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"Feliz Cumpleanos a ti, Feliz cumpleanos Sophia..''.

I wake up, this is the sound of my alarm

every 12th of February. On this special day of mine, my dad walks in with a strawberry cake he
always makes with some cheesecake frosting because he knows it's my favorite.

"Ya se que no es algo pequeño pero te agarre este detallito," he says.

"sabes que es mi regalo favorito cada año, lo amo!," I give him a big tight hug, we each cut a
slice of cake and eat!

It's the same thing every year, after we're done getting ready we go to the park, and pack some
tortas, and of course, my dad packs my absolute favorite chorizo con huevo.

I've never had a huge birthday where I invite tons of friends and have a ton of activities. Growing
up my dad didn't have a lot of money, he worked every day and sometimes even graveyard
shifts. My dad works at a family bakery, this is where he learned his baking tequincies, and he
also cleans bathrooms during the night.

He would be tired of working one job to the other...getting only 3 hours of sleep in between
shifts. I know my dad is tired and worn out, he thinks I don't know it. His eyes are all small and
puffed up. Of course he's exhausted, but he tries his best to get up every day and get me what
he can. He also ALWAYS gets my birthday off.

I always spend my birthday with my dad, no matter how much money we have my dad will never
be replaced.

I’m a secretary at a dental office and I am continuing my education to be a teacher. I spend most
of my days studying or working.

I want to make my dad proud, once I get my degree then I'll know I've accomplished something
big. My dad is already proud of me, but I want to be able to give him things he’s never got to
experience. I spend my money helping out with groceries, rent and getting things for my dad.
However, he doesn't like me spending a lot of money on him, but when it comes to my dad it's
never a problem.

You may be wondering where my mom is, she died when I was just a baby. I don't know much
about my mom and my dad doesn't really talk about her, but I hope to one day know more. My
dad doesn't work as much now, he says because he doesn't need the money, but I know it's
because of an ice raiding happening near his work, and the boss doesn't want to put his family
at risk so he only works a few hours during the week. He could find another job, but my dad is
undocumented, he can't be using any of his legal inforamtion to work because it could get him
into trouble.

My dad always tells me "Mi Pequena Sophia, if one day I'm no longer here, I need you to keep
on going and keep on fighting." I pray to God nothing happens to him.
I tell my dad not to work so much, I don't make a lot of money considering that I am a college
student, I'm 19 years old, and I only work a few days a week, but it's enough to provide for me
and my dad. It's hard, and sometimes I wish life was easier. I feel as if I don't do enough, but
one day we will be at the top. I'm almost 21 and I can finally help my dad become the citizen he
should be, I'll be able to finally sign the petition and help him.

That's just a little back story of my life..maybe I got too personal, although life can be difficult, I
thank God every day for another day to be with my dad, and I am very grateful to have what I

After eating the delicious tortas he packed, he takes me to the cinema where we watch "Bajo la
misma Luna ''. We always watch this movie on my birthday, the room is rented out just for us,
It's the best gift ever received.


I begin to zone out, I look up and there's a group of people entering the room, they're all armed.
I lean down, and see my dad..he looks me straight in the eyes.

"This is it... love..." and before he could say his last few words he was shot dead in front of me.


I woke up to the sound of shotguns in my head, February 12th…again. My new alarm clock from
now on.

It was all just a dream, my dad died on my birthday 2 years ago, and ever since this nightmare
haunts me. When my dad took me to the cinema, it was raided by ICE.

It was a small place where most Mexicans went since they would only play Spanish movies. I
guess they wanted to catch as many people as they could considering that most Mexicans were
there and most of them were undocumented, it happened to be the day me and my dad went,
so of course, they thought my dad was a part of it when he was trying to run away from them,
and they also realized my dad was working under some fake name.

I hate this day, my dad shouldn’t be gone. He meant no harm, he just tried to do his best to help
us out even if that meant sacrificing himself.

I don’t celebrate my birthday anymore, Strawberry cake doesn’t even taste like strawberry, it
tastes bitter. I can’t eat it without it seeping into my soul.. Candles on my cake don’t light up
anymore. If anything it reminds me of dying hell. I should’ve been the one feeling like burning,
not my dad.

I won't give up, I am going to continue working, I have a dad to make proud of. I changed my
major to law. I hope to one day be an immigration lawyer and help those who are going through
the same thing I did before it is too late.

"..I love you too dad."

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