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DOI: 10.1002/cctc.


Influence of Support and Linker Parameters on the

Activity of Silica-Supported Catalysts for Cyclic Carbonate
Michael North* and Pedro Villuendas[a]

Silica-supported, bimetallic aluminium(salen) complexes bear- port also affected catalyst stability and the Fluorochem LC301
ing pendant quaternary ammonium groups catalyse the syn- silica gave a catalyst with both the highest intrinsic activity
thesis of cyclic carbonates from epoxides and carbon dioxide and the lowest rate of deactivation. The catalysts are attached
in both batch and gas-phase flow reactors. The influence of to the silica through a linker containing three or eleven carbon
particle and pore size of the silica support on catalyst activity atoms. The longer linker was found give a catalyst loading
was investigated with smaller particle sizes (< 80 mm) being three times higher than the shorter linker, but this was offset
advantageous to catalyst activity, whereas the silica pore size by a three times lower activity for the catalyst with the longer
had little effect on catalyst activity. The nature of the silica sup- linker.


There is currently a renaissance of interest in carbon dioxide carbonate[11] and ethylene glycol,[12] electrolytes for lithium-ion
chemistry[1] driven by the realisation that carbon dioxide can batteries[13] and polar aprotic solvents.[14] However, the current
provide a sustainable C1-building block for a future chemicals commercial production of cyclic carbonates employs quaterna-
industry and that carbon capture and utilisation can be cost ef- ry ammonium or phosphonium salts as catalysts,[11, 12, 15] requir-
fective and has the potential to offset some of the costs associ- ing the use of temperatures above 100 8C and pressures above
ated with carbon capture and storage.[2] The most effective re- twenty bar. Under these conditions, more carbon dioxide is
actions of carbon dioxide are those that are exothermic and generated owing to the energy required to operate the pro-
can be performed at a reasonable rate close to ambient tem- cess than is consumed by the chemical reaction.
perature and pressure to avoid the need for energy consump- In 2007,[16] we first reported bimetallic aluminium(salen)
tion during the chemical transformation. A perceived limitation complex 1 (Figure 1) as an exceptionally active and recycla-
in this respect is the thermodynamic stability of carbon dioxide ble[17] homogeneous catalyst for cyclic carbonate synthesis at
(DHf = 394 kJ mol 1).[3] However, despite this highly negative room temperature and 1 bar carbon dioxide pressure. If used
heat of formation, there are reactions of carbon dioxide that with tetrabutylammonium bromide as a cocatalyst, 2.5 mol %
are exothermic and some of these have been commercialised. of complex 1 was capable of converting a wide range of termi-
Thus, the synthesis of urea from carbon dioxide and ammonia nal epoxides into the corresponding cyclic carbonates. Mecha-
(DHr = 119 kJ mol 1)[4] has been a commercial process since nistic studies revealed that both metal ions of catalyst 1 had
1922 and the synthesis of salicyclic acid from phenol and catalytic roles: activation of the epoxide and preorganisation
carbon dioxide (DHr = 31 kJ mol 1)[5] was first commercialised of the reagents for carbonate synthesis, respectively, and that
in 1890. Another important reaction of carbon dioxide is its re- the tetrabutylammonium bromide had two catalytic roles: pro-
action with epoxides to form either cyclic[6] or polycarbonates[7] viding bromide to ring-open the epoxide and acting as an
(Scheme 1). The synthesis of cyclic carbonates in this way has in situ source of tributylamine to activate the carbon diox-
been a commercial process for over 50 years and is again ide.[17, 18] Complex 1 has been shown to be compatible with
a highly exothermic reaction (DHr = 140 kJ mol 1 for ethylene waste carbon dioxide produced by methane combustion,[19] its
carbonate)[8] and the production of polycarbonates has also re- cost of production has been minimised[20] and its structure sim-
cently become a commercial process.[9] plified to acen complex 2,[21] which is also an active catalyst for
Cyclic carbonates have numerous applications.[10] They are cyclic carbonate synthesis, but which can be prepared for one
important chemical intermediates for the synthesis of dimethyl sixth the cost of complex 1.[20]

[a] Prof. M. North, Dr. P. Villuendas

School of Chemistry and University Research Centre in
Catalysis and Intensified Processing
Newcastle University
Bedson building, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU (UK)
Fax: (+ 44) 191-2226929
Scheme 1. Synthesis of cyclic and polycarbonates from epoxides and CO2. E-mail:

ChemCatChem 2012, 4, 789 – 794  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 789
M. North and P. Villuendas

nates. Catalyst 4 was also shown to be unaffected by simulat-

ed power station flue-gas[25] and its activity for cyclic carbonate
synthesis in the flow reactor was also unaffected when it had
been exposed to real flue-gas (20 mL min 1 for 16 h) from
a 160 kW emissions reduction test facility.[27]
Previous work[25, 26] has shown that silica is the optimal sup-
port for catalyst 4. However, the influence of the physical prop-
erties of the support and the linker on the activity and lifetime
of the catalyst had not been investigated. Therefore, in this
paper we report the results of a study examining the effect of
silica particle size and porosity, as well as linker length on the
activity and lifetime of supported catalyst 4.

Results and Discussion

Seven different silicas were selected for this study and their rel-
evant physical properties are given in Table 1. Fluorochem
LC301 is the ‘standard’ amorphous flash silica that we have
used in all previous work.[25–27] The other six silicas were
Figure 1. Bimetallic catalysts 1–4 and 9 for cyclic carbonate synthesis.
chosen to provide particle sizes of 15–500 mm and pore sizes
of 60 or 150 . Images of the seven silicas taken at magnifica-
tions of  32 and  128 revealed that they all consisted of irreg-
Although catalysts 1 and 2 are highly active homogeneous ular particles that differed only in the particle size. Each silica
catalysts for cyclic carbonate synthesis, the optimal utilisation was functionalised with (3-chloropropyl)-triethoxysilane and
of waste carbon dioxide for cyclic carbonate synthesis would then treated with salen complex 5[25, 26] to give supported com-
be in a gas-phase flow reactor, especially in view of the com- plex 6 and finally quaternised by treatment with benzyl bro-
mercial demand being largely focused on ethylene and propyl- mide, whilst simultaneously undergoing anion exchange using
ene carbonates, which are derived from ethylene and propyl- tetrabutylammonium bromide to give silica-supported cata-
ene oxides with boiling points of 11 and 34 8C respectively. In lysts 4, as shown in Scheme 2. The aluminium content of each
addition the potential demand for cyclic carbonates is as high
as 40 Mtonnes per annum should dimethyl carbonate be
adopted as an oxygenating agent for petrol[22] or other fuels[23]
and this scale of production would necessitate the use of
a continuous flow reactor. Therefore, the immobilisation of cat-
alyst 1 was undertaken. Initially, one-component catalyst 3 was
developed to avoid the need for a cocatalyst,[24, 25] then one of
the ammonium groups was used as a convenient functional
group to attach the catalyst to an insoluble support through
a linker, giving immobilised catalyst 4.[25, 26] When used in
a packed-bed, gas-phase flow reactor at 100 8C and 1 bar pres-
sure, immobilised catalyst 4 was shown to convert both ethyl-
Scheme 2. Synthesis of silica-supported catalysts.
ene and propylene oxides into the corresponding cyclic carbo-

Table 1. Physical data and activities of the silicas used in this work.

Entry Name Particle size [mm] Pore size [] Catalyst loading[a] Conv. [%][b] TOF [h 1][c]
1 Fluorochem LC301 43–60 60 0.43 60 1.38
2 Davisil 636 250–500 60 0.39 9 0.15
3 Davisil 646 250–500 150 0.26 6 0.12
4 Davisil 635 150–250 60 0.56 11 0.33
5 Davisil 633 38–75 60 1.00 37 0.99
6 Davisil 643 38–75 150 0.77 23 1.22
7 Merck 1.15111 15–40 60 0.58 64 1.32
8[d] Fluorochem LC301 43–60 60 1.21 20 0.41

[a] Determined by ICP-OES analysis and given in mmol of catalyst per gram of support. [b] conversion of styrene oxide to styrene carbonate after a reaction
time of 24 h in a batch reactor at 26 8C. [c] TOF = turn over frequency for ethylene carbonate production in a flow reactor at 100 8C. [d] Using an eleven
carbon linker rather than a three carbon linker.

790  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemCatChem 2012, 4, 789 – 794
Supported Catalysts for Cyclic Carbonate Synthesis

supported catalyst 4 was determined by ICP-OES and used to the turn over frequency (TOF) for each silica-supported cata-
calculate the catalyst loadings given in Table 1. lyst, the data being given in Table 1.
The catalyst loadings given in Table 1 only vary by a factor The results obtained in the flow reactor are more readily ex-
of four (entries 3 and 5) even though the particle sizes vary by plained on the basis of particle size. Thus, catalysts supported
over an order of magnitude (entries 3 and 7) and the particle on Fluorochem and Merck silicas with small particle sizes (15–
surface area varies by over two orders of magnitude. There is 60 mm), which had given the best results in the production of
also no clear correlation between particle size and catalyst styrene carbonate in the batch reactor also gave the best re-
loading. Thus, although Davisil 633 and 643 give the highest sults in the flow reactor (entries 1 and 7). However, catalysts
catalyst loadings (entries 5 and 6), Fluorochem LC301 with supported on the Davisil silicas with similarly small particle
a similar particle size gives a much lower catalyst loading sizes (38–75 mm), which had performed poorly in the batch re-
(entry 1). In both cases for which silicas had identical particle actor, performed much better in the flow reactor (entries 5 and
sizes, but different pore volumes, the silica with the smaller 6). In contrast, catalysts supported on silicas with particle sizes
pore volume was found to give the higher catalyst loading (en- of (150–500 mm) gave very poor results in the flow reactor (en-
tries 2,3 and 5,6). This suggests that the attachment of the cat- tries 2–4). The only comparison between silicas with different
alyst to the silica is entirely a surface effect as the larger pore pore sizes that can be made is entries 5 and 6 and this sug-
volumes do not facilitate the attachment of catalyst to the gests that the larger pore size may be beneficial for reactions
voids within the silica. performed in the gas-phase flow reactor. The TOF obtained
Each silica-supported catalyst was first tested in the conver- with each catalyst in the flow reactor was found to show an in-
sion of styrene oxide 7 a into styrene carbonate 8 a in a batch verse exponential relationship with the silica particle surface
reactor at 26 8C, under 1 bar carbon dioxide pressure and in area after the catalyst loadings were normalised (Figure 2).
the absence of any solvent (Scheme 3). These reactions were

Scheme 3. Synthesis of styrene carbonate.

performed using the same number of moles of active sites in

the supported catalyst, so that the results would reflect the in-
trinsic activity of the supported catalyst, not the catalyst load-
Figure 2. Relationship between turn over frequency (TOF) and silica particle
ing and the results are included in Table 1. It is apparent from
surface area normalised for catalyst loading. The calculation of the surface
the results that the catalysts supported on silica with large par- area assumes the silica particles are spherical.
ticle sizes (150–500 mm, entries 2–4) had very low activity. The
highest catalytic activity was obtained with catalysts supported
on the Fluorochem and Merck silicas with particle sizes of (15– Under the reaction conditions, although the ethylene oxide
60 mm, entries 1–7). However, particle size appears not to be and carbon dioxide are gases, the ethylene carbonate is
the only relevant factor as two other catalysts supported on formed as a liquid, which coats the silica particles. Carbon di-
Davisil silicas with similar particle sizes (38–75 mm, entries 5 oxide is known to be soluble in cyclic carbonates[ 14a] and this
and 6) displayed much more modest levels of catalytic activity provides an explanation for the results as the smaller particles
in this reaction. give a higher total surface area within the reactor. As the ethyl-
The influence of silica particle size and pore volume was ex- ene carbonate is formed it can act as a solvent, dissolving
pected to be most pronounced on reactions performed in the both the ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide and concentrating
gas-phase flow reactor. Therefore, all seven silica supported them on the surface of the silica where they can react in the
catalysts were used to convert ethylene oxide 7 b into ethylene presence of aluminium(salen) units.
carbonate 8 b in the gas-phase flow reactor that we have pre- Another factor that will affect the effectiveness of a support-
viously described.[25, 26] These reactions were all performed for ed catalyst is its lifetime. We have previously studied this for
24 h with the silica-supported catalyst packed into a 3 cm by the Fluorochem LC301 supported catalyst[25, 26] and shown that
1 cm tubular reactor and held at 100 8C (Scheme 4). The ethyl- in the flow reactor, at 100 8C, partial catalyst deactivation
ene carbonate produced was collected and used to calculate occurs over a period of eight days. This deactivation is due to
dequaternisation of the ammonium groups within the support-
ed catalyst (Figure 3, cleavage of bonds of type a) and can be
reversed by treatment of the partially deactivated catalyst with
an alkylating agent (benzyl bromide) to requaternise the
amines. In contrast, cleavage of bonds of type b would result
Scheme 4. Synthesis of ethylene carbonate. in irreversible loss of catalyst activity and cleavage of bonds of

ChemCatChem 2012, 4, 789 – 794  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 791
M. North and P. Villuendas

Fluorochem LC301 supported catalyst 9 with an eleven carbon

linker between the support and catalyst, rather than the three
carbon linker used for catalysts 4. Catalyst 9 was prepared by
the same route used to prepare catalysts 4 (Scheme 2) and
was tested for the synthesis of both styrene carbonate 8 a in
batch mode (Scheme 3) and ethylene carbonate 8 b in the
flow reactor (Scheme 4). The results are included in Table 1.
Comparing the data in entries 1 and 8 of Table 1, it is apparent
that the longer linker in catalyst 9 enabled the catalyst loading
to be increased by a factor of three, but that catalyst 9 was in-
trinsically three times less active than Fluorochem LC301-sup-
ported catalyst 4 in both batch and flow reactions. The lifetime
Figure 3. Origin of supported catalyst deactivation. of catalyst 9 in the gas-phase flow reactor was also investigat-
ed. Compared in Figure 5 is the activity of Fluorochem LC301

type c would result in irreversible loss of catalyst activity ac-

companied by loss of the whole aluminium(salen) unit from
the solid support. Since the Merck and Davisil 633 and 643 sili-
cas had been shown to be effective when used in the gas-
phase flow reactor, the deactivation of these catalysts was also
investigated. Thus, each supported catalyst was used to in the
gas-phase flow reactor for nine days and the results are shown
in Figure 4 along with those for the Fluorochem LC301 sup-
ported catalyst for comparison.

Figure 5. Lifetime of Fluorochem LC301 supported catalysts for cyclic car-

bonate synthesis. Three carbon linker (&); eleven carbon linker (^, reactivat-
ed after day 5).

supported catalysts 4 and 9 over a seven day period. During

this time, catalyst 4 loses 42 % of its initial activity. In contrast,
catalyst 9 with the longer linker loses 49 % of its initial activity
over the first five days. The catalyst was then reactivated by
treatment with benzyl bromide, but this only restored the cat-
Figure 4. Lifetime of supported catalysts for cyclic carbonate synthesis. Fluo-
alyst activity to 73 % of its original activity. The failure of cata-
rochem LC301 (&, reactivated after day 7); Merck 1.15111 (~, reactivated lyst 9 to fully reactivate may be attributed to dealkylation oc-
after day 6); Davisil 643 (^, reactivated after day 7); Davisil 633 (*, reactivat- curring at type c sites (Figure 3), which would be facilitated by
ed after day 7). the less hindered environment around the catalyst with the
longer linker and which results in irreversible loss of catalyst
from the silica support. This was supported by ICPOES analysis
It is apparent from Figure 4 that all of the silica-supported of a sample of catalyst 9 after reactivation, which showed that
catalysts display the same trend in catalyst deactivation and re- the aluminium content (and hence catalyst loading) was only
activation. Thus, the Fluorochem supported catalyst loses 42 % 75 % of its original value.
of its activity over seven days, the Merck silica-supported cata-
lyst loses 68 % of its activity over six days, the Davisil 643 sup-
ported catalyst loses 50 % of its activity over seven days and
the Davisil 633 supported catalyst loses 64 % of its activity over The influence of silica particle size and pore size, as well as
seven days. In all cases however, the catalyst could be reacti- linker length, on the activity of silica-supported aluminium-
vated by treatment with benzyl bromide. Overall, it is apparent (salen) complexes as catalysts for cyclic carbonate synthesis
from analysis of the results in Table 1 and Figure 4 that Fluoro- has been investigated. Pore size was found not to be a major
chem LC301 provides the optimal support amongst those in- factor, but the silica particle size was important with the most
vestigated, giving both the highest TOF and the lowest rate of active catalysts being formed from silicas with particle sizes of
catalyst deactivation. 15–75 mm. For large scale application in a gas-phase flow reac-
Having optimised the silica used as the support, the effect tor however, the very small particle size silicas are likely to
of changing the length of the linker between the silica and result in high back pressures, so the optimal silica size will be
aluminium(salen) unit was also investigated by the synthesis of around 75 mm. Catalyst lifetime was also affected by the silica

792  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemCatChem 2012, 4, 789 – 794
Supported Catalysts for Cyclic Carbonate Synthesis

support, with the Fluorochem LC301 supported catalyst being catalyst loading, supported catalyst (10.0 mg) was digested with
the most resilient. Extending the linker length from three to 1 m HCl (5 mL) for 24 h and the resulting solution analysed by
eleven carbon atoms resulted in a three-fold increase in cata- ICPOES to determine the aluminium concentration in ppm from
which the catalyst loading in mmol per gram of support could be
lyst loading, but this was offset by a three-fold reduction in
determined. 4-Fluorochem LC301: ICPOES 48.48 ppm aluminium
catalyst activity and a decrease in catalyst stability.
corresponding to a catalyst loading of 0.43 mmol g 1; ñmax = 3410,
1633, and 1078 cm 1. 4-Davisil 636: ICPOES 28.69 ppm aluminium
corresponding to a catalyst loading of 0.39 mmol g 1; ñmax = 3421,
Experimental Section 1715, and 1048 cm 1. 4-Davisil 646: ICPOES 44.16 ppm aluminium
corresponding to a catalyst loading of 0.26 mmol g 1; ñmax = 3472,
Infrared spectra were recorded at room temperature by using
1716, and 1053 cm 1. 4-Davisil 635: ICPOES 62.83 ppm aluminium
a Varian 800 FT-IR Scimitar series spectrometer fitted with an ATR
corresponding to a catalyst loading of 0.56 mmol g 1; ñmax = 3500,
sample holder. 1H NMR spectra were recorded by using a Bruker
1635, and 1063 cm 1. 4-Davisil 633: ICPOES 113.00 ppm aluminium
Avance 300 spectrometer at 300 MHz. All spectra were recorded at
corresponding to a catalyst loading of 1.00 mmol g 1; ñmax = 3378,
room temperature. Chemical shifts are reported in ppm and are
1630, and 1066 cm 1. 4-Davisil 643: ICPOES 86.36 ppm aluminium
relative to TMS internally referenced to the residual solvent peak.
corresponding to a catalyst loading of 0.77 mmol g 1; ñmax = 3376,
The multiplicity of signals is reported as singlet (s), doublet (d),
1630, and 1065 cm 1. 4-Merck 1.15111: ICPOES 65.48 ppm alumini-
triplet (t), quartet (q), multiplet (m), broad (br) or a combination of
um corresponding to a catalyst loading of 0.58 mmol g 1; ñmax =
any of these. GC–MS were recorded by using a Varian CP-800-
3500, 1633, and 1062 cm 1. 9-Fluorochem LC301: ICPOES
SATURN 2200 GC–MS ion-trap mass spectrometer using a Factor-
135.1 ppm aluminium corresponding to a catalyst loading of
Four (VF-5ms) capillary column (30 m  0.25 mm) with helium as
1.21 mmol g 1; ñmax = 3491, 1627, and 1071 cm 1.
the carrier gas. Spectra were obtained by electron ionisation (EI).
The conditions used were: initial temperature 60 8C, hold at initial
temperature for 3 min then ramp rate 15 8C min 1 to 270 8C; hold
at final temperature for 5 min. For the first 3.50 min, the eluent Styrene carbonate 8 a: Styrene oxide 7 a (0.2 g, 1.7 mmol) and
was routed away from the mass detector. Subsequently, the detec- a silica-supported catalyst (0.04 mmol of active sites) were placed
tor was operated in full EI scan mode. The detector response was in a sample vial fitted with a magnetic stirrer bar and placed in
calibrated using known mixtures of styrene oxide and styrene car- a large conical flask. The conical flask was placed in a thermostatted
bonate. ICPOES data was obtained by using a UNICAM 701 emis- oil bath at 26 8C. Cardice pellets were added to the conical flask,
sion spectrometer. Digital photographs were taken by using which was fitted with a rubber stopper pierced by a deflated bal-
a Leica Z16 APO microscope. loon. The contents of the reaction vial were stirred for 24 h during
which time the balloon inflated as the cardice pellets evaporated.
Silicas were obtained from Merck, Fluorochem, or Aldrich (Davisil)
Then, the reaction mixture was filtered to remove the supported
and used without further purification. Ethylene oxide, CO2 and N2
catalyst, washing the flask and solid with EtOAc (3  50 mL) and the
cylinders were supplied by BOC. Other chemicals and solvents
solution evaporated in vacuo. The residue was analysed by GC–MS
were obtained from Aldrich and used as provided.
and 1H NMR spectroscopy to determine the conversion of styrene
oxide to styrene carbonate and to confirm that no by-products
3-Chloropropyl silicas: (3-Chloropropyl)-triethoxysilane (0.5 g,
were formed. GC: TR 7.33 min (styrene oxide), TR 12.09 min (styrene
2.0 mmol) was added to a mixture of a silica (20.0 g) in dry toluene
carbonate); (CDCl3): dH = 4.28 (1 H, t J 8.0 Hz), 4.74 (1 H, t J 8.4 Hz),
(125 mL) and the reaction was refluxed under N2 for 24 h. Then,
5.61 (1 H, t J 8.0 Hz), 7.2–7.5 ppm (5 H, m); peaks corresponding to
the mixture was filtered and washed with EtOAc (4  150 mL) to
unreacted styrene oxide 7 a were also present: 2.74 (1 H, dd J 5.5,
give the 3-chloropropyl silica (20.7 g, 95 %) as a yellow powder.
2.6 Hz), 3.08 (1 H, dd J 5.5, 4.1 Hz), 3.79 (1 H, dd J 4.0, 2.6 Hz), 7.2–
ñmax = 2505, 2160, and 1975 cm 1.
7.5 ppm (5 H, m).
11-Chloropropyl silica: (11-Chloroundecyl)-triethoxysilane (0.7 g, Ethylene carbonate 8 b: Ethylene oxide 7 b was collected from a cyl-
2.0 mmol) was added to a mixture of Fluorochem LC301 silica inder into a cooled beaker at 78 8C and placed, with a magnetic
(20 g) in dry toluene (125 mL) and the reaction was refluxed under stirrer bar, inside a 360 mL stainless steel pressure vessel pre-
N2 for 24 h. Then, the mixture was filtered and washed with EtOAc cooled to 30 8C. The vessel was then sealed. All tubing used in
(4  150 mL) to give the 11-chloropropyl silica (20.65 g, 95 %) as the system was composed of stainless steel with an internal diame-
a white powder. ñmax = 3480 and 1062 cm 1. ter of 1.6 mm. N2 (2.5 mL min 1) and CO2 (0.8 mL min 1) were sup-
plied from cylinders via mass flow controller units and their respec-
Silica-supported complexes 6: 3-Chloropropyl- or 11-chloroundec- tive lines merged to the inlet of the pressure vessel. The tempera-
yl-functionalised silica (4.3 g) was added to a solution of aluminium ture of the pressure vessel was controlled by a cryostatically
complex 5[25, 26] (7.5 g, 6.4 mmol) in CH3CN (40 mL) and the mixture cooled bath ( 30 8C) to provide an ethylene oxide evaporation
was refluxed overnight. Then, the mixture was filtered and washed rate of 1.2 mL h 1. The vessel outlet line was then connected to
with EtOAc (4  50 mL) to give silica-supported complexes 6 (49– a stainless steel tubular reactor (3 cm  1 cm internal diameter)
60 %) as a yellow powder, which were immediately used in the packed with a silica-supported catalyst and plugged at both ends
next step. with a small amount of cotton wool. The tubular reactor was kept
at 100 8C in a Kugelrohr oven. The mixture of CO2, ethylene oxide,
Silica-supported catalysts 4 and 9: BnBr (3.0 g, 17.5 mmol) and and N2 was passed through the reactor column at a steady flow
Bu4NBr (4.1 g, 11.64 mmol) were added to a suspension of silica rate. The outlet from the reactor was passed into a glass tube at
supported complex 6 (6.7 g, 2.9 mmol) in CH3CN (150 mL) and the ambient temperature, where the ethylene carbonate 8 b collected.
resulting mixture was refluxed overnight. Then, the mixture was fil- The reactor as run for 1–9 days to provide information on TOF and
tered and washed with EtOAc (4  50 mL) to give silica-supported catalyst lifetime. The ethylene carbonate was collected at 24 hour
catalysts 4 or 9 (7.4 g, 67 %) as a yellow powder. To determine the intervals, recrystallised from Et2O/hexane and analysed by GC–MS

ChemCatChem 2012, 4, 789 – 794  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 793
M. North and P. Villuendas

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794  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemCatChem 2012, 4, 789 – 794

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