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APRIL,12 2022



The lived experiences of grade X1 students in the new normal modality due to covid-19 pandemic

examined in this study. It tackles how the grade X1 students can cope with the many normal of our

educational system could offer. Covid-19 had a strong impact on sto tomas national high school and

particularly on the education system. This study explored the lived experiences of grade XI students

senior high school learners during the covid-19 pandemic. They experienced issues on their learning

modality, mental health, and lifestyle issues; covid-19 pandemic affects the personal, social, mental,

academic performances of the senior high school learners, and needed support from family and

The covid-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges in sto tomas national high school.

than just a health crisis, it has resulted in an educational crisis. During lockdowns and quarantines, all

students and teachers of sto tomas national high school was affected and 5,945 learners were out of

school and related educational institutions.

The suddenness, uncertainty, and volatility of covid-19 left the education system in a rush of

the changing learning landscape. The covid-19 pandemic that the world is experiencing has affected
education system. Because of this pandemic, the form of delivering knowledge has changed. It offers

various combinations of the channels such as online learning, modular learning, and blended

but sto tomas national high school decided to choose modular learning for everyone. The prevailing

health crisis shifted the paradigm of education, which abruptly changes the teaching-learning

from a traditional face-to-face approach to a Modular Distance Learning Modality (MDLM) to ensure

safety and well-being of sto tomas national high school teachers and learners.

The aspects of on modality that they are worried about or thought would be beneficial advantage

disadvantage of bucality comparison of students experiences in the flexible learning modality to


classes. They took advantage of the modality learning, not to travel to school anymore. Worry on the

actual activities in school because of covid 19 pandemic, enjoyable but brain draining, alot of

experiences brain draining because of modality they don't know if they are studying or if they are

passing on their work without learning it. There should be provision for modules, videos and other

In the "stay home" situation during the covid-19 pandemic, modality learning made it possible to

continue classes as it ensured the flexibility of space and time limitations. Consequently, students

participate easily in lectures, course work, discussion sessions, exams, and other activities, anywhere

and at any time. This saved them from losing valuable semester time and hence saved both students

and institutions from possible financial disaster.

The study aimed at investigating the live experiences of senior high school students in dealing with

normal modality. A qualitative phenomenological approach was used which focuses on the

of people. During this pandemic some students experience not allowed to go outside their roofs for

safety. Especially to those student's that want to achieve their dreams to get a highest grade, get an

honor, receive a medal, etc. Since covid-19 pandemic started, most of the school decided to suspend

physical classes and introduce modality learning platform. Most of students experienced huge

adjustments. Students these days are dealing with preasures in studying using the modular learning.

addition to that, is a lot of students are suffering from stress and difficulty in understanding their

lessons. Students accountable for their school works while modular learning is setting students own

tracking process and meeting deadlines. These are some of the difficulties of modular learning:

and connection issues while searching the topic, lack of interaction, being unmotivated, and

According to this study, students were mostly disturb with concerns relating to their future career

studies, and boredom, anxiety, and dissatisfaction were encounterd.


Modality learning can be enhanced by giving learners control of their interaction with media and

motivating learner enlightenment. Modality learning might be seen as a method of satisfying


demands and also a means of enhancing different interests and skills. Another very significant

modality learning is to get going. Don't wait for the ideal stress tack way to come along. There aren't

any, perhaps, focus in field where your modality learning would be implementing magnificently.
Modality learning is a great way to strengthen your existing skills. Modality learning platform of

education is a significant way of learning that doesn't require students to go to school for studying.

The academic performance of students who used a modular learning strategy improved
dramatically. It

also shown that students who adopted the modular learning strategy improved their academic

performance in many learning areas such as Mathematics, Science, and English. While the negative

effects of new normal in students is the lack of efficiency of technology, the difficulty for students to

understand the concepts taught and modular learning induce social isolation and result in students

developing the necessary communication skills.


As a student participating in the home-learning program, modular was confusing to adjust to as we


not been prepared through simulations or practices beforehand. Students reported the home-

program to be even more stressful than regular classrooms. Some of the common reasons for this

along the lines of: "Normal classes may have been difficult, but having friends makes it so much

manageable and less stressful. Modular classes take out the benefits of having friends to socialize

and being stuck alone with nothing but assignments." New research from (person 1) and (person 2)

suggests that though students have found learning during covid-19 painful, improving online

will have the most direct impact on students' future wellbeing, engagement and motivation. In the

relative calm that accompanied the early weeks of lockdown many allowed their thoughts to turn to
how profoundly life, and learning, might change in the wake of the pandemic, with the idea taking

that as the country emerges from the crisis it should be possible to "build back better."This is a

generation of young people whose lives have been lived in the shadow of the financial crash. They

entered higher education during a time of industrial unrest, and now their learning has been

significantly disrupted and their future prospects look bleak. Students whose lives are in disarray

signals that they are valued, and that they are of concern to the institutions that support them. For

that prospective students have been relentlessly surveyed as to their intentions during the covid-19

pandemic, without drawing conclusions about how individual universities have engaged their

we have seen far fewer examples of national research that explores how students have experienced

learning during covid-19 and what their hopes and fears are for the future. Students are also facing

practical challenges. Other people said that it was difficult to find quiet and space to study in their

current living environment - suggesting that the scale of this issue may be greater than previously.

Respondents were living at home while studying before covid-19, and will continue to do so

so you could argue that the ability to create flexible ways to study is critical regardless.

Students preferred classroom learning for group discussion, as distance learning resulted in more

difficult communication and gave less learning satisfaction. Students preferred distance learning

classroom learning, although they agreed that distance learning gave a more efficient learning

it provided more time to study and to review study materials. Challenges during distance learning

included external factors such as unstable internet connection, extra financial burden for the
quotation and internal factors such as time management and difficulty to focus while learning

learning for a longer period of time. Students preferred classroom learning for group discussion, as

distance learning resulted in more difficult communication and gave less learning satisfaction.

preferred distance learning over classroom learning, although they agreed that distance learning
gave a

more efficient learning method, it provided more time to study and to review study materials.

Challenges during distance learning included external factors such as unstable internet connection,

financial burden for the internet quotation and internal factors such as time management and

to focus while learning distance learning for a longer period of time.


The study's purpose outlines what the study will accomplish, and it should correspond to the

description. The purpose also covers the methods you'll use to conduct your research and the types

comparisons you'll make.


1. How the grade X1 teachers of sto. tomas national high school, introduce the modular learning to
the student during the covid-19 pandemic.

1.1. What device do you use for distance learning or modular learning?

1.2. If you are participating in distance learning how will you able to understand the subject even
though the teacher did not discuss or explain it to you?

1.3. How much time do you spend each day by performing distance learning educative?

2. What are the coping mechanism of students using modular learning?

2.1 Are the students learning more than using modular class. Yes or No? Why?
2.2 Why should students with learning disabilities be included in the adequate yearly progress

2.3 Is the covid-19 affects the emotional health students? How can it leads to stressful education?

3. What are your insights that you can share to help other students who are experiencing the new
normal modality?

3.1 What is a greatest modality that you can share to offer to make them feel inspired in this new
normal policy?

3.2 How difficult or easy to use the distance learning technology?

3.3 How would you able to study right now if you don't have smart phone?


The researchers aimed to explore learner's live experiences through a modular approach and
created a

learning model.Covid-19 impacted sto tomas national high school particularly the education sector.

Schools have no choice but to shut their operations from brik and mortar to flexible learning mode.

study intends to determine the the lived experiences, the support needed, and the gaps &

they are facing. This study utilized interviews, observations and used colloiz's method in the data

processing and analysis.


The framework examines what distinguishes each border as well as the execution of borderwork.

article provides a brief overview of major theoretical approaches in critical border studies, a brief

summary of structuration theory, a discussion of the proposed theoretical framework for border

students from four grade levels and three regions of the united states were asked to explain a
variety of

biological phenomena. The results were analyzed from both a knowledge structure and a cognitive
structure perspective. While definite statements in favour of either perspective are impossible to

each hypothesis has merit.


Studying the lived experiences of students in the new normal modality amidst pandemic can help us

understand more about their situation on how they face many challenges in the new normal though

distance learning and how it changes their life before and during the pandemic.


Lived experiences - before the pandemic situation

Amidst - in the middle of pandemic

Pandemic - an outbreak of a pandemic desease

New normal – policy


The study will be conducted to determine if there are issues encountered while using the current

module by the instructional managers. Inaddition the researcher will formulate a problem-based

module which will serve as a reference material that will go side by side with the current module

can help students of the alternative learning system .The study delimits the development of the

using the problem-based module. "urthermore" the evaluation of the module is limited to the panel

experts who have knowledge in the development of module. The use of module in the distance

process become important especially to students who wanted to take advantage of self-paced
This is despite the strict policy of the division that only those students who have the potential of

allowed to take the test. The researcher made module offers opportunity for the learners to learn

basic concepts in science throughtheir exposure on the different problems and composition writing

activities. The researcher believes that students exposure to the problem and the opportunity for

to deal with the problem will give them greater chances of learning the concepts and stored in long



Chapter 1 discuss the background of the study and which focuses the main point situation of the

also discuss the importance of topic and why it needs to be studied. Inside this chapter are: the

of the study where you can see the statement on the problem, the research question where you can

the interest of our topic, the review of related literature which related to a specific topic, showing

relationship to the main problem or topic and organized by dates of published literature the

lens that discuss the related theories with our topic and provides explanations, significance of study

statement that explains why our research is needed, definition of terms which provides the
definition of

the unfamiliar words on our study, scope and delimitation of the study which provides the
parameter of

the study including the participants and where it will be conducted.

Chapter 2 is the chapter where you provide detailed explanation of previous researches that has

conducted on your topic of interest. Includes the various methods that are employed in the conduct

the study. It discusses the different processes and procedures reader a detailed discussion as to how

study will be conducted.



This chapter describes the methods and procedure that the research will employ in the conduct of

study. This section consists of the research study design, research locale, respondents of the study,

research procedure, research instruments, data gathering procedure, and statistical technique of the



PARAGRAPH 1 Now in this generation we all know about the pandemic who created a huge

changes in our country, community and also in our daily life. This research is about the lived

experience of grade 11 students in the new normal modality of sto. tomas national high

amidst pandemic, now if this topic will be approved we will gather data to support our

As a students of sto. tomas national high school, this research is important because this this

show how covid affect our social, mental, physical and emotional health. And also in our
academic performances.

PARAGRAPH 2 The covid-19 affect the normal system of education which is face to face.

the department of education announced that we have to prevent spreading this disease,

they started to change the system of education which is online and modular class so the

students don’t have to go to school and also we could not violate the covid-19 protocols
and all

of us can still learn in the middle of pandemic. Sto. tomas national high school choose the

modular learning for everyone so none of them can be a victim of this kind of disease.

and learners are have to change there schedule to adjust in this new normal policy.

PARAGRAPH 3 Learners and teachers are having many types of conflict based on their

and schedules, as expected when covid-19 change many category of learning. The live

experience of grade 11 students in the new normal modality amidst pandemic is very conflict

others situations. In new normal policy lots of students are having trouble in their social,

physical, mental and emotional health, so in this time teachers and family support are need

prevent some students to their anxiety.

PARAGRAPH 4 As a student of sto. tomas national high school, We understand that this

problem of our country cost many conflict in our generation, from face to face to modular

online school we determine that all of us are affected in this pandemic from student,

and workers in our community Government and Department of Education created a new

channel for many students, for them to pass the school year without face to face are

the reality of this year are a hard te for many of us, as a fresh man in senior high school.

Creating a good condition in time management, support from our government and our

will be a great guide for us, to adjust in this covid-19 pandemic.


This study was conducted in the sto tomas national high school, between march and april 2022,

the pandemic.The study was designed to describe the phenomenon of the students live experiences

during the covid-19 pandemic using qualitative content analysis. Qualitative research is the most

appropriate design of the study as it seeks to have a contextual understanding of phenomena,


behavior and beliefs, identify processes, and understand the context of participants experiences.

were only few participants to achieve the depth of information from the interviews rather than

statistical representativeness. While other qualitative methods, such as phenomenological approach

seeks to describe the essence of a phenomenon and the meaning of this lived experience from the

perspective the participants, this study used content analysis to subjectively interpret the text data

content through the systematic classification process of coding and identifying themes or patterns

leading to a deeper understanding of perceptions and experiences.

The participants of this study included 5 students of learners from sto tomas national high school
with (3

ages 16 years old) (1 ages 17 years old) (1 ages 23 years old). All of the participants were adjusting

during the pandemic and 1 of participants were solely raised the family, also this participant were

parents and students in sto tomas national high school.


The data collection tools (research instruments) should be designed in such way that they would be

to accurately measure the intended construct under investigation and ensure the meaningfulness of

study findings. This would greatly enhance believability and trust worthiness of the research findings

especially if the study is repeated by different investigators under the same conditions or with

research instruments measuring the same construct. The instrument used was a researcher-made

questionnaire checklist to gather the needed data for the student's profile. In the preparation of the

instrument, the requirements in the designing of good data collection instrument were considered.

instance, statement describing the situations or issues pertaining was toned down to accommodate

knowledge preparedness of the respondents. Open-ended options were provided to accommodate


free formatted views related to the topics or issues. In this way, the instrument is authorized to

valid responses of the students.

Data where collected using online survey. The questionnaire explained the purpose of the study,

anonymity of responses, confidentiality of the data, instructions, as well as questions on


profile of the participants.


The collected data were analyzed using inductive content analysis. This method is used when a

qualitative study has an inductive starting point or when the data collection approach is open and

follows loosely defined concepts. Its main advantages include content-sensitiveness, application in

highly flexible research designs, and wider application in analyzing various types of qualitative data.

first step identified the data collection and sampling strategy as well as selecting the unit of analysis.

second phase involved data categorization and abstraction, interpretation, and checking the

representativeness of the sample data collected. The final phase was the systematic and logical

reporting of the abstractions.

Referring to the moment when information from participants became repetitive and the researcher

longer gain new information from continuing data collection. Therefore, the researchers analyzed

data during the collection process to identify the data saturation. Data were collected using online

survey. The questionnaires explained the purpose of the study. Covid-19 crisis response through

educational policies during the pandemic; and the students experiences and challenges in dealing

distance learning during the pandemic. The survey form incorporated encryption codes to

the participants. To ensure ethical considerations of research, all participants were informed about

details of the study. They were informed about the academic purpose of the study. The researchers
guaranteed the anonymity of the participants by assigning encrypted codes. The confidentiality was

ensured as only the researchers had access to the research data.


Ethical issues are present in any kind of research. The research process creates tension between the

aims of research to make generalizations for the good of others, and the rights of participants to

maintain privacy. Ethics pertains to doing good and avoiding harm. Harm can be prevented or

through the application of appropriate ethical principles. Thus, the protection of human subjects or

participants in any research study is imperative. The nature of ethical problems in qualitative

studies is subtle and different. The literature provides few examples of ethical issues in qualitative

health research. Has resulted in those researchers being ill-prepared to cope with the unpredictable

nature of qualitative research.

Qualitative researchers focus their research on exploring, examining, and describing people and

natural environments. Embedded in qualitative research are the concepts of relationships and

between researchers and participants. The desire to participate in a research study depends upon a

participant's willingness to share his or her experience. Qualitative health research is focused on the

experiences of people in relation to health and illness. Qualitative studies are frequently conducted

settings involving the participation of people in their everyday environments. Therefore, any

that includes people requires an awareness of the ethical issues that may be derived from such

interactions. Ethics in health research includes appropriateness of the research design, the

methodological design, and the funding sources, as well as behaviors in reporting data. The purpose

this paper is to show these and related ethical issues and ethical principles to be used in qualitative


All participants were required to provide written informed consent. The potential participants were

approached individually and given an explanation of the purpose of the study and data collection

process. A participant's information sheet was provided to further explain the study. An explanation

clearly given to potential participants that they had a right to withdraw from the study at any time

after the informed consent had been signed.

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