The External Excerpts - The Secret

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/Expert from a Separate Thread/ - FICTION and Creative Writing

Unedited. Undated.

[I am implying here that religions are nothing more than the hegemonic symbolic/ontological/moral
institutions in a particular systematic equilibrium.  Sometimes these hegemonic institutions need to
nudge forward with reforms, sometimes drastic ones, to maintain itself, but other times these
hegemonic institutions come crashing down when the equilibrium is destabilized (by time and by

The creation of our current institutionalized God was inevitable given the globalization of humanity
(local gods were destroyed).  But we are even more globalized today, and our old models are becoming
increasingly seen as dogmatic useless folly in the face of our maturing collective consciousness (such as
from the scientific revolution)... A new global god, even more abstract and universal than before, is also
an inevitability.  If we start, for example, worshiping Nature, we are taking the person-hood out of
existing religions.  Which is good.  But it is not enough.  (or in the eyes of the powers that be, it is just
barely enough, which is perfect). 

See.  The Occult secret is that religions are created by man....  Are simply institutions....(remember, the
Great Architect).  But that like the political orders underneath them, they are subject to slow but
inevitable decay.  If (they) don't bother seeing the decay as a sign of the need for new reflection, then it
will happen without them and they will lose control.  Slowly, elites and occultists have realized that these
periods of decay can be predicted ahead of time.  They can destabilize existing models when they see
decay coming, and can force it to speed up in ways that they control and in ways they can personally
benefit from. 

They are in the process of speeding up an inevitable decay on a massive scale.  We talk about with
politics all the time, but this time they are making use of the complete uselessness that is religion, rather
than the uselessness of particular political systems.  They are going to attempt to create a new system
that they can benefit from, rather than allow a new organic ground-up reactionary movement to replace
them. A new axial period is on its way.  But like before, it will be co-opted for evil.

2012 will be like any other year as of late. Even sans-apocalypse, conception of 'end-times' will not go
away.  The increasing talk of end-times and of a new messiah and of atheism are symptoms of a
decaying order.  But the powers that be can quite easily fake an apocalypse if they want to control an
axial shift to the scale as the last one. (A spiritual paradigm shift would dwarf all recent political
paradigm shifts).

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