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Passage - 1

(i) The athletes came from all over the country to the stadium where
Special Olympics was held. They came there to take part in the games,
and to win medals.

(ii) The words 'gold' and 'bronze' and 'silver' stand for medals that were
awarded to the winning contestants. Gold medal was awarded to the
best contestant. The contestant were well-prepared for they had trained
for months and each of them aspired to win a gold medal.

(a) All the contestants came down to the stadium aspiring to win the
gold medal.
(b) As the contest for the one-hundred yard race was about to begin,
excitement among the spectators began to grow high.

(iv) Spectators gathered around the field because they wanted to watch
the games, and cheer the contestants. Athletes that had come to the
contest are referred to as 'Young women and men'.

(v) The prestigious one-hundred yard race is being talked about as the
final event. The spectators were greatly excited. They cheered and
encouraged the athletes.

Passage - 2

(i) The blocks were lined up for the contestants to push them the race
started, 'Those' is referred to the contestants of the hundred-yard dash.

(ii) Poet gradually builds up the suspense, First, he tells the excitement
among the spectators, then he tells the start of the event, and finally the
stumbling of the youngest athletes .It is climax of the suspense, and the
reader wonders what is going to happen next.

(iii) The exploding of the pistol signified the start of the game.The
pattern in the first four lines is a b c d. In
the next four lines the rhyming pattern is a b a b.

(iv) Youngest athlete had bad luck. Just as he started to run, he tripped ,
staggered and hit the asphalt. He had trained hard and hoped to win the
gold medal, but now he disappointed.He despaired . He thought all his
hope to win was lost forever.
(v) True sportsman spirit does not consist in winning medals. It involves
playing fair, and helping one another, even at the cost of losing. The
eight athletes gave up trying to win. They stopped running and rushed to
help the fallen athlete.

Passage - 3

(i) The youngest athlete, who fell down, gave out a cry. He cried not so
much because he was physically hurt, but because he was anguished at
heart. He was desperate that his hope to win the gold medal was lost for

(ii) The youngest athlete had trained for months and dreamed of winning
the gold medal. But, as ill-luck would have it, he stumbled and fell. His
dream of winning was shattered for ever.

(iii) The other eight runners were running with the best of their strength.
One of them was sure to win the gold medal. But all of them stopped and
came back to help the fallen contestant to his feet. Their attitude shows
they valued fellow feelings above winning a medal.

(iv) These lines bring out what true sportsmanship means. Winning
medal is important, but it is not the most important thing. Sports should
teach us human values. This is the main theme the poem brings out.

(v) The other eight athletes came back and helped the youngest athlete
to his feet. Then they all held their hands, and walked to the finish line
together. Now all the nine of them were the winners. Each got a gold
medal. The spectators as well as the authorities gave them a
standing ovation.

Passage - 4

(i) Now, the race began anew. The eight athletes did want to the gold
medal individually. They joined hands because they wanted to win it as a
team. Now they did not run but walked with the ninth athlete to the finish

(ii) "Special Olympics'' is meant for persons who have some problems in
their body. They are not normal athletes that is why it is called Special
Olympics. But the 'Special Olympics' became truly special because it
was the first ever event in which nine gold medals were awarded in
a single event.
(iii) The race ended with the victory of sportsmanship.The eight athletes
did not care for winning medals. They helped their fallen fellow
sportsman. But they all won a gold medal each and applause of the

iv) All the contestants were happy when they crossed the finish line
together. Their faces beamed with delight. The spectators were
Impressed by their act of sportsmanship and gave them a standing

v) Special Olympics was named so because it was not meant for normal
athletes but for those that were physically challenged. But it became all
the more special the athletes showed an unprecedented
sportsmanship and it was for the first time that all the nine contestants
won a gold medal each.

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