BIO 160 Lec 2 Part 2

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BIO 160 LEC 2 Part 2 4.

Some individuals, because of their

physical or behavioral traits, have a
POPULATION GENETICS AND NATURAL higher chance of surviving and
SELECTION reproducing than other individuals in the
same population
Introduction to the theory of Evolution a. If an environment requires a
“Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the certain trait from an organism,
light of evolution” - Theodosius Dobhansky then the organism that possesses
(1973) this trait will survive and
reproduce more of the same
Charles Darwin (1809-1888) species. Thus, their genes
● Galapagos Islands, 1835, aboard become more predominant in
H.M.S. Beagle nature.
● He wondered at the sources of the
differences among clearly related
populations and attempted to explain
the origin of these sources
○ Different species of plants and
○ He wanted to know why these
slightly related animals were
different even though theory lived
in the same environment.

Darwin’s theory of natural selection

1. Organisms beget like organisms
a. Ex. Humans can only give birth to
2. There are chance variations between
individuals in a species. Some variations
are heritable
a. Chance variations came from the
parents passed down to them.
b. Traits can be transmitted to the
next generation.
3. More offspring are produced each
generation than can be supported by ● The environment favors the beetles that
the environment are orange because the evolutionary
a. He obtained this idea from forces (e.g birds) are selecting against
Thomas Malthus: Earth can the green-colored beetles.
support only a certain population Orange-colored beetles will become
level, thus organisms have to more predominant
compete with each other →
Survival of the fittest
Evolution & Adaptation Variation within Populations
● Darwin (1859) proposed that differential ● Phenotypic variations among individuals
survival and reproduction of individuals in a population results from the
would produce changes in species combined effects of the genes and the
populations over time → Evolution environments.
○ The changes are in terms of ● Phenotype is the combination of the
genes or allele frequencies in a genes and the environment.
population ● Characters are what you inherited from
● The environment acting on variation your parents and the environment you
among individuals in populations would are exposed to.
result in adaptation ○ Because the phenotypic variation
● Adaptation: an evolutionary process among individuals is the raw
that changes anatomy, physiology, or material or substrate upon which
behavior, resulting in an increased the environment acts during the
ability of a population to live in a process of natural selection,
particular environment determining the extent and
○ Species would have a better sources of variation within
chance of surviving in the populations is one of the most
environment. fundamental considerations of
evolutionary studies.
Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)
● Darwin work nearly half a century to Variation Within Populations: Plants
uncover the loss of inheritance; but he
was not able to do so Phenotypic and genetic variation in Potentilla
● Gregor Mendel is the “Father of glandulosa
○ Mathematics and
experimentation uncovered the
basic mechanisms of inheritance
○ Choose to work with plants
(Garden pea plants which
showed great deal of variation)
● Mendel subdivided the organism into a
set of manageable characteristics (e.g.: ● Jens Clausen, David Keck, and William
seed form, stem length) Hiesey (studied in 1940)
● Characters were controlled by genes on ● Stanford University in California
different chromosomes and found out ● Populations of Potentilla at 30m
that these genes come in alternative (low-land), 1,400m (mid elevation), and
forms – alleles (could be dominant and 3,050m (alpine elevation) were cloned
recessive) ○ They grew this plant in 3 different
○ Exposed to different environment
conditions (e.g Temperature -
high elevation would have much
colder temperatures compared to
lower elevation)
○ They were able to establish
experimental conditions that
could reveal potential genetic
differences among populations.
○ Their experiment also
demonstrated adaptation to local
environment conditions.
● The actual results did not support the
null hypothesis
What were tested?
● Mid-elevation and Alpine plants attained
1. Genetic differences – tested by using
their greatest heights in the
clones of different populations in
mid-elevation garden, the lowland plants
experimental gardens
grew the tallest in the low-land garden
2. Adaptation to environmental
● Variations we have seen in this plants
conditions – tested by transplanting
could be classified
plants from a population into all
○ Variations due to genetics
○ Variations due to environmental
1. Due to Genetics: height and flowering
differed between three types of plants
a. Environmental effect on plant
b. Comparing the clones from
different elevations
2. Due to environmental adaptation:
response of a plant type differed at
different elevations
→ Phenotypic plasticity –
● Clones were transplanted into other
variation as a result of
gardens and compared.
environmental differences
Lowland plants differed in how they
grew in the low land garden, mid
elevation and alpine garden. Response
of a plant type (Form and Functions) in
different elevations

In summary, the plant demonstrated

genetic differences among populations

and adaptations to their natural
● If there were no genetic differences
among populations, all plants would
3. Ecotypes – locally adapted and
grow equally well in gardens.
genetically distinctive population within a
species. (Thus, the different elevation Genetic and morphological differences among
plants were ecotypes) whitefish populations
● The researchers collected 907
Variation Within Populations: Fish specimens from 33 populations in 17
lakes in the central alpine region. They
Variation in alpine fish populations used a mixture of anatomical and
● Marlis Douglas & Patrick Brunner (2002) genetic features to characterize the fish.
● Lives in the headwaters and lakes of ○ Anatomical features included fin
Alps (South Central Europe) – refuges ray counts and pigmentation.
for cold-water organisms (following the ○ Genetic features included
last ice age), created geographically Microsatellite DNA
isolated populations → genetic ● Anatomical features and Microsatellite
divergence DNA (tandemly repetitive nuclear DNA
● Coregonus (whitefish) 10 – 100 bp long) were studied in 33
○ The most studied in terms of populations
morphological variation among ● The study demonstrated a moderate to
populations high level of genetic variation
● Ichthyologists have described 19 native ● Genetic and morphological analyses
populations of Coregonus (whitefish) was able to distinguish the 19
from the central alps historically recognized Coregonus
○ There has been a significant populations
disagreement over the taxonomic ○ Genotypic differences –
status of these 19 populations. correctly assigned individual fish
○ Classification of these to indigenous population with
populations ranges from that of a ~71% probability
single variable species with 19 ■ If they were given an
distinctive populations to dividing individual fish, by getting
the 19 populations into more than its microsatellite DNA
a dozen separate species. researchers will be 71%
○ The taxonomic status of able to assign what
Coregonus populations is made population it came from.
even more difficult by the ○ Morphological differences – fin
hundred year old history of ray counts (69%), pigmentation
intensive fisheries management. (43%)
○ This fisheries management ○ Combination of genetic and
included raising them in phenotypic data – probability of
hatcheries and moving the fishes assigning a fish to a certain
between lakes. population increased to 79%

● Do the populations belong in a single ● They found out that some:

variable species, or do they belong to a ○ Introduced populations have also
dozen separate species? Are become genetically distinctive
introduced populations from the from their source populations
hatcheries genetically similar to their ○ Introduced populations were
origin populations? genetically similar to the
populations from which they Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Model
came (stock populations and ● Mathematical model that population
hatcheries) geneticists use to identify evolutionary
● Coregonus of the central alps is made forces that can change gene
up of a highly diverse set of populations frequencies in population.
that show a high level of genetic ● Gene frequencies change when
differentiation populations evolve.
● Populations are “evolutionarily ● Evolution is the change of gene
significant” → should be managed as frequencies in a population over time.
separate units, and not moved from
one basin to another Calculating gene frequencies
○ They suggest that these ● For example:
populations should be considered ○ Harmonia axyridis (Asian lady
as evolutionarily significant units beetles
(ESUs). These various units ■ Include variations in color
should be managed separately patterns on the wing
and they recommend that they covers or Elytra colors
should not be removed from one with over 200 variants
lake basin to another in order to
conserve the genetic diversity of ● Chia-Chen Tan & Ju-Chi Li (1934,
the fish. 1946); Theodosius Dobzhansky (1937)
○ Determined that the variation in
color patterns shown by the asian
lady beetles is due to the effects
of more than a dozen of
alternative alleles for color
● Phenotypic expression of those 2 alles allele frequencies due to chance or
is shown in the figure. random events
○ 19-signata is a homozygous 3. No immigration - entry and exit of
genotype (SS) → 2 copies of the individuals can disrupt the equilibrium of
same allele allele frequencies
○ Aulica is also a homozygous 4. All genotypes have equal fitness - no
genotype (AA) matter what the appearance, there must
○ Their product is a heterozygote be equal chances in having a mate,
→ (SA) kids, and surviving.

Let’s consider a:
● Sample population: The frequencies in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
○ Signata SS = 0.81 (81%), can be represented by P and Q.
○ Heterozygote SA = 0.18 (18%),
○ Aulica AA = 0.01 (1%)
● Frequency of alleles
○ SS + ½ SA = 0.81 + ½ (0.18) =
○ AA + ½ SA = 0.01 + ½ (0.18) =
● Proportion of matings
○ S sperm x S egg = 0.81
○ S sperm x A egg = 0.09
○ A sperm x S egg = 0.09
○ A sperm x A egg = 0.01
● Proportion of genotypes produced by
this random mating
○ SS = 0.81,
○ SA = 0.09+0.09 = 0.18,
○ AA = 0.01
● The proportion of the genotypes is the
same as the proportion of the genotypes
of the sampled population
○ Allele frequencies in parents
are same in the offspring →

Assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg

1. Random mating - no preference while
1. No mutations - will introduce changes in
the frequencies of the alleles
2. Large population size – so that no
genetic drift could happen: change in
Process of Natural Selection

What is Natural Selection?

● Natural selection is a mechanism in
evolution that is a result of the
differences in survival and
reproduction among phenotypes
● Darwin pointed out that different
phenotypic characteristics will produce a
high rate of survival and reproduction.
However, this does not occur at all times
and will still vary depending on the
environment, under different
● Forms of Natural Selection: ● Here, cactus species vary on the
○ Stabilizing numbers of spines. Starting population
○ Directional is the light green curve will less than and
○ Disruptive more than the number of spine.
However the extreme phenotypes slowly
Stabilizing Selection disappeared in the population because
● Acts against extreme phenotypes of parasitism and predation.
● As a consequence, it favors the ○ Cacti with less spines were prone
average phenotype. to predation by peccaries (pig-like
○ Cacti with more spines were
prone to parasitism by insects
laying their eggs to the base of
the spine
○ Cacti with average number of
spines became more

Directional Selection
● Happens when one extreme phenotypes
is being favored by selection
● In this example, the peccary is selecting ● The predators of the cacti are humans.
against the low-numbered spine cacti. Cacti with an average number of spines
● After some time, the predominant produced prettier flowers, so people
population for the cacti is the used to pick at these cacti.
higher-numbered spine. ● Thus, more extreme phenotypes are
Disruptive Selection
● Here, the average phenotypes have
lower reproduction and survival
Evolution by Natural Selection and Genetic environment, then heritability
Variation will be 1.
○ Scenario 2: None of the
General Postulate of Natural Selection: phenotypic variations is due to
● The environment determines evolution genetic variation and all is due to
of the anatomy, physiology and behavior the environment then, heritability
of organisms will be 0
● The only way that natural selection can
produce evolutionary change in a Adaptive change in colonizing lizards
population is if the phenotypic traits ● Jonathan Losos, Kenneth Warheit &
upon which the natural selection acts Thomas Schoener (1997)
can be passed from generation to ● Anolis lizards – approx, 150 spp. in
generation. Caribbean Sea, 250 spp. in Central and
○ Evolution by natural selection South America
depends upon the heritability of ● They measured the length of hind limbs
traits. tradeoff in selection for:
Heritability ○ Speed: Longer limbs – run faster
● Probability that a trait can be passed on ○ Efficient movement on narrow
to the offspring branches: Shorter limbs – move
● Potential for evolution by natural efficiently on narrow branch
selection is determined by the extent to surfaces
which phenotypic variation is due to ● They wanted to see how these lizards
genetic variation would evolve over type based on their
● Heritability – proportion of phenotypic environment.
variation in a trait that is attributable ● Observed 10 – 14 years after
to genetic variance colonization
○ h2 = VG/VP (Heritability) ● Lizards captured from Staniel Cay (had
○ Vg = variance attributable to diverse type of vegetation e.g. trees,
genes shrubs, grasses) and introduced into
○ Vp = variance attributable to small islands that differed in
phenotype vegetation (almost no trees and shorter
● VP = variation in phenotype vegetation) → primary agent for
○ May be due to genetic effects or selecting for differences in hind limb size
environmental effects
○ VP = VG + VE
● Thus, h2 = VG/(VG + VE)
○ Heritability of a trait depends on
relative sizes of genetic versus
environmental variance →
increases with increased VG,
decreases with increased VE.
○ Scenario 1: If all phenotypic
variations is ALL due to genotypic
variance and none is due to
● Anolis populations on experimental
islands and Staniel Cay show a
significant correlation between hind limb
length within populations and average
perch diameter used on the islands
● Increasing relative hindlimb length with
increasing perch diameter.
● Lizards tend to have longer hind limbs
when the diameter of the perch is wider.

Rapid adaptation by soapberry bugs

● Originally, soapberry bugs that feed on

Sapindaceae hosts were native to the

a. X-axis: Difference in height vegetation

with respect to Staniel Cay
b. Y-axis: Resulting morphological
difference of the generations of lizards
after the study period
c. Trend: lizards that were introduced to
the islands that differed from the original
also differed in morphological change
compared when they were placed to
lesser variation.

● Mid-20th century, different species of

Sapindaceae that were exoctic or
non-native were introduced.
Researchers found out that the bugs
shifted their preference from antive to
the introduced species.
● However, the Sapindaceae fruits have a
large variation in the diameter of their
○ In Florida, the introduced host
plant has a smaller fruit
● Extent to which colonizing populations compared to the native host.
change morphologically from source ○ In the south central US, the
correlate with differences in vegetative introduced host plant produced
structure between experimental islands larger fruits than the native hosts.
and Staniel Cay
○ Beak length of a soapberry bug is
proportional to the diameter of
the fruits that it eats.
■ Larger diameter fruits will
have longer beaks.

However, how do we know that these new

characteristics were due to changes in their
genes and not only due to phenotypic
● Phenotypic Plasticity
○ Ability to change in response to
stimuli or inputs from the
● The shift of bugs in preference from ● Using Transplantation Experiment
native to introduced species came with ○ They transplanted juvenile
evolutionary changes in the soapberry soapberry bugs from introduced
bugs. species to the native species and
● The current populations of the bugs in found out that length of the beaks
Florida have shorter beak lengths to were the same even if the hosts
match the introduced soapberries. were changed.
● While, in the South Central US, they ● Same length in different hosts, therefore
have longer beak lengths. genetic.

Soapberry bugs living on host plant species

with larger diameter fruits have longer beaks.
● Beak length is under selection for
appropriate length → the beak should
be long enough to reach inside the fruits
to get the seeds inside.
Change due to Chance Genetic variation in island populations
● Random processes such as genetic drift ● Richard Frankham (1997)
can change gene frequencies in ● Studied in Australia
populations, especially in small ● Genetic variation of organisms were
populations. compared between Islands vs. mainland
● Different organisms ranging from moose
Genetic drift in Chihuahua spruce and wolves to toads, insects and trees
● Found in Mexico ● Hundreds of comparisons were done
● Genetic diversity and population size between populations. Out of those, a
○ Due to climatic warming and large chunk was able to demonstrate
fragmentation that the relative genetic variation in the
● Researchers looked up for Allozymes - mainland relatively greater than the
various forms of an enzyme island.
● They compared the diversity of ● Only a few comparisons were able to
allozymes which corresponded to the show that there is greater variation in
genetic diversity. the island than in the mainland.
● The diversity of different populations of ● Trend for higher genetic variation in the
the Spruce were also compared. mainland population is even greater
when the comparison is between
Endemics and closely related species in
the mainland.
○ There were more comparisons
between mainland and endemic
species that showed higher
genetic variation in mainland.
○ Less comparisons showed that
the genetic variation in the island
is greater than in the mainland.
● In general, there is a higher genetic
variation in the populations in the
mainland. More genetically diverse,
probably because it is larger and there
are more chances for variations to

● They were able to show that there us a

direct correlation between genetic
diversity and population size:
○ Genetic diversity as low when
population size was low
○ Genetic diversity is high when
population size is high.
● Females with low levels of
heterozygosity – lower survival, lower
rate of hatching eggs, produced smaller
larvae, pupae spent greater time in
pupal stage which made the pupae
more susceptible to predators.

Genetic diversity and butterfly extinctions

● Melitaea cinxia (Glanville fritillary
● Study done in Southwestern Finland
● Researchers measure the genetic
diversity in different populations in terms
of heterozygosity
○ Small populations in small
meadows to Higher populations
in large meadows
○ Higher genetic diversity in larger
○ Smaller populations had lower
genetic diversity due to
● Inbreeding resulted from having low
heterozygosity) – contributed to higher
extinction rates
POPULATION DISTRIBUTION, ○ Immigration & Emigration rates

Gray Whale migration route from Alaska

(feeding ground during the summer) to Baja
(wintering grounds) = 18,000km

Population Distribution and Abundance

1. Distribution Limits - discusses how the
environment limits the population
distribution of species
2. Patterns on Small Scales - how
population in small scales can be
random, clamped or regular
3. Patterns on Large Scales - how
population at larger scales are clumped
4. Organism Size and Population
Density - relationship between this two

Population Dynamics
1. Dispersal - movement of individuals
from 1 population to another.
2. Metapopulations - shows ongoing ● The image above shows the annual
dispersal can join subpopulations to migration of the monarch butterflies from
form metapopulations the south to the north and back again.
3. Patterns of Survival - in terms of Every year, they do this over 1000 km.
survivorship curves and its 3 types In the spring, they mate, then females
4. Age Distribution move on and lay their eggs in host
plants (milkweeds). Eggs hatch, become
Population caterpillars and transform into adult
● a group of individuals of a single butterflies. Several generations are born
species inhabiting a specific area along the way until they reach their
● Characteristics: summer generation in the north. At
○ Distribution – size, shape, autumn time, when it starts to get cold,
location of area occupied they migrate southward in their
○ Spacing pattern wintering ground. Some of them do
■ Random not survive their journey, but the rest of
■ Clumped the population breed and restart their
■ Regular journey, again, the next spring.
○ Abundance – Number of
○ Density – Number of individuals
per unit area
○ Age distribution
○ Birth & death rates
Population Distribution and Abundance
Distribution Limits

Distribution Limits
● Environment limits the geographic
distribution of species
● Cases:

Kangaroo Distributions and Climates

● Marsupials found in Australia

● G. Caughley et al. (1987) found a close
relationship between climate and
distribution of the three largest
kangaroos in Australia.
● Eastern gray kangaroos (Macropus
giganteus) live in eastern Australia
where precipitation varies little
seasonally or falls mainly in summer
(dominance of summer precipitation → ● None of the 3 kangaroos seem to
temperate and tropical forest biomes occupy the northernmost parts of
● Western gray kangaroos (Macropus Australia.
fuliginosus) live in southern Australia ○ Probably because it is too hot for
where winter rainfall dominates → the Eastern gray;
Mediterranean woodland and shrubland ○ Too wet for Red kangaroos;
biomes ○ Too hot during the summer and
● Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus) lives too dry during the winter for the
in central and western Australia where Western Gray Kangaroo
conditions are hot and dry → savanna ● It was carefully pointed out that it might
and desert biomes not just be the climate that is directly
affecting the limitations of the
distribution of the kangaroos.
● It can also be that the distribution is
indirectly affected by climate
because climate influences other
factors: food production, water supply
and habitat for the kangaroos.
● Climate can also affect the incidence
of parasites, pathogens and
competitors of the kangaroos.
A tiger Beetle of Cold Climates

● Tiger Beetle (Cicindela longilabris)

● It lives at higher latitudes and higher
elevations than any other tiger beetle
species found in North America.
○ Its distribution in the North
extends from North Western to
Eastern part of Canada where
temperate and boreal forests
are found.
○ In the south, on the other hand,
these tiger beetles are found to
be at higher elevations like on top
of mountains wherein montane
coniferous forests, very similar
to boreal forests, are found.
● Despite being separated by as much
● During the last glacial period, this tiger as 3,000km and 10,000years of history,
beetle lived farther south compared to different populations of tiger beetles
its present range limits. However, when (tiger beetles in Maine & Wisconsin in
the glacial retreat happened, it also the North, and Colorado & Arizona in
followed the retreat of the glaciers. Now, the South) have similar physiology
its current range is restricted to the (e.g metabolic rates, water loss rates,
south boreal forest. preferred body temperature).
● The retreat of the tiger beetles together ○ Reason for the similarity in
with the retreat of the glaciers is physiology is the similar
supported by fossil records. environmental characteristics
of their habitats.
Distributions of Plants Along hairs, has less light absorbance
Moisture-Temperature Gradient because it reflects a lot of the
● Species of Genus Encelia light that hits it.
○ E. californica ● How does E. frutescens avoid
○ E. actomi overheating?
○ E. farinosa ○ The leaves do not overheat
○ E. frutescens because they transpire at a
● The four different species are distributed high rate. So, such high rates
in different areas in the Southwestern have a cooling effect similar to
North America. how seating can evaporatively
● The distribution corresponds to variation cool our skin.
in the leaf pubescence of the plants. ● How does it get enough water to
Pubescence refers to how hairy the evaporatively cool its leaves if it leaves
leaves are. in the hottest and driest deserts?
● Plants that occur in the westernmost ○ Because of microclimates.
side are the least pubescent or the Although both species overlap
smoothest, least hairy leaves. greatly in a geographic scale,
● As you go towards the East, the leaves their microenvironments differ.
become more pubescent. They have very distinct areas
● The variation in pubescence can be where they occupy.
attributed to the climates in the ○ E. farinosa grows mainly on slope
different areas. habitats in shallow soils that store
● Western E. californica have smoother limited water. Despite low
leaves since the temperature there is transpiration rates, pubescent
usually cool. It does not need hairs to leaves of E. farinosa remain
serve as protection against extreme relatively cool because they are
heat. highly reflective
● On the other hand, the areas towards ○ E. frutescens rate of transpiration
the inner part of the continent are much is very high which is made
hotter. E. farinosa and E. frutescens possible by selecting areas with
have more hair to protect them from great amounts of water,
extreme heat and help regulate leaf specifically ephemeral stream
temperatures. channels or desert washes.
○ E. frutescens, however, is almost ○ Along the washes, the runoff
smooth as th E. californica found infiltrates into the deep soils. This
in the west. E. farinosa is very makes the water highly available
much pubescent. Because of the for E. frutescens available for its
difference in pubescence in these high rate of transpiration.
2 species, the amount of
radiation absorbed by these 2
plants also differ greatly.
○ E. frutescens, being smoother,
absorbs a great amount of light,
while E. farinosa, because white
Microclimates affecting the distribution of
E. frutescens and E. farinosa

E. Californica is confined to a narrow zone along the

coast of California and Baja California, which is cool and
moist in the north and cool and dry in the south.

E. actoni lives gather inland, where

conditions are drier and warmer
than the areas inhabited by E.

E. farinosa and E. frutescens live still farther in areas

that are much hotter. The geographic distributions of
these 2 species overlap a great deal.

Difference between E. frutescens and E. farinosa

Distributions of Barnacles Along an ● At certain times of the day, parts of the
Intertidal Exposure Gradient intertidal zone are either submerged to
water or exposed to the air.
● The distribution of organisms along the
intertidal zone is expected to be related
to how much they can resist drying
or desiccation upon exposure to air.
● Joseph Connell (1960’s) - Intertidal
zones in Scotland
● He compared the distribution of Balanus
balanoides and Chthamalus stellatus.
Balanus is usually limited to the middle
and lower levels of the intertidal zone
whereas the Chthamalus is restricted to
the upper levels of the intertidal zone.
● It appears that Balanus is more
Balanus balanoides larvae settle throughout
vulnerable to desiccation than
intertidal zones but survive to adults mainly in middle to
lower intertidal zones. Chthamalus. A higher rate of
Chthamalus stellatus larvae settle in the middle desiccation may exclude Balanus from
and upper intertidal zones but survive to adults mainly in the upper intertidal zone.
the upper intertidal zone. ● However, from the graph, the larvae of
Chthamalus can actually reach up to the
lower or middle part of the intertidal
zone, but the adults rarely occur there.
○ This can be explained by the
competition between the 2
species. Chthamalus is not a
strong competitor at these
lower levels of the intertidal

● The barnacles live in the marine

intertidal zone. There is a steep gradient
of physical conditions in the marine
intertidal zone from the shore up to the
Population Distribution and Abundance
Patterns on Small Scales
3. Clumped Pattern
● On small scales, individuals within a. Individuals live in areas of high
populations are distributed in patterns local abundance, separated by
that may be random, regular, or areas of low abundance.
clumped. b. Processes: Attraction between
individuals or attraction of
individuals to a common source.
1. Random Pattern If individuals are attracted to a
a. An individual has an equal particular resource where there
probability of occurring anywhere are other individuals, then a
in an area. clumped pattern can be obtained.
b. Processes: Neutral interactions
between individuals, and
between individuals and the local
environment. There are no Note:
interactions that may push or pull ● Small scale patterns depend on the
individuals from each other. individual itself.
● Small scale refers to small distances
over which there is little environmental
change significant to the organism
under study.
○ Small scale of a bacterium vs.
Small scale for a gray whale

Distribution of Tropical Bee Colonies

2. Regular Pattern
a. Individuals are uniformly spaced
1. Regular and random distributions of
through the environment
stingless bee colonies in the tropical dry
b. Processes: Antagonistic
forest are related to levels of
interactions between individuals
aggression (Costa Rica - Hubbell &
or local depletion of resources.
Johnson, 1977)
Interactions push different
a. Trigona, stingless bees can be
individuals away such that they
found in tropical and subtropical
end up having uniformly spaced
environments where they gather
distribution patterns.
pollen and nectar from flowers.
They use trees as their nest and
their colonies are made up of
hundreds to thousands of
b. Colonies of the stingless bee,
Trigona fulviventris, which
interact aggressively, are
distributed regularly across the
tract of forest. T. fulviventris from
rival colonies battle daily for 2 Distribution of Desert Shrubs
weeks for possession of this
potential nest tree. 1. Phillips & MacMahon (1981) showed the
i. They forage a lot and distribution of creosote bushes (Larrea
group mainly on flowers tridentata) change as they grow in the
that occur in high density Sonoran and Mojave Deserts.
clumps 2. They found out that as creosote
c. The less interactive stingless bushes enter different stages in life,
bee, T. dorsalis, is distributed they may exhibit different patterns of
randomly across the same tract distribution.
of forest. a. Small shrubs establish in high
i. They feed singly or in densities and produce clumped
small groups and on more distribution.
widely distributed flowers. b. Mortality as the shrubs grow
reduces clumping and produces
2. They map out the distribution of trees a random distribution among
suitable for nesting. They found out that medium shrubs.
potential nest trees are distributed c. Competitions enforces a regular
randomly throughout the study area, distribution among large
and that the number of potential nest shrubs
sites was much greater than the number
of bee colonies. ● The competition between the adults can
3. Then, they map out the nest of the be seen when their root systems are
stingless bees where they found out that examined.
species that are REGULARLY ● The root systems of 32 creosote bushes
DISTRIBUTED are more aggressive were excavated and mapped.
compared with species that are ○ Hypothetical: If excavated
a. Aggressive bees fight for SYSTEMS, 20% of the area
potential nest sites where battles would include extensive overlap
can occur for long periods of time of 4 or more shrubs
(2 weeks). The worker bees can ○ Actual: The actual root systems
be 15-30 individuals where they were not circular and overlapped
face and grapple each other. extensively in only 4% of the
They hit each other until one falls area. The overlap of root systems
down. It is a continuous aerial in the actual photo is minimized
display where they do not get compared when the actual root
injured apparently. However, due systems are circular
to an unoccupied nest up to a (hypothetical).
thousand bees can die. ○ This proves that competition
between plants produces root
systems such that competition is
Population Distribution and Abundance ○ But, large numbers of red-eyed
Patterns of Large Scales vireos were encountered on just
a few census routes.
● On large scales, individuals within a ○ There are only a few areas where
population are clumped. red-eyed vireos occur at high
density. There are more areas
where red-eyed vireos occur at
Bird Populations Across North America low density.
● “Christmas Bird Counts” mapped (Terry
Root 1988); “Breeding Bird Survey” also Plant Distributions Along Moisture
analyzed (Brown, Mehlman & Stevens Gradients
● These studies show that at the ● Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona (left)
continental scale, bird populations show and Great Smoky Mountains,
clumped distributions. Tennessee (right). (Whittaker & Niering
● There are hotspots with very dense 1965; Whittaker 1956)
birds. As you move away from this, ● Clumping patterns can also be observed
densities become sparser and sparser. in wood plants and trees along
● Christmas Bird counts - done every moisture-gradients in several mountain
winter ranges across North America.
○ Distribution of Fish Crow and ● Environmental conditions in mountain
American Crow sides change substantially with
○ Although American crow is elevation.
widely distributed across the ● The higher the slopes are dirier whereas
continent, it is most abundant in the bottom of the canyon is more moist.
a limited number of hotspots. ● Different trees and plants are distributed
○ On the other hand, Fish Crows with regards to the different amount of
have a more restricted range moisture
but still they show a pattern ○ Douglas firs are more abundant
wherein there are hotspots and in moist canyon bottom
as you go outward it, the ○ Arizona madrones are more
densities of the crows become abundant at mid slope.
more sparse → Within its ○ On the mountainside, Mexican
restricted range, fish crows live in pinyon pines are most abundant
high density areas. on drier upper slope.
● Breeding Bird Survey - done during
June (breeding season of birds)
○ A relatively small proportion of
study sites yielded most of the
records of each bird species.
Observers counted a few
red-eyed vireos along most
census routes.
Population Distribution and Abundance
Organism Size and Population Density

● Population density declines with

increasing organism size

● Animal Size and Population Density

● John Damuth, 1981
○ Body size and population density
of herbivorous mammals
○ Range: 307 spp. from rodents
(10g) to rhinoceros (106 g )
○ He collected the information on
the average densities ranging
from 1 individual per square km
to 10,000 individuals per square
○ There is an inverse relationship
between the herbivory density
and body mass. Average
population density of herbivorous
mammals decreases with
increasing body size. → As their
body size increases, their density
● Peters & Wassenber, 1983
○ Overall, average population
density decreases with increasing
body size across a wide
spectrum of animals groups
■ Aquatic Invertebrates
■ Terrestrial invertebrates
■ Mammals
■ Birds
■ Vertebrate poikilotherms
● Similarly, trees in Tennessee also exhibit ○ Many aquatic invertebrates live at
same pattern: higher population densities than
○ On mountainsides, table other animals of comparable size.
mountain pines are most ○ Mammals tend to live a higher
abundant on drier upper slopes. population densities than birds
○ Red maples are most abundant ○ From this, they concluded that it
at mid slope is best to study aquatic
○ Hemlocks are most abundant on invertebrates and birds
the moist valley bottom. separately from the other
mammalian groups
Population Dynamics

● Populations are not frozen in time but

are in continuous flux.
○ Population distribution and
abundance may vary across time
● Patterns of distribution and abundance
result from a dynamic balance between
factors which are represented below:

● Plant Size and Population density

● White, 1985
○ Plant population density
decreases with increasing plant ● Nt = no. of individuals in a population at
size across a range of plant some time t
growth forms (smallest to largest) ● Nt-1 = no. of individuals in the population
○ Duckweed, Lemna, one of the at some previous time t – 1
smallest flowering plants lives at ● B = no. of births that have occurred
very high population densities. during time interval between t – 1 and t
○ As in animals, plant population ● I = no. of immigrants to the population
sanity decreased with increasing during time interval
plant size across a wide range of ● D = no. of deaths
plant growth forms ● E = no. of individuals that have
○ The coast redwood, Sequoia emigrated
sempervirens, one of the largest
trees, lives at one of the lowest Population Dynamics
population densities. ● Area of ecology concerned with
factors influencing expansion,
decline, or maintenance of
● Population dynamics is a key to
○ Decline and extinction of
endangered species
○ Control of noxious pest species
(e.g. parasites and pathogens)
○ Maintenance of economically or
culturally important species
● You may not noticed the dynamic nature
of populations but it become quite
apparent when a conspicuous species
expands its range:
Expansion of Africanized Honey Bees ■ Cold winter temperatures
● Africanized Honeybees will likely halt the northern
○ They live from tropical to cold spread of Africanized
environments honeybees (2005).
○ Across this extensive ■ Africanized honey bees
environmental range, the have not permanently
honeybees have differentiated colonized South America
into a number of locally adapted south of 340 S latitude
○ Apis mellifera scutellata in Africa
○ They are adapted to the tropical
○ In 1956, Brazil wanted bees
adapted to tropical climates. By
this, they mated the regular
honey bees to african honey
bees producing the africanized
honey bees.
○ Unfortunately, Africanized honey
bees were found to be more
aggressive than the regular
European honeybees. → Swarms
of these Killer bees attack
humans, producing more stings.
○ Unfortunately, these honey bees
also do not produce a high
amount of honey expected of
them by scientists.
■ Reason: Warmer climate
and greater stability of
nectar sources eliminates
the need for storing large
amounts of honey and
maintaining large colonies
for survival through the
○ Produce swarms and disperse to
form new colonies at higher rates
(300-500km/year). → Fastest
dispersal rates.
■ Most of South America,
most of Mexico and all of
Central America has the
population of it.
Population Dynamics b. By 1980’s most of Europe was
Dispersal already colonized by this bird
species. The expansion also was
● Dispersal can increase or decrease not initiated by humans.
local population densities c. The expansion took place in
● Different species have evolved different small jumps
ways for them to be dispersed away i. Only adult eurasian
from their parents. collared doves are highly
○ Wind blown seeds of dandelions sedentary while only the
can disperse long distances, and young doves disperse
then once they find their from the places where
destination they grow into a they were born.
sedentary stage the dandelion ii. Dispersing young doves
plant actually dispersed for only
○ Waterborne larvae of barnacles a few kilometers away
can also disperse and then they from the nest where they
become sedentary when they were born
become adults iii. However, some of these
○ Juvenile spiders that disperse by birds actually disperse
spinning a silken thread that hundreds of kilometers
catches the wind, and then they away from their nest, but
become sedentary when they as seen from the graph,
build their web in the garden most birds disperse only a
● Dispersal is the movement of few kilometers.
individual/s away from the population iv. Once the birds have
in which they were born chosen a mate, they nest
○ Immigration – dispersal into the and become sedentary like
local population their parents.
○ Emigration – dispersal out of the d. These pulses of dispersal by the
local population young birds spread the Eurasian
collared dove population across
Dispersal of Expanding Populations: Europe at a rate of about 45
Eurasian Collared Doves kilometers per year.
3. Most collared dove fledglings disperse a
1. In less than 60 years Eurasian collared few kilometers
doves (Streptopelia decaocto) expanded 4. But some disperse hundreds of
their range to the farthest corners of kilometers
2. Eurasion collared doves began to
spread out of Turkey into Europe early
in the 20th century.
a. The expansion of the population
began suddenly and it was
relentless once it started.
4. Hemlock spread north and west from
the southeast.
5. In contrast, hemlock did not reach its
present range limits until just 2,000
years ago.

Dispersal in Response to Changing Food


1. Numerical response to changes in prey

2. Kestrel and owl densities closely follow
variation in vole densities in western
3. Dispersal in these predators (Kestrels
and owls) happens in response to
changing food supply.
a. Over several years, the
populations of kestrel and owls
follow the variation in the
population in voles (prey) in
western Finland. → Numerical
response to changes in prey

Range Changes in Response to Climate

1. It started from the time that the glaciers
retreated northward during the last ice
age around 16 000 years ago.
2. Maple spread north and east from the
southwestern part of its range.
3. Maple reached the northeastern part of
its present range about 6,000 years ago.
Dispersal in Rivers and Streams upstream limit of the
1. Organisms that live in moving bodies of population.
water have to have characteristics that iv. During their migration back
allow them to maintain their positions up the river, some of
even if the water is moving. these snails in the
2. However, despite these means of migrating population may
staying in place, organisms still get join the populations that
washed downstream in large numbers are stationary along the
→ drift way.
a. Opposite of drift is the upstream v. Conversely some
movement individuals from the
b. Drift moves organisms stationary sub-populations
downstream, sometimes actively may join the population
as behavioral drift, sometimes that is migrating upstream
passively with floods.
c. Many organisms engage in 4. This proves that populations can be
upstream movements that appear very dynamic.
to compensate for downstream
3. The dynamic interplay between the
downstream and upstream dispersal is
called the colonization cycle.
a. In the colonization cycle,
upstream and down dispersal
and reproduction have major
influences on stream populations.
b. A wave of migrating snails,
Neretina latissima, in Rio Claro,
Costa Rica.
i. This species of snails lay
eggs and produce free
living planktonic larvae
that drift down to the
pacific ocean.
ii. When the larvae
metamorphose into small
snails they re-enter the Rio
Claro and begin moving
upstream in huge
migratory aggregations of
up to half a million
iii. These aggregations move
very slowly and may take
up to one year to reach the
Population Dynamics ○ It seems like butterflies were
Metapopulations dispersing – moving from one
population to another.
● Ongoing dispersal can join numerous ● Larger meadows tend to support larger
subpopulations to form a populations of these butterflies.

● A group of subpopulations living on
patches connected by exchange of
individuals among patches
● Ex. Individuals S, I, and R are members
of subpopulations which are exchanging
individuals through migration. These
different subpopulations are further
connected to other subpopulations
forming the metapopulations.

● Butterflies are more likely to leave

smaller populations than larger ones.
○ Butterflies in small populations
immigrate to populations that are
○ This indicates that alpine
A Metapopulation of an Alpine Butterfly meadows, because of the
● Rocky Mountain Parnassian Butterfly decrease in size, can eventually
(Parnassius smintheus) occurring in the lose the populations of butterflies.
alpine region. ○ Perhaps, the range of these
● They were studied in 20 Alpine butterflies will become more
meadows – ranging from small to large, contracted as more factors affect
and were also either adjacent or the decrease in size in the Alpine
separate. Meadows.
● They have been decreasing in size due
to fire suppression and global warming
● Researchers caught and marked the
butterflies. They were then released and
recaptured to estimate population size
and follow butterfly movements.
● They were able to recapture some
butterflies that were marked in one
subpopulation and they were recaptured
in a different subpopulation.
Population Dynamics come up with since one needs to
Patterns of Survival identify a large number of individuals
that are born at about the same time
● A survivorship curve summarizes the and keep records on them from birth
pattern of survival in a population. to death

Life Table 2. Static Life Table – record the age at

● Predicts whether a population grows or death of a large number of individuals;
sinks by identifying birth and death rates shows a snapshot of survival within a
for organsims at different ages, as well population within a short interval of
as, the current age and sex makeup of time.
the current poulation.
● A life table summarizes birth and Life Table to Survivorship Curve
death rates for organisms at different
stages of their lives.
● It shows the likelihood that organisms in
a population will live, die, and/or
reproduce at different stages in their
● Example:

1. Life table of the Dall sheep. Study done

in the Mt. Denali National Park in
● Life Table for the total population Alaska.
of US in 2016 – Static Life Table 2. The researcher collected the skulls of
○ Takes a snapshot of a 608 sheeps that died from various
population at a period of causes.
time and does not follow 3. He identified at which age the sheep
the different individuals died by counting the growth rings in their
from birth to death. horns and by studying toothware.
● Parameters included: 4. Table summarizes the survival patterns
○ Number of surviving of the sheeps based on the sample of
population skulls.
○ Number of dying a. First column -lists the ages
populations b. Second column - lists the number
○ Life expectancy at each of surviving sheep in each age
particular age class
c. Third column - lists the number of
Types of Life Tables dying sheep at each age class
1. Cohort Life Table – most reliable way 5. Although only 608 skulls were studied,
of estimating patterns of survival the numbers in the table were
within a population; More difficult to expressed to a thousand. This
adjustment is made to ease the Survivorship Curve
comparisons with other populations.
a. To allow comparisons to other
studies, number of Dall sheep
surviving and dying within each
year of life is converted to
numbers per 1,000 births
b. Subtracting the number of deaths
(ex. 199) from the number alive
at the beginning of each year (ex.
1000) gives the number alive at
the beginning of the next year
(801). 1. In Type I, juvenile survival is high and
6. Plotting age on the x-axis and number of most mortality occurs among older
survivors on the y-axis creates a individuals.
survivorship curve. a. At a certain age, the slope is
7. The shape of the curve (Type I) shows relatively gradual (flat)
that the Dall sheep surviving their first b. At another certain age, mortality
year of life have a high probability of is high, and the slope becomes
surviving to about age 9 (relatively flat). steeper.
8. However, sheep 10 years old and older 2. In Type II, individuals in a population die
are easier prey for wolves and die at a at equal rates, regardless of age.
high rate. a. Slope is a straight line and the
3. In Type III, individuals showing
survivorship die at a high rate as
juveniles and then at a much lower rate
later in life.
a. Opposite of Type I

● Type I - Gradual decrease of organisms
in the beginning and then, a steep
decline towards the end.
● A similar pattern of survival by the
rotifer, Floscularia conifera, is complete
within 11 days.
White-crowned Sparrow and American Population Dynamics
robin Age Distribution
● Type II - relatively straight line, slope
does not change that much as you go ● It is similar to static and cohort life tables
from younger to older species. such that they are all ways to estimate
● Like many other bird species, patterns of survival within a population.
white-crowned sparrows and American ● The age distribution of a population
robins show approximately constant reflects its history of survival,
rates of mortality. reproduction, and potential for future
● An age distribution consists of the
proportion of individuals of different
ages within a population.

Perennial Plant - Cleome droserifolia

● Type III
● The vertical scale has been extended so
that survivors appear on the graph.
● Out of 1 million seeds, only 39 plants
survive to 1 year of age.
● Upon reaching 1 yer, the slope of the
graph became gradual – high
survivorship among individuals that ● Philippines (2018) and Japan (2021)
reach higher age (1yr and above). Age Breakdown
● Age range that makes up the majority of
the population
○ Philippines - under 15
○ Japan - 45-50 & 60-74
Stable and Declining Tree Populations
Quercus alba, White oak in Illinois Dynamic Population in a Variable Climate
Age distribution of a population of large
cactus finches Geospiza conirostris on the
island of Genovesa in the Galapagos

1. The age structure of this population of

white oaks shows that older trees are
being replaced by young trees.
2. This population of white oaks is
dominated by young individuals.
3. The population is declining.
● 1983 - A fairly even distribution
individuals among several age
classes suggests several years of
Populus deltoides, Rio Grande Cottonwood
successful reproduction
in New Mexico
● Six-year-old finches are absent because
the birds did not nest during the 1977

1. The age structure of this population

shows that older trees are not being
replaced by young ones
● Age distribution in 1983 contrasts with
a. The absence of young tree
1987 distribution even if they are only
suggests that this population will
separated by 4 years.
not persist
● 1987 - population is dominated by
b. 40- to 50-year-old trees dominate
4-year old birds. The population is
this population
dominated by birds hatched during the
2. Population is stable
abundant rains of 1983.
● Droughts in 1984 and 1985 prevented
● Droughts of 1984 and 1985 reduced
numbers of older birds
● The 1977 reproductive failure is still
evident in the 1987 distribution.

The study demonstrates the responsiveness of

the population age structure to environmental
Geometric growth in populations with
1. Geometric and Exponential discrete generations
Population Growth
a. growth experienced by a ● Annual plant (Phlox drummondii) –
population when the resources populations grow in discrete annual
are ABUNDANT pulses. (Discrete - every year, the
2. Logistics Population Growth population is different from the previous
a. type of growth the population one)
experiences when resources ● Every year, the current population will
STARTS TO DEPLETE develop, reproduce and leave behind
3. Limits to Population Growth seed. Then, they will die. The seds they
a. shows that the environment can left behind will start the new generation
limit the population growth by of Phlox. Then this genertaion will die
changing the birth and death but leaving behind a group of seeds to
rates start a new generation.
● The growth by any population with
PULSED reproduction can be modeled
POPULATION GROWTH by Geometric Population Growth.
○ This is where successive
● Definition: how the number of generations differ in size by a
individuals in a population increases or constant ratio.
decreases with time ○ The size of a population growing
● Growth is controlled by rates of gemotrically at any time t can be
○ birth, modeled here:
○ death,
○ immigration, and
○ emigration.
● Open vs. Closed population ● Nt = number at time t
● In a closed population, ● N0 = number at initial time 0
○ growth is determined by birth ● λ = geometric rate of increase = Nt+1/Nt
rate and death rate ○ Average number of offspring left
○ no immigration and emigration, by an individual during a 1 time
○ immigration is equal to interval
emigration ● = number of time intervals in hours,
days, years, etc.
*Note: In the lectrue only closed populations will be
discussed. No interference of immigration and 1. The starting population was 996.
2. After a year, the population increased to
3. Dividing the starting population from the
current population, a λ value of 2.4177
will be obtained.
● In the presence of abundant
4. Growing geometrically, the number of
resources, populations can grow at
phlox growing at any point in time, can
geometric or exponential rates
be generated by using the (1) equation, 1. r (per capita rate of increase) is a
or (2) multiplying the previous constant and N is a variable.
population size to the value of lambda. 2. As population size (N) increases, the
5. At the seventh year, the population grw rate of population growth increase
up to 480,924. (dN/dT) increases, because the
6. Multiplying it with the lambda value, the constant R is multiplied by an increasing
population will increase up to 1,162,730 size N.
by the 8th year. 3. The formula can also be expressed like
7. Hypothetical Situation: Could be this:
possible if the resources are abundant.

Exponential growth of a colonizing population

of Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris (Bennett 1983)
Exponential growth in continuously
reproducing populations with overlapping

● Continuous population growth in an

unlimited environment can be modeled
as exponential growth:
dN/dt = rmaxN
dN/dt = (b – d) N

● N = number of individuals
● t = time
● rmax = intrinsic rate of increase
○ (constant)
○ per capita rate of increase
● b = instantaneous birth rate
● d = instantaneous death rate
1. Over hundreds of years, the increase of
the population of Scots pine followed an
exponential growth.
2. They were actually able to count the
populations by using the records of
pollen in lake sediments. They carbon
dated these sediments and identified
what period the pines came from.
3. Their populatio started with a low
amount and increased quickly in an
exponential manner due to a very Exponential population growth
favorable environment. (Retreat of the
glaciers) Equations:
1. dN/dt=rmaxN (differential equation form)
Per capita rate of increase (r) may be 2. Nt =N0ermaxt (to calculate population size)
positive, zero, or negative
For a population to demonstrate exponential
● Graphing population size vs dN/dT: population growth, the population conditions
○ You will get a line with a slope of must be observed.
r Conditions:
■ r = b – d = realized or ● Start with low population density
actual per capita rate of ● Favorable environment (No food or
increase resource limitations)
■ Slope is r → determines
the shape of the growth. Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
○ r=0, no change in population size
(flat line; instantaneous brith rate
is equal to instantaneous death
○ r<0, decrease in population size;
r>0, increase in population size.

1. Whooping crane, an endangered

2. Winters in the Texas Gulf Coast
3. Breeds in Wood Buffalo National Park,
4. Recovered from near extinction in 1941
5. From 22 to 220 individuals from 1940 to
2005 - Conservationists made it their
mission to conserve their population.
Slowing of exponential growth LOGISTIC POPULATION GROWTH

● As resources are depleted, the

population growth rate slows and
eventually stops.
● Since everything on earth is finite, it
seems impossible that any population
on earth will continue to grow at an
exponential rate, indefinitely.
● At some point, the population will
encounter will encounter environmental
problem growth.
○ The population of Eurasian
collared doves does not follow
exponential growth at some point
○ It will eventually taper off and will
show a graph that is more of an
● Eurasian collared doves expanded S-Shaped curve or signmoidal.
beyond its historical range in the
Western Europe during the 20th century. Sigmoidal (S-shaped) growth curve
● As the birds spread to new territory, its
populations grew in exponential rates for Growth of yeast and Elephant seal
a decade or more.
● However, in less than 20 years,
population size was less than that
predicted by the exponential model,
suggesting that population has slowed.
● It seems that instead of following the
graph, the slope become a bit more
gradual and the population growth
has slowed down.
● Here, the environment slows down
populaition growth.

1. When the density of the yeast is very

low, population tends to increase at a
higher rate (slope is steep).
2. As it reaches a certain population level,
the population growth slows down and
levels off.
1. At some point, the population plateus
and fluctuates around a population level.

Carrying capacity

● Represented by K
● Maximum sustainable population size
under prevailing environmental
○ It is the number o individuals from
a particular population that the
environment can support.
○ It is NOT a fixed number. It can
change depending on the
prevailing environmental
conditons that population is
exposed to.
● Determined by a complex interplay
among factors such as food,
parasitism, disease, and space

Carrying capacity is reached in these

populations at:
1. Days for the paramecium
2. Weeks for barnacles
3. Years for buffalos Logistic population growth
● The logistic model was proposed to
account for patterns of growth shown by
populations as they begin to deplete
environmental resources.
● Populations ecologists build the logistic
population m,odel by modifying the
exponential growth model.
● The original model for exponential
growth by insertion an element, K
● Add an element that slows growth as
population size approaches K

Relationship between population size, N, and

● This formula shows how population size realized per capita rate of increase, r
can affect population growth.
● As N approaches K, growth decreases ● If N<K, r is positive and the population
until it reaches zero at N=K grows.
● Growth is fastest when N=K/2 ○ If N = ½ K, the population growth
● N/K → “environmental resistance” is highest.
○ As the size of the population ○ Halfway the 0 and the carrying
growth gets closer to carrying capacity, the steepest point of the
capacity, environmental factors curve is found here.
increasingly impedes further ● If N = K, r = 0 and population growth
population growth. stops; growth rate is equal to 0 and will
plateau at the carrying capacity, K.
● If N > K, r is negative and the population
● In the logistic model, the realized per
capita rate of increase or r will
decreases as N increases.
● r is maximum when the
population is very low.
● As the population increases, r
decreases until it reaches N = K
● Popualiton growth will stoip when
N = K where r = 0
● Beyond carrying capacity, r
becomes negative, and the
population growth enters a
Relationship of density to per capita rate of Medium-ground finch, which is the dominant
increase in populations of Daphnia pulex finch in the Daphne major island in Galapagos.
1. Galapagos islands experience a
variable rainfall year to year and plants
in the islands respond to this.
2. They were able to document a drought
at 1977.
a. It lead to a decline in the
poppulation growth of finches:
from 1200 individuals to 180
individuals – 85% decline in just 1
b. Although it is possible that the
decline could be due to
emigration, the primary reason
for the decline is death due to
starvation. Death rates due to
starvation far exceeded birth
1. They increased the density of Daphnia. rates.
2. They were able to show that as the 3. From 1977 to 1982, the population
density increases, the per capita rate of averaged to about 300 individuals.
increase decreases. 4. In 1982, abundant rains led to high rates
3. At some point, around densities 24 and of finch population growth
32, r was negative which indicates a a. It was due to increased birth rate
decline in population growth. as a consequence to an
abundance of seeds that the
LIMITS TO POPULATION adult finches eat, and abundance
GROWTH of caterpillar that the finches feed
to their young.
● The environment limits population b. In the presence of abundant food,
growth by changing birth and death birth rates greatly exceeded
rates death rates.

Darwin’s Finches & Galapagos Rainfall

Environment and Birth and Death among Population Limiting Factors
Galapagos finches
1. Limiting factors are environmental
Availability of caterpillar and fledgling of young factors that restrict the growth of
medium ground finches on Daphne Major (data populations.
from Gibbs and Grant 1987) 2. Types of Limting Factors:
a. Density-dependent factors -
limitations to population growth
that vary with population density.
i. The size of the population
itlself influences its
ii. Ex. Availability of food and
water, Competition for
food, Disease, Predation
b. Density-Independent factors -
limitations to population growth
that are not dependent on
population density.
i. Ex. pollution, Extreme
weather, Seasonal
changes, Catastrophic
3. Major canges to any population can
create imbalance between individuals
and their environment.
4. Elimination of wolves in the Yellowstone
National Park,
a. Population of deer and elssoared
with no predator to reduce them.
b. Competition for food increased.
c. Both populations spread to new
areas totally changing the food
supply available to other species.
Populations of Darwins’ finches and their food
d. The imbalance was corrected by
plans are instructuive of hwo the environment
reintroducing wolves into yellow
can affect britha nd death rates.
Factors affecting carrying capacity
1. Factors that INCREASE
a. Changing climate or other
environmental factors
b. Technologic efficiency advances
c. Decrease in body size and
resource demand
2. Factors that DECREASE
a. Changing climate or other species within an
environmental factors ecosystem.
b. Environmental degradation ii. Some species of food for
c. Depletion of nonrenewable other species which is
resources known as predation
d. Introduction of new competitor iii. Predation occurs to both
animals and plants. For
Limiting factors can also be categorized into example, rabbits prey on
Abiotic Factors and Biotic factors the grasses and hawks
may prey on the rabbits.
1. Abiotic - nonliving When a resource is
a. Water, temperature, and scarce, competition occurs
minerals, that affects an and this can be direct or
ecosystem such as water and indirect.
climate iv. Direct competition -
i. Water is essential for life individuals fight each other
and organisms have for a single resource. Such
evolved different as when deer fight for
adaptations to ensure that mate.
they get the water they v. Indirect competition -
need. when one species
ii. Example: Animals either indirectly affects another
live in water or obtain species’ resources. If the
water through drinking or deer eat all the grasses
eating foods that contain leaving none for the
water. In desert, rabbits.
environments plants have b. Competition can lead to a
adapted to retain water decrease in the size of one
limit the loss of water or population and increase in the
reach water through size of another population or a
extensive root systems shift within a population.
iii. Climate is another abiotic c. Population can also be affected
factor that strongly by pathogens which are
influences plant and organisms that cause disease
animal populations as the i. The more dense the
space which affects shelter population, the greater the
avaibility and resources. chances the disease will
2. Biotic - living spread.
a. Prey, predators, pathogens,
injury, competions, disease, old
i. Food may be abundant or
scarce and the availability
of food may vary among
LIFE HISTORIES two are the major components of
1. What is Life History? ○ An organisms is only
2. Offspring Number vs. Size “evolutionary fit”, if it can survive,
a. The larger the offspring, tend to reproduce and contribute to the
produce lerss offspring and vice gene pool of the future
versa generation.
3. Adult Survival and Reproductive ● Life history of organism involves:
Allocation ○ Trade-offs among the different
a. Where organisms tend to survive characteristics of the population
lower, reproduce at an early such as
stage; tends to allocate more ■ Fecundity - number of
energy to reproduction offspring that certain
4. Life History Classification individual will produce
a. Life history can be classified on ■ Relative offspring size
the basis of a few characteristics ■ Survival
of the population like number of ■ Age at reproductive
offspring, survival, etc. maturity

What is Life History? Adult mayflies generally live for one day
Life History ● Unlike mayflies, humans are born
● Describes the series of events over its helpless and needs to be taken care of
lifetime (birth to death) pattern of until they are old enough. At the start of
growth and reproduction their teenage years, they become
○ It includes how resources are reproductively mature and spend a
allocated for growth, relatively long time in old years and
maintenance, and reproduction. pass away.
○ It looks on how life history traits ● Adult mayflies can only live for 1 day.
affect the life table of an Meanwhile, their larvae can live in water,
organism. stream for about a year.
● It is genetically determined and shaped ● Adult mayflies emerge after 1 year and
by the environment and natural can only have 1 day to find a mate to
selection. reproduce and lay eggs. However, they
○ Darwin’s “natural selection” → get to produce hundreds to thousands of
reproductive success of a eggs.
generation; the concept of fitness
(number of offspring or genes
contributed by an individual to
future generations).
○ Adaptation by natural selection is
based on variation in the
Darwinian Fitness Sense, and
since life history traits determine
the survival nd reproduction, the
Environmental uncertainty dictates Degree of development at hatching
reproductive strategies (*used in the field of ornithology)
The kind of life history reproductive 1. Altricial – newly hatched or born are
strategy that organism exhbites depends a lot relatively immobile, lack hair or
on environmental uncertainty. downfeather, and must be cared for
1. Semelparity – all offspring produced in by adults; closed eyes are common
a single reproductive event (ex: herons, hawks, woodpeckers, owls,
a. (Ex: sockeye salmon) and most passerines; rodents,
2. Iteroparity – reproduction in marsupials, primates, cats, dogs, and
successive years or breeding humans);
seasons a. Altricial organisms are also called
“Nidicolous” – stays in the nest
Sockeye Salmon longer (nidi = nest + colous
Sockeye salmon – swim as far as 6,000 km =stay)
from Pacific Ocean feeding grounds to 2. Precocial – young are relatively
spawning streams, lay thousands of eggs, then mature and mobile from the moment of
die from the exertion. birth or hatching (ex: chicken, cow, deer,
turkey); “imprinting” is characteristic of
Semelparity vs. Iteroparity precocial birds; has some form of
1. Semelparous – Most insects and other downfeather.
invertebrates, some fish (salmon), and a. Precocial organisms are also
many plants (bamboo, ragweed) – called “Nidifugous” – leaves nest
Some are small, short-lived, grow in early (nidi = nest + fugous = to
disturbed habitats flee)
a. Century plant spends a relatively i. Once describe precocious,
long time growing and you want to be described
developing. Once it reaches as mature even when you
reproductive maturity, it bears a are still very young.
gigantic inflorescence that b. Imprinting - there is a critical
flowers and roduces fruits. After period of time in its life wherein it
that, it dies leaving hundreds of forms attachments and develops
offsprings behind. concepts of its own identity. Once
2. Iteroparous – Multiple cycles of it sees a different species of bird
reproduction mean the organism must upon hatching, it will identify with
balance growth, maintenance, escaping that species and not its own.
predators, defending territory, etc 3. Two types are not sharply demarcated
against reproduction – Most vertebrates, → range of precociality.
perennial plants.
a. Mango trees are perennial and
undergoes a lto of reproductive
events throughout its lifetime
which can be possibly decades.
Offspring Number vs. Size

Because all organisms have access to

limited energy and other resources, there is a
trade-off between the number and size of
offspring; those that produce larger
offspring are constrained to produce fewer,
whereas those that produce smaller
offspring may produce larger numbers.

Principle of Allocation
1. Principle of allocation – if an organism
uses energy for one function such as
growth, it reduces the amount of energy
available for other functions Relationship between growth and
a. Because organisms have a reproduction
limited amount of energy and ● Growth is represented by relative wiidth
resources available for them, of the annual rings produced in woody
they have create a way to create plants while Reproduction is
trade-off between growth, represented by the number of cones
maintenance, and reproduction. produced.
2. Reproductive effort – time and energy ● There is an indirect relationship between
allocated to reproduction growth and production.
3. Trade-off between growth, ○ As the number of cones
maintenance, and reproduction. – produced increases, the number
There is a negative relationship between of the rings and size of the trees
annual plant growth and the allocation to decrease.
Fecundity and Clutch size
Percentage of annual production to 1. Fecundity – number of eggs or seeds
reproduction varies widely in different types of produced by an organism;
organisms: a. It is the physiological maximum
1. Perennials: 15-20% potential reproductive output of
2. Wild annuals: 15-30% an individual (usually female)
3. Crops: 25-30% over its lifetime → may depend
4. Corn and barley: 35-40% on body size and/or age.
5. Lizard: 7-9% 2. Clutch size – (applied to organisms that
6. Salamander: 48% lay eggs) the number of offspring per
brood (set of young hatched or born at
the saame time by the same parents)
a. It is defined as the number of
eggs released during a single
spawning event, and spawning
frequency is the number of
spawning events in a time ● Tom Turner & Joel Trexler (1998) →
interval study on darters, small freshwater fish in
b. 1 or 2 large live young in mako the perch family, Percidae
sharks, and 600,000,000 eggs ● Even when they are belonging in the
are layed by ocean sunfish. same group of fish, there is still a
trade-off between offspring size and
● The size of the individual is directly number.
related to its fecundity. ● The females of larger darter species
produce more eggs. There is direct
relationship between size and number of
darter eggs.

● Darter species that produce larger eggs

lay fewer. There is a negative
relationship between egg diameter and
number of eggs.

Egg size & number in fish

● Fecundity of the Mako Shark and the
ocean sunfish differ greatly. Aside from
the clutch size difference, they also
differ in a lot of variable such as body
size and toher aspects of life history.

Organisms belonging in similar group of fish

● Larger eggs also produce larger larvae.
● The larger larvae begin feeding on prey
that live on the stream bed at an earlier
age compared to smaller larvae. They
spend more time in the area where they
are hatched compared to the smaller
larvae that drifts away from their
hatching place.
● Larvae hatching from larger eggs
disperse only in shorter distances and
therefore, carry genes in short distances
as well. This leads to evolutionary
consequences produced from offspring
size and number tradeoff.

Offspring size & number tradeoff has

evolutionary consequences ● Because of their isolation, such
populations will differentiate genetically
● Population of species producing fewer more rapidly compared to populations of
larger eggs will be more isolated species that produce many smaller
genetically from other populations. larvae that disperse longer distances.
○ Ex. Darters producing larger eggs
have lower gene flow among Seed size and number in plants
their populations. ● Plants that produce larger seeds
produce fewer.

● Darters producing more eggs

show higher rates of gene flow
among populations

Plant growth form and dispersal mode are

associated with differences in seed size
● The sizes of seeds of plants are while unassisted and wind-dispersed
influenced by plant growth form and are smallest.
dispersal mechanism
● This study classified the plants based on
their plant growth form:
○ Graminoid - grass-like
○ Forb - herbaceous
○ Woody
○ Climbers
● On average, climbers produce the
largest seeds, while graminoid plants
produce the smallest seeds.

Large vs. Small Seeds

Large Small

Numbers Fewer More

Enivronment Relatively Higher

more stable frequency of

Resistance Higher Less

● After that, they also classified the plants to hazards survival to resistant
based on their dispersal mechanism. the face of
○ Unassisted hazards
○ Assisted by wind
Ability to Lower Greater
○ Assisted by adhesion to animals colonize capacity to capacity to
○ Assisted by ants new areas colonize colonize
○ Assisted by vertebrates that eats newlyopened newlyopened
the fruits spaces spaces
○ Assisted by a scatterhoarding
animals like squirrels
● Vertebrate dispersed and
scatterhoarded seeds tend to be larger,
Larger seeds survive better Larger seeds survive better
(Herbs & Grasses in grasslands) (Trees in temperate deciduous forests)

● Japan: Tree seedlings that grew from

● Grassland: Larger seedlings grew from larger seeds were taller. This is because
larger seeds → better chances of of the larger seeds providing larger
survival. energy reserves to boost seedling

● Seedlings growing from larger seeds

recruited (proportion of the seeds that
were recruited into seedlings) into the
population at a higher rate.
Adult Survival & Reproductive Allocation Life history variation among different
● Where adult survival is lower, species
organisms begin reproducing at an ● There is a high reproductive effort when
earlier age and invest a greater their is a high probability of dying before
proportion of their energy budget into reproduction.
reproduction ● Most vertebrate species begin
● Where adult survival is higher, reproducing before they reach
organisms defer reproduction to a maximum body size (e.g. fish &
later age and allocate a smaller reptiles) → energy budgets differ before
proportion of their resources to and after reaching sexual maturity
reproduction. ○ Before sexual maturity: They
allocate their energy budget to
Reproductive Effort Maintenance & growth
● Reproductive effort → allocation of ○ After sexual maturity: They
energy, time, and other resources to the allocate their energy budget to
production and care of offspring Maintenance, growth, &
● Involves trade-offs with other needs: reproduction
Growth and Maintenance ● Those that delay reproduction will
grow faster & reach larger size →
larger size results to higher
reproductive rate
● But, delayed reproduction increases
probability of dying before
reproducing (being eaten by a
○ So, there should be a trade-off
between delayed reproduction
and mortality of organism.
● This graph generalizes that there is a
difference in the allocation of
reproductive effort in environments that
are unfavorable and favorable.
● Unfavorable environments have
organisms that allocate less of their
resources or energy to reproduction
● Favorable environments have
organisms that allocate more of their
resources or energy to reproduction. Mortality rates play a pivotal role in
determining age at first reproduction
Patterns of tradeoff are similar when looking at
species that belong to different groups or the ● Lizards and snakes that have higher
same groups. survival mature at a later age.
● When adult survival is high, age at
maturity is also high.
Higher mortality in adults

● Higher mortality rates tend to be

correlated with higher reproductive
effort expressed in Gonadosomatic
Insex (GSI)
● Fishes with higher mortality rates
allocate a greater proportion of their
energy to reproduction.
● If species has high rates of mortality, not
only this organisms need to reproduce
at a younger age, but they also need to
allocate more of their energy into having

● Looking at the relationship from the

opposite perspective, fish with higher
mortality rates reach reproductive
maturity at an earlier age.
● When mortality is high, the age at
maturity is low.
○ This indicates that organisms
must reproduce as early as
possible if the environment they
are living in has high mortality
rate for adults.
● Higher adult mortality rate may also 1. Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) per fish
indicate that organisms tend to allocate species → ovary weight divided by the
more energy in reproducing. species body weight; adjusted for the
number of batches of offspring produced
by each species per year.
2. GSI for each of the 28 species included
in the analysis spanned more than a
30-fold difference
3. Species with higher mortality show
higher relative reproductive effort.
Life history variation within species
● Between different populations within
same species.

5 populations of Pumpkinseed Sunfish from

lakes in Ontario, Canada

● The relationship between adult:juvenile

survival and age at maturity was not
statistically significant.
○ It doesn’t matter whether more
juveniles or more adults die
because it will not affect the age
at which the population will
● Adult pumpkinseed survival was reproduce.
highest in Beloporine Lake.
● It is intermediate in Black and Vance
● Lowest in lottle round and Warrens

There is a great variation in terms of survival of

adults and juveniles.

● However, it can be indicated that there

is a negative relationship between
adult:juvenile survival ratio and
reproductive effort. Pumpkinseed
sunfish populations with higher ratios of
adult to juvenile survival showed lower
reproductive effort.
○ Lower survival of adults means
that energy must be spent into
● The ratio of adult to juvenile survival reproducing or there must be a
varied widely across the five study higher reproductive effort for
lakes. adults that survive less.
● Where adult survival is lower relatiove to ● r selected species tends to have high
juvenile survival, natural selection will growth rates while K selected species
favor allocating greater resources to display traits that are associated to living
reproduction. densities close to carrying capacity.
● r and K selection does not apply to all
Life History Classification ○ There are a multitude of
variations in life histories that
The great diversity of life histories can could not be accounted for simply
be classified on the basis of a few population by this classification.
Examples include fecundity or number *Other ecologist came up with ways to classify life
of offspring, survival, relative offspring history strategies.
size, and age at reproductive maturity.
Plant life history strategies
r and K selection ● J.P. Grime’s classification (1979)
● One of the first ways byu which diversity proposed that the variation in
of life histories was categorized was environmental conditions has led to the
through r and K selection. development of distinctive strategies or
● It was originally proposed by Robert life histories among plants. He used 3
McArthur and E.O. Wilson (1967); variables for this:
expounded on by Eric Pianka (1970, ○ Intensity of disturbance
1972) ■ Disturbance is defined as
● r - intrinsic rate of increase factors that destroy plant
● K - carrying capacity biomass
○ Intensity of stress
■ Stress is defined as
Population r selected (r K selected factors that limit biomass
attribute strategists) (K
strategists) production
○ Intensity of competition
Intrinsic rate High Low
of increase, ● He then classified the plants into 3
rmax types:
Competitive Not strongly Highly ○ Ruderals are dominate under
ability favored favored conditions of high disturbance
and low stress.
Development Rapid Slow ■ Ruderal are annual
Reproduction Early Late grasses or Weeds; Small
timing and rapid lifecycle to
invade new sites; Large
Body size Small Large dispersal area
Reproduction Single. Repeasted, ○ Stress-tolerant species
semelparity iteoparity predominate under conditions of
low intensity of competition,
Offspring Many, small Few, Large
high competition and high lx, low fecundity, mx, and early
stress maturity, α.
■ Stress-tolerant live in ● Periodic life history
arease with limited ○ The periodic life history combines
resources but as high low juvenile survival, lx, high
ability to adapt fecundity, mx, and late maturity
○ Competitive species such as α.
birch predominate under ● Equilibrium life history
conditions of low disturbance ○ The equilibrium life history
and high intensity of combines high juvenile
competition. survival, lx, low fecundity, mx,
■ Competitive species live and late maturity α.
in stable environment,
slower life cycle, with more
resources for growth

Another way to classify life histories is by using

the different aspects of population dynamics.

Life history types can be defined by

trade-offs in juvenile survival, fecundity and
age at reproductive maturity

● Winemiller & Rose’s classification, 1992

● Animals are categorized into 3:
● Opportunistic life history
○ The opportunistic life history
combines low juvenile survival,
Using that scheme, different groups of animals Mammals
can be compared.

● Compared to other vertebrates,

mammas show the least variation.
● Compared to other vertebrate groups, Mammals are between opportunistic
fgishes include a much greater range of and equilibrium life history.
life history strategies. ● Humans, in particular, are in equilibrium
life history strategy. Because we have
Amphibians and reptiles high juvenile survival, low feucndity and
late maturity

Life history types based on Lifetime

reproductive effort & Relative offspring size

1. One of the recent attempts to classify

life history strategies was done by Eric
Charnov et al. (2002, 2007)
2. They aimed to classify organisms based
on characteristics that are free of the
influences of size and time.
a. Size and time are responsible for
the many obvious life history
differences among species of
closely related taxa. Ex. small
and large mammals.
3. Facilitate the exploration of life history
variation within and among groups of
closely related taxa.
4. They took some key life hsiotryfeatures
and converted it to dimensionless
numbers. Ex. Relative offspring size and
Relative reproductive effort over life
a. Relatifve Offspring Size (I/m) - ● Bird score higher in dimensionless
offspring mass at independence indicators of life histories, including
from parent/adult mass offspring size relative to adult mass
i. I stands for independence ● Fraction of adult biomass allocated to
because it is the mass of reproduction over the adult life span
the offspring at
independence from the
ii. m is the adult mass at first
b. Relative Reproductive effort
over adult life span (C*E) -
proportion of adult body mass
allocated to reproduction per unit
time * adult life span.
i. C is the proportion of adult
body mass allocated tor
reproduction for unit time
ii. E is the adult life span.

● Birds, mammals. Lizards occupy

well-seprated regions in Charnovs’s life
history plane.
● Lifetime reproductive effort of birds is
high and their relative offspring size is
high as well which is why they re in the
upper right portion fo the plane.
● Meanwhile, lizards are low on both
relative offspring size and relative
reproductive effort, occupying the lower
left poriton fo the plane.
● Mammals tend to be similar in lizards in
terms of relative reproductive effort over
their adult life span. However, they have
a much higher relative offspring size.
Competition happens when resources are
1. Types of competition limited
2. The ecological niche - how it reflects the
environmental requirements of species ● Exploitative competition: two
3. Mathematical model of competition - organisms are indirectly influencing
provide theoretical foundation for each other by consuming the same
studying interspecific competition in resources (ex: different bird species
nature consuming fruits of the same trees).
4. Influence of environment on competition ○ They dont directly engage in
5. Competition and niches - how fighting.
competition can have significant ● Interference competition: involved
ecological and evolutionary influence on organisms directly influencing each
the niches of species other by preventing others to occupy
a habitat or access resources (ex:
Types of Competition competition between males of deer).
○ Direct engagement with each
Types of interactions between species other.

Competition interactions
Nature of Interaction Species Species
1 2 Specific ways by which competitors interact
with each other
Mutualism + + 1. Consumption – Utilization of a shared
resource by 2 species
Predation + 0
a. 2 species use the same shared
Predation, Herbivory, + - resources.
Parasitism 2. Preemption – Occupation of a site by
1st organism stops occupation by 2nd
Amensalism - 0
Competition - - a. Usually sessile organisms - not
mobile; no legs for locomotion.
Neutralism 0 0 3. Overgrowth – Where organism covers
another preventing access to a
● In competition, both species involved resource.
are harmed – negatively affected. a. Trees shade other plants; large
canopies competing for sunlight.
Population growth is both limited by 4. Chemical interaction – Release of
density-dependent and density-independent toxin to inhibit or kill competing
factors. One of the density-dependent factors organisms
is competitions. When resources are limited a. Allelopathy in plants - one plant is
and there are multiple organisms involved, capable of releasing chemicals in
competition happens. the environment and other
organisms are negatively affected
(killed or slow down in growth).
5. Territorial – Behavioral exclusion of 1st ● Whent he density is very high, tadpoles
organism by 2nd organism defending suffer, and it had to undergo a logner
territory amount of time to reach maximum body
6. Encounter – Non-territorial encounters size.
cause a negative effect on one or ○ Aside from that, their maximum
both species body size is relatively lower the
a. Lion and wild dogs over an the tadpoles growing in lower
antelope kill. densities.

Competition can be between organisms Relationship of body growth and density

belonging to different or the same species White Clove
1. Intraspecific – Competition between
members of own species
2. Interspecific – Competition between
individuals of two species (different)

Intraspecific competition affects growth

and development
● Intraspecific competition is usually
density-dependent. It increases
gradually, at first affects growth and
development, then individual survival
and reproduction.
● Intraspecific competition affects the
growth and development of plants and

Relationship of body growth and density

Tadpole ● As the density of the white clove
increases, the mean weight per plant
● Growth is negatively effected by
intraspecific competition greatly shown
in higher densities.

Among plants, there is a phenomenon called

Self-thinning in Plants
● It can happen in any species in plants.
● There were 4 set-ups that differ in
Individuals within a population somehow
density of the tadpole. Mean body mass
manage to choose among themselves
of the tadpole were compared along
who is the best competitor. Then, those
are the ones which eventually survive
● When the density in the set-up is very
and grow larger. Others are left to die 1
low, the tadpoles tend to reach a higher
by 1.
body mass within a short period of time.
even before reproducing (e.g being
eaten, starvation, etc.).
● Not only do females reproduce at a later
stage, but less of the females also
reproduce with increasing population

● Self thinning – progressive decline in

density and increase in biomass of
remaining individuals in a population.
● M. sativa planted at high density
● M. sativa population at the end of the
experiment consisted of larger plants
growing at lower density.
● As plantings of alfalfa, Medicago sativa,
grew, mortality thinned the stands as
surviving plants reached larger size.

Competition can also reduce reproduction.

Intraspecific competition can reduce

● Intraspecific competition can function to
reduce fecundity.

Seals Corn and Shrub

● It shows how population density among ● Same trend with harp seals: as you the
harp seals affect the mean age of population density of corns is increased,
whelping. the reproduction becomes lesser.
● At very high population density, the age ● Yield per plant in corn and number of
at which the females reproduce is also seeds produced in shrubs gets lesser
higher. This, however, is not good as plant population density increases.
because when reproduction is delayed,
there is a higher chance of mortality
Ecological Niche

Ecological Niche of a Species

● In ecological sense, Niche summarizes
the environmental factors that
influence the growth, survival, and
reproduction of a species
○ Everything that incfluences an
organisms life belongs to its
● Approximates when, where, and how a
species “makes its living”
● Niche literally means “a recessed place
in a wall where one could set or display
○ Place dedicated for a specific
● Some of the earliest concepts of
ecological niche were proposed by:
○ Joseph Grinnell (1917, 1924) –
centered around influences of the
physical environment
○ Charles Elton (1927) – biological
interactions & abiotic factors

It took quite a long time for the concept of

niche to be fully developed. It was in the
context of interspecific competition that the
importance of niche was fully realized.

G.F. Gause’s Competitive Exclusion

Principle (1934)
● His work was focused on interspecific
competition which helped ensure a
prominent place for niche in modern
ecology, particularly the Exclusion
● Exclusion Principle – “Two species
with identical niches cannot coexist
could be low to high in various
factors (e.g. low temperature,
high salt content) → where one
finds its position along the axis is
its niche.

● Hutchinson classified niche into 2 types:

○ Fundamental niche: range of
conditions and resources a
species can use to survive and
reproduce under no
interference by other species.
● When two species of Paramecium (P. ○ Realized niche: portion of
aurelia and P. caudatum) were grown fundamental niches that a
separately, there is a distinct growth species actually exploits as a
curve for the 2. result of interactions with other
● When they are grown together P. aurelia species (e.g., competition) →
outcompetes. P. caudatum which will usually becomes smaller.
eventually disappear from the container.
Both of them have identical niches
(almost the same requirements for
survival) which prevents them from

G. Evelyn Hutchinson’s n-dimensional

● Her work crystallized the niche concept.
● Niche is an n-dimensional
hypervolume, where n equals the
number of environmental factors
important to the survival and
reproduction of a species
● Dimensions can refer to higher
amounts. In this example, there are only
3 dimensions (x,y,z) representing water,
temperature, and light.
○ But, obviously species will require
Niche dimensions
more factors to live. So, niche is
● Rarely do two or more species possess
a hypervolume because it cannot
exactly the same combination of
just be represented by limited
number of axes. Other axis can
● Species may overlap on one dimension
be nutrients, space, etc.
of the niche, but not on another.
○ So niche, will be the space
occupied by the organism in this
hypervolume. Along the axis,
Mathematical Model Of Competition

Interspecific competition can be analyzed

mathematically using the Lokta-Volterra
● Lotka-Volterra model is the most
fundamental equation used to analyze
the competition between species

● Derived from logistic equation

Intrinsic rate of population * N * element

● There can be overlaps in dimension. that defines the carrying capacity
However, organisms cannot occupy the
same niche with all dimensions the ● Add influence of another species (a
same. competition component)

First equation - growth of the first

Second equation - groth of the second
● Where:

Aside from per capita competitive effect,

these are also referred to as
compettion coefficients

Niche in different dimensions (1,2,3). Involves the

different factors that define the niche of organisms
Lokta-Volterra Model *Neither one of the α is too big or too strong so
that it will drive the growth of the other to 0.

When population of species 1&2 stop


Equate both equations to 0. Growth of either if

● α 2,1 and α 1,2N1 : referred to as effect the two species is 0. → Population stops
of intersecific competition growing
○ In terms of resource use, an
individual of species 2 is equal to
α individuals of species 1
○ α can work as a conversion
factor which can be used when
(Without species 2, it will just be a simple logistic
converting the number of
equation. With increasing species 2, the growth will be
individuals of species 2 to the slower and slower such that there will be no growth
number of species 1. anymore and eventually reach carrying capacity. With
● If there is noo interspecific competition, increasing species 2, the carrying capacity for species 1
then α 2,1 and α 1,2 are 0 and normal will be at lower and lower density → the environment
can support less and less of species 1 as species 2
growth reaches carrying capacity.
○ Formula will look like a logistic
equation and produce a sigmoid
shape curve.
● If there is an effect of Interspecific
competition (density dependent), then
the graph will look much different.
That is when
Predictions of Lokta-Volterra Model
1. L-V model predicts coexistence of 2
species when interspecific
competition is weaker than
intraspecific competition.
a. The competition between varying
species is not big enough for Or rearranging these equations
them to outcompete each other.
2. Otherwise, one species will exclude the
● Once these equations are graphed,
isocline of zero population growth
can be obtained.
Isoclines of Zero Population Growth ● Note: All the arrows going left and right
● These plots are not plots of population will meet at the isocline of 0-population
with respect to time. Time has growth
disappeared in consideration.
● Isoclines of 0-population growth show Species 1
how the environment can be filled up or
in other words, the relative population
sizes of species 1 and 2 that will deplete
the critical resources.
○ For example (species 1), at one
extreme, we have the
environment completely filled up
by species 1 such that species 1
reaches carrying capacity (N1 =
○ At the other end of the extreme is
when the environment is
saturated by species 2 and
species 1 is completely absent
(0). This occurs when the
population or density of species 2
● This graph indicates when will species 1
is equal to K1/α1,2 (carrying
hit 0-growth point due to the competitive
capacity of species 1 divided by
effect of species 2.
the coefficient of competition).
○ In between, the 2 extremes, the
Species 2
environment is saturated by a
mixture of species 1 and species
○ There is also the isocline
representing the dN1/dt = 0
because it is the isocline of 0
population growth.
■ Below this, there is the
dN1/dt > 0 which is
■ Above the line dN1/dt < 0
is negative.
○ If the population is below carrying
capacity, the population will keep
on increasing because the
dN1/dt is positive.
○ If somehow, the population
exceeds carrying capacity, the
dn1/dt > 0 and the population will
● To get the isocline of species 2, use the ● To understand how this happened, the
same steps for species 1 and replace trajectories of the arrows - which
some of the variables. represent the direction of the growth of
● Interpretation for species 2 will be the 2 species - should be analyzed.
similar to that of species 1. However, ○ Arrows to the left of species 1 are
the species 2 is on the y-axis. going to the right.
Therefore, the point at which the ○ Arrows above species 2 are
species 2 is 0 would be when the going down.
population of species 1 is equal to K2/α ○ Sum of arrows will point towards
2,1 . southeast. The way that the
● The arrows will be going up and down. trajectory is pointing is towards
the reaching of the carrying
capacity for species 1 → Species
Possible outcomes of Interspecific 1 will win.
competition ● The overlap is the part where species 2
*upon combination of 2 isoclines is declining → population is going down.
When two species compete, what are possible At the densities where species 2 is
outcomes? declining, species 1 will grow. The area
1. Species 1 wins, species 2 loses where species 1 are going to the right
2. Species 1 loses, species 2 wins indicates the growth in species 1. The
3. Competition can go either way (unstable down movement indicates that species
equilibrium) 1 will exclude species 2.
4. Coexistence (stable equilibrium) ○ Species 2 is above its carrying
capacity over the entire range of
Outcome 1: Species 1 inhibits growth of possible combinations.
species 2 and latter goes extinct
Outcome 2: Species 2 inhibits growth of
species 1 and latter goes extinct

● Isocline of species 1 occurring above

the isocline of species 2.
○ Species 1 wins; population size ● Same trajectory analysis can also be
equals K1 or its carrying capacity. used for species 2.
● Isocline for species 2 is above that of K1 and N2 = 0. Or, N2 is equal to K2
species 1. Species 2 wins; population and N1 = 0
size equals K2 ● The populations of species 1 and
● The trajectory of the arrows points species 2 may arrive at the point where
towards the reaching of the carrying the lines cross, but any environmental
capacity for species 2 → species 2 will variation that moves the population of
win. this point eventually leads to the
● Species 2 can grow at denisites where exclusion of one species by the other.
species 1 population is declining. At the ○ Either species 1 achieves
overlap, th species 1 is going to the left carrying capacity and excludes
while species 2 is going up. species 2. Or, species 2 achieves
○ Species 1 is above its carrying carrying capacity and excludes
capacity at all possible species 1.
combinations → Its growth is ● If we take a closer look at the trajectory
negative. of the arrows, above both isoclines,
both species are actually declining and
Outcome 3: Unstable situation, both inhibit below the isoclines, both species are
in a density dependent manner. Depending increasing.
on initial density, either can make other ● However, in the little triangles where one
extinct is increasing and the other is
○ Either species 1 is increasing and
species 2 is decreasing →
species 1 will reach its carrying
capacity or the other way around.

Outcome 4: Each species inhibits its own

population growth more than competitor.
Neither can eliminate competitor

● Coexistence is possible only in the

situations where the isoclines cross.
However, only one of these situations
leads to stable coexistence. For
unstable situations, → Eventually
species 1 or 2 wins.
● In this situation K1 is greater than K2/α2,1
● The only situation where there is there is
and K2 is greater than K1/α1,2.
coexistence. Species 1 and 2 coexist at
● Most population growth trajectories lead
the crossover point of the isoclines.
either to the points where N1 is equal to
● In this situation, K2/α2,1is greater than K1 ● However, they experimented in
and K1/α1,2. Is greater than K2. changing the food supplies and with
● All growth trajectories lead to the point different food supplies: Coexistence
where the isoclines of the 0 population was achieved.
growth cross. → Stable equilibrium
Diatom experiment
Laboratory experiments support the ● David Tilman, University of Minnesota
Lotka-Volterra Equations ● Growth of Asterionella formosa (Af) and
Synedra ulna (Su) was compared.
● The two examples (Paramecium and ● Both diatoms compete for silica for the
Diatom) shows that environment can formation of cell walls.
influence the dynamics of competition ● When grown apart from each other, they
between species. show distinct curves from each other.
○ Amount of silica decreases as the
Varying the Food supplies for 2 population of the diatom species
Paramecium Species increases. → Silica is depleted.
● When the 2 species are grown together
and there is an insufficient silica,
○ Su drove Af to extinction.
● However, if adequate amount of silica
was prepared, Su and Af were shown to

● Russian biologist G.F. Gause (known for

competitive exclusion principle)
● Competition between two species
● The two species of paramecium where
having a certain growth level when
grown separately.
● On the other hand, when grown together
or in mixed population, P. caudatum
actually shows a decrease in its groth
because P. aurelia has a high growth
rate and can tolerate a higher population
● Of the two Paramecium species
○ One with higher rate of growth:
Extinction of slower grower
Influence Of Environment On Competition

Temporal variation in environment

influences competition interactions
● As environmental conditions vary, the
competition advantages change
● No one species can reach sufficient
density to displace its competitors;
● Thus leading to coexistence.

Shift in dominant grass species caused by


● At the beginning of the experiment,

Urochloa was dominant and
Heteropogon was inferior.
● Over the years, the amount of
rainfallthat fell during the rainy season
increased and that changed the
competition relationship between
Urochloa and Heteropogon and
Heteropogon became more dominant.
● Depending on how the future
environment will change will dictate how
the relationship will change.
Relative competition abilities change along
environmental gradients

● Effect of interspecific competition across

an environmental gradient
● Note changes in response when in
Silybum marianum
(milk thistle)

● Six species of thistle in mixed pastures

in southeast Australia were grown in
pots of sand with different concentration
of nutrients.
● They were either grown in monocultures
or as mixtures.
○ In monocultures or when thistle
are grown on their ow. → They
almost have an overlapping
growth pattern wherein the higher
the relative nutrient concentration
is, the higher is the total biomass
per plant.
○ In mixtures, there are competitive
abilities of each of the species.
■ Carduun nutans (red
graph) having the least
competitive ability.
■ At highest concentration of
nutrients, Carduus
pycnocephalus has the
highest competitive ability
or the one that can grow
the most biomass.
■ At low nutrient
concentrations, a different
species, Carthamus
lanatus is the one showing
the highest biomass per
○ The dominant species is different
with respect to the nutrient
concentration at low and high

Altitudinal zonation of Chipmunks in Sierra

Nevada, Calif.

● Heller, 1971
● Four chipmunk species were observed.
The range that the species of
chipmunks roughly correspond to the 4
different altitudinal zones in this study
● Upper range of minimus determined by
aggressive interactions with dominant
amoenus, which is at the limit of its
fundamental niche where the Piñon pine
belt grades into the arid, hot sagebrush
● Among the 4 chipmunks, Alpinus and
Amoenus are said to be the ones that
are aggressive.
○ Aggressive amoenus determines
lower range limit of speciosus,
(speciousus cannot go further
down because of the aggressive
amoenus) while at the upper
edge of its range, speciosus is
limited by the aggressively
dominant alpinus.
● Aggression is selected for in alpinus and
amoenus because of a seasonal,
potentially limiting food supply which is
economically defendable.
● Aggression not selected for in minimus
because it is not metabolically
feasible to engage in aggressive
interactions in the hot sagebrush
● Aggression not selected for in speciosus
because of predator pressure
(speciosus is extremely quiet and
secretive) and seasonal abundance of
food in its habitat.
Competition & Niche ● Terns are closely related to each other
How competition shapes niches of organisms but they evolved to speciealize on
specific fish body lengths.
Ecological & Evolutionary Influences of ● There are still overlaps in terms of the
Competition sizes of the fish that they consume, but
1. Niche differentiation they exhibit different patterns regarding
2. Habitat shift the fish body length that they will
3. Character displacement specialize in → So, that they can avoid
4. Competitive exclusion competing with each other.
5. Competitive release
Niche differentiation
Niche differentiation ● Niche separation via resource
● Process by which natural selection partitioning
drives competing species into
different patterns of resource use or Desert Plants
different niches.
● Separation of niches via resource
partitioning among related species.

Terns and the sizes of fish they consume

● Desert plants have evolved different

root systems (lengths and widths) in
order to specialize in certain levels of
the soil → so that they will not compete
that much for the resources in the soil
such as water and nutrients.
Species of Small cats that co-occur in Anolis Lizards

● They have evolved different sizes in

terms of diameter of their canine teeth
from smallest silvestris to the largest
● Anolis lizards in the Caribbean all feed
● The size (diameter) of canine teeth for
on similar prey and are similar in size,
small cat that co-occur in Israel. Size is
but they make use of different foraging
correlated with size of prey selected by
perches → Means to avoid competition.
different species.
● Different species of Anolis occupy
● It appeared that these cats have
different parts of their habitats (trees and
evolved they have come to specialize on
the different species of prey and these
○ Highest – occupied by Anolis
specialization came with concurrent
differentiation in their morphology as
○ Lowest – occupied by A
well → Morphological differentiation
○ This is actually an example of
● It can be expected that when other
“ghost of competition past” – this
species are removed from this scenario,
is the current citation now, but
A. ricordii can forage and perch on the
this was probably a result of all
lower branches of the trees.
the competition that happened in
○ The only reason why it is
the past. Species have evolved in
specializing on the highest tree
order to avoid competition.
is because of the presence of
other species
○ So, in other words, species can
expand its habitat when other
Habitat shift
species are absent.
● Change from one species population to
another in the habitats occupied.
● Use of habitat often changes
depending on presence or absence of
Character displacement
closely related species.
● Differences between similar species are
● Habitat tend to expand when other
accentuated in sympatry
species absent.
○ Two related species or
populations are considered
sympatric when they exist in the Geospiza (Galapagos Finches)
same geographic area and thus
frequently encounter one another.

● Species A and Species B live in

sympatry in the area where they ● These 2 species of Darwin’s finches
overlap. have populations in either Los
○ In these areas, their characters Hermanos or Daphne.
are displaced, so the population ○ Daphne island only has G. fortis
of specia A and species B will while the Los Hermnaos island
show a range in terms of the only has G. fuliginosa.
character means. ● When they live allopatrically or separate
● Moreover, they also live in areas where from each other, their beak depth tend
they are completely separate from each to overlap or the range of beak depeths
other. are not much different from each other.
○ In these areas where they don’t ● They have sympatric populations in
overlap, theta have this particular Santa Maria, and San Cristobal.
character mean which could be ● When the two are living sympatrically, G.
any phenotypic characteristic (e.g fortis beak depth mean is shifted to the
size of the leaf, size of the teeth, right (towards the larger beak depth)
etc. ) while the beak depth mean for G.
● Those individuals that live away from fuliginosa is shifted to the left (towards
the overlap will have a different average smaller beak depth) to avoid
character compared to those organisms competition.
that live int he overlapping areas.
● Character displacement happens
because species wants to avoid Morphological traits and food selection of
competition. species shift depending on presence or
absence of closely related species.
Criteria for Character Displacement – (Mark Competitive exclusion
Taper & Ted Case, 1992)
*6 criteria to be fulfilled in order to consider
character displacement among organisms

1. Significant difference between sympatric

and allopatric
a. Morphological differences
between a pair of sympatric
species must be greater than the
differences between allopatric
populations of the same species. 1. Upper intertidal zone
2. Genetic basis of difference a. Balanus dessicates in this zone,
a. Observed differences between allowing Chthamalus to thrive
sympatric and allopatric 2. Middle intertidal zone
populations should have a a. Where it can survive, Balanus
genetic basis → Differences that outcompetes Chthamalus for
are observed are not only due to space.
phenotypic plasticity. 3. Lower intertidal zone
3. Not due to founder effect a. Balanus is subject to predation to
a. Differences between sympatric the lower tidal zone.
and allopatric populations must
have evolved in place and must Competitive exclusion principle
not be due to the sympatric and ● Complete competitors can not coexist (2
allopatric populations having species with identical niches). One
been derived from different species must go extinct
founder populations already ● Complete competitions: two species
differing in the character that live in the same place and
understudy. possess exactly the same ecological
4. Character variation affects resource use requirements.
5. Competition for resource under question ● Assumptions:
a. There must be a demonstrated ○ Exactly the same resource
competition for the resource requirement (no more, no less).
under question and competitions ○ Environmental conditions remain
must be directly correlated with constant
similarity in the character. ● Obviously, most of the time, these
6. Not due to differences in resources assumptions are hard to fulfill, which is
available why most of the time species can
a. Differences in the character coexist
cannot be explained by
differences in resources available
to sympatric and allopatric
Competitive release

● Expansion in the food preferences

and foraging range of an animal that
follows a reduction in the intensity of
competition by other species.
● Densities of organisms often increase
when densities of competing species
are reduced.
Baleen whales
● There were about 1 million whales a
century ago and each can eat Antartic
Krill with amount of 4% of their body
● Now, they are less than 200,000 whales
and other krill-dependent predators
such as seals and penguins have been
found greatly increased in abundance.

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