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Jaroszewiczet a. Vol. 8, No. 3/March 1991/J. Opt. Soc. Am.

A 559

Analytic design of computer-generated Fourier-transform

holograms for plane curves reconstruction

Zbigniew Jaroszewicz
Central Laboratoryof Optics,Kamionkowska 18, 03-805Warsaw, Poland

Andrzej KoJodziejczyk
Institute of Physics, Warsaw Technical University, Koszykowa 75, 00-662Warsaw, Poland

Dolores Mouriz and Salvador Bara

Grupo de Optica, Facultade de Fisica, Universidade de Santiago, 15706Santiago de Compostela, Galicia,Spain

Received April 2, 1990; accepted September 18, 1990

A method for analytically determining the complex transmittance of a Fourier-transform hologram whose recon-
structed image is a prescribed focal curve contained in a plane parallel to that of the hologram is presented and
experimentally verified. The Fourier spectrum of the focal curve is determined by an exact integration over one
variable and a nonuniform stationary phase evaluation of the remaining integral. Transmittances obtained in this
way permit the reconstruction-of a wide class of piecewise twice-differentiable line foci.

INTRODUCTION in a closed form the explicit amplitude distribution that

gives rise to the desired focus. This fact is particularly
The use of computer-generated holograms (CGH's) provides disadvantageous when analytical studies involving these
a great flexibility in designing new diffractive optical ele- amplitudes are intended.
ments. In the past years particular interest has been devot- A different proposal was made by Frbre and Bryngdahl.15
ed to those CGH's that focus the light incident on them (in The curvature lid of a cylindrical wave front, with phase
general a plane or spherical wave front) in predetermined proportional to y2d in Cartesian coordinates, can be locally
regions of the space, particularly in a given focal curve. modified by making it dependent on the orthogonal coordi-
These kinds of hologram, which belong to the category of nate, such that d = d(x). On the assumption of sufficiently
meso-optical elements as defined by Soroko,' have become slow variation of d(x), it can be shown that the resulting
key devices in a wide range of applications that include modulated cylindrical wave front will focus in a region whose
holographic optical displays2-6 and focusers for laser pro- basic geometrical structure can be described as a focal curve
cessing of materials. 7 -9 contained in a plane parallel to the optical axis Z. The
The main problem in the designing step of these elements shape of this curve is directly and intuitively related to the
is to determine the proper transmittance function of the function d(x). With a similar procedure, three-dimensional
hologram that reconstructs the desired focal curve. For focal curves contained in the lateral side of a cylinder have
this, the calculation of the complex amplitude distribution also been reconstructed by using modulated toroidal wave
produced by the focal curve on the hologram recording plane fronts.16 A further development of this method permits one
becomes necessary. to obtain focal curves, shaped as weakly deformed rings,
Several methods can be used for performing this task. contained in planes perpendicular to the optical axis.17 All
One of them1 0 is based on decomposing the desired object (in these procedures give, in an explicit form, the complex am-
this case the focal curve) into a finite set of pointlike ele- plitude distribution of the wave fronts to be encoded in a
ments and on calculating the amplitude distribution created hologram in order to produce the desired focal curve in the
by each one in the CGH plane. The analytical superposition reconstruction step. The applicability of these methods is
of all these elementary amplitudes is then suitably encoded limited mainly by the relatively strong conditions imposed
for obtaining the transmittance that is being searched for. on the derivatives of the modulating functions in order to
This procedure, however simple, has its main drawback in solve the diffraction integral analytically.
the great number of elements required for accurately recon- In this paper a new approach for reconstructing focal
structing the focus and is thus rather expensive in terms of curves contained in planes parallel to that of the hologram is
computer memory and calculation time. Other proposed proposed. The Fourier transform of a given focal curve is
2 evaluated by an exact integration over one variable and an
methods of design, such as solving ray equations,1"1 nonlin-
ear diffraction integral equations,13 and iterative algo- asymptotic evaluation of the remaining integral. The re-
rithms,1 4 also require in general numerical evaluations. sulting complex amplitude is then encoded in a CGH. The
Apart from computer requirements, the main limitation method holds for curves that can be described in an explicit
common to all these approaches is that they do not provide way; that is, ,u = f() (z = constant), where (At,v, z) is an

0740-3232/91/030559-07$05.00 © 1991 Optical Society of America

560 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 8, No. 3/March 1991 Jaroszewicz et al.

arbitrary orthogonal set of curvilinear cylindrical coordi-

nates.'8 The function f(v) is assumed to be twice differen- =
. 1 + 11 VW)1 1/4
( )c~~v) (4)
tiable. Piecewise twice-differentiable curves can also be
reconstructed by analytical superposition of the amplitudes, where the prime denotes differentiation with respect to v
giving rise to each twice-differentiable arc. Since the result- and g g are the metric coefficients associated with the
ing complex amplitude is known in an explicit and closed coordinate transformation x = x(ju, v), y = y(,u, v).
way, the encoding of the Fourier-transform CGH can be The Fourier transform a2(xO,Yo)of the amplitude given by
performed with considerably lower requirements. Further- Eq. (3) can be calculated by performing the corresponding
more, a considerable physical insight is gained. For applica- change of variables in the usual Cartesian Fourier propaga-
tions in which the phase distribution along the focal line is of tor, giving
no importance, the transforming lens factor can be included
in the CGH transmittance; thus a single diffractive element a2(X01Y) = A l f2 al(A,
v)exp - [x( , v)x 0 + y ( v)y0
focusing in the Fresnel region is obtained.
In the followingsections, a characterization of plane focal L( ) =AJ 1/2(j v)g-1k2(v v, (5)
curves as Dirac 6 distributions in curvilinear cylindrical co-
ordinates is given, and their spectrum is evaluated. Finally, where A is a constant, k 2i-/X, and xo/(Xzo),yo/(Xzo) are the
particular expressions for rectangular and polar coordinates spatial frequencies. The limits of integration are taken in
are derived, supported by experimental results. agreement with the transformation equations. Substitution
of Eq. (3) into Eq. (5) and subsequent integration over
a2(x0, y0 ) = A fV2 a(v)c(v)exp [x(v)x0 + y(v)y0J1
Let C be a plane focal curve expressed with respect to a
suitable curvilinear cylindrical coordinate system (, v, z) in
X g12(V)gsz112(P)dv, (6)
an explicit form as
A = f(v) (z = constant) (1) where we have denoted x(v) = x[f(v), v], and similarly with y,
g,, and g. It has been assumed that f(v) is inside the inte-
and whose intensity varies along the natural parameter of gration domain and does not equal the limits 1,A2for any v
the curve s according to e (V1, V2).
dI(s) = a(s)l 2ds, (2) Equation (6) can be rewritten as

where for simplicity a(s) will be assumed to be real, although

it is not a necessary condition. The function f(v) is assumed
a2 (x0 , YO) = j G(v)exp[ikF(v)]dv, (7)

to be at least twice differentiable.

The complex amplitude distribution at the plane contain-
ing this focus (Fig. 1) can be described by G(v) = Aa(v) (gP(v)g,(v)jgP(v) + g,(Y)[f (8)
al(p, v) = a(v)c(v)6[A-f()], (3)

where a(v) denotes a[s(v)]. c(v) is a factor that makes the F(v) = - [x(v)x0 + y(v)y 0 ]. (9)
linear density of energy along the focal curve uniform, cor-
recting the unequal intensity distribution associated with In general, this integral cannot be exactly evaluated. Nev-
the Dirac owing to the particular reference frame used for ertheless, approximations based on the stationary phase
describing the curve. The value of c(v), as deduced in Ap- method as k - provide accurate results. The stationary
pendix A, is points vs of the integrand are determined by the condition

y y0
' V_)

_XEq Xo0


Fig. 1. Coordinates in the focal and the Fourier planes.

Jaroszewiczet al. Vol. 8, No. 3/March 1991/J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 561

F'(v 81) = 0, (10) Mf'() = -X 0 /yo. (17)

where the index j labels each element belonging to the set of The second derivative of the phase function is simply
solutions of Eq. (10).
The solutions of Eq. (10) can usually be obtained in an
F'(xj = -yJ'(x,,)1z0, (18)

easier way if the corresponding change of variables where (x0, yo) are the coordinates of points in the Fourier
X = Xo(MoV0 ), Yo = YO(Mo,
vo) (11)
Analogously, for curves represented in circular-cylinder
is performed in the hologram plane. From this, Eq. (10) coordinates (r, 0, z) by
r = f() (z = constant), (19)
x' ('Vdx 0 (y0, vo) + y'(V8 1 )y0 (,t0, V0) = 0. (12)
the equations transform into
The asymptotic solution of Eq. (7) will depend on the G(0) = Aa(0){f 2 (0)[f2 (0) + f"(0)]j1' 4 , (20)
structure of solutions of Eqs. (10) and (12). If, as is the usual
case, the stationary points vPjare not too close to one another
or to the end points of integration, then a first-order nonuni- F(M)= Pf(0) cos(0 -), (21)
form approximation will give a sufficiently accurate evalua-
tion of Eq. (10). In such cases it yields' 9 where (p, 0) are the coordinates of points belonging to the
Fourier plane.
2i-i 1/2
a2(x 0 , yO) A LkF(vsj) G(vs)exp[ikF(vs)], (13) The stationary points j are then determined by the con-
where F"(v8 y) denotes d2F/dv' taken at v = v8 . The summa- tan(0j - 0) = f'(0)/f(01 )- (22)
tion is extended to all solutions of Eq. (10).
Expression (13) gives explicitly the complex amplitude to From Eq. (22) it follows that at the stationary point 0 = Oj
be encoded in a Fourier-transform CGH that reconstructs the resulting phase function [Eq. (21)] is given by
the desired focal curve. It should be noted that this explicit pf 2 (06j)
transmittance can be calculated with the solutions of Eq. F(0S) = (23)
z0 [f2 (0.j) + f2(0Sj)]1/2
(10) and the derivatives of the function f; no other expres-
sions or calculations are required. Higher-order terms cor- and
recting the amplitude can easily be calculated if the corre-
sponding derivatives of F and G are known. F"(fs) = P"( 1 s)(O
) - 2f2(08 ) - 2f (oj)] (24)
For those applications in which the phase distribution zj[f (0j) + 2(0 )]1/2
along the focus is of no essential importance, e.g., for holo-
graphic displays or material processing with lasers, the With these equations the determination of the complex
phase function of the Fourier-transforming lens can be in- amplitude to be coded in a Fourier-transform CGH reduces
cluded in the transmittance expression (13). In this way, to finding the stationary points defined by Eq. (17) or Eq.
focusing is accomplished in the Fresnel region by using a (22) and to substituting them into the corresponding expres-
single holographic element. The price is, of course, a greater sions for G,F, and F". In the next section some application
cost in space-bandwidth product requirements of the re- examples are given.
cording device for the same quality of focus reconstruction.
SOLUTIONS IN RECTANGULAR AND To verify the utility of this designing procedure, we pro-
CIRCULAR-CYLINDER COORDINATES duced several Fourier-transform CGH's, focusing on differ-
The particular reference frame used for describing the focal ent focal curves explicitly given either in rectangular or cir-
curve will be chosen conveniently so simple expressions for cular-cylinder coordinates. The CGH's were synthesized by
Eqs. (1) and (10) can be obtained. In general several differ- displaying (on a high-quality cathode-ray-tube screen with
ent choices may be suitable for a given problem. 640 X 480 pixels) an intensity distribution proportional to
Some useful relations can be obtained for curves described the real nonnegative function
in the usual coordinate systems, e.g.,the rectangular and the
t(A0 , vo) = (1/2)[1 + cos b(y, v 0)], (25)
circular cylinder.
In rectangular coordinates (x, y, z) for a curve represented where 'P(,uo,v0) is the global phase term conjugated to that of
by expression (13). This intensity distribution was then re-
y = (x) (z = constant), (14) duced and photographically recorded by a Kodak AHU 5460
film matching the required dimensions of the final holo-
Eqs. (8) and (9) take the forms gram.
Since this simple encoding scheme does not take into
G(x) = Aa(x)fl + [f'(x)]J'J1 4 , (15) account the contribution of the modulus of the complex
amplitude in expression (13), a nonuniform energy distribu-
F(x) = - [XX0+ f(x)y 0 ] (16) tion along the focal line could be expected, as was experi-
mentally verified. Nevertheless, the geometrical structure
where the stationary points x5;are determined by of the focus was not noticeably modified.
562 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 8, No. 3/March 1991 Jaroszewicz et al.

For the reduction of the space-bandwidth product re-

quirements of the recording device, a further simplification
was made by taking advantage of the symmetries of solu-
tions of Eq. (10). In the most general case more than one
stationary point belonging to the focal curve is associated
with each point of the hologram plane. The amplitude to be
coded is then the result of the analytic superposition of the
contributions of each stationary point. But since the sta-
tionary points are the same for a continuous line of points in
the hologram plane, this line can be divided into a set of
segments in such a way that, at each segment, only one
stationary point contribution is encoded. In this way the
maximum spatial frequency to be recorded in the hologram (a)
is considerably lower. The price to pay for that is a reduc-
tion of the effective aperture of the hologram that contrib-
utes to focusing in each point of the focal curve, which is not
however a disturbing factor for demonstrative purposes.
All the holograms were reconstructed in a standard Fouri-
er-transform setup, placed in front of a transforming lens of
focal length d = 950 mm, and illuminated by an on-axis
plane wave of X = 633 nm.
The complex Fourier transform of a parabola y = ax2 with

constant intensity along the focus, as stated by expression
(13), is

a2 (x0, YO) A(xo, y 0 )exp f{[ kxo,

iL[4adyo arg(y )
2 _f'
(26) (b)


) ( 1 )1/2 (i 2 1/4 (27)

Figure 2(a) shows the corresponding CGH transmittance

given by Eq. (25). The Fourier transform of the parabolic
focus is in fact a conical wave front. 2 ' 2 1 The focal line ob-
tained by reconstruction is shown in Fig. 2(b). Parameter a
was equal to 0.5 mm-'. The two parabolas correspond to
the +1 diffracted orders. The intensity decreases for higher
values of y, as is expected from Eq. (27) and from the fact
that each point (xo,yo) of the hologram maps into the focal (c)
point Fig. 2. (a) Transmittance of a Fourier CGH focusing in a parabola
y = ax2 . (b) Reconstructed focal curve with a = 0.5 mm-'. (c)
x = -x 0/(2ay 0 ), ys = x0 2(4ayo2), (28) CGH transmittance with a superimposed lens phase factor.
as deduced from Eq. (10). In Fig. 2(c) the corresponding
CGH transmittance including the transforming lens phase
factor is displayed at the same scale as in Fig. 2(a). regions at which (-abyolxo) > 0, diverging or dropping
For a logarithmic focus quickly to zero otherwise, owing to the In factor in the expo-
nential. Figure 3(a) shows the transmittance of the CGH
y = a ln(bx) (29) for x0 > 0, yo < 0. The reconstructed focal curve for a = 1
of constant intensity, the complex Fourier transform is given mm and b = 0.114 mm-' is shown in Fig. 3(b). CGH trans-
by mittance with a superimposed phase factor is displayed in
Fig. 3(c).
a2 (x 0 , YO) A(xo, yo) A logarithmic spiral focus described in circular-cylinder
ikayo Cbo Nii arg~y ) coordinates (r, 0) by
xp d [ (x ]+
} (30) r = a exp(-yO), (32)

with where vyis a real constant, has, for each point in the Fourier
X0 2 1/4 plane, two stationary points given by
A(xo, yo) = I (aly0 I)1/2 (1 + 2 (31)
xo yO2 Oj = 0 + j, (33)

This distribution presents significant values only for those where

Jaroszewicz et al. Vol. 8, No. 3/March 1991/J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 563

,yOj= arctan y (34)

has two different solutions separated by r rad. Restricting

the values of 0 in Eq. (32) to the interval (0, 27r), we can easily
check that both stationary points carry the same informa-
tion as 0 runs over that interval. With the assumption of a
constant intensity along the focus, the contribution of each
point to the focal curve spectrum is
a2 (PO -) A(p,,P)exp L
- -ikpa exp(-y8 j)
d(l + Y2)1I2 J' (35)

A(p, P) = [a exp(y0sj)/p] 1/2. (36)

The transmittance corresponding to 0s1is displayed in Fig.

4(a). Reconstructed focal curves of +1 diffracted orders are



Fig. 4. (a) Transmittance of a Fourier CGH focusing in a logarith-
mic spiral r = a exp(-yO). (b) Reconstructed focal curve with a = 0.8
mm, -y = 0.4 rad- . (c) CGH transmittance with a superimposed
lens phase factor.

shown in Fig. 4(b) for a = 0.8 mm and y = 0.4 rad'1. The

CGH with a transforming lens factor is shown in Fig. 4(c).
As a final example, a CGH focusing in the squared cosine
r = a cos2 (37)

was produced. For each point in the Fourier plane there

exist four stationary points along the focal curve, defined by

OS = arctan tan (38)

4 tan 0

corresponding to the i in the argument and to the two
possible values of 08j different by 7r rad that verify Eq. (38)
Fig. 3. (a) Transmittance of a Fourier CGH focusing in a logarith-
mic curve y = a In(bx). (b) Reconstructed focal curve with a = 1
for each sign. The contribution of each stationary point to
mm, b = 0.114 mm- . (c) CGH transmittance with a superimposed the Fourier spectrum of the focal curve, with the assumption
lens phase factor. of a constant intensity distribution, is
564 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 8, No. 3/March 1991 Jaroszewicz et al.

contribution of each stationary point can be separately en-

coded in the CGH, for instance, 0,+for 0 e (-7r/2, r/2) and
0- for 0 e (r/2, 3-w/2). The corresponding CGH transmit-
tance is shown in Fig. 5(a). The reconstructed focus (a = 7.5
mm) can be seen in Fig. 5(b). Figure 5(c) corresponds to the
CGH with a superimposed lens factor.

This paper presents a simple method of evaluating the Fou-
rier spectrum of a plane focal curve explicitly described in
any set of curvilinear orthogonal cylindrical coordinates.
(a) The calculation is made by an exact integration over one
variable and a nonuniform stationary phase evaluation of
the remaining integral. The function describing the curve
should verify the usual conditions for application of a non-
uniform stationary phase approximation; in particular, it
should be twice differentiable. No other approximations
are required.
Encoding the corresponding complex amplitude in a holo-
gram produces a Fourier-transform CGH, which recon-
structs the desired focal curve. The transmittance of the
hologram can thus be directly obtained in a closed way,
providing explicit information about the modulus and the
phase of the amplitude to be encoded in order for a given
intensity distribution along the focal curve to be obtained.
Neglecting the contribution of the modulus of this ampli-
tude results in a nonuniform distribution of energy along the
focal line. Some additional simplifications can be made by
taking into account redundant information given by the
solutions of the stationary points equation as well as the
region of the hologram to which they contribute. The ex-
perimental results show that a wide range of focal curves can
thus be reconstructed.
CGH's reconstructing piecewise twice-differentiable focal
lines can also be produced by encoding the complex ampli-
tude resulting from the analytical superposition of the am-
plitudes corresponding to each twice-differentiable arc. In
this way, a greater flexibility can be achieved in designing
(c) diffractive elements for applications in different fields, e.g.,
Fig. 5. (a) Transmittance of a Fourier CGH focusing in a squared holographic displays and material processing with lasers.
cosinus r = a cos 2 (0). (b) Reconstructed focal curve with a = 7.5
mm. (c) CGH transmittance with a superimposed lens phase fac-
Let u = f(v) (z = constant) be a plane focal curve described

a 2 (p, 0) A(p,,)exp
E -ikpa
d(l + 4 tan 2
COS osi
with respect to a suitable set of curvilinear orthogonal cylin-
drical coordinates (u, v, z) and whose amplitude varies de-
pending on v according to a given function e(v).
8 The purpose of this appendix is to enable us to find a
proper expression for e(v) in order to ensure that the linear
with density of energy of that curve varies along its natural pa-
A(p, O)= a(l + 4 tan 2 rameter s depending on a given function a(s) such that
[3p(2 sin2 0Si +
cos 2 oS) J
1/2 Cos2 .
dI = I(s)ds = a(s)12 ds. (Al)
From expressions (39) and (40), it can be seen that station- To do so, first recall that the intensity distribution in the
ary points different by 7rrad give a redundant contribution focus plane can be described, with the help of the Dirac 6
to the focal spectrum, so that the production of the CGH can symbol, as
be simplified by encoding only those two points 0,+that arise I( , v) = e(v)I26[A- f(v)]. (A2)
from the ± of Eq. (38). Furthermore, since both stationary
points are the same for all points lying in the lines defined by The fraction of energy contained in a strip (v, v+ dv) of the
0 constant and 0 + r constant in the Fourier plane, the plane (z constant) is then given by
Jaroszewicz et al. Vol. 8, No. 3/March 1991/J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 565

dI = I(v)dv = dvle(v)1 J 6[ - f(v)]
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