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Michelle Liu

ENC 1102
March 26, 2022
Rhetorical Analysis Essay

In the article written by Bramesada Prasastyoga, Esther van Leeuwen, and Fieke Harinck

“will growth bring more good than harm to my business?” The authors argue that there are lots

of factors taking into consideration when people question their own abilities and resources

available. They testify that the role of emotional and competence determines their efforts in

creating a small business. Bramesada begins to build her credibility or ethos by conducting

several tests on participants whom took surveys with variety different of questions ranging 1-7 in

relation to themselves. This test gives a logical proposal to the positives and negatives when a

new timed opportunity is in the making. The rhetorical analysis proposal they included logos,

pathos, and ethos, where pathos of the hypothesis is strong and logos in fact-based evidence are

conducted in her article.


In the article, it says “The results of our two studies indicated that promotion and

prevention focus are important individual characteristics that can predict SBGBs.” this is

relevant to the initial startup of the business, setting goals, mindset and characteristics that would

drive you up to success. The purpose of this article it's a differentiate why or specifically who

thinks that growth will bring more good than harm to their respective firms, she uses logos to get

a point across that will be justiciable by her targeted audience. Individual characteristics, finance,

external factors, economic services, market competitors plays a major role in deciding if they are
competent to achieve their desires. It seems that the tone of this article is informative to the

audiences and empowers those who are willing to try. This statistical representation is followed

by accuracies in the data suggested.


Lastly, the author uses pathos of her participants to conduct and write this article about

business perceptions. This statement is supported by “beliefs in one's personal ability to perform

successfully (Lanaj, Chang, & Johnson, 2012). Furthermore, people who believe that they

possess the competence to grow their business will likely believe that business growth will

produce positive consequences. Indeed, perceived competence includes a belief that positive

outcomes will occur (Fernández-Castro, Rovira, Doval, & Edo, 2009). For example, students

who know that they are good at math should be more likely to believe that they will perform well

in their math exam and receive a good grade. Contrary to a promotion focus, a prevention focus

is associated with a state of mind that may hinder business growth performance. For instance, a

prevention focus prompts individuals to be averse to risks (Hamstra et al., 2011).” She again

backs up her statement by using logos and pathos, we set up the emotions of the participants of

testing their ability to be able to achieve what they think is possible. This statement shows me

that the article is not only using facts, they mention how the participants are perceived or

perceive themselves as.


I chose this text to rhetoric analyze is mainly to the factor of myself wanting to create a

business, any successful businesses start with the root itself, you. The way the article is

represented gives me all the information I need as a reader to determine in the strengths and
faults of any operating firm. Initially when starting out, it is always the hardest. The business you

carry is a reflection of yourself, your efforts, and your drive. This article speaks as a guide and

my goals towards the near on future. This text includes many rhetorical messages that draws the

audiences in for listening. This article is well written and drives readers such as myself to be able

to ponder what am I capable of? Is it me? In such events, I would recommend this article for

anybody in general to read, although it is circulated around the profession of business, there are

many general lessons to be learnt from this.

Work Cited:

Will growth bring more good than harm to my business? The role of regulatory focus in small

business growth beliefs - Prasastyoga - 2018 - Journal of Applied Social Psychology - Wiley Online Library


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