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Indian Institute of Technology Jammu

Department of Electrical Engineering

Communication Systems (EED014U3M)
Practice Questions V Semester (EE)

1. Four messages band limited to W , W , 2W and 3W respectively are to be multiplexed

using TDM. The min BW required for transmission of this TDM signal will be ?

2. Three signals each bandlimited to 600 Hz, 600 Hz and 1200 Hz respectively and sam-
pled at Nyquist rate and transmitted through a channel using TDM. Each sample
is encoded into 12 bits.
(a) Determine the bit-rate of the multiplexed signal.
(b) Also repeat the same question if the signals are bandlimited to 600 Hz, 1200
Hz and 1800 Hz respectively

3. If the signals are sampled at a rate 20% above the Nyquist and samples are quantified
into 65, 536 quantization levels. Determine the sampling frequency, number of bits
per sample, bit rate required to encode the signal and minimum bandwidth required
to transmit the signal.

4. A binary channel with a bit rate of 36 kbps is available for PCM voice transmission.
Evaluate the appropriate values of the
(a) the sampling rate, fs
(b) the Nyquist sampling rate
(c) the number of binary digits n
(d) the quantization level, M
Assume fm = 3200 Hz

5. Specify the Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval for each of the following ?
(a) x(t) = sinc(200t)
(b) x(t) = sinc(200t) + sinc(300t)
(c) x(t) = sinc2 (200t)
(d) x(t) = sinc(200t) + sinc2 (200t)

6. Obtain the Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval for the signal 10 cos (2000πt) cos (4000πt)
based on
(a) low pass sampling theory
(b) band pass sampling theorem

7. A linear delta modulator is designed to operate on speech signals limited to 3.4

kHz. The sampling rate of the modulator is 10fN (where fN is the Nyquist rate of
the speech signal) and step size ∆ = 100 mV. The modulator is tested with 1 kHz
sinusoidal signal. Determine the maximum amplitude of test signal to avoid slope

8. Consider a low-pass signal with a bandwidth of 3 kHz. A linear delta modulation

system with step size ∆ = 0.1 V, is used to process this signal at a sampling rate
ten times the Nyquist rate.
(a) Evaluate the maximum amplitude of the test signal of frequency 1 kHz, which
can be processed by the system without slope-overload distortion.
(b) For the specifications given in part (a), evaluate the output signal-to-noise ratio
under (i) prefiltered, and postfiltered conditions.

9. A sinusoidal message signal is converted to a PCM signal using a uniform quantizer.

The required signal-to-quantization noise ratio (SQNR) at the output of the quan-
tizer is 40 dB. Calculate the minimum number of bits per sample needed to achieve
the desired SQNR.

10. The amplitude of a random signal is uniformly distributed between −5 V and 5 V.

If the signal to quantization noise ratio required in uniformly quantizing the signal
is 43.5dB, what is the approximate the step size ?

11. The transmitted signal in a GSM system is of 200 kHz bandwidth and 8 users share
a common bandwidth using TDMA. If at a given time 12 users are talking in a cell,
then what is minimum total bandwidth of the signal received by the base station of
the cell?

12. The pulse rate in a DM system is 56, 000 per sec. The input signal is 5 cos (2π1000t)+
2 cos (2π2000t) V, with t in sec. Find the minimum value of step size which would
avoid slope overload distortion. What would be the advantages of choosing a value
larger than the minimum?

13. A television signal having a BW of 4.2 MHz is transmitted using binary PCM system.
Given that the number of quantization levels is 512. Determine: (i) Code word
length (ii) Transmission BW (iii) Final bit rate (iv) Output signal to quantization
noise ratio

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14. For a pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) transmission of voice signal having max-
imum frequency equal to fm = 3 kHz, calculate the transmission bandwidth. It is
given that the sampling frequency fs = 8 kHz and pulse duration τ = 0.1Ts

15. A one-step linear predictor operates on the sampled version of the sinusoidal signal.
The sampling rate is equal to 10fo where fo is the frequency of the sinusoid. The
predictor has a single coefficient denoted by w1 .
(a) Determine the optimum value of w1 required to minimize the prediction error
(b) Determine the minimum value of prediction error variance.

16. A signal g(t) = sinc2 (5πt) is sampled (using uniformly spaced impulses) at a rate
of: (i) 5 Hz; (ii) 10 Hz; (iii) 20 Hz. Now for each of the three cases
(a) Sketch the sampled signal
(b) Sketch the spectrum of the sampled signal.
(c) Explain weather you can recover g(t) from the sampled signal.

17. The input to a 1-bit quantizer is a random variable having probability density func-
tion (
2e−2x ; x ≤ 0
f (x) =
0, otherwise
Determine the quantization levels.

18. A signal having a BW of 5 kHz is quantized into 256 levels. The signal is sampled
at Nyquist rate. The signal lasts for 10 min
(a) The total no. of samples taken from the signal is ?
(b) What will be the total no. of bits generated by the encoder ?

19. A stationary process X(t) has the following values for its autocorrelation function:

RX (0) = 1
RX (1) = 0.8
RX (2) = 0.6
RX (3) = 0.4

(a) Calculate the coefficients of an optimum linear predictor involving the use of
three unit-delays.
(b) Calculate the variance of resulting prediction error

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(c) Repeat the calculations with two unit delays

20. A DPCM system uses a linear predictor with a single tap. The normalized auto-
correlation function of the input signal for a lag of one sampling interval is 0.75.
The predictor is designed to minimize the prediction error variance. Determine the
processing gain attained by the use of this predictor

21. Plot the spectrum of PAM signal produced by the modulating signal

m(t) = Am cos (2πfm t)

Assuming the modulating frequency fm = 0.25 Hz, sampling period Ts = 1 s, and

pulse duration T = 0.45 s

22. A signal can be modeled as a low pass stationary process X(t) whose probability
density function is given in Fig. 1. The bandwidth of the process is 5 kHz and it is
desired to transmit it using a PCM system. If the sampling is done at the Nyquist
rate and a uniform quantizer with 32. Find the resulting bit rate and SQNR.
levels employed.

Figure 1:

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