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1. Which of the following motor skills can Bert exhibit being & - month old?

A. Eat with support

B. Walk with support
C. Stand while holding on to a piece of furniture
D. Sit alone using the hand for support
2. During the germinal phase of pre-natal development, a single cell is formed once sperm unites
with the egg. This single cell is called a _______.

A. Chromosomes

B. Embryo

C. Mitosis

D. Zygote

3. Teacher Jedi never fails to give positive feedback and realistic praise to her students. Teacher
Jedi does this so that her students will __________.

A. Be motivated to study

B. know what to do

C, Like and love her

D. Praise her

4. All of these statements are considered cognitivist principles, EXCEPT ----.

A. Blief of the non-observable behavior

B. Preference to concentrate on analyzing cognitive process

C. Studying of the structures and components of information processing

D. Concluding based on observation of external manifestation of learning

5. According to Brofenbrenner, This term refers to the bigger social system which includes mass
media that influences the life of a child.

A. Exosystem

B. Mesosystem

C. Macrosystem
D. Microsystem

6. Lina a young Daughter become affected so much on the divorce of her parents under what
ecological theory by brofenbrenner is this?

A. Macrosystem

B. Exosystem

C. Chronosystem

D. Microsystem

7. Diana's father has been fired on his job when her dad got home, she wonders why her dad is
being nad at her for no reason. under what ecological theory by brofenbrenner is this?

A. Mesosystem

B. Exosystem

C. Macrosystem

D. Chronosystem

8. Jennylun a grade 7student consistent only two major comfort zone in life it is her peer group
and family. Under what ecological theory by brofenbrenner is this?

A. Chronosystem

B. Mesosystem

C. Exosystem

D. Macrosystem

9. What is the pattern of change which can affect child’s development such as in parents going
abroad for work?

A. Microsystem

B. Macrosystem

C. Chronosystem

D. Mesosytem

10. In social development, mesosystem is defined as:

A. Child's immediate contact

B.Social influences involving reciprocal relationship

C. Includes those setting in which the child usually does not have an active role as a
participant but that influence the child directly through their effects on the microsystem

D. Includes the ideologies, values, attitudes, mores, and customs of particular culture

11. Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model of human development include;

A. Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystems, Macrosystem, Chronosystem

B. Microsystem, Mesosystem, Ecosystem, Macrosystem, Chronosystem

C. Exosystems, Microsystem, Mesosystem, Macrosystem, Tetrosystem

D. Microsystem, Nanosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, Chronosystem

12. __________covers the element of time as it relates to a child’s environments. This involves
pattern of stability and change in the child’s life.

A. Mesosystem

B. Exosystem

C. Macrosystem

D. Chronosystem

13. In the context on the theory on multiple intelligences, what is one weakness of the pen- and-
paper test?

A. It is not easy to administer

B. It puts the non-linguistically intelligent at a disadvantage

C. It utilizes so much time

D. It lacks reliability

14. Multiple intelligences can be used to explain a childs reading performance. Which group
tends to be good readers ?

A. Linguistically intelligent group

B. Spatially intelligent group

C. Existentially intelligent group

D. Kinesthetically intelligent group

15. Which view of intelligence runs counter to Gardner's?

A. Learners possess multiple intelligences

B. Learners can develop each of the eight multiple intelligences

C. Learners have single quantifiable intelligence

D. Learners are strong in some and weak in other intelligences.

16. Gardner, in his Multiple Intelligences Theory, encourages this among teachers.

A. focus on students IQ

B. Think in a diverse and multidisciplinary way.

C. present the lesson methodically and logically.

D. consider various intelligences when writing a lesson plan

17. He is responsible for the theory which recognizes the importance of developing multiple

A. Jean Piaget

B. Howard Gardner

C. Frederick Froebel

D. Sigmund Freund

18. Which aspect of multiple intelligences enhance by asking students to work on a physical
model of an atom?

A. Interpersonal

B. Kinesthetic

C. Mathematical

D. Linguistic

19. Which learning principles is the essence of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences?

A. Almost all learners are linguistically intelligent

B. Intelligence is not measured on one form

C. Learners have different IQ level

D. Learners have static IQ

20. What principle of learning provides various learning activities and teaching methods to meet
diverse needs and interests of the learner ?

A. Multiple intelligences

B. Cooperative learning

C. Cognitive development

D. Learning by doing

21. Which of the following counters the teacher's role as facilitator of learning?

A. Does more talk than learners

B.Does less talk compared to learners

C.Make use of interactive teaching strategies

D.Caters to multiple intelligences in the classroom

22. Proponent of Preventive Discipline?

A. Lourin Anderson

B. Jacob Kounin

C. Robert Sternberg

D. Kim Chiu

23. INDULGENT parents spoil their children by giving in to their every demands and whims.

A. Loving

B. Beneficial

C. Generous

D. Yielding

24. Which style of parenting is most likely to raise children who lack self-control and who
always expect to get their way?

A. authoritarian parenting

B. Authoritative parenting
C. Neglectful parenting

D. Indulgent parenting

25. A woman pouts like a 4-year old if she is not the center of her boyfriend's attention. Which
mechanism is manifested ?

A. repression

B. rationalization

C. regression

D. sublimation

26. Mrs. santos as a mother encourages independence among her children but still places limits
and control on their behaviour . what is her parenting style.?

A. authoritative

B. authoritarian

C. neglectful

D. indulgent

27. The art or practice of indulging in promiscuous sexual relations especially fpr money is.

A. Prostitution

B. Poverty

C. Gender Bias

D. Sexism

28. Helps to produce students who are ineffective at social.

A. Authoritarian style

B. Authoritative stye

C. Permissive style

D. Indulgent style --- indulgent can produce student "higly sociable"

29. Common outcome of this parenting style to children is the development of anxiety about
social comparison,lack of initiative and poor communication skills?
A. Authoritarian

B. Neglectful

C. Indulgent


30. How do we strengthen a child's capacity to reason?

A. Indulge him in intellectual conversation

B. Broaden his stock of knowledge

C. Strengthen his moral aspect

D. Expose him to intelligent crowd

31. Helps to produce students who are socially competent and responsible.

A. Authoritarian style

B. Indulgent style

C. Authoritative style

D. Permissive style

32. Among teaching style. How do you classify teachers who are control oriented and impose
rules without explanation?

A. Authoritative

B. Authoritarian

C. Permissive

D. Uninvolved

33. If a child was raised by authoritative parents, how will likely will he/she behave in class

A. Quarrels often with classmates

B. Relates well to classmates

c. Has low level of independence

D. Is suspicious of others
34. Of the following traits, this is most typical of students when teachers adopt the authoritative
strategy of classroom management?

Select one:

A. High self-esteem

B. Passive learners

C. Insecure

D. Easily distracted

35. ____ is the most authoritative method.

A .Integration method

B. Demonstration method

C. Discovery method

D.Lecture method

36. Among teaching styles, how do you classify a teacher who clearly and

fairly communicates standards for discipline and performance to


A. Permissive

B. Authoritative

C. indulging

D. Authoritarian

37. Which type of parenting style is most beneficial to the development of children, according to

A. Authoritarian

B. Permissive

C. Authoritative

D. Detached

38. Studies on delinquent students recommend which effect parenting style for adolescents?
A. Authoritative

B. Authoritarian

C. Neglectful

D. Laizzes faire

39. Among teaching styles,how do you classify teachers who lack confidence in enforcing and
demanding compliance to rules?

A. Permissive

B. Indulging

C. Authoritative

D. Authoritarian

40. The authoritative directions for conduct, which create an environment conducive to learning,
refers to:

A. Rules

B. Outcomes

C. Discipline

D. Behavior

41. Which is not supportive of the development of critical thinking?

A. Open classroom atmosphere

B. Authoritative teacher

C. Divergent question

D. Authoritarian teacher

42. In Field Study, parents observed to be caring, but unmindful of their children's manner at
home are considered________.

A. Authoritarian

B. Permissive

C. Authoritative
D. Rejecting and Neglecting

43. Having finished the homework, the television was turned on. This is an example of:

A. Misplaced modifier

B. Dangling modifier

C. Parallelism

D. Thrust

44. The teacher who lacks clear direction and sequence of activities by going from one activity to
another is displaying___ behavior in class.

A. flip-flopping

B. thrust

C. truncating

D. dangling

45. What term refers to a teacher, who leaves a topic without having finalized it, provides
summation or full conclusion?

A. dangling

B. flip-flopping

C. b. thrust

D. truncation

46. What mistake is teacher Benny trying to avoid when he never drops a topic before it is

A. Dangling topic

B. Non-directional topic

C. Bounded topic

D. Non-assessed topic

47. All of the following contain a dangling modifier except:

A. To compete in the race, a form must be completed.

B. When the cat scratched at the door, we let her in.

C. Wrapped in my blanket, the cold was no problem.

D. While taking the inventory, the store was closed.

48. What error is committed in the sentence below?

Having eaten their supper, the cook told the men to clear the table.

A. Fragment

B. Dangling modifier

C. Faulty Coordination

D. Faulty parallelism

49. This occurs when a teacher is teaching a lesson on one topic, but then inserts unrelated
material from a previous lesson.

A. Dangling

B. Flip-flopping

C. Thrust

D. Stimulus-bond

50. Of subcategories of teacher movement behavior, what is happening when the teacher goes
from topic or activity to other topic or activities, lacking clear direction and sequence of

A. Truncation

B. Dangling

C. Thrust

D. Flip-flop

51. What type of classroom management problem refers to teachers, who allow themeselves to
be diatracted by outside stimuli, move the class' attention to that distraction?

A. Dangling

B. Flip-flopping

C. Thrust
D. Stimulus-bond

52. The teacher dwells on an issue and engages in a stream of talk clearly longer than the time
needed for students' understanding.

A. Overlapping

B. Overdwelling

C. Stimulus Bound

D. Slowdowns

53. Teacher Lorna was writing on the board while Louie was making funny faces to some of his
classmates. When Teacher Lorna caught Louie’s behavior, she called out Louie’s name in a loud
voice. Louie stopped and the rest of the class looked on the board.

Kounin described this situation as _____.

A. overlapping

B. withitness

C. ripple effect

D. smoothness

54. While administering a quiz, Teacher Jhera was able to check the attendance of the learners.
The ability of a teacher to attend two tasks or more at a time is also known as _____.

A. withitness

B. ripple effect

C. smoothness

D. overlapping

55. All of the given are under Overlapping Except.

A. Completing the task at once.

B. Awareness of surroundings

C. Students work better when teacher is watching.

D. Attention is evenly split

56. In the middle of a lecture, Miss Liezl notices a student passing a note to her friend. As she
answers a question, she works her way over to the recipient of the note, leans down,
inconspicuously takes the note and continues to lecture.

A. Smoothness

B. Wittiness

C. Momentum

D. Overlapping

57. Which holds true when each level of subject level is smoothly connected to the next level and
glaring gaps, wasteful overlaps in subject matter are avoided?

A. the curriculum must be sequenced.

B. the curriculum must be articulated.

C. the curriculum must be integrated.

D. the curriculum must be continued

58. Which encompasses the true essence of the term curriculum?

A. List of subjects to complete course

B. List of courses for graduation

C. Sum total of all learning experiences

D. Never ending process in education

59. Ordinary people consider curriculum as:

I. a list of subjects

II. courses to complete

III. subjects to undertake

a. I only

b. II only

c. III only

d. I, II, and III

60. Dr. Quack, the provincial hospital director, plans to attend a school board meeting where a
new high school science curriculum will be discussed. Which level of curriculum is shown in
this situation?n

A. Experiental

B. Instructional

C. Institutional

D. Societal

61. Atty. P. Alpac, the Executive Director of an NGO-Save the Environment for Future
Philippines, will be the Keynote Speaker in a symposium where environment care and protection
will be discussed for the new curriculum in ecology. Which curriculum level will this be?

A. instructional

B. experiential

C. societal

D. institutional

62. While having supper, mrs. bruno asks her two children what they learned in school earlier
that day. which level of curriculum is shown in this situation?

A. institutional

B. expereintial

C. societal

D. instructional

63. Emily works on her assignments which was based on their past lessons which level of
curriculum is this?

A. Experimental

B. Instructional

C. Institutional

D. Societal

64. When instruction in the curriculum focuses on the mastery of the content and the evaluation
that follows measure only the knowledge learned, which level of curriculum design is:
A. Teacher centered design

B. Subject centered design

C. Learner centeres design

D. Problem centered design

65. What is the main concern of the spiraling of a curriculum?

A. Curriculum renewal and revision

B. Hirizontal articulation among the subjects in a grade level

C. Vertical articultion of a given subject across grade level

D. Incorporting governmental thrusts and societal concerns

66. Which dimension of curriculum organization is illustrated when children progress from level
to level on the ladder of learning experience





67. Which holds true when each level of subject level is smoothly connected to the next level?

A. The curriculum must be sequenced

B. The curriculum must be articulated

C. The curriculum must be continued

D. The curriculum must be integrated

68. Which holds TRUE when level of subject matter is smoothly connected to the next level and
glaring gaps, wasteful overlaps in subject matter are avoided?

A. The curriculum must be sequenced

B. The curriculum must be articulated

C. The curriculum must be continued

D. The curriculum must be integrated

69. One example of this design of subject-centered curriculum is that which shows social studies
being combined with geography,civics and culture ,and history to comprise one subject area.
Which design is this?

A. Correlated

B. Broadfields

C. Fused

D. Core

70. What should be the basic focus of the modern day student-centered learning?

A. Long term vision

B. Technology Support

C. Proactive instruction

D. Self learning

71. What does "once a teacher, forever a student" imply for the professional teacher?

A. teachers affinity with the students

B. student centered instructions

C. life long learning

D. life long career

72. SCL stands for?

A. Student Centered Learner

B. Student Comprehensive Learning

C. Student Centered-Learning

D. Student Cognitive-Learning

73. The more indirect the classroom, the more it is.....

A. topic focused

B. student-centered

C. teacher-centered
D. individualized

74. This curricularist uses unique and out-of-box strategies to make his/her class highly
engaging. He/She is a/an _________.

a. Innovator

b. Implementer

c. Knower

d. Writer

75. This curricularist has published researches, books, manuals, and other instructional materials.
He/She is a/an ______.

a. Evaluator

b. Implementer

c. Writer

d. Planner

76. A curriculum specialist is.

A. Terrorist

B. Conductor

C. Curricularist

D. Implementor

77. This curricularist attends seminars, workshops and pursues graduate work. He/she is a/an

A. innovator

B. knower

C. writer

D. evaluator

78. Magazines, news articles, and video clips are examples of what type of curriculum?

A. Assessed Curriculum
B. Explicit Curriculum

C. Implicit Curriculum

D. Supported Curriculum

79. Teacher Carl showed the whole mark of being an excellent teacher by bieng able to make
Producing Something out of nothing that can be positive changes in the curriculum now. As a
curricularist, he is an____.

A. Innovator

B. Implementer

C. Evaluator

D. Initiator

80. A teacher takes records of knowledge, subject matter, and content that are needed to be
written and preserved ?

A. Planner

B. Writer

C. Innovator

D. Implementor

81. Teacher Zainab have been tasked to prepare the curriculum for the year. She writes daily
guide in implementing the curriculum. In this situation she is a/an _____.

A. Planner

B. Implementor

C. Innovator

D. Writer

82. Teacher Luigi received a memo with standards and new guidelines in teaching MAPEH in
Grade III sent by the Division Office. He will study first and use it in the coming school year.

A. Evaluator

B. Planner

C. Initiator
D. Implementor

83. The first to adopt a new practice in a locality they are willing and able to take the risk.

A. The evaluator

B. The initiator

C. The innovator

D. The implementor

84. The direct beneficiary of the curriculum implementation.

A. Parents.

B. Teachers

C. Learners

D. School administrators

85. Upon them lie the success or failure of the curriculum.

A. Parents.

b. Teachers

c. Learners

d. School administrators

86. Provide administrative support in the curriculum implementation.

A. Parents.

b. Teachers

c. Learners

d. School administrators

87. Their interest is on the return of investment through the learning outcomes of the students.

a . Parents

b. Teachers

c. Learners
d. School administrators

88. The person who directly implements the curriculum in whose hands, direction and guidance
are provided for successful implementation.

A. Parents.

b. Teachers

c. Learners

d. School administrators

89. It lays the strong foundation of any curriculum. A curriculum planner or specialist
implementer or the teacher, school heads, evaluator anchors his/her decision making process on
this philosophy.

A. Scientific philosophy

B. Educational philosophy

C. Essential philosophy

D. Existential philosophy

90. Which is NOT a provision for the development of each learner in a good curriculum?

a. Extensive arrangements are made for the educational diagnosis of individual learners.

b. Self-directed, independent study is encouraged wherever possible and advisable.

c. Self-motivation and self-evaluation are stimulated and emphasized throughout the learning
opportunities of the school.

d. The program provides a wide range of opportunities for individuals with same abilities,
needs and interests.

91. In the elementary level, English literature and Social studies relate well. While history is
being studied, different literary pieces during the historical period is being studied as well. What
curriculum design is shown here?

a. Separate subject design

b. Correlation design

c. Discipline design

d. Broad field design

92. This phase of curriculum development involves decisions, among other things, on grade
placement and sequencing of content. Which phase is this?

a. Curriculum planning

b. Curriculum evaluation

c. Curriculum organization

d. Curriculum implementation

93. One example of this design of subject-centered curriculum is that which shows social studies
being combined with geography, civics, culture and history to comprises subject area. Which
design is this?

a. Correlated

b. Broadfields

c. Separate Subject

d. Core

94. . Which design is easy to deliver because complementary books and materials are
commercially available?

a. Experience centered design

b. Problem design

c. Process design

d. Subject centered design

95. What refers to the matching between curriculum and test to be used to assess the learners?

a. Alignment

b. Auditing

c. Articulation

d. Delivery

96. Mr. Rivera, a new teacher believes that education is a process of development and is life
itself; therefore, experience related to the child's need and interest should be given primary
consideration. What educational philosophy is being exhibited by Mr. Rivera?
a. Idealism

b. Reconstructionism

c. Progressivism

d. Realism

97. The schools in the first District plan to adopt the reading program used in the third district.
What level of curriculum improvement is used?

a. Variation

b. Value orientation

c. Substitution

d. Restructuring

98. Mr. Bernardo, a curriculum consultant on Economics insists that in selecting the curriculum
content, it is better that throughout the high school years, economic geography concepts be used
to recur and be repeated with depth for effective learning. What criterion in content selection is
shown here?

a. Validity

b. Continuity

c. Significance

d. Learnability

99. Mrs. Manuel, the Principal of Bagong Barrio Elementary School invited the Brgy. Captain in
the school to solicit inputs for a new curriculum in Social Science which highlights indigenous
knowledge in the community. What is shown in this situation?

a. Community members as supporters of curriculum

b. Community members as curriculum resources

c. Community members as managers of curriculum

d. Community members as beneficiaries of curriculum

100. Teacher Bert puts emphasis on the immediate felt interests and needs of his students and not
on the anticipated needs and interests. What type of curriculum does teacher Bert adheres?

a. Subject-centered
b. Learner-centered

c. Experience-centered

d. Culture-based

101. What type of curriculum divides the school day into different periods such as language arts,
social studies, science and health, arithmetic, etc.?

a. Correlated

b. Broad fields

c. Integrated

d. Separate Subject

102. This concept includes the sub-processes of curriculum planning, organization,

implementation and evaluation. Which concept is this?

a. Curriculum development

b. Curriculum assessment

c. Curriculum management

d. Curriculum and instruction

103. . If curriculum is the "means", what is the "end"?

a. Strategies

b. Instruction

c. Technique

d. Approaches

104. What process is being undertaken by curriculum developers when they enrich or modify
certain aspects of a particular program without changing its fundamental conceptions?

a. Curriculum improvement

b. Curriculum change

c. Curriculum design

d. Curriculum implementation
105. What design element establishes the vertical linkage from level to level to avoid glaring
gaps and wasteful overlaps?

a. Articulation

b. Balance

c. Scope

d. Sequence

106. What refers to the authenticity of the content selected by the curriculum developer?

a. Feasibility

b. Learnability

c. Significance

d. Validity

107. Which pattern of experience-centered curriculum centers around the normal activities of
children and is based on each child's needs, interests and potentials?

a. Child-centered

b. Activity

c. Social function

d. Specific competencies

108. Which is not a component of curriculum designing?

a. Objective

b. learning content

c. learning experiences

d. Diagnosis of needs

109. Who controls the subject centered-curriculum?

a. Learner

b. Teacher

c. Parent
d. Teacher and parent

110. To provide individual differences in the classroom, how is curriculum designed?

a. Minimum learning competencies are included

b. Realistic and meaningful experiences are provided

c. Some degree of flexibility is provided

d. Social skills are emphasized

111. To ensure success in curriculum development, which of the following specific actions
should a curriculum leader avoid?

a. Work with people over them.

b. Use your status frequently to establish discipline

c. Keep channels of communication open

d. Show that you too desire to improve

112. Which of the following best defines curriculum development?

a. The total mental phenomena directly received at any given time

b. The planning of learning opportunities intended to bring about certain desired changes
in pupils and the assessment of the extent to which these changes have taken place.

c. A continuous cycle of activities in which all elements of curriculum are considered.

d. Education is aiding each child to be socially creative individuals.

113. What do you call the curriculum when the teacher puts into action all the different planned
activities in the classroom?

a. Recommended Curriculum

b. Written Curriculum

c. Taught Curriculum

d. Supported Curriculum

114. Which statement about the subject-centered curriculum is NOT true?

a. There is a high level of cooperative interaction

b. It covers much content in a short period of time

c. The teacher has full control of the classroom activities

d. The main task is mastery of learning

115. Schools divide the school hours to different subjects such as reading, grammar, literature,
math, science, history and geography. What curriculum design is referred here?

a. Problem-centered

b. Learner-centered

c. Subject-centered

d. Culture-based

116. Which is NOT a description of the learner-centered curriculum?

a. Emphasis is on the total growth and development of the learners

b. Controlled and cooperatively directed by learners, teachers and parents

c. Education is a means to develop social creative individual

d. Emphasis upon facts and knowledge for future use

117. The K-12 curriculum is otherwise called as

a. 2002 Basic Education Curriculum

b. Revitalized Basic Education Curriculum

c. Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum

d. Extended Basic Education Curriculum

118. What refers to an individual or group of individuals who have a direct and indirect influence
in curriculum development?

a. Stockholders

b. Stakeholders

c. Promoters

d. Incorporators
119. What refers to the appropriateness of the content in the light of the particular students who
are to experience the curriculum?

a. Significance

b. Validity

c. Interest

d. Learnability

120. Knowledge is true if it is workable". What philosophical foundation supports this


a. Idealism

b. Realism

c. Pragmatism

d. Essentialism

121. As a member of the curriculum committee, your chief concern is to give the child freedom
to choose what to learn and believe, as you allow them to set their own identities and standards.
What philosophy will you consider?

a. Existentialism

b. Realism

c. Idealism

d. Pragmatism

122. The Department of Education gives greater emphasis on the development of basic skills.
What is the philosophical basis for this?

a. Essentialism

b. Existentialism

c. Perennialism

d. Pragmatism

123. Teacher M views his students as unique, free-choosing and responsible individuals. All
classroom activities revolve around the said premise. What theory underlies this?
a. Essentialism

b. Existentialism

c. Progressivism

d. Realism

124. Religious rituals in the classroom and in the school programs prove the deep natural
religiosity of the Filipinos. Which philosophy has greatly contributed to the tradition?

a. Buddhism

b. Confucianism

c. Hinduism

d. Islam

125. In order to make Roman education truly utilitarian, how should the day-to-day lessons be

a. Taught in the students’ native dialect

b. Taught interestingly through the play way method

c. Related and linked to the events happening in everyday life

d. Practiced at home under the guidance of their respective parents.

126. Which influenced the military training requirements among students in the secondary and
tertiary levels?

a. Chinese

b. Greeks

c. Orientals

d. Romans

127. Which philosophy has the educational objective to indoctrinate Filipinos to accept the
teachings of the Catholic church which is foster faith in God?

a. Realism

b. Pragmatism

c. Idealism
d. Existentialism

128. Virtue as one component in the teaching of Rizal as a course focuses on the teaching of
good and beauty consistent with the good and beauty in God. What philosophy supports this?

a. Existentialism

b. Idealism

c. Progressivism

d. Social Reconstructionism

129. Giving education the highest budgetary allocation, the Philippine government recognizes
the possible contribution of its future citizens to the national development goals of the Philippine
society. Which stressed this goal of education for social transformation?

a. Athenian education

b. Followers of Christ

c. Greek education

d. Roman education

130. One of the following quotations does not conform to the Christian doctrine of Education
for Humanitarianism. Which one is it?

a. Do unto others as you would like others do unto you

b. Love they neighbor as thyself

c. Not on bread alone is man to live but on every utterance that comes from mouth of God

d. Whatever good things we do to our poor, helpless brothers, we do it for God.

131. Scouting and Citizen’s Army Training (CAT) give training in character-building,
citizenship training, etc. Which leads to the creation of a new social order and a new society
eventually. What philosophy supports this?

a. Existentialism

b. Perennialism

c. Progressivism

d. Social reconstructionism
132. Teacher V demonstrated the technique on how to group students according to their needs
and interests and how to use self-paced instructional materials. Which philosophy is manifested
in this activity?

a. Essentialism

b. Progressivism

c. Realism

d. Social Reconstructionism

133. Teacher G, a Christian Living teacher, puts so much significance on values development
and discipline. What could be her educational philosophy?

a. Idealism

b. Pragmatism

c. Progressivism

d. Realism

134. Which one does not illustrate the principle that rights and duties are correlative?

a. The right of an unmarried pregnant teacher to abort her baby in relation to her duty to
protect her name and her job as a teacher

b. The right of a state to compel students to military service is reciprocated by the duty of the
state to protect them.

c. The right to a living wage involves the duty of the school administrators to give the salary
agreed upon and the duty of the teachers to give a fair amount of work.

d. The right to life of children and to be given respect of such right.

135. Why should a teacher take the obligation upon himself to study and understand the custom
and traditions of the community where he works?

a. To change the culture of the community.

b. To have a sympathetic attitude for the people of the community.

c. To identify the weaknesses of the culture of the community.

d. To please the people of the community

136. A teacher who is a recognized expert in carpentry works, taught his students how to prepare
and construct good and aesthetic furniture from local resources. What cultural transmission
process is this?

a. Acculturation

b. Enculturation

c. Indoctrination


137. Every first day of the school year, Miss Reyes prepared activities which will make her
Grade 2 children, sing, plan, learn and introduce themselves to the class. What process did the
teacher emphasize?

a. Acculturation

b. Enculturation

c. Indoctrination

d. Socialization

138. Which program in the educational system seems to be aligned to the Christian humanitarian
principle respect for the human personality?

a. The alternative learning system delivery

b. The functional literacy program for the out-of-school youth and adults

c. The promotion of the basic human rights of the Filipino

d. The study of the Philippine Constitution

140. With a death threat over his head, Teacher Liza is directed to pass an undeserving student, if
she is a hedonist, which of the following will she do?

a. Don’t pass him, live her principle of justice. She will get reward, if not in this life, in the next.

b. Don’t pass him. She surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in order to pass.

c. Pass the student. That will be of use to her, the student and his parents.

d. Pass the student. Why suffer the threat?

141. In a student conducted, the pupils were asked which nationality they would prefer if given a
choice. Majority of the pupils wanted to be Americans. In this case, in which obligation relative
to the state are schools seemed to be failing?

a. Instill allegiance to the constitutional authorities

b. Promote national pride

c. Promote obedience to the laws of the state

d. Respect for all duly constituted authorities.

142. Which subject in the elementary and likewise in the secondary schools are similar to the
goal of Rome to train the students for citizenship?

a. Communication ARts


c. Science


143. Which of the following schools practices is not based on Social Reconstructionism?

a. Establishment of SDF

b. Exemption of Scouts from CAT

c. Promoting culture and arts in schools

d. Promoting project WOW

144. Which of the following is the focus of the Japanese education in the Philippines?

a. Democratic ideals and nationalism

b. Love and service to one’s country

c. Religion and love for Asian brothers

d. Vocational and health education

145. According to reconstructionism, the goal of education is to bring about a new social order.
Which practice best manifests this view?

a. The class conducts scientific experiments to discover or verify concepts.

b. The class discusses role models and their impact on society.

c. The class allowed to engage in divergent thinking.

d. The class undertakes well-planned projects in the community.

146. At the end of periodical examination, Teacher R administered a summative test in Filipino.
After scoring the test papers she assigned grades to each test score such as 95, 90, 85, 80 etc.
What process did Teacher R use?

A. Ranking

B. Computation

C. Measurement

D. Evaluation

147. . It is the study of man’s prehistory through the buried remains of ancient culture, skeletal
remnants of human beings.

A. Anthropology

B. Archeology

C. Ethnology

D. Ethnography

148. Teacher D claims: "If I have to give reinforcement, it has to be given immediately after the
response." Which theory supports Teacher D?

A. operant conditioning theory

B. social cognitive theory

C. cognitive theory

D. humanist theory

149. Visual imagery helps people store information in their memory more effectively. Which is
one teaching implication of this principle?

A. You will not object when your students daydream in class.

B. Instruct students to take notes while you lecture.

C. Encourage your students to imagine the characters and situations when reading a story.

D. Tell them to read more illustrated comics.

150. Which is essential in the cognitive development of a person according to Vygotsky?

A. independent thinking

B. social interaction

C. individual mental work

D. scientific thinking

151. The design of the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) is based on the principles that
the main sources for contemporary basic education are the expert systems of knowledge and the
learner's experience in their context. This shows that the BEC is _____ in orientation.

I. constructivist

II. behaviorist

III. essentialist

A. I and III

B. III only

C. I only

D. I, II, and III

152. Which assessment tool shows evidence of student’s writing skills?

A. project

B. portfolio

C. critiquing sessions

D. daily journal

153. Teacher S wants to determine immediately the learning difficulties of her students. Which
of the following do you expect her to undertake?

A. Require her students to prepare a portfolio.

B. Administer an achievement test.

C. Administer a diagnostic test.

D. Interview her students directly.

154. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that NSAT
and NEAT fall under __________.

A. intelligence test

B. aptitude test

C. criterion-referenced test

D. norm-referenced test

155. The result of the item analysis showed that item no. 4 has a discrimination index of 0.67.
What characteristic could be true about this item?

A. Difficult

B. Valid

C. Easy

D. Average

156. The theme of Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory emphasizes the role of appropriate assistance
given by the teacher to accomplish a task. Such help enables the child to move from the zone of
actual developmeny to a zone of proximal development. Such assistance is termed _____.

A. competency technique

B. scaffolding

C. active participation

D. collaboration

157. Which of these activities is not appealing to the bodily-kinesthetic learners?

A. making math moves

B. doing simple calisthenics

C. sketching/illustrating events

D. joining extramural events

158. Institutions of learning are required to meet the minimum standards for state recognition
but are encouraged to set higher standards of quality over and above the minimum through
_____ as provided in Educational Act of 1982.
A. lifelong education

B. voluntary accreditation

C. formal education

D. academic freedom

159. You intend to assess affective attributes such as capacity to feel, attitudes, and behavior.
Which of the following should you establish to ascertain the instrument's validity?

A. construct

B. content

C. criterion-related

D. face

160. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective on working
with and relating to people?

A. conducting mock election

B. home visitation

C. organizing a community project

D. writing articles on working and relating to people

161. Based on Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, which activity is closest to the real thing?

a. listening to recording

b. watching a demonstration

c. viewing images

d. attending exhibit

162. The pinning of veil around the bride and the groom, the exchange of rings,, and the
realeasing of doves during wedding ceremonies show that culture is _________.

a. historical

b. changeless

c. cotinous
d. symbolic

163.. Fernando Poe Junior became a legend in the ‘show business’ because of his talent,
determination, and hard work. What role does this illustrate?

a. ascribed role

b. hereditary role

c. achieved role

d. temporary role\

164. A mother gives his boy his favorite snack every time the by cleans up his room. Afterwards,
the boy cleaned his room every day in anticipation of the snack. Which theory is illustrated?

a. associative learning

b. classical conditioning

c. operant conditioning

d. modeling

165. . In a treatment for alcoholism, Mark was made to drink an alcoholic beverage and then
made to ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight and smell
of alcohol and stopped drinking alcohol. Which theory explains this?

a. operant conditioning

b. social learning theory

c. associative learning

d. attribution theory

166. What can be said of Jerome who obtained a score of 75 in a grammar objective test?

a. He answered 75 items in the test correctly.

b. He answered 75% of the test items correctly.

c. His rating is 75.

d. He performed better than 25% of his classmates

167. Standard Deviation: Variability ; Mode: ____________________

a. correlation
b. central tendency

c. level of difficulty

d. discrimination

168. What is the mean of this score distribution: 5, 9, 10, 11, 12?

a. 10

b. 47

c. 9.4

d. 12

169. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic
stages. In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?

a. symbolic

b. enactive and iconic

c. symbolic and enactive

d. iconic

170. St. Scholastica’s College, a catholic-school, which helps in the development of graduates
who are “maka-diyos” is an influence of _________________.

a. naturalistic morality

b. situational morality

c. religious morality

d. classical-Christian morality

171. Ms. Evelyn gave her first-grade class a page with a story in which pictures take the place of
some words. Which method did she use?

a. Spaulding method

b. Whole Language Approach

c. Rebus Method

d. Language Experience Approach

172. Mr. Angelo always tells his students that pleasure is not the highest good. His teaching is
against which philosophy?

a. Idealism

b. Realism

c. Essentialism

d. Hedonism

173. The National Achievement Test results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means
that it falls under ________________.

a. norm-referenced test

b. criterion-referenced test

c. diagnostic test

d. formative test

174. Mariel obey her teacher so that she will get a candy as a reward. What level of moral
development is this?

A. Preconventional

B. Post-conventional

C. Conventional

D. Sub-conventional

175. The famous quote says “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own
specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to
become any type of specialist I might select” is from whose proponent of behaviorism?

A. B.F skinner

B. Ivan Pavlov

C. John B. Watson

D. Edward Thorndike

176. stotle which means “with thing of nature” and deals with the meaning of existence and tries
to resolve the question of whether existence is identical with space, time,nature, spirit of God.
A. Cosmology

B. Theology

C. Ontology

D. Philosophy

177. When the students write Mans as a plural form of man instead of men. Which of the
following finding of Ivan Pavlov show the situation?

A. Spontaneous recovery

B. Discrimination

C. Extinction

D. Stimulus Generalization

178. This means a treatise on matters pertaining to human thought and defined as philosophical

study of the science and art of correct inferential thinking

A. Abstract reasoning

B. Inference

C. Critical thinking

D. Logic

179. The idea that nonreaders’ students in elementary will not be promoted to high school level
is in accordance of what law of Edward lee Thorndike?

A. Law of exercise

B. Law of similarity

C. Law of effect

D. Law of readiness

180. The Oedipus and Electra Complex were both buried down

in what part of the Topographical

Model of Sigmund Freud’s Human Psyche?

A. Nonconscious
C. Conscious

B. Preconscious

D. Unconscious

181. Iah, a consistent top of the class, came from the poorest of the poor family. She always
dream that one day, her education is the way to gain a good life she wants. What learner
psychological principle is involved?

A. Intrinsic motivation to learn .

B. Motivational and emotional influences

on learning

C. Effects of motivation on effort

D. Social influences on learning

182. Something that explains something, differentiated into 4 kinds, which brings about an
ordinary existence and gets to a broader definition.

A. Meaning

C . Cause

B. Logic

D. Theory

183. The result that have been made by a disability, which may vary from person to person
which have the same physical disability but different by their ability to adjust in their

A. Impairment

B. Handicap

C. Limitation

D. Termination

184. Who defined philosophy as the knowledge of things by their ultimate causes or reasons?

A. Plato

C. Seneca
B. Aristotle

D. Cicero

185. According to him, “Education is life, growth, a social process and a constant reconstruction
of human experience.”

A. John Locke

B. Benjamin Bloom

C. John Dewey

D. Lev Vygotsky

186. Which among the measures of central tendency is not influenced by outliers?

a. Mean

b. Weighted Mean

c. Median

d. Mode

187. Mean,Mode and Median is under what type of statistical techniques?

a. Measures of Statistics

b. Measures of Central Tendency

c. Measures of Relationship

d. Measures of Variability

188. Median is to point as standard deviation is to_____.

A. Area

B. Distance

C. Volume

D. Square

189. The difficulty index of 0.51 and discrimination index of 0.25. What should the teacher do?

a. Revised the item

b. Retain the item

c. Make it a bonus item

d. Reject the item

190. The index of difficulty of a particular test is .10. What does this mean? My student’s


a. found the test item was neither easy nor difficult

b. performed very well against expectation

c. were hard up in that item

d. gained mastery over that item

191.Teacher Julie sees to it that she checks for understanding as she teacher to ensure that every
student can follow the lesson. With what form/s of assessment is teacher Julie occupied with?

a) Assessment OF Learning.

b) Assessment AS Learning.

c) Assessment FOR Learning.

d) Assessment FOR and AS Learning.

192. Mr. Hugo who gave a 10 item test to find out specific concepts in which the students are
encountering difficulty.

A. Mr. Sulit

B. Ms. Lopez

C. Ms. Arroyo

D. Mr. Hugo

193. Which type of assessment is most appropriate for assessing learning difficulties?

A.formative assesment

B.placement assessment

C.summative assessment

D.diagnostic assessment
194. to survive in yhe global community and in the 21st century, one must be a ________.

A. Digital expert

B. Digital immigrant

C. Digital nature

D. Authority

195. In the school, who is the key to tyhe success or failure in teaching - and - learning, being he
link between the child and the curriculum?

A. The Teacher

B. The parents

C. The students

D. The principal

196. who is the proponent of Social learning Theory?

a. B.F skinner

B. Ivan Pavlov

C. Albert BAndura

D. Foebel

197. What is the graphic illustration for tyhe relationship between two variables?

A. Normal curve

B. Histogram

C. Frequency polygon

D. Scatter diagram

198. In interpreting assessment results, which is described when the rsults are consistent?

A. Reliability

B. Subjective strategy

C. Validity
d. Bingo

199. Which of the following best characterize the Business Academic Approach in classroom

A. Persist, enforce, don't give up

B Calmness, cosistency, confidence

C. Work, organization, procedures

D. Control, persistency, sanctions

200. Each teacher has a role asa behavior reinforci g agent. Which of the following should not be
encouraged among teachers?

A. Annual implementation

B. Threats

C. Reward appropriate behavior

D. Constnt reinforcement

201. Mr. Santiago gave a chapter test. In which competency did students find the greatest
difficulty? In the item with a difficulty index of ________.

a. 0.15

b. 1.0

c. 0.93


202. Which statement about standard deviation is CORRECT?

a. The lower the standard deviation, the more spread the scores are.

b. The higher the standard deviation, the less spread the scores are.

c. The higher the standard deviation, the more spread the scores are.

d. It is a measure of central tendency.

203. The scores of the students in a tutorial class are as follows: 82, 82, 85, 86, 87, 94, 98. The
score 86 is the ________.

a. Mean
b. Mode

c. Median

d. Median & Mode

204. Standard Deviation : Variability ; Mean : ________.

a. discrimination

b. level of difficulty

c. correlation

d. central tendency

205. Median is the 50th percentile as Q3 is to ________.

a. 45th percentile

b. 70th percentile

c. 75th percentile

d. 25th percentile

206. Most of the students who took the examination got scores above the mean. What is the
graphical representation of the score distribution?

a. normal curve

b. mesokurtic

c. positively skewed

d. negatively skewed

207. Mean is to measure Central Tendency, as ________ is to measure Variability.

a. Quartile deviation

b. Quartile

c. Correlation

d. Skewness

208. The distribution of a class with academically poor students is most likely ________.
a. Normally distributed

b. Skewed to the left

c. Skewed to the right

d. Leptokurtic

209. Which is correct about the MEDIAN?

a. It is a measure of variability.

b. It is the most stable measure of central tendency.

c. It is the 50th percentile.

d. It is significantly affected by extreme scores.

210. Skewed score distribution means.

a. The scores are normally distributed.

b. The mean and the median are equal.

c. The mode, the mean, and the median are equal.

d. The scores are concentrated more at one end or the other end.

211. The computed value of r for Math and Science is 0.90. What does this imply?

a. Math and Science scores are inversely related.

b. The higher the scores in Math, the higher the scores in Science.

c. The lower the scores in Science, the lower the scores in Math.

c. The higher the scores in Science, the higher the scores in Math.

212. About how many percent of the cases fall between -2SD and +2SD in the normal
distribution curve?

a. 95.44

b. 68.26

c. 99.72

d. 99.85
213. Paul's scores in Math quizzes are as follows: 90, 85 70, 65, 99, 78. What is the mean of
these scores?

a. 65

b. 99

c. 85.5

d. 81.17

214. A test item has a difficulty index of .81 and a discriminating index of .13. What should the
test constructor do?

a. Retain the item

b. Make it a bonus item

c. Revise the item

d. Reject the item

215. Which of the following measures is more affected by an extreme score?

a. Semi-interquartile range

b. Median

c. Mode

d. Mean

216. Which applies when the mean are equal?

a. The distribution of the scores is concentrated.

b. The distribution of the scores is widespread.

c. The distribution of the scores is identical.

d. The distribution of the scores are not necessarily identical.

217. In research, which is another term for independent variable?

a. Response

b. Outcome

c. Criterion
d. Input

218. What type of validity is needed for a test on course objectives and scopes?

a. Content

b. Concurrent

c. Criterion

d. Construct

219. The teacher gives an achievement test to his 25 students. The test consists of 50 items. He
wants to classify his students' performance based on the test result.

a. Z-value

b. Percentile rank

c. Stanine

d. Percentage

220. You give a 100-point test. Three students make a scores of 95, 92 and 91 respectively, while
the other 22 students in the class got scores ranging from 33 to 67. The measure of central
tendency which is apt to best describe for this group of 25 students is ________.

a. the mean

b. the mode

c. an average of the median and the mode

d. the median

221. Through his/her theory, who was responsiblefor stating that modeling is essential in

a. Skinner

b. Thorndike

c. Bruner

d. Bandura

222. Who is the Father of Modern Psychology?

A. Freud
B. Wundt

C. Thorndike

223. Who is the Father of Educational Psychology?

A. Freud

B. Wundt

C. Thorndike

D. Piaget

224. Who is the Father of Classical Psychology?

A. Freud

B. Wundt

C. Thorndike

D. Piaget

225. The theory that stresses that behavior is strongly influenced by biological, is tied to
evolution, and characterized by critical or sensitive periods.

a. Socio-cultural Theory

b. Evolutionary Theory

c. Psychoanalytic Theory

d. Ecological Theory

226. Theory stating that a person's behavior can be motivated by urges toward self satisfaction.

a. Psychoanalytic theory

b. Cognitive dev't theory

c. Psychosocial theory

d. Moral dev't theory

227. According to Sigmund freud ,the main proponent of psychoanalytic theory, the superego is
mainly concerned with.

a.the resolution of conflict within the self

b.the finding of greater satisfaction

c.the idea of right and wrong

d.the development of healthy mind

228. The parts of human personality in which instinct and primary processes manifest.

A. Id

B. Ego

C. Super-ego

D. Conscience

229. yourself that Decides the situation to face uncertain Reality


B. Ego

C. Super ego

D. Super ID

230. Where the ideals and conscience reside.

a. Ego

b. Id

c. Super Ego

d. All of the above

231. During the height of anger the ______ operates according to Frued.

A. Ego

B. Super ego

C. Super man

D. Id

232. What are the studies conducted on social change over a period of time?

a. Trend studies
b. Cohort studies

c. Panel studies

d. Case studies

233. An inquiry on a social phenomenon that does not use numbers is _________ research.

a. descriptive

b. quantitative

c. experimental

d. analytical

234. What kind of study examines specific sub-populations, such as those who played a part in
the EDSA revolt in order to understand how their attitudes have changed?

a. Longitudinal study

b. Trend study

c. Cohort study

d. Cross-sectional study

235. In a normal distribution, which of the following is true?

a. median=mode=mean

b. median≠mode=mean

c. median≠mode≠mean

d. Mean=median=mode

236. On which should a teacher base his/her assesment?

A. Learning outcome

B. Learning content

C. Developmental stage of learners

D. Learning resources

237. How is “Assessment For Learning” different from ‘Assessment Of Learning”?

A. It is for determining student grades

B. It is for rating class performance

C. It is for enhancing learning

D. It is for determining class standing

238. Rodel gave a wrong answer. Teacher said “Wrong! You are way off.” As a consequence
other students in the class were afraid to answer questions. Which of the following is illustrated by
the event?

A. Ripple

B. Halo effect

C. Severity error

D. Central tendency

239. A person's expectation about himself may become a reality. This is known as

A. Placebo Effect

B. Pygmalion effect

C. Ripple effect

D. Hawthorn effect

240. This is a phenomenon in Psychology wherein students perform better than other students
simply because they were expected to do so.

A. Rosenthal or Pygmalion effect

B. John Henry effect

C. Hawthorne effect

D. With-it-ness

241. Using the Pygmalion effect to explain why children of depressed areas have poor reading
perpormance, to which of the ff. would you attribute?

a. lack of reading materials

b. lack of motivation
c. lack of effective teaching methods

d. poor expectation from depressed areas.

242. Students are most likely to perform best because they are aware that they are being observed
and are expected to perform well. This is called:

A. Halo Effect

B. Barnum Effect

C. Pygmalion Effect

D. Hawthorne Effect

243. Teachers always have expectations toward their students,and this has become a self-fulfilling
prophecy. This phenomenon is called:

A. Hawthrone effect

B. Rosenthal effect

C. Ripple effect

D. Halo effect

244. Kounin asserts tht one of the characteristics of an effective manager is "with-it-ness".
Which principle serves as the basis of "with-it-ness"?

a. HAve a mouth ready to speak at any time

b. have minds packed with intellect and alertness

c. have hands that write fast

d. Have eyes at the back of ones head

245. A theory of philosophy that defines views about the learner, the teacher, and the school.

a. Curriculum

b. Philosophical analysis

c. Philosophy of Education

d. Pedagogy
246. If reality is politically, socially amd economically formed, this philosophy is being

a. Essentilism

b. Perennialism

c. Existentialism

d. Progressivism

247. Which of the following is an integral part of the teaching process?

a. Teachers and principal

b. Lesson plan

c. Classroom management

d. Rubric

248. Christians' morality, which guides their behaviour, dealing with moral issue is based on the

a. The eight fold path

b. Five pillars

c. Ten commandments

d. Christian ethics

249. The "banking concept in education" viewed students as:

a. Clear account to be filled up by the teacher

b. Dormant account to be activated by the teacher

c. Wobble acount to be balanced by the teacher

d. All of the above

250. On what theory is the sequencing of instruction anchored?

a. Gagne’s hierarchical theory

b. B.F. Skinner’s operant conditioning theory

c. Bandura’s social learning theory

d. Thorndike’s law of effect

251. When small children call all animals “dogs”, what process is illustrated, based on Piaget’s
cognitive development theory?

a. Assimilation

b. Conservation

c. Reversion

d. Accommodation

252. Cristina’s family had a family picture when she was not yet born. Unable to see herself in
the family picture, she cried despite her mother’s explanation that she was not yet born when the
family picture was taken. What does Cristina’s behavior show?

a. Limited social cognition

b. Egocentrism

c. Semi-logical reasoning

d. Rigidity of thought

253. To help a student learn to the optimum, Vygotsky advises us to bridge the student’s present
skill level and the desired skill level by ______.

a. Challenging

b. Scaffolding

c. Inspiring

d. Motivating

254. Based on Piaget’s theory, what should a teacher provide in the formal operational stage?

a. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with

b. Games and other physical activities to develop motor skills

c. Activities for hypothesis formulation

d. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and ordering

255. “Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself” says the voiceless
voice from within you. In the context of Freud’s theory, which is/are at work?
a. Id c. Ego

b. Id and Superego

c. Ego

d. Superego

256. According to Havighurst’s development tasks, reaching and maintaining satisfactory

performance in one’s occupational career is supposed to have been attained during ____.

a. Middle age and Early adulthood

b. Middle age

c. Old age

d. Early adulthood

257. Which one is in support of greater interaction?

a. Probing

b. Repeating the question

c. Not allowing a student to complete a response

d. Selecting the same student respondents

258. I want to compare two concepts. Which technique is most appropriate?

a. Attribute wheel

b. K-W-L techniques

c. Venn diagram

d. Spider web organizer

259. I want to use a pre-teaching strategy that will immediately engage my students in the
content and will enable me to get an insight into how students think and feel about the topic.
Which is most appropriate?

a. K-W-L chart

b. Story boarding

c. Graphic organizer
d. Document analysis

260. For a discussion of a topic from various perspectives, it is best to hold a ______.

a. Debate

b. Brainstorming

c. Panel discussion

d. Symposium

261. After establishing my learning objectives, what should I do to find out what my students
already know and what they do not yet know in relation to my lesson objectives in the cognitive

a. Give a pretest

b. Study the least learned competencies in the National Achievement Test

c. Analyze my students’ grades last year

d. Interview a sample of my students

262. What characterizes genuine change? Change in _____.

a. Appearance

b. Form

c. Substance

d. Physical attribute

263. At the end of my lesson on the role of a teacher in learning, I asked the class: “In what way
is a teacher an enzyme?” With this question, it engaged the class in _______.

a. Allegorical thinking

b. Concrete thinking

c. Metaphorical thinking

d. Symbolical thinking

264. For lesson clarity and effective retention, which should a teacher observe, according to
Bruner’s theory?

a. Begin teaching at the concrete level but go beyond it by reaching the abstract
b. Use purely verbal symbols in teaching

c. Start at the concrete level and end there

d. End teaching with verbal symbols

265. Is it advisable to use realias all the time?

a. No, for the sake of variety of instructional materials

b. No, only when feasible

c. Yes, because there is no substitute for realias

d. Yes, because it is the real thing

266. I intended to inculcate in my students the value of order and cleanliness. I begin my lesson
by asking them to share their experiences about the dirtiest and the cleanest place they have seen
and how they felt about them. From there I lead them to the consequences of dirty and clean
home of surroundings. In my lesson development plan, how do I proceed?

a. Transductively

b. Inductively

c. Deductively

d. Concretely

267. I used the gumamela flower, a complete flower, to teach the parts of a flower. Which
method did I use?

a. Demonstration method

b. Type-study method

c. Drill method

d. Laboratory method

268. A big story in your local newspaper. You want to use the headlines as an inquiry device. To
increase student participation, you might begin by ____.

a. Asking one to read the news story and interpret what he read after

b. Asking the class to infer connotations and denotations from the headline

c. Explaining what you believe to be the underlying causes

d. Describing the background of the story as you know it

269. When I teach skills that are critical to the learning of the next topics, what should I employ?

a. Direct instruction

b. Mastery learning

c. Socratic method

d. Cooperative learning

270. I want my students to have mastery learning of a basic topic. Which can help?

a. Drill

b. Socratic method and drill

c. Morrisonian technique and drill

d. Socratic method

271. In the parlance of test construction, what does TOS mean?

a. Table of Specification

b. Team of Specifications

c. Table of Specifics

d. Terms of Specifications

272. If I favor “assessment for learning,” which will I do most likely?

I. Conduct a pre-test results

II. Teach based on pre-test results

III. Give specific feedback to students

IV. Conduct peer tutoring for students in need of help

a. I, II and IV

b. II, III and IV

c. I, II and III

d. I, II, III and IV

273. After a lesson on the atom, the students were asked to work on a physical model of the
atom to determine learning. For which group of students is building an atom model intended?

a. Interpersonality intelligent

b. Kinesthetically intelligent

c. Mathematically intelligent

d. Linguistically intelligent

274. Which is/are effective method/s in teaching students critical reading skills?

a. Read and interpret three different movie reviews

b. Interpret editorials about a particular subject from three different newspaper

c. Distinguish fiction from non-fiction materials

d. Interpret editorials and read and interpret three different movie reviews

275. If all of your students in your class passed the pretest, what should you do?

a. Administer the posttest

b. Go through the unit as usual because it is part of the syllabus

c. Go through the lesson quickly in order not to skip any

d. Go on to the next unit

276. Teacher Vicky shows her students a picture of people in thick jackets. Then she asks them
to tell her the kind of climate when the picture was taken. If she asks 5 questions of this kind and
her students do not get them, it is safe to conclude that pupils are quite weak in the skill of

a. Analyzing c. Synthesizing

b. Inferring

c . Synthesizing

d. Generalizing

277. An examinee whose score is within x + 1 SD belongs to which of the following groups?

a. Above average

b. Average
c. Below average

d. Needs improvement

278. Which is true of a bimodal distribution?

a. The scores are neither high nor low

b. The group has two different groups

c. The score are high

d. The score are low

279. A number of test items in a test are said to be non-discriminating? What conclusion/s can
be drawn?

I. Teaching or learning was very good.

II. The item is so easy that anyone could get it right.

III. The item is so difficult that nobody could get it.

a. II only c. III only

b. I and II

c. III only

d. II and III

280. What is the mastery level of a school division in a 100-item test with a mean of 55?

a. 42%

b. 55%

c. 45%

d. 50%

281. In an entrance examination, student Anna’s Percentile is 25 (P25). Based on this Percentile
rank, which is likely to happen?

a. Student Anna will be admitted

b. Student Anna will not be admitted

c. Student Anna has 50-50 percent chance to be admitted

d. Student Anna has 75 percent chance to be admitted

282. What does the computer have in common with the TV?

a. Key board c. Screen*****

b. File

c. Screen

d. Disk drive

283. Which depicts in graphic form the social relations present in a group?

a. Interest inventory

b. Sociogram

c. Anecdotal record

d. Johari’s window

284. In the schools, we teach realities that cannot be verified by the senses like an Invisible God
or Allah. Whose beliefs does this practice negate?

a. Stoicists’ c. Skeptics’

b. Rationalists’

c. Skeptics’

d. Empiricists’

285. I make full use of the question-and-answer as a model for discussion. From whom is this
question-and-answer method?

a. Socrates

b. Kant

c. Aristotle

d. Plato

286. Computer-assisted instruction is an offshoot of the theory of _____.

a. J. Piaget

b. J. Brunner
c. B.F. Skinner

d. J. Watson

287. Applying Confucius’s teachings, how would hiring personnel select the most fit in
government positions?

a. By record evaluation done by an accrediting body

b. By government examinations

c. By accreditation

d. By merit system

288. “Moral example has a greater effect on pupils’ discipline than laws and codes of
punishment” is an advice of teachers from _________.

a. confucius

b. Mohammed

c. Lao tzu

d. Mencius

289. “The principle of spontaneity against artificiality will make you accomplish something.
Leave nature to itself and you will have harmony” is an active advice from the _____¬.

a. Hindu

b. Taoist

c. Shintoist

d. Buddhist

290. The significance of liberal education in holistic development of students is supported by


a. Perennialism

b. Pragmatism

c. Confucian teaching

d. Perennialism and Confucian philosophy

291. Is a sick teacher, the only one assigned in a remote school, excused from her teaching duty?
a. No, she is the only one assigned in that school

b. Yes, teaching is a demanding job

c. Yes, she is sick

d. No, she must abide by her contract

292. The use of varied teaching and testing strategies on account of students’ multiple
intelligences is in line with the thoughts of ______.

a. Daniel Goleman

b. Jean Piaget

c. Howard Gardner

d. Benjamin Bloom

293. My right ends where the rights of others begin. What does this mean?

a. Rights are not absolute

b. Rights are alienable

c. Rights are inalienable

d. Rights are absolute

294. In the context of Bruner's principle of knowledge representation, which is the enactive
phase of the lesson on fractions?

a. Presenting the pizza and cutting it into two and four

b. Using the model of fractions

c. Writing the fractions 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3 on the board

d. Asking the meaning of 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3

295. Which one should her teachers then avoid? Students':

a. Reflection

b. Self-directed learning

c. Memorization of facts for testing

d. Inquiry
296. For city-bred students to think that their culture is better than those from the province is a
concrete example of ____.

a. Ethical relativism

b. Ethnocentrism

c. Cultural relativism

d. Xenocentrism

297. Tira enjoys games like scrabble, anagrams and password. Which type of intelligence is
strong in Tira?

a. Interpersonal intelligence

b. Linguistic intelligence

c. Logical and mathematical intelligence

d. Spatial intelligence

298. Who asserted that children must be given the opportunity to explore and work on different
materials so that they will develop the sense of initiative instead of guilt?

a. Kohlberg c. Maslow

b. Erickson

c. Maslow

d. Gardner

299. What function is associated with the right brain?

a. Visual, non-verbal, logical

b. Visual, intuitive, non-verbal

c. Visual, intuitive, logical

d. Visual, logical, detail-oriented

300. Based on Freud’s theory, which operate/s when a student strikes a classmate at the height of

a. Ego

b. Id
c. Id and Ego interact

d. Superego

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