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com Volume 1 Issue 3


New witnesses. DR ROGER LEIR
A new investigation
by John Hanson.

Scotland’s Livingston
Incident Debated.
UFO REPORTS David Slater &
Malcolm Robinson.
from Malaysia & Brazil

screenplay underway. Gary Heseltine reports.

Sgt John Burroughs Interview

Firsthand eyewitness. An interview by Philip Mantle.

UK £5.99

Bentwaters 30th
Anniversary Edition



The latest ufological news from around Sceptic's Guide. Philip Gardiner tries to Report of a UFO landing and occupants
the globe by Steve Johnson. restore the balance with his down-to- seen in Porter's Wood, Woodbridge,
earth look at things. Suffolk in December 1980. Are there more
10 REPORTS FROM PUERTO RICO witnesses to the Rendlesham events? An
1987 - 1997: Puerto Rico's Incredible 24 THE LIVINGSTON INCIDENT exclusive from John Hanson.
Decade. Ten years of UFO sightings go The Livingston Incident - A new
under the spotlight by Scott Corrales. perspective from Malcolm Robinson. 36 OZ COLUMN
Help, some of our pineapples are
16 NICK POPE MOD FILES 28 THE LIVINGSTON INCIDENT EXPLAINED? missing! Our regular column from down-
The Rendlesham Forest Incident. Nick Spaceships, Spheres and the Devil's Herb. under takes a look at some very curious
Pope starts our look at the 30th A possible explanation for the Livingston UFO sightings around some very curious
anniversary of this landmark event. Incident by David Slater. looking landforms.


Volume 1 Issue 3


Three Nights in December. Gary Heseltine Ahmad Jamaludin takes us around Philip Mantle takes the opportunity to
updates us on his efforts to turn the Malaysia looking at some of the interview John Burroughs, one of the
Rendlesham events into a movie and his photographic evidence there for UFOs. principle witnesses to the Rendlesham
recent meeting with Colonel Halt. Forest UFO sightings.
43 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! The Rendlesham Forest Incident: A 85 MAILBOX (READER’S LETTERS)
Scientists View. Astrophysicist Andrew Your letters to UFO MATRIX.
44 MIKE HALLOWELL, BACKLIGHT Pike looks at the possible scientific
Mike Hallowell's cold case review explanations for the Rendlesham 87 THE RENDLESHAM FILES
looks back at some intriguing close Forest sightings. Dr David Clarke offers his latest sceptical
encounter cases. look at Britain's most famous UFO event,
69 UFO MATRIX EXCLUSIVE!!! Rendlesham.
The Cash-Landrum case by Steven S. Bass. 70 READERS UFO SIGHTINGS 94 COMPETITION
A unique close encounter case from the A look at some UFO sightings reported More books up for grabs in our
USA that took place around the same by the readers of UFO MATRIX. competition!
time as the Rendlesham events.
50 CLAS SVAHN COLUMN Rendlesham at Thirty: Why Larry What to expect in our fact
Clas Svahn delves once again into the Warren continues to matter. Peter packed issue 4.
archives and brings us yet more Robbins discusses the contribution to
fascinating UFO cases from around the Rendlesham Forest Incident by 96 REVIEWS
Scandinavia and Europe. Larry Warren. Our resident
reviewer Kevin
LEARNED? Thiago Luiz Ticchetti takes an in-depth his eyes over
Dr Roger Leir details two recent surgeries look at UFO sightings around Brasilia, his the latest
to remove alleged alien implants. nations capital. ufological releases.

MoD X-Files
The Rendlesham Forest Incident by Nick Pope
Introduction sent out to investigate. Two of them
December, 2010, is the thirtieth anniversary of approached the light and encountered a small,
Britain’s best-known and most compelling UFO triangular-shaped craft that had landed in a
case, known in the UK as the Rendlesham clearing. Nearby farm animals were going into a
Forest Incident, though often referred to by frenzy. One of the security police officers, Jim
Americans as the Bentwaters Incident. In this Penniston, got close enough to touch the side
article, I intend to give an overview of the case, of the object. He and another of the airmen
focus on the official Ministry of Defence (MoD) present, John Burroughs, attached sketches of
and United States Air Force (USAF) the craft to the witness statements they
investigations and then assess some of the subsequently made. Penniston’s sketch includes
Rendlesham beams of light (artist impression): Modo

theories that have been put forward to explain strange symbols that he saw on the craft’s hull,
what happened. which he likened to Egyptian hieroglyphs.
(called light-alls), that Halt had brought to
The First Night The Second Night illuminate the forest, began to cut out. Despite
In the early hours of 26th December, 1980, Two nights later, the UFO returned. The Deputy his initial plan to “debunk” the UFO sighting, Halt
military personnel at the twin bases of RAF Base Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Charles and his team then encountered the UFO,
Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge (UK bases Halt, was informed and, together with a small which, at one point, fired beams of light down
operated by the USAF), in Suffolk, saw a strange group of men, went out into the forest to at his party and, later on, at the Woodbridge
light in Rendlesham Forest, which lies between investigate. As they progressed, radio facility. “Here I am, a senior official who routinely
the two bases. Acting on the possibility that an communications were subjected to denies this sort of thing and diligently works to
aircraft might have crashed, three men were interference and powerful mobile generators debunk them and I’m involved in the middle of


something I can’t explain,” he subsequently

Halt had taken a hand-held tape recorder
into the forest with him to document his
investigation. This tape is now in the public
domain and one can hear the rising tension in
his voice and the voices of his men as the UFO
“I see it too... It’s back again... It’s coming this
way... There’s no doubt about it... This is weird... It
looks like an eye winking at you... It almost
burns your eyes... He’s coming toward us now...
Now we’re observing what appears to be a
beam coming down to the ground... One
object still hovering over Woodbridge base...
beaming down.”

The MoD Investigation

Charles Halt reported the various incidents to
the MoD in a memorandum dated 13th January,
1981. Despite the innocuous title, “Unexplained
Lights”, the document described the UFO as Craft symbols artist
impression: David Sankey
being “metallic in appearance and triangular in
shape... hovering or on legs”. In what may have including Base Commander, Colonel Ted delay and poor information-sharing. The USAF
been either a typographical error or a slip of the Conrad, and Chief of Security Police, Major had not cordoned-off the landing site, taken
memory, Halt gave incorrect dates for both Malcolm Zickler, were undertaking separate soil samples or used a metal detector to search
sightings, recording each as having taken place investigations. It is also alleged that the Air the area. The incident was not reported to the
a day later than was, in fact, the case. Force Office of Special Investigations was MoD until nearly three weeks after the events
The MoD’s investigation included an involved, along with other unidentified and, when it was, the dates in the official USAF
inconclusive search for radar evidence that agencies. report were incorrect. The USAF didn’t pass the
might have corroborated what was seen, but Shortly after the event, General Gabriel, witness statements (including Jim Penniston’s
the error in the dates meant the wrong tapes Commander in Chief, United States Air Forces in sketch, which would have made it abundantly
were checked. Of far more interest was an Europe, visited the bases and took possession clear to everyone that a structured craft was
assessment of radiation readings that had been of Charles Halt’s tape recording. This is involved) to the MoD, nor did they tell MoD
taken from the landing site with a Geiger confirmed in a document in MoD’s case file, but until some time later that General Gabriel had
counter. The readings had peaked in three it is not known if other material relating to the been given evidence relating to the case, which
holes in the ground, which formed the shape of incident was involved or what further action had not been passed to MoD.
an equilateral triangle, which had been found at was taken. MoD, too, had committed errors. The
the spot where the craft landed. The Defence Defence Intelligence Staff assessment of the
Intelligence Staff stated that the readings Cold Case Review radiation levels at the landing site had not been
seemed “significantly higher than the average In 1994, I undertook what police would call a passed to the USAF. Critically, no follow-up
background”. Their report suggested that the ‘cold case review’ of the Rendlesham Forest interviews were conducted with Halt or any of
radiation was between seven and eight times Incident. What I found shocked me. It was soon the witnesses. The fact that the USAF had been
what would have been expected for the area clear that the original investigation had been so slow to report to the MoD may have been a
concerned. This official assessment is now in fundamentally flawed by procedural errors, factor here, as the clear implication was that the
the public domain, as the MoD’s case file on the

event was released to author, Georgina Bruni,
and to other UFO researchers in 2001. I see it too... It’s back again... It’s coming this
way... There’s no doubt about it... This is weird... It
The USAF Investigation
In parallel to the MoD investigation, Charles Halt looks like an eye winking at you... It almost burns
undertook his own inquiry, interviewing
Penniston and Burroughs and taking formal
your eyes... He’s coming toward us now... Now
statements from them and three other airmen, we’re observing what appears to be a beam coming
who had been involved in the first night’s
activity. However, some of the USAF witnesses
down to the ground... One object still hovering

have claimed that other senior officers, over Woodbridge base... beaming down
going on duty.
Two other suggestions are that the incident
was caused by a prank involving a police car
with its flashing lights being used to spook
personnel on guard duty or a stolen truck of
manure that was set on fire in Rendlesham
Forest. In evidential terms, both theories hang
on unsubstantiated claims from a single
individual. There is no evidence that such a
prank or a crime ever occurred, let alone
evidence that such events – even if they did
take place, as claimed – had anything to do
with the Rendlesham Forest Incident.
Astronomical events such as meteors,
fireballs and rocket re-entries have also been
proposed, but such events are short-lived and it
is very difficult to see how any such events
would be compatible with what the witnesses
saw and the time period over which their
experiences occurred.
Craft symbols
line drawing The best-known sceptical theory is that the
witnesses misidentified the Orford Ness
lighthouse (or possibly the nearby Shipwash
events were not judged to be of any concern. extraterrestrial visitation, inter-dimensional lightship). This idea was first proposed by local
In fact, the delay was a consequence of Halt’s activity and even the involvement of time forester, Vince Thurkettle, but seems unlikely.
uncertainty about how to proceed, given the travellers from the future. Intriguingly, this latter The lighthouse was a well-known local feature
unprecedented nature of the events. The theory has found favour with two of the key and not one likely to confuse the witnesses.
person whom he needed to ask, the RAF witnesses, Jim Penniston and John Burroughs. Furthermore, it isn’t visible from most of the
Liaison Officer, Squadron Leader Donald Even the ever-cautious Charles Halt, while locations where the witnesses actually were.
Moreland, was on leave. choosing his words carefully, states, “I still have The lighthouse cannot possibly explain Charles
Most of these failings resulted from no idea what we saw that night. It must have Halt’s sighting of a UFO firing beams down at
confusion about jurisdiction, though my been beyond our technology... I do know one them from above (“lighthouses don’t fly” was his
assessment was that both the US and the UK thing, without a doubt: these objects were terse response to the suggestion) or hovering
had jurisdiction (jurisdiction can be concurrent under intelligent control.” over the base at Woodbridge. Indeed, at one
– i.e. shared) but that the UK had primacy – i.e. Exotic theories are put forward on the basis point Halt stated he saw the lighthouse to one
should have led the investigation. that no conventional explanation seems to side of the UFO – proving that they were not
In fact, each party thought the other should satisfactorily explain what occurred. However, as one and the same. On a personal note, I have
take (and was taking) the lead. The MoD view I know from my own official UFO investigations, filmed in Rendlesham Forest several times for
seemed to be that the USAF had matters in when a sighting cannot be explained in various TV documentaries and news features.
hand. But when the senior USAF officer in the conventional terms, it can only ever be Where the lighthouse is visible from the forest
UK, General Robert Bazley, was briefed on the legitimately categorised as “unknown”. Anything at all, it appears in the distance, as a tiny
incident by the officer in overall command of else is only a guess. pinprick of light.
the twin bases, Colonel Gordon Williams, he
stated, “It’s a Brit affair”, on the basis that the The Sceptics Possible Military Explanations
incident had occurred off-base. A number of theories have been put forward by Two suggestions have been made involving
It’s well-documented that policy – both in sceptics, in an attempt to provide a unusual military activity that might explain
MoD and in the USAF – was to ‘play down’ the conventional explanation for what happened. events. The first is that the craft was a secret,
UFO phenomenon and the extent of official The most serious allegation is that alcohol prototype aircraft or drone, probably American,
involvement with the subject. Therefore, it and/or hallucinogenic drugs had played a part but perhaps even Soviet – might the symbols
suited each party to drop the matter, on the in this. It would be foolish to suggest that that Jim Penniston saw have been Cyrillic
assumption that the other had lead excessive drinking and illegal drug-taking never script? The second theory is that the events
responsibility. occurred at Bentwaters and Woodbridge. were caused by some sort of psyop
However, there is no evidence to suggest any of (psychological operation), where the witnesses
The Believers the witnesses were drunk or had taken illegal were used as ‘guinea pigs’ to see how they
A number of exotic theories have been drugs. Moreover, security police and law would respond to an unusual experience,
suggested in an attempt to explain the enforcement personnel are routinely checked perhaps involving apparently solid objects
Rendlesham Forest Incident. These include for any indications of drink or drugs before being generated by holographic technology –


testimony that would support this during these interrogations and the whole
Pope, Penniston & Halt.
interpretation of events. thing has had damaging, and lasting, effects on
the men involved.”
Rendlesham + 30
On the thirtieth anniversary of these Conclusion
events, some of the witnesses are not The Rendlesham Forest Incident remains
coping well. Some are angry. Others unexplained. This is one of the few things one
still show signs of Post-Traumatic Stress can say with any degree of certainty about
Disorder. People such as Jim these events. Theories – whether they are about
Penniston, John Burroughs and Larry extraterrestrials, lighthouses, time travellers from
Warren all claim they were let down the future, burning trucks of manure, psyops,
by the chain of command, which failed to practical jokes or secret prototype drones – are
a so-called ‘ghost gun’. provide proper support after the events. There just that, theories and nothing more.
The problem with these theories is that are more serious accusations that some Georgina Bruni once called Rendlesham
there’s no evidence to support them, either in witnesses were subjected to interrogations in “Britain’s Roswell”. She was right, but not just in

terms of personal testimony or documentation.
Moreover, if a psyop or a secret US aircraft or A number of theories have been put forward
drone was responsible, it’s most unlikely that a
UFO report would have been sent to the MoD, by sceptics, in an attempt to provide a
which might have set all sorts of hares running.
If rumours of a psyop or a secret aircraft/drone
conventional explanation for what happened. The
were circulating among USAF personnel or most serious allegation is that alcohol and/or
among the local population, it might arguably
make sense to launch a counter-intelligence
hallucinogenic drugs had played a part in this. It
operation and ‘rebrand’ the event as a UFO would be foolish to suggest that excessive drinking
sighting, but there’s no evidence that any such
rumours had started.
and illegal drug-taking never occurred at

A Soviet aircraft/drone is a slightly more Bentwaters and Woodbridge.
plausible theory. This was a time of high
international tension and the which threats and drugs were used, perhaps to the sense that she meant it, i.e. in terms of the
Bentwaters/Woodbridge bases were two of the uncover the truth about what they saw or, case being significant and well-known. Other
most important military facilities in the UK. perhaps, to obscure it. parallels can be drawn. New witnesses will
Critically, all governments involved would have Some witnesses are calling for Congressional emerge, some genuine and some not.
had good reason for saying nothing or even hearings about this and there has even been Additional documents may come to light. New
developing a cover story. The Soviets would not the suggestion of legal action. A Facebook theories will be put forward. In time, the
admit to having been conducting espionage group, entitled “Justice for the Bentwaters 81st fortieth anniversary will come and then the
activity of this sort, while the US and the UK Security Police at Rendlesham Forest 1980” is at fiftieth. Witnesses will pass on, until, eventually,
would have been horrified that the UK’s Air the heart of campaigning and, as I write this nobody directly involved will remain. Ultimately,
Defence Region had been penetrated with article, has nearly 3500 members – a figure that like Roswell, the events will pass from history
such ease and would not wish any knowledge is rising every day. into legend.
of such a security breach to circulate among While talk of Congressional hearings and
junior military personnel (for morale reasons) or legal action may seem far-fetched, the door
to become public knowledge. But I should may have been opened to such an outcome as NICK POPE: (UK) The
stress that this is speculation. As I say, I am a result of an extraordinarily frank comment Real X-Files. Author,
aware of no documentary evidence or personal from Charles Halt. Writing in a chapter of Leslie journalist and
Kean’s new book, UFOs: Generals, Pilots and broadcaster Nick
Government Officials Go on the Record, he made Pope commentates
the following statement: extensively in the
“OSI [Office of Special Investigations] media on the
operatives harshly interrogated five young unexplained,
airmen, some of them in shock at the time, who conspiracy theories, fringe science,
space and science fiction. He worked for
were key witnesses.”
the Ministry of Defence for 21 years and
from 1991 to 1994 was responsible for
Halt went on to write:
investigating UFOs, alien abductions,
“Drugs, such as sodium pentothal, often called a
crop circles and other mysteries.
“truth serum” when used with some form of
brainwashing or hypnosis, were administered


Coming Next

Ancient Astronauts
ET contact from Peru
The Fatima Apparitions
The McMinnville photos revisited
Detecting UFOS
Interview with James Gilliland

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