07 Barbers - June 2011 Newsletter Web Version

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Mission Aviation Fellowship June 2011

The Barber Family

Calvin arrived on Monday, May 16th. He weighed in at 7

pounds 1 once and was 20.5 inches long. We are so thank-
ful for everyone who has kept us in their prayers during
this pregnancy. Karina and Calvin are doing just great!!
And Karina is recovering nicely. All of our kids were super
excited to come and meet mommy and Calvin after the
surgery, and all Faith wanted to do was hold her new baby
brother. Please continue to pray for patience for our
family as Karina recovers from another surgery. God’s
hand has shown us His faithfulness and perfect timing in
giving us Calvin before our departure for Africa. All Glory
to Him!!
We are in PACKING mode!! God has been guiding our
footsteps along this journey and we are finally coming to
the point where we are packing and getting ready to say
difficult goodbyes. We had two wooden shipping crates
built, and we are starting to fill them with everything
that we will need in Madagascar. Things like tools, bikes,
clothes, school curriculum and supplies, favorite toys, and
many more items. We will also arrange to have a vehicle
purchased and shipped down from Europe, because it’s
MUCH cheaper than buying one in country.
Praise God our house is done! Thanks to many individuals
who helped us finish up all the jobs to make it saleable.
The house has been on the market for two months now
and has had two lookers. Please pray that God brings a
buyer for our house. We know and trust that He will work
out all the details as we continue to move forward.

Rob & Karina Barber

MAF Canada
264 Woodlawn Rd. W.
Guelph, ON N1H 1B6
1-(877) 351-9344
Checked Out Our Blog Yet?
It’s almost here! We are getting very excited to travel across Canada and
experience living in Quebec City. Our flights have been booked for July 13, so the
countdown to our departure is officially on! Another MAF couple just finishing their
French Language training has been getting things all prepared for us. They will be
there for a bit to help us get settle in and show us around before they head away for
their final training in preparation for the Congo. We are so thankful for all they have
done in preparation for us. Our main purpose of being in Quebec City is to learn
French, the official language in Madagascar. It is exciting to think that our children will
be growing up in a bi-lingual environment and will one day be bi-lingual in their own
country. However, this is also very overwhelming for us as adults, having next to no
French in our background growing up! We are praying that God will help us absorb the
language and enable us to retain all we need to know. From August until January, we
will have a tutor teaching us (Rob and Karina) each day; the remainder of our day will
be spent studying homework and exposing ourselves to the language out in the com-
munity. Personally, I (Karina) am looking forward to sitting in on activities like story
time at the local library with my kids and hopefully getting involved with church Bible
studies. We are also excited to be able to participate in many of the festivals that are
held in Quebec City during the year. We’ve been told the culture is definitely unique
within Canada. This first move will be a “baby” step into a new culture in our home
country as we prepare for Madagascar next Winter!
Blessings to each one of you,
Rob & Karina Faith loves to hold her new brother!
Faith Wesley Joyanne & Calvin
We began raising awareness and support for MAF in August last year, and we have been
so encouraged to see the faithfulness of God bringing in the support thus far.
Thank You!

Truly, it’s been His hand moving those individuals to be a part of our team.

91% Many
We are trusting thatthanks
God willtoprovide
all of the special gifts
the remaining
received over the past 2 months.
amount as we make the move to

We only have 9% left to go Is God Leading You to Join?

with the ongoing monthly The remainder of our team may look:
We are so thankful for you—each support of our ministry $100/month
prayer partner and giver plays such a with MAF! To put that into $75/month 
special role in this ministry. So special, perspective: if each of our $50/month 
that without your partnership, we $25/month 
current monthly donors
wouldn’t be able to go and serve God Would you prayerfully consider joining our min-
wished to increase their istry support team?
in this way.
support by $10 the target Please contact us with any questions (604-755-
goal would be easily met! 4439) or send us an e-mail.If you write a
cheque to MAF Canada, please note our
project number C484.

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