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This is an approach that can be employed on an individual basis to gain a better perception of the long

range balance or imbalance in the value categories.

c. Memory Appraisal

Comparison of the memory appraisal record he/she has made from his/her own vantage point with the
memory appraisal of events made from the vantage point of the others involved is what phase of
Memory Appraisal.

Select one:

a. Phase III

Goals that are set by the student

b. Independent Goals

Eye contact, truthfulness, sincerity, empathetic listening, honest, praise, open-mindedness, and positivity
are necessary for this process of valuing.

Select one:

a. Active Listening

Where the human will is trained to choose the good.

b. Personal formation

Values are continuously being shaped and re-shaped, adapted, corrected, and adjusted.

Select one:

a. Shaping and Sharing

Every person needs to daily experience some degree of recognition and success.

b. Modeling

Human being needs to see himself/herself as someone important, someone unique. He needs to be able
to understand that he/she is the only one his/her kind on earth and that his/her has a contribution to
make that no one else can make.

c. First Dimension

Through work, human being should exercise human mastery over the resources of nature, and creative
imagination in the solutions of problems to achieve economic efficiency.

d. Economic Being

To recall events from the past is what phase of Memory Appraisal.

Select one:

a. Phase I
Refers to making money. Once we have this, our first impulse is to buy symbols of wealth, such as a
house and lot, automobiles, jewelry, and others.

b. Material comfort

Prohibited the display of the Philippine flag, that symbol of Filipino nationalism, from 1907 to 1919.

Select one:

a. Flag Law (1907)

Who led the Propaganda Movement and were expressing the nationalist goals of the Filipino elite when
they demanded reforms which would give them participation in political rule and a greater share in
economic benefits.

c. Illustrados

The preference for products which are identified as the "latest" therefore the "best". This is emphasized
in commercial ads.

d. Progress

Is the belief that one can actively control and manipulate his/her destiny by systematic planning,
studying, and training

b. Rationalism

According to studies what practices in the Philippines emphasize obedience to elders.

c. child-rearing

Characterized by anonymity, formality, contractualism, and coldness arising from nationalism,

impersonalism and universalism

d. gesselschaft society

Attaches major importance to personal factors which guarantees intimacy, warmth and security of
kinship, and friendship in getting things done.

Select one:

a. Personalism

Refers to the tendency to eliminate the influence of friendship or kinship in working situations.

Select one:
a. Impersonalism

Involves an uncritical acceptance, reverence, and protection of traditions and rituals.

b. Non-rationalism

If a person is allowed the opportunity of being free to be his or her true self, he/she makes choices and
interest affected by the internal process of willing, feeling, thinking and intending.


Activity and work - we tend to prefer action to reflection and try to accept hard work than accept our

Select one:


Nationalism if carried to its extreme, it may take form of unbiased, racism or xenophobia.


Through work, human being should exercise human mastery over the resources of the family, and
creative imagination in the solutions of problems to achieve economic efficiency.


The cultivation of faith is what is meant by morality.


On behalf of the Committee on Education, Arts and Culture, I urge my fellow senators to approve
Committee Report No.3 on the Senate Bill 1824, in substitution of the aforementioned Senate bills as an
act of solidarity with youth of the nation who hunger for a meaningful change in the ROTC program.

Select one:


The rising agitation to abolish the ROTC Program altogether has given birth to optionalization via two
additional programs in lieu of the ROTC program: the peacekeeping program and civic welfare service.

Select one:

Civilization has learned a great deal over the Filipino about how to create a social order in which people
can live peaceably together, secure in their persons and property, respectful to one another's liberty,
working cooperatively for the common good.


The DND, CHED and TESDA shall have the joint responsibility for the adoption of the implementing rules
of this Act within thirty (30) days from the approval of this Act.


Racism and group superiority - individual rate others according to sex, race, ethnicity and religion.


"Truth is important in our society because it is condition for what"

c. Freedom

These are needed to support the development of a competitive private sector.

d. Effective institutions and good corporate governance

Is the exercise of power or authority - political, economic, administrative or otherwise - to manage a

country's resources and affairs

b. Governance

Who stated this "Peace means serenity of mind simplicity of heart and tranquility of soul"

Select one:

a. St. Augustine

Is a God- given gift that you must nurture by prayer.

b. Peace

Refers to the sum of the total of goods and social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as
individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily.

c. Common Good

It entails sacrifice, responsibility and service.

d. Love

An element of good governance that is needed for sustainable development that operates in an ethical,
accountable and appropriately regulated environment, which facilitates competition in the marketplace.

Select one:

a. Economy

It requires a high degree of transparency and accountability in public and corporate processes.

b. Good governance

It entails transparency honesty integrity sincerity, courage and humility.

c. Truth

Filipinos place their right hand on their left chest as they sing the Philippine national anthem- Lupang
Hinirang in memory of whom? (who gave their lives for our independence)


Where is the proper location of the Philippines flag when it is in a semi- circle formation, with other
countries or house flags?


The name of local light wood that that is use for the manufacture of Philippine National Footwear.

santol and laniti

Name the title of Philippine National Patriotic Song with this lyric “Pilipinas kong minumutya....”

Bayan ko

Who is the first person who conceptualized the Philippine flag?

Emilio Aguinaldo

How many eggs does the Philippine National Bird lay in a year?

one egg

Name two basic groups of Philippine South Sea cultured pearls.

white and black

What is Philippine national sport or game.


Kalesa was one of the methods of transportation introduced in the Philippines by the Spaniards in what

18th century

Who is the linguist who represent Samarnon during the creation for national committee in determining
our national language.

Felix Salas Rodriguez

As a front runner –where the leader can be a spearhead, leading light, trailblazer, and ground breaker.

Leadership can refer to any person at any level of an organization, in any field, living or dead, who
significantly encourages others, for good or ill, is so broad as to be of questionable utility.
False - Influences Others
A leader is someone who has the clarity to know the right things to do, the spirit to know when she's
wrong, and the courage to do the right things even when they're hard."
False- confidence
Helping others achieve the impossible is leadership according to Tom Madine, CEO and president,
Worldwide Express

False - Randy Stocklin, co-founder and CEO, One Click Ventures

Servant leaders focus on 'we' not 'me.
False- good leaders
The primary responsibility of a leader is how to care those around her/him to support a larger
agenda under your direction and vision.
False - how you can inspire
According to Larry Garfield, president, Garfield Group, leadership is about three things: to act, to
inspire and to empower.
False - to listen
The English word "leadership" originates in the ancient root leith, which meant "to go forth and live,"
as in battle.
False - meant to go forth and die
Leadership is the ability to see a problem and be the solution.
Leadership is serving the people that work for you by giving them the knowledge they need to
False - tools they need to succeed

She/he"work by the book", ensuring that their staff follow procedures exactly.

d. Bureaucratic leaders

They are highly visible, and spend a lot of time communicating.

c. Transformational Leaders

People need to be accepted and recognized for their special and unique spirits.

Select one:

a. Empathy

It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first

d. Servant Leadership

She/he consider the skill levels and experience of the members of your team

e. Situational Leadership

She/he set high standards for worker performance.

Select one:

a. Directive Leadership

Enable the servant leader to understand the lessons and events from the past, the realities and
phenomena of the present, and the likely impact of a decision for the future.

e. Foresight

Suggest that true community can be created among those who work in businesses and other

e. Building Community

Works for teams in which the individuals are very experienced and skilled self-starters.

Select one:
a. laissez-faire leadership

Employees and team members feel in control of their own destiny, and so are motivated to work hard by
more than just a financial reward.

b. Democratic Leadership or Participative Leadership

Investment in other country is a high priority, through policies and institutions that improve access to
quality education, health and other services that underpin a country's human resources base.

c. False

You should always remember that no matter how much work you do what counts in the end is not the
volume of work but the amount of love you put into your work.

b. True

The value of order is simply doing the right thing at the right time and right place with hesitation.

c. False

It is predicted that by the year 2000, the Philippines will be a Filipino lingua franca speaking nation,
which is quite an achievement wrought within a time-frame of around 65 years


Executive Order No. 134 s. 1937 stating that the national language will be based on Cebuano.Executive
Order No. 134 s. 1937 stating that the national language will be based on Cebuano.

False- Tagalog
Good Governance comprises the mechanisms, processes and institutions through which citizens and
groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations, and mediate their

Select one:

a. True

The entire song Bayang Magiliw is translated into English as "Land of the Morning"

False- Lupang Hinirang

Tungkulin kong gagampanan, Na lagi kang the lyric of the song Pilipinas Kong Mahal

Baro at Saya whole look has developed into a level-layered collection of the kimona or inner shirt,
the baro outer-shirt with its typically delicate materials, fine embroidery and wide sleeves.
False - Many-layered collection

Nature is God's grace to you that's why you should take care of it so that you will have clean air to
breathe, clean water to drink, clean ocean tolaunch adventures and above all, a life that's healthy and a
future worthy to be shared to the next generation.

b. True

Directive Leadership develop mission and statements alone or with a small executive committee


Badgovernance requires strong and pluralistic civil society, where there is freedom of expression and

Select one:

a. False

As the tinikling dance continues the banging of the bamboo becomes faster and harder, the sound of
clashing cymbals excites the crowd and the quickness of feet demonstrated by the dancers awes them

False - clashing bamboo

Philippine Sipa is foot-sack game but, instead of a foot bag, a metal stud, coin-like object (washer) with a
tail or a bunch of rubberband or colorful threads attached and knotted together is used.

False - hacky-sack game

Contributing Leader make sure everyone shares the same essential information about the team’s
assignment or project
False- challenging leader
Collaborating Leader too blunt in telling team members what he/she thinks during stressful
Love of country is also patronizing Filipino cultural arts, products, and inventions, promoting and
conserving the natural resources of the country.
You should be a person of peace a builder of friendship among your fellowmen.
Every leader has his or her own style and strategy. Further, their leadership styles and methods will
vary because they are influenced by multiple factors.
Being a leader means building followership.
Patriotism pertains to the love for a nation, with more emphasis on values and beliefs.
The constitution is meant to serve our own interests as citizens and not of the interest of the few,
especially thosewho are in positions of power and authority.
Your body is God's temple; it is sacred and by all means you should be responsible for it because
any form of violence against it defies the sanctity of life.
Open, authentic and positive influence leadership comes from influence, and influence can come
from anyone at one level and in any role.
False- any level and in any role
Contributing Leader establish casual, friendly relations with team members
South Sea pearls extraordinary sizes are normally large which is between 9mm to as much
as 29mm which made Philippine pearls very expensive.
False- 19mm
You can become good citizens by living in accordance with the good citizenship values we can
derive from the family code of the Philippines.
The basic value of patriotism clearly brings together other basic values and illustrates how the basic
values are related and reinforce each other, e.g. : faith in Almighty God, unity, patriotism, work, love,
peace and equality.

There is one-size-fits-all approach, answer key or formula to leadership.

False - no one-size-fits-all
All volunteers to proclaim their belief in volunteer action as a creative and mediating force
that:empowers people to exercise their rights as neighbors and, thus, to improve their lives;

False- human beings

The Universal Declaration on Volunteering seek the development of volunteering
that:supplements but does not substitute for responsible action by other sectors and the efforts of
paid workers;

False – complements
We believe that volunteers and the organizations and communities that they serve have a shared
responsibility to:provide legal protections against risks for volunteers and those they serve:

False- appropriate protections

In this era of globalization and continuous change, the world is becoming smaller, more
interdependent, and more complex. Volunteering– either through individual or group action– is a
way in which: individuals can exercise their rights and responsibilities as members of communities,
while learning and playing throughout their lives, realizing their full human potential

False - learning and growing

At the dawn of the new millennium volunteering turns into impractical, effective action the declaration
of the United Nations that “We, the Peoples” have the power to change the world.

False- practical
We believe that volunteers and the organizations and communities that they serve have a shared
responsibility to:create environments in which volunteers have meaningful work that helps to achieve
agreed upon results;

International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) challenges volunteers and leaders of all sectors
throughout the worldto unite as partners to comfort and support effective volunteering, accessible to
all, as a symbol of solidarity among all peoples an
False - promote and support
The leaders of:government to ensure the rights of all people to volunteer, to remove any mutual
barriers to participation, to engage volunteers in its work, and to provide resources to NGOs to
promote and support the effective mobilization and management of volunteers;

False - legal barriers

Volunteering is the commitment of time and energy for the benefit of society and the community, the
environment or individuals outside one's immediate family.
United Nation declaration supports the right of every woman, man and child to associate freely and
to volunteer regardless of their cultural and modern origin, religion, age, gender, and physical, social
or economic condition.
False - cultural and ethnic origin

They can motivate others and show them the path to completion.

Select one:

a. The Builder

They are consistent, patient, often very caring of others, and unbending.

c. The Risk-Averse

They are environmentally friendly-no car exhausts, less paper waste, etc.

d. Online Volunteers

Type of Risk-Takers that can be difficult to work with at times, as they are often idealistic, and can get
cranky when no one listens to their solutions.

b. Entrepreneurs

Work with other volunteers and/or clients to create a project, such as writing about the news of their
neighbourhood, school, special interest group, etc., or gathering historical information relating to a
particular time or region, to post on a Web site or use in printed material, this work is part of what
category of online volunteering.
c. Direct Client Contact

One of the benefits of online volunteering is that the setting out expectations online allows prospective
volunteers to______________________ their interests before contacting an agency.

d. Self-Screen

These types of individuals should not work alone; you can put them in the back room, but you cannot
leave theme there permanently.

e. The Designer, Planner and Scheduler

They can sometimes be overlooked, but it is very important to acknowledge their contributions

e. The Maintenance Volunteer

He/she sometimes have to move things backwards before they can move them forward again.

Select one:

a. Doctor Volunteers

As a Direct Client Contact virtual volunteer you can __________________ "visit" with someone who is
homebound, in a hospital or a rest home; this can be done in addition to on-site, in-person visits.

d. Electronically

Based on the data from the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)
between 1990 and 2006, annual direct damages caused by disasters amount to PhP30-B per year.


The pace of deforestation in the Philippines since the 1930s accelerated in the 1940s and 1960s, before
falling slightly in the 1980s.


The Hyogo Framework Priority Action 3: Use knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of
safety and resilience at all levels.
Select one:


Aside from natural causes, the country also experiences human-induced disasters. These are brought
about by hazards that are of political and socio-economic origins, among others.

Select one:


Between 1997 and 2005, eighty-four (84) tropical cyclones entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility


The natural disasterscaused by armed fighting's in the South continue to threaten the security of civilian
communities which result into the displacement of thousands of civilians in the Philippines.


Disaster Risk Reduction aims to reduce socio-economic vulnerabilitiesto disaster as well as dealing with
the environmental and other hazards that trigger them

Select one:


In the 2011 Asian Risk Report published by United Nations University and the Institute of Environment
and Human Security, looking into the four components of risk (exposure, susceptibility, coping and adapt
capacities), the Philippines is the third most disaster risk country worldwide.


The Hyogo Framework for Action outlines five prioritiesfor action and offers guiding principles and
practical means for achieving disaster resilience area.

Select one:


According to the Philippine Institute on Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVLOCS), the country
experiences an average of eight (8)earthquakes a day.

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework, envisions the Philippinesto be safer,
adaptive and disaster resilient Filipino communities toward _____________________, thusthe NDRRMP
is consistent with this vision.

b. Sustainable Development

Date of approval of Republic Act No. 10121 or the Philippine DisasterRisk Reduction and Management
Act of 2010 (DRRM Act) .

c. May 27,2010

The ____________________________shall cease to exist and its powers and functions shall henceforth
be assumed by the existing Barangay Development Councils (BDCs) which shall serve as the Local
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils (LDRRMCs) in every barangay.

d. Barangay Disaster Coordinating Council

The inclusion of _____________that result in internally displace persons, public anxiety, loss of lives,
destruction of property and sometimes socio-political stability . Encompassing conflict resolution
approaches, the plan seeks to mainstream DRRM into the peace process.

Select one:

a. Human Induced Disasters

Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (LDRRMO)shall be under the office of the
governor, ____________________, and the punong barangay in case of the BDRRMC.

Select one:

a. President

b. City or Municipal Mayor

As stated in Sec. 5 of Republic Act 10121, the National Council shall be headed by the Secretary of the
Department of National Defense (DND)as Chairperson with the Secretary of the Department of the
Interior and Local Government (DILG) as ___________________for Disaster Preparedness.

e. Vice Chairperson

In Sec. 6 of Republic Act 10121 the one of powers and functions of NDRRMC is: Ensure a
_________________participation in the development, updating, and sharing of a Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Information System and Geographic Information System-based national risk map as
policy, planning and decision-making tools;

Select one:

a. Multi-StakeHolder

The DRRM Act provides a responsive and proactive mannerof addressing disasters through a framework
that: recognizes the important role and strengthens capacities of ______________________________.

Select one:

a. Local Communities

One of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2011-2028 is competency and
_______________________capacity building activities alongside the nurturing of continuous learning
through knowledge development and management of good DRRM practices on the ground.

b. Science Based

The government's response to disaster was focused on ________________________.

Select one:

a. Disaster response

An act of omissionis the failure to do what a reasonably prudent person with the same or similar training
would do in thesame or similar circumstances.

Select one:


Expressed consentmust be obtained from every conscious, mentally competent (i.e., able to make a
rational decision) adult (i.e., a person of legal age)

Select one:

Number of minutes to perform CPR to a baby before calling for help unless someone else can make the
call while you attend to the baby.

b. 2 minutes

Through the cheek, you can feel the air-flow comingfrom the victims ____________________.

c. Mouth and Nose

If the pulse is not felt or the victim does not show any signs of movement or breathing - start the

Select one:

a. CPR

When a victim stops breathing, spontaneous respirationcan restart, if stimulated by suffocations.

However, a victim in respiratory arrest is likely to fall into "cardio respiratory arrest" is what principle?

d. Breathing Principles

Before applying rescue breathing (ventilation) to the victim, it is of vital important to open and check the
___________________of the victim.

b. Airway
Roll the victim away from you in a smooth motion by lifting your hand and forearm, making sure at the
same time that the victim's head remains in contact with the extended arm and be sure to support the
head and neck with your hand is part of what?

Select one:

a. Recovery Position

Most cardiac arrests in babies occur from ___________________, such as from drowning or choking.

Select one:

a. Lack of Oxygen

What to wear before starting CPR?

b. Surgical Gloves

After how many compressions, before gently tip the head back by lifting the chin with one hand and
pushing down on the forehead with the other hand.

c. 30 compressions

Bending of elbows while doing the compressions is not correct you should always keep your elbows
locked and _____________________on top or perpendicular to your hands.

b. Arms Straight

Hydrocolloid compressions (Hydrocoll, Hydrosorb) - is a self - adhesive with gel pad core. They are made
in different shapes and sizes.

Select one:


Plaster bandages are made of stiff hydrofile gauze, impregnated with wheat, potato or rice starch. They
are wrapped in strips of paper, and stored in a dry place until application.


Zink paste bandages - These are impregnated with a special paste. When attaching these bandages, it is
necessary to take into account that they contract during drying; therefore they should be attached

Select one:

Clothes are also used to support the muscles in the lower limbs, thereby supporting and improving
venous blood return.


Flexible elastic bandages - hydrofile gauze. Is used to cover wounds; the sterile forms are used as
individual wound dressings. The bandages are light and permeable.


Aluminum foil - these are hypoallergenic, porous and transparent, suitable for fixation of all types of
dressings, for transparent fixation of cannulas, probes, catheters etc.


Supporting - maintains a particular part of the body in the desired position, i.e. injury, paralysis, e.g.
starch, Zink paste bandages, splints.

Select one:


Plastic strips are used to reinforce bandages. They are made of woven and nonwoven fabric, which is
coated with rubber resin or with non-irritating polyacrylate adhesive.


Traditional plasters is made from cellulose. It is used in many nursing interventions. It is absorbent paper
in rolls or in various sized squares, depending on the use.


Hydrofile gauze - fabric with a high content of natural fibers (approximately 70% cotton and 30%
viscose), i.e. ensures high absorbency.

Select one:


Itis similar to the shoulder bandage. The triangular bandage is folded into a cravat and attached at the

Select one:

a. Hip Bandage
The bandaging starts with a circular turn at the wrist, then a turn across the hand and around the thumb.

Select one:

a. Spica Thumb Bandage

It is attached after chin treatment. It is attached in a similar manner as the four-tail nose bandage.

b. Four-tail chin Bandage

Type of bandaging technique where two triangular bandages are needed.

Select one:

a. Shoulder bandage

Is usually applied in a diverging manner, i.e. the divergent spica orin a converging manner.

Select one:

a. Spica Bandage

The back of the hand is entirely covered with spica turns.

Select one:

b. Spica hand bandage

It is prepared from a 6 cm wide bandage. A strip is cut off and adjusted, the middle,uncut part, is placed
over the nose and the bottom strips are brought over the top of the ear and tied at the back of the neck.

Select one:

a. Four-tail nose Bandage

This technique is used on the body parts that are narrowing or widening such as limbs. Each subsequent
turn partially overlaps the previous layer, proceeding upwards.

b. Spiral Turns

The triangle bandage is placed on the table, the fingers being towards the point; the base of the triangle
is below the wrist.

c. Full hand bandage

The bandaging also includes a dressing, i.e. a gauze square or cotton wool. A circular turn is made at the
upper third of the arm. This is followed by a turn which begins on the outside of the arm, goes across the
shoulder and then back under the armpit of the unaffected arm.

d. Ascending shoulder bandage

"Virtual volunteering" refers to volunteer tasks completed, in whole or in part, via the Internet and a
home or work computer.

Select one:


The DRRM Act provides a responsive and proactive manner of addressing disasters through a framework
that: Ensures broad-based and greater participation from Civil Society.

Select one:


In Sec. 6 of Republic Act 10121 the powers and functions of NDRRMC are: Develop a NDRRMF which
shall provide for a large, all hazards, multi-sectoral, inter-agency and community-based approach to
disaster risk reduction and management.


United Nations Declaration on Human Rightsbelieve that the leaders of:religion to affirm volunteering as
an appropriate response to thenature's call to all people to serve;


Volunteering either through individual or group action is a way in which:connections can be made across
differences that push us apart so that we can live together in healthy, sustainable communities, working
together to provide innovative solutions to our shared challenges and to shape our collective destinies.

Select one:


One of four thematic areas of The NDRRMP covers, namelyDisaster Rehabilitation and Water Recovery,
which correspond to the structure of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

The declaration and lifting of the state of calamity may also be issued by the local sanggunian, upon the
recommendation of the LDRRMC, based on the results of the damage assessment and needs analysis.

Select one:


Builders may be confused with engineers.


Based on the data from the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)
between 1990 and 2006, annual direct damages caused by disasters amount to PhP20-B per year.

Select one:


Without the Closer-Type 2 Risk Taker type of volunteer, the more visible volunteers would have no
resources with which to work.


Some entrepreneurs simply "see" the solution and will need help from others to plan and implement it.

Select one:


Work with other volunteers and/or clients to create a project, such as writing about the news of their
neighborhood, school, special interest group, etc., or gathering historical information relating to a
particular time or region, to post on a Web site or use in printed materialis one of the responsibility of
direct client contact.

Select one:


Lawyers typically work with mature and troubled organizations or projects.


Often a combination of on-site and online tasks for volunteers' works best for everyone involved
(volunteers, staff, and clients)
Select one:


United Nations believe that volunteers and the organizations and communities that they serve have a
shared responsibility to:define the criteria for youth participation, including the conditions under which
the organization and the volunteer may end their commitment, and develop policies to guide volunteer


The RDRRMCs shall establish an operating facilityto be known as the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Operations Center (RDRRMOC) whenever necessary.

Select one:


Risk-Takers accepts the challenge to do just about anything anywhere without fear and without
worryand often without a whole lot of thought

Select one:


Reason why people participate on virtual volunteering, people who prefer not to volunteer on-site may
be willing to do so via their home or work computers.

Select one:


Volunteering is a legitimate way in which citizens can participate in the activities of their community

Select one:


United Nations Declaration on Human Rights state that all volunteers to proclaim their belief in volunteer
action as a creative and mediating force that:enlighten people to exercise their rights as human beings
and, thus, to improve their lives;


Technical assistancejob for virtual volunteering,is to provide professional consulting expertise: answer an
agency's questions regarding human resource, accounting, management or legal issues, write a speech,
develop a strategic plan for a particular department, etc.

Select one:

The exposure of the Philippines to disasters can be attributed to its 7,641 islands' characteristic.


We seek the development of volunteering that:provides an ear for those who cannot speak for


National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Frameworkhighlights is competency and political
basedcapacity building activities alongside the nurturing of continuous learning through knowledge
development and management of good DRRM practices on the ground.


In a small organization, the entrepreneur or builder may also be one and the same with these designers
and planners.

Select one:


Among the priority actions included in the Hyogo framework is: Priority Action 1: Ensure that the
disaster risk reduction is a universal prioritywith a strong institutional basis for implementation.


Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councilsshall be composed of, but not limited to, the
Division Head/Superintendent of Schools of the DepED, member

Select one:


International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) challenges volunteers and leaders of all sectors
throughout the world to unite as partners to promote and support effective volunteering, accessible to
all, as a symbol of humanity among all peoples and nations.


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