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Vocabulary Focus @ Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. book mevie-star TV show singer writer song 2. af ee ees a we ie oy eb eapee ad seer © write. Put the words from A in alphabetical order (a, b,¢...). 1,__book _ BE oe 4. —____ See SS eit 6 ‘Complete the chart. Use the words from A. PERSON writer Conversation in the correct parts of the conversation. CEESD "ractice with a partner. 1. What's that? ° © a, Katy Perry. 2. [sit good? ° © b. Superman. 3, What's your favorite movie? Q © « Yes, itis. t's my favorite book. 4, Wow! It’s my favorite movie, too. O O d. It’s abook, Divergent, Who's your favorite singer? by Veronica Roth. Language Focus © Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words. CESS Practice with a partner. 1. Claire: What (S)/ are) his favorite band? Sam: One Direction. 2, Isabella: (Who's / What's) her favorite movie? Jack: Twilight. 3. Diego: Who's her favorite movie star? Jenny: (His / Her) favorite movie star is Robert Pattinson. 4. Maria: What's your favorite TV show? Peng: _ (My// Your) favorite TV show is The Simpsons. 5. Tammy: What's (his Ther) favorite book? Ying: Her favorite book is The Lightning Thief. 6. Luka: (Who's / What's) your favorite singer? Pharrell Williams. © bookat the chart. Answer the questions The Fault in Qur Stars Frozen Captain America Rihanna katy Perry Daniel Radcliffe Emma Stone Favorite movie star vorite book? Her favorite book is Untraceable. = 4. What's Jennifer's fa EUnet he favorite sloger? = 3. Who’ her favorite movie star? 4, What's Matt's favorite movie? His = +5, Who his favorite movie star?—<—<$_$_$_—$_$_$€$_____________ 6. Who's his favorite singer? _—_——____— The Real World Label the pictures, Use the words in the box. ESD Check your answers with a partner. basketball tugby tennis soccer baseball cricket MY FAVORITE... Hi! My name is Francisco. I'm 14. I'm from Sao Paulo in Brazil. My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite team is Real Madrid, My favorite sports star is Cristiano Ronaldo. He's from Portugal. He's a soccer player. My favorite movie star is Johnny Depp. He's from the United States. My favorite movie is iron Man 3. My favorite band is AWOLNATION. My favorite singer is Bruno Mars, @ Answer the questions about ‘My Favorite... 1, Maniiea What's the article about? a. hobbies b. favorites © free time 2. (bea) How old is Francisco? a. 14 years old b. 15 years old <. 16 years old 3, (Bail) Where is Cristiano Ronaldo from? a, Portugal b. America ©. Brazil 4, ‘Beil Who is Francisco's favorite movie star? a. Bradley Cooper b. Robert Pattinson c. Johnny Depp 5. Dial AWOLNATION is Francisco's favorite __. a. movie star b. band c song QO Answer the questions. SPs OU avorii= spoilt? = = 2, Who's your favorite sports star? Bawiiats your favorite movie? Unity 7 Writing [ wRITING TIP a Sentences and questions always start wit question mark (?). ha capital letter (W, M, etc.). Questions end with a What's your favorite book? capital letter question mark Most sentences end with a period (.). My favorite movie is Superman. capital letter period Sentences with exciting or surprising things end with an exclamation point (#) Wolf Brother is my favorite book, too! capital letter exclamation point @ Complete the chart. What are your favorite things? FAVORITE BOOK | Favorite BAND 2 3. 4 =a 5. 6. © Write sentences. Use the chart in A, is © CD ti witn a partner a Read your sentences in B. Vocabulary Focus © Unscramble the words. What are the animals? lloseum Mou s € 4gfor ee Be SSO 3 ree ssihf a SS a 6dbri J bees © Label the pictures. Use the words from A, ~ ee ae PR SO - Complete the chart, Use the words from A. Conversa Complete the conversatio! Practice with a partner e correct order. n, Put the sentences in th a, _. Thisis my pet. She's @ blue frog. b,__ Really? Where's she from? ¢ __ Brazil. 4. What's that? e.__ Bluebell. £ __ Wow!A blue frog from Brazil! She's beautiful. What's her name? Language Focus © complete the sentences. Circle the correct words. 1. My parrot (sm¥)/ aren't) noisy. 2. (Are / Is) your cat big? 3.Sam; Are dogs scary? Lucy: No, they (are / aren't). 4. (Is / Are) parrots beautiful? 5. That (monkeys / monkey's) friendly. 6, They (re not /’s not) ugly. Ces © Correct one mistake in each conversation. Practice with a partner. dog 1, Sam: Is your dogs beautiful? Ying: No, he's not. 2, Claire: Are parrot's ugly? Luka: No, they're not. 3. Jack: Is monkeys amazing? Maria: Yes, they are. The Real World What's (my /ouP) favorite animal? My favorite animal is the koala. Where are they (from / for)? Australia. What color (is / are) they? They're grey or brown. (ls / Are) they quiet? Yes, they are, And they're shy. How (long / short) do they live? Up to 15 (days / years) 4. Tammy: Diego: 5, Peng; Jenny: 6. Isabella Ben: Are jaguars friendly? No, their not. Are snakes noisy? No, they’s not: Is your cat colorful? No, it not. Reading _ BEST FRIENDS | This is Kasi, Kasi’s a cheetah, a type of cat. And this is her friend, Mtani. She's a dog. Kasi is not scary. Mtani and Kasi are friends! They are the same. Their tails are long. They | are fast. They are also different. Kasis legs are long, Mtani is not colorful. le. What's another title for this article? © Read thea a. ACatandaDog b. Strange Friends c. TwoAnimals © complete the diagram. Use the words in the box. fast dog Both type of cat animals fest friends long legs long tail not colorful 12 Unit2 Writing Parts of a Sentence My peti: ly pet is amazing! = subject verb description who or what: My pet verb: is description (of person or thing): amazing His ears are big. ce ‘Ss 4 My pet is amazing! subject verb description 2. He is noisy 3. His tail is short. His ears are big. His nose is long. Ba oc What: ls ears 4. He is not colorful. verb: are description (of person or thing): big © write sentences. What's your favorite animal? Talk with a partner. Read your sentences in A. Unit2 13, Vocabulary Focus @ Complete the crossword puzzle. . (c} Write. What's your favorite sea animal from A? 3 14 Unit3 p Conversation Complete the conversation. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, Alan: Sofia: Alan: Sofia: Alan: Sofia: Alan: Practice with a partner. Hey! / are / rays / two / there -Hey! There are two rays. Where? there / over / seaweed / the /In shark /to/ Oh, / the /next Yes. starfish / the / at /Look beautiful It's Language Focus © Lookat the picture below. Circle T for True or F for False. 1, The seahorses in front of the rock. 3. The starfish is on the sand. 4, The rocks are behind the crab. 5, The fish are in the water. @ 2. The shark is under the turtle. r T T 6. The octopus is between the seahorse and the turtle. Ls aaa TTT © complete the questions and answers. Look at the picture on Page 15 and use the compl words in the box. ___ ) behind between in front of ae J Sea ee 1. Where's the crab? it's behind the seaweed. 2, How many fish are there? —<$<—$—_—__$_ the rocks. 3. Where's the seahorse? It's —____— 4, Isthe shark ___ the fish? Yes, itis. 5. Isthe octopus behind the fish? No, t's not. It’s 6. How many turtles are there? ——_——________— ‘the turtle and the shark. The Real World Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words. 1. Aleatherback is a type of (sea pig i@eaturile. 2. There are seven kinds of (sea turtles / dugongs). 3. Dugongs are (noisy / shy). 4. Dugongs are also called (sea cows / starfish). 5. Leatherbacks and dugongs are really (big / small). Reading | WHAT ISIT? | @ Look at the photos. What are they? | a. rocks -b. seaanimals —_c. seaweed Do you know what this is? It’s a cuttlefish. It’ like an octopus. The Cuttlefish is an amazing animal. It changes color. In the sand, it is the color of sand. In seaweed, it is the color of seaweed. What do you think this is? It’s a mimic octopus. It changes colors to look like a scary snake. Sometimes it looks like a fish with lots of arms © Read the article. Complete the diagram. ; Use the words in the box. Both Mimic octopus sea animal changes color seaanimal fooks like a snake looks like sand | thecolor of seaweed —_looks like a fish @ Answer the questions. 1. Write the names of five sea animals. 2. What is your favorite sea animal? Units 17 Writing CLD sing eandan e,i,0,0FU)- Use an before words that start ‘with a vowel (a, There is an eraser. There is an octopus. before words that do not start with a vowel (a,é,/, 0, 0F U)- Usea There is a book. There is a monkey. @© Look at the pictures. Write sentences about them. 18 Units

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