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Choose the correct answer.

1. My sister is reading / reads a book every week!

2. We usually go / are going to school at eight o'clock.
3. I'm loving / I love being on holiday!
4. Listen! Auntie May is playing / plays the piano.
5. We wait / We're waiting for the bus, but I think we're too late.
6. Tom and Amy often go / are going to the cinema.

Tick ( )or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong.

1. I'm playing tennis after school on Mondays.

I play tennis after school on Mondays.
2. I'm calling from the train. Where are you?
3. ‘Hey! I love your shoes!' ‘Thanks! They're new.'
4. William is often recommending books he likes.
William often recommending books he likes
5. Schools close for several weeks during the summer.
Schools closes for several weeks during the summer
6. Emily's eating bread now, but she isn't usually eating wheat.
_____________________but she doesn’t usually eats wheat

7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.

fall     get     marry     protest    tell     walk

1. Celebrities marry in style.
2. By the end of the film, Sadie and Jack _______get_________ in love.
3. Students ___________protest_____ outside top university.
4. In the novel, the old man _______walk_________ the length of the country.
5. New autobiography ________tell________ secrets for the world to read.
6. In Life of Pi, an enormous tiger ______fall_____onto a boat with a boy

Choose the correct answer.

1. Have / Has you ever read Lord of the Rings? I recommend it!

2. We live / We've lived here for twenty years.
3. How long has Mrs Smith been / is Mrs Smith your English teacher?
4. Toby never has liked / has never liked fantasy novels.
5. You've been / be asleep for twelve hours!
6. Mum and dad have known / known each other since they were at

complete the text with the present perfect form of the verbs in
brackets.----- (always be) Kefalonia. If you get the chance,

We 1 've been (be) on holiday to Greece several times. My parents 

 always have loved---- (always love) it there. They say that they 
 never have seen---- (never see) such beautiful blue seas and skies anywhere
else, and they love the relaxed atmosphere. So, Mum and Dad 
 ___________________have taken (take) us there since we were very young,
and we 5 _______have been able to-----(be able to) get to know several of the
Greek islands over the years. My favourite island 
 _____always have been you must go there. I really recommend it!


Put the words in order to make sentences. Then match.

1. I've / Mum, / homework / my / finished / just

Mum, I've just finished my homework.
2. the / drunk / juice, / you / fruit / Tom / have / all / already?
Have you already drunk all the fruit juice Tom
3. tidied / I've / room / just / my
I've just tidied my room
4. arrived / home / Rick / yet / hasn't
Rick hasn’t arrived home yet
5. read / half / already / her / Sally / book / has
Sally has already read half her book
6. bought / these / I've / new / shoes / just

I've just bought these new shoes

A. There's hardly any left! 2

B. I think she'll finish it over the weekend. 5
C. It looks much better now! 3
D. Do you like them? 6
E. Please can I go out now? 1
F. I think his train was late. 4


Match the parts of the sentences.

1. At the weekend, I'm F

2. In Florida, we'll D
3. You're going to E
4. I might do B
5. Bess is going A
6. The bus to Oxford C

A. to do volunteer work with children.

B. a course in lifeguarding.
C. leaves every fifteen minutes during the day.
D. go to Disney World.
E. have an accident, if you aren't careful.
F. joining a new dance club.
Complete the sentences with the verbs below.

is going to fall     'll show     might do     're breaking     starts     won't be

1. The London Marathon Wheelchair race starts at 9.20am on

2. At the end of next week, we 're breaking up for the school
3. It won't be easy to do exercise every day, but it will be good for
4. Be careful! The cup is going to fall off the table.
5. Mum and Dad might do a course to brush up their Italian before
they go to Rome next year.
6. We 'll show you all the sights of London when you come!

Complete the sentences with the future continuous form of the verbs in

1. We'll be travelling (travel) to Venezuela this time next year.

2. When our exams start, we won’t be going (not go) out very much.
3. While Mum's playing tennis, Dad will be making (make) dinner.
4. Tony won’t be waiting (not wait) for you at the train station when you arrive; I
5. Will you be starting (you / start) the yoga class when you get back from
6. Carrie will be coming (come) to the party on Saturday.


Choose the correct answer.

1. If / Unless you work hard, you'll pass your exams.

2. When / Until I get home, I'll call Ellie.
3. You won't get fit if / unless you do regular exercise.
4. Until / As soon as Dad goes on holiday, he will start to relax.
5. I won't be happy until / when I know you're home safely.
6. You'll be late for dinner if / as soon as you don't catch the five o'clock bus.

 Choose the correct answer.

1. Some people find horror / autobiography stories too scary.

2. Science novel / fiction books look at what the world might be like
in the future.
3. Most crime / romance novels have at least one detective.
4. A graphic novel / biography is full of illustrations.
5. A romance / historical novel is always set in the past.
6. A(n) autobiography / biography is written by the same person
the book is about.

Complete the sentences with the words below.

advertisement     blurb     diagram     instructions     note

1. There's a really funny advertisement for cat food out at the moment!

2. I can never follow simple instructions to build a piece of furniture .
3. Sorry, Dad! I didn't buy any milk because I didn't see your note
4. Anita, please help me to draw this diagram for my maths homework.
5. The blurb on this book makes it sound really interesting.

Choose the correct answer.

1. This book is so good, I can't put it through / down !

2. In the book, we see Tom grow / bring up and become an adult.
3. I've only read on / flicked through the book so far, but I can see that it's a
great science fiction story.
4. I'm sorry to bring up / put down the subject, but have you still got my
Charles Dickens book?
5. Rebecca is determined to get / read on to the very end, even if she has to
stay up all night!

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