röthlisberger SUI I. Azcuy CUB A. Yatskevich URS
D. Ultsch GDR
1984 P. Seisenbacher AUT R. Berland USA S. Nose JPN
W. Carmona BRA
1988 P. Seisenbacher AUT V. Chestakov URS B. Spijkers NED
A. Osako JPN

Weight limit: 80 kg from 1964 to 1976; since then: 86 kg.


Gold Silver Bronze

1972 S. Chochishvili URS D. C. Starbrook GBR P. Barth FRG
C. Ishii BRA
1976 K. Ninomiya JPN R. Jarshiladze URS D. C. Starbrook GBR
J. Röthlisberger SUI
1980 R. van de Walle BEL T. Jubuluri URS D. Lorenz GDR
H. Numan NED
1984 H.-Z. Ha KOR D. Vieira BRA B. Fridriksson ISL
G. Neureuther FRG
1988 A. Miguel BRA M. Meiling FRA R. van de Walle BEL
D. Stewart GBR

Weight limit: up to and including 1976, 93 kg; since then, 95 kg.


Gold Silver Bronze

1964 I. Inokuma JPN A. H. Rogers CAN A. Kiknadze URS
P. Chikviladze URS
1972 W. Ruska HOL K. Glahn FRG G. Onashvili URS
M. Nishimura JPN
1976 S. Novikov URS G. Neureuther FRG S. Endo JPN
A. Coage USA
1980 A. Parisi FRA D. Zaprianov BUL V. Kocman TCH
R. Kovalcevic YUG
1984 H. Saito JPN A. Parisi FRA Y.-C. Cho KOR
M. Berger CAN
1988 H. Saito JPN H. Stöhr GDR Y.-C. Cho KOR
G. Verichev URS

Weight limit: over 80 kg in 1964; over 93 kg in 1972 and 1976; since then,over 95 kg.

Open Category

Gold Silver Bronze

1964 A. Geesink NED A. Kaminaga JPN K. Glahn GER
T. Boronovskis AUT
1972 W. Ruska NED V. Kuznetsov URS J.-C. Brodani FRA
A. Parisi FRA
1976 H. Uemura JPN K. Remfry GBR S. Chochishvili URS
J. Cho KOR
1980 D. Lorenz GDR A. Parisí FRA A. Mapp GBR
A. Ozsvár HUN
1984 Y. Yamashita JPN M. Rashwan EGY M. Cioc ROM
A. Schnabél GDR

Modern Pentathlon
424 Individual competition

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 G. Lilliehöök SWE 27 G. Åsbrink SWE 28 G. de Laval SWE 30
1920 G. Dyrssen SWE 18 E. de Laval SWE 23 G. Runö SWE 27
1924 B. Lindman SWE 18 G. Dyrssen SWE 39.5 B. Uggla SWE 45
1928 S. Thofelt SWE 47 B. Lindman SWE 50 H. Kahl GER 52
1932 J. Oxenstiema SWE 32 B. Lindman SWE 35.5 R. Mayo USA 38.5
1936 G. Handrick GER 31.5 C. Leonard USA 39.5 S. Abba ITA 45.5
1948 W. Grut SWE 16 G. Moore USA 47 G. Gärdin SWE 49
1952 L. Hall SWE 32 G. Benedek HUN 39 I. Szondy HUN 41
1956 L. Hall SWE 4,833 O. Mannonen FIN 4,774 V. Korhonen FIN 4,750
1960 F. Németh HUN 5,024 I. Nagy HUN 4,988 R. Beck USA 4,981
1964 F. Török HUN 5,116 I. Novikov URS 5,067 A. Mokeyev URS 5,039
1968 B. Ferm SWE 4,964 A. Balczó HUN 4,953 P. Lednev URS 4,795
1972 A. Balczó HUN 5,412 B. Onishchenko URS 5,335 P. Lednev URS 5,328
1976 J. Pyciak-Peciak POL 5,520 P. Lednev URS 5,485 J. Bárti TCH 5,466
1980 A. Starostin URS 5,568 T. Szombathelyi HUN 5,502 P. Lednev URS 5,382
1984 D. Masala ITA 5,469 S. Rasmuson SWE 5,456 C. Massullo ITA 5,406
1988 J. Martinek HUN 5,404 C. Massullo ITA 5,379 V. Yagorashvili URS 5,367

The scoring system was changed in 1956.

Modern Pentathlon
Team competition

Gold Silver Bronze

1952 HUN 166 SWE 182 FIN 213
1956 URS 13,690 USA 13,482 FIN 13,185
1960 HUN 14,836 URS 14,309 USA 14,192
1964 URS 14,961 USA 14,189 HUN 14,173
1968 HUN 14,325 URS 14,248 FRA 13,289
1972 URS 15,968 HUN 15,348 FIN 14,812
1976 GBR 15,559 TCH 15,451 HUN 15,395
1980 URS 16,126 HUN 15,912 SWE 15,845
Gold Silver Bronze
1984 ITA 16,066 USA 15,568 FRA 15,565
1988 HUN 15,886 ITA 15,571 GBR 15,276

The scoring system was changed in 1956.

Single sculls

Gold Silver Bronze

1900 H. Barrelet FRA 7:35.6 A. Gaudin FRA 7:41.6 G. Saint Ashe GBR 8:15.6
1904 F. Greer USA 10:08.5 J. Juvenal USA C. Titus USA
1908 H. Blackstaffe GBR 9:26.0 A. McCulloch GBR B. von Gaza GER
K. Levitzky HUN
1912 W. Kinnear GBR 7:47.6 P. Veirman BEL 7:56.0 E. Butler CAN
M. Kusik RUS
1920 J. Kelly USA 7:35.0 J. Beresford GBR 7:36.0 C. Hadfield d'Arcy NZL 7:48.0
1924 J. Beresford GBR 7:49.2 W. Garrett Gilmore USA 7:54.0 J. Scheider SUI 8:01.1
1928 H. Pearce AUS 7:11.0 K. Myers USA 7:20.8 T. Collet GBR 7:29.8
1932 H. Pearce AUS 7:44.4 W. Miller USA 7:45.2 G. Douglas URU 8:13.6
1936 G. Schäfer GER 8:21.5 J. Hasenöhrl AUT 8:25.8 D. Barrow USA 8:28.0
1948 M. Wood AUS 7:24.4 E. Risso URU 7:38.2 R. Catasta ITA 7:51.4
1952 Y. Tiukalov URS 8:12.8 M. Wood AUS 8:14.5 T. Kocerka POL 8:19.4
1956 V. Ivanov URS 8:02.5 S. Mackenzie AUS 8:07.7 J. Kelly Jr. USA 8:11.8
1960 V. Ivanov URS 7:13.96 A. Hill GER 7:20.21 T. Kocerka POL 7:21.26
1964 V. Ivanov URS 8:22.51 A. Hill GER 8:26.24 G. Kottmann SUI 8:29.68
1968 H. J. Wienese NED 7:47.80 J. Meissner FRG 7:52.00 A. Demiddi ARG 7:57.19
1972 I. Malishev URS 7:10.12 A. Demiddi ARG 7:11.53 W. Güldenpfenning GDR 7:14.45
1976 P. Karppinen FIN 7:29.03 P.-M. Kolbe FRG 7:31.67 J. Dreifke GDR 7:38.03
1980 P. Karppinen FIN 7:09.61 V. Yakusha URS 7:11.66 P. Kersten GDR 7:14.88
1984 P. Karppinen FIN 7:00.24 P.-M. Kolbe FRG 7:02.19 R. Mills NZL 7:10.38
1988 T. Lange GDR 6:49.86 P.-M. Kolbe FRG 6:54.77 E. Verdonk NZL 6:58.66 425

Double sculls

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 USA 10:03.2 USA USA
1920 USA 7:09.0 ITA 7:19.0 FRA 7:21.0
1924 USA 6:34.0 FRA 6:38.0 SUI
1928 USA 6:41.4 CAN 6:51.0 AUT
1932 USA 7:17.4 GER 7:22.8 CAN 7:27.6
1936 GBR 7:20.8 GER 7:26.2 POL 7:36.2
1948 GBR 6:51.3 DEN 6:55.3 URU 7:12.4
1952 ARG 7:32.2 URS 7:38.3 URU 7:43.7
1956 URS 7:24.0 USA 7:32.2 AUT 7:37.4
1960 TCH 6:47.50 URS 6:50.49 SUI 7:50.59
1964 URS 7:10.66 USA 7:13.16 TCH 7:14.23
1968 URS 6:51.82 NED 6:52.80 USA 6:54.21
1972 URS 7:01.77 NOR 7:02.58 GDR 7:05.55
1976 NOR 7:13.20 GBR 7:15.26 GDR 7:17.45
1980 GDR 6:24.33 YUG 6:26.34 TCH 6:29.07
1984 USA 6:36.87 BEL 6:38.19 YUG 6:39.59
1988 NED 6:21.13 SUI 6:22.59 URS 6:22.87

The participating crews were clubs rather than teams representing their country in 1904.

Coxswainless pair oars

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 USA 10:57.0 USA USA
1908 GBR 9:41.0 GBR
1924 NED 8:19.4 FRA 8:21.6
1928 GER 7:06.4 GER 7:08.8 USA 7:20.4
1932 GER 8:00.0 NZL 8:02.4 POL 8:08.2
Gold Silver Bronze
1936 GER 8:16.1 DEN 8:19.2 ARG 8:23.0
1948 GBR 7:21.1 SUI 7:23.9 ITA 7:31.5
1952 USA 8:20.7 BEL 8:23.5 SUI 8:32.7
1956 USA 7:55.4 URS 8:03.9 AUT 8:11.8
1960 URS 7:02.01 AUT 7:03.69 FIN 7:03.80
1964 CAN 7:32.94 NED 7:33.40 GER 7:38.63
1968 GDR 7:26.56 USA 7:26.71 DEN 7:31.84
1972 GDR 6:53.16 SUI 6:57.06 NED 6:58.70
1976 GDR 7:23.31 USA 7:26.73 FRG 7:30.03
1980 GDR 6:48.01 URS 6:50.50 GBR 6:51.47
1984 ROM 6:45.39 ESP 6:48.47 NOR 6:51.81
1988 GBR 6:36.84 ROM 6:38.06 YUG 6:41.01

The participating crews were clubs rather than teams representing their country in 1904 and 1908.

Pair oars with coxswain

Gold Silver Bronze

1900 NED 7:34.2 FRA 7:34.4 FRA 7:57.2
1920 ITA 7:56.0 FRA 7:57.0 SUI
1924 SUI 8:39.0 ITA 8:39.1 USA
1928 SUI 7:42.6 FRA 7:48.4 BEL 7:59.4
1932 USA 8:25.8 POL 8:31.2 FRA 8:41.2
1936 GER 8:36.9 ITA 8:49.7 FRA 8:54.0
1948 DEN 8:00.5 ITA 8:12.2 HUN 8:25.2
1952 FRA 8:28.6 GER 8:32.1 DEN 8:34.9
1956 USA 8:26.1 GER 8:29.2 URS 8:31.0
1960 GER 7:29.14 URS 7:30.17 USA 7:34.58
1964 USA 8:21.23 FRA 8:23.15 NED 8:23.42
1968 ITA 8:04.81 NED 8:06.80 DEN 8:08.07
1972 GDR 7:17.25 TCH 7:19.57 ROM 7:21.36
1976 GDR 7:58.99 URS 8:01.82 TCH 8:03.28
1980 GDR 7:02.54 URS 7:03.35 YUG 7:04.92
1984 ITA 7:05.99 ROM 7:11.21 USA 7:12.81
1988 ITA 6:58.79 GDR 7:00.63 GBR 7:01.95

The participating crews were clubs rather than teams representing their country in 1900.

Quadruple sculls

Gold Silver Bronze

1976 GDR 6:18.65 URS 6:19.89 TCH 6:21.77
1980 GDR 5:49.81 URS 5:51.47 BUL 5:52.38
1984 GDR 5:57.55 AUS 5:57.98 CAN 5:59.07
1988 ITA 5:53.37 NOR 5:55.08 GDR 5:56.13

Coxswainless four oars

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 USA 9:53.8 USA USA
1908 GBR 8:34.0 GBR
1924 GBR 7:08.6 CAN 7:18.0 SUI
1928 GBR 6:36.0 USA 6:37.0 ITA 6:37.6
1932 GBR 6:58.2 GER 7:03.0 ITA 7:04.0
1936 GER 7:01.8 GBR 7:06.5 SUI 7:10.6
1948 ITA 6:39.0 DEN 6:43.5 USA 6:47.7
1952 YUG 7:16.0 FRA 7:18.9 FIN 7:23.3
1956 CAN 7:08.8 USA 7:18.4 FRA 7:20.9
1960 USA 6:26.26 ITA 6:28.78 URS 6:29.62
1964 DEN 6:59.30 GBR 7:00.47 USA 7:01.37
1968 GDR 6:39.18 HUN 6:41.64 ITA 6:44.01
1972 GDR 6:24.27 NZL 6:25.64 FRG 6:28.41
Gold Silver Bronze
1976 GDR 6:37.42 NOR 6:41.22 URS 6:42.52
1980 GDR 6:08.17 URS 6:11.81 GBR 6:16.58
1984 NZL 6:03.48 USA 6:06.10 DEN 6:07.72
1988 GDR 6:03.11 USA 6:05.53 FRG 6:06.22

The participating crews were clubs rather than teams representing their country in 1904 and 1908.

Four oars with coxswain

Gold Silver Bronze

1900 FRA 7:11.0 FRA 7:18.0 GER 7:18.2
1912 GER 6:59.4 GBR DEN
1920 SUI 6:54.0 USA 6:58.0 NOR 7:02.0
1924 SUI 7:18.4 FRA 7:21.6 USA 7:23.0
1928 ITA 6:47.8 SUI 7:03.4 POL 7:12.8
1932 GER 7:19.0 ITA 7:19.2 POL 7:26.8
1936 GER 7:16.2 SUI 7:24.3 FRA 7:33.3
1948 USA 6:50.3 SUI 6:53.3 DEN 6:58.6
1952 TCH 7:33.4 SUI 7:36.5 USA 7:37.0
1956 ITA 7:19.4 SWE 7:22.4 FIN 7:30.9
1960 GER 6:39.12 FRA 6:41.62 ITA 6:43.72
1964 GER 7:00.44 ITA 7:02.84 NED 7:06.46
1968 NZL 6:45.62 GDR 6:48.20 SUI 6:49.04
1972 FRG 6:31.85 GDR 6:33.30 TCH 6:35.64
1976 URS 6:40.22 GDR 6:42.70 FRG 6:46.04
1980 GDR 6:14.51 URS 6:19.05 POL 6:22.52
1984 GBR 6:18.64 USA 6:20.28 NZL 6:23.68
1988 GDR 6:10.74 ROM 6:13.58 NZL 6:15.78
The participating crews were clubs rather than teams representing their country in 1900 and 1912. Two separate finals were held in 1900: one (included in the table
above) for the crews which had the best times during the three qualifying heats, and another for the winning crews of the three qualifying heats.

Eight oars with coxswain

Gold Silver Bronze

1900 USA 6:09.8 BEL 6:13.8 NED 6:23.0
1904 USA 7:50.0 CAN
1908 GBR 7:52.0 BEL CAN
1912 GBR 6:15.0 GBR 6:19.0 GER
1920 USA 6:02.6 GBR 6:05.0 NOR 6:36.0
1924 USA 6:33.4 CAN 6:49.0 ITA
1928 USA 6:03.2 GBR 6:05.6 CAN
1932 USA 6:37.6 ITA 6:37.8 CAN 6:40.4
1936 USA 6:25.4 ITA 6:26.0 GER 6:26.4
1948 USA 5:56.7 GBR 6:06.9 NOR 6:10.3
1952 USA 6:25.9 URS 6:31.2 AUS 6:33.1
1956 USA 6:35.2 CAN 6:37.1 AUS 6:39.2
1960 GER 5:57.18 CAN 6:01.52 TCH 6:04.84
1964 USA 6:18.23 GER 6:23.29 TCH 6:25.11
1968 FRG 6:07.00 AUS 6:07.98 URS 6:09.11
1972 NZL 6:08.94 USA 6:11.61 GDR 6:11.67
1976 GDR 5:58.29 GBR 6:00.82 NZL 6:03.51
1980 GDR 5:49.05 GBR 5:51.92 URS 5:52.66
1984 CAN 5:41.32 USA 5:41.74 AUS 5:43.40
1988 GDR 5:46.05 URS 5:48.01 USA 5:48.26

The participating crews were clubs rather than teams representing their country prior to the 1920 Games.
Single sculls

Gold Silver Bronze

1976 C. Scheiblinch GDR 4:05.56 J. Lind USA 4:06.21 E. Antonova URS 4:10.24
1980 S. Toma ROM 3:40.68 A. Makhina URS 3:41.65 M. Schröter GDR 3:43.54
1984 V. Räcilã ROM 3:40.68 C. Geer USA 3:43.89 A. Haesebrouck BEL 3:45.72
1988 J. Behrendt GDR 7:47.19 A. Marden USA 7:50.28 M. Gueorguieva BUL 7:53.65

Double sculls

Gold Silver Bronze

1976 BUL 3:44.36 GDR 3:47.86 URS 3:49.93
1980 URS 3:16.27 GDR 3:17.63 ROM 3:18.91
1984 ROM 3:26.75 NED 3:29.13 CAN 3:29.82
1988 GDR 7:00.48 ROM 7:04.36 BUL 7:06.03

Coxswainless pair oars

Gold Silver Bronze

1976 BUL 4:01.22 GDR 4:01.64 FRG 4:02.35
1980 GDR 3:30.49 POL 3:30.95 BUL 3:32.39
1984 ROM 3:32.60 CAN 3:36.06 FRG 3:40.50
1988 ROM 7:28.13 BUL 7:31.95 NZL 7:35.68

Quadruple sculls

428 Gold Silver Bronze

1988 GDR 6:21.06 URS 6:23.47 ROM 6:23.81

Coxswainless quadruple sculls

Gold Silver Bronze

1976 GDR 3:29.99 URS 3:32.49 ROM 3:32.76
1980 GDR 3:15.32 URS 3:15.73 BUL 3:16.10
1984 ROM 3:14.11 USA 3:15.57 DEN 3:16.02

This event was discontinued after the 1984 Games.

Four oars with coxswain

Gold Silver Bronze

1976 GDR 3:45.08 BUL 3:48.24 URS 3:49.38
1980 GDR 3:19.27 BUL 3:20.75 URS 3:20.92
1984 ROM 3:19.30 CAN 3:21.55 AUS 3:23.29
1988 GDR 6:56.00 CHN 6:58.78 ROM 7:01.13

This event was discontinued after the 1988 Games.

Eight oars with coxswain

Gold Silver Bronze

1976 GDR 3:33.32 URS 3:36.17 USA 3:38.68
1980 GDR 3:03.32 URS 3:04.29 ROM 3:05.63
1984 USA 2:59.80 ROM 3:00.87 NED 3:02.92
1988 GDR 6:15.17 ROM 6:17.44 CHN 6:21.83
Rapid-fire pistol

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 I. Frangudis GRE 344 G. Orfanidis GRE 249 H. Nielsen DEN
1900 M. Larrouy FRA 58 L. Moreaux FRA 57 E. Balme FRA 57
1908 P. van Asbroeck BEL 490 R. Storms BEL 487 J. Gorman USA 485
1912 A. Lane USA 287 P. Palén SWE 286 J. Hübnes von Hoist SWE 283
1920 G. Paraense BRA 274 R. Bracken USA 272 F. Zulauf SUI 269
1924 H. Bailey USA 18 V. Carlberg SWE 18 L. Hannelius FIN 18
1932 R. Morigi ITA 36 H. Hax GER 36 D. Matteucci ITA 36
1936 C. van Oyen GER 36 H. Hax GER 35 T. Ullman SWE 34
1948 K. Takács HUN 580 C.E. Diaz Saenz ARG 571 S. Lundqvist SWE 569
1952 K. Takács HUN 579 S. Kun HUN 578 G. Lichiardopol ROM 578
1956 S. Petrescu ROM 587 E. Cherkasov URS 585 G. Lichiardopol ROM 581
1960 W. McMillan USA 587 P. Linnosvuo FIN 587 A. Zabelin URS 587
1964 P. Linnosvuo FIN 592 I. Tripsa ROM 591 L. Nacovsky TCH 590
1968 J. Zapedski POL 593 M. Rosca ROM 591 R. Suleimanov URS 591
1972 J. Zapedski POL 595 L. Falta TCH 594 V. Torchin URS 593
1976 N. Klaar GDR 597 J. Wiefel GDR 596 R. Ferraris ITA 595
1980 C. Ion ROM 596 J. Wiefel GDR 596 G. Petritsch AUT 596
1984 T. Kamachi JPN 595 C. Ion ROM 593 R. Bies FIN 591
1988 A. Kuzmin URS 698 R. Schumann GDR 696 Z. Kovács HUN 693

Distance: 25 m. These rules were established in 1948.

Free pistol

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 S. Paine USA 442 H. Nielsen DEN 285 I. Frangudis GRE
1900 C.-K. Röderer SUI 503 A. Paroche FRA 466 K. Stäheli SUI 453
1912 A. Lane USA 499 P. Dolfen USA 474 C. Stewart GBR 470 429
1920 K. Frederick USA 496 A. da Costa BRA 489 A. Lane USA 481
1936 T. Ullman SWE 559 E. Krempel GER 544 C. des Jammonières FRA 540
1948 E. Vazquez Cam PER 545 R. Schnyder SUI 539 T. Ullman SWE 539
1952 H. Brenner USA 553 Á. León de Gozalo ESP 550 A. Balogh HUN 549
1956 P. Linnosvuo FIN 556 M. Umarov URS 556 O. Pinion USA 551
1960 A. Güshchin URS 560 M. Umarov URS 552 Y. Yoshikawa JPN 552
1964 V. Markkanen FIN 560 F. Green USA 557 Y. Yoshikawa JPN 554
1968 G. Kosij URS 562 H. Mertel FRG 562 H. Vollmar GDR 560
1972 R. Skanåker SWE 567 D. luga ROM 562 R. Dollinger AUT 560
1976 U. Potteck GDR 573 H. Vollmar GDR 567 R. Dollinger AUT 562
1980 A. Melentiev URS 581 H. Vollmar GDR 568 L. Diakov BUL 565
1984 Xu Haifeng CHN 566 R. Skanåker SWE 565 Wang Yifu CHN 564
1988 S. Babii ROM 660 R. Skanåker SWE 657 I. Basinski URS 657

Distance: 50 m.

Air pistol

Gold Silver Bronze

1988 T. Kiriakov BUL 687.9 E. Buljung USA 687.9 Xu Haifeng CHN 684.5

Distance: 10 m.

10 m running target

Gold Silver Bronze

1900 L. Debray FRA 20 P. Nivet FRA 20 Comte de Lambert FRA 19
1972 Y. Zhelezniak URS 569 H. Bellingrodt COL 565 K. Kynoch GBR 562
1976 A. Gazov URS 579 A. Kediarov URS 576 J. Greszkiewicz POL 571
1980 I. Sokolov URS 589 T. Pfeffer GDR 589 A. Gazov URS 587
1984 Li Yuwei CHN 587 H. Bellingrodt COL 584 Huang Shiping CHN 581
1988 T. Heiestad NOR 689 Huang Shiping CHN 687 G. Avramenko URS 686

Distance: 50 m. Beginning in 1992, the distance will be 10 m and an air rifle will be used.
Air rifle

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 P. Heberle FRA 589 A. Kronthater AUT 587 B. Dagger GBR 587
1988 G. Maksimovic YUG 695.6 N. Berthelot FRA 694.2 J. Riederer FRG 694.0

Distance: 10 m.

SB free rifle, three positions

Gold Silver Bronze

1952 E. Kongshaug NOR 1,164 V. Ylönen FIN 1,164 B. Andreyev URS 1,163
1956 A. Bodganov URS 1,172 O. Hofinek TCH 1,172 N. J. Sundberg SWE 1,167
1960 V. Shamburkin URS 1,149 M. Niasov URS 1,145 K. Zähringer GER 1,139
1964 L. Wigger USA 1,164 V. Velichkov BUL 1,152 L. Hammerl HUN 1,151
1968 B. Kingner FRG 1,157 J. Writer USA 1,156 V. Parjimovich URS 1,154
1972 J. Writer USA 1,166 L. Bassham USA 1,157 W. Lippoldt GDR 1,153
1976 L. Bassham USA 1,162 M. Murdock USA 1,162 W. Seibold FRG 1,160
1980 V. Vlassov URS 1,173 B. Harstein GDR 1,166 S. Johansson SWE 1,165
1984 M. Cooper GBR 1,173 D. Nipkow SUI 1,163 A. Allan GBR 1,162
1988 M. Cooper GBR 1,279.3 A. Allan GBR 1,275.6 K. Ivanov URS 1,275.0

Distance: 50 m. Shooting in three positions: prone, kneeling and standing.

SB free rifle, prone

Gold Silver Bronze

1908 A. A. Carnell GBR 387 H. Humby GBR 386 G. Barnes GBR 385
1912 F. Hird USA 194 W. Milne GBR 193 H. Hurt GBR 192
1920 L. A. Nuesslein USA 391 A. Rothrock USA 386 D. Fenton USA 385
1924 P. Coquelin de Lisle FRA 398 M. Dinwiddie USA 396 J. Hartmann SUI 394
1932 B. Rönnmark SWE 294 G. Huet MEX 294 Z. Hradetzky-Spoós HUN 293
1936 W. Rögeberg NOR 300 R. Berzsenyi HUN 296 W. Karas POL 296
1948 A. Cook USA 599 W. Tomsen USA 599 J. Jonsson SWE 597
1952 I. Sârbu ROM 400 B. Andreyev URS 400 A. Jackson USA 399
1956 G. Ouellette CAN 600 V. Borisov URS 599 G. Boa CAN 598
1960 P. Kohnke GER 590 J. Hill USA 589 E. Forcella Pelliccioni VEN 587
1964 L. Hammerl HUN 597 L. Wigger USA 597 T. Pool USA 596
1968 J. Kurka TCH 598 L. Hammerl HUN 598 I. Ballinger NZL 597
1972 H.-J. Li PRK 599 V. Auer USA 598 N. Rotaru ROM 598
1976 K. Smieszek FRG 599 U. Lind FRG 597 G. Lushchikov URS 595
1980 K. Varga HUN 599 H. Heilfort GDR 599 P. Zaprianov BUL 598
1984 E. Etzel USA 599 M. Bury FRA 596 M. Sullivan GBR 596
1988 M. Varga TCH 703.9 K.-C. Cha KOR 702.8 A. Záhonyi HUN 701.9

Distance: 50 m. In 1908 the distances were 45.7 m (50 yards) and 91.4 m (100 yards). Positions: in 1908 and 1912, free; in 1920, standing; as of 1924,

Sport pistol

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 L. Thorn CAN 585 R. Fox USA 585 P. Dench AUS 583
1988 N. Salukvadze URS 690 T. Hasegawa JPN 686 J. Škaric YUG 686

Distance: 25 m.

Air pistol

Gold Silver Bronze

1988 J. Šekaric YUG 489.5 N. Salukvadke URS 487.9 M. Dobrancheva URS 485.2

Distance: 10 m.
Air rifle

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 P. Spurgin USA 393 p. E. Guller ITA 391 p. Wu Xiaoxuan CHN 389 p.
1988 I. Shilova URS 498.5 p. S. Sperber FRG 497.5 p. A. Malujina URS 495.8 p.

Distance: 10 m.

SB standard rifle, three positions

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 Wu Xiaoxuan CHN 581 p. U. Holmer FRG 578 p. W. Jewell USA 578 p.
1988 S. Sperber FRG 665.6 p. V. Letxeva BUL 683.2 p. V. Txerkassova URS 681.4 p.

Distance. 50 m. Shooting in three positions: prone, kneeling and standing.


Gold Silver Bronze

1968 E. Petrov URS 198 R. Garagnani ITA 198 K. Wimhier FRG 198
1972 K. Wimhier FRG 195 E. Petrov URS 195 M. Buchheim GDR 195
1976 J. Panácek TCH 198 E. Swinkels NED 198 W. Gawlikowski POL 196
1980 H. K. Rasmussen DEN 196 L. G. Carlsson SWE 196 R. Castrillo Garcia CUB 196
1984 M. Dryke USA 198 O. R. Rasmussen DEN 196 L. Scribani Rossi ITA 196
1988 A. Wegner GDR 222 A. de Iruarrizaga CHI 221 J. Guardiola ESP 220


Gold Silver Bronze 431

1900 R. de Barbarin FRA 17 R. Guyot FRA 17 J. de Clary FRA 17
1908 W. Ewing CAN 72 G. Beattie CAN 60 A. Maunder GBR 57
A. Metaxas GRE 57
1912 J. Graham USA 96 A. Goeldel GER 94 H. Blau RUS 91
1920 M. Arie USA 95 F. Troeh USA 93 F. Wright USA 87
1924 G. Halasy HUN 98 K. Huber FIN 98 F. Hughes USA 97
1952 G. Généreux CAN 192 K. Holmqvist SWE 191 H. Liljedahl SWE 190
1956 G. Rossini ITA 195 A. Smelczyñski POL 190 A. Ciceri ITA 188
1960 I. Dumitrescu ROM 192 G. Rossini ITA 191 S. Kalinin URS 190
1964 E. Mattarelli ITA 198 P. Senichev URS 194 W. Morris USA 194
1968 J. Braithwaite GBR 198 T. Garrigus USA 196 K. Czekalla GDR 196
1972 A. Scalzone ITA 199 M. Carrega FRA 198 S. Basagni ITA 195
1976 D. Haldeman USA 190 A. Silva Marques POR 189 U. Baldi ITA 189
1980 L. Giovannetti ITA 198 R. Yambulatov URS 196 J. Damme GDR 196
1984 L. Giovannetti ITA 192 F. Boza PER 192 D. Carlisle USA 192
1988 D. Monakov URS 222 M. Bednarik TCH 222 F. Peeters BEL 219

50 m freestyle

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 Z. Halmay HUN 28.0 J. S. Leary USA 28.6 C. Daniels USA
1988 M. Biondi USA 22.14 T. Jager USA 22.36 G. Prigoda URS 22.71

The distance was 45.72 m (50 yards) in 1904.

100 m freestyle

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 A. Hajós HUN 1:22.2 O. Herschmann AUS 1:22.8
1904 Z. Halmay HUN 1:02.8 C. Daniels USA J. S. Leary USA
1908 C. Daniels USA 1:05.6 Z. Halmay HUN 1:06.2 H. Julin SWE 1:08.0
1912 D. P. Kahanamoku USA 1:03.4 C. Healy AUS 1:04.6 K. Huszagh USA 1:05.6
1920 D. P. Kahanamoku USA 1:01.4 P. K. Kealoha USA 1:02.2 W. Harris USA 1:03.0
1924 J. Weissmuller USA 59.0 D. P. Kahanamoku USA 1:01.4 S. Kahanamoku USA 1:01.8
1928 J. Weissmuller USA 58.6 I. Bárány HUN 59.8 K. Takaishi JPN 1:00.0
1932 Y. Miyazaki JPN 58.2 T. Kawaishi JPN 58.6 A. Schwartz USA 58.8
1936 F. Csik HUN 57.6 M. Yusa JPN 57.9 S. Arai JPN 58.0
1948 W. Ris USA 57.3 A. Ford USA 57.8 G. Kádas HUN 58.1
1952 C. Scholes USA 57.4 H. Suzuki JPN 57.4 G. Larsson SWE 58.2
1956 J. Henricks AUS 55.4 J. Devitt AUS 55.8 G. Chapman AUS 56.7
1960 J. Devitt AUS 55.2 L. Larson USA 55.2 M. dos Santos BRA 55.4
1964 D. Schollander USA 53.4 R. McGregor GBR 53.5 H.-J. Klein GER 54.0
1968 M. Wenden AUS 52.2 K. Walsh USA 52.8 M. Spitz USA 53.0
1972 M. Spitz USA 51.22 J. Heidenreich USA 51.65 V. Bure URS 51.77
1976 J. Montgomery USA 49.99 J. Babashoff USA 50.81 P. Nocke FRG 51.31
1980 J. Woithe GDR 50.40 P. Holmertz SWE 50.91 P. Johansson SWE 51.29
1984 A. Gaines USA 49.80 M. Stockwell AUS 50.24 P. Johansson SWE 50.31
1988 M. Biondi USA 48.63 C. Jacobs USA 49.08 S. Caron FRA 49.62

In 1904 the distance was 91.44 m (100 yards).

200 m freestyle

Gold Silver Bronze

1900 F. Lane AUS 2:25.2 Z. Halmay HUN 2:31.4 K. Ruberl AUT 2:32.0
432 1904 C. Daniels USA 2:44.2 F. Gailey USA 2:46.0 E. Rausch GER 2:56.0
1968 M. Wenden AUS 1:55.2 D. Schollander USA 1:55.8 J. Nelson USA 1:58.1
1972 M. Spitz USA 1:52.78 S. Genter USA 1:53.73 W. Lampe FRG 1:53.99
1976 B. Furniss USA 1:50.29 J. Naber USA 1:50.50 J. Montgomery USA 1:50.58
1980 S. Kopliakov URS 1:49.81 A. Krilov URS 1:50.76 G. Brewer AUS 1:51.60
1984 M. Gross FRG 1:47.44 M. Heath USA 1:49.10 T. Fahmer FRG 1:49.69
1988 D. Armstrong AUS 1:47.25 A. Holmertz SWE 1:47.89 M. Biondi USA 1:47.99

In 1904 the distance was 201.17 m (220 yards).

400 m freestyle

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 C. Daniels USA 6:16.2 F. Gailey USA 6:22.0 O. Wahle AUT 6:39.0
1908 H. Taylor GBR 5:36.8 F. Beaurepaire AUS 5:44.2 O. Scheff UAT 5:46.0
1912 G. Hodgson CAN 5:24.4 J. Hatfield GBR 5:25.8 H. Hardwick AUS 5:31.2
1920 N. Ross USA 5:26.8 L. Langer USA 5:29.0 G. Vernot CAN 5:29.6
1924 J. Weissmuller USA 5:04.2 A. Borg SWE 5:05.6 A. Charlton AUS 5:06.6
1928 A. Zorrilla ARG 5:01.6 A. Charlton AUS 5:03.6 A. Borg SWE 5:04.6
1932 C. Crabbe USA 4:48.4 J. Tans FRA 4:48.5 T. Oyokota JPN 4:52.3
1936 J. Medica USA 4:44.5 S. Uto JPN 4:45.6 S. Makino JPN 4:48.1
1948 W. Smith USA 4:41.0 J. McLane USA 4:43.4 J. Marshall AUS 4:47.4
1952 J. Boiteux FRA 4:30.7 F. Konno USA 4:31.3 P. O. Östrand SWE 4:35.2
1956 M. Rose AUS 4:27.3 T. Yamanaka JPN 4:30.4 G. Breen USA 4:32.5
1960 M. Rose AUS 4:18.3 T. Yamanaka JPN 4:21.4 J. Konrads AUS 4:21.8
1964 D. Schollander USA 4:12.2 F. Wiegand GER 4:14.9 A. Wood AUS 4:15.1
1968 M. Burton USA 4:09.0 R. Hutton CAN 4:11.7 A. Mosconi FRA 4:13.3
1972 B. Cooper AUS 4:00.27 S. Genter USA 4:01.94 T. McBreen USA 4:02.64
1976 B. Goodell USA 3:51.93 T. Shaw USA 3:52.54 V. Raskatov URS 3:55.76
1980 V. Salnikov URS 3:51.31 A. Krilov URS 3:53.24 I. Stukolkin URS 3:53.95
1984 G. Cicarto USA 3:51.23 J. Mykkanen USA 3:51.49 J. Lemberg AUS 3:51.79
1988 U. Dassler GDR 3:46.95 D. Armstrong AUS 3:47.15 A. Wojdat POL 3:47.34

In 1904 the distance was 402.34 m (440 yards). In 1972 the race was won by R. Demont of the United States of America but he was later disqualified after failing do-
ping control.
1,500 m freestyle

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 E. Rausch GER 27:18.2 G. Kiss HUN 28:28.2 F. Gailey USA 28:54.0
1908 H. Taylor GBR 22:48.4 T. Battersby GBR 22:51.2 F. Beaurepaire AUS 22:56.2
1912 G. Hodgson CAN 22:00.0 J. Hatfield GBR 22:39.0 H. Hardwick AUS 23:15.4
1920 N. Ross USA 22:23.2 G. Vernot CAN 22:36.4 F. Beaurepaire AUS 23:04.0
1924 A. Charlton AUS 20:06.6 A. Borg SWE 22:41.4 F. Beaurepaire AUS 21:48.4
1928 A. Borg SWE 19:51.8 A. Charlton AUS 20:28.8 C. Crabbe USA 20:28.8
1932 K. Kitamura JPN 19:12.4 S. Makino JPN 19:14.1 J. Cristy USA 19:39.5
1936 N. Tereda JPN 19:13.7 J. Medica USA 19:34.0 S. Uto JPN 19:34.5
1948 J. McLane USA 19:18.5 J. Marshall AUS 19:31.3 G. Mitró HUN 19:43.2
1952 F. Konno USA 18:30.0 S. Hashizume JPN 18:41.4 T. Okamoto BRA 18:51.3
1956 M. Rose AUS 17:58.9 T. Yamanaka JPN 18:00.3 G. Breen USA 18:08.2
1960 J. Konrads AUS 17:19.6 M. Rose AUS 17:21.7 G. Breen USA 17:30.6
1964 R. Windle AUS 17:01.7 J. Nelson USA 17:03.0 A. Wood AUS 17:07.7
1968 M. Burton USA 16:38.9 J. Kinsella USA 16:57.3 G. Brough AUS 17:04.7
1972 M. Burton USA 15:52.58 G. Windeatt AUS 15:58.48 D. Northway USA 16:09.25
1976 B. Goodell USA 15:02.40 B. Hackett USA 15:03.91 S. Holland AUS 15:04.66
1980 V. Salnikov URS 14:58.27 A. Chaev URS 15:14.30 M. Metzker AUS 15:14.49
1984 M. O'Brien USA 15:05.20 G. Cicarlo USA 15:10.59 S. Pfeiffer FRG 15:12.11
1988 V. Salnikov URS 15:00.40 S. Pfeiffer FRG 15:02.69 U. Drassler GDR 15:06.15

In 1904 the distance was 1,609.34 m (1 mile).

100 m backstroke

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 W. Brack GER 1:16.8 G. Hoffmann GER G. Zacharias GER
1908 A. Bieberstein GER 1:24.6 L. Dam DEN 1:26.6 H. Haresnape GBR 1:27.0
1912 H. Hebner USA 1:21.2 O. Fahr GER 1:22.4 P. Kellner GER 1:24.0 433
1920 W. P. Kealoha USA 1:15.2 R. Kegeris USA 1:16.2 G. Blitz BEL 1:19.0
1924 W. P. Kealoha USA 1:13.2 P. Wyatt USA 1:15.4 K. Bartha HUN 1:17.8
1928 G. Kojac USA 1:08.2 W. Laufer USA 1:10.0 P. Wyatt USA 1:12.0
1932 M. Kiyokawa JPN 1:08.6 T. Irie JPN 1:09.8 K. Kawatsu JPN 1:10.0
1936 A. Kiefer USA 1:05.9 A. Vandeweghe USA 1:07.7 M. Kiyokawa USA 1:08.4
1948 A. Stack USA 1:06.4 R. Cowell USA 1:06.5 G. Vallerey FRA 1:07.8
1952 Y. Oyakawa USA 1:05.4 G. Bozon FRA 1:06.2 J. Taylor USA 1:06.4
1956 D. Theile AUS 1:02.2 J. Monckton AUS 1:03.2 F. McKinney USA 1:04.5
1960 D. Theile AUS 1:01.9 F. McKinney USA 1:02.1 R. Bennet USA 1:02.3
1968 R. Matthes GDR 58.7 C. Hickcox USA 1:00.2 R. Mills USA 1:00.5
1972 R. Matthes GDR 56.58 M. Stamm USA 57.70 J. Murphy USA 58.35
1976 J. Naber USA 55.49 P. Rocca USA 56.34 R. Matthes GDR 57.22
1980 B. Baron SWE 56.33 V. Kuznetsov URS 56.99 V. Dolgov URS 57.63
1984 R. Carey USA 55.79 D. Wilson USA 56.35 M. West CAN 56.49
1988 D. Suzuki JPN 55.05 D. Berkoff USA 55.18 I. Polianski URS 55.20

In 1904 the distance was 91.44 m (100 yards).

200 m backstroke

Gold Silver Bronze

1900 E. Hoppenberg GER 2:47.0 K. Ruberl AUT 2:56.0 J. Drost NED 3:01.0
1964 J. Graef USA 2:10.3 G. Dilley USA 2:10.5 R. Bennett USA 2:13.1
1968 R. Matthes GDR 2:09.6 M. Ivey USA 2:10.6 J. Horsley USA 2:10.9
1972 R. Matthes GDR 2:02.82 M. Stamm USA 2:04.09 M. Ivey USA 2:04.33
1976 J. Naber USA 1:59.19 P. Rocca USA 2:00.55 D. Harrigan USA 2:01.35
1980 S. Wladár HUN 2:01.93 Z. Verrasztó HUN 2:02.40 M. Kerry AUS 2:03.14
1984 R. Carey USA 2:00.23 F. Delcourt FRA 2:01.75 C. Henning CAN 2:02.37
1988 I. Polianski URS 1:59.37 F. Baltrusch GDR 1:59.60 P. Kingsman NZL 2:00.48
100 m breaststroke

Gold Silver Bronze

1968 D. McKenzie USA 1:07.7 V. Kossinski URS 1:08.0 N. Pankin URS 1:08.0
1972 N. Taguchi JPN 1:04.94 T. Bruce USA 1:05.43 J. Hencken USA 1:05.61
1976 J. Hencken USA 1:03.11 D. Wilkie GBR 1:03.43 A. Juosaitis URS 1:04.23
1980 D. Goodhew GBR 1:03.44 A. Miskarov URS 1:03.82 P. Evans AUS 1:03.96
1984 S. Lundquist USA 1:01.65 V. Davis CAN 1:01.99 P. Evans AUS 1:02.97
1988 A. Moorhouse GBR 1:02.04 K. Guttler HUN 1:02.05 D. Volkov URS 1:02.20

200 m breaststroke

Gold Silver Bronze

1908 F. Holman GBR 3:09.2 W. Robinson GBR 3:12.8 P. Hanson SWE 3:14.6
1912 W. Bathe GER 3:01.8 W. Lützow GER 3:05.0 K. Malisch GER 3:08.0
1920 H. Malmroth SWE 3:04.4 T. Henning SWE 3:09.2 A. Aaltonen FIN 3:12.2
1924 R. Skelton USA 2:56.6 J. de Combe BEL 2:59.2 W. Kischbaum USA 3:01.0
1928 Y. Tsuruta JPN 2:48.8 E. Rademacher GER 2:50.6 Y. Yldefonzo PHI 2:56.4
1932 Y. Tsuruta JPN 2:45.4 R. Koike JPN 2:46.6 Y. Yldefonzo PHI 2:47.1
1936 T. Hamuro JPN 2:41.4 E. Sietas GER 2:42.9 R. Koike JPN 2:44.2
1948 J. Verdeur USA 2:39.3 K. Carter USA 2:40.2 R. Sohl USA 2:43.9
1952 J. Davies AUS 2:34.4 B. Stassforth USA 2:34.7 H. Klein GER 2:35.9
1956 M. Furukawa JPN 2:34.7 M. Yoshimura JPN 2:36.7 K. Yunichev USA 2:36.8
1960 W. Mulliken USA 2:37.4 Y. Osaki JPN 2:38.0 W. Mensionides NED 2:39.7
1964 I. O'Brien AUS 2:27.8 G. Prokopenko URS 2:28.2 C. Jastremski USA 2:29.6
1968 F. Muñoz MEX 2:28.7 V. Kosinski URS 2:29.2 B. Job USA 2:29.9
1972 J. Hencken USA 2:21.55 D. Wilkie GBR 2:23.67 N. Taguchi JPN 2:23.88
1976 D. Wilkie GBR 2:15.11 J. Hencken USA 2:17.26 R. Colella USA 2:19.20
1980 R. Zulpa URS 2:15.85 A. Vemes HUN 2:16.93 A. Miskarov URS 2:17.28
434 1984 V. Davis CAN 2:13.34 G. Beringen AUS 2:15.79 É. Dagon SUI 2:17.41
1988 J. Szabó HUN 2:13.52 N. Gillingham GBR 2:14.12 S. Lopez ESP 2:15.21

100 m butterfly

Gold Silver Bronze

1968 D. Russell USA 55.9 M. Spitz USA 56.4 R. Wales USA 57.2
1972 M. Spitz USA 54.27 B. Robertson CAN 55.56 J. Heidenreich USA 55.74
1976 M. Vogel USA 54.35 J. Bottom USA 54.50 G. Hall USA 54.65
1980 P. Arvidsson SWE 54.92 R. Pytell GDR 54.94 D. Lopez ESP 55.13
1984 M. Gross FRG 53.08 P. Morales USA 53.23 G. Buchanan AUS 53.85
1988 A. Nesty SUR 53.00 M. Biondi USA 53.01 A. Jameson GBR 53.30

200 m butterfly

Gold Silver Bronze

1956 W. Yorzyk USA 2:19.3 T. Ishimoto JPN 2:23.8 G. Tumpek HUN 2:23.9
1960 M. Troy USA 2:12.8 N. Hayes AUS 2:14.6 D. Gillanders USA 2:15.3
1964 K. Berry AUS 2:06.6 C. Robie USA 2:07.5 F. Schmidt USA 2:09.3
1968 C. Robie USA 2:08.7 M. Woodroffe GBR 2:09.0 J. Ferris USA 2:09.3
1972 M. Spitz USA 2:00.70 G. Hall USA 2:02.86 R. Backhaus USA 2:03.23
1976 M. Bruner USA 1:59.23 S. Gregg USA 1:59.54 B. Forrester USA 1:59.96
1980 S. Fesenko URS 1:59.76 P. Hubble GBR 2:01.20 R. Pyttel GDR 2:01.39
1984 J. Sieben AUS 1:57.04 M. Gross FRG 1:57.40 R. Vidal Castro VEN 1:57.51
1988 M. Gross FRG 1:56.94 B. Nielsen DEN 1:58.24 A. Mosse NZL 1:58.28

200 m medley

Gold Silver Bronze

1968 C. Hickcox USA 2:12.0 G. Buckingham USA 2:13.0 S. Ferris USA 2:13.3
1972 G. Larsson SWE 2:07.17 A. McKee USA 2:08.37 S. Furniss USA 2:08.45
Gold Silver Bronze
1984 A. Baumann CAN 2:01.42 P. Morales USA 2:03.05 N. Cochran GBR 2:04.38
1988 T. Damyi HUN 2:00.17 P. Kühl GDR 2:01.61 V. Yaroshchuk URS 2:02.40

400 m medley

Gold Silver Bronze

1964 R. Roth USA 4:45.4 R. Saari USA 4:47.1 G. Hetz GER 4:51.0
1968 C. Hickcox USA 4:48.4 G. Hall USA 4:48.7 M. Holthaus FRG 4:51.4
1972 G. Larsson SWE 4:31.98 A. McKee USA 4:31.98 A. Hargitay HUN 4:32.70
1976 R. Strachan USA 4:23.68 A. McKee USA 4:24.62 A. Smimov URS 4:26.90
1980 A. Sidorenko URS 4:22.89 S. Fesenko URS 4:23.43 Z. Verrasztó HUN 4:24.24
1984 A. Baumann CAN 4:17.41 R. Prado BRA 4:18.45 R. Woodhouse AUS 4:20.50
1988 T. Darnyi HUN 4:14.75 D. Wharton USA 4:17.36 S. Battistelli ITA 4:18.01

4 x 100 m freestyle relay

Gold Silver Bronze

1964 USA 3:33.2 GER 3:37.2 AUS 3:39.1
1968 USA 3:31.7 URS 3:34.2 AUS 3:34.7
1972 USA 3:26.42 URS 3:29.72 GDR 3:32.42
1984 USA 3:19.03 AUS 3:19.68 SWE 3:22.69
1988 USA 3:16.53 URS 3:18.33 GDR 3:19.82

4 x 200 m freestyle relay

Gold Silver Bronze 435

1908 GBR 10:55.6 HUN 10:59.0 USA 11:02.8
1912 AUS/NZL 10:11.6 USA 10:20.2 GBR 10:28.2
1920 USA 10:04.4 AUS 10:25.4 GBR 10:37.2
1924 USA 9:53.4 AUS 10:02.0 SWE 10:06.8
1928 USA 9:36.2 JAP 9:41.4 CAN 9:47.8
1932 JAP 8:58.4 USA 9:10.5 HUN 9:31.4
1936 JAP 8:51.5 USA 9:03.0 HUN 9:12.3
1948 USA 8:46.0 HUN 8:48.4 FRA 9:08.0
1952 USA 8:31.1 JAP 8:33.5 FRA 8:45.9
1956 AUS 8:23.6 USA 8:31.5 URS 8:34.7
1960 USA 8:10.2 JAP 8:13.2 AUS 8:13.8
1964 USA 7:52.1 GER 7:59.3 JAP 8:03.8
1968 USA 7:52.3 AUS 7:53.7 URS 8:01.6
1972 USA 7:35.78 FRG 7:41.69 URS 7:45.76
1976 USA 7:23.22 URS 7:27.97 GBR 7:32.11
1980 URS 7:23.50 GDR 7:28.60 BRA 7:29.30
1984 USA 7:15.69 FRG 7:15.73 GBR 7:24.78
1988 USA 7:12.51 GDR 7:13.68 FRG 7:14.35

4 x 400 m freestyle relay

Gold Silver Bronze

1964 USA 3:33.2 GER 3:37.2 AUS 3:39.1
1968 USA 3:31.7 URS 3:34.2 AUS 3:34.7
1972 USA 3:26.42 URS 3:29.72 GDR 3:32.42
1984 USA 3:19.03 AUS 3:19.68 SWE 3:22.69
1988 USA 3:16.53 URS 3:18.33 GDR 3:29.82
4 x 100 m medley relay

Gold Silver Bronze

1960 USA 4:05.4 AUS 4:12.0 JAP 4:12.2
1964 USA 3:58.4 GER 4:01.6 AUS 4:02.3
1968 USA 3:54.9 FRG 3:57.5 URS 4:00.7
1972 USA 3:48.16 FRG 3:51.1 CAN 3:52.26
1976 USA 3:42.22 CAN 3:45.94 FRG 3:47.29
1980 AUS 3:45.70 URS 3:45.92 GBR 3:47.71
1984 USA 3:39.30 CAN 3:43.23 AUS 3:43.25
1988 USA 3:36.93 CAN 3:39.28 URS 3:39.96

50 m freestyle

Gold Silver Bronze

1988 K. Otto GDR 25.49 Yang Wenyi CHN 25.64 K. Meissner GDR 25.71
J. Sterkel USA 25.71

100 m freestyle

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 F. Durack AUS 1:22.2 W. Wylie AUS 1:25.4 J. Fletcher GBR 1:27.0
1920 E. Bleibtrey USA 1:13.6 I. Guest USA 1:17.0 F. Schroth USA 1:17.2
1924 E. Lackie USA 1:12.4 M. Wehselau USA 1:12.8 G. Ederle USA 1:14.2
1928 A. Osipowich USA 1:11.0 E. Garatti USA 1:11.4 M. J. Cooper GBR 1:13.6
1932 H. Madison USA 1:06.8 W. den Ouden NED 1:07.8 E. Saville (Garatti) USA 1:08.2
1936 H. Mastenbroek NED 1:05.9 J. Campbell ARG 1:06.4 G. Arendt GER 1:06.6
1948 G. Andersen DEN 1:06.3 A. Curtis USA 1:06.5 M.-L. Vaessen NED 1:07.6
436 1952 K. Szöke HUN 1:06.8 J. Termeulen NED 1:07.0 J. Temes HUN 1:07.1
1956 D. Fraser AUS 1:02.0 L. Crapp AUS 1:02.3 F. Leech AUS 1:05.1
1960 D. Fraser AUS 1:01.2 C. von Saltza USA 1:02.8 N. Steward GBR 1:03.1
1964 D. Fraser AUS 59.5 S. Stouder USA 59.9 K. Ellis USA 1:00.8
1968 J. Henne USA 1:00.0 S. Pedersen USA 1:00.3 L. Gustavson USA 1:00.3
1972 S. Neilson USA 58.59 S. Babashoff USA 59.02 S. Gould AUS 59.06
1976 K. Ender GDR 55.65 P. Priemer GDR 56.49 E. Brigitha NED 56.65
1980 B. Krause GDR 54.79 C. Metschuck GDR 55.16 I. Diers GDR 55.65
1984 C. Steinseifer USA 55.92 A. Verstappen NED 56.08
N. Hogshead USA 55.92
1988 K. Otto GDR 54.93 Zhuang Yong CHN 55.47 C. Plewinski FRA 55.49

In 1984, Carrie Steinseifer and Nancy Hogshead were both awarded a gold medal. This is, so far, the only double gold in Olympic swimming history.

200 m freestyle

Gold Silver Bronze

1968 D. Meyer USA 2:10.5 J. Henne USA 2:11.10 J. Barkman USA 2:11.2
1972 S. Gould AUS 2:03.56 S. Babashoff USA 2:04.33 K. Rothammer USA 2:04.92
1976 K. Ender GDR 1:59.26 S. Babashoff USA 2:01.22 E. Brigitha NED 2:01.40
1980 B. Krause GDR 1:58.33 I. Diers GDR 1:59.64 C. Schmidt GDR 2:01.44
1984 M. Wayte USA 1:59.23 C. Woodhead USA 1:59.50 A. Verstappen NED 1:59.69
1988 H. Friedrich GDR 1:57.65 S. Poll CRC 1:58.67 M. Stellmach GDR 1:59.01

400 m freestyle

Gold Silver Bronze

1924 M. Norelius USA 6:02.2 H. Wainwright USA 6:03.8 G. Ederle USA 6:04.8
1928 M. Norelius USA 5:42.8 M. Braun NED 5:57.8 J. McKim USA 6:00.2
1932 H. Madison USA 5:28.5 L. Kight USA 5:28.6 J. Makaal SAF 5:47.3
1936 H. Mastenbroek NED 5:26.4 R. Hveger DEN 5:27.5 L. Wingard (Kìght) USA 5:29.0
1948 A. Curtis USA 5:17.8 K.-M. Harup DEN 5:21.2 C. Gibson GBR 5:22.5
1952 V. Gyenge HUN 5:12.1 E. Novák HUN 5:13.7 E. Kawamoto USA 5:14.6
1956 L. Crapp AUS 4:54.6 D. Fraser AUS 5:02.5 S. Ruuska USA 5:07.1
Gold Silver Bronze
1960 C. Von Saltza USA 4:50.6 J. Cederqvist SWE 4:53.9 C. Lagerberg NED 4:56.9
1964 V. Duenkel USA 4:43.3 M. Ramenofsky USA 4:44.6 T. Stickles USA 4:47.2
1968 D. Meyer USA 4:31.8 L. Gustavson USA 4:35.5 K. Moras AUS 4:37.0
1972 S. Gould AUS 4:19.04 N. Calligarís ITA 4:22.44 G. Wegner GDR 4:23.11
1976 P. Thümer GDR 4:09.89 S. Babashoff USA 4:10.46 S. Smith CAN 4:14.60
1980 I. Diers GDR 4:08.76 P. Schneider GDR 4:09.16 C. Schmidt GDR 4:10.86
1984 T. Cohen USA 4:07.10 S. Hardcastle GBR 4:10.27 J. Croft GBR 4:11.49
1988 J. Evans USA 4:03.85 H. Friedrich GDR 4:05.94 A. Möhring GDR 4:06.62

800 m freestyle

Gold Silver Bronze

1968 D. Meyer USA 9:24.0 P. Kruse USA 9:35.7 M. T. Ramirez MEX 9:38.5
1972 K. Rothhammer USA 8:53.68 S. Gould AUS 8:56.39 N. Calligaris ITA 8:57.46
1976 P. Thümer GDR 8:37.14 S. Babashoff USA 8:37.59 W. Weinberg USA 8:42.60
1980 M. Ford AUS 8:28.90 I. Diers GDR 8:32.55 H. Dähne GDR 8:33.48
1984 T. Cohen USA 8:24.95 M. Richardson USA 8:30.73 S. Hardcastle GBR 8:32.60
1988 J. Evans USA 8:20.20 A. Strass GDR 8:22.09 J. McDonald AUS 8:22.93

100 m breaststroke

Gold Silver Bronze

1968 D. Bjedov YUG 1:15.8 G. Prozumenshchikova URS 1:15.9 S. Wichman USA 1:16.1
1972 C. Carr USA 1:13.58 G. Stepanova URS 1:14.99 B. Whitfield AUS 1:15.73
1976 H. Anke GDR 1:11.16 L. Russanova URS 1:13.04 M. Koshevaya URS 1:13.30
1980 U. Geweniger GDR 1:10.22 E. Vasilkova URS 1:10.41 S. Nielsson DEN 1:11.16
1984 P. van Staveren NED 1:09.88 A. Ottenbrite CAN 1:10.69 C. Poirot FRA 1:10.70
1988 T. Dangalakova BUL 1:07.95 A. Frenkeva BUL 1:08.74 S. Hörner GDR 1:08.83

200 m breaststroke

Gold Silver Bronze

1924 L. Morton GBR 3:33.2 A. Geraghty USA 3:34.0 G. Carson GBR 3:35.4
1928 H. Schrader GER 3:12.6 M. Baron NED 3:15.2 L. Mühe GER 3:17.6
1932 C. Dennis AUS 3:06.3 H. Maehata JPN 3:06.4 E. Jacobsen DEN 3:07.1
1936 H. Maehata JPN 3:03.6 M. Genenger GER 3:04.2 I. Sörensen DEN 3:07.8
1948 P. van Vliet NED 2:57.2 B. Lyons AUS 2:57.7 É. Novák HUN 3:00.2
1952 É. Székely HUN 2:51.7 É. Novak HUN 2:54.4 H. Gordon GBR 2:57.6
1956 U. Happe GER 2:53.1 É. Székely HUN 2:54.8 E.-M. Ten Elsen GER 2:55.1
1960 A. Lonsbrough GBR 2:49.5 W. Urselmann GER 2:50.0 B. Göbel GER 2:53.6
1964 G. Prozumenshchikova URS 2:46.4 C. Kolb USA 2:47.6 S. Babanina URS 2:48.6
1968 S. Wichman USA 2:44.4 D. Bjedov YUG 2:46.4 G. Prozumenshchikova URS 2:47.0
1972 B. Whitfield AUS 2:41.71 D. Schoenfield USA 2:42.05 G. Stepanova URS 2:42.36
1976 M. Koshevaya URS 2:33.35 M. Yurchenia URS 2:36.08 L. Rusanova URS 2:36.22
1980 L. Kaciušyte URS 2:29.54 S. Varganova URS 2:29.61 Y. Bogdanova URS 2:32.39
1984 A. Ottenbrite CAN 2:30.38 S. Rapp USA 2:31.15 I. Lempereur BEL 2:31.40
1988 S. Hörner GDR 2:26.71 Huang Xiaomin CH 2:27.49 A. Frenkeva BUL 2:28.34

100 m backstroke

Gold Silver Bronze

1924 S. Bauer USA 1:23.2 P. Harding GBR 1:27.4 A. Riggin USA 1:28.2
1928 M. Braun NED 1:22.0 E. King GBR 1:22.2 M. J. Cooper GBR 1:22.8
1932 E. Holm USA 1:19.4 P. Mealing AUS 1:21.3 E. V. Davies GBR 1:22.5
1936 D. Senff NED 1:18.9 H. Mastenbroek NED 1:19.2 A. Bridges USA 1:19.4
1948 K.-M. Harup DEN 1:14.4 S. Zimmerman USA 1:16.0 J. Davies AUS 1:16.7
1952 J. Harrison SAF 1:14.3 G. Wielema NED 1:14.5 J. Stewart NZL 1:15.8
Gold Silver Bronze
1956 J. Grinham GBR 1:12.9 C. Cone USA 1:12.9 M. Edwards GBR 1:13.1
1960 L. Burke USA 1:09.3 N. Steward GBR 1:10.8 S. Tanaka JPN 1:11.4
1964 C. Ferguson USA 1:07.7 C. Caron FRA 1:07.9 V. Duenkel USA 1:08.0
1968 K. Hall USA 1:06.2 E. Tanner CAN 1:06.7 J. Swagerty USA 1:08.1
1972 M. Belote USA 1:05.78 A. Gyarmati HUN 1:06.26 S. Atwood USA 1:06.34
1976 U. Ritcher GDR 1:01.83 B. Treiber GDR 1:03.41 N. Garapick CAN 1:03.71
1980 R. Reinisch GDR 1:00.86 I. Kleber GDR 1:02.07 P. Riedel GDR 1:02.64
1984 T. Andrews USA 1:02.55 B. Mitchell USA 1:02.63 J. de Rover NED 1:02.91
1988 K. Otto GDR 1:00.89 K. Egerszegi HUN 1:01.56 C. Sirch GDR 1:01.57

200 m backstroke

Gold Silver Bronze

1968 L. Watson USA 2:24.8 E. Tanner CAN 2:27.4 K. Hall USA 2:28.9
1972 M. Belote USA 2:19.19 S. Atwood USA 2:20.38 D. Gurr CAN 2:23.22
1976 U. Richter GDR 2:13.43 B. Treiber GDR 2:14.97 N. Garapick CAN 2:15.60
1980 R. Reinisch GDR 2:11.77 C. Polit GDR 2:13.75 B. Treiber GDR 2:14.14
1984 J. de Rover NED 2:12.38 A. White USA 2:13.04 A. Patrascoiu ROM 2:13.29
1988 K. Egerszegi HUN 2:09.29 K. Zimmerman GDR 2:10.61 C. Sirch GDR 2:11.45

100 m butterfly

Gold Silver Bronze

1956 S. Mann USA 1:11.0 N. Ramey USA 1:11.9 M. Sears USA 1:14.4
1960 C. Schuler USA 1:09.5 M. Heemskerk NED 1:10.4 J. Andrew AUS 1:12.2
1964 S. Stouder USA 1:04.7 A. Kok NED 1:05.6 K. Ellis USA 1:06.0
438 1968 L. McClements AUS 1:05.5 E. Daniel USA 1:05.8 S. Shields USA 1:06.2
1972 M. Aoki JPN 1:03.34 R. Beier GDR 1:03.61 A. Gyarmati HUN 1:03.73
1976 K. Ender GDR 1:00.13 A. Pollack GDR 1:01.17 W. Boglioli GDR 1:01.17
1980 C. Metschuck GDR 1:00.42 A. Pollack GDR 1:00.90 C. Knacke GDR 1:01.44
1984 M. T. Meagher USA 59.26 J. Johnson USA 1:00.19 K. Seick FRG 1:01.36
1988 K. Otto GDR 59.00 B. Weigang GDR 59.45 Qian Hong CHN 59.52

200 m butterfly

Gold Silver Bronze

1968 A. Kok NED 2:24.7 H. Lindner GDR 2:24.8 E. Daniel USA 2:25.9
1972 K. Moe USA 2:15.57 L. Colella USA 2:16.34 E. Daniel USA 2:16.74
1976 A. Pollack GDR 2:11.41 U. Tauber GDR 2:12.50 R. Gabriel (Kothers) GDR 2:12.86
1980 I. Geissler GDR 2:10.44 S. Schönrock GDR 2:10.45 M. Ford AUS 2:11.66
1984 M. T. Meagher USA 2:06.90 K. Phillips AUS 2:10.56 I. Beyermann FRG 2:11.91
1988 K. Nord GDR 2:09.51 B. Weigang GDR 2:09.91 M. T. Meagher USA 2:10.80

200 m medley

Gold Silver Bronze

1968 C. Kolb USA 2:24.7 S. Pedersen USA 2:28.8 J. Henne USA 2:31.4
1972 S. Gould AUS 2:23.07 K. Ender GDR 2:23.59 L. Vidali USA 2:24.06
1984 T. Caulkins USA 2:12.64 N. Hogshead USA 2:15.17 M. Pearson AUS 2:15.92
1988 D. Hunger GDR 2:12.59 E. Dendeberova URS 2:13.31 N. I. Lung ROM 2:14.85

400 m medley

Gold Silver Bronze

1964 D. De Varona USA 5:18.7 S. Finneran USA 5:24.1 M. Randall USA 5:24.2
1968 C. Kolb USA 5:08.5 L. Vidali USA 5:22.2 S. Steinbach GDR 5:25.3
1972 G. Neall AUS 5:02.97 L. Cliff CAN 5:03.57 N. Calligaris ITA 5:03.99
Gold Silver Bronze
1976 U. Tauber GDR 4:42.77 C. Gibson CAN 4:48.10 B. Smith CAN 4:50.48
1980 P. Schneider GDR 4:36.29 S. Davies GBR 4:46.83 A. Czopek POL 4:48.17
1984 T. Caulkins USA 4:39.24 S. Landells AUS 4:48.30 P. Zinder FRG 4:48.57
1988 J. Evans USA 4:37.76 N. I. Lung ROM 4:39.46 D. Hunger GDR 4:39.76

4 x 100 m freestyle relay

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 GBR 5:52.8 GER 6:04.6 AUS 6:17.0
1920 USA 5:11.6 GBR 5:40.8 SWE 5:43.6
1924 USA 4:58.8 GBR 5:17.0 SWE 5:35.6
1928 USA 4:47.6 GBR 5:02.8 SAF 5:13.4
1932 USA 4:38.0 NED 4:47.5 GBR 4:52.4
1936 NED 4:36.0 GER 4:36.8 USA 4:40.2
1948 USA 4:29.2 DEN 4:29.6 NED 4:31.6
1952 HUN 4:24.4 NED 4:29.0 USA 4:30.1
1956 AUS 4:17.1 USA 4:19.2 SAF 4:25.7
1960 USA 4:08.9 AUS 4:11.3 GER 4:19.7
1964 USA 4:03.8 AUS 4:06.9 NED 4:12.0
1968 USA 4:02.5 GDR 4:05.7 CAN 4:07.2
1972 USA 3:55.19 GDR 3:55.55 FRG 3:57.93
1976 USA 3:44.82 GDR 3:45.50 CAN 3:48.81
1980 GDR 3:42.71 SWE 3:48.93 NED 3:49.51
1984 USA 3:43.43 NED 3:44.40 FRG 3:45.56
1988 GDR 3:40.63 NED 3:43.39 USA 3:44.25

Women 439
4 x 100 m medley relay

Gold Silver Bronze

1960 USA 4:41.1 AUS 4:45.9 GER 4:47.6
1964 USA 4:33.9 NED 4:37.0 URS 4:39.2
1968 USA 4:28.3 AUS 4:30.0 FRG 4:36.4
1972 USA 4:20.75 GDR 4:24.91 FRG 4:26.46
1976 GDR 4:07.95 USA 4:14.55 CAN 4:15.22
1980 GDR 4:06.67 GBR 4:12.24 URS 4:13.61
1984 USA 4:08.34 FRG 4:11.97 CAN 4:12.98
1988 GDR 4:03.74 USA 4:07.90 CAN 4:10.49

Springboard diving

Gold Silver Bronze

1908 Albert Zümer GER 85.50 K. Behrens GER 85.30 G. Gaidzik USA 80.80
1912 P. Günther GER 79.23 H. Luber GER 76.78 K. Behrens GER 73.73
1920 L. Kuehn USA 675.40 C. Pinkston USA 655.30 L. Balbach USA 649.50
1924 A. White USA 696.40 P. Desjardins USA 693.20 C. Pinkston USA 653.00
1928 P. Desjardins USA 185.04 M. Galitzen USA 174.06 F. Simaika EGY 172.46
1932 M. Galitzen USA 161.38 H. Smith USA 158.54 R. Degener USA 151.82
1936 R. Degener USA 163.57 M. Wayne USA 159.56 A. Greene USA 146.29
1948 B. Harlan USA 163.64 M. Anderson USA 157.29 S. Lee USA 145.52
1952 D. Browning USA 205.29 M. Anderson USA 199.84 R. Clotworthy USA 184.92
1956 R. Clotworthy USA 159.56 D. Harper USA 156.23 J. Capilla Pérez MEX 150.69
1960 G. Tobian USA 170.00 S. Hall USA 157.63 J. Botella MEX 162.30
1964 K. Sitzberger USA 159.90 F. Gorman USA 157.63 L. Andreasen USA 143.77
1968 B. Wrightson USA 170.15 K. Dibiasi ITA 159.74 J. Henry USA 158.09
1972 V. Vasin URS 594.09 F. G. Cagnotto ITA 591.63 C. Lincoln USA 577.29
1976 P. Boggs USA 619.05 F. G. Cagnotto ITA 570.48 A. Kosenkov URS 567.24
1980 A. Portnov URS 905.025 C. Girón MEX 892.140 F. G. Cagnotto ITA 871.500
1984 G. Louganis USA 754.41 Tan Liangde CHN 662.31 R. Merriott USA 661.32
1988 G. Louganis USA 730.80 Tan Liangde CHN 704.88 Li Deliang CHN 665.28
Platform diving

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 G. Sheldon USA 12.66 G. Hoffmann GER 11.66 F. Kehoe USA 11.33
A. Braunschweiger GER 11.33
1908 H. Johansson SWE 83.75 K. Malström SWE 78.73 A. Spångberg SWE 74.00
1912 E. Adlerz SWE 73.94 A. Zürner GER 72.60 G. Blomgren SWE 69.56
1920 C. Pinkston USA 100.67 E. Adlerz SWE 99.08 H. Prieste USA 93.73
1924 A. White USA 97.46 D. Fall USA 97.30 C. Pinkston USA 94.60
1928 P. Desjardins USA 98.74 F. Simaika EGY 99.58 M. Galitzen USA 92.34
1932 H. Smith USA 124.80 M. Galitzen USA 124.28 F. Kurtz USA 121.98
1936 M. Wayne USA 113.58 E. Root USA 110.60 H. Stork GER 110.31
1948 S. Lee USA 130.05 B. Harlan USA 122.30 J. Capilla Pérez MEX 113.52
1952 S. Lee USA 156.28 J. Capilla Pérez MEX 145.21 G. Haase GER 141.31
1956 J. Capilla Perez MEX 152.44 G. Tobian USA 152.41 R. Connor USA 149.79
1960 R. Webster USA 165.56 G. Tobian USA 165.25 B. Phelps GBR 157.13
1964 R. Webster USA 148.58 K. Dibiasi ITA 147.54 T. Gompf USA 146.57
1968 K. Dibiasi ITA 164.18 A. Gaxiola MEX 154.49 E. Young USA 153.93
1972 K. Dibiasi ITA 504.12 R. Rydze USA 480.75 F. G. Cagnotto ITA 475.83
1976 K. Dibiasi ITA 600.51 G. Louganis USA 576.99 V. Aleinik URS 548.61
1980 F. Hoffmann GDR 835.65 V. Aleinik URS 819.70 D. Ambartsumian URS 817.44
1984 G. Louganis USA 710.91 B. Kimball USA 643.50 Li Kongzheng CHN 638.28
1988 G. Louganis USA 638.61 Xiong Ni CHN 637.47 J. Mena MEX 594.39

This was a combined springboard and platform event in the 1904 and 1908 Games. P. Desjardins won this event in 1928 owing to the classification system, although
he had scored fewer points than F. Simaika.

Springboard diving

Gold Silver Bronze

1920 A. Riggin USA 539.90 H. Wainwright USA 534.80 T. Payne USA 534.10
440 1924 E. Becker USA 474.50 A. Riggin USA 460.40 C. Fletcher USA 436.40
1928 H. Meany USA 78.62 D. Poynton USA 75.62 G. Coleman USA 73.38
1932 G. Coleman USA 87.52 K. Rawls USA 82.56 J. Fauntz USA 82.12
1936 M. Gestring USA 89.27 K. Rawls USA 88.35 D. Hill (Poynton) USA 82.36
1948 V. Draves USA 108.74 Z. A. Olsen USA 108.23 P. Elsener USA 101.30
1952 P. McCormick USA 147.30 M. Moreau FRA 139.34 Z. A. Jensen (Olsen) USA 127.57
1956 P. McCormick USA 142.36 J. Stunyo USA 125.89 I. McDonald CAN 121.40
1960 I. Kramer GER 155.81 P. J. Pope (Myers) USA 141.24 E. Ferris GBR 139.09
1964 I. Engel (Kramer) GER 145.00 J. Collier USA 138.86 M. Willard USA 138.18
1968 S. Gossick USA 150.77 T. Pogosheva URS 145.30 K. O'Sullivan USA 145.23
1972 M. King USA 450.03 U. Knape SWE 434.19 M. Janicke GDR 430.92
1976 J. Chandler USA 506.19 C. Köhler GDR 469.41 C. Potter USA 466.83
1980 I. Kalinina URS 725.91 M. Proeber GDR 698.89 K. Guthke GDR 685.24
1984 S. Bernier CAN 530.70 K. McCormick USA 527.46 C. Seufert USA 517.62
1988 Gao Min CHN 580.23 Li Qing CHN 534.33 K. McCormick USA 533.19

Platform diving

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 G. Johansson SWE 39.90 L. Regnell SWE 36.00 I. White GBR 34.00
1920 S. Fryland-Clausen DEN 34.60 E. Armstrong GBR 33.30 E. Ollivier SWE 33.30
1924 C. Smith USA 33.20 E. Becker USA 33.40 H. Töpel SWE 32.80
1928 E. Pinkston (Becker) USA 31.60 G. Coleman USA 30.60 L. Sjöquist SWE 29.20
1932 D. Poynton USA 40.26 G. Coleman USA 35.56 M. Roper USA 35.22
1936 D. Hill (Poynton) USA 33.93 V. Dunn USA 33.63 K. Köhler GER 33.43
1948 V. Draves USA 68.87 P. Elsener USA 66.28 B. Christoffersen DEN 66.04
1952 P. McCormick USA 79.37 P. J. Myers USA 71.63 J. Irwin (Stover) USA 70.49
1956 P. McCormick USA 84.85 J. Irwin (Stover) USA 81.64 P. J. Myers USA 81.58
1960 I. Kramer GER 91.28 P. J. Pope (Myers) USA 88.94 N. Krutova URS 86.99
1964 L. Bush USA 99.80 I. Engel (Kramer) GER 98.45 G. Alekseyeva URS 97.60
1968 M. Duchková TCH 109.59 N. Lobanova URS 105.14 A. Peterson USA 101.11
1972 U. Knape SWE 390.00 M. Duchková TCH 370.92 M. Janicke GDR 360.54
Gold Silver Bronze
1976 E. Vaitsejouskaya URS 406.59 U. Knape SWE 402.60 D. Wilson USA 401.07
1980 M. Jäschke GDR 596.25 S. Emirzian URS 576.46 L. Tsotadze URS 575.92
1984 Zhou Jihong CHN 435.51 M. Mitchell USA 431.19 W. Wyland USA 422.07
1988 Xu Yanmei CHN 445.20 M. Mitchell USA 436.95 W. L. Williams USA 400.44

C. Smith won this event in 1924 owing to the classification system although he had scored fewer points than E. Becker.

Synchronized swimming

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 T. Ruiz USA 198.467 C. Waldo CAN 195.300 M. Motoyoshi JPN 187.050
1988 C. Waldo CAN 200.150 T. Ruiz-Conforto USA 197.633 M. Kotani JPN 191.850

Synchronized swimming

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 USA 195.584 CAN 194.234 JAP 187.992
1988 CAN 197.317 USA 197.284 JAP 190.159

Water polo

Gold Silver Bronze

1908 GBR SWE

The participating teams were clubs rather than teams representing their country in 1900 and 1904.

Table tennis

Gold Silver Bronze

1988 N.-K. Yoo KOR K.-T. Kim KOR E. Lindh SWE

Table tennis

Gold Silver Bronze

Table tennis

Gold Silver Bronze

1988 Chen Jing CHN Li Huifen CHN Jiao Zhimin CHN

Table tennis

Gold Silver Bronze



Gold Silver Bronze

1896 J. P. Boland GBR/IRL D. Kasdaglis EGY M. Topavicza HUN
K. Paspatis GRE
1900 H. Doherty GBR H. Mahony GBR/IRL R. Doherty GBR
A. Norris GBR
1904 B. Wright USA R. LeRoy USA A. Bell USA
E. Leonard USA
1908 J. Ritchie GBR O. Froitzheim GER W. Vaughan Eaves GBR
1912 C. Winslow SAF H. Kitson SAP O. Kreuzer GER
1920 L. Raymond SAF I. Kumagae JPN C. Winslow SAP
1924 V. Richards USA H. Cochet FRA U. L. de Morpurgo ITA
1988 M. Mecir TCH T. Mayotte USA S. Edberg SWE
B. Gilbert USA


442 Gold Silver Bronze



Gold Silver Bronze

1900 C. Cooper GBR H. Prévost FRA M. Jones USA
1908 D. Chambers GBR P. D. Boothby GBR J. Winch GBR
1912 M. Broquedis FRA D. Köring GER M. Bjurstedt NOR
1920 S. Lenglen FRA E. D. Holman GBR K. McKane GBR
1924 H. Wills USA J. Vlasto FRA K. McKane GBR
1988 S. Graf FRG G. Sabatini ARG Z. Garrison USA
M. Maleeva BUL


Gold Silver Bronze


Gold Silver Bronze



Gold Silver Bronze


Up to 52 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 Z. Smalcerz POL 337.5 kg L. Szücs HUN 330.0 kg S. Holczreiter HUN 327.5 kg
1976 A. Voronin URS 242.5 kg G. Köszegi HUN 237.5 kg M. Nassiri IRN 235.0 kg
1980 K. Osmonaliev URS 245.0 kg B.-C. Ho PRK 245.0 kg G.-S. Han PRK 245.0 kg
1984 Zeng Guoqiang CHN 235.0 kg Zhou Peishun CHN 235.0 kg K. Manabe JPN 232.5 kg 443
1988 S. Marinov BUL 270.0 kg B.-K. Chun KOR 260.0 kg He Zhouqiang CHN 257.5 kg

From 52.01 to 56 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1948 J. Di Pietro USA 307.5 kg J. Creus GBR 297.5 kg R. Tom USA 295.0 kg
1952 I. Udodov URS 315.0 kg M. Namdyou IRN 307.5 kg A. Mirzal IRN 300.0 kg
1956 C. Vinci USA 342.5 kg V. Stogov URS 337.5 kg M. Namdyou IRN 332.5 kg
1960 C. Vinci USA 345.0 kg Y. Miyake JPN 337.5 kg E. Elmjan IRN 330.0 kg
1964 A. Vajonin URS 357.5 kg I. Földi HUN 355.0 kg S. Ichinoseki JPN 347.5 kg
1968 M. Nassiri IRN 367.5 kg I. Földi HUN 367.5 kg H. Trobicki POL 357.5 kg
1972 I. Földi HUN 377.5 kg M. Nassiri IRN 370.0 kg G. Chetin URS 367.5 kg
1976 N. Nurikian BUL 262.5 kg G. Cziura POL 252.5 kg K. Ando JPN 250.0 kg
1980 D. Núñez Aguilar CUB 275.0 kg Y. Sarkisian URS 270.0 kg T. Dembonczyk POL 265.0 kg
1984 Wu Shude CHN 267.5 kg Lai Runming CHN 265.0 kg M. Kotaka JPN 252.5 kg
1988 O. Mirzoian URS 292.5 kg He Yingqiang CHN 287.5 kg Liu Shoubin CHN 267.5 kg

From 56.01 to 60

Gold Silver Bronze

1920 F. de Haes BEL 220.0 kg A. Schmidt EST 212.5 kg E. Ryther SUI 210.0 kg
1924 P. Gabetti ITA 402.5 kg A. Stadler AUT 385.0 kg A. Reinmann SUI 382.5 kg
1928 F. Andrysek AUT 287.5 kg P. Gabetti ITA 282.5 kg H. Wölpert GER 282.5 kg
1932 R. Suvigny FRA 287.5 kg H. Wolper GER 282.5 kg A. Terlazzo USA 280.0 kg
1936 A. Terlazzo USA 312.5 kg S. M. Soliman EGY 305.0 kg I. Hassan Shams EGY 300.0 kg
1948 M. Fayad EGY 332.5 kg R. Wilkes TRI 317.5 kg J. Salmassi IRN 312.0 kg
1952 R. Chimishkian URS 337.5 kg N. Saksonov URS 332.5 kg R. Wilkes TRI 322.5 kg
1956 I. Berger USA 352.5 kg E. Minayev URS 342.5 kg M. Zielinski POL 335.0 kg
1960 E. Minayev URS 372.5 kg I. Berger USA 362.5 kg S. Mannironi ITA 352.5 kg
1964 Yoshinobu Miyake JPN 397.5 kg I. Berger USA 382.5 kg M. Nowak POL 377.5 kg
1968 Yoshinobu Miyake JPN 392.5 kg D. Zhanidze URS 387.5 kg Yoshiyuki Miyake JPN 385.0 kg
Gold Silver Bronze
1972 N. Nurikian BUL 402.5 kg D. Zhanidze URS 400.0 kg J. Benedek HUN 390.0 kg
1976 N. Kolesnikov URS 285.0 kg G. Todorov BUL 280.0 kg K. Hirai JPN 275.0 kg
1980 V. Mazin URS 290.0 kg S. Dimitrov BUL 287.5 kg M. Seweryn POL 282.5 kg
1984 Chen Weiquiang CHN 282.5 kg G. Radu ROM 280.0 kg W.-Y. Tsai TPE 272.5 kg
1988 N. Suleymanoglü TUR 342.5 kg S. Topurov BUL 312.5 kg Ye Huanming CHN 287.5 kg

from 60.01 to 67.5 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1920 A. Neuland EST 257.5 kg L. Williquet BEL 240.0 kg F. Rooms BEL 230.0 kg
1924 E. Décottignies FRA 440.0 kg A. Zwerina AUT 427.5 kg B. Durdis TCH 425.0 kg
1928 K. Helbing GER 322.5 kg F. Arnout FRA 302.5 kg
H. Haas AUT 322.5 kg
1932 R. Duverger FRA 325.0 kg H. Haas AUT 307.5 kg G. Pierini ITA 302.5 kg
1936 A. M. Mesbah EGY 342.5 kg K. Jansen GER 327.5 kg
R. Fein AUT 342.5 kg
1948 I. Hassanien Shams EGY 360.0 kg A. Hamouda EGY 360.0 kg J. Halliday GBR 340.0 kg
1952 T. Kono USA 362.5 kg E. Lopatin URS 350.0 kg V. Barberis AUS 350.0 kg
1956 I. Ribak URS 380.0 kg R. Jabutdinov URS 372.5 kg C.-H. Kim KOR 370.0 kg
1960 V. Bushuyev URS 397.5 kg H. L. Tan SIN 380.0 kg A. Wahid Aziz IRQ 380.0 kg
1964 W. Baszanowski POL 432.5 kg V. Kaplunov URS 432.5 kg M. Zielinski POL 420.0 kg
1968 W. Baszanowski POL 437.5 kg P. Jalayer IRN 422.5 kg M. Zielinski POL 420.0 kg
1972 M. Kirzhinov URS 460.0 kg M. Kuchev BUL 450.0 kg Z. Kaczmarek POL 437.5 kg
1976 P. Korol URS 305.0 kg D. Senet FRA 300.0 kg K. Czarnecki POL 295.0 kg
1980 Y. Russev BUL 342.5 kg J. Kunz GDR 335.0 kg M. Pashov BUL 325.0 kg
1984 Yao Jingyuan CHN 320.0 kg A. Socaci ROM 312.5 kg J. Grönman FIN 312.5 kg
1988 J. Kunz GDR 340.0 kg I. Militosian URS 337.5 kg Li Jinhe CHN 325.0 kg

At the 1928 Games both K. Helbing and H. Haas were declared champion since they weighted the same and lifted the same weight. At the 1976 Games the event was
444 won by the Polish team member Z. Kaczmarek who was later disqualified for having used anabolic steroids.

From 67.51 to 75 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1920 H. Gance FRA 245.0 kg P. Bianchi ITA 237.5 kg A. Pettersson SWE 237.5 kg
1924 C. Galimberti ITA 492.5 kg A. Neuland EST 455.0 kg J. Kikkas EST 450.0 kg
1928 R. Francois FRA 335.0 kg C. Galimberti ITA 332.5 kg A. Scheffer NED 327.5 kg
1932 R. Ismayr GER 345.0 kg C. Galimberti ITA 340.0 kg K. Hipfinger AUT 337.5 kg
1936 K. S. El Touri EGY 387.5 kg R. Ismayr GER 352.5 kg A. Wagner GER 352.5 kg
1948 F. Spellman USA 390.0 kg P. George USA 382.5 kg S.-J. Kim KOR 380.0 kg
1952 P. George USA 400.0 kg G. Gratton CAN 390.0 kg S.-J. Kim KOR 382.5 kg
1956 F. Bogdanovski URS 420.0 kg P. George USA 412.5 kg E. Pignatti ITA 382.5 kg
1960 A. Kurinov URS 437.5 kg T. Kono USA 427.5 kg G. Veres HUN 405.0 kg
1964 H. Zdražila TCH 445.0 kg V. Kurentsov URS 440.0 kg M. Ouchi JPN 437.5 kg
1968 V. Kurentsov URS 475.0 kg M. Ouchi JPN 455.0 kg K. Bakos HUN 440.0 kg
1972 Y. Bikov BUL 485.0 kg M. Traboulsi LIB 472.5 kg A. Silvino ITA 470.0 kg
1976 Y. Mitkov BUL 335.0 kg V. Militosian URS 330.0 kg P. Wenzel GDR 327.5 kg
1980 A. Zlatev BUL 360.0 kg A. Pervi URS 357.5 kg N. Kolev BUL 345.0 kg
1984 K.-H. Radschinsky FRG 340.0 kg J. Demers CAN 335.0 kg D. Cioroslan ROM 332.5 kg
1988 B. Guidikov BUL 375.0 kg I. Steinhoefel GDR 360.0 kg A. Varbanov BUL 357.5 kg

From 75,01 to 82,5 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1920 E. Cadine FRA 290,0 kg F. Hünenberger SUI 275,0 kg E. Pettersson SWE 272,5 kg
1924 C. Rigoulot FRA 502,5 kg F. Hünenberger SUI 490,0 kg L. Friedrich AUT 490,0 kg
1928 E. S. Nosseir EGY 355,0 kg L. Hostin FRA 352,5 kg J. Verheijen NED 337,5 kg
1932 L. Hostin FRA 365,0 kg S. Olsen DEN 360,0 kg H. Duey USA 330,0 kg
1936 L. Hostin FRA 372,5 kg E. Deutsch GER 365,0 kg I. Wasif EGY 360,0 kg
1948 S. Stanczyk USA 417,5 kg H. Sakata USA 380,0 kg G. Magnusson SWE 375,0 kg
1952 T. Lomakin URS 417,5 kg S. Stanczyk USA 415,0 kg A. Vorobiev URS 407,5 kg
1956 T. Kono USA 447,5 kg V. Stepanov URS 427,5 kg J. George USA 417,5 kg
Gold Silver Bronze
1960 I. Palinski POL 442,5 kg S. George USA 430,0 kg J. Bochenek POL 420,0 kg
1964 R. Pukfelder URS 475,0 kg G. Tóth HUN 467,5 kg G. Veres HUN 467,5 kg
1968 B. Selitski URS 485,0 kg V. Beliayev URS 485,0 kg N. Ozimek POL 472,5 kg
1972 L. Jenssen NOR 507,5 kg N. Ozimek POL 497,5 kg G. Horváth HUN 495,0 kg
1976 V. Shari URS 365,0 kg T. Stoichev BUL 360,0 kg P. Baczakó HUN 345,0 kg
1980 Y. Vardanian URS 400,0 kg B. Blagoyev BUL 372,5 kg D. Poliacik TCH 367,5 kg
1984 P. Becheru ROM 355,0 kg R. Kabbas AUS 342,5 kg R. Isaoka JPN 340,0 kg
1988 I. Arsamakov URS 377,5 kg I. Messzi HUN 370,0 kg H.-K. Lee KOR 367,5 kg

At the 1976 Games the Bulgarian B. Blagoev took second place but was later disqualified for having used anabolic steroids.

From 82.51 to 90 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1952 N. Schemansky USA 445.0 kg G. Novak URS 410.0 kg L. Kilgour TRI 402.5 kg
1956 A. Vorobiev URS 462.5 kg D. Sheppard USA 422.5 kg J. Debuf FRA 425.0 kg
1960 A. Vorobiev URS 472.5 kg T. Lomakin URS 457.5 kg L. Martin GBR 445.0 kg
1964 V. Golovanov URS 487.5 kg L. Martin GBR 475.0 kg I. Palinski POL 467.5 kg
1968 K. Kangasniemi FIN 517.5 kg J. Talts URS 507.5 kg M. Golab POL 495.0 kg
1972 A. Nikolov BUL 525.0 kg A. Shopov BUL 517.5 kg H. Bettembourg SWE 512.5 kg
1976 D. Riguert URS 381.5 kg L. James USA 362.5 kg A. Shopov BUL 360.0 kg
1980 P. Baczakó HUN 377.5 kg R. Aleksandrov BUL 375.0 kg F. Mantek GDR 370.0 kg
1984 N. Vlad ROM 392.5 kg D. Petre ROM 360.0 kg D. Mercer GBR 352.5 kg
1988 A. Jrapati URS 412.5 kg N. Mujamediarov URS 400.0 kg S. Zawada POL 400.0 kg

From 90.01 to 100 kg

Gold Silver Bronze 445

1980 O. Zaremba TCH 395.0 kg I. Nikitin URS 392.5 kg A. Blanco CUB 385.0 kg
1984 R. Milser FRG 385.0 kg V. Groapã ROM 382.5 kg P. Niemi FIN 367.5 kg
1988 P. Kuznetsov URS 425.0 kg N. Vlad ROM 402.5 kg P. Immersberger FRG 395.0 kg

From 100.01 to 110 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 L. Elliot* GBR 71.0 kg V. Jensen* DEN 57.2 kg A. Nikolopoulos* GRE 57.0 kg
V. Jensen** DEN 111.5 kg L. Elliot** GBR 111.5 kg K. Schumann** GER 90.0 kg
S. Versis** GRE 90.0 kg
1904 O. Osthoff* USA 48 F. Winters* USA 45 F. Kungler* USA 10
P. Kakousis** GRE 111.5 kg O. Osthoff** USA 84.3 kg F. Kungler** USA 79.8 kg
1920 F. Bottino ITA 270.0 kg J. Alzin LUX 255.0 kg L. Bemot FRA 250.0 kg
1924 G. Tonani ITA 517.5 kg F. Aigner AUT 515.0 kg H. Tammer EST 497.5 kg
1928 J. Strassberger GER 372.5 kg A. Luhaäär EST 360.0 kg J. Skobla TCH 357.5 kg
1932 J. Skobla TCH 380.0 kg V. Pšenicka TCH 377.5 kg J. Strassberger GER 377.5 kg
1936 J. Manger GER 410.0 kg V. Pšenicka TCH 402.5 kg A. Luhaäär EST 400.0 kg
1948 J. Davis USA 452.5 kg N. Schemansky USA 425.0 kg A. Charité NED 412.5 kg
1952 J. Davis USA 460.0 kg J. Bradford USA 437.5 kg H. Selvetti ARG 432.5 kg
1956 P. Anderson USA 500.0 kg H. Selvetti ARG 500.0 kg A. Pigaiani ITA 452.5 kg
1960 Y. Vlasov URS 537.5 kg J. Bradford USA 512.5 kg N. Schemansky USA 500.0 kg
1964 L. Jabotinski URS 572.5 kg Y. Vlasov URS 570.0 kg N. Schemansky USA 537.5 kg
1968 L. Jabotinski URS 572.5 kg S. Reding BEL 555.0 kg J. Dube USA 555.0 kg
1972 J. Talts URS 580.0 kg A. Kraichev BUL 562.5 kg S. Grützner GDR 555.0 kg
1976 Y. Zaitsev URS 385.0 kg K. Semerdzhiev BUL 385.0 kg T. Rutkowski POL 377.5 kg
1980 L. Taranenko URS 422.5 kg V. Jristov BUL 405.0 kg G. Szalai HUN 390.0 kg
1984 N. Oberburger ITA 390.0 kg S. Tasnadi ROM 380.0 kg G. Cariton USA 377.5 kg
1988 Y. Zajarevich URS 455.0 kg J. Jacsó HUN 427.5 kg R. Weller GDR 425.0 kg

At the 1896 and 1904 Games there were two separate events: the one-hand lift (*) and the two-hand lift. The weight limits for the heavyweight category have been the
following: 1986 and 1904: open. From 1920 to 1948: over 82.5 kg. From 1952 to 1968: over 90 kg. From 1972: up to 110 kg. The Bulgarian V. Khristov won the 1976
event but he was later disqualified for having taken anabolic steroids.
Over 110 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 V. Alekseyev URS 640.0 kg R. Mang FRG 610.0 kg G. Bonk GDR 572.5 kg
1976 V. Alekseyev URS 440.0 kg G. Bonk GDR 405.0 kg H. Losch GDR 387.5 kg
1980 S. Rajmanov URS 440.0 kg J. Heuser GDR 410.0 kg T. Rutkowski POL 407.5 kg
1984 D. Lukin AUS 412.5 kg M. Martínez USA 410.0 kg M. Nenïnger FRG 397.5 kg
1988 A. Kurlovich URS 462.5 kg M. Nerlinger FRG 430.0 kg M. Zawieja FRG 415.0 kg

Free style
Up to 48 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 R. Curry USA J. Hein USA G. Thiefenthaler USA
1972 R. Dmitriev URS O. Nikolov BUL E. Yavadi IRN
1976 K. Isayev BUL R. Dmitriev URS A. Kudo JPN
1980 C. Pollio ITA S.-H. Jang PRK S. Komilayev URS
1984 R. Weaver USA T. Irie JPN G.-D. Son KOR
1988 T. Kobayashi JPN I. Tzonov BUL S. Karamchakov URS

Free style
Up to 52 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 G. Mehnert USA G. Bauer USA W. Nelson USA
1948 L. Vitala FIN H. Balamir TUR T. Johansson SWE
1952 H. Gemici TUR Y. Kitano JPN M. Mollaghassemi IRN
1956 M. Tsalkalamanidze URS M. A. Joyastehpur IRN H. Akbas TUR
1960 A. Bilek TUR M. Matsubara JPN M. E. Seifpur IRN
1964 Y. Yoshida JPN C.-S. Chang KOR A. Akbar Heidari IRN
1968 S. Nakata JPN R. Sanders USA S. Sujbaatar MGL
1972 K. Kato JPN A. Alajverdiev URS G.-H. Kim PRK
1976 Y. Takada JPN A. Ivanov URS H. S. Jeon KOR
1980 A. Beloglazov URS W. Stecyk POL N. Selimov BUL
1984 S. Trstena YUG J.-K. Kim KOR Y. Takada JPN
1988 M. Sato JPN S. Trstena YUG V. Toguzov URS

In 1904 the weight limit was 52.16 kg.

Free style
Up to 57 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 I. Niflot USA A. Wester USA Z. B. Strebler USA
1908 G. Mehnert USA W. Press GBR A. Côté CAN
1924 K. Pihlajamäki FIN K. Mäkinen FIN B. Mines USA
1928 K. Mäkinen FIN E. Spapen BEL J. Trifunov CAN
1932 R. Pearce USA Ö. Zombori HUN A. Jaskari FIN
1936 Ö. Zombori HUN R. Flood USA J. Herbert GER
1948 N. Akar TUR G. Leeman USA C. Kouyos FRA
1952 S. Ishii JPN R. Mamedbekov URS K.-S. Jadav IND
1956 M. Dagistanli TUR M. Yaghubi IRN M. Shajov URS
1960 T. McCann USA N. Zalev BUL T. Trojanowski POL
1964 Y. Uetake JPN H. Akbas TUR A. Ibraguimov URS
1968 Y. Uetake JPN D. Behm USA A. Gorgori IRN
1972 H. Yanagida JPN R. Sanders USA L. Kinga HUN
1976 V. Umin URS H. D. Brüchert GDR M. Arai JPN
1980 S. Beloglazov URS H.-P. Li PRK D. Ouinbold MGL
1984 H. Tomiyama JPN B. Davis USA E.-K. Kim KOR
1988 S. Beloglazov URS A. Mohammadian IRN K.-S. Noh KOR

In 1904 the weight limit was 56.70 kg. In 1908 it was 54 kg and from 1924 to 1936 it was 56 kg.
Free style
Up to 62 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 B. Bradshaw USA T. McLear USA C. Clapper USA
1908 G. Dole USA J. Slim GBR W. McKie GBR
1920 C. Ackerly USA S. Gerson USA P. W. Bernard GBR
1924 R. Reed USA C. Newton USA K. Naito JPN
1928 A. Morrison USA K. Pihlajamäki FIN H. Minder SUI
1932 K. Pihlajamäki FIN E. Nemir USA E. Karlsson SWE
1936 K. Pihlajamäki FIN F. Millard USA G. Jönsson SWE
1948 G. Bilge TUR I. Sjölin SWE A. Müller SUI
1952 B. Sit TUR N. Guiveshi IRN J. Henson USA
1956 S. Sasahara JPN J. Newis BEL E. Penttilá FIN
1960 M. Dagistanli TUR S. Ivanov BUL V. Rubaaivili URS
1964 O. Watanabe JPN S. Ivanov BUL N. Khokhaaivili URS
1968 M. Kaneko JPN E. Todorov BUL S. Seiedablassi IRN
1972 Z. Abdulbekov URS V. Akdag TUR I. Krustev BUL
1976 J.-M. Yang KOR Z. Oidov MGL G. Davis USA
1980 M. Abushev URS M. Doukov BUL G. Hadjiioannidis GRE
1984 R. Lewis USA K. Akaishi JPN J. K. Lee KOR
1988 J. Smith USA S. Sarkisian URS S. Shterev BUL

The weight limit in 1904 was 61.23 kg. In 1908: 60.30 kg. In 1920: 60 kg. From 1924 to 1936: 61 kg. From 1948 to 1968: 63 kg.

Free style
Up to 68 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 O. Roehm USA R. Tesing USA A. Zirkel USA
1908 G. de Relwyskow GBR W. Wood GBR A. Gingell GBR
1920 K. Antilla FIN G. Svensson SWE P. Wright GBR
1924 R. Vis USA V. Vikström FIN A. Haavisto FIN 447
1928 0. Käpp EST C. Pacôme FRA E. Leino FIN
1932 C. Pacôme FRA K. Kárpáti HUN G. Klarén SWE
1936 K. Kárpáti HUN W. Ehrt GER H. Pihlajamäki FIN
1948 C. Atik TUR G. Frändfors SWE H. Baumann SUI
1952 O. Anderberg SWE J. T. Evans USA D. Tovfight IRN
1956 E. Habibi IRN S. Kasahara JPN A. Bestayev URS
1960 S. Wilson USA V. Siniavski URS E. Dimov BUL
1964 E. Vutehev (Dimov) BUL K.-J. Rost GER I. Horiuchi JPN
1968 A. Movahhed IRN E. Vulchev (Dimov) JPN S. Danzandaryaa MGL
1972 D. Gable USA K. Wada JPN R. Ashuraliev URS
1976 D. Piniguin URS L. Keaser USA Y. Sugawara JPN
1980 S. Absaidov URS I. Yankov BUL S. Sejdi YUG
1984 I.-T. You KOR A. Rein USA J. Rauhala FIN
1988 A. Fadzayev URS J.-S. Park KOR N. Carr USA

In 1904 the weight limit was 65.77 kg. In 1908: 66.60 kg. In 1920: 67.50 kg. From 1924 to 1936: 66 kg. From 1948 to 1960.67 kg. In 1964 and 1968: 70 kg.

Free style
Up to 74 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 C. Erickson USA W. Beckmann USA J. Winholtz USA
1924 H. Gehri SUI E. Leino FIN O. Müller SUI
1928 A. Haavisto FIN L. Appleton USA M. Letchford CAN
1932 J. van Bebber USA D. MacDonald CAN E. Leino FIN
1936 F. Lewis USA T. Andersson SWE J. Schleimer CAN
1948 Y. Dogu TUR R. Garrard AUS L. Merrill USA
1952 W. Smith USA P. Berlin SWE A. Modjtabavi IRN
1956 M. Ikeda JPN I. Zengin TUR V. Balvadze URS
1960 D. Blubaugh USA I. Ogan TUR M. Bashir PAK
1964 I. Ogan TUR G. Sagaradze URS M. A. Sanatkaran IRN
1968 M. Atalay TUR D. Robin FRA D. Purev MGL
1972 W. Wells USA J. Karlsson SWE A. Seger FRG
1976 J. Date JPN M. Barzegar IRN S. Dziedzic USA
1980 V. Anguelov BUL J. Davaayav MGL D. Karabin TCH
Gold Silver Bronze
1984 D. Schultz USA M. Knosp FRG S. Sedji YUG
1988 K. Monday USA A. Varayev URS R. Sofiadi BUL

In 1904 the weight limit was 71.67 kg. From 1924 to 1936: 72 kg. From 1948 to 1960: 73 kg. In 1964 and 1968: 78 kg.

Free style
Up to 82 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1908 S. Bacon GBR G. de Relwyskow GBR F. Beck GBR
1920 E. Leino FIN V. Penttala FIN C. Johnson USA
1924 F. Hagmann SUI P. Olivier BEL V. Pekkala FIN
1928 E. Kyburz SUI D. P. Stockton CAN S. Rabin GBR
1932 I. Johansson SWE K. Luukko FIN J. Tunyogi HUN
1936 E. Polivé FRA R. Voliva USA A. Kirecci TUR
1948 G. Brand USA A. Candemir TUR E. Lindén SWE
1952 D. Tsimakuridze URS G. R. Tajti IRN G. Gurics HUN
1956 N. Stanchev BUL D. Hodge USA G. Sjirtladze URS
1960 H. Güngör TUR G. Sjirtladze URS H. Antonsson SWE
1964 P. Gardzhev BUL H. Güngör TUR D. Brand USA
1968 B. Gurevich URS M. Yigyid MGL P. Gardzhev BUL
1972 L. Tediashvili URS J. Peterson USA V. lorga ROM
1976 J. Peterson USA V. Novojilov URS A. Seger FRG
1980 I. Abilov BUL M. Aratsilov URS I. Kovács HUN
1984 M. Schultz USA H. Nagashima JPN C. Rinke CAN
1988 M.-W. Han KOR N. Gencalp TUR J. Lohyna TCH

In 1908 the weight limit was 73 kg. In 1920: 75 kg. From 1924 to 1960: 79 kg. 1964 and 1968: 87 kg.

Free style
448 Up to 90 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1920 A. Larsson SWE C. Courant SUI W. Maurer USA
1924 J. Spellman USA R. Svensson SWE C. Courant SUI
1928 T. Sjöstedt SWE A. Bögli SUI H. Lefèbre FRA
1932 P. Mehringer USA T. Sjöstedt SWE E. Scarf AUS
1936 K. Fridell SWE A. Neo EST E. Siebert GER
1948 H. Wittenberg USA F. Stöckli SUI B. Fahlkvist SWE
1952 V. Palm SWE H. Wittenberg USA A. Atan TUR
1956 G. R. Takhti IRN B. Kulayev URS P. Blair USA
1960 A. Atli TUR G. R. Tajti IRN A. Albul URS
1964 A. Medved URS A. Ayik TUR S. Mustafov BUL
1968 A. Ayik TUR S. Lomidze URS J. Csatári HUN
1972 B. Peterson USA G. Strajov URS K. Bajkó HUN
1976 L. Tediashvili URS B. Peterson USA S. Morcov ROM
1980 S. Oganesian URS U. Neupert GDR A. Cichoñ POL
1984 E. Banach USA A. Ota JPN N. Loban GBR
1988 M. Jadartsev URS A. Ota JPN T.-W. Kim KOR

In 1920 the weight limit was 80 kg. From 1924 to 1960: 87 kg. In 1964 and 1968: 97 kg.

Free style
Up to 100 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 I. Yariguin URS K. Bayanmunj MGL C. Csatári HUN
1976 I. Yariguin URS R. Hellickson USA D. Kostov BUL
1980 I. Mate URS S. Chervenkov BUL J. Strnisko TCH
1984 L. Banach USA J. Atiyeh SYR V. Puscasu ROM
1988 V. Puscasu ROM L. Jabelov URS W. Scherr USA
Up to 130 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1904 B. Hansen USA F. Kungler USA F. Warmbold USA
1908 G. C. O' Kelly GBR/IRL J. Gundersen NOR E. Barrett GBR/IRL
1920 R. Roth SUI N. Pendleton USA E. Nilsson SWE
F. Meyer USA
1924 H. Steele USA H. Wemli SUI A. McDonald GBR
1928 J. Richthoff SWE A. Sihvola FIN E. Dame FRA
1932 J. Richthoff SWE J. Riley FIN N. Hirschl AUT
1936 K. Palusalu EST J. Klapuch TCH H. Nyström FIN
1948 G. Bóbis HUN B. Antonsson SWE J. Armstrong AUS
1952 A. Mekokishvili URS B. Antonsson SWE K. Richmond GBR
1956 H. Kaplan TUR K. Mejmedov BUL T. Kangasniemi FIN
1960 W. Dietrich GER H. Kaplan TUR S. Dzarassov URS
1964 A. Ivanitski URS L. Ajmedov BUL H. Kaplan TUR
1968 A. Medved URS O. Duraliev BUL W. Dietrich GER
1972 A. Medved URS O. Duraliev BUL C. Taylor USA
1976 S. Andiev URS J. Balla HUN L. Simon ROM
1980 S. Andiev URS J. Balla HUN A. Sandurski POL
1984 B. Baumgartner USA B. Molle CAN A. Taskin TUR
1988 D. Gobezhishvili URS B. Baumgartner USA A. Schroeder GDR

This upper category (called heavyweight until 1968) did not have a weight limit until the 1986 Games.

Up to 48 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 G. Berceanu ROM R. Aliabadi IRN S. Anguelov BUL
1976 A. Shumakov URS G. Berceanu ROM S. Anguelov BUL
1980 Z. Ushkempirov URS C. Alexandru ROM F. Seres HUN
1984 V. Maenza ITA M. Scherer FRG I. Saito JPN
1988 V. Maenza ITA A. Glab POL B. Tzenov BUL

Up to 52 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1948 P. Lombadi ITA K. Olcay TUR R. Kangasmäki FIN
1952 B. Gurevich URS I. Fabra ITA L. Honkala FIN
1956 N. Sotoviov URS I. Fabra ITA D. A. Egribas TUR
1960 D. Pirvulescu ROM O. Sayed UAR M. Paziraii IRN
1964 T. Hanahara JPN A. Kerezov BUL D. Pirvulescu ROM
1968 P. Kirov BUL V. Bakulin URS M. Zeman TCH
1972 P. Kirov BUL K. Hirayama JPN G. Bognanni ITA
1976 V. Kostantinov URS N. Cinga ROM K. Hirayama JPN
1980 V. Blaguidze URS L. Rácz HUN M. Mladenov BUL
1984 A. Miyahara JPN D. Aceves MEX D.-D. Bang KOR
1988 J. Ronningen NOR A. Miyahara JPN J.-S. Lee KOR

Up to 57 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1924 E. Pütseg EST A. Ahlfors FIN V. Ikonen FIN
1928 K. Leucht GER J. Maudr TCH G. Gozzi ITA
1932 J. Brendel GER M. Nizzola ITA L. Francois FRA
1936 M. Lörincz HUN E. Svensson SWE J. Brendel GER
1948 K. Pettersén SWE A. M. Hassan EGY H. Kaya TUR
1952 I. Hódos HUN Z. Chihab LIB A. Terian URS
1956 K. Virupayev URS E. Vesterby SWE F. Horvat ROM
1960 O. Karavayev URS I. Cernea ROM D. Petrov BUL
1964 M. Ichiguchi JPN V. Trostianski URS I. Cernea ROM
1968 J. Varga HUN I. Baciu ROM I. Kocherguin URS
1972 R. Kazakov URS H.-J. Veil FRG R. Björlin FIN
Gold Silver Bronze
1976 P. Ukkola FIN I. Frgic YUG F. Mustafin URS
1980 S. Serikov URS J. Lipien POL B. Ljungbeck SWE
1984 P. Passarelli FRG M. Eto JPN J. Holidis GRE
1988 A. Sike HUN S. Balov BUL J. Holidis GRE

In 1924 and 1928 the weight limit was 58 kg. In 1932 and 1936 it was 56 kg.

Up to 62 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1912 K. Koskelo FIN G. Gerstacker GER O. Lasanen FIN
1920 O. Friman FIN H. Känkönen FIN F. Svensson SWE
1924 K. Anttila FIN A. Toivola FIN E. Malmberg SWE
1928 V. Väli EST E. Malmberg SWE G. Quaglia ITA
1932 G. Gozzi ITA W. Ehrt GER L. Koskela FIN
1936 Y. Erkan TUR A. Reini FIN E. Karisson SWE
1948 M. Oktav TUR O. Andergerg SWE F. Tóth HUN
1952 Y. Punkin URS I. Polyák HUN A. Rashed EGY
1956 R. Mäkinen FIN I. Polyák HUN R. Dzneladze URS
1960 M. Sille TUR I. Polyák HUN K. Virupayev URS
1964 I. Polyák HUN R. Rurua URS B. Martinovic YUG
1968 R. Rurua URS H. Fujimoto JPN S. Popescu ROM
1972 G. Markov BUL H.-H. Wehling GDR K. Lipien POL
1976 K. Lipieñ POL N. Davidian URS L. Réci POL
1980 S. Miguiakis GRE I. Tóth HUN B. Kramorenko URS
1984 W.-K. Kim KOR K. Johansson SWE H. Dietsche SUI
1988 K. Madzhidov URS J. Vanguelov BUL D.-H. An KOR

From 1912 to 1928 the weight limit was 60 kg. From 1932 to 1960 it was 61 kg. In 1964 and 1968 it was 63 kg.
Up to 68 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1908 E. Porro ITA N. Orlov RUS A. Lindén FIN
1912 E. Wäre FIN G. Malmström SWE E. Matiasson SWE
1920 E. Wäre FIN T. Tamminen FIN F. Andersen NOR
1924 O. Friman FIN L. Kereszles HUN K. Westerlund FIN
1928 L. Kereszles HUN E. Sperling GER E. Westerlund FIN
1932 E. Malmberg SWE A. Kurland DEN E. Sperling GER
1936 L. Kosela FIN J. Herda TCH V. Väli EST
1948 G. Freij SWE A. Eriksen NOR K. Ferencz HUN
1952 S. Safin URS G. Freij SWE M. Athanasov TCH
1956 K. Lehtonen FIN R. Dogan TUR G. Tóth HUN
1960 A. Koridze URS B. Martinovic YUG G. Freij SWE
1964 K. Ayvaz TUR V. Bularca ROM D. Gvantseladze URS
1968 M. Munemura JPN S. Horvat YUG P. Galaktopoulos GRE
1972 S. Jisamutdinov URS S. Apostolov BUL G.-M. Ranzi ITA
1976 S. Nalbandian URS S. Rusu ROM H.-H. Wehling GDR
1980 S. Rusu ROM A. Supron POL L.-E. Skiöld SWE
1984 V. Lisjak YUG T. Sipilä FIN J. Martinez USA
1988 L. Dzhulfalakian URS S.-M. Kim KOR T. Sipilä FIN

In 1908 the weight limit was 66.60 kg. From 1912 to 1928: 67.50 kg. In 1932 and 1936 it was 66 kg. From 1948 to 1960: 67 kg. In 1964 and 1968: 70 kg.

Up to 68 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1908 E. Porro ITA N. Ortov RUS A. Undén FIN
1912 E. Wäre FIN G. Malmström SWE E. Matiasson SWE
1920 E. Wäre FIN T. Tamminen FIN F. Andersen NOR
1924 O. Friman FIN L. Kereszles HUN K. Westerlund FIN
1928 L. Kereszles HUN E. Sperling GER E. Westerlund FIN
1932 E. Malmberg SWE A. Kurland DEN E. Sperling GER
Gold Silver Bronze
1936 L. Kosela FIN J. Herda TCH V. Väli EST
1948 G. Freij SWE A. Eriksen NOR K. Ferencz HUN
1952 S. Safin URS G. Freij SWE M. Athanasov TCH
1956 K. Lehtonen FIN R. Dogan TUR G. Tóth HUN
1960 A. Koridze URS B. Martinovic YUG G. Freij SWE
1964 K. Ayvaz TUR V. Bularca ROM D. Gvantseladze URS
1968 M. Munemura JPN S. Horvat YUG P. Galaktopoulos GRE
1972 S. Jisamutdinov URS S. Apostolov BUL G.-M. Ranzi ITA
1976 S. Nalbandian URS S. Rusu ROM H.-H. Wehling GDR
1980 S. Rusu ROM A. Supron POL L.-E. Skiöld SWE
1984 V. Usjak YUG T. Sipilä FIN J. Martínez USA
1988 L. Dzhulfalakian URS S.-M. Kim KOR T. Sipilä FIN

In 1932 and 1936 the weight limit was 72 kg. From 1948 to 1960 it was 73 kg. In 1964 and 1968 it was 78 kg.

Up to 82 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1908 F. Mårtensson SWE M. Andersson SWE A. Andersen DEN
1912 C. Johanson SWE M. Klein RUS/EST A. Asikainen FIN
1920 C. Westergren SWE A. Lindfors FIN M. Perttilä FIN
1924 E. Westerlund FIN A. Lindfors FIN R. Steinberg EST
1928 V. Kokkinen FIN L Papp HUN A. Kuznets EST
1932 V. Kokkinen FIN J. Földeák GER A. Cadier SWE
1936 I. Johansson SWE L. Schweickert GER J. Palotás HUN
1948 A. Grönberg SWE M. Tayfur TUR E. Gallegati ITA
1952 A. Grönberg SWE K. Rauhala FIN N. Belov URS
1956 G. Kartoziya URS D. Dobrev BUL K.-A. Rune Jansson SWE
1960 D. Dobrev BUL L. Metz GER I. Taranu ROM
1964 B. Simic YUG J. Kormanik TCH L. Metz GER
1968 L. Metz GDR V. Olenik URS B. Smic YUG
1972 C. Hegedüs HUN A. Nazarenko URS M. Nenadic YUG
1976 M. Petkovic YUG V. Cheboksarov URS I. Kolev BUL
1980 G. Korban URS J. Dolgowicz POL P. Pavlov BUL
1984 I. Draica ROM D. Thanopoulos GRE S. Claeson SWE
1988 M. Mamiashvili USR T. Komáromi HUN S.-K. Kim KOR

In 1908 the weight limit was 73 kg. From 1912 to 1928: 75 kg. From 1932 to 1960: 79 kg. In 1964 and 1968: 87 kg.

Up to 90 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1908 V. Weckman FIN Y. Saarela FIN C. Jensen DEN
1912 A. Ahlgren SWE B. Varga HUN
I. Böhling FIN
1920 C. Johanson SWE E. Rosenqvist FIN J. Eriksen DEN
1924 C. Westergren SWE R. Svensson SWE O. Pellinen FIN
1928 I. Mustafa EGY A. Rieger GER O. Pellinen FIN
1932 R. Svensson SWE O. Pellinen FIN M. Gruppioni ITA
1936 A. Cadier SWE E. Bietags LAT A. Neo EST
1948 K.-E. Nilsson SWE K. Gröndahl FIN I. Orabi EGY
1952 K. Gröndahl FIN S. Chijladze URS K.-E. Nilsson SWE
1956 V. Nikoliev URS P. Sirakov BUL K.-E. Nilsson SWE
1960 R. Kis TUR K. Bimbalov BUL G. Kartoziya URS
1964 B. Radev BUL P. Svensson SWE H. Kiehl GER
1968 B. Radev BUL N. Yakovenko URS N. Martinescu ROM
1972 V. Rezantsev URS J. Corak YUG C. Kwiecinski POL
1976 V. Rezantsev URS S. Ivanov BUL C. Kwiecinski POL
1980 N. Növényi HUN I. Kaniguin URS P. Dicu ROM
1984 S. Fraser USA I. Matei ROM F. Andersson SWE
1988 A. Komchev BUL H. Koskela FIN V. Popov URS

In 1908 the weight limit was 93 kg. From 1912 to 1928: 82.50 kg. From 1932 to 1960: 87 kg. In 1964 and 1968: 97 kg. At the 1912 Games A. Ahlgren and I. Böling
were declared equal second after hours of wrestling. The gold medal was not awarded.
Up to 100 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1972 N. Martinescu ROM N. Yakovenko URS F. Kiss HUN
1976 N. Balboshin URS K. Goranov BUL A. Skrzydlewski POL
1980 G. Raikov BUL R. Bierla POL V. Andrei ROM
1984 V. Andrei ROM G. Gibson USA J. Tertelje YUG
1988 A. Wroñski POL G. Himmel FRG D. Koslowski USA

Up to 130 kg

Gold Silver Bronze

1896 C. Schuhmann GER G. Tsitas GRE S. Jristopoulos GRE
1908 R. Weisz HUN A. Pretov RUS S. M. Jensen DEN
1912 Y. Saarela FIN J. Olin FIN S. M. Jensen DEN
1920 A. Lindfors FIN P. Hansen DEN M. Nieminen FIN
1924 H. Deglane FRA E. Rosenqvist FIN R. Bado HUN
1928 R. Svensson SWE H.-E. Nyström FIN G. Gehring GER
1932 C. Westergren SWE J. Urban TCH N. Hirschl AUT
1936 K. Palusalu EST J. Nyman SWE K. Hornfischer GER
1948 A. Kireççi TUR T. Nilsson SWE G. Fantoni ITA
1952 Y. Kotkas URS J. Ružicka TCH R. Kovanen FIN
1956 A. Parfenov URS W. Dietrich GER A. Bulgarelli ITA
1960 I. Bogdan URS W. Dietrich GER B. Kubát TCH
1964 I. Kozma HUN A. Roshchin URS W. Dietrich GER
1968 I. Kozma HUN A. Roshchin URS P. Kment TCH
1972 A. Roshchin URS A. Tomov BUL V. Dolîpschi ROM
1976 A. Kolchinski URS A. Tomov BUL R. Codreanu ROM
1980 A. Kolchinski URS A. Tomov BUL H. Bchara LIB
1984 J. Blatnick USA R. Memiševic YUG V. Dolîpschi ROM
1988 A. Karelin URS R. Guerovski BUL T. Johansson SWE

This upper category (called heavyweight until 1968) did not have a weight limit until the 1988 Games.

Lechner A-390

Gold Silver Bronze

1984 S. van den Berg NED 27.70 R. S. Steele USA 46.00 B. Kendall NZL 46.40
1988 B. Kendall NZL 35.40 J. D. Boersma AHO 42.70 M. Gebhardt USA 48.00

In 1984 Windglider class was used; in 1988, it was Division II class.


Gold Silver Bronze

1988 FRA 34.7 URS 46.0 USA 51.0


Gold Silver Bronze

1924 L. Huybrechts BEL 2 H. Robert NOR 7 H. Dittmar FIN 8
1928 S. Thorell SWE H. Robert NOR B. Broman FIN
1932 J. Lebrun FRA 87 A. Maas NED 85 S. Amat Cansino ESP 76
1936 D. Kagchelland NED 163 W. Krogmann GER 150 P. Scott GBR 131
1948 P. Elvström DEN 5,543 R. Evans USA 5,408 J. de Jong NED 5,204
1952 P. Elvström DEN 8,209 C. Currey GBR 5,449 R. Sarby SWE 5,051
1956 P. Elvström DEN 7,509 A. Nelis BEL 6,254 J. Marvin USA 5,953
1960 P. Elvström DEN 8,171 A. Chuchelov URS 6,520 A. Neils BEL 5,934
1964 W. Kuhweide GER 7,638 P. Barrett USA 6,373 H. Wind DEN 6,190
1968 V. Mankin URS 11.7 H. Raudaschl AUT 53.4 F. Albarelli ITA 55.1
1972 S. Maury FRA 58.0 I. Hatzipavlis GRE 71.0 V. Potapov URS 74.7
1976 J. Shümann GDR 35.4 A. Balashov URS 39.7 J. Bertrand AUS 46.4
Gold Silver Bronze
1980 E. Rechardt FIN 36.7 WO. Mayrhofer AUT 46.7 A. Balashov URS 47.4
1984 R. Courts NZL 34.7 J. Bertrand USA 37.0 T. Neilson CAN 37.7
1988 J. L. Doreste ESP 38.1 P. Holmberg ISV 40.4 J. Cutler NZL 45.0

This event had been open to women.


Gold Silver Bronze

1988 USA 26.7 SWE 40.0 URS 45.4


Gold Silver Bronze

1972 USA 8.7 SWE 31.7 CAN 47.1
1976 DEN 46.7 USA 47.4 GDR 47.4
1980 DEN 23.0 URS 30.4 GRE 31.1
1984 USA 33.7 BRA 43.4 CAN 49.7
1988 GDR 11.7 USA 14.0 DEN 52.7

Flying Dutchman

Gold Silver Bronze

1960 NOR 6,774 DEN 5,991 GER 5,882
1964 NZL 6,255 GBR 5,556 USA 5,158
1968 GBR 3.0 FRG 43.7 BRA 48.4
1972 GBR 22.7 FRA 40.7 FRG 51.1
1976 FRG 34.7 GBR 51.7 BRA 52.1
1980 ESP 19.0 IRL 30.0 HUN 45.7
1984 USA 19.7 CAN 22.7 GBR 48.7
1988 DEN 31.4 NOR 37.4 CAN 48.4


Gold Silver Bronze

1932 USA 46 GBR 35 SWE 28
1936 GER 80 SWE 64 NED 63
1948 USA 5,828 CUB 4,949 NED 4,731
1952 ITA 7,635 USA 7,216 POR 4,903
1956 USA 5,876 ITA 5,649 BAH 5,223
1960 URS 7,619 POR 6,665 USA 6,269
1964 BAH 5,664 USA 5,585 SWE 5,527
1968 USA 14.4 NOR 43.7 ITA 44.7
1972 AUS 28.1 SWE 44.0 FRG 44.4
1980 URS 24.7 AUT 31.74 ITA 36.14
1984 USA 29.7 FRG 41.4 ITA 43.54
1988 GBR 45.7 USA 48.0 BRA 50.04


Gold Silver Bronze

1976 GBR 18.0 USA 36.0 FRG 37.7
1980 BRA 21.4 DEN 30.4 SWE 33.7
1984 NZL 14.7 USA 37.0 AUS 50.4
1988 FRA 16.0 NZL 35.4 BRA 40.1

Gold Silver Bronze

1976 FRG 42.4 ESP 49.7 AUS 57.0
1980 BRA 36.4 GDR 38.7 FIN 39.7
1984 ESP 33.7 USA 43.0 FRA 49.4

In 1988 this category split into two different events, one for men and the other for women.

4.6. Tables, maps and photo credits
List of tables
2. The Summer Olympic Games of the modern era 192
Olympic Games Programme. Men 194
Olympic Games Programme. Women 195

3. Sports competitions held annually in Barcelona 212

Initial budget of the Organising Committee 241
Companies forming the Barcelona Olímpica'92 Business Association 253
Public opinion in the Barcelona metropolitan area
concerning the Barcelona candidature 259
Organising Committee Budget 283
Publications of the Olympic Office 285
Income from television rights since the Munich Games in 1972 286
The official delegation in Lausanne 312

List of maps
2. The Greek world in the fifth century B.C. 102
Olympic cities of the modern area 193

456 3. Route of the Olympic Bus around Spain 313

List of photographs
Initials used:
AOMSA: The Olympic Ring Company
AOI: International Olympic Academy
BES: Sports Library, Secretariat General of Sport, Generalitat of Catalonia
BPG: Barcelona Posa't Guapa campaign
COI: International Olympic Committee
COOB'92: Barcelona'92 Olympic Organising Committee
DCCT: Department of Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Tourism, Generalitat
of Catalonia
ICC: Institute of Cartography of Catalonia
IEDB: Institute of Publications, Barcelona Provincial Council
IMBE: Barcelona Municipal Institute of Public Performances
IMPU: Municipal Institute of Town-Planning Promotion
MAB: Barcelona Museum of Archeology
MAM: Museum of Modern Art
MEMC: Melcior Colet Museum of Sport, Secretariat General of Sport,
Generalitat of Catalonia
MAMB: Community of Municipalities of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area
MC: Melcior Colet Museum and Study Centre, Secretariat General of Sport,
Generalitat of Catalonia
OCSA: The Cultural Olympiad Company
OTI: Technical Image Office, Barcelona City Council
PMT: Municipal Tourist Board
SIE: Sports Information Service, Barcelona City Council
VOSA: The Olympic Village Company
A AHB 53 2,4,5,6 115 3,4,5 180 1
202 2 117 2,3 184 1
203 4,5 118 2 181 5
209 3,4 119 3,5 185 6
210 1 121 2,3 189 6
213 1 122 2 216 2
220 2 123 3 219 2
125 2,3 220 1
126 4 226 1
127 5 228 1,2,3,4
All Sport/Firo Foto 38 1 129 4 229 5
71 2 130 1 232 1
93 5 133 5,6 233 4
110 1 135 5,6 234 2
111 4,5 137 5 237 2
115 6 138 1 244 2
118 1 139 3,4 245 4
119 4 141 4 248 1
122 1 142 1,2,4 249 3
123 4,5,6 143 6 257 2,3,4
126 1,2,3 145 2,5 258 1,2
127 6 146 2 264 2
130 2,3 147 3 265 3
131 4,5 149 2,5 266 1
134 2 150 3 267 3,4
135 4 153 2,6 270 1
138 2 154 1 272 1,5
139 5 155 3,4,5,6 273 7,10
143 5,7 157 2 274 1,2,3
147 4,5 158 2 275 5
150 1,2,4 159 4 279 6,9
151 5,6 161 2,4 280 2
154 2 162 1,3 281 3,4,5,6
158 1,3 163 5,7 282 1,2
159 5 165 2 289 4
162 2,4 166 1,3,5 290 1 457
163 6,8 167 8 291 2
167 6 169 2 294 1
170 1,2,3,4 173 2,4,7 296 1,2,3
171 5,6 177 2,4,7 297 4
174 1 181 2,4 298 1
175 4,5 185 2,5 299 4
178 1 189 2,4 301 6
179 4,6 256 1 303 2
182 1 260 1 308 2
183 4,5,6,7,8 302 1 316 2,3
186 1,2,3,4,5 318 1,3
187 6,7,8,9 358-365
190 1,2,3 368-381
191 4,5,6,7 Bert 202 1
240 3 203 6
268 3 204 1,2,3
269 4 205 5,6,7 Archive 159 6
284 1,2 206 1,2,3 El Mundo Deportivo 167 7
304 1 207 4,5 174 2
208 1 175 3,6
214 1 178 2
215 3,4,5 179 3,5
AOI 103 3 216 1 182 2,3
284 3
299 3

Argelich, Agustí 268 2 Archive COOB'92 79 4

(COOB'92) 277 4 100 1
309 3,4,5 103 2,5 Archive Mas-IEDB 306 1
104 1,3
105 6
134 1
AOMSA archive 250 2 142 3 Archive Thema 108 1
252 1 145 4 112 1
146 1 116 1
147 6,7 120 1
149 4 124 1
Archive IOC 103 1,4 153 5 128 1
105 5 157 4,5,6 132 1
109 4,5 165 3 136 1
110 2 169 4 140 1
111 3 171 7 144 1
113 2,3 173 3 148 1
114 1,2 177 5 152 1
156 1 (VOSA) 238 3 L Labler, Hans 236 1
160 1 254 1 (COOB'92) 255 3
164 1
168 1
172 1
176 1 Coronilla, Josep 321 2 Lajusticia, Antonio 33 5
188 1 (OTI) 279 2

D Dalda 242 1
B Bertran, Lluís 75 3 (COOB'92) Llobet, Jordi 40-41
(PMT) Nika 7 88-89

BES 208 2 E Elvira, Paco 227 4

210 2 (AOMSA) 251 4 Loaso, J. 45 3
211 3 252 2 (Firo Foto)

Lunwerg Editores 61 4
Bofill, Eugeni 268 1 Elvira, Paco 300 5 243 4
(COOB'92) 271 2 (COOB'92)
272 2,3
273 6,8,9
275 6 Elvira, Paco 64 1 M MAB 201 2,3
277 5 (Lunwerg Ed.)
278 1

MAM 243 2
F Fris 77 2
Bofill, Eugeni 65 3 82 1
(PMT) 84 1
85 3 MAMB 71 4
92 1
BPG 93 3
Manent, Ramon 46 1
C Fris 56 1 (Lunwerg Ed.) 47 2
Carbonell, Agustí 39 2 (OTI) 48 1
67 2 49 2,3,4,5
69 2 50-51
76 1 68 1
91 2
G Gomà, F 42 1 200 1
95 5 (DCCT)
243 5

Gómez, Alicia 33 6 Martín, Julián 317 5

Casanovas, A./ 65 2
Narváez, A.
(IMBE) González, Miquel 72-73 Maspons, Oriol 57 4
(COOB'92) 83 2
Casas, Jaume 153 4 85 2
161 6 91 3
165 4 95 4 Maury, Christian 33 3
169 5 240 1,2 61 3
173 6 262 1 287 3
177 6 269 5 288 3
181 3 278 2,4
185 3 280 1
189 5
MC 205 4

I ICC 69 3
Castells, Joaquim 33 4
70 1
(Lunwerg Ed.) 47 3 Mercader, Joan 36 1
57 6 (DCCT)
77 3
IEDB 213 2
Miserachs, Xavier 45 2
219 3
(Firo Foto) 287 1
Castillo, Eugenio 227 3 288 1
249 2
250 1
260 2
IMPU 238 2
Català-Roca, Francesc 60 1
O OCSA 57 3

J Jansana, Lurdes 276 1,2,3

Colita 230 1 (VOSA) OTI 43 3
47 4 243 3 Todó, Jordi 37 4
49 6 288 2 Tavisa 83 3
53 3
57 2
59 2,3,4,5,6 S
65 4 Sabaté, Sebastíà 109 2,3 Tous, Joan 37 2
67 3,4 129 2,3 (DCCT)
225 2 133 2,3,4
231 3 137 2,3,4
233 3,5 141 2,3 V
244 3 145 3 Vidal, Toni 37 3,5,6
266 2 149 3 (DCCT)
272 4 153 3
278 5 157 3
279 7 161 3,5 Villieres, Jordi 278 3
300 2 165 5 (COOB'92)
316 1 169 3,6
318 2 173 5
320 1 177 3 Yilluendas, Pìlar 238 1
181 6 (COOB'92)
185 4
P 189 3
Paisajes Españoles 224 1 VOSA 91 5
(VOSA) 275 4

Sagarra i Torrents 202 3

Pérez, Manel 32 2 (AHB) 211 4
33 2
39 4
93 4
Sánchez, Augusto 104 2
(COOB'92) 105 4
221 3
Pérez, Manel 33 7 227 2
(BPG) 95 2 231 2
232 2
234 1
237 3
Pérez, Manel 71 3 250 3
(Lunwerg Ed.) 74 1 252 3
87 3 263 2
91 4 264 1
239 4 297 5,6,7
254 2 298 2
300 1,3,4
307 2
308 1
PMT 79 3 310 1,2,3
311 4,5,6
314 1,2
317 4
Povo, Marta 34-35 319 4
52 1
58 1
62-63 Sans, Lluís 43 2
86 1 61 2,5
95 3 79 2
221 4 87 2
90 1
93 2
R Ramis, Raimon 66 1
(Foundation Tàpies)
Seguí, Rafa 315 3

Raurich, Felipe 44 1

Seguí, Rafa 244 1

(COOB'92) 269 6
Raurich, Miguel 39 3,5
78 1
94 1
287 2 SIE 214 2
222 1

Raventós, Ramon 57 5
(Lunwerg Ed.) 75 2 Taf 218 1
This first volume of the Official
Report has been printed in Barcelona
at the Grafos workshops, 25 May
1992, just two months before the
opening ceremony of the Games of the
XXV Olympiad.
Copyright, © 2003, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles

Notes on the digitized version of the Official Report of the Games of the XXV Olympiad,
Barcelona, 1992 (Volume I)

The 1992 Bar celona Games Official Repor t was digitized by the Amateur Athletic Foundation
with the permission of the Fundació Barcelona Olímpica (Barcelona Olympic Foundation).
The Fundació Barcelona Olímpica is the copyright owner of the report.

The digital version of the Official Report of the Games of the XXV Olympiad was created with
the intention of producing the closest possible replica of the original printed document. These
technical notes describe the differences between the digital and printed documents and the
technical details of the digital document.

The original document

The original paper version of the 1992 Official Report (VolumeI) has dimensions of
9 ¼ x 11 ¾” (24cm x 30cm).

The volume’s spine is of blue cloth. The title, “Official Report of the Games of the XXV
Olympiad, I: The challenge”, appears in white lettering. The title also appears in three other
languages: French, Spanish and Catalan.
The book has 459 numbered pages.

The fonts used in the digital version book for text, photograph captions and chapter headings are
Times New Roman and such system fonts as best approximate the original fonts.

Special features of the digital version:

• The spine is not included in the digital version.

• Blank pages have been retained in the digital version to maintain correct pagination.

• The icons have been converted from color to b/w.

• The digital version includes a bookmark list that functions as a hyper linked table of contents.
Selecting a topic heading will take you to the corresponding section in the document.

Profile of the digital version:

File name: 1992s1.pdf

File size: 97,859 KB
Format: Portable Document Format (PDF) 1.3 (Adobe Acrobat 4.0)
Source document: Official Report of the Games of the XXV Olympiad, I: The challenge
Published by COOB’92, S.A. (Barcelona’92 Olympic Organising Committee) Ed. Romà Cuyàs
Creation Platform: Windows XP
Creation Date: April 2003
Conversion Software: Adobe Acrobat, FineReader, VistaScan, FahrenEX
Image Resolution: 200 dpi for color and grayscale images
Digital Fonts: Times New Roman, Helvetica
Conversion Service: Fahrenheit 452, Thane (W), MH, INDIA

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