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Cor. J.P. Rizal & R.F. Tabuena Sts.

Sagpon, Daraga, Albay, Philippines 4501

The Impact of Health and Safety on the

Selected Restaurants in LIGAO City to the New Normal

An Undergraduate Research Proposal to

The Faculty of the College of Business Education
Bicol College, Daraga, Albay

In Partial Fulfillment
For the Requirements for the
Degree Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management


COVID-19 occurred in early 2020 which led to social restrictions, physical distancing,
and even large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in LIGAO City. This impact has
massively shattered the social and economic foundations of the city. This research is
aimed to investigate the impact of health and safety in selected restaurants. There are
five respondents participated in this study. The research method used is a survey
through the distribution of questionnaires. Survey results through questionnaires were
inputted, tabulated, and processed for later analysis. As predicted, health and safety on
the selected restaurants had a significant effect on new normal. In addition, the Impact
of Health and Safety on the Selected Restaurants in LIGAO City to the New Normal has
been proven in this study. From a practical standpoint, it is obvious that to help
restaurants survive, the government and the community can work together to build
empathy and solidarity with the restaurants as well as comply with health and safety

Rationale of the Research

Over the course of the past two decades, the world has been witnessed a number of
infectious disease outbreaks that could possibly spreads someone , which rather have
shown a high speed of transmissions. Currently, the concern is growing over the
continuing rise of COVID-19 pandemic infections in some parts of the world and has
the ability to sustained a declining rates in others. Moreover the workers, employers,
and their business organizations has faced a big and enormous challenges as they try
to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and to protect their health and safety at work.
Besides the immediate crisis, has surpassing around the world and led to the difficulties
of individual’s life and situations.

From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the lifestyle and situations of people all
around has been rapidly changing into difficult situations, lost of someone’s life and
specially the breakdown of the every businesses. The world has reduced a big
consumption of foods, and consumption outside has grown significantly (Bozoglu et al.,
2013). Unfortunately, the restaurant businesses has turned into a very dynamic and
ever-growing industry, and so, for the food safety it must be a top one priority for these
establishments, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic era. At the time being, with
the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the restaurant industry is struggling to
organize itself and strives to protect the health of both food producers and food
consumers, because it is not possible in the this industry to work from long distances,
and the staffs are forced to continue working in the former work environment ( World
Health Organization, 2020).

This study has aim to be chosen to particularly analyze the problems that experienced
by the employers or employees on running and working though the restaurant
businesses during the new normal. This study is important for the individuals specially
for those person who’ve been running and working in restaurants to keep them aware
and to get more information about the important rules and protocols to be follow to keep
the safeness of individual’s health and additionally to be aware about the proper ways of
maintaining a proper hygiene and others.

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study, is to determine the Impact of Health and Safety on the
Selected Restaurants in LIGAO City to the New Normal. The main objective of this
study, is to analyze and determine the challenges faced by the Owner or manager of
selected restaurants on health and safety protocols during new normal.

Specifically, this seeks to analyze the following objectives;


1. To determine the profile in terms of

A. Name of Establishment/Restaurant
B. Name of Owner/Manager
C. Total Number of Owners
D. Years in Operation

2. To identify the health and safety protocols/guidelines implemented by the restaurant,

3. To determine the effectiveness of the health and safety protocols or guidelines

4. To determine the challenges encountered in the implementation of health and safety

protocols requirements/guidelines,
5. Propose plans to improve the challenges in implementation of the health and safety

It was assumed that the research reviewed has been done by researchers with integrity.
It was also assumed that the literature reviewed would clearly identify the prevalence
and seriousness of the impact of health and safety on the Selected Restaurants in

Specifically, the study had the following assumptions;

1. The level of health and safety on the Selected Restaurants in LIGAO City to the New
Normal is high.
2. The effectiveness of health and safety on the Selected Restaurants in LIGAO City are
high as they abide the health and safety protocols.

3. The challenges on the impact of health and safety on the Selected Restaurants in
LIGAO City had been determined in this study.

4. The proposed recommendation and solution to address the following issue will be
Literature Review
This chapter presented the literature and related studies in relevance to the research.
However, in this chapter shows the related literature based from the composed title of
the study within the, global, national and local literatures. Furthermore, this chapter
contributed to the prior knowledge of the researchers and future researchers and it is
beneficial in developing the effectiveness of the study. Hence, a detailed review of
literature with relevance to the study has been presented in this chapter.

Global Literature Review

Health and Safety
According to Leon Gorris(2020) due to the COVID-19 virus that particularly spreads
around the world that has been infected by the corona virus around 7million total
population of people . However, it gives a greatest impact to the food industry or
workers globally that leads into food unsafety, it causes a major health problems and
loss of someone’s life, as well as food production, trading and distribution.

According to the Previsor Insurance (2020) COVID-19 pandemic is particularly

challenges in everyone’s lives because of its risks. However, cleaning products such as
sanitizers and soaps have also been in short supply since from the start of COVID-19.
Hence, producers have a hardly for the customers to locate them. Additionally, It has
been even more difficult for the restaurants to find what they need if their usual
produced products from the business are out of stock, then they have to find a new one.

According to Stacey Haas; Eric Kuehl;John R. Moran, and Kumar Venkataraman

(2020) that COVID-19 pandemic is a greatest challenge for all of the business
restaurants and after weeks of being having a physical distancing and quarantine, and
additionally for more than 8 million restaurant workers around the countries who have
been laid off or furloughed since on the month of March.

According to Omar Peñarubia et al. (2020) As the citizens decide to stay at home and
reduce social interactions, the food deliveries has become the best strategies
nowadays, likewise if not only, ah option to get the variety of the foods that they’ve been
craving for. Unfortunately there are some restaurants that didn’t previously offer a food
deliveries that have started to explore each opportunities of running the business
restaurants. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the increasing of demand for food
deliveries has led to a higher amount of pricing in some areas, however, it also
contributes to increasing employment, as some businesses have started to recruit new
drivers and delivery staff. Because of the spreading from the COVID-19 virus many
individuals has been afraid to get out and go to the restaurants to eat or to order that’s
why the reason why other businesses prefer to deliver the food on house to house to
avoid the spreading of the virus.

According to the SGS (2020), as the pandemic has been spreading the employees of
the business restaurants need to remain on healthy to continue the business that have
been managed. Following the safety protocols is one of the most important thing to do
to avoid virus such as maintaining the proper hygiene, do some distancing measures
and wear some protective equipment and most importantly limit the costumers and
visitors and lastly keep the restaurant clean and sanitized.
According to the study of Benjamin M et al., (2020) that the fast spreading of the
virus has been caused a big impact in the organizations and many nations around the
world to take some emergency actions in the interest of the public health. However,
most of the companies are issuing a statements advocating for a consistent hygiene
such as minimal face touching and hand washing and aimed at containing the spread
of the COVID-19 pandemic virus. Additionally, some companies are taking more
aggressive action by applying the work from home policies and even travel bans.
Meanwhile the food industries is particularly susceptible by experiencing a big impact
from the global outbreak due to the virus both in terms of supply chain disruptions and
domestic sales .

According to the Ecolab (2021), The COVID-19 pandemic has give a biggest major
loss impact of the every businesses specially about the restaurants services that have
been managed by the employees, that leads to produced a method of food delivery
services due to the pandemic. However, following the health protocols is the only way
for the employees safety for the business. Additionally, using some food safety
concerns and public health risks is probably an important aspect to run a successful
restaurant business, specially in this pandemic situation.

According to the Food Service (2022), COVID-19 pandemic has affected all around
the world that loss a million lives and specially the jobs that definitely goes into having a
difficult situations. Hence for continuously running the restaurants services the place
should always keep clean and rather to have sanitation around the place for everyone’s
health safeness.

According to the Aftermath Services (2021) as being a part of the restaurant

businesses such as employees, employers or owners it is important to be aware of the
every costumers that going into the restaurant because the COVID-19 pandemic is a
kind of virus that could possibly spreads someone. By managing the restaurant the
staffs or owners should be careful because health is the most important for running a
business in pandemic situation. Additionally, taking a proper hygiene, wearing a
protective masks and produce a social distancing is a big help for the staffs and owners,
specially for the safeness of the every costumers.

According to the study of Kaluza et al., (2012) the system of shared values and
beliefs about health and safety which create behavioral norms which guide health and
safety activities in the enterprise.

National Literature Review

Health and Safety Protocol
According to the study of Vogel et al.,(2015) it stated that occupational safety
standards in the European Union is a large extent dependent on the rights of the
employees and including the needs of some employers or owners. Furthermore, the
unprotected workers often have no rights. In the light of a weak legislation on emerging
and biohazards diseases and from the given economic impact of this disease, it is even
more likely that employees will continue to work under the high-risk conditions due to

According to (WHO 2017) Occupational health and safety in the workplace cover all
aspects of safety and health in the main area with having a strong focus on primarily
prevention of some hazardous issues. However, this have composed of a two main sets
of determinants in a occupational safety and health and its regulatory. The first set
includes risk factors at the workplace leading to cancers, accidents, respiratory
diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, hearing loss, circulatory diseases, stress related
disorders and communicable diseases and more. The second is related to employment
and working conditions in the formal or informal economy such as working hours,
salary, workplace policies concerning maternity leave, health promotion and protection
provisions and so on.

According to (Yancy 2020) The Covid-19 pandemic is an unfolding watershed moment

in human experience. Hence the experiences of difficulties such as the immediate
economic and health impact, the virus has also exposed the fault lines of a modern-day
society, laying bare the disparities of the individualities that sustained and particularly
gives a big problems globally and economically

According to (Yancy 2020) the employees are able to work from home and
automatically have the option to maintain social distancing, self-isolate and most
importantly to avoid the spreading of the virus whether someone is exposed or infected
to a high-risk contact. On the other hand, as determined from the case studies, it often
boiled down to a choice between on continuing the employment and specially the health
risks. Some workers were even incentivized to continue working when sick rather than
being granted but has been paid by sick leave and making it a tough choice for the
workers in low socioeconomic circumstances.

According to (Koh and Goh 2020; Windsor-Shellard and Butt 2020; Windsor-
Shellard and Kaur 2020; Barbieri et al. 2020; Counil and Khlat 2020) from the
beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the scientific community has been grappled
with understanding the virus and put forward proposals for the health safety measures,
and guidelines from the other respiratory illnesses formed the first set of measures has
implemented. Based from these insights, lockdown, social distancing, working-from-
home wearing protective equipment measures has enforced overnight in some several
countries. The several sectors has faced higher risks challenge of exposures to the
disease as these safety guidelines were not easy to be implement in specific work
settings. There has also a significant overlap between at-risk sectors and those
declared ‘key’1 and ordered to continue on working. Involving physical contact with
colleagues, clients and customers, social distancing or working-from-home measures
were often not possible in these sectors.

According to (Bavel et al. 2020; Berger et al. 2020) Aside from the healthcare
workers, infections has been reported among the delivery workers, food store or
restaurant employees, sanitation workers and other staffs organization. Gig economy
workers, short term/zero-hours contract workers and migrant workers employed by
subcontractors were also left exposed. Unfortunately these outcomes highlights that
physical settings and working health conditions are not the only main drivers of the
diseases, but that employment conditions and related socioeconomic vulnerabilities also
exacerbate exposure to the infection and subsequent mortality.

According to the study of Ollé-Espluga et al., (2020) ‘Social dialogue in the

workplace, including collective bargaining and worker involvement’ should be central to
measures being put in place regarding safety, working conditions and jobs in order to
ensure the best possible outcomes for workers and the economic community. The
benefit of workers’ engagement – would help the uplifting situations nowadays.

In accordance in the study of Barbieri, Basso and Scicchitani et al.,(2020) has

been performed a similar analysis of an Italian occupations based on data from the
Sample Survey given on Occupations in the place of Italy. Moreover, the occupation
has been assigned a degree of a human proximity, ability to work from home and
workplace exposure . Their results were meant to guide the policymakers on which
some sectors were to reopen first. Meanwhile the health sector has already determined
to be the most at-risk, apart from the other sectors assessed to have a high risk of
disease exposure including the preschools, bars, recreational and sports services,
phones, clothing and shoe stores. Finance, banking, insurance, public administration
and professional services had the highest remote-work feasibility.

From the study of Belingheri, Paladino and Riva et al., (2020) it has been suggested
that following the safety protocols will avoid the disease and rather when showing some
symptoms, the employees should be alert to wash or sanitize hands, practice social
distancing, clean surfaces, ventilate workplaces, make informed use of protective
equipment such as mask, face shields and other protective gear.

Bavel et al. (2020) note that certain groups of people may lack the space necessary for
this, as in prisons, refugee camps, immigrant detention centers. Hence, the conditions
appeared to affect those who rely on the public transport and/or work in a low wage jobs
where remote work isn’t not possible.
Local Literature Review
Health and Safety Protocols
The Interagency Task Force Technical Working Group on Anticipatory and
Forward Planning (IATF-TWG for AFP), comprised of different government agencies
and has been led by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), rather
was created to manage the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and specially the Enhanced
Community Quarantine, it is important on providing some knowledge and
recommendations to stimulate the local economic and adapted to the new normal
method. However from the report in the media of “We Recover as One” that has been
developed by the IATF-TWG for AFP, whose producing some recommendations to
mitigate the socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and are discussed the
new normal is described for various local areas. Mainly, this new normal method is the
resumption of some activities in different areas in light of the existing threat of COVID-
19 after the Extended Community Quarantine is uplifted.

In an study article of the Center for Global Development, the various authors has
successfully been identified the following factors that increased a budgetary space for
health. Meanwhile the annual public expenditure envelope has allocated to effective
health and a flexible public expenditure management in health beside this situation.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) Physical distancing, good personal

hygiene with frequent hand washing, and improvising an application of a general food
hygiene measures are mainly the most important precautions and awareness to the
food workers or restaurant businesses it’s important for them to adopt those method.
The implementation of the social distancing is very important to help on slowing the
spread of coronavirus. This thing is achieved throughout minimizing the contact
between potentially infected individuals and healthy individuals in the said areas. Most
frequently the hand washing with using water and soap and applying some hand
sanitizers are also important in reducing the risk of pandemic transmissions. Foremost
the every food businesses should follow the physical distancing and hand washing in
directly the health protocols.

According to WHO the proper guidelines are to maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet)
between fellow workers. Particularly the food production environment makes it so much
complicated to do so, some employers need to consider what kind of measures should
to apply or to put in place to protect the every employees health, because safeness is
very common important to protect someone’s health or life.

According to (Philippine Star, 2020; OPS, 2020; Tomacruz, 2020; Wang, 2020;
WHO, 2020b) In the Philippines, the national government declared health emergency
on March 09, 2020 after the reports has confirmed the local and cases transmissions
has been recorded.

According to (Dancel, 2020; Duddu, 2020; Merez, 2020; Petty and Morales, 2020,
Philippine Star, 2020) The increasing growth of COVID-19 pandemic has the
confirmed cases implied by the Philippine government to place of the National Capital
Region in a partial lockdown and from the entire island of Luzon on enhanced
community quarantine.

According to (Baraoidan and Cinco, 2020; Duddu, 2020; Magkilat, 2020) Such
setups limited people's movements, requiring them to stay in their homes and permitting
them to go outside for essential purposes only. Consequently, a number of factories
have been shut down resulting in the displacement of hundreds of workers.

According to (Kimball et al., 2020; Pan et al., 2020; Tong et al., 2020; Wei et al.,
2020; Yu et al., 2020) Hand washing stations should be maintained for the workforce
with the provision of applying a proper hygiene and following safety protocols such as
using some hand sanitation, hand washing and particularly using a protective
equipment for the individual’s safety and assurance. The physical distancing of 6 feet
should rather be implemented among the restaurant employees or workers as infected
people may remain asymptomatic or be a pre-symptomatic during the course of the
disease and may possibly spread the infections when trying to be close from others.

From an article of the Food and Drug Administration [FDA] (2020) has produced
some guidelines for the consumers during food handling, food shopping and specially
for the food preparations. However, it is worth of mentioning that food workers including
food establishment such as the employees and consumers should have to adhere to
have a proper hand sanitation and maintaining the hygienic practice guidelines to avoid
the COVID-19 pandemic that has being spreading locally hence the transmission and
comply with having at least the minimum requirements of the food safety service

According to (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO] and
World Health Organization [WHO], 2020; Food and Drug Administration [FDA],
2020a) the workers can play their individual roles by ensuring the provision of sanitary
facilities and applying proper hygiene including sanitizers, disinfectants, using protective
equipment, and display of sanitary practices throughout the visual aids. Applying the
social distancing can maintained by having the floors marked as being a reference for
maintaining the minimum distance that has required. Lastly Plexiglas can be installed to
avoid the contact of the cashier’s counters, and food tasting for the promotional
campaigns that should be avoided.

Theoretical Framework
The Health Belief Model (HBM) has been implemented in the early 1950s by the social
scientists at the place of U.S. Public Health Service in order to aim and understand the
failure of the individuals to adopt the disease prevention screening tests or strategies
for the early detection of the pandemic disease. However, later on the uses of HBM
were for the patients' responses to the symptoms and compliance together with the
medical treatments. Additionally, the HBM suggests that the someone’s belief in a
personal threat of an disease or illness together with someone’s belief in the
effectiveness of the recommended health behavior progress and procedures or action
Symptom of Food
Food Safety
Borne Illnesses
will predict the likelihood to the person who will adopt the behavior. This phase is
important to have the knowledge about the proper ways to do to avoid the spreading of
COVID-19 pandemic virus.
Food Cleanliness
and Hygiene

Food Borne
Pathogens Food

Figure 1. Food Safety and Hygiene Theoretical Paradigm

Theoretical Paradigm
Food safety and hygiene practices
Conceptual Framework
This study shows the conceptual framework for the research entitled, “The Impact of
Health and Safety on the Selected Restaurants in LIGAO City to the New Normal.” It
represents the Input - Process - Output (I-P-O) model in analyzing the statistical data.
The variables from the conceptual framework are further explained below:

Input- The first frame of Figure 1 shows the input of the study which consists of a
collection of the articles and literature related to the Impact of Health and Safety on the
Selected Restaurants in LIGAO City to the New Normal.

Process- The second frame represents the dependent variables used in the study.
Demographic Profile of Level of level of health and
the respondents safety on the Selected
Restaurants in LIGAO City to
a. Lastly,
Output- Nametheof third frame represents the output, which consists of the output or the
the New Normal
proposed solution to address the current issue on the study.
taurant a. Health and Safety protocols
b. Name of awareness
Paradigm b. Working Environment
c. Total Number of
d. Years in Operation

Proposed solution to address

The Impact of Health and Safety
on the Selected
DEPENDENT Restaurants in
LIGAO City to the New Normal


Figure 2. Conceptual Framework Paradigm

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The main objective of this study is to investigate The Impact of Health and Safety on the
Selected Restaurants in LIGAO City to the New Normal. 55 respondents aged 25 and
above, regardless of gender. At the time of the study, the number of respondents was
only 200, and responsibility was limited. Additionally, there were 5 restaurants has been
interviewed in the study.

This study does not cover the situation between staffs and managers in terms of the
situation of the restaurants or food industries during the new normal. Moreover, it does
not include the personal life and family status of the respondents in the midst of

Significance of the Study

The study will be of great benefit to the staffs and managers of restaurants who are
having difficulties during New Normal. Specifically, this study will benefit following:

Owners. This study may help owners to recognize how health and safety protocols may
help them for the future of their restaurants.

Staffs. This study may help the staffs to know the importance of following the health
and safety protocols to have a better work environment.

Customers. This study will help customers to have their dine in again by simply
following the health and safety protocols.

Community. This study will help the community to be more cooperative, obedient and
responsible not only to their community but also to other places.
Future Researchers. This study will provide relevant information to them which will be
beneficial in conducting further studies related to the topic. The flaws of the current
educational system implemented during this pandemic may be identified and provided
with solutions in this study which can be furthered by them.
Definition of Terms
There are some terms that need to be defined in this study for clarity and further

COVID-19. An infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people

infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover
without requiring special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require
medical attention.

Food Safety. About handling, storing and preparing food to prevent infection and help
to make sure that our food keeps enough nutrients for us to have a healthy diet.

Management. Means directing and controlling a group of people or an organization to

reach a goal. Management often means the deployment and manipulation of human
resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources.

Staff. A group of people who work for an organization, often for a special purpose, or
who work for a manager within an organization

This chapter will present the research design, respondents of the study,
data gathering instrument, data gathering procedure, and data analysis which will
be used in the study.

Research Design
The researchers used descriptive research in this study. Moreover, it also
focuses on objective measurements and statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis
of data acquired through questionnaires and surveys and modifying pre-existing
statistical data using computing techniques. To determine the problem encountered by
the remittance service customer through stating and analyzing the problem.

This method is concerned with collecting numerical data and generalizing it

across groups of people or explaining a phenomenon. The study utilized the
questionnaire instrument to collect the information needed. The research instrument
helped the researcher keep track of the evaluation to validate the information gathered.
Furthermore, the researcher also had conducted a series of interviews to validate the
answers of the respondents.

Research Instrument

The research instrument utilized questionnaires in the study which were the main
tool in data gathering of the study, gauging the Impact of Health and Safety on the
Selected Restaurants in LIGAO City to the New Normal.
The first section involved demographic information of the respondents. It has a
good validity and a fairly good reliability with the nine sub-scales relative adequately
with each other. First part of the instrument simply asked for the respondents’ age,
gender, religion, and year of service. The instrument is well reputable among the other
scales. The researcher will go through validation processes before distributing the
survey questionnaire to the respondents. The adviser will review the questionnaire and
provide feedback and ideas. Following that, the researcher enlists the help of
restaurants in LIGAO City to do a dry run of the questionnaire. The feedback and
recommendations will be considered once the survey questionnaire is finalized.
Additionally, This part of the instrument was formulated in the modified 4-point Likert
scale (Strongly Disagree (4); Disagree (3); Agree (2), and Strongly Agree (1). The
respondents were instructed to rate the statements and answer the question.
Sources of Data

The sources of data will come from the staff and management of selected
restaurants in LIGAO City. Five (5) from the management and Fifty (50) from the staffs,
the respondents will be chosen through convenience sampling. The questionnaires will
be answered by the respondents during their availability time. These will also be
retrieved by the researcher immediately after the respondents accomplished them.

Sampling Technique

The researcher will utilize the simple random sampling method to identify the
respondents. Each member of the subset had an equal probability of being chosen.
There are fifty five (55) respondents who are purposively selected. In conducting the
research, the proponent chose Purposive sampling as the sampling design of the study
in which the results rely on the researcher’s own judgement in choosing who to
participate in the study. With this in mind, gathering sensible, reliable and in-depth
quality of the data is achievable.

Research Locale

This study was conducted in Ligao City, where the respondents were identified
and interviewed. Moreover, the respondents of this study came from different places
that have restaurants around Ligao City.
Figure 3. Map of Ligao City

The City of Ligao has composed of 95.27 square miles or 246.75 square
kilometer. (PhilAtlas 2022)However, this place has a total population 118,096 as the
said by the cencus 2020 and particularly obtained 25 Barangays around the place of
Ligao City.

Data Analysis Plan

The information gathered in the area was encoded, counted, and evaluated. The
data was analyzed using statistical methods such as percentage, frequency distribution,
weighted mean, and thematic analysis. The following scales were used to interpret the
data collected.

Table 1. Scales used for interpretation

Mean Description
Scale Interpretation
1 3.99 – 4.00 Strongly Agree Highly in
2 2.99 – 3.00 Agree Favor
3 1.99 – 2.00 Disagree Not in favor
Strongly Highly not in
4 1.00- 1.99
Disagree favor

1. In describing the socio-demographic profile of the respondents, the

researchers used frequency and percentage.

2. To identify the health and safety protocols/guidelines implemented by the

restaurant, the researchers applied a weighted mean and ranking.
3. To determine the effectiveness of the health and safety protocols or
guidelines, the researchers used a weighted mean and ranking.
4. To determine the challenges encountered in the implementation of health and
safety protocols requirements/guidelines, the researchers applied a weighted mean
and ranking.
5. Propose plans to improve the challenges in implementation of the health and
safety protocols, the researchers employed a weighted mean and ranking.
Chapter 4


This chapter presents the results, findings, analysis and interpretation of the
organized data collected from the groups of respondents. Each group of data was
analyzed and interpreted in the context of the problem raised in the study and with
corresponding tables presented sequentially to give further clarity on data presentation
and analysis.


Requirements/ guidelines Yes Percentag No Percentage
e (%) (%)
Regular Antigen test of staffs. 2 40 3 60
Disinfectant mats shall be installed at the 5 100 0 0
entrance of the restaurant.
Tables and Seating Arrangement. 5 100 0 0
Signage or notices must be installed in 5 100 0 0
conspicuous areas reminding customers to
wash their hands with soap and water for at
least twenty (20) seconds or disinfect with
70% solution alcohol or alcohol-based hand
sanitizer upon entering and leaving the
Self-Service and Condiment Stations. Self- 2 40 3 60
service stations like do-it-yourself customer
refill and condiment stations shall be
Buffet and Salad Bars. Buffet service and 4 80 1 20
salad bars shall be prohibited.
Restaurants must install the following 5 100 0 0
equipment and systems: properly sanitized
tables and chairs (after each customer’s use)
Distancing of tables and chairs to at least 5 100 0 0
one (1) meter apart on all sides
Face-to-face seating allowed only with 4 80 1 20
proper dividers
Visible floor markings for guidance of clients 1 20 4 80
in queueing, preferably color-coded
Proper ventilation in the establishment; 5 100 0 0
visibility and accessibility of sanitizing
equipment and tools
Contactless order-taking 3 60 2 40
Restaurants must close indoor dining areas. 2 40 3 60
They may instead provide outdoor dining
(limit table size to a maximum of 5 people),
take-out, delivery, and drive through food
and beverage services.
Remove or stack tables and chairs if dining 2 40 3 60
areas can be accessed by customers
Do not exceed 50% of the maximum building 4 80 1 20
occupancy determined by the fire
code. Occupancy limit does not include
Maintain a daily log of all guests that 5 100 0 0
voluntarily provide contact information,
including customer names, phone/email, and
time/date they were in the facility.
Businesses may not serve customers or 3 60 2 40
visitors who aren’t wearing face coverings.
Total 5 100 5 100

The table represents the Health And Safety Protocols Implemented By The
Restaurant As Per Guidelines and as based from the results there are seven(7)
statements that have the same guidelines has been applied in each 5 interviewed
restaurants namely the “Disinfectant mats shall be installed at the entrance of the
restaurant”, “Tables and Seating Arrangement”, “Signage or notices must be
installed in conspicuous areas reminding customers to wash their hands with
soap and water for at least twenty (20) seconds or disinfect with 70% solution
alcohol or alcohol-based hand sanitizer upon entering and leaving the
restaurant”, “Restaurants must install the following equipment and systems:
properly sanitized tables and chairs (after each customer’s use)”, “Distancing of
tables and chairs to at least one (1) meter apart on all sides”, “Proper ventilation
in the establishment; visibility and accessibility of sanitizing equipment and
tools” and “Maintain a daily log of all guests that voluntarily provide contact
information, including customer names, phone/email, and time/date they were in
the facility” has obtained the highest frequency of 5 with a percentage of (100).
Meanwhile the statement “Visible floor markings for guidance of clients in
queueing, preferably color-coded” received the lowest frequency of 1 with a
percentage of (20). This states that most of the respondents applied the proper ways or
guidelines for everyone’s safety would avoid and lessen the spreading and issues of the
COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the SGS (2020), as the pandemic has been spreading the
employees of the business restaurants need to remain on healthy to continue the
business that have been managed. Following the safety protocols is one of the most
important thing to do to avoid virus such as maintaining the proper hygiene, do some
distancing measures and wear some protective equipment and most importantly limit
the costumers and visitors and lastly keep the restaurant clean and sanitized.


Requirements/ TWM AI RANK

Limitations on 3.4 IE 25.2
venue/seating capacity
or other prohibitions
Enforcement of a no 3.6 VE 16.11
mask, no entry policy
Social distancing 3.4 E 25.2
protocols of the
Maximum number of 3.4 E 25.2
allowable persons
Regular sanitation 3.6 VE 16.11
schedule and
procedures (a 10-
minute interval for
sanitation in between
customers dining-in is
Availability of 4.0 VE 1.16
alternative methods of
Availability of 4.0 VE 1.16
alternative methods of
ordering and picking-
up of orders (e.g.,
online, via text)
Client-personnel 3.6 VE 16.11
interaction protocols
Queueing area while 3.0 E 31
waiting to be seated
with a Roving Officer
for compliance with
social distancing of
one (1) meter between
persons and that face
masks are worn
Rubbing alcohol that 4.0 VE 1.16
can be easily sprayed
on the hands
Health checklist for 4.0 VE 1.16
customers to fill-up
Contactless order- 3.8 VE 7.11
10% capacity for 3.6 VE 16.11
indoor seating, and
only for customers who
are fully vaccinated
Restaurants must also 3.8 VE 7.11
ensure that all of their
employees are fully
Provision of food 3.6 VE 16.11
menus per table
Personal effects of 3.2 E 30
personnel in plastic
bags and stored in an
area inaccessible to
Cover pieces of 3.4 E 25.2
furniture of porous
materials in plastic for
ease of sanitation
Disinfection of high- 4.0 VE 1.16
risk areas such as
order and bar
counters, every 30
For counter menus, 3.8 VE 7.11
counter calls the
assigned number,
immediately takes
customer’s order/s,
receive payment,
sanitize hands and
advise customer to
sanitize hands and to
wait for order at their
assigned table
Group workers 3.6 VE 16.11
according to task to
reduce transmission
throughout the
workplace in the event
one of them become ill
For indoor dining, 3.4 E 25.2
install table top clear
dividers made of
acrylic or any similar
transparent material to
prevent droplet
transmission in face-
to-face seating
For outdoor dining, 3.6 VE 16.11
implement an
seating arrangement if
table top clear dividers
are not installed.
Hand washing station 4.0 VE 1.16
or sink with adequate
and safe water supply
Chairs shall be 3.8 VE 7.11
distanced at least one
(1) meter on all sides.
Establish a screening 3.8 VE 7.11
area at the point/s-of-
Food is maintained at 3.8 VE 7.11
recommended safe
temperatures (e.g. use
of warming trays, ice,
Proper use and 3.8 VE 7.11
disposal of Personal
Protective Equipment
Provide a proper 3.6 VE 16.11
facility for proper
storage, collection,
treatment, and
disposal of used PPE
and other infectious
Disallow the use of 3.8 VE 7.11
self-service stations
like do-it-yourself
customer refill and
condiment stations.
Ensure adequate 3.6 VE 16.11
provision of personal
protective equipment
to all employees,
regardless of
employment status
Remind customers that 3.8 VE 7.11
face masks may only
be removed while
eating or drinking.

This table shows the Effectiveness Of The Health And Safety Protocols as stated
from the given results there are five(5) statements that got the highest weighted mean
of (4.0) with an adjectival interpretation of Very Effective (VE) and rather obtained a
rank of (1.16). This statements are the “Availability of alternative methods of
payment”, “Availability of alternative methods of ordering and picking-up of
orders (e.g., online, via text)”, “Rubbing alcohol that can be easily sprayed on the
hands”, “Health checklist for customers to fill-up”, “Disinfection of high-risk areas
such as order and bar counters, every 30 minutes” and lastly the “Hand washing
station or sink with adequate and safe water supply”. On the other hand the
statement “ Personal effects of personnel in plastic bags and stored in an area
inaccessible to clients” received the lowest weighted mean of (3.2) with an adjectival
interpretation of Effective (E) and has a rank of (30). This states that most of the
restaurant businesses applied and implemented unique methods during this new normal
such as online purchases and others.

According to the Ecolab (2021) due to the COVID-19 pandemic it gives a biggest
impact from the every restaurants businesses worldwide, through this situation their
methods has led on doing a food take out and specially a food delivery services. Most
importantly cleaning and sanitizing their restaurants. As stated by Bridget McCrea
(2020) from this pandemic situation the restaurant industry has particularly established
the order through online, pick up, and take out operations.

Likert Scale

Scale Range Adjectival Interpretation A.I

4 3.5 – 4.00 Very Effective VE

3 2.5 – 3.49 Effective E

2 1.5 – 2.49 Less Effective LE

1 0.5 – 1.49 Not Effective NE



Lack of Safety commitment from public 2.6 FI
Poor safety culture 2.4 PI
Lack of administrative commitment and support at community level 2.2 PI
Lack of strict enforcement of WHO regulations 2.2 PI

This table represents the Challenges Encountered In Given Health And Safety
Protocols Requirements/ Guidelines, the statement “ Lack of Safety commitment from
public” got the highest total weight mean of 2.6 with an Adjectival Interpretation of Fully
Implemented (FI) and both the statement “Lack of administrative commitment and
support at community level’ and “ Lack of strict enforcement of WHO regulations’
got the lowest weighted mean of (2.2). This stated that most of the challenges given in
health protocols has been successfully implemented to the safety commitments from
public is being sufficient to the economy.

According to the WHO (2020) It stated that the teams work with experts from
worldwide to develop this kind of guidance. The experts has did their best to specialize
and provide the safety protocols for everyone’s safety and assurance.

Likert Scale

Scale Range Adjectival Interpretation A.I

3 2.5 – 4.0 Fully Implemented FI

2 1.50 – 2.49 Partially Implemented PI

1 0.5 – 1.49 Not Implemented NI



This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and derived in the output yielded
in the research. Moreover, to be presented are some recommendations that which have
been formulated of The Impact of Health and Safety on the Selected Restaurants in
LIGAO City to the New Normal.


1. To identify the health and safety protocols/guidelines implemented by the restaurant.

In regards to this result, most of the respondents agreed in applying the following
“Disinfectant mats shall be installed at the entrance of the restaurant”, “Tables
and Seating Arrangement”, “Signage or notices must be installed in conspicuous
areas reminding customers to wash their hands with soap and water for at least
twenty (20) seconds or disinfect with 70% solution alcohol or alcohol-based hand
sanitizer upon entering and leaving the restaurant”, “Restaurants must install the
following equipment and systems: properly sanitized tables and chairs (after
each customer’s use)”, “Distancing of tables and chairs to at least one (1) meter
apart on all sides”, “Proper ventilation in the establishment; visibility and
accessibility of sanitizing equipment and tools” and “Maintain a daily log of all
guests that voluntarily provide contact information, including customer names,
phone/email, and time/date they were in the facility” that particularly obtained the
highest frequency of 5 with a percentage of (100). Meanwhile the statement “Visible
floor markings for guidance of clients in queueing, preferably color-coded”
received the lowest frequency of 1 with a percentage of (20).

2. To determine the effectiveness of the health and safety protocols or guidelines.

Based from the result there are five(5) statements that got the highest weighted
mean of (4.0) with an adjectival interpretation of Very Effective (VE) and rather
obtained a rank of (1.16). This statements are the “Availability of alternative methods
of payment”, “Availability of alternative methods of ordering and picking-up of
orders (e.g., online, via text)”, “Rubbing alcohol that can be easily sprayed on the
hands”, “Health checklist for customers to fill-up”, “Disinfection of high-risk areas
such as order and bar counters, every 30 minutes” and lastly the “Hand washing
station or sink with adequate and safe water supply”. On the other hand the
statement “ Personal effects of personnel in plastic bags and stored in an area
inaccessible to clients” received the lowest weighted mean of (3.2) with an adjectival
interpretation of Effective (E) and has a rank of (30).

3. To determine the challenges encountered in the implementation of health and safety

protocols requirements/guidelines.
However as said from this result the statement “ Lack of Safety commitment
from public” got the highest total weight mean of 2.6 with an Adjectival Interpretation of
Fully Implemented (FI) and both the statement “Lack of administrative commitment
and support at community level’ and “ Lack of strict enforcement of WHO
regulations’ got the lowest weighted mean of (2.2).


Based on the findings appeared to be necessary;

As being represented from the result the respondents in the every restaurants
properly applied and implemented the right and safety protocols to keep the individuals
safety and assurance for their health and to avoid and lessen the spreading of
pandemic. However from the effectiveness of the health and safety protocols or
guidelines, the respondents applied the unique methods for their food industry during
pandemic such as doing an online purchasing, delivery services, and more ways to let
the costumers easily transact and to keep their health in safety situation. On the other
hand the last result shows that the public organizations has particularly been fully
emphasized their obligations and successfully implemented the safety protocols that is
very effective worldwide from decreasing the number of the infected people.


From the light of foregoing summary of findings and conclusions the following
recommendations are stated that;

1. The researchers should encourage and inform the other restaurants or food
industries to apply the proper ways of implementing the safety rules to give much
more better services.

2. The owners of the restaurants should additionally implement some other health
safety protocols to let the situation to be more effective than recently.
3. The owners and staffs from the restaurants or food industries should always
keep their place clean, surely sanitized, arranged and put some rules outdoor to
be particularly followed by the costumers and will keep their health safe.

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