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Boyfriend Application

This is an official boyfriend application form.

Your application must include a photo to be

considered for this position.

Basic Information

First Name: ___________________ Last Name: _______________________________

Email: ________________________ Which city do you live in? _________________
Where do you live? Phone Number: ___________________________
 With my parents
 With a roommate/s
 On my own
 In a home I own
Age: ____________________ Height: _______________________________
Hair Color: ________________ Eye Color: ____________________________
Astrological sign: _______________________

Education & Employment

What is your highest level of education? ________________________________

What did you study? _________ Where? _______________________________
Are you employed? __________
Where? ______________________ Position: ______________________________

Getting to Know You

Do you drive? ______________________ Do you have a car?
What car do you drive? What is your religion?
Do you smoke? Do you take drugs?
 Yes  No  Sometimes  Yes  No  Sometimes
Do you cook? Best dishes you make:

Do you workout? If yes, how often per week?

What are you looking for in a girlfriend?

How much time do you spend watching sports each week?

How do you picture the perfect date?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Past Relationships
Number of ex-girlfriends?
Number of ex-girlfriends you are still in touch with:
How long was your last relationship?
Why did it end?
How long was your longest relationship?
Have you ever been married?
Do you have kids? How many? Ages: ________
Do you want kids? How many?
Have you ever cheated during a relationship?
 Never
 Only once
 Occasionally
 I prefer open relationships
What is considered cheating?

Why should you get this position?

Do you have any special qualities that make you the best candidate for this position?

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