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11612840 / 16BCS2769
Receipt No. ...U...I.E..-.2..7..7..1..0.............. Dated 3..0..-..0..5..-.2..0..1..9........................... Uni-Account
No .......................................

(.U...I.E..)................................................ Year/Semester ....4../.7.............
B a ch e lo r O f E n gin e e rin g
Program : ... ... .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. . . .. .. .. . . .. ...
(C o m p u te r S c ien c e & E n g in e er in g )
. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. ... ... .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .............................................................

Received With Thanks from Mr. / Ms .....R..A...J..A..T....Y..A...D..A...V..................................................... S/D/o Sh.


On Accounts of


.............................................. In form of Cash/Draft/Pay Order/On line (Specify)..B...y...O...n..l.i.n..e................................No. (Serial

No)..................5..6..9............................ ................. Drawn

on ...S...B..I..-.3..2..9..1..4..8..6..3..7..9..1............................................Dated...2..7..-.0..5..-..2..0..1..9........................... Payable

At ..................................................
Rs. 66500/-

Term & Condition: -
1. This receipt is issued subject to the related provision of Act, Statues, Regulations, Rules, Ordinances, Orders, Instruction, Guidelines, Code of Conduct, Policies, Directions,
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2. This is mere an acknowledgement receipts and must not be taken as a token of acceptance or confirmation of registration or admission or up-gradation
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3. This receipt is valid, subject to the encashment of Demand draft/ pay order or any other valid instrument (if permitted) submitted for payment purpose on any account.
4. Student/payee is fully responsible for the genuineness of the instrument submitted for payment and in case of any misuse, misinterpretation or illegality, he/she will
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5. Refund, if permissible, shall be made as per Refund Policy of the Chandigarh Education Trust/ Chandigarh University, however no interest is payable on any
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6. Institute/ School/ Department/Center/ Programme etc., by whatsoever name it may be called, to be allotted can be different from as are mentioned herein and are
also subject to change from time to time, as decided by the Board of Management of Chandigarh Education Trust/ Chandigarh University .
7. Disputes, if any, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in District Mohali (Punjab) only.

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