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Submitted By



Prof. Jay Bhatt




Wadala (East), Mumbai 400 037

APRIL 2022


Submitted By



Prof. Jay Bhatt




Wadala (East), Mumbai 400 037

APRIL 2022

Signature of Faculty Guide Head of Department


This is to declare that the study presented by me to Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, in

completion of the Master in Management Studies (MMS) under the “A STUDY ON TRENDS
IN DIGITAL MARKETING” has been accomplished under the guidance of Prof. Jay Bhatt



My project on A STUDY ON TRENDS IN DIGITAL MARKETING has been a great

learning experience. I was exposed to the different areas of research in finance and gained
valuable experience, which I will always recall with a sense of satisfaction and pride.

This is to acknowledge Prof. Jay Bhatt under whose guidance I have been able to successfully
complete this project and effectively come to a verysuccessful conclusion.

To all my colleagues who have helped me either directly or indirectly, I am grateful for their
valuable inputs. This project would not have been possible without their help.


Executive Summary:

Digital marketing is marketing that makes use of electronic devices (computers) such as personal
computers, smartphones, cell phones, tablets and game consoles to engage with stakeholders.
Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms such as websites, e-mail, apps (classic and
mobile) and social networks.

This study provides us the overall understanding of aspects involved in Digital Marketing, like
PPC, SEO, Search Engine Marketing, etc. This report will help to get an idea about digital
marketing and how the digital marketing has impact on audience. The report helps to understand
the present and upcoming trends will impact the social media marketing.

We will also see that how brands use technologies and User Generated Content as a medium of
their Digital Marketing Campaign with respect to Swiggy and Zomato. The study also focuses on
emerging trends and technologies that will help the brands to leverage their presence in fast
changing social media life.

Table Of Contents

Serial     Page 
Number.   Content   Number.  
1.   Introduction to the Project.   1  
2.   Types of Digital Marketing Channel.   1  
3.   Objectives to Study.   5  
4.   Literature Review.    5  
5.   Brief on Digital Marketing.   7  
6.   Effectiveness on Digital Marketing.   13  
Ongoing Digital Marketing Trends.   15  
Creative Digital Marketing Campaigns.    
Voice of Hunger by Swiggy  21  
UGC‐ Digital Marketing Campaign by Zomato   24  
10.   26  
Zomato Happy Rider‐ #SonuKiSmile  
11.  31  
Trends in Digital Marketing  
12.  37  
13.  38  

Introduction to the Project:
Digital marketing is an all-encompassing term that consists of digital channels, such as
content marketing, SEO, email marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing and
so on, to create elaborate strategies to reach and connect with prospects and customers.

An average user consumes content via the television, computer, tablet, smartphone, radio,
and other traditional media. This constant exposure to various types of media has led to
information overload, further complicating the buyer‟s journey. Digital marketing has
allowed brands to stay relevant by making themselves visible through different channels
and touch points.

Apart from traditional marketing channels, such as television, newspapers, billboards, and
so on, marketers use these digital channels to guide prospects through their purchase
journey and keep in touch with their existing customers.

Types of Digital Marketing Channels


The website is the home to the digital marketing efforts. Brands and organizations use
websites to host content while using other mediums to distribute it. Most of your digital
marketing activities will link back to your website, where an action is expected to take
place, and the conversions are tracked.

2.Content Marketing

Content creation is the spine of your entire digital marketing strategy. Whether you‟ve got
a documented content marketing strategy or not, you‟re creating content to inform,
entertain, inspire, or persuade your buyers through other channels. Some of the most
common formats of content include text (blog posts), videos, images, info graphics,
podcasts, slide decks, and ebooks.

3.Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO acts as a jetpack for your content marketing efforts. SEO consists of on-page and off-
page activities to boost your website‟s visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs) for
your preferred keywords. Earlier, SEO was primarily text-based, but in recent years voice
search has gained prominence as well, which is why SEO activities need to have a
conversational approach.

4.Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is an umbrella term for various online advertising strategies. The typical
pricing/bidding strategies for digital advertising are cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-mille
(CPM), i.e., per thousand impressions. Common formats of digital advertising are search
engine marketing (SEM), display advertising, native advertising, social media advertising,
and programmatic advertising.

5.Email Marketing

Email marketing is the process of maintaining a database of cold and warm contacts and
sending them email alerts about your brand, products and services. It is an effective channel
to communicate with your audience on an ongoing basis. Email marketing is useful to build
your subscriber base, onboard new customers, retain existing ones, promote discounts and
offers, and distribute content.

6.Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing ensure you are present on the platforms your users are spending the
most time on. These include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and Instagram, where
you can distribute content through both – organic and paid channels. Social media has also
played a vital role in propagating video marketing and the ephemeral content wave. It
enables two-way communication and your fans and followers can interact with you on your
content through likes, comments, direct messages, or by posting on your official pages.

7.Affiliate Marketing

The concept of affiliate marketing is similar to commission-based sales. Organizations

provide custom links to their affiliates. Affiliates earn a specific cut/commission every time
someone buys through their custom link. Influence marketing could be considered a
modern and evolved spin-off of affiliate marketing.

8.Mobile Marketing

The number of smartphone users across the world is expected to grow to 3.5 billion in
2020. To bank on this opportunity, brands connect with their users on their smartphones
through mobile apps, emails, mobile-friendly websites, and social media. By connecting
with users on the go, brands have been able to optimize their marketing strategies and send
timely messages.

9.Online PR
Online Public Relations is a type of earned media. This is when a member of the press
(journalist or online publication) mentions your brand through their stories, interviews, and
so on. Product reviews by customers and bloggers and Influencers mentioning your brand
or products whether paid or organic also contribute to your online PR.

10.Conversational AI

The rise of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have
paved the way for more evolved marketing strategies such as conversational AI. As the
adoption of voice search, chat-bots, and digital assistants becomes prevalent, conversational
AI becomes vital to digital marketing.

11.Web Analytics

Web analytics is the practice of collecting, measuring, analyzing, and reporting data. This is
commonly tracked through Google Analytics, but websites could also build their analytical
tools. The data collected could be quantitative or qualitative. Web analytics helps marketers
understand the sources of traffic, what's working and what not, the return on investments
(ROI), and how they can enhance their digital marketing efforts.

• To Study Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing.

• To find the effectiveness of new Trends in Digital Marketing.

Review of Literature:
This research paper (Das, 2016) found that the demographic variables like age, gender,
income have a significant impact or influence on Digital and Social Media Marketing
(DSMM) engagements. For constructing the DSMM strategies, the social media marketing
conceptual model can be very much beneficial to provide practical propositions on the
major components and the various aspects of engagement pattern. A detailed examination
shows that factor analysis method was used and the findings established that there is a
positive relationship between Internet Savvy and Innovativeness with their Internet
utilization and the Internet utilization shows a positive relationship with sales performance
as identified by them.

The article (Goel, 2016) brings to light few factors affecting digital marketing from the
marketer‟s perspective. These factors are the target market, channels, technology, content,
social media, talent, and budget. For instance, the first and foremost factor from the
marketer‟s point of view is to decide the target market. Moreover, the content should form
an alliance with the interests of the target market.

Marketing is one of the primary gears of business management because of its way of
targeting the customer ("Marketing", n.d.). Nowadays, marketing can be divided into two
strategies: Traditional and Modern (Digital). Marketing strategies were used by different
companies to collaborate with their consumers. It was also used to aware the consumers
about the features, specifications and benefits of company‟s products. It was essentially
centered on encouraging target population to purchase those specific services and products.
The marketing strategies might be totally new and innovative or they can be formerly
applied or tested strategies. Effective marketing strategies facilitated to lead within the
competition ("8 Types of Marketing Strategies and Definition", 2016). Marketing strategies
can be used or focused on either business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer
(B2C) or business-to government (B2G).
This study focused on one of the modern, digital marketing strategies called “Influencer

There had been several statistics associated with this strategy that 70 percent of teenage
YouTube subscribers trust influencer opinions over traditional celebrities. On average,
businesses generated $6.50 for every $1 invested in influencer marketing. It is judged that
to be effective by 81% of marketers who have used influencer marketing. 51% of marketers
believed they get better customers from influencer marketing (Haran, 2019). Brands and
social media influencers had been collaborated through channels to generate awareness
over the last five years, and influencer marketing became from a supplementary marketing
tactic to a $5-10 billion dollar industry. It was suggested that brand investment in influencer
marketing will increase dramatically in 2018, so that 39% of marketers planned to grow
their influencer marketing budget. A number of marketers in an insignificant percentage
(17%) tried to spend over half of the entire marketing budget of this year for influencer
marketing. 89% of marketers (nearly 90%) said that ROI from influencer marketing was
comparable to or better than other marketing channels. However, 61% of marketers agreed
it‟s challenging to find the best influencers for a campaign, suggesting this problem is far
from solved (Bailis, 2019).

The study (Vachani& Vallabhbhai, 2014) analyzes the various distinctions between the
traditional marketing and e-Marketing effectiveness. The e-Marketing preferences and
usefulness among the customers are measured. The study highlights the online consumer‟s
level of satisfaction and the various drawbacks of the online businesses. There is a shift in
the marketing trend all over the world from a purely traditional store format to a mix of
both physical and virtual stores. A crucial part of the range of services that a marketer has
to offer is through the web. Over the world, the number of people using the internet as a
medium is growing exponentially, and India is no exception. Customer satisfaction plays a
predominant role in the success and sustenance of any business organization. Hence, the
study examines the critical success factors in digital purchases, marketing and retailing
from the perspective of the customers.

Brief on Digital Marketing:
Digital marketing is defined by the use of numerous digital tactics and channels to connect
with customers where they spend much of their time: online. From the website itself to a
business's online branding assets digital advertising, email marketing, online brochures, and
beyond -- there's a spectrum of tactics that fall under the umbrella of "digital marketing."

Digital Marketing Tactics and Examples:

The best digital marketers have a clear picture of how each digital marketing campaign
supports their overarching goals. And depending on the goals of their marketing strategy,
marketers can support a larger campaign through the free and paid channels at their

A content marketer, for example, can create a series of blog posts that serve to generate
leads from a new e-book the business recently created. The company's social media
marketer might then help promote these blog posts through paid and organic posts on the
business's social media accounts. Perhaps the email marketer creates an email campaign to
send those who download the e-book more information on the company. We'll talk more
about these specific digital marketers in a minute.

Here's a quick rundown of some of the most common digital marketing tactics and the
channels involved in each one.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

This is the process of optimizing website to "rank" higher in search engine results pages,
thereby increasing the amount of organic (or free) traffic to website receives. The channels
that benefit from SEO include:

• Websites.

• Blogs.

• Infographics.

Content Marketing
This term denotes the creation and promotion of content assets for the purpose of
generating brand awareness, traffic growth, lead generation, and customers. The channels
that can play a part in brand content marketing strategy include:

• Blog posts.

• E-books and whitepapers.

• Infographics.

• Online brochures and lookbooks.

Social Media Marketing

This practice promotes brand and their content on social media channels to increase brand
awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads for business. The channels one can use in social
media marketing include:

• Facebook.

• Twitter.

• LinkedIn.

• Instagram.

• Snapchat.

• Pinterest. Google+.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
PPC is a method of driving traffic to the website by paying a publisher every time the ad is
clicked. One of the most common types of PPC is Google AdWords, which allows to pay
for top slots on Google's search engine results pages at a price "per click" of the links
brand/organization place. Other channels where one can use PPC include:

• Paid ads on Facebook.

• Promoted Tweets on Twitter.

• Sponsored Messages on LinkedIn.

Affiliate Marketing
This is a type of performance-based advertising where one receives commission for
promoting someone else's products or services on website. Affiliate marketing channels

• Hosting video ads through the YouTube Partner Program.

• Posting affiliate links from your social media accounts.

Native Advertising
Native advertising refers to advertisements that are primarily content-led and featured on a
platform alongside other, non-paid content. BuzzFeed-sponsored posts are a good example,
but many people also consider social media advertising to be "native" -- Facebook
advertising and Instagram advertising, for example.

Marketing Automation
Marketing automation refers to the software that serves to automate basic marketing
operations. Many marketing departments can automate repetitive tasks they would
otherwise do manually, such as:

• Email newsletters.

• Social media post scheduling.

• Contact list updating.

• Lead-nurturing workflows.

• Campaign tracking and reporting.

Email Marketing
Companies use email marketing as a way of communicating with their audiences. Email is
often used to promote content, discounts and events, as well as to direct people toward the
business's website. The types of emails might send in an email marketing campaign

• Blog subscription newsletters.

• Follow-up emails to website visitors who downloaded something.

• Customer welcome emails.

• Holiday promotions to loyalty program members.

• Tips or similar series emails for customer nurturing.

Online PR
Online PR is the practice of securing earned online coverage with digital publications,
blogs, and other content-based websites. It's much like traditional PR, but in the online
space. The channels one can use to maximize their PR efforts include:

• Reporter outreach via social media.

• Engaging online reviews of company.

• Engaging comments on their personal website or blog.

Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing refers to the "full-funnel" approach to attracting, engaging, and
delighting customers using online content. They can use every digital marketing tactic
listed above throughout an inbound marketing strategy.

Work of Digital Marketer

Digital marketers are in charge of driving brand awareness and lead generation through
all the digital channels-- both free and paid. These channels include social media, the
company's own website, search engine rankings, email, display advertising, and the
company's blog.

The digital marketer usually focuses on a different Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for
each channel so they can properly measure the company's performance across each one. A
digital marketer who's in charge of SEO, for example, measures their website's "organic
traffic" -- of that traffic coming from website visitors who found a page of the business's
website via a Google search.

Digital marketing is carried out across many marketing roles today. In small companies,
one generalist might own many of the digital marketing tactics described above at the same
time. In larger companies, these tactics have multiple specialists that each focus on just one
or two of the brand's digital channels.

Here are some examples of these specialists:

SEO Manager

Main KPIs: Organic traffic
In short, SEO managers get the business to rank on Google. Using a variety of approaches
to search engine optimization, this person might work directly with content creators to
ensure the content they produce performs well on Google -- even if the company also posts
this content on social media.

Content Marketing Specialist

Main KPIs: Time on page, overall blog traffic, YouTube channel

Content marketing specialists are the digital content creators. They frequently keep track of
the company's blogging calendar, and come up with a content strategy that includes video
as well. These professionals often work with people in other departments to ensure the
products and campaigns the business launches are supported with promotional content on
each digital channel.

Social Media Manager

Main KPIs: Follows, Impressions, Shares

The role of a social media manager is easy to infer from the title, but which social networks
they manage for the company depends on the industry. Above all, social media managers
establish a posting schedule for the company's written and visual content. This employee
might also work with the content marketing specialist to develop a strategy for which
content to post on which social network.

Marketing Automation Coordinator

Main KPIs: Email open rate, campaign click-through rate, lead-generation

(conversion) rate
The marketing automation coordinator helps choose and manage the software that allows
the whole marketing team to understand their customers' behavior and measure the growth
of their business. Because many of the marketing operations described above might be
executed separately from one another, it's important for there to be someone who can group
these digital activities into individual campaigns and track each campaign's performance.

Inbound Marketing vs. Digital Marketing

On the surface, the two seem similar: Both occur primarily online, and both focus on
creating digital content for people to consume. So what's the difference?

The term "digital marketing" doesn't differentiate between push and pull marketing tactics.
Both can still fall under the umbrella of digital marketing.

Digital outbound tactics aim to put a marketing message directly in front of as many people
as possible in the online space -- regardless of whether it's relevant or welcomed. For
example, the garish banner ads you see at the top of many websites try to push a product or
promotion onto people who aren't necessarily ready to receive it.

On the other hand, marketers who employ digital inbound tactics use online content to
attract their target customers onto their websites by providing assets that are helpful to
them. One of the simplest yet most powerful inbound digital marketing assets is a blog,
which allows your website to capitalize on the terms which your ideal customers are
searching for.

Ultimately, inbound marketing is a methodology that uses digital marketing assets to

attract, engage, and delight customers online. Digital marketing, on the other hand, is
simply an umbrella term to describe online marketing tactics of any kind, regardless of
whether they're considered inbound or outbound.

Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Businesses:

Digital marketing can work for any business in any industry. Regardless of what your
company sells, digital marketing still involves building out buyer personas to identify your
audience's needs, and creating valuable online content. However, that's not to say all
businesses should implement a digital marketing strategy in the same way.

B2B Digital Marketing

If organization is in business-to-business (B2B), digital marketing efforts are likely to be
centered on online lead generation, with the end goal being for someone to speak to a
salesperson. For that reason, the role of their marketing strategy is to attract and convert the
highest quality leads for their sales people via company‟s website and supporting digital

B2C Digital Marketing

If company is business-to-consumer (B2C), depending on the price point of their products,
it's likely that the goal of their digital marketing efforts is to attract people to their website
and have they become customers without ever needing to speak to a salesperson.

For that reason, they‟ll probably less likely to focus on leads in their traditional sense, and
more likely to focus on building an accelerated buyer's journey, from the moment someone
lands on their website, to the moment that they make a purchase. This will often mean
product features in their content higher up in the marketing funnel than it might for a B2B
business, and they might need to use stronger calls-to-action (CTA‟s).

For B2C companies, channels like Instagram and Pinterest can often be more valuable than
business-focused platforms LinkedIn.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Unlike most offline marketing efforts, digital marketing allows marketers to see accurate
results in real time. If someone has put an advert in a newspaper, they'll know how difficult
it is to estimate how many people actually flipped to that page and paid attention to ad.
There's no surefire way to know if that ad was responsible for any sales at all.

On the other hand, with digital marketing, one can measure the ROI.

Here are some examples:

Website Traffic
With digital marketing, one can see the exact number of people who have viewed their
website's homepage in real time by using digital analytics software, available in marketing
platforms like HubSpot.

They can also see how many pages viewer visited, what device they were using, and where
they came from, amongst other digital analytics data.

This intelligence helps to prioritize which marketing channels to spend more or less time
on; based on the number of people those channels are driving to website. For example, if
only 10% of traffic is coming from organic search, indicates that they need to spend some
time on SEO to increase that percentage.

With offline marketing, it's very difficult to tell how people are interacting with brand
before they have an interaction with a salesperson or make a purchase. With digital
marketing, they can identify trends and patterns in people's behavior before they've reached
the final stage in their buyer's journey, meaning brand can make more informed decisions
about how to attract them to website right at the top of the marketing funnel.

Content Performance and Lead Generation

Imagine one have created a product brochure and posted it through people's letterboxes that
brochure is a form of content, albeit offline. The problem is that organization has no idea
how many people opened their brochure or how many people threw it straight into the

Now imagine organization has that brochure on their website instead. They can measure
exactly how many people viewed the page where it's hosted, and they can collect the
contact details of those who download it by using forms, but they're also generating
qualified leads when people download it.

Attribution Modeling
An effective digital marketing strategy combined with the right tools and technologies
allows to trace all of their sales back to a customer's first digital touch point with business.

It is called attribution modeling, and it allows identifying trends in the way people research
and buying the product, helps to make more informed decisions about what parts of
marketing strategy deserve more attention, and what parts of sales cycle need refining.

Companies with strong sales and marketing alignment achieve a 20% annual growth rate,
compared to a 4% decline in revenue for companies with poor alignment.

Ongoing Digital Marketing Trends
Just like aviator sunglasses and the little black dress, some things just don‟t go out of style.
Here are list of seven online marketing trends that have been big over the past few years.

1. Chatbots
Over the last several years, we‟ve been communicating more and more with bots. Thanks
to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, Chatbots are becoming more
sophisticated and capable of handling more complex requests.

In 2020, this technology will continue to be perfected and incorporated into company
websites. Customer service via the web is becoming faster and more efficient every day
thanks to these new technologies so don‟toverlook them in your web presence.

2. Video
Video was a digital marketing must in 2019 and it will continue to be one in 2020. In
addition to adding videos to your social networks and on your site, live videos on Facebook
Live and Instagram Live get watched 3X longer than videos that aren‟t live.

3. Position “Zero” in SERP

The position #1 is no longer the top spot in search results. Position Zero or “#0” position,
the featured snippet of text that appears before the search results, is now the top spot and
it‟s highly coveted.

4. Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing has been around for several years now, and it‟s not going away any
time soon. Influencers used to be huge celebrities or “internet celebs” with tens of
thousands of followers but now, companies are turning to people with much a smaller
social media following to be influencers. Leveraging influential people on social media
allows Brands to reach their audience with a voice that they trust.

Brands find influencers by looking for people who reach their target demographic and then
sponsoring them as a brand advocate. Brands that leverage influencers to spread their
message see an ROI 11X higher than they do with other digital marketing methods.

5. Content Marketing
Not only does content demonstrate knowledge and expertise to potential customers reading
your articles or pages, it‟s what search engines put in their search results. In short, content
fuels the fire that is your search engine optimization, so it‟s best to never stop creating
content. In 2020, focus on creating interactive content and videos.

6. Page Speed
Page speed has been important for several years and it will continue to be vital to your
website‟s success in 2020. 25% of users will abandon a page if it doesn‟t load in four
seconds and they‟re not likely to come back. Focus on improving page speed in 2020 and
watch site‟s performance improve!

7. User-Generated Content (UGC)

UGC is collaboration between a brand and its customers. By offering incentives such as
discounts, free goods, or even charitable donations to a specific cause, companies can
encourage customers to post their own unique content involving their use of their services
or products. This mutually beneficial strategy not only gives customers an opportunity to
help you advertise your brand, but it also increases overall engagement for users.

Creative Digital Marketing Campaign by Swiggy

Voice of Hunger with Swiggy

Voice of Hunger with Swiggy, a one-of-a-kind Instagram Voice Hack where users were
asked to recreate food shapes in hilarious ways to win food vouchers for a year.

Brand Introduction
Founded in 2014, Swiggy is a food delivery platform with over 75k+ restaurant partners
spread across 100+ cities. Every order delivered by Swiggy‟s fleet, the largest in India,
ensures a host of customer-centric features like lightning fast delivery, no minimum order
value, live order tracking, and 24/7 customer support.

Challenging foodies on Instagram, Swiggy, took the interactive campaigning route. The
brand launched a fun-engaging consumer campaign #SwiggyVoiceofHunger,where
foodies were invited to recreate the shape of their favorite food using the voice note feature
on Instagram.

Problem Statement/Objective:
Swiggy wanted to engage with its followers in a never-done-before fashion by going beyond
a normal engagement campaign in a fully UGC driven show.

Creative Idea:
Does hunger have a voice? In fact, it does the roasting of a chicken, the simmering sound
made while preparing a dish, the whistle of a pressure cooker, the growls, the screams,
rumbles made by our tummies. Swiggy concluded that hunger always had a voice hence,
the brand decided to give it a stage that it deserves.

The campaign consisted of 5 challenges – consumers were expected to recreate the shape of
a Kebab Skewer, Nacho, Shawarma, Pancakes and more using the voice note feature on
Instagram. Whoever completed all 5 challenges stood a chance to win a year‟s worth of
food vouchers from Swiggy.

Swiggy posted 5 challenges on their Instagram channel:

1. Kebab Skewer
2. Shawarma
3. Fish
4. Nacho
5. 21 Stack Pancake

The campaign began with Swiggy putting out a gibberish Tweet from their official handle
which sent Twitter into a tizzy. The brand had several users voicing out their concern if
there was an intern behind the post.

Swiggy then sent a follow-up tweet telling them that it was not a typo but it was the
#SwiggyVoiceOfHunger Challenge. Over the next 10 days, Swiggy gave India 5 challenges
where users had to recreate food shapes using Instagram voice note feature.

Here‟s what they had to do to win a year‟s worth of FREE food from Swiggy:

1.Check out Swiggy‟s Instagram post for that day‟s challenge.

2. Recreate that particular challenge by long pressing the microphone button feature on
Instagram DM.

3. Make noises/sounds by varying your pitch, loudness of your voice, using different
sources of sound etc. to recreate the shape of the dish as a waveform.

4. Complete all 5 challenges to win Mega prize.

The brand got influencers such as Srishti (a.k.aTheFilmykudi), Barkha Singh, Harsh
Beniwal, Ashish Chanchlani, Rohan Joshi, etc. to participate in the challenge, further
enhancing engagement.

Results –

• 1.5 Lakh plus entries in a period of 10 days

• Swiggy‟s Instagram follower base increased by 30k
• Brands like Airtel, Kingfisher&Netflix organically participated in the challenge.


Over a span of 10 days, the #SwiggyVoiceOfHunger challenge garnered around 1.5 lakh+
entries primarily from India. This challenge also crossed borders and Swiggy received a
few of them from international countries like Italy, Canada, Japan, US etc. At the peak of
the campaign, the challenge was hitting impossible numbers of at least 50 DMs per minute.


Apart from receiving these humongous numbers of entries from thousands of users, an
event occurred which is every marketer‟s nightmare (and dream come true). The fact that
this was an internet first challenge about hunger (a relatable emotion for practically
everyone!), the response was ravenous enough to break the internet, and crash their
Instagram! Not once, not twice but 11 times over the course of the campaign (10 days).

CMO Quotes:

Commenting on the success of the campaign, Ashish Lingamneni, AVP Marketing,

Swiggy said “Contests are a fun way to engage with and understand the pulse of
consumers. The unique nature of this campaign has resonated exceedingly well with
foodies across the country, with food lovers voicing their hunger literally at an average of
50+ DMs per minute! We are absolutely delighted to see the #SwiggyVoiceofHunger
campaign dominate the consumers‟ mindspace. The success of this campaign pushes us to
serve our discerning consumers more engaging and delightful content”.

UGC Digital Marketing Campaign by Zomato
In a world where most of the brands are seen living in the moment and constantly keeping
an eye on the up and coming trends, Zomato India is creating its own.

Zomato‟s Founder Deepinder Goyal too took part in the activity by tweeting back to the
handle asking – Who did this? later appreciated it by saying “good tweet” with a smiling

The effect of “kabhikabhi” was so much that it caught the attention of brands like Amazon
Prime Video, Ixigo, YouTube, Mobikwik, Smirnoff, Behrouz Biryani, TVF, and more
where they were soon enough seen joining the bandwagon and recommending people to do
the opposite of what their services stand for.

The post was liked by over 20,000 people and was re-tweeted over 3,000 times.

Zomato India meanwhile was quick to respond in a hilarious manner asking them to be
original and creative on their own, “Guys, kabhikabhi khud keacche tweet

It all came when the whole of India was busy watching world cup matches in the comfort of
their home and do nothing but order food than to cook, thereby leveraging the trend and
frequency of food ordering during ICC World Cup 2019.

Zomato Happy Rider- #SonuKismile:
In the month of February, Sonu commonly known as the Zomato happy rider or the smiling
Zomato guy became famous after a video of him, posted by a user on the famous music
content creation app, TikTok went viral. In the video, Sonu talks about having a 12-hour
shift and getting paid 350 Rupees a day while describing how happy he is with his job at
Zomato India.

This encouraged the famous food delivery app, Zomato India to change its Display Picture
into his face. They also called themselves as “Happy Rider Fan Club Account ”.

In a video posted by a TikTok user on his account where he talks to Sonu about his work at
Zomato instantly went viral because of the smiling face that Sonu had throughout the video.
He has a fixed smile for the entire video and that amused the people resulting in the video
going viral. Following which the TikTok user posted another video with him where he talks
to Sonu about him going viral on the internet. He also questioned if he will be making a
video on TikTok anytime soon.

Brands posts get effected by #SonuKismile

Godrej Appliance’s

Ching’s Chinese

Oral-B India

Not only Brands even Maharashtra & Pune Police Department used the template for road
safety awareness on their Social Media Handle.


Chatbots will Dominate Customer Service:

Chatbots are artificial intelligence (AI) software that acts as a virtual "concierge,"
communicating with users and assisting them in completing their goals. Chatbots interact
with humans in a natural way, primarily through the use of text chat windows, but verbal
interactions are also possible. Over time, as the system collects more data insights, the AI
learns more about the customers, making it possible to offer a continuously-improving

Throughout 2018 and 2019, Chatbots carved out a regular role on Facebook, by the tens of
thousands, for different tasks. Everything from providing weather reports to automating
some basic customer support functions can be easily handled by sophisticated software.
Bots allow users to get personalized, focused interactions without pulling too much from
limited human resources.

80% of businesses claim they want to start using Chatbots this year. When you consider the
benefits, it‟s easy to understand why:

• 24-hour service

• Instant responses to customer queries

• No need for breaks, vacations, or overtime pay

Tidio research from January 2020 found that 43% of consumers prefer to message an
online Chatbots rather than to phone customer service centers when communicating with a
brand. So, with businesses and customers keen for more involvement with Chatbots, this is
sure to be one of the fastest-growing digital marketing trends in 2020.

Facts show’s that:

• Chatbots will power 85% of customer service by 2020.

• Top benefits of Chatbots are 24-hour service (64%), instant responses to

inquiries (55%), and answers to simple questions (55%).

• 63% of respondents prefer messaging an online Chatbots to communicate

with a business or brand.

• By 2022, Chatbots will help businesses save over $8 billion per annum.

• 80% of businesses want Chatbots by 2020.

Voice Interaction grows Upward:
Siri, Google, Alexa, and a host of other „smart‟ devices, verbal interaction with devices is
continuing to rise. The real lesson for us is that people like to talk and that is a preferred
way of interacting. And now, machines are finally catching up to the way people want to
search shop and discover new things.

However, this presents some interesting challenges. Conducting a voice search, for
example, is very different from typing a query, particularly in the results. When a person
performs a textbased search, the screen displays the results one page at a time. But when
someone asks a device to conduct a search and the device replies verbally, it may only give
a few choices at most, and frequently supplies just one choice.

1. Use Natural Language & Long-Tail+ Keywords:
This is important for SEO in general, but even more so for anyone trying to take advantage
of voice search.

Since people actually speak their searches instead of typing them, they follow more natural
speech patterns. Voice searches are more conversational because, one having a
conversation with Alexa, Siri, or Google.

Voice searches are also more likely to be questions. While user might type, “Barbecue ribs
recipe” into Google, he‟ll probably ask Alexa or Siri, “How do I make barbecue ribs?”

This is where long-tail+ keywords come in. Long-tail keywords are 3-5 word long,
conversational phrases or questions people use to search. Using these keywords in brand
content will better serve target readers and increases chances of capturing the featured
snippet and therefore the voice search result.

2. Keep it Local:
Mobile voice searches are 3X more likely to be local searches. User is probably been out
and about and asked Siri where to get lunch or where the nearest parking deck is. Even
voice searches that aren‟t mobile (meaning they‟re performed on a smart speaker instead of
a smartphone) are more likely to be local.

And while we don‟thave the data to drill down exact numbers, that‟s a lot of local voice

A local business can optimize their content for local voice searches by answering as many
of the 5 W‟s as possible: who, what, when, where, why. Put this information front and


• A plumber in Panvel who provides 24/7 emergency service.

• A residential electrician in Panvel who services all of appliances.

• A Indian restaurant in Vashi that is open from noon-12AM.

• A 24-hour diner in Vashi.

3. Give a Concise Answer
When someone asks Google or Siri a question, they‟re looking for a specific answer.

If a user says, “Hey Google, what is Satra Plaza Vashi?” They expect to hear something
like, “Satra Plaza is a Business Centre.” Including a concise answer like this at the
beginning of the content makes it easy for Google to find and read.

Influencer Marketing:
Influencer marketing is a hybrid of old and new marketing tools. It takes the idea of
celebrity endorsement and places it into a modern-day content-driven marketing campaign.
The main differentiator in the case of influencer marketing is that the results of the
campaign are collaborations between brands and influencers.

Influencer as being someone who has;

• The power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of his or her
authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with his or her audience.

• A following in a distinct niche, with whom he or she actively engages. The

size of the following depends on the size of his/her topic of the niche.

Influencer marketing involves a brand collaborating with an online influencer to market one
of its products or services. Some influencer marketing collaborations are less tangible than
that – brands simply work with influencers to improve brand recognition.

For Example:

Technology: Gaurav Chaudhary aka Technical Guruji.

Travel Blogger: Shivya Nath

Updated Social Media Marketing

• Facebook Pay: Launched in the U.S. in November 2019, this payment feature
would facilitate on-platform payments, in-stream, making it easier for people to
buy products on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger.
• Facebook Watch: Facebook's own video-on-demand service.
• Oculus: VR technology that makes social media more interactive, which
Facebook is touting as the next evolution of social.
• Cross-stream messaging: Facebook's integration of messaging functionalities
of Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp.
• Instagram removing likes: In response the growing realization of the adverse
effects on mental health, Instagram is focusing on better humanization of their
• IGTV: Instagram's long-form video platform is not new, but will probably get
another push in 2020.
• Twitter's mDAU: A new monthly and daily active user metric called
monetizable dailyactive users, a move to clean up its platform from bots.
• Narrowcast tweets: An option that would limit the audience and usage of the
tweets, including the capability to remove the retweet function from chosen
tweets, and to restrict tweet reach to only chosen hashtag discussions and/or to
certain connections to target tweets to specific audiences.
• Tweet streaming: A new live-streaming feature.
• Snapchat AR: An Augmented Reality version of its Spectacles could be on the
way, which would overlay digital graphics over people‟s real-world view.


The successful completion of this study indicates that the future of marketing is in the hands
of digital. Digital marketing is not only concerned with placing ads in portals, it consists of
integrated services and integrated channels. Marketers want to use these components in an
effective way to reach target groups and to build a brand. In this digital era marketer is not
the custodian for a brand, people who are connected across the digital platforms are the

Digital media is the best platform to convert a product to a brand. Brands can able to engage
their target group in an effective way through digital platforms. Digital media is not only for
engagement, brands can increase their customers or they can retain their existing customers.
Digital platforms help to increase the impact of brand recall in target groups.

In this ever emerging world, Brands are using the emerging technologies as their marketing
campaigns, as mentioned in the study report, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence,
ChatBots, and Voice Interaction Command. Beyond the mentioned technologies the digital
marketing will see trends like User Generated Content, Influencer Marketing will be the
emerging content for the brands campaign.


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