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Dear Future Self

It feels weird that I am writing a letter to myself in the future. So, it’s been 5 years and I
can’t guess what my state of mind is at that time. As your younger self, I have made many
mistakes. I could have worked harder in 12th standard and score better marks as I know my
potential. I wasted a lot of time in many unnecessary things which affected my studies.

I did not give my best but I scored decent marks. The important part is that I have learned
from my mistakes and that’s what matters the most. I surely know that you wouldn’t be
making the same mistakes as i, “your younger self” did. I think I shouldn’t be so hard on
myself. I think that i made lots of memories just for you. You will be cherishing those
memories in the future and those will surely make you feel happy. I know that I am not
happy right now with my college but I hope you had the best time of your life here. You
have surely also made some amazing friends who will stick with you for your whole life.

Right now I am a bit confused as I have many options for the things that I can pursue in my
future. I am sure that I will figure it out in a matter of time and you would be working hard
for it or have already achieved that goal. With the course of time you would have become
more mature and you must be able to understand everything in a better way.

I wanted to talk about some personal things too. I am aware that I am very short tempered
right now and I am improving day by day. At this point I have hurt many people because of
my harsh words but I am very certain that you have improved a lot as a person. I hope you
still have the good heart as I have right now.

I really wish that the people surrounding me right now are still there for me after 5 years
and the people who support me right now, I stand beside them in the future. At this point, I
haven’t travelled and explored much but I really want to do it. I hope that you have
travelled many places, seen many beautiful sunsets and have enjoyed a lot. Your younger
self, which is me, has no bad habits like alcohol and tobacco and I am sure that you are
sticking to it.

A random thought came to my mind while writing this, I really hope that Delhi’s pollution is
decreased and there are more trees. I can’t even guess that where you are right now.
Maybe you are outside Delhi or maybe you are abroad.

Right now, everyone in my family and relatives are doing great and are healthy and I hope
that it stays the same. I am also very certain that you will become more punctual than your
younger self and go to gym every day
I have made my parents feel proud till now and I know that you won’t fail them, after all we
are the same just from a different timeline. I wish that you wrote a letter to me and gave
me tips about these 5 years and how can I make them better but its okay. I felt really good
writing this letter as I have not written anything or talked to myself in a long time.

Thanks for reading!

- Your own younger self

Arpit Bhalla, 22123

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