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Reading and Use of English (hour30 minutes) PART 4 Forquestions 2, read the text below ond decide which answer, 8, Corb) besfitseach 0p. There isan example at the beginning (0). Mark your answers on tne separat Example: A interfering upsetting Aas o damaging 0 intruding Taking photographs ruins the memory, research finds Our obsession with recording every detail of ‘our happiest moments could be 0. ‘our ability to remember them, according to new research, Dr Linda Henkel, fom Fairfield University, Connecticut, described this as the ‘photo-taking Impairment effect She sad, ‘People often whip ‘out their cameras almost mindlessly to 1a moment, to the point that they are missing what is happening 2 in front of them. When people rely on technology to remember for them - 3____on the 1 A see 8 gresp 2 Aaute B right 3 Accounting setting 4 Rengage apply 5A result B aspect 6 Asterd = Brun TA accurate 8 falthful 8 A measured 8 compared ©. CAMBRIOGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS: ‘camera to record the event and thus not needing to ¢___ tot fly themselves ~ itcan have a negative 5 remember thelr experiences! In Dr Henkes experiment, a group of “university students were 6 on a tour fon how well they ‘of a museum and asked to cither photograph or ‘ty to remember objects on display. The next day cach student's memory was tested. The results showed that people were less 7_____in recognizing the objects they had photographed 8. with those they had only looked at capture snatch merely D barely assuming swearing attend D dedicate C extent D impact C tee D conveyed € exact D facta! matched confronted 1 | | i | | | | =e, | | | PART 2 For questions 9-16, read the text below and think ofthe word which bes fits each gap. Use ‘only one word in each gap. Thee isan example atthe beginning (0) Wate your answers li CAPITAL LETTERS on che separate answer sheet, Example: o| Fre LLLLL On the hunt for the best young female entrepreneurs Founded in 1872, the Vewe Clicquot Business Woman Awards celebrated in 27 counties. Veuve Cicquot has now introduced a new award 0____complementits Business Woman ofthe Year category. Called The New Generation Award, 9______recogrizes the best young female talent across business and corporate | Me. | “The fist winner ofthe award Kathryn Parsons, 10 innovative start-up company, Decoded teaches people to code ina day ha joined the judging panel to help i ths years winner: "The importance ofthese awards cannot 11 overestimate she says. "Women need role models that prove to 12__that they can dot, too ‘The New Generation Award is open to entrepreneurial businesswomen 13.___the ages of 25 and 3. ‘Thay can run 18_____owm businesses or lm corporate ife."This award ist about how much money you've made or how long you've been in Busines, its about recognizing young women 15_a mision and a vison’ says Parsons. We want to meet wornen who are working to 15 ____the worl beter place? CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS cADNG AND USE OF asat Test. PART For questions 1-24, read the rext below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some ‘of the lines to form a word that fits in the gop inthe same lin. There san example atthe ‘Beginning (0). Write your answersIii CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet, Example: EXIT INTERVIEWS Ifyou are thinking of leaving your job you may think that handing inyourleter of 0 isthe end ofthe matter. But an increasing ASIC umber of companies now conduct ‘xi interviews with staff For the employee, an ext interview may fel lke an ideal opportunity torant and rave about every litle 17_____thathas troubled them _Ainiov since they got the job But 18 Inmind that you ill probably WEAR still need 219 from these people, itis best to avoid geting REFER angry or20___.andjust answer the questions a calmly and_——_=Eh0TION with as much 21 as possible. Honest For employers the exit interview isa rare opportunity to gather some: valuable information about the way staff perceive the company. Existing employees may not wish to cause 22__tothe boss ar damage their chances of promotion, so are uni to 23. ‘their eal feelings about the company However, someone who has already resigned is more likely to be 24 ___when ging thei opinions. 1! {8 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS 0G AO USE OF ENGLISH — PART 4 For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence'o that thas a similar meaning tothe {first sentence, using the word given, Donat change the word given. You must use between ‘three and six words, including the word given. Here is an example (0) Example: © leit know the way there, so got lst. = _ there tgotiost de] KNOWN SEH NETe CEE Cont Write only the missing words I CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. 25 Wejust noticed that the car has almost run outof petrol HaRoLy Ie just naticed that leftin theca. 25 ditt tow that cars were so expensive inthis country IDEA ' __ sa muchin this county, 27 Dont get depressed bacauze of such a small problem, ut Its sucha small problem that youshoulast______ down 26 itis eported thatheis now recovering in hospital RECOVERY Helsreportes_________in hosptal now 29 Laura teacher says that she doesn havea serious enough atitude ther work SERIOUSLY Laura dosent to her teacher 30 What's confusing youso much? tor Whatisiethars ______confsion? ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS READING AND USE OF ENGLISH 8 pisal PART You are going to read @ book review For questions 3-3, choose the answer, 8, Cor) which you think ts best according to the text. [Mark your answers on che separate answer sheet, The Great Indoors: At Home in the Modern British House by Ben Highmore fn 910 the misc hall comedin Bly ‘Wiliams sored his biggest hit wth the song When Father Popered the Pour, mocking the incompetence athe amateur home deenator Fri year ltr, comedans Norman ‘Wisdom and Bruce Forsyth were stl entertaining milion onthe TV show Sunday Night a the London Pollo wth sma retin, but the joke was starting o look date, ‘The access of magaines such 8 The ‘Proce Houscholer wae alesdy roving that, ste 1957 Ideal Home Exhibition proclaimed, Do-eyourat isa home hobby that is hereto stay” ‘By this stage, Britain had mosiy completed its transition fom primitive housing eonditions, made Dearable fo those who could ford it-by serene and ndymen, ‘naa wor where fame locked er themselves in highly serviced emironments Resogniabiy "deen technology inthe form of telephones, telesons ae elect, ‘nad become ubiquitous and was to ransfm domestic ing ‘uterine coming yeas. The ‘makeover of rte homes nthe twentieth entry is recounted in Ben Highmore's entertaining and Informative new book He takes as ona whiind tour ofan everyday ‘house, fom entrance hall garden she, luminstd by extensive reference tn oral histories, popula smagaine and personal memoir tits entre, though, the way ‘hat our homes have elected wider secial changes. Tate isthe deine of 10. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS. 0K focal, that ing rooms once fll ef hear funiture and Vitoran Iniclnacs are no dominated by television eee ad tered with stldens toys. There is a rowing Hnteationaliom in tate And there le thereof domestic democracy, withthe howsholdradigre and ‘telephone (lead in the hall) now replaced by iP pts and ‘mobiles in visual every room. Key to that deoentaization ofthe home and the ipl hit of power itin tithe advent of ental eating which pets pride of place ‘the norton tha allowed the ‘oleae to become ccrsibe at alltime of day and night Tling an ‘una cld o'g to your oom no Tonge seems mich of thet Highmote also documeats, ‘ower, some ess sucoeshl steps inthe ora march of domestic ‘machinery. Whatever happened to the gaspomeredtiges we ‘wee promised in 19467 Or tothe Diohmaster decade ater that promised to doa whole days ‘easing up in jst he minutes”? Rather ore cere thereon way 11902 Teermade ied occ on “hen the la loc trggred the sta match was trac, iting pil stove under the het You don't have tobe a health and safety fanatic occlu that «bedoomn Isnt the del pac for suche page. ‘gual disturbing to the modem reader is the pear obsession wth ttle ting tear Tews a Teleco enteenched thet vena ‘ic of sent merely agued thet inwintr, The eathy cd only ene abst thee hos ayn the pena as longa the day and night nursery windows ae always open” "Nowadys,thefesh i obsession has been replay rational eof honor oui the home I caler tough tthe bles of the pst, ‘nd Highmore doesn alway eis 2 Sense of medem super thou, forthe mot part e's an engaging ed uly guide, dispensing Sechlgi insights witout argon "The mssage shat even the language ofthe home has changed ‘merocaby- ring cupbours are ‘ing the fame way as daring ‘oom, As fo that Billy Wilms ‘omg, By the 1980, Highmore ‘ws, would be fposebe for ‘yon to imagine thal font oom parlour” witout seeming deeply ‘olddasioned He's at extiely ‘comet, for there was at lest one person who wae stil employing uch terminology. Prime Minister Margaret ‘Thatcher sed er menage with the use wat she calla ‘the parbles ofthe parlour, which suggests abe ‘understood the truth that, despite the eatlogue of chang, thee ie = ‘ore tha seems consistent. A 1946 ton of Housewie magazine pelt ‘toat:"men make houses, women ‘make homes” Whe you watch inal comedian toy doing a roatne bout hi ie’ atschimet to seater ‘ushons, ft gems Worth asking hae ‘theta dynamic realy moms a gest deal” + 31 The reviewer's main topic inthe fist paragraph is improvernents in home decorating skis, how common twas for home decorating tobe discussed © how unfair descriptions of home decorating used tbe. _achangeln attitudes to home decorating 52 Inthe second paragraphs the reviewer says thatthe book includes evidence Mustrating 1 that ome drsh peoples homes were transformed more than others. the widespread nature of changes that took place in Bish homes, ca the perceived disadvantages of certain developments in British homes that the role of certain people in Brtish homes changed enormously 5 Inthe third paragraph the reviewer points toa change in 1 the extent to which different pats ofthe house are occupied, © ideas of which parts of shoure shoul be furnished ina formal way how much time iden spendin hele un rooms. Ei beliefs about what the most pleasant aspect of home lifes 26 Te revwar suggests inthe fourth paragraph tat 2 ontario aed bce they wee dangers © ters unscented Bene Sey ed a ro prope some unsuccessful inventions were not advertised appropriately. ca O thre wore nsuccenfaimetone whic ght goes 25 Inthe ft paragraph the reviewer sas that in is book Highmore A-sometines focses on strange ide that were not very commen inthe pt. © occasional apples the standard of today to practices nthe past. occasional expresses regret about how some attudeshave changed. ca © Sometimes nce ops ta are not dey rear othe main ope 26 Ihe fnalpragraph, the eewer sugges that Highmore maybe wrong about ‘when certain moder atthdes to heme fe rst developed. © hich changesin home fe Ban have been most widely welcomed © theextent to which ome ein Bain has changed a Dhow common ters sch asin cupboards aren modem Bain CAMBRIOGE ENGLISH: AQVANCED PRACTICE TESTS risa. Testi PART 6 You are going to read four reviews ofa documentary series on TV about large companies. For questions 37-0, ‘choose from the reviews A-D. The reviews may be chosen more than once. ‘Mork your answers on the separate answer sheet Inside Business Four reviewers comment on the TV documentary series Inside Business, which investigated the workings of a number of large companies A ‘The companies that nee the foes of each programme in the sere Fue Busines wore very vrei tems af the nature oftheir business and tho way they operte, but between them they demonstrated many of the key features ‘that characterize big oxganistion inthe modern wer. Each programme focused mostly on the peopl the top. The mount ofargon the ied kliely to have Deen oo much fr may viewers to contend with and they ay wel have ‘sven up. they aid tc withthe seri, homers thy wl ave bea ein ne daub sto ow enmplex the busines ‘of ranning ange organizations efor thor charg with dong. Ths was cer fom what the nerenees sai, but the quesonng wasnt ping ezagh an thy wee nad exp oy howe tees they B The overwhelming impression pve to any vce who watched lsc episodes of nse Busines was of he etesondinar pressure hat hace runing moder companie ar obliged to operate under. Unless they themselves ad ‘experience of working in large companies, weet, the) ae aly to hase ound some ofthe interes bewidetng~ the questioning was ery much of the‘one nse 6 aothe’vacety and many viewers wl have strug to follow ‘what wae beig dese, This apect detected some fom wht was an otherwiecompeling sgh into the ‘working of moder companies and may wll hate caused many Viewers to change channels. That's shame because in feral the cmpanlsfstured nthe ris usted very well the impact of modem management heres on & range flag onanizations. You dd oe to kno anything about bss to ba heated by the sexo Inside Busines, which gave an intigaing pice from the inside of how varous household nme companies stu operate. The companies chosen ‘made for god television becuse they al hid wey individual eultures and weys of operating and as sch oul not be said to tp the norm in the word of the moder company Entertaining this was, the portrayal of the rms ‘beged al sorte of questions which wee not ouch on inthe interviews. Thas gov the people in charge avery syd indeed, never challenging ther to bac up their oten vague and contenu pronounoement on thet ‘pproach to esership Indo the viewer wil he bees le with the spas elng that many large and apprenty scesflorganantions are run by pecple who en thei oles enor boat they moi he harer spect of. responsiblity by delegating them to others. > ‘The sels Ise Busnes took serious lola yt fn a madern large company eit waz’ fr the ca viewer, The sere equied some efor to get t ripe withthe tes covered, in partial in the interviews, which were ‘ot ely cressibe tthe ay person and wete ince coructed a one expert to another Having si tha, the vower ‘vo id pt effort in wae rewarded wih a absorbing insight Into the woke these weno fms. They Tad each been carefully chosen tobe representative of how lrge companies re structed and fneton a present, aed ‘hay had euch in nmmon with each other. The main messge put across was how adept thov in charge have tobe in doping to conta changing busines world OING AND USE OF ENGLISH } Which reviewer has lifferent opinion from the thers onthe choice of companies to focus onin the series? shares reviewer Bs opinion of the ikethood of viewers losin interestin the series after a wile? takes a diferent vew fom the others onthe Impression given nthe series of what itis ke to beat the top ofa large organization? Ca oo Os has similar view to reviewer Con the questions asked inthe interviews in the series? ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISHE ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS READING ANDUSEOF ENGLISH 35, Tasas Testa PART Yow are going to read a newspaper article about a ship carrying goods across the Atiantic ‘ocean. Sixparagraphs have been removed from the artcl. Choose from the paragraph &-C ‘the one which ts each gap (1-46). There isone extra paragraph which you do not need to ‘Mark your answerson the separate onswer sheet The wind-lashed workers who battle the Atlantic in winter ‘Even at this tormy time of year in spat us out Into the Nomh Sea ritan, cere are thousands of oll” According othe weather satelite, ‘workers and fishermen offshore, the Atlantic was torms from coast aswell asa scattering of seafarers to coast, wo systems meeting in manning the container ships the mide of our course. On the and tankers tht bring us almost far side, ice awaited. We were ‘everyting we need So it vas behind sched, the captain ‘that inthe depths of ier winter, desperate fr speed ‘Sinemet hoping to learn what modem waves are OK; any bigger you have sailor’ lives are ike joined thet slow down or you kl your ship Maersk Pembrote, a container be sai, ‘Maybe wel be icky! freighter, om her regular run from iE Europe to Montreal She looked Jd sa dread when {found her ia “Atterp that I hoped Thad the ‘wrong ship. ‘Seon enough, we were in the midst of those eared storms. A ‘ightare in darkness, a north Alani storm is ike wil dream by day, a region of racing elements Trade berween Europe and Nor and ivi cour, busting turquoise America i footnote othe am, violent sulight, and reat west-east and north-south darkening magenta waves. There Is rns! companis leave to older litle you can do once commited vesel. Pembroke is battered ‘excep ash everything doen and and rusty, reking f diesel and___enjoy what sleep you can before it fishy chemicals, She is nol her becomes impossible. Pembroke is bridge and stalls pavolled more than 200m long and Wels by whistling drafts which rise more than 38,000 tons, bu the howls a sea. Her palnowork is swells threw her about ike atin wretched. The Atlantic hs sipped ty. her bow back toa rusted sec _ sat a eeerererececeeeeeeeee a Prt ty it sary, the whole ship reared groaning and Ie fet like a desperate enterprise staggering, shuddered by shocking fon a winter night asthe ide raced force. We plunged and tscered us down the Shel estuary and. forthe days before there was 1a Bu even thea, an ordinary say involved unpleasant obs in extreme conditions. Hoined a welding party that descended to the ld: 2 drpping, thing cathedral composed of vast tanks of toxins and onganophosphates, ‘where a rased atch cover defi A cheap grinder bade ina fountain oF sparis. As we continued west, the wind thickened with slet, then snow asthe next storm arived. & eee) Al was well in that gard and, after the stom, we were relieved to enter the St Livrence River, The ie was no thick enough to hinder us; we passed Quebec City Ina litering blue dawn and nade Montreal ater sunset, es doventoven towers rising out ofthe tundra night Huge tucks eame for eee ‘Bat without them and hei combined defiance of the clerents ‘there could be nothing like what ‘ve eal Tie’ a al, Seafarers ate not sentimental, but some are qute romantic They would like to think ‘we thought of them, particulary ‘when the Forecast says storms at | ; | | thers feletne same, We were the nly ilts out her as several men remarked, We felt our iscaton lke ‘vulnerability: proof that we had chosen obscure, quote vs. Ging out on deckin such conditions tempted death Nevertheless, the sips electrician climbed aladder out there every four hours to check thatthe mil, ‘cheese and wel-vavele Argentine beet we caried were sil frozen in refrigerated containers, Butit doesnot take long to develop affection fra ship. even the Pembroke the time takes he o carry you beyond swimming distance from and in ‘act When leant what was wating for usmid-ocean became her ardent fe, despite all those deficiencies. ‘There were Dutch bulbs, seaweed eriizer from Tanzania avian dates for Colombia, ri Lankan tea bags, Posh jue, Hungarian tyes, indian seeds, and uch besides. The sais arent tole what they carry. They jst keep the ships sping Hoping so, we sipped dawn-Channet in darkness, withthe Dover coastguard wishing us, "Good watch anda safe passage to your destination” The fetioning evening we left height of Bishop Rock onthe SclyIsls behind ‘When we see that again we know we're home: said the second mate. Huge black monsters marched a ws fut ofthe north west striped with lft sereaks of foam running aut of the winds mouth, The acean moved inal directions at once and the waves ‘became enormous, charging giants of liquid emerala each demanding ts um reckoning ‘That Fealng must have been obvious tothe captain She been allover the word proud Captain Koop. a (rep brstled Dutchman, a8 quick and Confident ae a Master Mariner must be, told me.‘she was designed forthe South Pacific’ he ai, wistull ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS 0 ANDUSEOF ENGLISH 35, Testi PART 8 You are going to read an article about some children. For questions 47-56, choose from the sections ofthe article (A), The sections may be chosen more than once. When more than ' ‘one answers required, these may be given in any order. t ‘Mark your nswerson the separate onswer sheet. Inwhich section ofthe article are the following mentioned? an example of sign that has become simpler the diference between how the deaf chitren communicate an image and how other people communicate the same image the fat thatthe same signs canbe used inthe communication of a number ofidess the characteristics of languages in general at diferent stages oftheir evelopment bei that language learnt by means of specie par ofthe mind an aspect of language earning that children are particularly goed at how regularly the children have been motored der children possing ther sign language onto younger chidren the reason uly the chidren created a particular sign HHH Wo ‘opposing views on how people acquire language 15. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS READING AND USE OF ENGLISH DEAF CHILDREN’S AD HOC LANGUAGE EVOLVES AND INSTRUCTS A dozp insight into the way the ‘rain earns language bas emerged fom the study of Neraguan spn language invented deat chit in a Ncaaguan schol as ‘means of commiting among ‘themselves. The Nicaraguan cflten are welHncwn to linguists case they provide ‘apparent unique example of peopl inventing a lnguage fom serach Te phenomenon started at echool or speci ‘vention founded in 397 Instructors noticed thatthe deat chien, while absorbing lite fom their Spanish sso, ha developed a system of signs for talking none another. As one generation of chile taught he ‘pete tothe next, teva fom ast of gestures into 8 far more sophisticated for of communication and toys 200 ‘sas ofthe language provide living history ofthe tages of formation "The chien have been std rncplly by Dr Judy Kes, linguist tthe Unive of Southern Maine an De Ann Senghas a conitive scientist ‘Cokimbia Univesity in New ‘York City fa the latast stad, published in Seno magaine, De ‘Senghas shows thatthe younger chiles have now desompoces carn gestres into ‘aller component sg ‘Abreaing pein ake tomime a etandad story shout cat wadding down ‘asret wil make singe ‘tue, domed spel ‘motion ofthe hand. But ‘the deat chiren have developed two dierent ‘gusto use nits place, ‘They sgn a cle forthe oling rmoton and then a tng line for the deeton of movement. This reuies mote signing. but the tm sign cn be we in eombinatin ‘with others to expres diferent oneepts. The development ie of interest to linguists Deeuse iteaptures a prncpal quality of human language - discrete ‘ements saben liffeent ‘ombinatons ~in contrast the ‘one sound, one meaning of animal ‘commnicstion "The eglaity she documents here - mapping dsrete aspects a the word anto crete word cholo one of| ‘the mot stintive properties of ‘numa langage Dr, Steven Pinker, a copaitve scents at Hard Univesity © When people with no common language re thrown into contac, ‘the often develop ana hoe Tangusge known to Linguist a2 pda language, usually died from one ofthe pret languages Pidgin are rudimentary ystems ‘wth minimal amma and ‘srances But ina generation or ‘wo the pidgin aoqe gamma and become upgraded to what linguist cll celes Thoogh many new languages have Ben rested ty the pldgreecle route, the Nicaraguan situations unique, Di Seaghas said, bees its tring ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS AEADING ANDUSE OF ENGLISH 37 point was note compler language butoinary gestures. om this amt, the dea iden appear tobe spontaneously Fbcatng the elements of language. ‘Ling have been engaged Ina longstanding egument towhether therein innate, speciied neural machinery for eainglngusge, as proposed by Non Chars of the MasachisetsInstte of ‘Technology or whether everthing ieleamed fom sorte. Dr ‘Senghassayser nding supports Ue view thatanguagelemning | isinnate, not purely et, ‘soe the Nicaraguan lens dsogpreption of gestures appears ‘we spoatanzous Her result alo ‘uphold the dea tat children play an important partin converting ‘pidgin nto acres. Beease dildo minds are primed to Team thera of grammar Is thoght, they spontaneously impose gamnatcal structure on 2 iin that doesn’t ave one. ‘The Nicaraguan children are suving laboratory of tangs ‘geaton Dr Senghas, who has bees visting thir scel every year since 190, sid he ad led how the sigs for numbers hive developed. Oxgzaly the children represent 20" by icking the ngrs of both and nthe ice. But this cumbersome sign has | oan replaed with form hate now be sige th fone ane The eiren on cre hat the new ign ost lok ke 20, Dr. Serghas sai the ost want ‘symbol tat canbe signed fet Tasal ANSWER SHEET vanced Practice Test 1 lea PART Mark ONE letter foreach question. TAB © D/A ee B 2A BC 0) @ A BCD BC DAS cD PART 2: Write your answers clerly IN CAPITAL LETTERS, Write one letter in each box 3 w 18 ct 20 2 Ea 2 28 PART 4: Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS. 25 | 26 2 8 2 Ea PART 5: Mark ONE letter foreach question. PART: Mark ONE letter for each question aA BD) aA eo 2 3c 32 AB CD) 35 AB CD AB CD) [3)A 8 CD >l>|>l> iello|/elio aC aC mua a7 38 33 40 ‘9% CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS Asi SHEET TEST Poscroco este) PART 7: Mark ONE etter for each question, BCD EF 6] [wl A BC DE FC] BeeyDEr Gc) [spa lee aa 8 © DE) aA Se DE Doe | DE | Doe DE PART 1: Mark ONE leter for each question, PPART 2: Write your answers clearly IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Write one letter in each box. rT T I feat fs Ss a as [ 3|_ | t t ho i f rn T T T fe f a] | | | fe 1“ i PART 3:Mark ONE etter foreach question. _—PART Mark ONE eter foreach question. BLA ee] aA Se 6 bE ew ig ABCD B[ATELCUD EDP OG TN 7) A 8 CD. ala 8 CD € F GH jas Ace) e wl a eC DE RES STH [A 8 CD zi A 8 CDE FG Ay zien! [asi aie veteionete wirictoieta | see aia 8 ¢ Dt F GH | 23) echo ec | pik 8 CDE F CH 30 AB Ceo eee: | CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS ASWERSHEET TESTI 95, L33HS YAMSNV

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