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ANSWER SCRIPT COVER PAG! NED University of Engineering & Technology Online Spring Semester Examinations - 2020 - wetion |__ Award Seat No. SE - 18004 Batch 2018 a No. First ‘Second examine | Extra tnemal | Exam? SortMiARe REQuIREMeR EG 5€-208 =e Course Title ~ Course Code 1 Enrol No,_EP/ 1236 / 2018 Date _ 24-49-2020 2 3. 4. PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY 5. 1) Download and print this cover page (separately for each exam). 6 2) Fill the above mentioned particulars before attempting the questions. 1 3) Students are not allowed to use red or green ink. Solve the questions on 8 A4 size paper using blue or black pen ONLY. 9. 10, n 2 Totad in figures Total words First / Internal Examiner's Signature Second / External Examiner's / ERC Signature ‘aeation of a raviTemenb douren) An sR is comect and only 'F every Grement tneiein yepievend SOMeINIAG reo) system fo be build INAMBIGLOUS? an SRS > UMambigvou? Vf and ony if requirement slated terein has only one PLETE: an sks is complete if it powes> folow- ng software is swppoed (0 dos in SRS Of software Tosponser of inpt A all yeanzable daw: of situatow 6 RIFIAB Z c an seb verifiable Ford only if every roquuiiement § fated tnere in ven fille No rayonement s}ated 1s in conflick with other preceeding 7nyuiremnent> no subiet of individual reoyorrement sini) z should be in conflict | ica j stuamre And si, ical amendments gAP can be made ey ys easily teaceable 15 clear f the ong in thar 15 the % 15 Closign independent iF aes iy A specific software architedtore OF is short and) concise 1s yeltor iF meeb all the chancactarisho> enh document ay a; + Tne qvality ottributes requrements dowmen athachve 10 dient mane ine overall > ghee quality atibuIe? make the : ae Oe sriware produck maintainable and effiaen the mud eliFF iaif Ihe vighr decisions vAliov) allematives faken intO consideration. peo fggienaine> Fisk yi important fo inclde noe wnich ore qeallly neccled by the most 5 OF jive snalps iq. idennhying reoyuiremienl ~amnong: voniov out {Oa eel roy! * agreement @mong varios iy ven ORE reldars | ASPECTS OF PrioRiTiZATION: Requiremenb — mony diffeear aspects nid qucunt impoRiANCE: The stakeholders Should’ priovtize which recyonemend | are Tor impotlanr a the sy Stench Re ay, > Penauty: _It 1s posible to evauate the reAaity a8 ear 6 FS nok foiled ot is usvaily estimated » COE 1S Often, iy infloenced by memy alher factors agree Of paidilieliom in development ; project eqities some anni of k> shovld be taken into ; } 4 3 tre purpae of Tih S67 is (Orallow the registeration 5 in painwial cor twill OO fouli in keeping all recor 4. SCOPE? r Z ih wall help #9 managing and maint cletante Ofms Ozer WIE tS a (adios ——~ > anu oYdanizahon- oD for any oYganizahon. world wide web- “online Student Registeraton System RSPECIIVE , ins software ty developed specifically to ake fiaible requirement ‘of stodeal 22 PRopuct FUNCTIONS: » Shdenh can emi rremselves omd regiile dese couner” using thei narne amd email The administrator must be able 10 deac- cnvaie and teactvate sjudent accent login. 23 USER CHARACTERISTICS: “END Usees All specific ungwiedge or skills are Fooyited from end User DeAINISTRATOR: yer ea Adminisnator musk be manage user vighk tog Saeen Gidea (egil Nome iat; student tisk Sareea: oa wD name. 3.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT: webs wi will helo or help ooo {0 conduct can acess yeuied EQUIREMENT: (AON = FUNUTIONAL) - pported gra tine jon Will be supported Begins wen Use) OF Mx uage? of projram sing existing Admin Ene,

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