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Q.1-5. Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
Six friends Abhi, Deepak, Mayank, Pankaj, Rohan and Suresh married with in a year in the month of February, April, July,
September, November and December and in the cities of Allahabad, Chandigarh, Varanasi, Lucknow, Indore and Guwahati but
not necessarily following the above order the brides name were Ritu, Priya, Jyoti, Pooja, Neha and Shalini,once again not following
any order.
(i) Mayank’s wedding took place in Varanasi, However he was not married to Ritu or Priya.
(ii) Abhi’s wedding took place in Allahabad and Rohan’s in Lucknow; however neither of them was married to Jyoti nor Neha.
(iii) The wedding in Guwahati took place in February.
(iv) Pooja’s wedding took place in April but not in Allahabad.
(v) Priya and Shalini got married in February and November and in Varanasi and Gowahati but not following the above order.
(vi) Pankaj visited Chandigarh and Guwahati only after his marriage in December.
(vii) Suresh was married to Jyoti in September.
Q.1. Pooja’s husband is-
(1) Abhi (2) Deepak (3) Rohan (4) Pankaj (5) Mayank
Q.2. Deepak’s wedding took place in-
(1) Chandigarh (2) Indore (3) Guwahati (4) Lucknow (5) Varanasi
Q.3. In indore, the wedding of one of the friends took place in the month of-
(1) April (2) September (3) November (4) December (5) None of these
Q.4. Suresh’s wedding was held in
(1) Chandigarh (2) Varanasi (3) Guwahati (4) Lucknow (5) None of these
Q.5. Priya was married to
(1) Mayank (2) Deepak (3) Pankaj (4) Suresh (5) None of these
Q.6-10. In each question given below three statements are followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the three
statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and decide which
logically follows:
(1) If only conclusion I follows.
(2) If only conclusion II follows.
(3) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(4) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(5) If both conclusions I and II follow.
Q.6. Statements : All papers are dot pens. All dot pens are inkpots.
Some inkpots are staplers.
Conclusions: I. Some dot pens are staplers. II. Some dot pens are not staplers.
Q.7. Conclusions: I. Some papersa re staplers. II. Some inkpots are papers.
Q.8. Conclusions: I. Some papers are not staplers. II. All papers are inkpots.
Q.9-10. Statements: All hens are cocks. All cocks are dogs.
No hen is an elephant.
Q.9. Conclusions: I. No cock is an elephant. II. No elephant is a cock.
Q.10. Conclusions: I. No elephant is a dog is possibility II. No dog is an elephant.
Q.11-12. Study the following information and answer the question given below.
X is husband of Y. W is daughter of X. Z is husband of W. N is daughter of Z.
Q.11. What is the relationship of N to Y?
(1) Cousin (2) Niece (3) Daughter (4) Grand daughter (5) None of these
Q.12. How is X related to Z?
(1) Father-in-law (2) Mother-in-law (3) Brother-in-law (4) Can’t de determined (5) None of these
Q.13-15. Study the following information and answer the question given below.
Q.13. J walked 20 km from A to B in the east direction. Then J turned to the right and walked 6 km. Again J turned to the right and walked
28 km. How far is J from A?
(1) 28 km (2) 9 km (3) 10 km (4) 27 km (5) None of these
Q.14. In which direction is point A from with respect of J?
(1) North - East (2) South - East (3) South (4) North (5) None of these
Q.15. In a row of 16 girls, when Kiran was shifted by two places towards the left she became 7th from the left end. What was her earlier
position from the right end?
(1) 7th (2) 8th (3) 9th (4) 10th (5) None of these
Q.16-17.In a certain code language some words are written in coded forms which are given below:
In a certain code, “ill be pee” means "roses are blue", “seek hee” means red flowers and “pee meet hee” means flowers are
Q.16. How is “red” written in that code?
(1) seek (2) be (3) hee (4) can’t be determined (5) None of these
Q.17. How is “blue” written in that code?
(1) ill (2) be (3) pee (4) can’t be determined (5) Either “a” or “b”
Q.18. How many pairs of letters are there in the word SECRETARIES which have the same number of letters between them as in English
(1) Two (2) Three (3) Four (4) Five (5) None of these
Q.19. In a certain code, BREAK is written as 51342 and KITE is written as 2796. How will “BITE” be written in that code language
(1) 5796 (2) 9612 (3) 4259 (4) can’t be determined (5) None of these
Q.20. In a certain language, CLERK is written as EOIWQ. How is TABLE written in that code?
(1) VCDNG (2) VDFQK (3) VCDGN (4) VDFOK (5) None of these
Q.21-25. Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
M, D, P, K, R, T and W are sitting around a circle facing the centre. D is second to the right of P who is third to the right of K. T is
third to the right of W. Who is not an immediate neighbour of D. M is third to the left of R.
Q.21. Who is second to the right of T?
(1) D (2) K (3) M (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these
Q.22. In which of the following pairs is the second person sitting to the immedaite right of the first person?
(1) DT (2) TP (3) PR (4) KW (5) None of these
Q.23. Who is immediate left of R?
(1) W (2) P (3) K (4) T (5) None of these
Q.24. Who is immediate left of M?
(1) K (2) W (3) D (4) T (5) None of these
Q.25. Who is third to the left of D?
(1) W (2) P (3) K
(4) T (5) None of these
Q.26. If ‘x’ means ‘÷’, ‘–’ means ‘x’, ‘+’ means ‘–’ and ‘÷’ means ‘+’ (3–15÷11) × 8 + 7 = ?
(1) 1 (2) 4 (3) 0
(4) 8 (5) None of these
Q.27. If first, fourth, eighth and eleventh letters of the word INTERMEDIATE are used only once, then how many meaningful words can
be formed?
(1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) More than three (5) None of these
Q.28-30. Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
3 D K $ P 2 7 # @ 4 J T H 9 F M R 1 5 % ? 6 8
Q.28. If DP : 65 : : 7@ : ?
(1) 1M (2) RF (3) 1F (4) RM (5) None of these
Q.29. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately followed by a symbol and preceded
by a letter?
(1) None (2) Three (3) Two (4) One (5) None of these
Q.30. KPD, 7@2, ?, M9
(1) 4T@ (2) JH@ (3) 4T# (4) JH4 (5) None of these
Q.31-35. In each of the following questions, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given
below is/are definitely true. Give answer -
(1) If only conclusion I is true. (2) If only conclusion II is true.
(3) If either conclusion I or II is true. (4) If neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(5) If both conclusions I and II are true.
Q.31. Statement : P > Q > R=S, U<T<S
Conclusion: I. P > U II. P > U
Q.32. Conclusion: I. P > S II. P = S
Q.33-35.Statement: T > U > V = W, W < X < Y = Z
Q.33. Conclusion: I. T > X II. T < X
Q.34. Conclusion: I. Z > V II. Z < T
Q.35. Conclusion: I. Y > U II. U > Y
iz-1-5. fuEufyf[kr tkudkjh dk /;kuiwoZd v/;;u djsa vkSj uhps fn;s x;s iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,&
N% fe= vfHk] nhid] e;ad] iadt] jksgu vkSj lqjs'k dk fookg ,d gh o"kZ ds fuEu efguksa esa r; gqvk& Qjojh] viSzy] tqykbZ] flrEcj] uoEcj
vkSj fnlEcj tks fd fofHkUu 'kgjksa esa lqfuf'pr fd;k x;k bykgkckn] pUM+hx<+] cukjl] y[kuÅ] bankSj vkSj xqokgkVh t:jh ugha gS blh Øe
esa gksA mudh N% ifRu;k¡ ftuds uke bl izdkj gSA fjrq] fiz;k] T;ksfr] usgk] 'kkfyuh vkSj iwtk gSA t:jh ugha gS blh Øe esa gksA
(i) e;ad dk fookg cukjl esa lqfuf'pr gqvk fdUrq fjrq vkSj fiz;k ls ughaA
(ii) vfHk dk fookg bykgkckn esa vkSj jksgu dk y[kuÅ esa r; gqvk ysfdu u rks T;ksfr ls u rks usgk lsA
(iii) tks fookg xqokgkVh esa gqvk og Qjojh esa r; gqvkA
(iv) iwtk dk fookg viSzy esa gqvk fdUrq bykg kckn esa ughaA
(v) fiz;k vkSj 'kkfyuh dk fookg Qjojh vkSj uoEcj eghus esa r; gqvk vkSj cukjl rFkk xqokgkVh esa gqvk] t:jh ugha gS blh Øe esa gksA
(vi) iadt fookg ds ckn p.M+hx<+ vkSj cukjl x;k vkSj mldk fookg fnlEcj esa lqfuf'pr gqvkA
(vii) lqjs'k dk fookg T;ksfr ds lkFk flrEcj esa lqfuf'pr gqvkA
iz-1. iwtk ds ifr dk uke gS&
(1) vfHk (2) nhid (3) jksgu (4) iadt (5) e;ad
iz-2. nhid dk fookg fdl txg ij lEiUu gqvk\
(1) p.M+hx<+ (2) bankSj (3) xqokgkVh (4) y[kuÅ (5) cukjl
iz-3. bankSj esa ftl fe= dk fookg lEiUu gqvk og fdl efgus esa gqvk\
(1) viSzy (2) flrEcj (3) uoacj (4) fnlacj (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-4. lqjs'k dk fookg fdl txg ij lEiUu gqvk\
(1) p.M+hx<+ (2) cukjl (3) xqokgkVh (4) y[kuÅ (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-5. fiz;k dk fookg fdlds lkFk gqvk\
(1) e;ad (2) nhid (3) iadt (4) lqjs'k (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-6-10. uhps çR;sd ç'u esa rhu dFku o nks fu"d"kZ I vkSj II fn, x, gSaA nksuksa dFkuksa dks lgh ekurs gq, ¼pkgs os lkekU;r;k lgh rF;ksa ls fHkUu D;ksa
u gksa½ fu"d"kksaZ dks i<+dj vkidks ;g r; djuk gS fd dkSu ls fu"d"kZ rkfdZd :i ls vUrfuZfgr gSaA mÙkj nhft;s&
(1) ;fn dsoy fu"d"kZ I vuqlj.k djrk gSA (2) ;fn dsoy fu"d"kZ II vuqlj.k djrk gSA
(3) ;fn ;k rks fu"d"kZ I ;k II vuqlj.k djrk gSA (4) ;fn u rks fu"d"kZ I vkSj u gh II vuqlj.k djrk gSA
(5) ;fn fu"d"kZ I vkSj II nksuksa vuqlj.k djrs gSaA
iz-6. dFku : lHkh isij MkV] isu gSA lHkh MkV] isu bUdikWV gSA dqN bUdikWV] LVsiyj gSA
fu"d"kZ: I. dqN MkV] isu LVsiyj gSA II. dqN MkV] isu LVsiyj ugha gSA
iz-7. fu"d"kZ: I. dqN isij] LVsiyj gSA II. lHkh bUdikWV] isij gSA
iz-8. fu"d"kZ: I. dqN isij LVsiyj ugha gSA II. lHkh isij] bUdikWV gSA
iz-9-10. dFku: lHkh isu] dkWd gSA lHkh dkWd] Mkx gSA dksbZ gsu] ,yhQSUV ugha gSA
iz-9. fu"d"kZ: I. dksbZ dkWd] ,yhQSUV ugha gSA II. dksbZ ,yhQSUV] dkWd ugha gSA
iz-10. fu"d"kZ: I. dksbZ ,yhQSUV] Mkx ugha gksus dh laHkkouk gSA II. dksbZ Mkx] ,yhQSUV ugha gSA
iz-11-12. fuEufyf[kr tkudkjh dk /;kuiwoZd v/;;udj uhps fn;s x;s iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,&
X, Y dk ifr gSA W, X dh iq=h gSA Z, W dk ifr gSA N, Z dh iq=h gSA
iz-11. N dk Y ls D;k laca/k gS\
(1) dftu (2) uhl (3) MkWVj (4) xzkUM MkWVj (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-12. X, Z ls fdl izdkj lEcfU/kr gS\
(1) Qknj&bu&ykW (2) enj&bu&ykW (3) cznj&bu&ykW
(4) fu/kkZfjr ugha fd;k tk ldrk (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-13-15. fuEufyf[kr tkudkjh dk /;kuiwoZd v/;;udj uhps fn;s x;s iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,&
iz-13. fcUnq A ls B dh vksj 20 fdeh- ;k=k J us izkjEHk fd;k fQj nk;sa eqM+dj 6 fdeh- ;k=k dh iqu% nk;sa eqM+k vkSj 28 fdeh- ;k=k r; dhA fcUnq
A ls J fdruh nwjh ij gS\
(1) 28 fdeh- (2) 9 fdeh- (3) 10 fdeh- (4) 27 fdeh- (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-14. fcUnq A, J ls fdl fn'kk esa gS\
(1) mÙkj&iwoZ (2) nf{k.k&iwoZ (3) nf{k.k (4) mÙkj (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-15. 16 yM+fd;ksa dh ,d iafDr esa fdju tc viuh ck,a rjQ nks LFkku f[kldrh gS rks] mldk LFkku ck,a Nksj ls 7ok¡ gks tkrk gSA mlds LFkku
ifjorZu ls iwoZ nk,a Nksj ls iafDr esa D;k LFkku gS\
(1) 7ok¡ (2) 8ok¡ (3) 9ok¡ (4) 10ok¡ (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-16-17. fuEufyf[kr tkudkjh dk /;kuiwoZd v/;;udj uhps fn;s x;s iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,&
,d fuf'pr dksM esa ;fn “ill be pee” dk vFkZ gS "roses are blue", “seek hee” dk vFkZ gS "red flowers" vkSj “pee meet hee” dk vFkZ
gS "flowers are vegetables " dk vFkZ gS] rks*
iz-16. “red” dk dksM D;k gksxk\
(1) seek (2) be (3) hee
(4) fu/kkZfjrugha fd;k tk ldrk (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-17. “blue” dk dksM D;k gksxk\
(1) ill (2) be (3) pee
(4) fu/kkZfjr
ugha fd;k tk ldrk (5) ;k rks “a” ;k “b”
iz-18. 'kCn SECRETARIES esa fdrus v{kjksa ds chp mrus v{kj gSa ftrus dh vaxzsth o.kZekyk esa gksrs gSa\
(1) Two (2) Three (3) Four (4) Five (5) buesa
ls dksbZ ugha
iz-19. ,d fuf'pr dwV Hkk"kk esa, BREAK dks 51342 fy[kk tkrk gS vkSj KITE dks 2796 fy[kk tkrk gS] rks “BITE” dks mlh dwV Hkk"kk esa dSls
(1) 5796 (2) 9612 (3) 4259
(4) fu/kkZfjr
ugha fd;k tk ldrk (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-20. ,d fuf'pr dwV Hkk"kk esa CLERK dks EOIWQ fy[kk tkrk gS rks TABLE dks mlh dwV Hkk"kk esa dSls fy[ksaxs\
(1) VCDNG (2) VDFQK (3) VCDGN (4) VDFOK (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-21-25. fuEufyf[kr tkudkjh dk /;kuiwoZd v/;;u djsa vkSj uhps fn;s x;s iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,&
M, D, P, K, R, T vkSj W ,d o`Ùk esa dsUnz dh vksj eq[k djds cSBs gSaA D, P ds nk,a] nwljk gSA tks K ds nk,a rhljk gSA T, W ds nk,a rhljk
gS] tks D dk rqjUr iM+kslh ugha gSA M, R ds ck,a rhljk gSA
iz-21. T ds nk,a nwljk dkSu gS\
(1) D (2) K (3) M (4) MkVk vi;kZIr gSaA (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-22. fuEufyf[kr tksM+s esa ls fdlesa nwljk O;fDr igys O;fDr ds rqjUr nk,a gS\
(1) DT (2) TP (3) PR (4) KW (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-23. R ds rqjUr ck,a dkSu cSBk gS\
(1) W (2) P (3) K (4) T (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-24. M ds rqjUr ck,a dkSu cSBk gS\
(1) K (2) W (3) D (4) T (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-25. D ds ck,a rhljk dkSu cSBk gS\
(1) W (2) P (3) K (4) T (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-26. ;fn ‘x’ dk vFkZ gS ‘÷’, ‘–’ dk vFkZ gS ‘x’, ‘+’ dk vFkZ gS ‘–’ vkSj ‘÷’ dk vFkZ gS ‘+’ (3–15÷11) × 8 + 7 = ?
(1) 1 (2) 4 (3) 0 (4) 8 (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-27. ;fn 'kCn INTERMEDIATE esa igys] pkSFks] vkBok¡ vkSj X;kjgosa v{kj dk ,d ckj iz;ksx djds fdrus vFkZiw.kZ 'kCn cuk;s tk ldrs gSa\
(1) ,d (2) nks (3) rhu (4) rhu ls vf/kd (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-28-30. fuEufyf[kr tkudkjh dk /;kuiwoZd v/;;u djsa vkSj uhps fn;s x;s iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,&
3 D K $ P 2 7 # @ 4 J T H 9 F M R 1 5 % ? 6 8
iz-28. If DP : 65 : : 7@ : ?
(1) 1M (2) RF (3) 1F (4) RM (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-29. mijksDr O;oLFkk esa ,sls fdruh la[;k,a gS ftuds rqjar igys izrhd vkSj rqjar ckn v{kj gS&
(1) dksbZ ugha (2) rhu (3) nks (4) ,d (5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
iz-30. KPD, 7@2, ?,  M9
(1) 4T@ (2) JH@ (3) 4T# (4) JH4 (5) buesa
ls dksbZ ugha
iz-31-35.izR;sd uhps fn, gq, ç'uksa esa dFku dks lR; ekurs gq, crk,a fd dkSu lk fu"d"kZ I vkSj II fuf'pr :i ls lR; gSA mÙkj nhft, &
(1) ;fn dsoy fu"d"kZ I lR; gSA (2) ;fn dsoy fu"d"kZ II lR; gSA
(3) ;fn ;k rks fu"d"kZ I ;k II lR; gSA (4) ;fn u rks fu"d"kZ I vkSj u gh II lR; gSA
(5) ;fn fu"d"kZ I o II nksuksa lR; gSaA
iz-31. dFku : P > Q > R=S, U<T<S
fu"d"kZ: I. P > U II. P > U
iz-32. fu"d"kZ: I. P > S II. P = S
iz-33-35. dFku: T > U > V = W, W < X < Y = Z
iz-33. fu"d"kZ: I. T > X II. T < X
iz-34. fu"d"kZ: I. Z > V II. Z < T
iz-35. fu"d"kZ: I. Y > U II. U > Y
Q.1-5. February Deepak Priya Guwahati Q.7.(2) Q.8.(2) Q.9.(3) either I or II follows
April Rohan Pooja Lucknow Q.10.(1) Q.11.(4)
July Abhi Ritu Allahabad Q.12.(1)
September Suresh Jyoti Chandigarh X Y
November Mayank Shalini Varanasi
December Pankaj Neha Indore W Z
Q.1.(3) Q.2.(3) Q.3.(4)
Q.4.(1) Q.5.(2) N
Q.6.(4) Neither I nor II follows
Q.14.(1) Q.20.(2)
A 20 B

North Ea
st C L E R K T A B L E
rth 6
No 6

8 East 28 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
South T
 62  82
 36  64 D P
 100

= 10 km.
Q.15.(2) M R
Left kiran Right Q.21.(3)
16 Q.22.(4)
Q.16.(1) Q.23.(1)
Q.17.(5) ill/be = roses/blue Q.24.(3)
meet = vegetables Q.25.(5)
seek = red
Q.26.(3) (3×15+11) ÷ 8 – 7 = ?
hee = flowers
pee = are (45+11)÷8–7=?
Q.18.(4) 56÷8–7=?
Q.19.(1) 7–7=0
S E C R E T A R I E S Q.28.(2)
B R E A K Q.30.(4)
     Q.31.(2)
5 1 3 4 2 Q.32.(3) Either I or II
Q.33.(4) Neither I or II
   
2 7 9 6 Q.35.(3) Either I or II
   
5 7 9 6

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