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COMPACTA - 9 special
Home Assignment #4


Read the following passage carefully. (8 Marks)


1. Kalaripayatt is a traditional art practised in Kerala. Though claims of its

heavenly origin are disputable, foreign travellers have mentioned Kalari
being practised in Kerala as early as the 13th century, which makes it the
oldest martial art to be in existence. Kalari is considered to be the most
complete and scientific martial art and is the mother of all martial arts.
Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk from India, introduced Kalari into China and
2. What makes Kalari unique is the fact that it is much more than a martial art.
A student of Kalari learns philosophy, medicine, attack and self-defence
and, above all, learns how to avoid confrontations, where he has to attack
somebody or defend himself. He even learns to treat the injuries he causes
to his opponent while attacking or defending himself. An advanced student
would learn about Marma points or pressure points in the body. A skilful
blow at the right place could cripple or kill a person. These points are also
used to cure various illnesses. The Chinese art of acupressure is also based
on these pressure points. Kalari also includes Tantra and Mantra through
which a look could make a person drop dead.
3. The reason for Kalari being more than a mere martial art can be attributed to
the fact that Brahmins practised it. Their influence has made Kalari impart an
all-round training of the mind and body to the student to make him a
complete man rather than just turn out savage warriors. Fifteenth century
Kerala did not have a strong central rule, which gave rise to many small
rulers constantly at war with each other. To avoid unnecessary bloodshed,
they began a system where one Kalari warrior from each side would
represent his king and fight the other. The winner would win the war for his
king. This gives an indication of how respectable and venerated practitioners
of Kalari were between the 13th and 16th centuries.
4. When the British ruled India, they were unable to understand the nuances of
this art and, scared by the lethal skill of its practitioners, banned it in India.
The Hindu (Abridged)
I. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following
objective type questions very briefly. (4 x 1 = 4 Marks)

(a) Kalaripayatt is in fact a combination of:

(i) a martial art (ii) , (iii) medicine, (iv) attack and (v) .
(b) Marma points are important for two reasons:
(i) A at one of these points can cripple or kill a person
(ii) These points are used to treat .
(c) used Kalari to impart an all-round training of the mind and body.
(d) Kalaripayatt aims to turn its practitioners into savage warriors. (True/False)
(e) Rulers in fifteenth century Kerala often indulged in wars because there was
no strong .

II. Choose the most appropriate option in each of the following. Answer any four.
(4 × 1 = 4 Marks)

1. What is 'Kalaripayyat'?

a) a traditional way of worship to God
b) a martial art practised in Kerala
c) a Buddhist training for monks
d) a martial art developed in China and Japan

2. What are students of 'Kalari' taught?

a) to kill a person
b) to give medicines
c) to cripple an opponent
d) to defend themselves

3. 'He' in the third line of the second paragraph refers to

a) an opponent
b) a teacher of Kalari
c) a student of Kalari
d) an observer of Kalari duel

4. One thing common to Kalari and Chinese system of acupressure is that

a) both make use of pressure points in body
b) both are martial arts
c) both are ancient systems of medicine
d) both include 'tantra' and 'mantra'
5. 'Kalari' practitioners were highly respected between the 13th and 16th
centuries because
a) they were savage warriors
b) they were patronised by Kings
c) they helped settle royal disputes without unnecessary bloodshed
d) their mere looks could kill their opponents

6. According to the passage, the British banned Kalari because

a) it was a very violent art
b) it was a very subtle art
c) it was a potential threat to them
d) it was an all-round training of body and soul


Write a letter to the Prime Minister of the country lauding the government efforts in
effectively dealing with the Covid-19 Pandemic.

In your letter, you should:

express satisfaction over what the government has so far done to check the
Covid-19 pandemic
request for more aggressive ways and means of dealing with the problem
seek a special package for health, sanitation and security personnel in view
of the risk they have to face
pledge your support for all the government programmes to end the


I. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each of the
lines against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the
correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you
have supplied.
A telescope are a light bucket. (a)
They collects light from the objects (b)
in space using either a lens nor, (c)
much usually, a mirror. A main (d)
mirror reflect the light to a (e)
smaller one, who brings the (f)
light to a focus there an (g)
image of the object is form. (h)

II. Complete the following dialogue by filling in the blanks in any suitable way.

Bhushan: Do you think the lockdown (a) .

Bilal: Well, I'm afraid it will have to be extended.

Bhushan: Why? It was meant for only three weeks, wasn't it?

Bilal: I do agree (b) but look the number of positive
cases. It (c) continuously. 

Bhushan: Yes, and the rate at which it is rising is a matter of great concern. 

Bilal: Don't worry, have faith in the government, and trust our doctors
and nurses. 

Bhushan: I do (d) . They are all doing a great job, I must
say. And so are our security personnel. 

Bilal: Now, if we common people stay indoors and stay protected from
the virus, we'll (e) .

Bhushan: That will indeed be a great service that we will do to our motherland. 


Caution: These tasks and activities are meant for purposeful engagement of students during the
lockdown/period. Please, avoid sending any letters, emails, messages or appeals given here to
anyone. Brajindra Book Company cannot be held responsible if anybody disregards this advisory.
Adult supervision is recommended for some of these tasks and activities. Please, stay indoors and
stay safe until the lockdown/curfew is lifted and the threat of the pandemic is neutralised.

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