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ANSWER SCRIPT COVER PAGE NED Unive ‘ity of Engineering & Technology Online Spring Semester Examinations - 2020 Seat No. SE-18034 Batch 2018 Course Title__ Software Requirement Course Code _SE-208 Engineering r, 2020 Enroll No.__NED/1674/2018 _pate_24/* Septemb 1) Download and print this cover page (separately for each exam). 2) Fill the above mentioned particulars before attempting the questions. 3). Students are not allowed to use red or green ink. Solve the questions on Ad size paper using blue or black pen ONLY. Question |_ Award No. | fen] Second Eatnines! | External ERC 10. u. RB Total figures Total in words First / Internal Examiner's Signature Second / External Examiner’s / ERC Signature brsner se OL aoe Attributes OF Requirement Docu lowing are the quality attri i Meee qa cil a (4) Corrects The requirement docunent % conci correct if the raypirenents eee he a correct and actually required fer eystam- “4 (2) Unambiguous: TE requirements viritten ave unambi d doesn't have multiple inte iO Shen do is snanbiguovs- sit ee St urabiguaus: (a) Complete: a requirement document 6 said tb be complete fi (ayTt describes ever ‘ng sustem 15 supposed tp do: (b) Ee describes wredicted . vreatcted ” output: (in responce of input), ond a4 vell as constraints, OF oe , (ce formatting document 1s done correctly. (d) The document doesn’t include arly “TO 66 perERMINED’ sections: (u) Verifiables- TE there i6 finite cost effective process for the requirements in document then Sko is congidexed verifiable: Sore a te reguirernen document ig coneis if, a ro conflicts in oe s no cubset Ie included for in vidual requirements: sil ener oe coder on) bY CUSTOMErS:— e docum oe en customers pi ee easy to (2) jaded hoi , 6 considered *i€ the styl : of document is easy res? A a elated = . modify Tf the document inclide refec eculier documents then it Is dey 2 sl at A Be TF exh individual requireme clocurn con be scraiied te document is Soe There ase few techniques make docunent tee rh (a) Numbesing evesy pacagrapr ; (lo) Assigning Seiad cr orretyuitement: (c)uaing comienttion string for describing requirement: (40) design “Thdependerd:- TE then doesn’t imply any specific algorithm or architectute, then it fe design Independent tut) Annatatted :- The document ie considered onotuted € it provides quidonce 40 development organtzator 12) Concise The document rnust be concise and must describe all cosactedstics of system Organized: e Tre veuirements within document rut be wy +0 locate- St r are hun : decision-making becomes oe ead , therefore requirement prioritization i vey” important: sometimes, it is on given which reqirements must be prioritt gO many aspects ate taken into consi for making Final decision: Helpful In Conflict Resolution:- uirement prioritization i$ vety helpful wn conflict resolction because it 15 helpful in tradeoff between rapa, scene con be made in sch juling :budgetin and ather things: Also, we can ceahish and optimize Cus eyste according to masket’s reece and benefits We con prioritize requirements in cuch a way that ie in best intetest of aeaybody: Aspects OF Prioritization: The most common agpects on the basis of hich a reqpiremet ig prioritized axe . importance, cost, tine penalty and risk- when. prioritization ig bas then i& & quite easy but when congiledng thon one _oupech. it Sey itize one aspect can impa Prat EP eee it & yey importont fo have an, idea of a a of different aspects on each ¢ as well ag an devel + Follow gome Of the aspecs, en an tt rape * ee at | 5 the | ce i see iis of pened 2) Penaltys— 7: Tt tells the penalty if regyviremert é not completed in “given time: @) Cost ectimedted a Is the* cost’ for fyfFilling the require TE tell (4) Time :- om re hich seyivenen , Tr tells th has to te fubilled- ) Risk: f Tt tells both intemal ond extecnal risks for the regpirement, Risk management is us cope up with all these: @ — volodility :- ac tell indy of requirenen but it ts cften considered’ a ri6k- soltnere ment Colege Regis con 1) Ls aa iS document, : : (Rs) pie Reena an system as described in on ih Scbcto of this document: 2) Thtroduction:- i | Regetration system are vital pot: of ony college Te student adiicsfon % one of ae impor ton activities - A poor octet system can crumble a calege because of mistakes oF glow response time ce cugtem % the Software colege. a Le eae colts ich ‘ oT ie its oo 6 facilitati ject ey ration and also by showing relative important details for college: 2) : 4 Re wiicee can login 1 o1« accounts WcemisreR: Hore: we can create ou’ account» u) Specific Requiremerti- FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS:- (a) GA chdent can register himself/heaself by providing relevand- cletails- (ny A student can login toate Na i fh A (ii) A student con see ites on on daghboasd- (iy) Admin can fave détails of all vsees alco manipul . (b) NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS? (i) Res pase time should be les than 2s: (iy An email will 06 gat to user on regiciabione cri) batobase rust have copacity +o 4pre load- balance which 15,000 records: civ) Appliauion must have can be achieved %Y deployment on cloud: (6) Appendices*~ (a) USE- CASE Diagram:- ash be ) student Shi te a & inchder a x Z_( cain) __ catgat® ¢ a Ey loot) . £ “(p) STATE CHART iagram: dale Ete ree rele aN fal, creen : loadin a Credential Pee cre bt : oats ‘ingest STATE CHART Diag bro GrATE CHART bet For ADMIN:-

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