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What causes autism? ‘The exact cause of autism i stl being investigated. However, research suggests ‘hata combination of factors genetic and ‘environmental = may account for changes in brain development Autism sn cased by 2 pens upbeinging, thee social circumstances and is noe the fle ofthe individual withthe conden. Is there a cure? [A preset, theres no ‘eure’ for autism, However, there is a range of interventions = methods of enabling learning and evelopment - which people may find to be helpful. Many ofthese are detailed on our website: ub/approaches What is a diagnosis? A lagnosiss the formal identfiation of autism, usually by @ health professional euch as a paodiatician ora poychiatist. Having a agnosis is helpful fortwo reasons: + icp poop with aca andthe fie) to undereand why shy may experienc erin icles an what hey endo ue vem + eallows people ro acces services nd spor. People GPs ca efi the apc who able ro make a dlagnois any people ar dagnows as cides poco caters and profesional who sok with children ~ such at echers cam all GPs fora fer Some professionals may refer autism by diferent ‘ame such aac or aut pectrum disorder Alovclopmcnal dorder (PDD) o high Funcsoning sui (HEA) Where do | go next? (ur Asm Helpine offers confide foeation aN) ree tom lnatines and most mebies Fi'ge tome ouetpr Mnah Pany CLES rat: sutempelsncne erga (Our website contin informacion sbour aim and she serves we fer worwautism orp Ey rd eons four ef What? and Whats pene drome ace rll 0 dowenload ‘om our website: wwautism ‘We have ome aim information tranaed ino community languger and out Autom Helpline ‘fers a tephone inerpresson service fr eles ‘whos first language isnot Engh ind out mare at wore autismorg.uklanguages ‘Weal have an online community ha iz open to people with autism, chi relatives and ere ove the ‘sac of 16, Vic What ie autism? Pople with autism have ea thatthe word, to them, is amass of people, places and ‘events which they struggle to mako sense ‘of, and which can eause them considerable ansioty. In particular, understanding and relating to other people, and taking pat in ‘everyday family and socal fe may be harder for them. Other people appear to know, Intuitively, ow to communicate and interact ‘with each other, and some people with autism may wonder why they are iferent. This leaflet explains more about what autism i What is autism? ‘Autism is.aIfelong developmental cisabilty tis par of the ‘autism spectrum’ and is sometimes referred to as an autism spectrum cdsorder, or an ASD. The word ‘spectrum’ is used because, while all people with autism share rea main areas of ifcuty, their Consition wil affect them in very eiflerent ways. Some are able to live relatively “everyday ves; othors wil equi 2 iftime of specialist support The hie min ro of difcy which ll people leh aus share are somesmes kno athe id of impairment. Thy at + cy wth social communication + fic wth soca intescton + file wth soc imagintion These are dosed in moe deal bow Tecan beard a creste sarees of autism people with the condition do no tok die parents lof cdren with atm offen ny tha other pope simply chink thei child is aug: whe als hat hey are understood All people with aun can benef fiom tnely Aignoss and acces to appropri vices and spot “Tere frm of asi lle Asperger snd, For more information, se ove lft Whe Ape nde? What are the characteristics of autism? “The characteristics of autism vary from one person to another but are generally divided into three main groups. Diicuty with soctal communication ith autistic epectrum cee teeny Just as foreign as if people were spea peters People wit acm hae fcr wth bath verbal and oneal language. Many have avery eral ‘understanding of ngage and think people aways mean excl what hey ay. They can Sind i ice to oe or underand * fal expmion tne ofr: + jokes and sarcasm > caranw pleas orl ingyen cx might bethe phrase ts coo’, which peopl fen ay swhea they think thse someting good, but sul speaking, mca thar i bt ald Some people with aut may ao speak, or have Say nite speech They wil wally understand wha other people ay 0 them, bt prefer alemaive mean of communication theses, such sign lnguageo vial ymibol Others wl have god Ingge sl, bu they nay sil find chan! undertand he giveand ake tr of eonvertons, perhaps epg what the other psn haus (his nown a echoli) or alkingac length about thet own ners Iehelp her peopl peak in a deat content way and giv people wih autism devo process seat has ben sd other, Difclty with social interaction People with uc ofen have dificult ecognising oF stadertanding other peopl motion and ings, and expressing cher own, which can make enone f West is anion? 50 years ago, we started a a ama group of fend, usta atthe ck of hep evalible for us and urchicren. We decided to act for curselves, and now, 0 yar ater, our smal group has grown nto national socket of fends and the ks leasing autsm charity. (ve 500,000 peoplein the UK have atom, Together with thats they makeup over wo risen opie whose Ives ar ouched by tam ‘very eral dy. From good tines to ensienaing times, we' there at very stage, fo help transform the les of everyone afected by autism We're prod te have been making a diference for 50 yeas. Te 620 7809 2299 Emi ass ose al ommeusras.ngsk Tar ot4t 2218000 El entra on El norte nda ok Fogaenenprat 102 ‘Sensory sensitivity (contd) ciremesoftempentue Ste may roe sino fap tei hands oil ensin, wo bel wich People wih enor cmv maya find ihrer toe theirkodyawarenes sper. These ‘tu ee out bi ass for those wth lcd body ements tan be ire gare soldi obsrucins sand a an appropiate isance rom other people and cary out ie moto? taks such ting shoelaces ‘Special interests ‘ert activity has enabled me epee ere eo ea sete n) Many popl with nti venti spec nro ‘fen from a fy young age Tho an change er te of be lon, aed can he anything for a ‘or must, 0 tans or omputes Some people wth sus may evenly be able work ory read ates. For other, wile boy A specialize may sometines be uni. Coe mon wit uc loved clsing rubbish, for ‘example with encouragement ths ws channeled imo an interes eying ai the caine Learning disables eee eco Foople with un ny have ering dab, which can afl aspects of someon i, fom sealyng i school tli how wo was hemes for make am. As with autism, peopl an have {ifiretegst of eaming dat 0 some wll be able ive ity independenly —lhough they may teed dees of oppor to care this while hes may rut long, speci upp, Howeve all people wih ut can and do, een and devel sr the ight oof oppo (Other condone teeta wih sax Thee may cade stenton eit Iypercivty disoler (ADHD), lering icles such as dein and sprain, Who is affected by autism? ‘Auris is much more comeron than most people think. There are over haf a milion people inthe UK with autism ~ that’ around 1 in 100 people. People Fm ll aol apd cla, cigs and social backgrounds can ave au, although fe appear to aft mre men than women ea Iiflong condi: ciden with ati grow upto come aus wih um, cl forse o fin soil They may + nor understind che unwrien scars which mos of pick up ethou hinking they may stand too dose another person for example, of "tare an inappropriate subject of conseraion appet to be nsensne because they have st recognised how somcone sles felng, prefer woapend ime alone eather than icing out the company of eter poole st eck confit fora eher pole + appear behave range’ nappropracy ss aot shes en free repre digs, ‘moons or neal Dich th einen can men at people wih in Find ic ard Frm redships orc ny want ner with ots pple ae ‘make fiers, but may be unsteh o go abou this Diffouty with social imagination Socal imagination allows usr understand and pedir other people behaviouz makesease of bac ane to imagine stains ouside tur imiedite daly ouine,Dificules with oil imagination mean hac people with ais find ic bande + understand and inept ober peopl hough felis and atone + price wha wl happen nee or what ald Ieppen est + understand the concep of danger for eample ha runing ont busy rod pone sheet tthe ‘ngage in imaginative play and actives cikren sth ation my enjoy sre agiatine ple bt refrac out the sme ssn each ime epee for ang arc pun For the fete + copein new or unfmilarskustons. Dice with soc iaption should nat be confsed with a ek imagination. Many people ‘th tin di ry eet dy er cxample accomplished tis, musicans o ites Other related characteristics Love of routines oot one eer Peer The world can seem very unpredictable and config placer peopl with atin, who often prefer wo have a fxd oie so ha they know wha gla to happen everyday. This outne cn xen to lay waning ove the ime way to ated om school or won, or ex xy the sme Foo for ski Riles cam alse be impor: it may be df for «peron with uc eke a dient approach te ethingone thy hve been tog the “ph ay to doit People with usm may noe confor with the He of change, but can cope wll they ate prepared for in advance Sensory sonstty Reena? rue eet ee ed se-fiting pron instead.” People wih auc say experience some Frm a say ti. Tio cca oe foe ofthe ive scres~ sight sound, sel ouch and tat, A poo senses ate ter intend hyper ses) or under sensitne hypocrite). For cmp person wih uti may find cern Irckgound wounds, which ther pope note or block ou nbably loud or dacting This can ‘ae ans o ren py pn People who are bypass may noe fe pin oF

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