Literature Review Dropbox 1

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Suleymanova 1

Samira Suleymanova

Professor Jamey Dunham


20 March 2022

Literature Review

Many people throughout the globe do little to address the types of events that occur

anyplace in the world until it is America. Many people believe they have the freedom to select

what they care about. In all cases, however, this is not the case. People should still learn about

what is going on in the globe, and they do not need to be on one side or the other. It is always

beneficial to study these various skills in order to own them. All of the articles that will be

discussed will be about Chinese concentration camps and how little is known about them in the

rest of the world.

The first article I felt would be a good source for my research paper because it is about

why people aren’t concerned about genocide. Based on the facts provided in the article, I believe

this would be a suitable source for the issue. In the article is states on how the genocide appears

to happen far from where everyone’s home is so they do not show there awareness for it. In the

article Ochab had stated “foreign policy,” this is showing how other people do not engage within

these things because they think they do not need to know about it. This article gives many

reasons on how people around the world do not engage into many things that happen and talks

about the different genocides that taken place.

Moving on to the next article, which discusses what is happening in China with

concentration camps and how slow action is being taken to address it. It discusses how China is a

large country against which you cannot take a stance. The rest of the world may be aware of
Suleymanova 2

what is going on, but it is not delving into the details. Kate Lyons, the author of this post, depicts

several dialogues with people and how they are not being carried through.

In addition, the next article is about the Uyghurs imprisoned in Chinese concentration

camps. Also discussed is why China is suspected of genocides'. This article would be a great way

to discuss how people may say different things in different situations, and those things may not

be true. It is divided into sections that explain who the Uyghurs are and how China deals with

them. Shows an image of the camps and how things have evolved over the years, as well as how

much larger the camps' structure has become.

The next article will discuss why people aren't taking action and why it matters. China's

enormous incarceration of Uyghurs appears to be going unnoticed by the rest of the world. This

article discusses how many things are happening in these camps, and how it is impossible to

ignore and continue to silence the power they wield over human rights. It will not become any

easier if others remain silent, but if others do speak up, they may not be able to assist as much.

Finally, the last article discusses how people are hesitant to take action since the Uyghurs

are Muslims. It discusses how the world might react differently to events if it were a different

race. This article depicts a person's perspective on what they went through in these camps and

how things might have turned out differently if they had followed the rules they were given. This

is an excellent method to utilize it in a research report to describe what someone has gone


Finally, all of these articles will be excellent sources for my paper. I'll be able to talk

about each one and go into great detail with them since I'll be able to spread them out. These

publications will help me respond to the question I posed in my research report. I'll be able to

explain why society choose particular genocide's to be concerned about.

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Work Cited

GREENE, NOOR. ‘‘The Only Crime of Most of Us Was That We Were Uyghur Muslims.’’

Reason, vol. 53, no. 9, Feb. 2022, pp. 50–56. EBSCOhost,


Lyons, Kate. “The world knows what is happening to the Uighurs. Why has it been so

slow to act?’’ The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, Published 26 Jul 2019.

the-uighurs-why-has-it-been-so-slow-to-act. Accessed 12 Mar 2022.

Ochab, Dr. Ewelina U. "Why Does Nobody Care about Genocide?" Forbes, Forbes Magazine,

28 Dec. 2020, .


Storey, Henry, et al. "Why Nobody Is Taking Action on Xinjiang and Why It Matters - AIlA."

Australian Institute of International Affairs, 30 Dec. 2019,

Accessed 13 Mar 2022.

“Who are the Uyghurs and why is China being accused of genocide?” BBC News, Published 21

June 2021 Accessed 13 March


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