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Fully asynchronous online course– Spring 2022
4 Credit Hours

Hadel Somo

Introduces the student to American Sign Language with emphasis on comprehension
and production of basic language functions, grammatical structures, and level-
appropriate vocabulary. Presents information about the Deaf community and culturally
appropriate behaviors. Designed for students with no previous experience in American
Sign Language. 4 credit hours
All new students who have prior experience with or have taken classes in American
Sign Language should consult with the department for placement before registering for
a course. Instructions can be found on the World Languages website.

Student Outcomes: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

1. Comprehend level-appropriate signed discourse presented and practiced in teacher-directed

and student-initiated situations at a normal conversational rate with a minimum of 70% accuracy.
2. Manipulate level-appropriate grammatical structures and language patterns involved in
conversational exchanges with a minimum of 70% accuracy.

3. Produce American Sign Language using the communicative functions presented in the course
and practiced in teacher-directed and student-initiated exchanges with a minimum of 70%

4. Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate cultural behaviors presented throughout the

course in signed exchanges.

5. Identify cultural norms and behaviors of the Deaf community presented and
discussed in this course.

Required Course Materials:

Lentz, E, Mikos, K. & Smith C. (2014). Signing naturally student

Workbook Units 7-12 (with DVDs). San Diego, CA: Dawn Sign Press.
ISBN: 978-1-58121-221-1

Available at: or on campus in L-260

Instructor Note:

If DVD for Signing Naturally Student Workbook Units 7-12 breaks during this semester,
go to Dawn Sign Press. Click on the Video Library and you can subscribe to Units 7-12

For this course, we will use GoReact is a web-based tool for recording
your video assignments and for the instructor to provide video
feedback and instructions.

To create a Go-React account. You will get an access code from the instructor during
the first week of course via Blackboard. This link is included in the cost of the course but
at no cost to you.

Recommended Reading:
Holcomb, T.K. (2013). Introduction to American Deaf culture.
New York: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199777549

Sternberg, M. A. (1998). American Sign Language dictionary.

New York: Harper Perennial
ISBN: 978-0062736345
Textbook Website:

ASL Lab:

Harper College American Sign Language students have access to the ASL Lab, located in D-
148 near the Liberal Arts North office. Students will be given a lab orientation and may use the
lab for assignments outside of class time based on availability.

The ASL Lab is closed when the college is closed.

Placement procedure for ASL:

Placement: If you have had any ASL classes previously, you must take the ASL placement exam
to determine the best possible placement for you if you did not just complete ASL 101 at Harper
Go to our department website placement link: Placement Testing for World Languages: Harper
• Follow the Placement Exam Instructions.
• It will only take 15 minutes of your time and will be a valuable tool in determining your
mastery of grammar and vocabulary comprehension. You will be given a number score and a
placement recommendation online immediately after the exam. This placement tool is highly
recommended for all students with previous exposure to ASL to determine an appropriate level
as well.
Learning assessments:

Grading Allocation Percentage

Assessments (10) 30%

Discussion Board 30%

Final Presentation 20%

Final cumulative dialogue 20%

Total 100%

Grading Scale Percentage

A 89.5 - 100%

B 79.5 - 89.4%

C 69.5-79.4%

D 59.5 - 69.4%

F 0 - 59.4%

Calendar & Final Exam Schedule

The one time only online orientation class on Webex from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm is required.
The last day to drop this class for a full refund is Monday, February 21.
The last day to withdraw from this class is Monday, May 2.
This class takes the mandatory final during finals week May 16-20. Parts of the final may be
submitted during the last week of class. Details given in class.

Class Attendance & Participation:

Due to the nature of this online course, students are expected to actively participate and practice
using ASL at their own pace for each assigned week on Bb (Blackboard). Participation will be
determined by your timely, active involvement with GoReact assignments and assessments.
Refer to the Syllabus tab on Bb for a complete rubric on Indicators of Exemplary Performance.

You will be assigned 10 assessments throughout the semester. Full credit will be given for
satisfactory completion and submitting the assignment correctly by the posted due date.
Instructions are provided on Bb during the assigned week.

GoReact Assignments:

In this course, you will use GoReact to show your signing production through video. GoReact
Assignments are building blocks preparing you for two ASL Portfolios, showcasing what you’ve
learned at the middle and the end of the semester. You will need to follow the standard
conventions of ASL grammatical structure. Each assignment includes a specific instruction and
rubric provided in GoReact and Blackboard. The maximum length for all videos is 2 – 2:30
minutes. You also will receive direct feedback in ASL through GoReact. You are expected to
view your feedback and corrections. It is important to begin in a timely manner (not at the last
minute) because if GoReact prevents you from submitting your video assignment on time, you
will need to contact GoReact immediately, and make every effort in submitting your assignment
within 24 hours. Be sure to include your professor in the correspondence (cc me), otherwise your
video assignment will be considered as a late submission.

Final Class Presentation (Expressive Exam)

You will be given the opportunity to narrate any topic of your choosing. This individual
presentation should be 3 - 4 minutes. You are expected to follow the standard conventions of
ASL grammatical structure. The final presentation rubric and guideline are provided in Bb and

Final Cumulative Dialogue (Receptive Exam)

You are required to sign up for a one-on-one dialogue with your instructor during the final
examination week. The Professor will provide you with a time-slot sheet to schedule a dialogue.
Failure to show up to complete the receptive exam may result in a failing grade for this course.
Prior to your interview, your professor will discuss what will be expected during your dialogue


We will be using the Blackboard (Bb) course management system. Blackboard will be used to
post announcements, course handouts, lecture notes, assignments, and any changes in the
syllabus, and expectations. It will be updated regularly. Blackboard will use students’ Harper
email addresses to send out notifications. You are ultimately responsible for all information that
is sent through Blackboard.

Student Responsibilities:

Students are expected to actively participate by being a self-starter in weekly classes and
completing assigned activities, participate in class discussions, post in online forums, serve in
groups, complete assignments on time, respect diverse perspectives and opinions, and support
opinions and answers with reasons, explanations, and documentation from a variety of sources.

Video Netiquette:

When using video for assignments, make sure you are in the center of the video where I can see
the top of your head and down to your waistline. Make sure that the background is clean (one-
colored wall) with good lighting and no distractions. Wear only solid-colored shirts free of logos.
The color of your shirt should contrast your skin tone. Remove hats and excessive jewelry.
Wedding rings and small earrings are ok. If you are sitting, please make sure you do not swivel.

Expectation for Communication in Class:

Since ASL is a visual language, the use of spoken English or speaking and signing
simultaneously (SimCom) is not allowed during our orientation session or in a meeting with me.
Monitoring of this will be the responsibility of every student.

Peer Network:

You are responsible for getting access to and understanding what is expected of each assignment.
Go to Blackboard and the syllabus for assignments. Please form a strong network with your
peers to practice outside of class. It is strongly recommended to form study groups – plan on
getting together before and/or after class to practice, the more the better. I also highly
recommend that you get involved with ASL Club!

All assignments, GoReact videos, and online discussion posts are to be submitted as instructed.
No exceptions. The instructions are to be followed meticulously.

Assignments, GoReact videos, and discussion board posts are due by Sunday at 11:59pm of the
week assigned. No late submissions will be accepted after the deadline and will receive a zero.
Allowance will be made in an unforeseen situation on the Professor’s end or communication
made in advance by the student in accordance with the classroom policies.

Academic Advising and Counseling:

Advising (for course planning and transfer information) is in A 364 or call 847-925-6220.
Counseling (for personal issues and career exploration) is in I 117 or call 847-925-6393.

Health Services:

The Northwest Community Hospital wing in the M building accepts students with and without
insurance. They also do lab work and x-rays. They are open for visits.

Tutoring Center:

Free language tutoring is available through Academic Support Center Online Tutoring. Log into
your MyHarper Student Portal and click on Academic Success. Click on “Schedule an
Appointment.” Of course, you may always meet with me during my virtual office hours for extra

Access and Disability Services:

Your success in this class is important to me. Harper College strives to make all learning
experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers based on
your disability (including mental health, chronic or temporary medical conditions) any may
require any accommodation during this course, please contact Access and Disability Services
(ADS) to discuss approval of reasonable accommodations. ADS will privately discuss the
options you have, including the accommodations they offer. Any student already connected with
ADS should provide me a copy of your approved Accommodation Plan if you would like to
utilize any accommodations during the course. The Access and Disability Services department is
in Building I, Room 103, and may be reached by phone at 847-925-6266. Videophone is
available for deaf students at 224-836-5048. Their email is The hours
are Mon, Tues, Thurs and Friday from 8am-4:30pm and Wednesdays from 8am-7pm.
Appointments are highly recommended. Once you have filled out the application and have your
accommodations approved by ADS, please make arrangements with me as soon as possible to
discuss your accommodations so that they may be implemented in a timely fashion.
Academic Honesty Policy:

“…For this reason, the College strongly condemns academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty
includes cheating, plagiarism, or other improper appropriation of another’s work as one’s own
and falsifying records to advance one’s academic standing.
• Cheating (accessing or using unauthorized materials or information)
• Plagiarism (reproducing someone else’s words or ideas without accurate acknowledgment)
• Falsifying information (providing untrue information)
• Unauthorized collaboration (getting assistance or sharing work without permission)
• Facilitating academic dishonesty (participating in an act that creates an unearned advantage for
Any form of academic dishonesty as defined by the faculty member or department is a serious
offense requiring disciplinary measures. Discipline for academic dishonesty involving a specific
course shall be first determined by the instructor of the course and may include failure of the
specific assignment, project or test or failure of the course…”
In the context of the class, it shall be considered Academic Dishonesty if students, in
addition to the actions listed above, do any of the following:

• have a native speaker or more advanced speaker of French complete an assignment for them. •
use an online resource, site, video, or dictionary to directly translate the portion of an
assignment, quiz, or exam expected to be completed by the student from English into French or

French into English or during partner or class activities. (Example: Students are asked to write a
paragraph about what they are doing for vacation. A student writes the assignment in English,
then enters it into BabelFish or Google Translate, translates it into French, and hands in the
translation. This, or an action like this, shall be considered academic dishonesty.)
• copy other student’s work for homework or other assignments.
• use an answer key to complete an assignment without consent of the instructor.

Of course, students may use dictionaries and online resources [] to look
up individual words, but if a resource is abused, it is considered academic dishonesty in the
Please see:

Equal Opportunity Statement

William Rainey Harper College provides equal opportunity in education and does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital
status, sexual orientation, disability or unfavorable discharge from military service.
• The instructor reserves the right to alter/adjust the syllabus as needed.
• Any exceptions to this syllabus are at the discretion of the instructor.

Harassment and Discrimination

If you believe you have experienced discrimination or harassment (whether on or off campus)
that affects your ability to participate in class or any of Harper College's programs, please seek
assistance from any of the following resources:
• For gender-based or sexual misconduct (including sexual assault and sexual
harassment) by any person, visit the Harper College Title IX resource page to learn more
about your support and reporting options.
• For any harassment/discrimination by an employee, contact the College's Chief Human
Resources Officer at 847-925-6216.
• Please be advised that faculty members are required to report to the College if they
learn that a crime, harassment, or discrimination may have occurred.

Covid Protocol: Spring 2022: Campus safety is our number one priority. If you have tested
positive for COVID19 or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, you
are expected to notify the college.
• All information provided on this form ( will help the college to
address matters that affect the health or safety of students or other individuals at Harper
College related to COVID-19.
• For the health and safety of the campus community, this information will be shared with
your current Harper instructors/ faculty.
• Harper College will also reach out to students who complete the form with information
about available support resources.
If you are experiencing symptoms, are awaiting COVID-19 test results, or have been around
someone diagnosed with COVID-19 or experiencing symptoms, please do NOT come to
campus. If you have questions or concerns, please email
Where can you get help?

• HOTLINE: 847-925-6599
• Student Cleared4 Team- EMAIL
Dean of Students office: Building A room 336
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Student ID Box Office: Performing Art Center Lobby
Monday – Thursday – 9:00am – 7:00pm
Thursday – 8:00am – 4:30pm
Cleared4Harper Webpage
Library Hours and Contact information:
The library in the F building has online services available, including curbside pickup for
materials. Live Chat is available with a librarian 24/7, and there are virtual 15-minute research
appointments available . or call 847-925-6584
For general information, closures, hours, pick up details and technology loan details:

Online assistance hours

Mon. - Thurs. 8am-9pm Fri. 8am-4:30pm Sat. 9am-3pm Sun. 1-5pm
Library online website for practicing your ASL which is available for mobile phones: You
should go to the Harper College Library website. Type in Click
on Research and then Databases. In the search box on the right, type in Transparent Language
and click Go.

Course Schedule
• Syllabus & schedule are subject to changes. Changes will be announced on Bb. Students are
responsible to be familiar with these changes.
• Assignments for a certain week are always due by the end of the week, Sunday 11:59pm.

Dates Schedule Signing Naturally Comments Assignments Due

-Feb 14 - 20 N/A N/A N/A N/A

(week 1)

-Feb 21 - 27 N/A N/A N/A N/A

(week 2)

-Feb 28 - Mar 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A

(week 3)

-Mar 7-15 -Review -Review Unit 1-6 -Commands, -Assessment #1

(week 4) Syllabus & -Categories,
GoReact -Opposites, -Syllabus Quiz
Guideline -Cardinal
-Pre-Unit Numbers 1-100, -Discussion Board
-Age numbers,
-Similarities &
-Likes, Haves,
Needs, Wants,
-Questions to Ask,
-Family &

-Tuesday, 11:59PM

-Mar 15 - 20 -Unit 7 -Describing -Identify Present -Assessment #2

(week 5) People and Things People
-Describe Personal -Discussion Board
-Describe Lost
Greetings &

-Sunday, 11:59PM



-Mar 28 - Apr 3 -Unit 8 -Making Requests -Making -Assessment #3

(week 6) and Asking for requests
Advice -Agreeing with -Discussion Board
-Asking for advice
-Culture: Name
-Sunday, 11:59PM
-Apr 4-10 -Unit 9 -Describing Places -Discussing -Assessment #4
(week 7) Neighborhoods
-Describing Your -Discussion Board
-Describing a
-Suggesting a
Place to Eat
-Culture: Keeping
Others Informed

-Sunday, 11:59PM

-Apr 11 - 17 -Unit 10 -Giving Opinions -Giving opinions -Assessment #5

(week 8) About Others about tendencies,
-Personal Qualities -Discussion Board
Personal Qualities
Interrupting others

-Sunday, 11:59PM

-Apr 18 - 24 -Unit 11 -Discussing Plans -Discussing One’s -Assessment #6

(Week 9) and Goals Knowledge &
Abilities -Discussion Board
-Asking for
Opinion about
-Making and
Canceling Plans

-Sunday, 11:59PM

-Apr 25 - May 1 -Unit 11 -Discussing Goals Discussing -Assessment #7

(week 10) Personal Goals
-Culture: ASL -Discussion Board
Student in the
-Culture: Deaf
Artist: Focus on
Chuck Baird

-Sunday, 11:59PM

-May 2-8 -Unit 12 -Storytelling -THE TAILOR -Assessment #8

(week 11)
-ONE FINE DAY -Assessment #9

-Discussion Board

-Sunday, 11:59PM

-May 9-15 -Unit 12 -Storytelling -FABLES -Assessment #10

(week 12)
-Discussion Board

-Sunday, 11:59PM

-May 16-20 -Cumulative -Receptive Exam Final Information

(Final Exam) Dialogue

-Final Class
Presentation -Expressive Exam

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