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EEEB1041 Digital Logic Design Lab


SEMESTER 2, 2021/2022

GROUP PROJECT DESIGN: Electronic Guess the Number Game

Introduction/Problem Statement:
An electronic guess the number game consists of a keypad for entering number and LED(s) for
producing variety of visual signals. The goal of guess the number game is the secret number.
First, Player1 will key-in the secret number. Then, Player2 will need to discover this secret
number via five attempts only.

For this project, you are required to design a controller circuit for electronic guess the number
game. The circuit should have the following, but not limited to:
1. Player1 keys in single digit decimal number as secret number. The secret number is then
stored into memory.
2. Player2 makes the first guess.
3. If the number that was guessed by Player2 is the same as secret number, 7-segment display
reveals the secret number and green LED lights up which indicates Player2 has won and
game is over.
4. Else if the number guessed by Player2 is incorrect, yellow LED lights up which indicates
the guessed number is bigger than secret number, or violet LED lights up which indicates
the guessed number is smaller than secret number. The system will halt for one minute after
each failed guess attempt. After one minute, the Player2 is allowed to try again for a
maximum attempt of five times. After five attempts, if Player2 has not discovered the secret
number, Player2 loses the game in which 7-segment display reveals the secret number and
red LED lights up.
5. It allows user to perform a secret number reset.

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EEEB1041 Digital Logic Design Lab

Project Objectives:
Based on the given problem statements, you are required to:
1. Design the circuit for guess the number game using Altera’s Quartus II.
2. Verify the functionality of the design using ModelSim-Altera.
3. Propose the cost analysis of this design if you were to purchase all the chips.

Group Report and Oral Presentation:

The deadline for report submission and oral presentation will be announced by your lab

1. Use Quartus II and Modelsim-Altera to code a design and run the simulation.

2. Verify the functionality of the circuit for each of the following case:
(a) If the number that was guessed by Player2 is the same secret number, 7-segment
display reveals the secret number and green LED lights up which indicates Player2 has
won and game is over.
(b) If the number guessed by Player2 is incorrect, yellow LED lights up which indicates
the guessed number is bigger than secret number.
(c) If the number guessed by Player2 is incorrect violet LED lights up which indicates the
guessed number is smaller than secret number.
(d) System halts for one minute after each failed guess attempt.
(e) After five attempts, if Player2 has not discovered the secret number, Player2 loses the
game in which 7-segment display reveals the secret number and red LED lights up.
(f) Secret number reset feature.
[It is advised to design each circuit block independently. You can create a symbol file for
each circuit block. After all blocks have been designed, you can then include all the
individual designs into a new project, which will be your main design.]

3. In the design, you can use any 74XX components that are available in the Quartus library.
Refer to the link below for a complete list of 7400 series digital logic ICs.

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EEEB1041 Digital Logic Design Lab

4. To prepare for the cost analysis of the design, refer to the link below to know the price (in
RM) for each chip. You need to include the cost of all components (chips, LED, switches,
displays, etc.) with the exception of circuit board/panel and wires.

5. Produce a written report, which explains your design methodology, discusses the circuit
operation and simulation results, and analyses the design and results in terms of the success
and/or failure, number of components used and their costs. Refer to Group Project Report
rubrics on page R-2 of the lab manual. Your report must contain the following
(i) Front page (UNITEN logo, semester & year, course code & name, project
title, student names, student IDs and section no, date of submission).
(ii) Project objectives.
(iii) Project background or Introduction.
(iv) Design Methodology / Design Work / Design Procedure.
(v) Results (Schematic and waveform diagrams).
(vi) Discussions:
a. Results analysis.
b. Component analysis.
c. Cost analysis.
(vii) Conclusion (i.e. main points of the project).
(viii) References.

6. Oral Presentation: You must show your design on Quartus II and explain the circuit
operation. You also need to show that you can compile the design with zero errors. Finally,
you need to show waveform diagram to verify the functionality of the design.


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