Se-078 Sre Final Paper

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ANSWER SCRIPT COVER PAGE NED University of Engineering & Technology Online Spring Semester Examinations - 2020 Seat No. 18078. Batch __2018. N ‘Second Course Title SRE. Course Code __SE-208__ Enrol No. NED/2280/2018. Date___SEP 24, 2020__ PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTION: CAREFULLY 1) Download and print this cover page (separately for each exam). 2) Fill the above mentioned particulars before attempting the questions. 3). Students are not allowed to use red or green it Solve the questions on ‘Ad size paper using blue or black pen ONLY. First / Internal Examiner's Signature ‘Second / External Examiner's / ERC Signature — —_ olloring Me. Kal athiby les of on sess aes Co rteckness — Undlerstandab by ys omer 2 Complebeness = Meclt lt alol om Constckent 20 ponlsed . 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