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- Flores, Antoinette. “Undocumented Students Deserve Greater Access to Higher

Education.” Center for American Progress, Center For American Progress, 31 Mar.
- In the article “ Undocumented Students Deserve Greater Access to Higher Education”
Antoinette Flores, starts us off by saying education is important for economic success. It
allows the United States to remain competitive. Not allowing every student to finish their
education can change the country. “ An investment in College for All is an investment in
our future.” No one should be taken away from their rights. Undocumented students are
advocating for greater access. They’ve lived here for most of their life and don’t get to
live that “ American Dream” t
- This source is very credible. Flores states many facts and gives good reasoning about
real situations. Many undocumented students are unaware of their status until they’re
about to attend college. Many are unable to afford and many don’t have the same rights.
Flores does a great job at influencing us as readers.
- This source influences and helps my research by giving a lot of information. One thing
that surprised me is undocumented studentsd do not know about their status. My views
havent changed at all. I do want to look more into the numbers and statistics of
schooling rates before and after DACA. To find more information I will look at the media
aswell as keep looking at different articles. I think that If I research and find logic and
numbers to show proof, it’ll make my writing a lot stronger.



- Kohli, Sonali and Quartz. “Why U.S. Colleges Should Welcome Undocumented
Immigrants.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 2 Feb. 2015,
- In the article “ Why U.S. Colleges Should Welcome Undocumented Immigrants” Sonali
Kohlin and Quartz both discuss the importance of Undocumented Students getting a
higher education and why we should welcome them into college. They start off by talking
about different students as well as the things they’ve gone through. We also read about
good things they have succeeded in. The article mentions how some of the students
have found different resources to help undocumented students move forward with their
education. The article not only talks about the educational challenges but also the
challenges they have to face with their peers. More than half of the students surveyed
have been mistreated because of their status.
- This source is credible as it mentions real people. The two Authors give names making it
trustworthy. Not only that but They also add in a graph showing different factors and
percentages of undocumented students in college. Many have a higher GPA than 3.0
- Like the first article, I think this is going to help a lot with my research. One thing that
surprised me was when Teranishi mentioned “ Undocumented students have higher
GPA’s than American Undergraduates as a whole,” I think in my opinion a lot of the time,
for example, U.S citizens have the rights and they’re able to move forward they take
choose not to. It’s different for everyone there’s people who want to move forward and
some that don’t.


- Wilcox, Dale. “Why Trump Must End Daca.” The Hill, The Hill Newsletter, 29 Jan. 2017,
- In “Why Trump Must End DACA” by Dale Wilcox. The author first starts us off by saying
that ending DACA is more important than ever. “ Ending DACA and turning off
amnesty-magnet is now more important than ever”. This act has been rejected several
times by congress. “ Taxpayers spend hundreds of millions annually to reunite the
uneducated minors with their illegal parents.
- I think this source is credible, I think that there will be people who agree and some
people who don’t with all sources. There were different opinions. I think that this does
catch many people's attention. There wasn’t many sources that talked about being
against DACA, so I think that this talks about it very well.
- It was very hard for me to read this article, as It is a completely different viewpoint. What
surprised me the most was the author Dale Wilcox calling undocumented people “aliens”
we are people just like everyone else. And giving DACA doesn’t bring in more bad
behavior. No matter what it is you look like a crime can still be comitted. “ That’s money
that should have gone to support schools, hospitals and job training” but…. When
undocumented students recieve DACA we are suporting schools, hospitals and job
training. We’re building a bigger and better economy. An illegal “alien” as Dale mentions
could grow up to be a great doctor, teacher, and train people in jobs.


Source 4
- Santellano, Karina, and Jody Agius. “Three Reasons to Protect DACA > Center for the
Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII) at USC > USC Dana and David Dornsife College of
Letters, Arts and Sciences.” > Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII) at
USC > USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, 30 Aug.
- In “ Three Reasons to Protect DACA” the authors discuss the importance of the program
and why it should be protected. They list three reasons, 1. “ DACA allows young people
to come out of the shadows and integrate into the labor market” “DACA allows youth to
pursue their educational dreams” and “ DACA benefits make significant economic
contributions to local, regional, and national economics”. They talk about their reasons
and how students are being helped and how they wouldn’t have been able to pursue
their educational goals without DACA.
- This source is credible. I think listing three reasons, readerswill want to know more. This
article was written by two authors, they both took a look at it. This is an “edu” website
which makes it a lot more credible.
- I think this source helps my research paper a lot. I’m not seeing a lot of different
perspectives as my other sources. There were a lot of the same reasons, just worded a
bit diffrently. My views haven’t changed at all, I think some things I need to further
research is the mental health of udocumented students and the effect it’s had on the way
they live. I think that DACA being on and off has changed some people mentally, which I
think I should further research.



- Aranda Professor of Sociology, Elizabeth Aranda, and Elizabeth Vaquera. “How DACA
Affected the Mental Health of Undocumented Young Adults.” The Conversation, 1 Sept.
- In this article “ How DACA affected the mental health of undocumented young adults”
Both the authors Aranda and Vaquera discuss the affect DACA has had on young
peoples mental health. Living with fear and anxiety not knowing what their future is going
to look like or where they’ll be. The author states that most students don’t know they’re
undocumneted until a caregiver has told them. This had interrupted many people's
dreams as they already saw great ideas for their future. Many feel hopless as they have
no reason to be there because they’re unable to move further. The authors mention that
many people join groups such as immigration organizations so they know they’re not
- I think this source is credible and it’s very helpful for my research paper. There are many
young adults who have mental health issues and it’s very important for it to be
- I wasn’t really surprised reading about the mental health issues of undocumented
students. I think since DACA has been taken away they have gone up. I think this
sources a different perspective than my other sources. It doesn’t talk about why we
should or shouldn’t end DACA, but the mental health effectit has on people. I think this
will help build my research paper. It gives a different view and look at DACA.

WORDS- 252


- Gasson, Kristina. “Risks and Downsides of Applying for DACA.”, Nolo,
29 July
- In the article Gasson, talks about the downside and the risk of applying for DACA.
Although it’s supposed to be beneficial there are some risks. Even with DACA, many
young adults still live in fear. When applying you want to consider your past history, as
this information is going to be given to the government. DACA doesn’t offer long term
benefits, it’s a working permit but doesn’t offer citizenship. Like those who apply, it was
later on removed, it won’t stay forever. Even with DACA, you’re still at risk to get
deported. “ DACA required sharing personal information that would later lead to
deportation”. It’s not always the right path
- This source is very credible. The author gives great examples, the article comes from
immigration law attorneys. I think that it really catches the reader's attention, especially
those who were wanting to apply for DACA. Also those who have applied.
- I think that this source is very helpful and it’s a different view from my other sources.
Those who don’t have DACA, should still have hope. This article isn’t for or against
DACA. I think that my views havent changed too much, but I do believe that DACA isn’t
always good to undocumented youth. There are other ways that we can succeed and go
on without it.



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