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Essay 1 - Descriptive Essay

Academic Writing

Mr. José Roberto Ucles


Week 4

Presented by:
✔ Pamela Meraz Castillo – 41811139

La Ceiba, Atlántida
August 14th, 2021
Outline – My office space at home
I. Introduction
 Thesis statement: The office space at home is suitable for work because it has the right
features, such as good lighting and ventilation, modern designs, and a calm environment.
 Background information / Supporting details: By considering each of these elements, you
can work calmly, comfortably, and efficiently. However, not all people who work from
home have this luck. Finding a perfect, comfortable, and quiet space to work has become a
necessity to be able to work effectively and efficiently.

II. Body
Body paragraph 1
 Thesis statement: Having good lighting and ventilation is of the utmost importance to be
able to concentrate and feel comfortable while you work.
 Supporting details: The home office space has enough light to be able to work efficiently.
It is located near a window to take advantage of natural light. For the hours when there is
no natural light, there is artificial light that illuminates enough, and helps you concentrate.
In the same way, there is a focused light, specifically with low consumption bulbs, for
when you are going to spend many hours working. Regarding ventilation, there is air
conditioning. The office space is thermally comfortable since it provides a neutral thermal
sensation. This avoids the famous heat stress produced by excessive accumulation of heat
in the body.

Body paragraph 2
 Thesis statement: Decoration is another important element, since it helps to make the work
area a more welcoming and pleasant place.
 Supporting details: The home office space features a computer that occupies the main
position at the table. It has ergonomic furniture that includes a chair and a table. There are
also pictures with inspirational phrases hanging on the wall. The office space features a
floor lamp, a small whiteboard for making notes, and a potted plant called "Sansevieria." It
is essential to remember that decoration directly influences mood, increases productivity,
removes stress, and improves creativity.
Body paragraph 3
 Thesis statement: Finally, having a calm environment is another important element to
consider achieving greater productivity.
 Supporting details: A good work environment relaxes, since one feels comfortable. Taking
this into consideration, the home office space has the right colors, which are red and gray,
to energize the atmosphere and create an optimal environment. It has scented candles that
activate the senses and help create a pleasant atmosphere. Also, it has semi-transparent and
light-colored curtains that allow minimal natural light.

III. Conclusion paragraph

 Restatement of thesis statement: Considering all the three characteristics, the office space
at home is a very suitable place to work, since it reflects comfort, calmness, and a pleasant
 Summary of main points: It is worth mentioning that the first aspect, which is good
lighting and ventilation, was considered when creating this space. Having natural light and
good ventilation are essential to work with greater vitality. On the other hand, emphasizing
the second aspect, according to a study carried out, office decoration has a direct impact on
the way a person works. Therefore, decoration was considered. The office space at home
has ergonomic furniture, with a personal touch which are the photographs of inspirational
phrases, and, it has plant pots that increase productivity, and reduces stress and tiredness.
Finally, it is important for an office space at home to have a calm environment. Painting is
a way of giving a fresh and new air, achieving a different and inspiring office. Therefore, it
can be said that the colors of the office space attract a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere,
which generates well-being and efficiency. According to specialists, well-being and being
efficient are the basic pillars for achieving a suitable office space at home.
 Tie to Opening: The best work environment is one that has certain characteristics. Among
them are those that were previously highlighted.
Essay – My office space at home
The office space at home is suitable for work because it has the right features, such as
good lighting and ventilation, modern designs, and a calm environment. By considering each of
these elements, you can work calmly, comfortably, and efficiently. However, not all people who
work from home have this luck. Finding a perfect, comfortable, and quiet space to work has
become a necessity to be able to work effectively and efficiently.
Having good lighting and ventilation is of the utmost importance to be able to concentrate
and feel comfortable while you work. The home office space has enough light to be able to work
efficiently. It is located near a window to take advantage of natural light. For the hours when
there is no natural light, there is artificial light that illuminates enough, and helps you
concentrate. In the same way, there is a focused light, specifically with low consumption bulbs,
for when you are going to spend many hours working. Regarding ventilation, there is air
conditioning. The office space is thermally comfortable since it provides a neutral thermal
sensation. This avoids the famous heat stress produced by excessive accumulation of heat in the
Decoration is another important element, since it helps to make the work area a more
welcoming and pleasant place. The home office space features a computer that occupies the main
position at the table. It has ergonomic furniture that includes a chair and a table. There are also
pictures with inspirational phrases hanging on the wall. The office space features a floor lamp, a
small whiteboard for making notes, and a potted plant called "Sansevieria." It is essential to
remember that decoration directly influences mood, increases productivity, removes stress, and
improves creativity.
Finally, having a calm environment is another important element to consider achieving
greater productivity. A good work environment relaxes, since one feels comfortable. Taking this
into consideration, the home office space has the right colors, which are red and gray, to energize
the atmosphere and create an optimal environment. It has scented candles that activate the senses
and help create a pleasant atmosphere. Also, it has semi-transparent and light-colored curtains
that allow minimal natural light.
Considering all the three characteristics, the office space at home is a very suitable place
to work, since it reflects comfort, calmness, and a pleasant environment. It is worth mentioning
that the first aspect, which is good lighting and ventilation, was considered when creating this
space. Having natural light and good ventilation are essential to work with greater vitality. On
the other hand, emphasizing the second aspect, according to a study carried out, office decoration
has a direct impact on the way a person works. Therefore, decoration was considered. The office
space at home has ergonomic furniture, with a personal touch which are the photographs of
inspirational phrases, and, it has plant pots that increase productivity, and reduces stress and
tiredness. Finally, it is important for an office space at home to have a calm environment.
Painting is a way of giving a fresh and new air, achieving a different and inspiring office.
Therefore, it can be said that the colors of the office space attract a relaxing and pleasant
atmosphere, which generates well-being and efficiency. According to specialists, well-being and
being efficient are the basic pillars for achieving a suitable office space at home. The best work
environment is one that has certain characteristics. Among them are those that were previously

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