Assignment Questions - UHV2

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HSMCH 102 – Universal Human Values 2


Assignment I: (UNIT I)
1. “To be in a state of harmony is happiness”. Explain this statement and
illustrate with two examples from your day-to-day life. Define that
happiness is the state of synergy.
2. What is your present vision of a happy and prosperous life?

Assignment 2: (Unit II)

1. In what way can we say that the human body is a self-organized unit?
2. What is the responsibility of the self towards the body? How is it

Assignment 3: (unit III)

1. ‘The family is the basic unit of human interaction. Do you agree with
the statement?’ Explain your answer using examples.
2. How can the comprehensive human goals of Right understanding,
prosperity, fearlessness and existence create harmony in society?

Assignment 4: (Unit IV)

1. What do you mean by co-existence?
2. Define harmony in nature and why is it important? Explain with

Assignment 5: (Unit V)
1. What do you understand by definitiveness of ethical human conduct?
Why is this definitiveness desirable?
2. Give a critical review of the current management models in profession.


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