PAREXEL International: Dataset Specification

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PAREXEL International

Dataset Specification


STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Identifier Req
DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Identifier Req
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Identifier Req
VISITNUM Visit Number Num 8 Topic Req
VISIT Visit Name Char 40 Synonym Qualifier Perm
VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num 8 Timing Perm
SVSTDTC Start Date/Time of Visit Char 19 ISO 8601 Timing Exp
SVENDTC End Date/Time of Visit Char 19 ISO 8601 Timing Exp
SVSTDY Study Day of Start of Visit Num Timing Perm
SVENDY Study Day of End of Visit Num Timing Perm
SVUPDES Description of Unplanned Visit Char Synonym Qualifier Perm

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Source Dataset: event

Source eCRF: NA

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PAREXEL International

Dataset Specification


STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Identifier Req
DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Identifier Req
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Identifier Req
AESEQ Sequence Number Num 8 Identifier Req
AEGRPID Group ID Char Identifier Perm
AEREFID Reference ID Char Identifier Perm
AESPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Identifier Perm
AETERM Reported Term for the Adverse Event Char 200 Topic Req
AEMODIFY Modified Reported Term Char Synonym Qualifier Perm
AELLT Lowest Level Term Char 200 Variable Qualifier Exp
AELLTCD Lowest Level Term Code Num 8 Variable Qualifier Exp
AEDECOD Dictionary-Derived Term Char 200 Synonym Qualifier Req
AEPTCD Preferred Term Code Num 8 Variable Qualifier Exp
AEHLT High Level Term Char 200 Variable Qualifier Exp
AEHLTCD High Level Term Code Num 8 Variable Qualifier Exp
AEHLGT High Level Group Term Char 200 Variable Qualifier Exp
AEHLGTCD High Level Group Term Code Num 8 Variable Qualifier Exp
AECAT Category for Adverse Event Char Grouping Qualifier Perm
AESCAT Subcategory for Adverse Event Char Record Qualifier Perm
AEPRESP Pre-Specified Adverse Event Char (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
AEBODSYS Body System or Organ Class Char 200 Variable Qualifier Exp
AEBDSYCD Body System or Organ Class Code Num 8 Variable Qualifier Exp
AESOC Primary System Organ Class Char 200 Variable Qualifier Exp
AESOCCD Primary System Organ Class Code Num 8 Record Qualifier Exp
AELOC Location of Event Char (LOC) Record Qualifier Perm
AESEV Severity/Intensity Char 50 (AESEV) Record Qualifier Perm
AESER Serious Event Char 3 (NY) Record Qualifier Exp
AEACN Action Taken with Study Treatment Char 50 (ACN) Record Qualifier Exp
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AEACNOTH Other Action Taken Char Record Qualifier Perm

AEREL Causality Char 40 Record Qualifier Exp
AERELNST Relationship to Non-Study Treatment Char Record Qualifier Perm
AEPATT Pattern of Adverse Event Char Record Qualifier Perm
AEOUT Outcome of Adverse Event Char 40 (OUT) Record Qualifier Perm
AESCAN Involves Cancer Char (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
AESCONG Congenital Anomaly or Birth Defect Char 1 (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
AESDISAB Persist or Signif Disability/Incapacity Char 1 (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
AESDTH Results in Death Char 1 (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
AESHOSP Requires or Prolongs Hospitalization Char 1 (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
AESLIFE Is Life Threatening Char 1 (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
AESOD Occurred with Overdose Char (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
AESMIE Other Medically Important Serious Event Char 1 (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
AECONTRT Concomitant or Additional Trtmnt Given Char 1 (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
AETOXGR Standard Toxicity Grade Char Record Qualifier Perm
AESTDTC Start Date/Time of Adverse Event Char 19 ISO 8601 Timing Exp
AEENDTC End Date/Time of Adverse Event Char 19 ISO 8601 Timing Exp
AESTDY Study Day of Start of Adverse Event Num Timing Perm
AEENDY Study Day of End of Adverse Event Num Timing Perm
AEDUR Duration of Adverse Event Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm
AEENRF End Relative to Reference Period Char 12 Timing Perm
AEENRTPT End Relative to Reference Time Point Char 30 Timing Perm
AEENTPT End Reference Time Point Char 30 Timing Perm

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Source Dataset: AE, EOS

Source eCRF: Adverse Event, End of Study / Discontinuation / Completion

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Dataset Specification

Dataset Name: SUPPAE Supplemental Qualifiers for AE

Source Dataset: AE
Target Source eCRF: Adverse Event
STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Req "AN-SLE3331"
RDOMAIN Related Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Req "AE"
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Req
IDVAR Identifying Variable Char 8 Exp
IDVARVAL Identifying Variable Value Char 10 Exp
QNAM Qualifier Variable Name Char 8 Req
QLABEL Qualifier Variable Label Char 40 Req
QVAL Data Value Char 200 Req
QORIG Origin Char 20 Req
QEVAL Evaluator Char 50 Exp

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Source Dataset: AE Source Dataset: AE

Source eCRF: Adverse Event Source eCRF: Adverse Event

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Dataset Specification


STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Identifier Req
DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Identifier Req

USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char Identifier Req DM

SUBJID Subject Identifier for the Study Char 20 Topic Req DM
RFSTDTC Subject Reference Start Date/Time Char 19 Record Qualifier Exp
RFENDTC Subject Reference End Date/Time Char 19 Record Qualifier Exp
RFXSTDTC Date/Time of First Study Treatment Char 19 Record Qualifier Exp
RFXENDTC Date/Time of Last Study Treatment Char 19 Record Qualifier Exp
RFICDTC Date/Time of Informed Consent Char 19 Record Qualifier Exp
RFPENDTC Date/Time of End of Participation Char 19 Record Qualifier Exp
DTHDTC Date/Time of Death Char 19 Record Qualifier Exp
DTHFL Subject Death Flag Char 20 Record Qualifier Exp AE
SITEID Study Site Identifier Char 20 Record Qualifier Req
INVID Investigator Identifier Char Record Qualifier Perm
INVNAM Investigator Name Char 200 Qualifier Perm
BRTHDTC Date/Time of Birth Char 19 Record Qualifier Perm
AGE Age Num 8 Record Qualifier Exp
AGEU Age Units Char 6 Variable Qualifier Exp
SEX Sex Char 1 Record Qualifier Req
RACE Race Char 42 Record Qualifier Exp
ETHNIC Ethnicity Char 30 Record Qualifier Perm
ARMCD Planned Arm Code Char 8 Record Qualifier Req
ARM Description of Planned Arm Char 20 Synonym QualifieReq

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ACTARMCD Actual Arm Code Char 8 Record Qualifier Req

ACTARM Description of Actual Arm Char 12 Synonym QualifieReq
COUNTRY Country Char 3 Record Qualifier Req
DMDTC Date/Time of Collection Char Timing Perm
DMDY Study Day of Collection Num Timing Perm

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Source Dataset: DM,AE,EX,Event,StatFrm

Source eCRF: Demography, Informed Consent, Study Drug Administration, End
of Study / Discontinuation / Completion , Adverse Events
STUDID USUBJID=Catx('-',StudyID,SiteId,Patid);
SITEID Concatinate StudyID, SiteID, Patid.
PATID Set to upcase.
PATID set to source


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Dataset Specification

Dataset Name: SUPPDM Supplemental Qualifiers for DM

Source Dataset: RAND

Target Source eCRF: Informed Consent (IC)
STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Req
RDOMAIN Related Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Req
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Req
IDVAR Identifying Variable Char 8 Exp
IDVARVAL Identifying Variable Value Char 10 Exp
QNAM Qualifier Variable Name Char 8 Req
QLABEL Qualifier Variable Label Char 40 Req
QVAL Data Value Char 200 Req
QORIG Origin Char 20 Req
QEVAL Evaluator Char 50 Exp

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Dataset Specification


STUDYID Study Identifier text
DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation text
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier text
SESEQ Sequence Number integer
ETCD Element Code text
ELEMENT Description of Element text
SESTDTC Start Date/Time of Element text
SEENDTC End Date/Time of Element text
TAETORD Project Role: Data Transfer SAS Programmer (mandatory) integer
EPOCH Epoch text
SEUPDES Project Role: Statistical SAS Programmer (if applicable) text

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11 Identifier Req
2 Identifier Req
20 Identifier Req
8 Identifier Req
8 Topic Req
40 Synonym Qu Perm
19 Timing Req
19 Timing Exp
8 Timing Perm
50 Timing Perm
200 Synonym Qu Perm

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Source Dataset: IC, RAND

Source eCRF: Informed Consent, Subject Randomization

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Source Dataset: RAND, EOS

Source eCRF: Subject Randomization, End of Study / Discontinuation / Completion
NOTES: after unblinding

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Source Dataset: RAND, EOS

Source eCRF: Subject Randomization, End of Study / Discontinuation / Completion
NOTES: before unblinding

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Dataset Specification


STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Identifier Req
DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Identifier Req
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Identifier Req
SCSEQ Sequence Number Num 8 Identifier Req
SCGRPID Group ID Char Identifier Perm
SCSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Identifier Perm
SCTESTCD Subject Characteristic Short Name Char 8 (SCCD) Topic Req
SCTEST Subject Characteristic Char 40 Synonym Qualifier Req
SCCAT Category for Subject Characteristic Char Grouping Qualifier Perm
SCSCAT Subcategory for Subject Characteristic Char Grouping Qualifier Perm
SCORRES Result or Finding in Original Units Char 20 Result Qualifier Exp
SCORRESU Original Units Char (UNIT) Variable Qualifier Perm
SCSTRESC Character Result/Finding in Std Format Char 20 Result Qualifier Exp
SCSTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Uni Num Result Qualifier Perm
SCSTRESU Standard Units Char (UNIT) Variable Qualifier Perm
SCSTAT Completion Status Char (ND) Record Qualifier Perm
SCREASND Reason Not Performed Char Record Qualifier Perm
SCDTC Date/Time of Collection Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm
SCDY Study Day of Examination Num Timing Perm

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Source Dataset: DM
Source eCRF: Demography

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Dataset Specification

Dataset Name: SUPPSC Supplemental Qualifiers for SC

Source Dataset: DM, SC

Target Source eCRF: Demography
STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Req
RDOMAIN Related Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Req
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Req
IDVAR Identifying Variable Char 8 Exp
IDVARVAL Identifying Variable Value Char 10 Exp
QNAM Qualifier Variable Name Char 8 Req
QLABEL Qualifier Variable Label Char 40 Req
QVAL Data Value Char 200 Req
QORIG Origin Char 20 Req
QEVAL Evaluator Char 50 Exp

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Dataset Specification


STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Identifier Req
DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Identifier Req
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Identifier Req
MHSEQ Sequence Number Num 8 Identifier Req
MHGRPID Group ID Char Identifier Perm
MHREFID Reference ID Char Identifier Perm
MHSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Identifier Perm
MHTERM Reported Term for the Medical History Char 200 Topic Req
MHMODIFY Modified Reported Term Char Synonym Qualifier Perm
MHDECOD Dictionary-Derived Term Char 200 Synonym Qualifier Perm
MHCAT Category for Medical History Char 80 Grouping Qualifier Perm
MHSCAT Subcategory for Medical History Char 80 Grouping Qualifier Perm
MHPRESP Medical History Event Pre-Specified Char (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
MHOCCUR Medical History Occurrence Char 1 (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
MHSTAT Completion Status Char (ND) Record Qualifier Perm
MHREASND Reason Medical History Not Collected Char Record Qualifier Perm
MHBODSYS Body System or Organ Class Char 200 Record Qualifier Perm
MHDTC Date/Time of History Collection Char 19 ISO 8601 Timing Perm
MHSTDTC Start Date/Time of Medical History Event Char 19 ISO 8601 Timing Perm
MHENDTC End Date/Time of Medical History Event Char 19 ISO 8601 Timing Perm
MHDY Study Day of History Collection Num Timing Perm
MHENRF End Relative to Reference Period Char 30 (STENRF) Timing Perm
MHENRTPT End Relative to Reference Time Point Char Timing Perm
MHENTPT End Reference Time Point Char Timing Perm

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Source Dataset: MH Source Dataset: SLEHIST

Source eCRF: Medical History Source eCRF: SLE History (SLE_HIS)

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Dataset Specification

Dataset Name: SUPPMH Supplemental Qualifiers for MH

Source Dataset: MH
Target Source eCRF: Medical History
STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Req "AN-SLE3331"
RDOMAIN Related Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Req "MH"
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Req

IDVAR Identifying Variable Char 8 Exp

IDVARVAL Identifying Variable Value Char 10 Exp
QNAM Qualifier Variable Name Char 8 Req
QLABEL Qualifier Variable Label Char 40 Req
QVAL Data Value Char 200 Req
QORIG Origin Char 20 Req
QEVAL Evaluator Char 50 Exp

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Source Dataset: MH Source Dataset: MH Source Dataset: MH

Source eCRF: Medical History Source eCRF: Medical History Source eCRF: Medical History

Value of MHSEQ for related record
Value of "itmPTcode" for related record

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Source Dataset: MH Source Dataset: MH Source Dataset: MH

Source eCRF: Medical History Source eCRF: Medical History Source eCRF: Medical History

substr(cats("AN- substr(cats("AN- substr(cats("AN-

SLE3331-",upcase(PATID)),1,17) SLE3331-",upcase(PATID)),1,17) SLE3331-",upcase(PATID)),1,17)
Value of MHSEQ for related record Value of MHSEQ for related record Value of MHSEQ for related record
HLTname HLTcode HLGTname
Value of "itmHLTname" for related record Value of "itmHLTcode" for related record Value of "itmHLGTname" for related record

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Source Dataset: MH Source Dataset: MH

Source eCRF: Medical History Source eCRF: Medical History

substr(cats("AN- substr(cats("AN-
SLE3331-",upcase(PATID)),1,17) SLE3331-",upcase(PATID)),1,17)
Value of MHSEQ for related record Value of MHSEQ for related record
HLGTcode SOCcode
Value of "itmHLGTcode" for related record Value of "itmSOCcode" for related record

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Dataset Specification


STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Identifier Req
DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Identifier Req
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Identifier Req
LBSEQ Sequence Number Num 8 Identifier Req
LBGRPID Group ID Char Identifier Perm
LBREFID Specimen ID Char Identifier Perm
LBSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Identifier Perm
LBTESTCD Lab Test or Examination Short Name Char 8 (LBTESTCD) Topic Req
LBTEST Lab Test or Examination Name Char 40 (LBTEST) Synonym Qualifier Req
LBCAT Category for Lab Test Char 80 Grouping Qualifier Exp
LBSCAT Subcategory for Lab Test Char 80 Grouping Qualifier Perm
LBORRES Result or Finding in Original Units Char 200 Result Qualifier Exp
LBORRESU Original Units Char 40 (UNIT) Variable Qualifier Exp
LBORNRLO Reference Range Lower Limit in Orig Unit Char 40 Variable Qualifier Exp
LBORNRHI Reference Range Upper Limit in Orig Unit Char 40 Variable Qualifier Exp
LBSTRESC Character Result/Finding in Std Format Char 200 Result Qualifier Exp
LBSTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units Num 8 Result Qualifier Exp
LBSTRESU Standard Units Char 40 (UNIT) Variable Qualifier Exp
LBSTNRLO Reference Range Lower Limit-Std Units Num 8 Variable Qualifier Exp
LBSTNRHI Reference Range Upper Limit-Std Units Num 8 Variable Qualifier Exp
LBSTNRC Reference Range for Char Rslt-Std Units Char Variable Qualifier Perm
LBNRIND Reference Range Indicator Char 30 Variable Qualifier Exp
LBSTAT Completion Status Char 8 (ND) Record Qualifier Perm
LBREASND Reason Test Not Done Char Record Qualifier Perm
LBNAM Vendor Name Char Record Qualifier Perm
LBLOINC LOINC Code Char Synonym Qualifier Perm
LBSPEC Specimen Type Char 40 Record Qualifier Perm
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LBSPCCND Specimen Condition Char Record Qualifier Perm

LBMETHOD Method of Test or Examination Char Record Qualifier Perm
LBBLFL Baseline Flag Char 1 (NY) Record Qualifier Exp
LBFAST Fasting Status Char (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
LBDRVFL Derived Flag Char (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
LBTOX Toxicity Char Variable Qualifier Perm
LBTOXGR Standard Toxicity Grade Char Variable Qualifier Perm
VISITNUM Visit Number Num 8 Timing Exp
VISIT Visit Name Char 40 Timing Perm
VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num 8 Timing Perm
LBDTC Date/Time of Specimen Collection Char 19 ISO 8601 Timing Perm
LBENDTC End Date/Time of Specimen Collection Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm
LBDY Study Day of Specimen Collection Num Timing Perm
LBTPT Planned Time Point Name Char Timing Perm
LBTPTNUM Planned Time Point Number Num Timing Perm
LBELTM Planned Elapsed Time from Time Point Ref Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm
LBTPTREF Time Point Reference Char Timing Perm
LBRFTDTC Date/Time of Reference Time Point Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm

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Source Dataset: LAB Source Dataset: HEP

Source eCRF: Lab - Anti-Nuclear Antibody (ANA) Source eCRF: Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and Hepatitis C

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Source Dataset: HEP Source Dataset: LAB

Source eCRF: Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and Hepatitis C Source eCRF: Serum Pregnancy Test

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Source Dataset: LAB Source Dataset: LAB

Source eCRF: Lab - Tuberculosis Source eCRF: Lab - anti-dsDNA/C3 and C4

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Source Dataset: LAB Source Dataset: LAB

Source eCRF: Lab - Urinalysis (Screening) Source eCRF: Lab - Chemistry and Hematology

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Source Dataset: LAB Source Dataset: LAB

Source eCRF: Lab - Chemistry and Hematology Source eCRF: Urine Pregnancy Test

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Source Dataset: LAB Source Dataset: LAB

Source eCRF: Lab - Anti-phospholipid Antibody Source eCRF: Lab - Urinalysis

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Source Dataset: LAB Source Dataset: LAB_edata

Source eCRF: Lab - IgG, IgM, and IgA
FORMNAM - LAB_IG Source eCRF: NA (Central Lab)

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Dataset Specification

Dataset Name: VS Vital Signs

STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Identifier Req
DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Identifier Req
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Identifier Req
VSSEQ Sequence Number Num 8 Identifier Req
VSGRPID Group ID Char Identifier Perm
VSSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Identifier Perm
VSTESTCD Vital Signs Test Short Name Char 8 (VSTESTCD) Topic Req
VSTEST Vital Signs Test Name Char 40 (VSTEST) Synonym Qualifier Req
VSCAT Category for Vital Signs Char 80 Grouping Qualifier Perm
VSSCAT Subcategory for Vital Signs Char 80 Grouping Qualifier Perm
VSPOS Vital Signs Position of Subject Char (POSITION) Record Qualifier Perm
VSORRES Result or Finding in Original Units Char 200 Result Qualifier Exp
VSORRESU Original Units Char 40 (VSRESU) Variable Qualifier Exp
VSSTRESC Character Result/Finding in Std Format Char 200 Result Qualifier Exp
VSSTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units Num 8 Result Qualifier Exp
VSSTRESU Standard Units Char 40 (VSRESU) Variable Qualifier Exp
VSSTAT Completion Status Char 8 (ND) Record Qualifier Perm
VSREASND Reason Not Performed Char Record Qualifier Perm
VSLOC Location of Vital Signs Measurement Char (LOC) Record Qualifier Perm
VSBLFL Baseline Flag Char 1 (NY) Record Qualifier Exp
VSDRVFL Derived Flag Char (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
VISITNUM Visit Number Num 8 Timing Exp
VISIT Visit Name Char 40 Timing Perm
VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num 8 Timing Perm
VSDTC Date/Time of Measurements Char 19 ISO 8601 Timing Exp
VSDY Study Day of Vital Signs Num Timing Perm
VSTPT Planned Time Point Name Char Timing Perm
VSTPTNUM Planned Time Point Number Num Timing Perm
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VSELTM Planned Elapsed Time from Time Point Ref Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm
VSTPTREF Time Point Reference Char Timing Perm
VSRFTDTC Date/Time of Reference Time Point Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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Source Dataset: VS Source Dataset: PE/VS

Source eCRF: Resting Vital Signs Source eCRF: Complete Physical Examination

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Dataset Specification


STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Identifier Req
DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Identifier Req
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Identifier Req
IESEQ Sequence Number Num 8 Identifier Req
IESPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Identifier Perm
IETESTCD Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name Char 8 Topic Req
IETEST Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Char 200 Synonym Qualifier Req
IECAT Inclusion/Exclusion Category Char 80 (IECAT) Grouping Qualifier Req
IESCAT Inclusion/Exclusion Subcategory Char Grouping Qualifier Perm
IEORRES I/E Criterion Original Result Char 1 (NY) Result Qualifier Req
IESTRESC I/E Criterion Result in Std Format Char 1 (NY) Result Qualifier Req
VISITNUM Visit Number Num 8 Timing Perm
VISIT Visit Name Char 40 Timing Perm
VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num 8 Timing Perm
IEDTC Date/Time of Collection Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm
IEDY Study Day of Collection Num Timing Perm

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Source Dataset: INEX Source Dataset: INEX

Source eCRF: Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria (INC) Source eCRF: Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria (INC)

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Dataset Specification

Dataset Name: EX EXPOSURE

STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Identifier Req
DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Identifier Req
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Identifier Req
EXSEQ Sequence Number Num 8 Identifier Req
EXGRPID Group ID Char Identifier Perm
EXSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Identifier Perm
EXTRT Name of Actual Treatment Char 200 Topic Req
EXCAT Category for Treatment Char 80 Grouping Qualifier Perm
EXSCAT Subcategory for Treatment Char Grouping Qualifier Perm
EXDOSE Dose per Administration Num 8 Record Qualifier Exp
EXDOSTXT Dose Description Char Record Qualifier Perm
EXDOSU Dose Units Char 40 (UNIT) Variable Qualifier Exp
EXDOSFRM Dose Form Char 40 (FRM) Variable Qualifier Exp
EXDOSFRQ Dosing Frequency per Interval Char 40 (FREQ) Variable Qualifier Perm
EXDOSTOT Total Daily Dose Num Record Qualifier Perm
EXDOSRGM Intended Dose Regimen Char Variable Qualifier Perm
EXROUTE Route of Administration Char (ROUTE) Variable Qualifier Perm
EXLOT Lot Number Char Record Qualifier Perm
EXLOC Location of Dose Administration Char (LOC) Record Qualifier Perm
EXTRTV Treatment Vehicle Char 10 Record Qualifier Perm
EXVAMT Treatment Vehicle Amount Num 5 Variable Qualifier Perm
EXVAMTU Treatment Vehicle Amount Units Char 40 (UNIT) Variable Qualifier Perm
EXADJ Reason for Dose Adjustment Char Record Qualifier Perm
TAETORD Planned Order of Element within Arm Num Timing Perm
EPOCH Epoch Char Timing Perm
EXSTDTC Start Date/Time of Treatment Char 19 ISO 8601 Timing Exp
EXENDTC End Date/Time of Treatment Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm
EXSTDY Study Day of Start of Treatment Num Timing Perm
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EXENDY Study Day of End of Treatment Num Timing Perm

EXDUR Duration of Treatment Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm
EXTPT Planned Time Point Name Char 40 Timing Perm
EXTPTNUM Planned Time Point Number Num Timing Perm
EXELTM Planned Elapsed Time from Time Point Ref Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm
EXTPTREF Time Point Reference Char Timing Perm
EXSTAT Completion Status Char 8 (ND) Record Qualifier Perm

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Source Dataset: EX
Source eCRF: Study Drug Administration

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Dataset Specification

Dataset Name: SUPPEX Supplemental Qualifiers for EX

Source Dataset: EX
Target Source eCRF: Study Drug Administration
STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Req "AN-SLE3331"
RDOMAIN Related Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Req "EX"
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Req
IDVAR Identifying Variable Char 8 Exp
IDVARVAL Identifying Variable Value Char 10 Exp
QNAM Qualifier Variable Name Char 8 Req
QLABEL Qualifier Variable Label Char 40 Req
QVAL Data Value Char 200 Req
QORIG Origin Char 20 Req
QEVAL Evaluator Char 50 Exp

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Source Dataset: EX
Source eCRF: Study Drug Administration

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Dataset Specification


STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Identifier Req
DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Identifier Req
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Identifier Req
CMSEQ Sequence Number Num 8 Identifier Req
CMGRPID Group ID Char Identifier Perm
CMSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Identifier Perm
CMTRT Reported Name of Drug, Med, or Therapy Char 200 Topic Req
CMMODIFY Modified Reported Name Char Synonym Qualifier Perm
CMDECOD Standardized Medication Name Char 200 Synonym Qualifier Perm
CMCAT Category for Medication Char 80 Grouping Qualifier Perm
CMSCAT Subcategory for Medication Char Grouping Qualifier Perm
CMPRESP CM Pre-Specified Char (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
CMOCCUR CM Occurrence Char (NY) Record Qualifier Perm
CMSTAT Completion Status Char (ND) Record Qualifier Perm
CMREASND Reason Medication Not Collected Char Record Qualifier Perm
CMINDC Indication Char 200 Record Qualifier Perm
CMCLAS Medication Class Char 200 Variable Qualifier Perm
CMCLASCD Medication Class Code Char 8 Variable Qualifier Perm
CMDOSE Dose per Administration Num 8 Record Qualifier Perm
CMDOSTXT Dose Description Char Record Qualifier Perm
CMDOSU Dose Units Char 40 (UNIT) Variable Qualifier Perm
CMDOSFRM Dose Form Char (FRM) Variable Qualifier Perm
CMDOSFRQ Dosing Frequency per Interval Char 50 (FREQ) Variable Qualifier Perm
CMDOSTOT Total Daily Dose Num Record Qualifier Perm
CMDOSRGM Intended Dose Regimen Char Variable Qualifier Perm
CMROUTE Route of Administration Char 40 (ROUTE) Variable Qualifier Perm
CMSTDTC Start Date/Time of Medication Char 19 ISO 8601 Timing Perm
CMENDTC End Date/Time of Medication Char 19 ISO 8601 Timing Perm
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CMSTDY Study Day of Start of Medication Num Timing Perm

CMENDY Study Day of End of Medication Num Timing Perm
CMDUR Duration of Medication Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm
CMSTRF Start Relative to Reference Period Char (STENRF) Timing Perm
CMENRF End Relative to Reference Period Char (STENRF) Timing Perm
CMSTRTPT Start Relative to Reference Time Point Char Timing Perm
CMSTTPT Start Reference Time Point Char Timing Perm
CMENRTPT End Relative to Reference Time Point Char 30 Timing Perm
CMENTPT End Reference Time Point Char 30 Timing Perm

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Source Dataset: CM Source Dataset: CM

Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications Source eCRF: SLE Medication History

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Dataset Specification

Dataset Name: SUPPCM Supplemental Qualifiers for CM

Source Dataset: CM
Target Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications
STUDYID Study Identifier Char 11 Req
RDOMAIN Related Domain Abbreviation Char 2 Req
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char 20 Req
IDVAR Identifying Variable Char 8 Exp
IDVARVAL Identifying Variable Value Char 10 Exp
QNAM Qualifier Variable Name Char 8 Req
QLABEL Qualifier Variable Label Char 40 Req
QVAL Data Value Char 200 Req
QORIG Origin Char 20 Req
QEVAL Evaluator Char 50 Exp

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Source Dataset: CM Source Dataset: CM Source Dataset: CM

Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications Source eCRF: SLE Medication History

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Source Dataset: CM Source Dataset: CM Source Dataset: CM

Source eCRF: SLE Medication History Source eCRF: SLE Medication History Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications

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Source Dataset: CM Source Dataset: CM Source Dataset: CM

Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications

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Source Dataset: CM Source Dataset: CM Source Dataset: CM

Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications

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Source Dataset: CM Source Dataset: CM Source Dataset: CM

Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications Source eCRF: Concomitant Medications

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Dataset Specification

Dataset Name: TI Trial Inclusion


STUDYID Char Req Study Identifier
DOMAIN Char Req Domain Abbreviation
IETESTCD Char Req Incl/Excl Criterion Short Name
IETEST Char Req Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion
IECAT Char Req Inclusion/Exclusion Category
IESCAT Char Perm Inclusion/Exclusion Subcategory
TIRL Char Perm Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Rule
TIVERS Char Perm Protocol Criteria Versions


TI INC01 Male or female, age =>18 years.
Fulfill at least 4 of the criteria for SLE defined by the American
TI INC02 College of Rheumatology

Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) >=1:80 (IFA titer) and/or anti-

TI INC03 double stranded DNA antibody (anti-dsDNA Ab) >=30 IU/mL.
Clinically active disease defined by SELENA-SLEDAI score
TI INC04 >=10
Receiving prednisone or prednisone equivalent for at least 28
days prior to randomization. The total daily dose must not
TI INC05 exceed the greater of either 0.5 mg/kg or 40 mg.
A disorder (including psychiatric), condition (other than SLE),
includes any congestive heart failure, angina, and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, or treatment with systemic
TI EXC01 steroid is likely.
Active vasculitis that may result in gangrene, acute ischemic
infarction, present or likely open wounds giving rise to
TI EXC02 increased infection risk.
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Severe active central nervous system (CNS) lupus. This

includes recently active cerebrovascular accidents, transient
TI EXC03 ischemic attacks, psychosis, or seizures due to lupus
Severe active lupus nephritis that prompts the Investigator to
consider escalation of immunosuppressive therapy
Proteinuria >6 grams/24 hours or equivalent using spot urinary
protein/creatinine ratio, serum creatinine >2.5 mg/dL, or
TI EXC05 equirement for dialysis.
Poorly controlled hypertension (>=160/90 mmHg) or poorly
TI EXC06 controlled diabetes (hemoglobin A1C >=10%).
Known to be positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
and/or positive at the screening visit for hepatitis B surface
TI EXC07 antigen, or hepatitis C virus antibody.
Liver disease defined as serum ALT or AST >3 x ULN,
TI EXC08 confirmed by repeat testing.
Anemia (Hgb <8 g/dL), neutropenia (<=1500 cells/uL), or
thrombocytopenia (<50,000 platelets/uL). If the condition is
considered to be due to active SLE, the subject may be
TI EXC09 enrolled.
Malignancy within the past 5 years (other than a squamous or
basal cell carcinoma of the skin which has been excised and
TI EXC10 considered cured).

Active infection requiring hospitalization or treatment with

parenteral antibiotics within the past 60 days. Other chronic
infectious history should be discussed with the Medical Monitor.
History of active tuberculosis (TB), or evidence of prior TB
infection. History of latent TB infection is also excluded .
TI EXC13 Any prior administration of blisibimod.

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Participation in any clinical trial for a molecule that primarily

targets the B-cell pathway, interferon pathway, or Toll-like
TI EXC14 receptors in the past 12 months.
Administration of cyclophosphamide, systemic corticosteroid,
cyclosporine, anti-TN therapies, B-cell modulating therapies,
transfusion, plasmapheresis or plasma exchange, IV
TI EXC15 immunoglobulin
Females who are nursing, pregnant, intending to become
pregnant or intending to nurse during the time of the study, or
who have a positive pregnancy test at baseline.
Subject has not yet achieved at least 3 months or 5 half-lives
(whichever is longer) since ending other investigational device
TI EXC17 or drug study not already mentioned.

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Identifier 11
Identifier 2
Topic 8
Synonym Qualifier 200
Grouping Qualifier 80
Grouping Qualifier 80
Rule 200
Record Qualifier 40








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Codelist Code Codelist Name

No Yes Response
C66742 No Yes Response
C66742 No Yes Response
C66742 No Yes Response
C66742 No Yes Response
Severity/Intensity Scale for Adverse Events
C66769 Severity/Intensity Scale for Adverse Events
C66769 Severity/Intensity Scale for Adverse Events
C66769 Severity/Intensity Scale for Adverse Events
Action Taken with Study Treatment
C66767 Action Taken with Study Treatment
C66767 Action Taken with Study Treatment
C66767 Action Taken with Study Treatment
C66767 Action Taken with Study Treatment
C66767 Action Taken with Study Treatment
C66767 Action Taken with Study Treatment
C66767 Action Taken with Study Treatment
Outcome of Event
C66768 Outcome of Event
C66768 Outcome of Event
C66768 Outcome of Event
C66768 Outcome of Event
C66768 Outcome of Event
C66768 Outcome of Event
Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
C66727 Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
Category for Disposition Event
C74558 Category for Disposition Event
C74558 Category for Disposition Event
C74558 Category for Disposition Event
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit

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C71620 Unit
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C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
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C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit

C71620 Unit

FM-GRO-WW-246-06 Confidential
Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
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C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit

C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
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C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit
C71620 Unit

C71620 Unit
Not Done
C66789 Not Done

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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Relation to Reference Period

C66728 Relation to Reference Period
C66728 Relation to Reference Period
C66728 Relation to Reference Period
C66728 Relation to Reference Period
C66728 Relation to Reference Period
C66728 Relation to Reference Period
C66728 Relation to Reference Period
Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

FM-GRO-WW-246-06 Confidential
Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

FM-GRO-WW-246-06 Confidential
Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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C65047 Laboratory Test Code

FM-GRO-WW-246-06 Confidential
Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
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C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code
C65047 Laboratory Test Code

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C67154 Laboratory Test Name

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C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

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C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name

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C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name

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C67154 Laboratory Test Name

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C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name

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C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

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C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

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C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
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C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name
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C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name

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C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
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C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

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C67154 Laboratory Test Name
C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

C67154 Laboratory Test Name

Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
C66741 Vital Signs Test Code
Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
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C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name

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C67153 Vital Signs Test Name

C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C67153 Vital Signs Test Name
C71148 Position
C71148 Position
C71148 Position
C71148 Position
C71148 Position
C71148 Position
C71148 Position
C71148 Position
C71148 Position
C71148 Position
C71148 Position
C71148 Position
C71148 Position
Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
C66770 Units for Vital Signs Results
Category for Inclusion/Exclusion
C66797 Category for Inclusion/Exclusion
C66797 Category for Inclusion/Exclusion
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency

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C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
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C71113 Frequency
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C71113 Frequency
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C71113 Frequency
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C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
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C71113 Frequency
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C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency

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C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
C71113 Frequency
Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
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C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration

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C66729 Route of Administration

C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
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C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration

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C66729 Route of Administration

C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
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C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration
C66729 Route of Administration

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CDISC Submission Value CDISC Synonym(s)

NY No Yes Response
N No
U U; Unknown
Y Yes
AESEV Severity/Intensity Scale for Adverse Events
MILD Grade 1; 1
MODERATE Grade 2; 2
SEVERE Grade 3; 3
ACN Action Taken with Study Treatment
UNKNOWN U; Unknown
OUT Outcome of Event
FATAL Grade 5; 5; FATAL
UNKNOWN U; Unknown
NCOMPLT Completion/Reason for Non-Completion
DISEASE RELAPSE Recurrent Disease
DSCAT Category for Disposition Event
Gy Gray
Rad Rad

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HOURS Hour; hr
% Percentage
mm Millimeter
kg Kilogram
mg Milligram
mL Milliliter; cm3
m Meter
msec Millisecond
sec Second
amp Ampere
cd Candela
mol Mole
Hz Hertz
Newton Newton
Pa Pascal
Joule Joule
Watt Watt
Coulomb Coulomb
V Volt
Farad Farad
Sv Sievert
ohm Ohm
Siemens Siemens
Weber Weber; V*sec; Volt Second; Volt-second
Tesla Tesla
Henry Henry
C Degree Celsius
lm Lumen
lx Lux
Bq Becquerel
kat Katal
m2 Square Meter
m3 Cubic Meter
m/sec Meter Per Second
g/L g/L; Gram per Liter; kg/m3; Kilogram per
Cubic Metre; Microgram per Microliter;
Milligram per Milliliter; ug/uL; mg/mL
F Degree Fahrenheit
pH pH
ug Microgram; mcg
min Minute Unit of Time
g Gram
cm2 Square Centimeter
ft2 Square Foot
Ci Curie
AMPULE Ampule Dosing Unit
BAG Bag Dosing Unit
BAR Bar Dosing Unit
BOLUS Bolus Dosing Unit
BOTTLE Bottle Dosing Unit
BOX Box Dosing Unit

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CAN Can Dosing Unit

CAPSULE Capsule Dosing Unit; cap
CARTRIDGE Cartridge Dosing Unit
COAT Coat Dosing Unit
CONTAINER Container Dosing Unit
CYLINDER Cylinder Dosing Unit
DISK Disk Dosing Unit
DRUM Drum Dosing Unit
grain Grain
HOMEOPATHIC DILUTION Homeopathic Dilution Unit
IMPLANT Implant Dosing Unit
IN Inch
INHALATION Inhalation Dosing Unit
JAR Jar Dosing Unit
KIT Kit Dosing Unit
L Liter
LOZENGE Lozenge Dosing Unit
uCi Microcurie; mcCi
umol Micromole; mcmol
um Micron; mcm
mCi Millicurie
mEq Milliequivalent
mmol Millimole
ng Nanogram
nmol Nanomole
oz Ounce
PACKAGE Package Dosing Unit; Pack Dosing Unit
PACKET Packet Dosing Unit
ppm Part per Million
PATCH Patch Dosing Unit
PELLET Pellet Dosing Unit
%(w/v) Percent Weight per Volume
%(w/w) Percent Weight per Weight
POUCH Pouch Dosing Unit
LB Pound
SCOOPFUL Scoopful Dosing Unit
SPRAY Spray Dosing Unit
STRIP Strip Dosing Unit
SUPPOSITORY Suppository Dosing Unit
SYRINGE Syringe Dosing Unit
Tbsp Tablespoon Dosing Unit
TABLET Tablet Dosing Unit; tab
TAMPON Tampon Dosing Unit
tsp Teaspoon Dosing Unit
TRACE Trace Dosing Unit
TROCHE Troche Dosing Unit
TUBE Tube Dosing Unit
VIAL Vial Dosing Unit
WAFER Wafer Dosing Unit
yd Yard
mol/L Mole per Liter; mol/L; mmol/mL
%(v/v) Percent Volume per Volume; vol%

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IU International Unit
cm Centimeter
mmHg Millimeter of Mercury; torr; Torr
kg/m2 Kilogram per Square Meter
BEATS/MIN Beats per Minute
BREATHS/MIN Breaths per Minute
CUP Cup Dosing Unit
atm Atmosphere
RING Ring Dosing Unit
mmol/L Millimole per Liter; umol/mL; Micromole per
Milliliter; mol/m3; Mole per Cubic Meter;
mcmol/mL; mmol/L; nmol/uL
pg Picogram
fg Femtogram
ag Attogram
cg Centigram
dram Dram
kg/L Kilogram per Liter; g/mL; Gram per Milliliter;
gram/mL; kg/L; mg/uL
mg/L g/m3; Gram per Cubic Meter; mg/L;
Microgram per Milliliter; Milligram per Liter;
mcg/mL; ng/uL; ug/mL
mL/min Milliliters per Minute
g/dL Gram per Deciliter; g%
pmol Picomole
mm2 Square Millimeter
tuberculin unit Tuberculin Unit
mL/h Milliliters per Hour
per sec Per Second
per min Per Minute
mg/h Milligram per Hour
mg/dL Milligram per Deciliter; mg%
cal Calorie
kcal Kilogram-Calorie
PFU Plaque Forming Unit
eq Equivalent Weight
HPF High Power Field
g/m2 Gram per Square Meter
ug/L mg/m3; Microgram per Liter; Milligram per
Cubic Meter; Nanogram per Milliliter; ug/L;
ng/mL; mcg/L
LPF Low Power Field
mV Millivolt
ng/dL Nanogram per Deciliter
ng/L ug/m3; Microgram per Cubic Meter; ng/L;
nm Nanometer
osm Osmole
psi Pounds per Square Inch
10^6 IU Million International Units; Million IU
nCi Nanocurie
IU/L International Unit per Liter; IU/L; mIU/mL

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IU/mL International Unit per Milliliter; kIU/L; Kilo

International Unit per Liter
IU/kg International Unit per Kilogram
IU/mg International Unit per Milligram
L/min Liters per Minute
ug/h Micrograms per Hour; mcg/h
ug/kg mcg/kg; Microgram per Kilogram; ng/g; ug/kg

ukat/L Microkatal per Liter; mckat/L

mg/day Milligram per Day
mg/kg Milligram per Kilogram
mg/m2 Milligram per Square Meter
umol/day Micromoles per Day; mcmol/day
mm/h Millimeter per Hour
mmol/day Millimole per 24 Hours
nmol/L Nanomole per Liter
pmol/L Picomole per Liter; fmol/mL; Femtomole per
RNA copies/mL RNA Copies per Milliliter
mEq/day Milliequivalents per Day
mEq/L Milliequivalent Per Liter; mval/L; Millivalent
per Liter
mEq/kg Milliequivalent Per Kilogram
deg Degree Unit of Plane Angle
dmol Decimole
cmol Centimole
mmol/g Millimole per Gram
fmol Femtomole
amol Attomole
ft3 Standard Cubic Foot
in2 Square Inch
ELISA unit Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Unit

ELISA unit/dose Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Unit

per Dose
ELISA unit/mL Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Unit
per Milliliter
Log10 ELISA unit Log10 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent
Assay Unit
Log10 ELISA unit/dose Log10 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent
Assay Unit per Dose
mol/mL Mole per Milliliter
mmol/kg Millimole per Kilogram
mol/g Mole per Gram
mol/mg Mole per Milligram
10^3 CFU Thousand Colony Forming Units; Thousand
10^6 CFU Million Colony Forming Units; Million CFU
10^9 CFU Billion Colony Forming Units; Billion CFU
CFU/g Colony Forming Unit per Gram
10^3 CFU/g Thousand Colony Forming Units per Gram;
Thousand CFU/g
10^6 CFU/g Million Colony Forming Units per Gram;
Million CFU/g

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10^9 CFU/g Billion Colony Forming Units per Gram;

Billion CFU/g
CFU/mL Colony Forming Unit per Milliliter
10^3 CFU/mL Thousand Colony Forming Units per Milliliter;
Thousand CFU/mL
10^6 CFU/mL Million Colony Forming Units per Milliliter;
Million CFU/mL
10^9 CFU/mL Billion Colony Forming Units per Milliliter;
Billion CFU/mL
Gauss Gauss
kg/cm2 Kilogram per Square Centimeter
g/kg Gram per Kilogram; mg/g; Milligram per
ppth Part per Thousand
pm Picometer
uL/mL Microliter per Milliliter; mcL/mL
nL Nanoliter
gtt Drop
mol/mol Mole per Mole
rpm Revolution per Minute
dyn Dyne
log10 EID 50 Log10 50 Percent Embryo Infective Dose
log EID 50/dose Log10 50 Percent Embryo Infective Dose per
log10 CCID 50 Log10 50 Percent Cell Culture Infective Dose

log10 CCID 50/dose Log10 50 Percent Cell Culture Infective Dose

per Dose
log10 TCID 50 Log10 50 Percent Tissue Culture Infective
log10 TCID 50/dose Log10 50 Percent Tissue Culture Infective
Dose per Dose
kIU Kilo International Unit
IU/g International Unit per Gram
anti-Xa IU Anti-Xa Activity International Unit
anti-Xa IU/mL Anti-Xa Activity International Unit per Milliliter

AgU/mL Antigen Unit per Milliliter

DAgU D Antigen Unit
DAgU/mL D Antigen Unit per Milliliter
AU/mL Allergy Unit per Milliliter
BAU Bioequivalent Allergy Unit
tuberculin unit/mL Tuberculin Unit per Milliliter
mkat Millikatal
nkat Nanokatal
pkat Picokatal
nkat/L Nanokatal per Liter
kBq Kilobecquerel
MBq Megabecquerel
GBq Gigabecquerel
Bq/kg Becquerel per Kilogram
Bq/g Becquerel per Gram

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Bq/ug Becquerel per Microgram; kBq/mg;

Kilobecquerel per Milligram; MBq/g;
Megabecquerel per Gram; Bq/mcg
Bq/mg Becquerel per Milligram; kBq/g;
Kilobecquerel per Gram
GBq/g Gigabecquerel per Gram; kBq/ug;
Kilobecquerel per Microgram
GBq/ug Gigabecquerel per microgram; MBq/ng;
Megabecquerel per nanogram; GBq/mcg
GBq/mg Gigabecquerel per Milligram; Megabecquerel
per Microgram; MBq/mcg; MBq/ug

Ci/g Curie per Gram; uCi/ug; Microcurie per

Microgram; mCi/mg; Millicurie per Milligram

Ci/kg Curie per Kilogram; uCi/mg; Microcurie per

Milligram; mCi/g; Millicurie per Gram
Ci/ug Curie per Microgram; Ci/mcg
Ci/mg Curie per Milligram; mCi/ug; Millicurie per
EID 50 50 Percent Embryo Infective Dose
EID 50/dose 50 Percent Embryo Infective Dose per Dose

CCID 50 50 Percent Cell Culture Infective Dose

CCID 50/dose 50 Percent Cell Culture Infective Dose per
TCID 50/dose 50 Percent Tissue Culture Infective Dose per
ukat Microkatal; mckat
ppb Part per Billion
pptr Parts per Trillion
mCi/kg Millicurie per Kilogram; uCi/g; Microcurie per
uCi/kg Microcurie per Kilogram; mcCi/kg
Roentgen Roentgen
mEq/uL Milliequivalent Per Microliter
mEq/g Milliequivalent Per Gram
mEq/ug Milliequivalent Per Microgram; mEq/mcg
Bq/L Becquerel per Liter
Bq/uL Becquerel per Microliter; kBq/mL;
Kilobecquerel per Milliliter; MBq/L;
Megabecquerel per Liter
Bq/mL Becquerel per Milliliter; kBq/L; Kilobecquerel
per Liter
kBq/uL Kilobecquerel per Microliter; GBq/L;
Gigabecquerel per Liter; MBq/mL;
Megabecquerel per Milliliter
MBq/uL Megabecquerel per Microliter; GBq/mL;
Gigabecquerel per Milliliter
Ci/L Curie per Liter; uCi/uL; Microcurie per
Ci/uL Curie per Microliter; Ci/mcL
Ci/mL Curie per Milliliter
uCi/L Microcurie per Liter; mcCi/L

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mCi/L Millicurie per Liter; uCi/mL; Microcurie per

uV Microvolt; mcV
cycle/min Cycle per Minute
km Kilometer
Mile International Mile
100 IU/mL 100 International units/Milliliter
10^3 organisms Thousand Organisms
10^6 organisms Million Organisms
10^9 organisms Billion Organisms
10^3 organisms/g Thousand Organisms per Gram; Thousand
10^6 organisms/g Million Organisms per Gram; Million
10^9 organisms/g Billion Organisms per Gram; Billion
10^6 organisms/mg Million Organisms per Milligram; Million
10^9 organisms/mg Billion Organisms per Milligram; Billion
10^3 organisms/mL Thousand Organisms per Milliliter; Thousand
10^6 organisms/mL Million Organisms per Milliliter; Million
10^9 organisms/mL Billion Organisms per Milliliter; Billion
PFU/dose Plaque Forming Unit per Dose
PFU/mL Plaque Forming Unit per Milliliter
bel Bel
g/cm2 Gram per Square Centimeter
kUSP Kilo United States Pharmacopoeia Unit
km/h Kilometer Per Hour
ug/day Microgram per Day; mcg/day
mg/kg/min Milligram per Kilogram per Minute
IU/kg/h International units per Kilogram per Hour
ug/kg/min Microgram per Kilogram per Minute; Gamma
per Kilogram per Minute; gamma/kg/min;
ug/min Micrograms per Minute; mcg/min
ft Foot
SACHET Sachet dosing unit
mg/kg/h Milligram per Kilogram per Hour
cycle/sec Cycle per Second
Pack Year
U/L mU/mL; Unit per Liter
U/mL Unit per Milliliter
U/g Unit per Gram
U/mg Unit per Milligram
U/kg Unit per Kilogram
/day Daily; Per Day
/h Per Hour
/HPF per High Powered Field

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/LPF per Low Powered Field

/uL Per Microliter
/wk Every week; Per Week
AFU Arbitrary Fluorescence Unit
amu Atomic Mass Unit
AU Absorbance Unit
AU/min Absorbance Unit per Minute
dL Deciliter
EU Ehrlich Units; EU/dL
FEU Fibrinogen Equivalent Units
fL Femtoliter
fmol/g Femtomole per Gram
fmol/L Femtomole per Liter
g/animal Gram per Animal
g/animal/day Gram per Animal per Day
g/animal/wk Gram per Animal per Week
g/cage Gram per Cage
g/cage/day Gram per Cage per Day
g/cage/wk Gram per Cage per Week
g/day Gram per Day; g/d; gram/day; g/24h;
gram/24 Hours
g/g Gram per Gram
g/g/day Gram per Gram per Day
g/kg/day Gram per Kilogram per Day; mg/g/day;
Milligram per Gram per Day
g/m2/day Gram per Square Meter per Day
g/mol Gram per Mole
kN/cm2 Kilonewton per Centimeter Squared;
kPa Kilopascal
L/kg Liter per Kilogram
scm Standard Cubic Meter
mEq/dL Milliequivalent per Deciliter
mEq/mL Milliequivalent per Milliliter
mEq/mmol Milliequivalent per Millimole
MESF Molecules of Equivalent Soluble
MFI Median Fluorescence Intensity
mg/animal Milligram per Animal
mg/g/h Milligram per Gram per Hour
mg/g/min Milligram per Gram per Minute
mg/kg/day Milligram per Kilogram per Day
mg/m2/day Milligram per Square Meter per Day
mg/m2/h Milligram per Square Meter per Hour
mg/m2/min Milligram per Square Meter per Minute
mg/min Milligram per Minute
MHz Megahertz
mL/animal Milliliter per Animal
mL/animal/day Milliliter per Animal per Day
mL/animal/wk Milliliter per Animal per Week
mL/breath Milliliter per Breath
mL/cage Milliliter per Cage
mL/cage/day Milliliter per Cage per Day
mL/cage/wk Milliliter per Cage per Week

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mL/day Milliliter per Day

mL/g Milliliter per Gram
mL/g/day Milliliter per Gram per Day; mL/g/day;
uL/mg/day; L/day/kg; mL/day/g; uL/day/mg;
mL/g/h Milliliter per Gram per Hour
mL/g/min Milliliter per Gram per Minute
mL/kg Milliliter per Kilogram
mL/kg/day Milliliter per Kilogram per Day
mL/kg/h Milliliter per Kilogram per Hour
mL/kg/min Milliliter per Kilogram per Minute; uL/g/min;
mL/min/kg; uL/min/g; mL/kg/min
mL/m2 Milliliter per Square Meter
mL/m2/day Milliliter per Square Meter per Day
mL/m2/h Milliliter per Square Meter per Hour
mL/m2/min Milliliter per Square Meter per Minute
mmHg/sec Millimeter of Mercury per Second
mOsm Milliosmole
mOsm/kg Milliosmole per Kilogram
mPa Millipascal
nmol/mL/min Nanomole per Milliliter per Minute
nsec Nanosecond
pg/dL Picogram per Deciliter
pL Picoliter
psec Picosecond
U Unit
U/animal Unit per Animal
U/g/day Unit per Gram per Day
U/g/h Unit per Gram per Hour
U/g/min Unit per Gram per Minute
U/kg/day Unit per kilogram per Day
U/kg/h Unit per Kilogram per Hour
U/kg/min Unit per Kilogram per Minute
U/m2 Unit per Square Meter
U/m2/day Unit per Square Meter per Day
U/m2/h Unit per Square Meter per Hour
U/m2/min Unit per Square Meter per Minute
U/mmol Unit per Millimole
uEq Microequivalent
ug/animal Microgram per Animal
ug/dL Microgram per Deciliter
ug/g/day Microgram per Gram per Day
ug/g/h Microgram per Gram per Hour
ug/g/min Microgram per Gram per Minute
ug/kg/day Microgram per Kilogram per Day
ug/kg/h Microgram per Kilogram per Hour
ug/m2 Microgram per Square Meter
ug/m2/day Microgram per Square Meter per Day
ug/m2/h Microgram per Square Meter per Hour
ug/m2/min Microgram per Square Meter per Minute
ug/mL/h Microgram per Milliliter per Hour
uIU/mL Micro-International Unit per milliliter; mIU/L;
mcIU/mL; uIU/mL
uL mcL; Microliter; mm3

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um2 MicroSquare Meter

um3 Cubic Micrometer
umol/L Micromole per Liter
umol/mg/min Micromole per Milligram per Minute
uOsM Microosmole
usec Microsecond
10^12/L 10^6/uL
10^3 DNA copies/mL
10^3 RNA copies/mL
10^6 DNA copies/mL
10^6 IU/mL
10^6 RNA copies/mL
10^6/L 10^3/mL
10^7/L 10^6/dL
10^9/L 10^3/uL;10^3/mm3
cm H2O
DNA copies/mL DNA Copies per Milliliter
mL/cm H2O
10^3 copies/mL
10^6 copies/mL
L/s L/sec
/month Every Month; Per Month
APPLICATION Application Dosing Unit
CAPFUL Capful Dosing Unit
dB Decibel
cm/s cm/sec
/100 HPFs per 100 High Powered Fields
cells/uL cells/mm3
log10 CFU/g
log10 CFU/mL
cGy Centigray
mL/s mL/sec
/mL Per Milliliter
/dL Per Deciliter
/L Per Liter
/VF per Visual Field
10^10/L 10^4/uL; 10^7/mL; 10^4/mm3
10^11/L 10^5/uL; 10^8/mL; 10^5/mm3
10^12 IU/L Tera International Unit per Liter; TIU/L
10^5/L 10^2/mL

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10^8/L 10^2/uL; 10^5/mL; 10^2/mm3

CAPLET Caplet Dosing Unit
cL Centiliter
cm/min Centimeters per Minute
cmol/L mmol/dL; Millimoles per Deciliter
cs Centisecond; 10^-2 sec; csec
damol/L mol/dL; Moles per Deciliter; Decamole per
foz_br Fluid Ounce Imperial
foz_us Fluid Ounce US
fraction of 1
g/g Creatinine mg/mg Creatinine
g/mol Creatinine mg/mmol Creatinine
hPa Hectopascal
kDa Kilodalton; Kilounified Atomic Mass Unit; ku

kPa/L/sec Pa/mL/sec
ks Kilosecond; 10^3 sec; ksec
L/h/m2 Liters per Hour per Square Meter
L/L Liter per Liter; mL/mL; uL/uL; dL/dL
L/min/m2 Liters per Minute per Square Meter
mEq/g Creatinine
mg/g Creatinine
mL/cm Milliliter per Centimeter; dL/m
mL/dL Milliliters per Deciliter
mL/min/mmHg Milliliter per Minute per Torr
mm/2h Millimeters per Two Hours
mm/min Millimeters per Minute
mm/sec Millimeters per Second
mmol/g Creatinine
mmol/mol Creatinine
mph Miles per Hour
mV*min Millivolt * Minutes
nU/cL Nanounit per Centiliter
PA Per Annum; Per Year; Every Year
pt_br Imperial Pint; British Pint
pt_us US Pint
U/cL Unit per Centiliter
U/dL Unit per Deciliter
U/g Creatinine
U/g HGB Units per Gram Hemoglobin
ug/g Creatinine
ugEq Microgram Equivalent
umol/L/sec Micromoles per Liter per Second
uV*sec Microvolt * Seconds
V/sec Volt per Second; V/s
Frames/s Frames/sec; Frames per Second; FPS; F/s

mL/mmHg Milliliters per Millimeter of Mercury

ND Not Done

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STENRF Relation to Reference Period

U U; Unknown
ONGOING Continuous
LBTESTCD Laboratory Test Code
ANISO Anisocytes
POIKILO Poikilocytes
BILI Bilirubin; Total Bilirubin
APTT Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
GLUC Glucose
RBC Erythrocytes; Red Blood Cells
RETI Reticulocytes
WBC Leukocytes; White Blood Cells
LYM Lymphocytes
PLAT Platelets
BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen
CHOL Cholesterol; Total Cholesterol
HDL HDL Cholesterol
LDL LDL Cholesterol
PT Prothrombin Time
NEUT Neutrophils
ALB Albumin; Microalbumin
ALP Alkaline Phosphatase
ALT Alanine Aminotransferase; SGPT
AST Aspartate Aminotransferase; SGOT
BACT Bacteria
BASO Basophils
BASOLE Basophils/Leukocytes
BILDIR Direct Bilirubin
BILIND Indirect Bilirubin
BLASTLE Blasts/Leukocytes
CA Calcium
CK Creatine Kinase
CKBB Creatine Kinase BB
CKMB Creatine Kinase MB
CKMM Creatine Kinase MM
CL Chloride
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CREAT Creatinine
CRP C Reactive Protein
ELLIPCY Elliptocytes; Ovalocytes
EOS Eosinophils
EOSLE Eosinophils/Leukocytes
EPIC Epithelial Cells
FIBRINO Fibrinogen
HCT Hematocrit
MCH Ery. Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin

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MCHC Ery. Mean Corpuscular HGB Concentration

MCV Ery. Mean Corpuscular Volume

RDW Erythrocytes Distribution Width; Red Blood
Cell Distribution Width
TEARDCY Dacryocytes; Tear Shaped Erythrocytes;
Teardrop Cells
HPOCROM Hypochromia
POLYCHR Polychromasia
INR Prothrombin Intl. Normalized Ratio
VLDL VLDL Cholesterol
LIPASE Triacylglycerol Lipase
TRIG Triglycerides
TSH Thyrotropin
URATE Urate; Uric Acid
UROBIL Urobilinogen
VITB12 Vitamin B12
LYMAT Lymphocytes Atypical
LYMATLE Lymphocytes Atypical/Leukocytes
LYMLE Lymphocytes/Leukocytes
MACROCY Macrocytes
MICROCY Microcytes
MONO Monocytes
MONOLE Monocytes/Leukocytes
MYBLALE Myeloblasts/Leukocytes
MYCYLE Myelocytes/Leukocytes
NEUTLE Neutrophils/Leukocytes
RETIRBC Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes
PRLYMLE Prolymphocytes/Leukocytes
NEUTB Neutrophils Band Form
NEUTBLE Neutrophils Band Form/Leukocytes
SPGRAV Specific Gravity
MG Magnesium
GGT Gamma Glutamyl Transferase
HGB Hemoglobin
HBA1C Hemoglobin A1C
HBSAG HBsAg; Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen
HCG Choriogonadotropin Beta; Pregnancy Test
K Potassium
LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase
LEUKASE Leukocyte Esterase
PHOS Phosphate; Phosphorus; Inorganic
PROT Protein
PSA Prostate Specific Antigen
CREATCLR Creatinine Clearance
HAIRYCE Hairy Cells
BLAST Blasts
CD19 CD19

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DOHLE Dohle Bodies
ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate; Biernacki
HYPSEGCE Hypersegmented Cells
LYMMCE Lymphoma Cells
MAYHEG May-Hegglin Anomaly
METAMY Metamyelocytes
PAPPEN Pappenheimer Bodies
PELGERH Pelger Huet Anomaly
LYMPL Plasmacytoid Lymphocytes; Plymphocytes

PLSPCE Precursor Plasma Cells; Plasmablast

PROLYM Prolymphocytes
PROMONO Promonocytes
PROMY Promyelocytes
ROULEAUX Rouleaux Formation
SEZCE Sezary Cells
SCKLCE Sickle Cells
SMDGCE Smudge Cells; Basket Cells
NEUTVAC Vacuolated Neutrophils
BLASTLM Leukemic Blasts
MONOBL Monoblasts
MYBLA Myeloblasts
ACANTRBC Acanthocytes/Erythrocytes
BTECERBC Bite Cells/Erythrocytes
CD19LY CD19/Lymphocytes
CD3LY CD3/Lymphocytes
CD4LY CD4/Lymphocytes
CD8LY CD8/Lymphocytes
HRYCELY Hairy Cells/Lymphocytes
BLSTLMLY Leukemic Blasts/Lymphocytes
MLIGCEBC Malignant Cells, NOS/Blood Cells
METAMYLE Metamyelocytes/Leukocytes
MONOBLLE Monoblasts/Leukocytes
RBCNURBC Nucleated Erythrocytes/Erythrocytes;
Nucleated Red Blood Cells/Erythrocytes
LYMPLLY Plasmacytoid Lymphocytes/Lymphocytes
POIKRBC Poikilocytes/Erythrocytes
PLSPCELY Precursor Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes
PROLYMLY Prolymphocytes/Lymphocytes
PROMONLE Promonocytes/Leukocytes
PROMYLE Promyelocytes/Leukocytes
LYMRCTLY Reactive Lymphocytes/Lymphocytes
SEZCELY Sezary Cells/Lymphocytes
SCKCERBC Sickle Cells/Erythrocytes
HELMETCE Helmet Cells
LGUNSCE Large Unstained Cells
MLIGCE Malignant Cells, NOS
PLSMCE Mature Plasma Cells; Plasmacytes
MYCY Myelocytes

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SPERM Spermatozoa
YEAST Yeast Cells
CYAMORPH Amorphous Crystals
AMORPHSD Amorphous Sediment; Amorphous Debris
BICARB Bicarbonate; HCO3
CYBILI Bilirubin Crystals
CYCACAR Calcium Carbonate Crystals
CYCAOXA Calcium Oxalate Crystals
CYCAPHOS Calcium Phosphate Crystals
CYCHOL Cholesterol Crystals
CYCYSTIN Cystine Crystals
VITB9 Folic Acid; Vitamin B9
CARNITF Carnitine, Free
FRUCT Fructosamine; Glycated Serum Protein
CYLEUC Leucine Crystals
CYMSU Monosodium Urate Crystals
CARNIT Carnitine
CYTYRO Tyrosine Crystals
CYURIAC Uric Acid Crystals
ANIONG Anion Gap
OCCBLD Occult Blood
AMPHET Amphetamine
BARB Barbiturates
CANNAB Cannabinoids
EPIROCE Round Epithelial Cells
ACANT Acanthocytes
BITECE Bite Cells
BURRCE Burr Cells; Keratocytes
CABOT Cabot Rings
CRENCE Crenated Cells; Echinocytes
HOWJOL Howell-Jolly Bodies
RBCNUC Nucleated Erythrocytes; Nucleated Red
Blood Cells
SCHISTO Schistocytes
SPHERO Spherocytes
STOMCY Stomatocytes
HEINZ Heinz Bodies; Heinz-Erhlich Bodies
HAAB Hepatitis A Virus Antibody
HBSAB Anti-HBs; HBsAb; Hepatitis B Virus Surface
HCAB Hepatitis C Virus Antibody
HIV1AB HIV-1 Antibody
HIV12AB HIV-1/2 Antibody
HIV2AB HIV-2 Antibody
RPR Rapid Plasma Reagin
RF Rheumatoid Factor
IBCT Total Iron Binding Capacity
IBCU Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity
MUCTHR Mucous Threads
TURB Turbidity

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PLATGNT Giant Platelets
PLATLRG Large Platelets
MPV Mean Platelet Volume
AFP Alpha Fetoprotein
APOA1 Apolipoprotein A1
APOB Apolipoprotein B
BNP Brain Natriuretic Peptide; B-Type Natriuretic
CPEPTIDE C-peptide
GLOBUL Globulin
GLUTAM Glutamate; Glutamic Acid
HAPTOG Haptoglobin
HOMOCY Homocysteine
NTELOP N-telopeptide
OSTEOC Osteocalcin
SHBG Sex Hormone Binding Globulin; Sex
Hormone Binding Protein
TBG Thyroxine Binding Globulin
T3 Triiodothyronine; Total T3
T3UP Triiodothyronine Uptake
TROPONI Troponin I
TROPONT Troponin T
TNF Tumor Necrosis Factor; Tumor Necrosis
Factor alpha
CYHIPPAC Hippuric Acid Crystals
CYSULFA Sulfa Crystals
CYTRPHOS Triple Phosphate Crystals
CYUNCLA Unclassified Crystals
CYAMMBIU Ammonium Biurate Crystals; Ammonium
Urate Crystals; Acid Ammonium Urate
CYAMMOX Ammonium Oxalate Crystals
ALBCREAT Albumin/Creatinine; Microalbumin/Creatinine
CSBACT Bacterial Casts
CSCELL Cellular Casts
CSGRANC Granular Coarse Casts
CSFAT Fatty Casts
CSGRAN Granular Casts
CSGRANF Granular Fine Casts
CSHYAL Hyaline Casts
CSMIX Mixed Casts
EPISQCE Squamous Epithelial Cells
EPISQTCE Squamous Transitional Epithelial Cells;
Epithelial Cells

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EPITUCE Tubular Epithelial Cells; Renal Tubular

Epithelial Cells
CSUNCLA Unclassified Casts
CSWAX Waxy Casts
CSEPI Epithelial Casts
ACTH Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
CORTISOL Cortisol; Total Cortisol
ESTRDIOL Estradiol; Oestradiol
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone
PTHFG Parathyroid Hormone, Fragmented
TESTOSFR Testosterone, Free
T4FR Thyroxine, Free; Free T4
T3FR Triiodothyronine, Free; Free T3
PTHI Parathyroid Hormone, Intact
LH Luteinizing Hormone
PROGEST Progesterone
SOMATRO Somatotrophin; Growth Hormone
TESTOS Testosterone; Total Testosterone
T4 Thyroxine; Total T4
LYMMCELY Lymphoma Cells/Lymphocytes
PLSMCELY Mature Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes
CYACIDU Acid Urate Crystals
ADSDNA Anti-Double Stranded DNA
ANA Antinuclear Antibodies
NCTD5P 5 Prime Nucleotidase; 5'-Ribonucleotide
SIXMAM 6-Monoacetylmorphine
ACH Acetylcholine
ADPNCTN Adiponectin
ALBGLOB Albumin/Globulin
ALDSTRN Aldosterone
ALPCREAT Alkaline Phosphatase/Creatinine
GSTAL Alpha Glutathione-S-Transferase
AMMONIA Ammonia; NH3
ANDSTNDL Androstenediol
ANDSTNDN Androstenedione; 4-Androstenedione
ANGTNS1 Angiotensin I
ANGTNS2 Angiotensin II
ANGTNSGN Angiotensinogen; Angiotensin Precursor
ANTIDPRS Antidepressants
ADH Antidiuretic Hormone; Vasopressin
ANP Atrial Natriuretic Peptide; Atriopeptin
BNZDZPN Benzodiazepine
BILEAC Bile Acid; Bile Salts; Bile Acids; Bile Salt
CLCTONN Calcitonin
CLCTRIOL Calcitriol
CACREAT Calcium/Creatinine
CLCREAT Chloride/Creatinine
CCK Cholecystokinin; Pancreozymin
CRTRONE Corticosterone

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CRH Corticotropin Releasing Hormone;

Corticotropin Releasing Factor
CKBBCK Creatine Kinase BB/Total Creatine Kinase
CKMBCK Creatine Kinase MB/Total Creatine Kinase
CKMMCK Creatine Kinase MM/Total Creatine Kinase
DHEA Dehydroepiandrosterone;
DPD Deoxypyridinoline
DPDCREAT Deoxypyridinoline/Creatinine
DIHYDCDN Dihydrocodeine
DHT Dihydrotestosterone; Androstanalone
EPIN Epinephrine; Adrenaline
EPO Erythropoietin; Hematopoietin
ESTRIOL Estriol; Oestriol
ESTRONE Estrone; Oestrone
ETHANOL Ethanol; Alcohol
GGTCREAT Gamma Glutamyl Transferase/Creatinine
GLUCCRT Glucose/Creatinine
GLDH Glutamate Dehydrogenase
GSTCREAT Glutathione-S-Transferase/Creatinine
GNRH Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone;
Luteinising Hormone Releasing Hormone
GRWHIH Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone;
GRWHRH Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone;
HVA Homovanillic Acid
HYDCDN Hydrocodone
HYDMRPHN Hydromorphone
IGF1 Insulin-like Growth Factor-1
IGF2 Insulin-like Growth Factor-2
INTLK1 Interleukin 1
INTLK10 Interleukin 10
INTLK11 Interleukin 11
INTLK12 Interleukin 12
INTLK13 Interleukin 13
INTLK14 Interleukin 14
INTLK15 Interleukin 15
INTLK16 Interleukin 16
INTLK17 Interleukin 17
INTLK18 Interleukin 18
INTLK19 Interleukin 19
INTLK2 Interleukin 2
INTLK20 Interleukin 20
INTLK21 Interleukin 21
INTLK22 Interleukin 22
INTLK23 Interleukin 23
INTLK24 Interleukin 24
INTLK25 Interleukin 25
INTLK26 Interleukin 26
INTLK27 Interleukin 27

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INTLK28 Interleukin 28
INTLK29 Interleukin 29
INTLK3 Interleukin 3
INTLK30 Interleukin 30
INTLK31 Interleukin 31
INTLK32 Interleukin 32
INTLK33 Interleukin 33
INTLK4 Interleukin 4
INTLK5 Interleukin 5
INTLK6 Interleukin 6
INTLK7 Interleukin 7
INTLK8 Interleukin 8
INTLK9 Interleukin 9
LDH1 LDH Isoenzyme 1
LDH2 LDH Isoenzyme 2
LDH3 LDH Isoenzyme 3
LDH4 LDH Isoenzyme 4
LDH5 LDH Isoenzyme 5
LDHCREAT Lactate Dehydrogenase/Creatinine
LACTICAC Lactic Acid; 2-hydroxypropanoic acid; Lactate

LGLUCLE Large Unstained Cells/Leukocytes

LDH1LDH LDH Isoenzyme 1/LDH
LDH2LDH LDH Isoenzyme 2/LDH
LDH3LDH LDH Isoenzyme 3/LDH
LDH4LDH LDH Isoenzyme 4/LDH
LDH5LDH LDH Isoenzyme 5/LDH
MGCREAT Magnesium/Creatinine
MLATONIN Melatonin
METHDN Methadone
METHQLDN Methaqualone
GSTMU Mu Glutathione-S-Transferase
GSTMUCRT Mu Glutathione-S-Transferase/Creatinine
MGB Myoglobin
NAG N-Acetyl Glucosamide; N-Acetyl
NAGCREAT N-Acetyl Glucosamide/Creatinine
NPY Neuropeptide Y
NOREPIN Noradrenaline; Norepinephrine
OSMLTY Osmolality
OXYCDN Oxycodone; Oxycontin
OXYTOCIN Oxytocin; Oxytoxin
PCP Phencyclidine; Phenylcyclohexylpiperidine
PHENTHZ Phenothiazine; Dibenzothiazine
PHOSCRT Phosphate/Creatinine
KCREAT Potassium/Creatinine
PROLCTN Prolactin
PROPOX Propoxyphene
PROTCRT Protein/Creatinine
PSDEPHD Pseudoephedrine
LYMRCT Reactive Lymphocytes
RENIN Renin; Angiotensinogenase

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SRTONIN Serotonin
NACREAT Sodium/Creatinine
SDH Sorbitol Dehydrogenase
THRMPTN Thrombopoietin
TRH Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone; Thyrotropin
Releasing Factor
VMA Vanillyl Mandelic Acid; Vanilmandelic Acid
VITA Vitamin A; Retinol
VITB1 Thiamine; Vitamin B1
VITB17 Vitamin B17; Amygdalin
VITB2 Riboflavin; Vitamin B2
VITB3 Niacin; Vitamin B3
VITB5 Vitamin B5; Pantothenic Acid
VITB6 Vitamin B6; Pyridoxine
VITB7 Vitamin B7; Biotin
VITC Vitamin C; Ascorbic Acid
VITD2 Vitamin D2; Ergocalciferol
VITD3 Vitamin D3; Cholecalciferol
VITE Vitamin E
VITK Vitamin K; Naphthoquinone
A1ANTRYP Alpha-1 Antitrypsin; Serum Trypsin Inhibitor

A2MACG Alpha-2 Macroglobulin

ACE Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
ACPHOS Acid Phosphatase
AMA Antimitochondrial Antibodies; Mitochondrial
AMYLB42 Amyloid Beta 42; Amyloid Beta 42 Protein;
Amyloid Beta 1-42
AMYLOIDB Amyloid, Beta; Beta Amyloid
ANGLOBDR Antiglobulin Test, Direct; Direct Coombs Test

ANTHRM Antithrombin; Antithrombin III; Antithrombin

Activity; Antithrombin III Activity

ANTHRMAG Antithrombin Antigen; Antithrombin III

APOA2 Apolipoprotein AII
APOC3 Apolipoprotein CIII
APOE Apolipoprotein E
APOH Apolipoprotein H
APPEAR Specimen Appearance
ASCAB Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae Antibody
ASTAG Aspartate Aminotransferase Antigen; SGOT
B2GLYAB Beta-2 Glycoprotein Antibody
B2MICG Beta-2 Microglobulin
BDNF Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor
BNPPRO ProB-type Natriuretic Peptide; proBNP; Pro-
Brain Natriuretic Peptide
C1QAB Complement C1q Antibody

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C3 Complement C3
C3A Complement C3a; ASP, Complement C3
DesArg, Acetylation-stimulating Protein
C3B Complement C3b
C4 Complement C4
C4A Complement C4a
C5A Complement C5a
CA125AG Cancer Antigen 125
CA19_9AG Cancer Antigen 19-9
CAION Calcium, Ionized
CALPRO Calprotectin
CBB Complement Bb
CD40 CD40
CD40L CD40 Ligand
CEA Carcinoembryonic Antigen
CHOLHDL Cholesterol/HDL-Cholesterol
CTOT Complement Total
CTXI Type I Collagen C-Telopeptides; Type I
Collagen X-linked C-telopeptide
CTXII Type II Collagen C-Telopeptides
CYSTARCH Starch Crystals
DNAAB Anti-DNA Antibodies; Anti-ds-DNA
EGF Epidermal Growth Factor
ELA1 Pancreatic Elastase 1
ELA1PMN Pancreatic Elastase 1, Polymorphonuclear
ELA2 Neutrophil Elastase
ELA2PMN Neutrophil Elastase, Polymorphonuclear
ENA78 Epith Neutrophil-Activating Peptide 78
ENDOTH1 Endothelin-1
ENRAGE Extracell Newly Ident RAGE Bind Protein;
S100 Calcium Binding Protein A12
EOSMM Eosinophilic Metamyelocytes
EOSMYL Eosinophilic Myelocytes
EOTAXIN1 Eotaxin-1; Chemokine Ligand 11
EOTAXIN2 Eotaxin-2; Chemokine Ligand 24
EOTAXIN3 Eotaxin-3; Chemokine Ligand 26
ESTRIOLF Estriol, Free
FABP1 Fatty Acid Binding Protein 1
FACTIII Factor III; Tissue Factor, CD142
FACTVII Factor VII; Proconvertin; Stable Factor
FACTVIII Factor VIII; Anti-hemophilic Factor
FATACFR Free Fatty Acid; Non-Esterified Fatty Acid,
FATACFRS Free Fatty Acid, Saturated; Non-esterified
Fatty Acid, Saturated
FATACFRU Free Fatty Acid, Unsaturated; Non-esterified
Fatty Acid, Unsaturated
FATBODOV Fat Bodies, Oval
FDP Fibrin Degradation Products
FGFBF Fibroblast Growth Factor Basic Form; FGF2

G6PD Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase

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GAD1 Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 1; Glutamic

Acid Decarboxylase 67
GAD2 Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2; Glutamic
Acid Decarboxylase 65
GAD2AB Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2 Antibody;
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 65 Antibody
GCSF Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor
GLP1 Glucagon-Like Peptide-1; Total Glucagon-
Like Peptide-1
GLP1AC Glucagon-Like Peptide-1, Active Form
GMCSF Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stm Factor

GST Glutathione S-Transferase, Total
GSTALCRT Glutathione S-Transferase, Alpha/Creat
GSTPI Glutathione S-Transferase, Pi
GSTTH Glutathione S-Transferase, Theta
GUSA Glucuronidase, Alpha
GUSB Glucuronidase, Beta
HDL2 HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 2
HDL3 HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 3
HISTAMIN Histamine
HTPHAB Heterophile Antibodies
HYPRLN Hydroxyproline
IC512AB Islet Cell 512 Antibody
IC512AG Islet Cell 512 Antigen
IFNA Interferon Alpha
IFNB Interferon Beta
IFNG Interferon Gamma
IGA Immunoglobulin A
IGE Immunoglobulin E
IGG Immunoglobulin G
IGM Immunoglobulin M
INGAPAB Islet Neogenesis Assoc Protein Antibody
ISOPRF2 F2-Isoprostane
LPA Lipoprotein-a
LTF Lactoferrin; Lactotransferrin
LYMPHOTC Lymphotactin; Chemokine Ligand 1
MCP1 Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1
MCSF Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor
MDC Macrophage-Derived Chemokine;
Chemokine Ligand 22
MIP1A Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Alpha;
Chemokine Ligand 3
MIP1B Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Beta;
Chemokine Ligand 4
MMP1 Matrix Metalloproteinase 1; Interstitial
MMP2 Matrix Metalloproteinase 2; Gelatinase A
MMP3 Matrix Metalloproteinase 3; Stromelysin 1
MMP7 Matrix Metalloproteinase 7; Matrilysin

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MMP8 Matrix Metalloproteinase 8; Neutrophil

MMP9 Matrix Metalloproteinase 9; Gelatinase B
MPO Myeloperoxidase
NEOPTERN Neopterin
NEUTMM Neutrophilic Metamyelocytes
NEUTMY Neutrophilic Myelocytes
NEUTSG Neutrophils, Segmented
NEUTSGLE Neutrophils, Segmented/Leukocytes
NTXI Type I Collagen N-Telopeptides
NTXII Type II Collagen N-Telopeptides
PAI1 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1
PAI1AG Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 AG
PAP Prostatic Acid Phosphatase
PAPPA Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A
PCO2 Partial Pressure Carbon Dioxide
PDW Platelet Distribution Width
PEMAB Pemphigoid Antibodies
PICP Procollagen Type I Carboxy Term Peptide
PNCTPP Pancreatic Polypeptide
PO2 Partial Pressure Oxygen
PROINSUL Proinsulin
PTF1_2 Prothrombin Fragments 1 + 2
PTHCT Parathyroid Hormone, C-Terminal
PTHMM Parathyroid Hormone, Mid-Molecule
PTHNT Parathyroid Hormone, N-Terminal
PYRIDNLN Pyridinoline
PYY Peptide YY; Peptide Tyrosine Tyrosine
RANTES Reg upon Act Normal T-cell Exprd Secrtd;
Chemokine Ligand 5
RBCNUCLE Nucleated Erythrocytes/Leukocytes
RT3 Triiodothyronine, Reverse
SCF Stem Cell Factor; KIT Ligand
TFERRIN Transferrin
THYAB Thyroid Antibodies
THYAMAB Thyroid Antimicrosomal Antibodies
THYATAB Thyroid Antithyroglobulin Antibodies
TIMP1 Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 1
TPAAG Tissue Plasminogen Activator Antigen
TPRONP Non-Phosphorylated Tau Protein
TPROT Tau Protein; Total Tau Protein
TPROTP Phosphorylated Tau Protein
TRAP Total Radical-Trap Antioxidant Potential
TT Thrombin Time
VCAM1 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1
VEGF Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
VISC Viscosity
VITD Vitamin D; Total Vitamin D
CORTFR Cortisol, Free
VITDAT 1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D; Active Vitamin D

VITDIT 25-Hydroxyvitamin D; Inactive Vitamin D

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ACETOAC Acetoacetic Acid; Acetoacetate

ACYLCAOX Acyl Coenzyme A Oxidase; Fatty Acyl
Coenzyme A Oxidase; Acyl CoA Oxidase
GLOBA1 Alpha-1 Globulin; A1-Globulin
GLOBA1PT Alpha-1 Globulin/Total Protein
GLOBA2 Alpha-2 Globulin; A2-Globulin
GLOBA2PT Alpha-2 Globulin/Total Protein
CYAMPPH Amorphous Phosphate Crystals
CYAMPURT Amorphous Urate Crystals
ASSDNA Anti-Single Stranded DNA IgG
APOE4 Apolipoprotein E4
GLOBB Beta Globulin
GLOBBPT Beta Globulin/Total Protein
ALPBS Bone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase
CARNITAT Carnitine Acetyl Transferase
CPNIGAAB Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA Antibody
CPNIGMAB Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM Antibody
CHOLINES Cholinesterase
CYSTATC Cystatin C
RBCCLMP Erythrocyte Cell Clumps; Red Blood Cell
Clumps; RBC Clumps
RBCMORPH Erythrocyte Cell Morphology; Red Blood Cell
Morphology; RBC Morphology
ENAAB Anti-ENA; Extractable Nuclear Antigen
GLOBG Gamma Globulin
GLOBGPT Gamma Globulin/Total Protein
GFR Glomerular Filtration Rate
HGBA Hemoglobin A
HGBA2 Hemoglobin A2
HGBB Hemoglobin B
HGBC Hemoglobin C
HGBF Hemoglobin F; Fetal Hemoglobin
HAABIGM Hepatitis A Virus Antibody IgM
HGRNA Hepatitis G RNA
HIVIMONA HIV-1 Group M and O Nucleic Acid
HIVIOAB HIV-1 Group O Antibody
HIVI24AG HIV-1 p24 Antigen
HIV2NUAC HIV-2 Nucleic Acid
IAH1N1VL Influenza A H1N1 Viral Load
INFAVLD Influenza A Viral Load
LPNAG Legionella pneumophila Antigen
LPNIGGAB Legionella pneumophila IgG Antibody
LPNGMAB Legionella pneumophila IgG IgM Antibody
LPNIGMAB Legionella pneumophila IgM Antibody
WBCMORPH Leukocyte Cell Morphology; White Blood Cell
Morphology; WBC Morphology
WBCCLMP Leukocyte Cell Clumps; White Blood Cell
Clumps; WBC Clumps
MCPROT Monoclonal Immunoglobulin Protein;

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MYTBGIR Mycobacterium tuberculosis IFN Gamma

MYTBNUAC Mycobacterium tuberculosis Nucleic Acid
MYPCERPC Myeloid/Erythroid Ratio
MPOAB Myeloperoxidase Antibody
NGON Neisseria gonorrhoeae Screening
OSMRTY Osmolarity
OXALATE Oxalate; Ethanedioate
PROTOSML Protein/Osmolality; Protein/Osmolality Ratio

SJSSAAB Ro Antibody; Sjogrens SS-A Antibody

SJSSBAB La Antibody; Sjogrens SS-B Antibody
SMTHAB Smith Antibody
STRPLOAB Streptolysin O Antibody; Antistreptolysin O

EPITCE Transitional Epithelial Cells

TRICH Trichomonas
MYBLAT1 Type I Myeloblasts
MYBLAT2 Type II Myeloblasts
MYBLAT3 Type III Myeloblasts
YEASTHYP Yeast Hyphae
SVCAM1 Soluble Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1

AFPL3AFP A Fetoprotein L3/A Fetoprotein

ACHRAB Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody
ACHE Acetylcholinesterase
AFPL1 Alpha Fetoprotein L1
AFPL2 Alpha Fetoprotein L2
AFPL3 Alpha Fetoprotein L3
STIPBASO Basophilic Stippling
BNZLCGN Benzoylecgonine; Cocaine Metabolite
BHYXBTR Beta-Hydroxybutyrate; B-Hydroxybutyrate; 3-
CSBROAD Broad Casts
CACLR Calcium Clearance
CASULPH Calcium Sulphate
CARBXHGB Carboxyhemoglobin
CEC Circulating Endothelial Cells
CTC Circulating Tumor Cells
CCPAB Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody
CMVIGGAB Cytomegalovirus IgG Antibody
CMVIGMAB Cytomegalovirus IgM Antibody
DHEAS Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate; DHEA-S;
sDHEA; DHEA Sulfate
DRVVT Dilute Russell's Viper Venom Time; Lupus
Anticoagulant Test
ECCENTCY Eccentrocytes
EBCIGGAB Epstein-Barr Capsid IgG Antibody
EBCIGMAB Epstein-Barr Capsid IgM Antibody
EBEAG Epstein-Barr Early Antigen
EBNAB Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antibody; Epstein-Barr
Nuclear Antigen Antibody

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EBNAG Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen

RBCGHOST Erythrocyte Ghosts; RBC Ghosts
FACTII Factor II; Prothrombin
FGF23 Fibroblast Growth Factor 23; Phosphatonin

NEUTGT Giant Neutrophils

GLUCCLR Glucose Clearance
GADAB Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibody; GAD
GRAN Granulocytes
HBCAB Hepatitis B Virus Core Antibody
HBCIGMAB Hepatitis B Virus Core IgM Antibody
HBEAB Hepatitis B Virus e Antibody
HBEAG Hepatitis B Virus e Antigen
HDAB Hepatitis D Virus Antibody; Hepatitis Delta
HEIGMAB Hepatitis E Virus IgM Antibody
HS1IGGAB Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgG Antibody; HSV-1
IgG Antibody
HS12GGAB Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgG Antibody;
HSV-1/2 IgG Ab
HS12GMAB Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgM Antibody;
HSV-1/2 IgM Ab
HS2IGGAB Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgG Antibody; HSV-2
IgG Antibody
HEXK Hexokinase
HYPERCHR Hyperchromia
BASOIM Immature Basophils
BASOIMLE Immature Basophils/Leukocytes
CELLSIM Immature Cells
EOSIM Immature Eosinophils
EOSIMLE Immature Eosinophils/Leukocytes
GRANIM Immature Granulocytes
MONOIM Immature Monocytes
MONOIMLE Immature Monocytes/Leukocytes
NEUTIM Immature Neutrophils
PLSIMCE Immature Plasma Cells
PLSIMCLY Immature Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes
KURLOFCE Kurloff Cells
LKM1AB Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 Antibody;
MPC Mean Platelet Component
KRCYMG Megakaryocytes
HGBMET Methemoglobin
MMA Methylmalonic Acid
BNPPRONT N-Terminal ProB-type Natriuretic Peptide; NT
proBNP II; N-terminal pro-Brain Natriuretic
OXYCAP Oxygen Capacity
OXYSAT Oxygen Saturation
HGBOXY Oxyhemoglobin
PB19GGAB Parvovirus B19 IgG Antibody

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PB19GMAB Parvovirus B19 IgM Antibody

PHOSLPD Phospholipid
PLATCLMP Platelet Clumps; PLT Clumps
P1NP Procollagen 1 N-Terminal Propeptide;
Amino-terminal propeptide of type 1
procollagen; P1NP Aminoterm Type 1
RPTLTIME Reptilase Time
TRGTCE Leptocytes; Target Cells; Codocytes;
Mexican Hat Cells
THYPXD Thyroperoxidase; Thyroid Peroxidase
THYPXDAB Thyroperoxidase Antibody
TOXGRAN Toxic Granulation
UREACRT Urea/Creatinine
AFACTXAA Anti-Factor Xa Activity
AMYLASEP Amylase, Pancreatic
AMYLASES Amylase, Salivary
APTTSTND Activated PTT/Standard; Activated
PTT/Standard PTT; Activated Partial
Thromboplastin Time/Standard
Thromboplastin Time
BASOCE Basophils/Total Cells
BLSTMBCE Myeloblasts/Total Cells
BLSTMGK Megakaryoblasts
BLSTMKCE Megakaryoblasts/Total Cells
BLSTNMCE Normoblasts/Total Cells
BLSTPNCE Pronormoblasts/Total Cells
EOSCE Eosinophils/Total Cells
FACTIX Factor IX; Christmas Factor
FACTV Factor V; Labile Factor
FACTVW von Willebrand Factor; von Willebrand Factor
FACTX Factor X
FATDROP Fat Droplet
GFRBSA Glomerular Filtration Rate Adj for BSA
GFRBSCRT GFR from Creatinine Adjusted for BSA
GFRBSCYC GFR from Cystatin C Adjusted for BSA
GRANCE Granulocytes/Total Cells
HASIGEAB Human Anti-Sheep IgE Antibody
HASIGGAB Human Anti-Sheep IgG Antibody
HASIGMAB Human Anti-Sheep IgM Antibody
HMOSIDRN Hemosiderin
HS1IGMAB Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgM Antibody
HS2IGMAB Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgM Antibody
IGD Immunoglobulin D
INLCLR Inulin Clearance
IOTCLR Iothalamate Clearance
IOTCLRBS Iothalamate Clearance Adjusted for BSA
KLCFR Kappa Light Chain, Free
KLCLLCFR Kappa Lt Chain,Free/Lambda Lt Chain,Free

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KRCYMGCE Megakaryocytes/Total Cells

LLCFR Lambda Light Chain, Free
LYMCE Lymphocytes/Total Cells
METAMYCE Metamyelocytes/Total Cells
MONOCE Monocytes/Total Cells
MYCYCE Myelocytes/Total Cells
NEUTCE Neutrophils/Total Cells
NKCE Natural Killer Cells
PLSMCECE Plasma Cells/Total Cells
PROMYCE Promyelocytes/Total Cells
PTA Prothrombin Activity; Factor II Activity
RETIHGB Reticulocyte Hemoglobin
TFRRNSAT Transferrin Saturation
VZVIGAAB Varicella Zoster Virus IgA Antibody
VZVIGGAB Varicella Zoster Virus IgG Antibody
VZVIGMAB Varicella Zoster Virus IgM Antibody
DHPG 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol; 3.4
APROTCRS Activated Protein C Resistance; Factor V
Leiden Screen
AAP Alanine Aminopeptidase
A1AGLP Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein
A1MICG Alpha-1 Microglobulin; Protein HC
A1MCREAT Alpha-1 Microglobulin/Creatinine
APOC2 Apolipoprotein C2; Apolipoprotein CII
APOJ Apolipoprotein J; Clusterin
BETACRTN Beta Carotene; b-Carotene; Beta Carotin
BTP Beta-Trace Protein
CDT Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin
CRLPLSMN Ceruloplasmin; Caeruloplasmin
CH50 Complement CH50; Total Hemolytic
Complement; CH50
CXCR3 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Receptor 3; GPR9,
CD183, CXCR3
CTRIGAAB Chlamydia trachomatis IgA Antibody
CTRIGGAB Chlamydia trachomatis IgG Antibody
CTRIGMAB Chlamydia trachomatis IgM Antibody
DNASEBAB DNase-B Antibody; Anti-Dnase B
ECT Ecarin Clotting Time
GLYCRLFR Free Glycerol; Free Glycerin
GFRBSB2M GFR from B-2 Microglobulin Adj for BSA
GFRBSBTP GFR from Beta-Trace Protein Adj for BSA
HDLCLDLC HDL Cholesterol/LDL Cholesterol Ratio
HLAB27AG HLA-B27 Antigen; Human Leukocyte Antigen
HOMAIR Homostat Model Assess of Insulin Rstn;
Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin
GRANIMLE Immature Granulocytes/Leukocytes
LYMIM Immature Lymphocytes
LYMIMLE Immature Lymphocytes/Leukocytes
NEUTIMLE Immature Neutrophils/Leukocytes

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IOHEXCLR Iohexol Clearance

JO1AB Jo-1 Antibody
KIM1 Kidney Injury Molecule-1; KIM-1; Hepatitis A
Virus Cellular Receptor 1
LKM1IAAB Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 IgA Ab
LKM1IGAB Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 IgG Ab
LKM1IMAB Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 IgM Ab
NPAP Non-Prostatic Acid Phosphatase
OVAPARS Ova and Parasite
PEPSNGA Pepsinogen A; PGA
PEPSNGC Pepsinogen C; PGC
PEPSNGI Pepsinogen I; PGI
PEPSNG Pepsinogen
PLSMDM Plasmodium
PLATHCT Platelet Hematocrit; Thrombocytocrit
PREALB Prealbumin
PERTHRBL Proerythroblast
PROTS Protein S
RBP Retinol Binding Protein
RNPAB Ribonucleoprotein Antibody; RNP Antibody

BLSTRSID Ringed Sideroblasts

SCL70AB Scl-70 Antibody; Scleroderma-70 Antibody
BLSTSID Sideroblast
SLTFRNRC Soluble Transferrin Receptor
TRCYANDP Tricyclic Antidepressants
ADP Adenosine Diphosphate
APLAB Antiphospholipid Antibodies
ARA Arachidonic Acid
CD34 CD34
CLUECE Clue Cells
AMPHETD Dextroamphetamine; d-amphetamine
DRUGSCR Drug Screen
ETP Endogenous Thrombin Potential
ETPAUC ETP Area Under Curve; Endogenous
Thrombin Potential Area Under Curve
ETPLT ETP Lag Time; Endogenous Thrombin
Potential Lag Time
ETPLTR ETP Lag Time Relative; Endogenous
Thrombin Potential Lag Time Relative
ETPPH ETP Peak Height; Endogenous Thrombin
Potential Peak Height
ETPPHR ETP Peak Height Relative; Endogenous
Thrombin Potential Peak Height Relative
ETPTP ETP Time to Peak; Endogenous Thrombin
Potential Time to Peak
ETPTPR ETP Time to Peak Relative; Endogenous
Thrombin Potential Time to Peak Relative
FACTVL Factor V Leiden
FACTXIV Factor XIV; Autoprothrombin IIA; Protein C;
Protein C Antigen
RETCRRBC HCT Corrected Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes
RETIHCR Hematocrit Corrected Reticulocytes

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IRF Immature Reticulocyte Fraction
APTTLAS Lupus Anticoagulant Sensitive APTT; APTT-
BLSTLY Lymphoblasts
METHAMPH Methamphetamine
P50OXYGN P50 Oxygen
IL2SRA Soluble Interleukin 2 Receptor Activity
SPERMMTL Sperm Motility
CONDUCTU Urine Conductivity
TXB2_D11 11-Dehydro-Thromboxane B2
DOPAC 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic Acid
MDMA 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine;
ACT Activated Clot Time; Activated Clotting Time;
Coagulation Activated
ALBPROT Albumin/Total Protein
ALTCPHRL Alpha Tocopherol
ATPVITE Vitamin E Alpha Tocopherol
APLSMA2 Alpha-2 Plasmin Inhibitor
AMYLB38 Amyloid Beta 38; Amyloid Beta 38 Protein;
Amyloid Beta 1-38
AMYLB40 Amyloid Beta 40; Amyloid Beta 40 Protein;
Amyloid Beta 1-40
ANGLBIND Antiglobulin Test, Indirect; Indirect Coombs
APOA4 Apolipoprotein A4
APOA5 Apolipoprotein A5
APOBAPA1 Apolipoprotein B/Apolipoprotein A1
CATNINB Beta Catenin
B2G1GGAB Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 IgG Antibody
B2G1GMAB Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 IgM Antibody
CAPHOSPD Calcium - Phosphorus Product
CA1AG Cancer Antigen 1
CA15_3AG Cancer Antigen 15-3
CRDIGMAB Cardiolipin IgM Antibody
CD14 CD14
CD2LY CD2/Lymphocytes
CD20 CD20
CD56 CD56
CETPA Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Act
CDFTXN Clostridium difficile Toxin
CTTIGGAB Clostridium tetani IgG Antibody
COL4 Collagen Type IV
DRVVTRT Lupus Anticoagulant Ratio
DPTIGGAB Diphtheria IgG Antibody
FACTIXA Christmas Factor Activity
FACTVA Labile Factor Activity
FACTVIIA Proconvertin Activity; Stable Factor Activity

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FCTVIIAA Factor VIIa Activity

FCTVIIIA Anti-hemophilic Factor Activity
HDLPSZ HDL Particle Size
HPLIGGAB Helicobacter pylori IgG Antibody
HBDNA Hepatitis B DNA
HALBAB Human Albumin Antibody
BLASTIMM Lymphocytes, Immunoblastic
IAIGGAB Influenza A IgG Antibody
IBIGGAB Influenza B IgG Antibody
ILE Isoleucine
LDLPSZ LDL Particle Size
LTB4 Leukotriene B4
LTD4 Leukotriene D4
LTE4 Leukotriene E4
LSD Lysergic Acid Diethylamide; Acid
MYELINAB Myelin Antibodies
NAGASE NAG; Beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase
PTHW Parathyroid Hormone, Whole
PLATAGGR Platelet Function
PCT Procalcitonin
PG Total Prostaglandin
PGD2 Prostaglandin D2
PGD2S Prostaglandin D2 Synthase
PGES Prostaglandin E Synthase
PGE1 Prostaglandin E1
PGE2 Prostaglandin E2
PGF1A Prostaglandin F1 Alpha
PGF2A Prostaglandin F2 Alpha
RUBIGGAB Rubella IgG Antibody
TXB2 Thromboxane B2
VITECHOL Vitamin E/Cholesterol
VITK1 Phylloquinone; Phytomenadione
VLDLPSZ VLDL Particle Size
APP Amyloid Precursor Beta; Amyloid Beta
Precursor; Amyloid Precursor Protein;
Amyloid Beta Precursor Protein
BLSTLYLE Lymphoblasts/Leukocytes
CD11A CD11a; CD11A
CD11B CD11b; CD11B
FACTXIVA Protein C Activity; Factor XIV Activity
FBRTST FibroTest Score; FibroSURE Score
SEDEXAM Sediment Examination; Sediment Analysis;
Microscopic Sediment Analysis
THEOPHYL Theophylline
AFPA Alpha Fetoprotein Activity
BLSTIMLY Immunoblasts/Lymphocytes; Lymphocytes,

CA72_4AG Cancer Antigen 72-4; CA 72-4; Carbohydrate

Antigen 72-4

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CLCLR Chloride Clearance

CORCREAT Cortisol/Creatinine
CRTCREAT Corticosterone/Creatinine
CYFRA211 Cytokeratin Fragment 21-1; Cytokeratin 19
Fragment; CYFRA21-1
CYSCREAT Cystatin C/Creatinine
EBN1IGAB Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen 1 IgG Ab
EBVINTP EBV Profile Interpretation; Epstein-Barr Virus
Antibody Profile; Epstein-Barr Virus Profile
Interpretation; Epstein-Barr Virus Panel

FABP3 Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3

GIPI Glucose-dep Insulinotropic Pep, Intact; Intact
Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Peptide;
Intact GIP; Intact Gastric Inhibitory
HDW Hemoglobin Distribution Width
HEIGGAB Hepatitis E Virus IgG Antibody
HIVAB HIV Antibody
KCLR Potassium Clearance
LCN2 Lipocalin-2
LCN2CREA Lipocalin-2/Creatinine
MGBCREAT Myoglobin/Creatinine
MONOMA Monocytes/Macrocytes
MYL3 Myosin Light Chain 3; Cardiac myosin light
chain 1; Myosin light chain 1, slow-twitch
muscle B/ventricular isoform
NACLR Sodium Clearance
PHOSCLR Phosphate Clearance
SPWEIGHT Specimen Weight
TAT Thrombin/Antithrombin;
Thrombin/Antithrombin III
TIMP1CRE TIMP1/Creatinine; Tissue Inhibitor of
Metalloproteinase 1/Creatinine
YEASTBUD Yeast Budding; Budding Yeast
LBTEST Laboratory Test Name
Anisocytes Anisocytes
Poikilocytes Poikilocytes
Bilirubin Bilirubin; Total Bilirubin
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
Glucose Glucose
pH pH
Erythrocytes Erythrocytes; Red Blood Cells
Reticulocytes Reticulocytes
Leukocytes Leukocytes; White Blood Cells
Lymphocytes Lymphocytes
Platelets Platelets
Blood Urea Nitrogen Blood Urea Nitrogen
Cholesterol Cholesterol; Total Cholesterol
HDL Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol
Prothrombin Time Prothrombin Time
Neutrophils Neutrophils
Albumin Albumin; Microalbumin

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Alkaline Phosphatase Alkaline Phosphatase

Alanine Aminotransferase Alanine Aminotransferase; SGPT
Amylase Amylase
Aspartate Aminotransferase Aspartate Aminotransferase; SGOT
Bacteria Bacteria
Basophils Basophils
Basophils/Leukocytes Basophils/Leukocytes
Direct Bilirubin Direct Bilirubin
Indirect Bilirubin Indirect Bilirubin
Blasts/Leukocytes Blasts/Leukocytes
Calcium Calcium
Creatine Kinase Creatine Kinase
Creatine Kinase BB Creatine Kinase BB
Creatine Kinase MB Creatine Kinase MB
Creatine Kinase MM Creatine Kinase MM
Chloride Chloride
Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide
Color Color
Creatinine Creatinine
C Reactive Protein C Reactive Protein
Elliptocytes Elliptocytes; Ovalocytes
Eosinophils Eosinophils
Eosinophils/Leukocytes Eosinophils/Leukocytes
Epithelial Cells Epithelial Cells
Fibrinogen Fibrinogen
Hematocrit Hematocrit
Ery. Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Ery. Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
Ery. Mean Corpuscular HGB Concentration Ery. Mean Corpuscular HGB Concentration

Ery. Mean Corpuscular Volume Ery. Mean Corpuscular Volume

Erythrocytes Distribution Width Erythrocytes Distribution Width; Red Blood
Cell Distribution Width
Dacryocytes Dacryocytes; Tear Shaped Erythrocytes;
Teardrop Cells
Hypochromia Hypochromia
Polychromasia Polychromasia
Prothrombin Intl. Normalized Ratio Prothrombin Intl. Normalized Ratio
VLDL Cholesterol VLDL Cholesterol
Triacylglycerol Lipase Triacylglycerol Lipase
Sodium Sodium
Nitrite Nitrite
Triglycerides Triglycerides
Thyrotropin Thyrotropin
Urate Urate; Uric Acid
Urea Urea
Urobilinogen Urobilinogen
Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12
Lymphocytes Atypical Lymphocytes Atypical
Lymphocytes Atypical/Leukocytes Lymphocytes Atypical/Leukocytes
Lymphocytes/Leukocytes Lymphocytes/Leukocytes
Macrocytes Macrocytes
Microcytes Microcytes
Monocytes Monocytes
Monocytes/Leukocytes Monocytes/Leukocytes

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Myeloblasts/Leukocytes Myeloblasts/Leukocytes
Myelocytes/Leukocytes Myelocytes/Leukocytes
Neutrophils/Leukocytes Neutrophils/Leukocytes
Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes
Prolymphocytes/Leukocytes Prolymphocytes/Leukocytes
Neutrophils Band Form Neutrophils Band Form
Neutrophils Band Form/Leukocytes Neutrophils Band Form/Leukocytes
Specific Gravity Specific Gravity
Magnesium Magnesium
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Gamma Glutamyl Transferase
Hemoglobin Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin A1C Hemoglobin A1C
Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen HBsAg; Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen
Choriogonadotropin Beta Choriogonadotropin Beta; Pregnancy Test
Potassium Potassium
Ketones Ketones
Lactate Dehydrogenase Lactate Dehydrogenase
Leukocyte Esterase Leukocyte Esterase
Phosphate Phosphate; Phosphorus; Inorganic
Protein Protein
Prostate Specific Antigen Prostate Specific Antigen
Creatinine Clearance Creatinine Clearance
Hairy Cells Hairy Cells
Blasts Blasts
CD19 CD19
Dohle Bodies Dohle Bodies
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate; Biernacki
Hypersegmented Cells Hypersegmented Cells
Lymphoma Cells Lymphoma Cells
May-Hegglin Anomaly May-Hegglin Anomaly
Metamyelocytes Metamyelocytes
Pappenheimer Bodies Pappenheimer Bodies
Pelger Huet Anomaly Pelger Huet Anomaly
Plasmacytoid Lymphocytes Plasmacytoid Lymphocytes; Plymphocytes

Precursor Plasma Cells Precursor Plasma Cells; Plasmablast

Prolymphocytes Prolymphocytes
Promonocytes Promonocytes
Promyelocytes Promyelocytes
Rouleaux Formation Rouleaux Formation
Sezary Cells Sezary Cells
Sickle Cells Sickle Cells
Smudge Cells Smudge Cells; Basket Cells
Vacuolated Neutrophils Vacuolated Neutrophils
Leukemic Blasts Leukemic Blasts
Monoblasts Monoblasts
Myeloblasts Myeloblasts
Acanthocytes/Erythrocytes Acanthocytes/Erythrocytes
Bite Cells/Erythrocytes Bite Cells/Erythrocytes

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CD19/Lymphocytes CD19/Lymphocytes
CD3/Lymphocytes CD3/Lymphocytes
CD4/Lymphocytes CD4/Lymphocytes
CD8/Lymphocytes CD8/Lymphocytes
Hairy Cells/Lymphocytes Hairy Cells/Lymphocytes
Leukemic Blasts/Lymphocytes Leukemic Blasts/Lymphocytes
Malignant Cells, NOS/Blood Cells Malignant Cells, NOS/Blood Cells
Metamyelocytes/Leukocytes Metamyelocytes/Leukocytes
Monoblasts/Leukocytes Monoblasts/Leukocytes
Nucleated Erythrocytes/Erythrocytes Nucleated Erythrocytes/Erythrocytes;
Nucleated Red Blood Cells/Erythrocytes
Plasmacytoid Lymphocytes/Lymphocytes Plasmacytoid Lymphocytes/Lymphocytes
Poikilocytes/Erythrocytes Poikilocytes/Erythrocytes
Precursor Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes Precursor Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes
Prolymphocytes/Lymphocytes Prolymphocytes/Lymphocytes
Promonocytes/Leukocytes Promonocytes/Leukocytes
Promyelocytes/Leukocytes Promyelocytes/Leukocytes
Reactive Lymphocytes/Lymphocytes Reactive Lymphocytes/Lymphocytes
Sezary Cells/Lymphocytes Sezary Cells/Lymphocytes
Sickle Cells/Erythrocytes Sickle Cells/Erythrocytes
Auer Rods Auer Rods
Helmet Cells Helmet Cells
Large Unstained Cells Large Unstained Cells
Malignant Cells, NOS Malignant Cells, NOS
Mature Plasma Cells Mature Plasma Cells; Plasmacytes
Myelocytes Myelocytes
Spermatozoa Spermatozoa
Yeast Cells Yeast Cells
Amorphous Crystals Amorphous Crystals
Amorphous Sediment Amorphous Sediment; Amorphous Debris
Bicarbonate Bicarbonate; HCO3
Bilirubin Crystals Bilirubin Crystals
Calcium Carbonate Crystals Calcium Carbonate Crystals
Calcium Oxalate Crystals Calcium Oxalate Crystals
Calcium Phosphate Crystals Calcium Phosphate Crystals
Cholesterol Crystals Cholesterol Crystals
Crystals Crystals
Cystine Crystals Cystine Crystals
Vitamin B9 Folic Acid; Vitamin B9
Carnitine, Free Carnitine, Free
Fructosamine Fructosamine; Glycated Serum Protein
Iron Iron; FE
Leucine Crystals Leucine Crystals
Monosodium Urate Crystals Monosodium Urate Crystals
Carnitine Carnitine
Tyrosine Crystals Tyrosine Crystals
Uric Acid Crystals Uric Acid Crystals
Anion Gap Anion Gap
Occult Blood Occult Blood
Amphetamine Amphetamine
Barbiturates Barbiturates
Cannabinoids Cannabinoids
Cocaine Cocaine

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Round Epithelial Cells Round Epithelial Cells

Acanthocytes Acanthocytes
Bite Cells Bite Cells
Burr Cells Burr Cells; Keratocytes
Cabot Rings Cabot Rings
Crenated Cells Crenated Cells; Echinocytes
Howell-Jolly Bodies Howell-Jolly Bodies
Nucleated Erythrocytes Nucleated Erythrocytes; Nucleated Red
Blood Cells
Schistocytes Schistocytes
Spherocytes Spherocytes
Stomatocytes Stomatocytes
Heinz Bodies Heinz Bodies; Heinz-Erhlich Bodies
Hepatitis A Virus Antibody Hepatitis A Virus Antibody
Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antibody Anti-HBs; HBsAb; Hepatitis B Virus Surface
Hepatitis C Virus Antibody Hepatitis C Virus Antibody
HIV-1 Antibody HIV-1 Antibody
HIV-1/2 Antibody HIV-1/2 Antibody
HIV-2 Antibody HIV-2 Antibody
Rapid Plasma Reagin Rapid Plasma Reagin
Rheumatoid Factor Rheumatoid Factor
Total Iron Binding Capacity Total Iron Binding Capacity
Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity
Mucous Threads Mucous Threads
Turbidity Turbidity
HAV Viral Load HAV Viral Load
HBV Viral Load HBV Viral Load
HCV Viral Load HCV Viral Load
HIV Viral Load HIV Viral Load
Giant Platelets Giant Platelets
Large Platelets Large Platelets
Mean Platelet Volume Mean Platelet Volume
Aldolase Aldolase
Alpha Fetoprotein Alpha Fetoprotein
Apolipoprotein A1 Apolipoprotein A1
Apolipoprotein B Apolipoprotein B
Brain Natriuretic Peptide Brain Natriuretic Peptide; B-Type Natriuretic
C-peptide C-peptide
Ferritin Ferritin
Globulin Globulin
Glutamate Glutamate; Glutamic Acid
Haptoglobin Haptoglobin
Homocysteine Homocysteine
N-telopeptide N-telopeptide
Osteocalcin Osteocalcin
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Sex Hormone Binding Globulin; Sex
Hormone Binding Protein
Thyroxine Binding Globulin Thyroxine Binding Globulin
Triiodothyronine Triiodothyronine; Total T3
Triiodothyronine Uptake Triiodothyronine Uptake
Troponin I Troponin I
Troponin T Troponin T

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Tumor Necrosis Factor Tumor Necrosis Factor; Tumor Necrosis

Factor alpha
BUN/Creatinine BUN/Creatinine
Hippuric Acid Crystals Hippuric Acid Crystals
Sulfa Crystals Sulfa Crystals
Triple Phosphate Crystals Triple Phosphate Crystals
Unclassified Crystals Unclassified Crystals
Ammonium Biurate Crystals Ammonium Biurate Crystals; Ammonium
Urate Crystals; Acid Ammonium Urate
Ammonium Oxalate Crystals Ammonium Oxalate Crystals
Albumin/Creatinine Albumin/Creatinine; Microalbumin/Creatinine
Bacterial Casts Bacterial Casts
Casts Casts
Cellular Casts Cellular Casts
Granular Coarse Casts Granular Coarse Casts
Fatty Casts Fatty Casts
Granular Casts Granular Casts
Granular Fine Casts Granular Fine Casts
Hyaline Casts Hyaline Casts
Mixed Casts Mixed Casts
RBC Casts RBC Casts
Squamous Epithelial Cells Squamous Epithelial Cells
Squamous Transitional Epithelial Cells Squamous Transitional Epithelial Cells;
Epithelial Cells
Tubular Epithelial Cells Tubular Epithelial Cells; Renal Tubular
Epithelial Cells
Unclassified Casts Unclassified Casts
Waxy Casts Waxy Casts
WBC Casts WBC Casts
Epithelial Casts Epithelial Casts
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
Cortisol Cortisol; Total Cortisol
Estradiol Estradiol; Oestradiol
Follicle Stimulating Hormone Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Parathyroid Hormone, Fragmented Parathyroid Hormone, Fragmented
Testosterone, Free Testosterone, Free
Thyroxine, Free Thyroxine, Free; Free T4
Triiodothyronine, Free Triiodothyronine, Free; Free T3
Insulin Insulin
Parathyroid Hormone, Intact Parathyroid Hormone, Intact
Luteinizing Hormone Luteinizing Hormone
Progesterone Progesterone
Somatotrophin Somatotrophin; Growth Hormone
Testosterone Testosterone; Total Testosterone
Thyroxine Thyroxine; Total T4
Opiate Opiate
Lymphoma Cells/Lymphocytes Lymphoma Cells/Lymphocytes
Mature Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes Mature Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes
Acid Urate Crystals Acid Urate Crystals
Anti-Double Stranded DNA Anti-Double Stranded DNA
Antinuclear Antibodies Antinuclear Antibodies

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5 Prime Nucleotidase 5 Prime Nucleotidase; 5'-Ribonucleotide

6-Monoacetylmorphine 6-Monoacetylmorphine
Acetylcholine Acetylcholine
Adiponectin Adiponectin
Albumin/Globulin Albumin/Globulin
Aldosterone Aldosterone
Alkaline Phosphatase/Creatinine Alkaline Phosphatase/Creatinine
Alpha Glutathione-S-Transferase Alpha Glutathione-S-Transferase
Ammonia Ammonia; NH3
Androstenediol Androstenediol
Androstenedione Androstenedione; 4-Androstenedione
Angiotensin I Angiotensin I
Angiotensin II Angiotensin II
Angiotensinogen Angiotensinogen; Angiotensin Precursor
Antidepressants Antidepressants
Antidiuretic Hormone Antidiuretic Hormone; Vasopressin
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Atrial Natriuretic Peptide; Atriopeptin
Benzodiazepine Benzodiazepine
Bile Acid Bile Acid; Bile Salts; Bile Acids; Bile Salt
Calcitonin Calcitonin
Calcitriol Calcitriol
Calcium/Creatinine Calcium/Creatinine
Chloride/Creatinine Chloride/Creatinine
Cholecystokinin Cholecystokinin; Pancreozymin
Codeine Codeine
Corticosterone Corticosterone
Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Corticotropin Releasing Hormone;
Corticotropin Releasing Factor
Creatine Kinase BB/Total Creatine Kinase Creatine Kinase BB/Total Creatine Kinase
Creatine Kinase MB/Total Creatine Kinase Creatine Kinase MB/Total Creatine Kinase
Creatine Kinase MM/Total Creatine Kinase Creatine Kinase MM/Total Creatine Kinase
Dehydroepiandrosterone Dehydroepiandrosterone;
Deoxypyridinoline Deoxypyridinoline
Deoxypyridinoline/Creatinine Deoxypyridinoline/Creatinine
Dihydrocodeine Dihydrocodeine
Dihydrotestosterone Dihydrotestosterone; Androstanalone
Dopamine Dopamine
Epinephrine Epinephrine; Adrenaline
Erythropoietin Erythropoietin; Hematopoietin
Estriol Estriol; Oestriol
Estrone Estrone; Oestrone
Ethanol Ethanol; Alcohol
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase/Creatinine Gamma Glutamyl Transferase/Creatinine
Gastrin Gastrin
Glucagon Glucagon
Glucose/Creatinine Glucose/Creatinine
Glutamate Dehydrogenase Glutamate Dehydrogenase
Glutathione-S-Transferase/Creatinine Glutathione-S-Transferase/Creatinine
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone;
Luteinising Hormone Releasing Hormone
Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone;

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Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone;

Homovanillic Acid Homovanillic Acid
Hydrocodone Hydrocodone
Hydromorphone Hydromorphone
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Insulin-like Growth Factor-1
Insulin-like Growth Factor-2 Insulin-like Growth Factor-2
Interleukin 1 Interleukin 1
Interleukin 10 Interleukin 10
Interleukin 11 Interleukin 11
Interleukin 12 Interleukin 12
Interleukin 13 Interleukin 13
Interleukin 14 Interleukin 14
Interleukin 15 Interleukin 15
Interleukin 16 Interleukin 16
Interleukin 17 Interleukin 17
Interleukin 18 Interleukin 18
Interleukin 19 Interleukin 19
Interleukin 2 Interleukin 2
Interleukin 20 Interleukin 20
Interleukin 21 Interleukin 21
Interleukin 22 Interleukin 22
Interleukin 23 Interleukin 23
Interleukin 24 Interleukin 24
Interleukin 25 Interleukin 25
Interleukin 26 Interleukin 26
Interleukin 27 Interleukin 27
Interleukin 28 Interleukin 28
Interleukin 29 Interleukin 29
Interleukin 3 Interleukin 3
Interleukin 30 Interleukin 30
Interleukin 31 Interleukin 31
Interleukin 32 Interleukin 32
Interleukin 33 Interleukin 33
Interleukin 4 Interleukin 4
Interleukin 5 Interleukin 5
Interleukin 6 Interleukin 6
Interleukin 7 Interleukin 7
Interleukin 8 Interleukin 8
Interleukin 9 Interleukin 9
LDH Isoenzyme 1 LDH Isoenzyme 1
LDH Isoenzyme 2 LDH Isoenzyme 2
LDH Isoenzyme 3 LDH Isoenzyme 3
LDH Isoenzyme 4 LDH Isoenzyme 4
LDH Isoenzyme 5 LDH Isoenzyme 5
Lactate Dehydrogenase/Creatinine Lactate Dehydrogenase/Creatinine
Lactic Acid Lactic Acid; 2-hydroxypropanoic acid; Lactate

Large Unstained Cells/Leukocytes Large Unstained Cells/Leukocytes

LDH Isoenzyme 1/LDH LDH Isoenzyme 1/LDH
LDH Isoenzyme 2/LDH LDH Isoenzyme 2/LDH
LDH Isoenzyme 3/LDH LDH Isoenzyme 3/LDH
LDH Isoenzyme 4/LDH LDH Isoenzyme 4/LDH
LDH Isoenzyme 5/LDH LDH Isoenzyme 5/LDH

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Leptin Leptin
Magnesium/Creatinine Magnesium/Creatinine
Melatonin Melatonin
Methadone Methadone
Methaqualone Methaqualone
Morphine Morphine
Mu Glutathione-S-Transferase Mu Glutathione-S-Transferase
Mu Glutathione-S-Transferase/Creatinine Mu Glutathione-S-Transferase/Creatinine
Myoglobin Myoglobin
N-Acetyl Glucosamide N-Acetyl Glucosamide; N-Acetyl
N-Acetyl Glucosamide/Creatinine N-Acetyl Glucosamide/Creatinine
Neuropeptide Y Neuropeptide Y
Norepinephrine Noradrenaline; Norepinephrine
Osmolality Osmolality
Oxycodone Oxycodone; Oxycontin
Oxytocin Oxytocin; Oxytoxin
Phencyclidine Phencyclidine; Phenylcyclohexylpiperidine
Phenothiazine Phenothiazine; Dibenzothiazine
Phosphate/Creatinine Phosphate/Creatinine
Potassium/Creatinine Potassium/Creatinine
Prolactin Prolactin
Propoxyphene Propoxyphene
Protein/Creatinine Protein/Creatinine
Pseudoephedrine Pseudoephedrine
Reactive Lymphocytes Reactive Lymphocytes
Renin Renin; Angiotensinogenase
Secretin Secretin
Serotonin Serotonin
Sodium/Creatinine Sodium/Creatinine
Sorbitol Dehydrogenase Sorbitol Dehydrogenase
Thrombopoietin Thrombopoietin
Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone; Thyrotropin
Releasing Factor
Vanillyl Mandelic Acid Vanillyl Mandelic Acid; Vanilmandelic Acid
Vitamin A Vitamin A; Retinol
Thiamine Thiamine; Vitamin B1
Vitamin B17 Vitamin B17; Amygdalin
Riboflavin Riboflavin; Vitamin B2
Niacin Niacin; Vitamin B3
Vitamin B5 Vitamin B5; Pantothenic Acid
Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6; Pyridoxine
Vitamin B7 Vitamin B7; Biotin
Vitamin C Vitamin C; Ascorbic Acid
Vitamin D2 Vitamin D2; Ergocalciferol
Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3; Cholecalciferol
Vitamin E Vitamin E
Vitamin K Vitamin K; Naphthoquinone
Volume Volume
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Alpha-1 Antitrypsin; Serum Trypsin Inhibitor

Alpha-2 Macroglobulin Alpha-2 Macroglobulin

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
Acid Phosphatase Acid Phosphatase

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Antimitochondrial Antibodies Antimitochondrial Antibodies; Mitochondrial

Amyloid Beta 1-42 Amyloid Beta 42; Amyloid Beta 42 Protein;
Amyloid Beta 1-42
Amyloid, Beta Amyloid, Beta; Beta Amyloid
Amyloid P Amyloid P
Antiglobulin Test, Direct Antiglobulin Test, Direct; Direct Coombs Test

Antithrombin Antithrombin; Antithrombin III; Antithrombin

Activity; Antithrombin III Activity

Antithrombin Antigen Antithrombin Antigen; Antithrombin III

Apolipoprotein AII Apolipoprotein AII
Apolipoprotein CIII Apolipoprotein CIII
Apolipoprotein E Apolipoprotein E
Apolipoprotein H Apolipoprotein H
Specimen Appearance Specimen Appearance
Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae Antibody Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae Antibody
Aspartate Aminotransferase Antigen Aspartate Aminotransferase Antigen; SGOT
Beta-2 Glycoprotein Antibody Beta-2 Glycoprotein Antibody
Beta-2 Microglobulin Beta-2 Microglobulin
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor
ProB-type Natriuretic Peptide ProB-type Natriuretic Peptide; proBNP; Pro-
Brain Natriuretic Peptide
Complement C1q Antibody Complement C1q Antibody
Complement C3 Complement C3
Complement C3a Complement C3a; ASP, Complement C3
DesArg, Acetylation-stimulating Protein
Complement C3b Complement C3b
Complement C4 Complement C4
Complement C4a Complement C4a
Complement C5a Complement C5a
Cancer Antigen 125 Cancer Antigen 125
Cancer Antigen 19-9 Cancer Antigen 19-9
Calcium, Ionized Calcium, Ionized
Calprotectin Calprotectin
Complement Bb Complement Bb
CD40 CD40
CD40 Ligand CD40 Ligand
Carcinoembryonic Antigen Carcinoembryonic Antigen
Cholesterol/HDL-Cholesterol Cholesterol/HDL-Cholesterol
Complement Total Complement Total
Type I Collagen C-Telopeptides Type I Collagen C-Telopeptides; Type I
Collagen X-linked C-telopeptide
Type II Collagen C-Telopeptides Type II Collagen C-Telopeptides
Starch Crystals Starch Crystals
D-Dimer D-Dimer
Anti-DNA Antibodies Anti-DNA Antibodies; Anti-ds-DNA
Epidermal Growth Factor Epidermal Growth Factor
Pancreatic Elastase 1 Pancreatic Elastase 1
Pancreatic Elastase 1, Polymorphonuclear Pancreatic Elastase 1, Polymorphonuclear

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Neutrophil Elastase Neutrophil Elastase

Neutrophil Elastase, Polymorphonuclear Neutrophil Elastase, Polymorphonuclear
Epith Neutrophil-Activating Peptide 78 Epith Neutrophil-Activating Peptide 78
Endothelin-1 Endothelin-1
Extracell Newly Ident RAGE Bind Protein Extracell Newly Ident RAGE Bind Protein;
S100 Calcium Binding Protein A12
Eosinophilic Metamyelocytes Eosinophilic Metamyelocytes
Eosinophilic Myelocytes Eosinophilic Myelocytes
Eotaxin-1 Eotaxin-1; Chemokine Ligand 11
Eotaxin-2 Eotaxin-2; Chemokine Ligand 24
Eotaxin-3 Eotaxin-3; Chemokine Ligand 26
Estriol, Free Estriol, Free
Fatty Acid Binding Protein 1 Fatty Acid Binding Protein 1
Factor III Factor III; Tissue Factor, CD142
Factor VII Factor VII; Proconvertin; Stable Factor
Factor VIII Factor VIII; Anti-hemophilic Factor
Free Fatty Acid Free Fatty Acid; Non-Esterified Fatty Acid,
Free Fatty Acid, Saturated Free Fatty Acid, Saturated; Non-esterified
Fatty Acid, Saturated
Free Fatty Acid, Unsaturated Free Fatty Acid, Unsaturated; Non-esterified
Fatty Acid, Unsaturated
Fat Bodies, Oval Fat Bodies, Oval
Fibrin Degradation Products Fibrin Degradation Products
Fibroblast Growth Factor Basic Form Fibroblast Growth Factor Basic Form; FGF2

Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase

Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 1 Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 1; Glutamic
Acid Decarboxylase 67
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2 Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2; Glutamic
Acid Decarboxylase 65
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2 Antibody Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2 Antibody;
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 65 Antibody
Galanin Galanin
Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor
Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Glucagon-Like Peptide-1; Total Glucagon-
Like Peptide-1
Glucagon-Like Peptide-1, Active Form Glucagon-Like Peptide-1, Active Form
Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stm Factor Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stm Factor

Gold Gold
Glutathione S-Transferase, Total Glutathione S-Transferase, Total
Glutathione S-Transferase, Alpha/Creat Glutathione S-Transferase, Alpha/Creat
Glutathione S-Transferase, Pi Glutathione S-Transferase, Pi
Glutathione S-Transferase, Theta Glutathione S-Transferase, Theta
Glucuronidase, Alpha Glucuronidase, Alpha
Glucuronidase, Beta Glucuronidase, Beta
HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 2 HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 2
HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 3 HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 3
Histamine Histamine
Heterophile Antibodies Heterophile Antibodies
Hydroxyproline Hydroxyproline
Islet Cell 512 Antibody Islet Cell 512 Antibody
Islet Cell 512 Antigen Islet Cell 512 Antigen

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Interferon Alpha Interferon Alpha

Interferon Beta Interferon Beta
Interferon Gamma Interferon Gamma
Immunoglobulin A Immunoglobulin A
Immunoglobulin E Immunoglobulin E
Immunoglobulin G Immunoglobulin G
Immunoglobulin M Immunoglobulin M
Indican Indican
Islet Neogenesis Assoc Protein Antibody Islet Neogenesis Assoc Protein Antibody
Inhibin A Inhibin A
F2-Isoprostane F2-Isoprostane
Lipoprotein-a Lipoprotein-a
Lactoferrin Lactoferrin; Lactotransferrin
Lymphotactin Lymphotactin; Chemokine Ligand 1
Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1 Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1
Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor
Macrophage-Derived Chemokine Macrophage-Derived Chemokine;
Chemokine Ligand 22
Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Alpha Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Alpha;
Chemokine Ligand 3
Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Beta Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Beta;
Chemokine Ligand 4
Matrix Metalloproteinase 1 Matrix Metalloproteinase 1; Interstitial
Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 Matrix Metalloproteinase 2; Gelatinase A
Matrix Metalloproteinase 3 Matrix Metalloproteinase 3; Stromelysin 1
Matrix Metalloproteinase 7 Matrix Metalloproteinase 7; Matrilysin
Matrix Metalloproteinase 8 Matrix Metalloproteinase 8; Neutrophil
Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 Matrix Metalloproteinase 9; Gelatinase B
Myeloperoxidase Myeloperoxidase
Neopterin Neopterin
Neutrophilic Metamyelocytes Neutrophilic Metamyelocytes
Neutrophilic Myelocytes Neutrophilic Myelocytes
Neutrophils, Segmented Neutrophils, Segmented
Neutrophils, Segmented/Leukocytes Neutrophils, Segmented/Leukocytes
Type I Collagen N-Telopeptides Type I Collagen N-Telopeptides
Type II Collagen N-Telopeptides Type II Collagen N-Telopeptides
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 AG Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 AG
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase Prostatic Acid Phosphatase
Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A
Partial Pressure Carbon Dioxide Partial Pressure Carbon Dioxide
Platelet Distribution Width Platelet Distribution Width
Pemphigoid Antibodies Pemphigoid Antibodies
Procollagen Type I Carboxy Term Peptide Procollagen Type I Carboxy Term Peptide
Pancreatic Polypeptide Pancreatic Polypeptide
Partial Pressure Oxygen Partial Pressure Oxygen
Proinsulin Proinsulin
Prothrombin Fragments 1 + 2 Prothrombin Fragments 1 + 2
Parathyroid Hormone, C-Terminal Parathyroid Hormone, C-Terminal
Parathyroid Hormone, Mid-Molecule Parathyroid Hormone, Mid-Molecule
Parathyroid Hormone, N-Terminal Parathyroid Hormone, N-Terminal
Pyridinoline Pyridinoline

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Peptide YY Peptide YY; Peptide Tyrosine Tyrosine

Reg upon Act Normal T-cell Exprd Secrtd Reg upon Act Normal T-cell Exprd Secrtd;
Chemokine Ligand 5
Nucleated Erythrocytes/Leukocytes Nucleated Erythrocytes/Leukocytes
Resistin Resistin
Triiodothyronine, Reverse Triiodothyronine, Reverse
Stem Cell Factor Stem Cell Factor; KIT Ligand
Transferrin Transferrin
Thyroid Antibodies Thyroid Antibodies
Thyroid Antimicrosomal Antibodies Thyroid Antimicrosomal Antibodies
Thyroid Antithyroglobulin Antibodies Thyroid Antithyroglobulin Antibodies
Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 1 Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 1
Tissue Plasminogen Activator Antigen Tissue Plasminogen Activator Antigen
Non-Phosphorylated Tau Protein Non-Phosphorylated Tau Protein
Tau Protein Tau Protein; Total Tau Protein
Phosphorylated Tau Protein Phosphorylated Tau Protein
Total Radical-Trap Antioxidant Potential Total Radical-Trap Antioxidant Potential
Thrombin Time Thrombin Time
Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
Viscosity Viscosity
Vitamin D Vitamin D; Total Vitamin D
Zinc Zinc
Cortisol, Free Cortisol, Free
1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D 1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D; Active Vitamin D

25-Hydroxyvitamin D 25-Hydroxyvitamin D; Inactive Vitamin D

Acetoacetic Acid Acetoacetic Acid; Acetoacetate
Acyl Coenzyme A Oxidase Acyl Coenzyme A Oxidase; Fatty Acyl
Coenzyme A Oxidase; Acyl CoA Oxidase
Alpha-1 Globulin Alpha-1 Globulin; A1-Globulin
Alpha-1 Globulin/Total Protein Alpha-1 Globulin/Total Protein
Alpha-2 Globulin Alpha-2 Globulin; A2-Globulin
Alpha-2 Globulin/Total Protein Alpha-2 Globulin/Total Protein
Amorphous Phosphate Crystals Amorphous Phosphate Crystals
Amorphous Urate Crystals Amorphous Urate Crystals
Anti-Single Stranded DNA IgG Anti-Single Stranded DNA IgG
Apolipoprotein E4 Apolipoprotein E4
Beta Globulin Beta Globulin
Beta Globulin/Total Protein Beta Globulin/Total Protein
Bone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase Bone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase
Carnitine Acetyl Transferase Carnitine Acetyl Transferase
Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA Antibody Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA Antibody
Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM Antibody Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM Antibody
Cholinesterase Cholinesterase
Citrate Citrate
Cotinine Cotinine
Cystatin C Cystatin C
Erythrocyte Cell Clumps Erythrocyte Cell Clumps; Red Blood Cell
Clumps; RBC Clumps
Erythrocyte Cell Morphology Erythrocyte Cell Morphology; Red Blood Cell
Morphology; RBC Morphology
Extractable Nuclear Antigen Antibody Anti-ENA; Extractable Nuclear Antigen

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Gamma Globulin Gamma Globulin

Gamma Globulin/Total Protein Gamma Globulin/Total Protein
Glomerular Filtration Rate Glomerular Filtration Rate
Hemoglobin A Hemoglobin A
Hemoglobin A2 Hemoglobin A2
Hemoglobin B Hemoglobin B
Hemoglobin C Hemoglobin C
Hemoglobin F Hemoglobin F; Fetal Hemoglobin
Hepatitis A Virus Antibody IgM Hepatitis A Virus Antibody IgM
Hepatitis G RNA Hepatitis G RNA
HIV-1 Group M and O Nucleic Acid HIV-1 Group M and O Nucleic Acid
HIV-1 Group O Antibody HIV-1 Group O Antibody
HIV-1 p24 Antigen HIV-1 p24 Antigen
HIV-2 Nucleic Acid HIV-2 Nucleic Acid
Influenza A H1N1 Viral Load Influenza A H1N1 Viral Load
Influenza A Viral Load Influenza A Viral Load
Legionella pneumophila Antigen Legionella pneumophila Antigen
Legionella pneumophila IgG Antibody Legionella pneumophila IgG Antibody
Legionella pneumophila IgG IgM Antibody Legionella pneumophila IgG IgM Antibody
Legionella pneumophila IgM Antibody Legionella pneumophila IgM Antibody
Leukocyte Cell Morphology Leukocyte Cell Morphology; White Blood Cell
Morphology; WBC Morphology
Leukocyte Cell Clumps Leukocyte Cell Clumps; White Blood Cell
Clumps; WBC Clumps
Monoclonal Protein Monoclonal Immunoglobulin Protein;
M. tuberculosis IFN Gamma Response Mycobacterium tuberculosis IFN Gamma
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Nucleic Acid Mycobacterium tuberculosis Nucleic Acid
Myeloid/Erythroid Ratio Myeloid/Erythroid Ratio
Myeloperoxidase Antibody Myeloperoxidase Antibody
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Screening Neisseria gonorrhoeae Screening
Osmolarity Osmolarity
Oxalate Oxalate; Ethanedioate
Protein/Osmolality Protein/Osmolality; Protein/Osmolality Ratio

Sjogrens SS-A Antibody Ro Antibody; Sjogrens SS-A Antibody

Sjogrens SS-B Antibody La Antibody; Sjogrens SS-B Antibody
Smith Antibody Smith Antibody
Streptolysin O Antibody Streptolysin O Antibody; Antistreptolysin O

Transitional Epithelial Cells Transitional Epithelial Cells

Trichomonas Trichomonas
Tryptase Tryptase
Type I Myeloblasts Type I Myeloblasts
Type II Myeloblasts Type II Myeloblasts
Type III Myeloblasts Type III Myeloblasts
Yeast Hyphae Yeast Hyphae
Soluble Vasc Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 Soluble Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1

A Fetoprotein L3/A Fetoprotein A Fetoprotein L3/A Fetoprotein

Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody
Acetylcholinesterase Acetylcholinesterase
Alpha Fetoprotein L1 Alpha Fetoprotein L1

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Alpha Fetoprotein L2 Alpha Fetoprotein L2

Alpha Fetoprotein L3 Alpha Fetoprotein L3
Basophilic Stippling Basophilic Stippling
Benzoylecgonine Benzoylecgonine; Cocaine Metabolite
Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Beta-Hydroxybutyrate; B-Hydroxybutyrate; 3-
Broad Casts Broad Casts
Calcium Clearance Calcium Clearance
Calcium Sulphate Calcium Sulphate
Carboxyhemoglobin Carboxyhemoglobin
Circulating Endothelial Cells Circulating Endothelial Cells
Circulating Tumor Cells Circulating Tumor Cells
Clarity Clarity
Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody
Cytomegalovirus IgG Antibody Cytomegalovirus IgG Antibody
Cytomegalovirus IgM Antibody Cytomegalovirus IgM Antibody
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate; DHEA-S;
sDHEA; DHEA Sulfate
Dilute Russell's Viper Venom Time Dilute Russell's Viper Venom Time; Lupus
Anticoagulant Test
Eccentrocytes Eccentrocytes
Epstein-Barr Capsid IgG Antibody Epstein-Barr Capsid IgG Antibody
Epstein-Barr Capsid IgM Antibody Epstein-Barr Capsid IgM Antibody
Epstein-Barr Early Antigen Epstein-Barr Early Antigen
Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antibody Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antibody; Epstein-Barr
Nuclear Antigen Antibody
Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen
Erythrocyte Ghosts Erythrocyte Ghosts; RBC Ghosts
Factor II Factor II; Prothrombin
Fat Fat
Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 Fibroblast Growth Factor 23; Phosphatonin

Giant Neutrophils Giant Neutrophils

Glucose Clearance Glucose Clearance
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibody Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibody; GAD
Granulocytes Granulocytes
Hepatitis B Virus Core Antibody Hepatitis B Virus Core Antibody
Hepatitis B Virus Core IgM Antibody Hepatitis B Virus Core IgM Antibody
Hepatitis B Virus e Antibody Hepatitis B Virus e Antibody
Hepatitis B Virus e Antigen Hepatitis B Virus e Antigen
Hepatitis D Virus Antibody Hepatitis D Virus Antibody; Hepatitis Delta
Hepatitis E Virus IgM Antibody Hepatitis E Virus IgM Antibody
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgG Antibody Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgG Antibody; HSV-1
IgG Antibody
Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgG Antibody Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgG Antibody;
HSV-1/2 IgG Ab
Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgM Antibody Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgM Antibody;
HSV-1/2 IgM Ab
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgG Antibody Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgG Antibody; HSV-2
IgG Antibody
Hexokinase Hexokinase
Hyperchromia Hyperchromia

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Immature Basophils Immature Basophils

Immature Basophils/Leukocytes Immature Basophils/Leukocytes
Immature Cells Immature Cells
Immature Eosinophils Immature Eosinophils
Immature Eosinophils/Leukocytes Immature Eosinophils/Leukocytes
Immature Granulocytes Immature Granulocytes
Immature Monocytes Immature Monocytes
Immature Monocytes/Leukocytes Immature Monocytes/Leukocytes
Immature Neutrophils Immature Neutrophils
Immature Plasma Cells Immature Plasma Cells
Immature Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes Immature Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes
Inhibin B Inhibin B
Kurloff Cells Kurloff Cells
Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 Antibody Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 Antibody;
Mean Platelet Component Mean Platelet Component
Megakaryocytes Megakaryocytes
Methemoglobin Methemoglobin
Methylmalonic Acid Methylmalonic Acid
N-Terminal ProB-type Natriuretic Peptide N-Terminal ProB-type Natriuretic Peptide; NT
proBNP II; N-terminal pro-Brain Natriuretic
Oxygen Capacity Oxygen Capacity
Oxygen Saturation Oxygen Saturation
Oxyhemoglobin Oxyhemoglobin
Parvovirus B19 IgG Antibody Parvovirus B19 IgG Antibody
Parvovirus B19 IgM Antibody Parvovirus B19 IgM Antibody
Phospholipid Phospholipid
Platelet Clumps Platelet Clumps; PLT Clumps
Procollagen 1 N-Terminal Propeptide Procollagen 1 N-Terminal Propeptide;
Amino-terminal propeptide of type 1
procollagen; P1NP Aminoterm Type 1
Reptilase Time Reptilase Time
Target Cells Leptocytes; Target Cells; Codocytes;
Mexican Hat Cells
Thyroperoxidase Thyroperoxidase; Thyroid Peroxidase
Thyroperoxidase Antibody Thyroperoxidase Antibody
Toxic Granulation Toxic Granulation
Urea/Creatinine Urea/Creatinine
ADV Viral Load ADV Viral Load
Anti-Factor Xa Activity Anti-Factor Xa Activity
Amylase, Pancreatic Amylase, Pancreatic
Amylase, Salivary Amylase, Salivary
Activated PTT/Standard Activated PTT/Standard; Activated
PTT/Standard PTT; Activated Partial
Thromboplastin Time/Standard
Thromboplastin Time
Basophils/Total Cells Basophils/Total Cells
BKV Viral Load BKV Viral Load
Myeloblasts/Total Cells Myeloblasts/Total Cells
Megakaryoblasts Megakaryoblasts
Megakaryoblasts/Total Cells Megakaryoblasts/Total Cells
Normoblasts/Total Cells Normoblasts/Total Cells
Pronormoblasts/Total Cells Pronormoblasts/Total Cells

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CMV Viral Load CMV Viral Load

EBV Viral Load EBV Viral Load
Eosinophils/Total Cells Eosinophils/Total Cells
Factor IX Factor IX; Christmas Factor
Factor V Factor V; Labile Factor
von Willebrand Factor von Willebrand Factor; von Willebrand Factor
Factor X Factor X
Fat Droplet Fat Droplet
Glomerular Filtration Rate Adj for BSA Glomerular Filtration Rate Adj for BSA
GFR from Creatinine Adjusted for BSA GFR from Creatinine Adjusted for BSA
GFR from Cystatin C Adjusted for BSA GFR from Cystatin C Adjusted for BSA
Granulocytes/Total Cells Granulocytes/Total Cells
Human Anti-Sheep IgE Antibody Human Anti-Sheep IgE Antibody
Human Anti-Sheep IgG Antibody Human Anti-Sheep IgG Antibody
Human Anti-Sheep IgM Antibody Human Anti-Sheep IgM Antibody
Hemosiderin Hemosiderin
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgM Antibody Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgM Antibody
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgM Antibody Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgM Antibody
Immunoglobulin D Immunoglobulin D
Inulin Clearance Inulin Clearance
Iothalamate Clearance Iothalamate Clearance
Iothalamate Clearance Adjusted for BSA Iothalamate Clearance Adjusted for BSA
Kappa Light Chain, Free Kappa Light Chain, Free
Kappa Lt Chain,Free/Lambda Lt Chain,Free Kappa Lt Chain,Free/Lambda Lt Chain,Free

Megakaryocytes/Total Cells Megakaryocytes/Total Cells

Lambda Light Chain, Free Lambda Light Chain, Free
Lymphocytes/Total Cells Lymphocytes/Total Cells
Metamyelocytes/Total Cells Metamyelocytes/Total Cells
Monocytes/Total Cells Monocytes/Total Cells
Myelocytes/Total Cells Myelocytes/Total Cells
Neutrophils/Total Cells Neutrophils/Total Cells
Natural Killer Cells Natural Killer Cells
Plasma Cells/Total Cells Plasma Cells/Total Cells
Promyelocytes/Total Cells Promyelocytes/Total Cells
Prothrombin Activity Prothrombin Activity; Factor II Activity
Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Reticulocyte Hemoglobin
Transferrin Saturation Transferrin Saturation
Varicella Zoster Virus IgA Antibody Varicella Zoster Virus IgA Antibody
Varicella Zoster Virus IgG Antibody Varicella Zoster Virus IgG Antibody
Varicella Zoster Virus IgM Antibody Varicella Zoster Virus IgM Antibody
3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol; 3.4
Activated Protein C Resistance Activated Protein C Resistance; Factor V
Leiden Screen
Alanine Aminopeptidase Alanine Aminopeptidase
Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein
Alpha-1 Microglobulin Alpha-1 Microglobulin; Protein HC
Alpha-1 Microglobulin/Creatinine Alpha-1 Microglobulin/Creatinine
Apolipoprotein C2 Apolipoprotein C2; Apolipoprotein CII
Apolipoprotein J Apolipoprotein J; Clusterin
Beta Carotene Beta Carotene; b-Carotene; Beta Carotin
Beta-Trace Protein Beta-Trace Protein

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Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin

Ceruloplasmin Ceruloplasmin; Caeruloplasmin
Complement CH50 Complement CH50; Total Hemolytic
Complement; CH50
Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Receptor 3 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Receptor 3; GPR9,
CD183, CXCR3
Chlamydia trachomatis IgA Antibody Chlamydia trachomatis IgA Antibody
Chlamydia trachomatis IgG Antibody Chlamydia trachomatis IgG Antibody
Chlamydia trachomatis IgM Antibody Chlamydia trachomatis IgM Antibody
DTPA Clearance DTPA Clearance
DNase-B Antibody DNase-B Antibody; Anti-Dnase B
Ecarin Clotting Time Ecarin Clotting Time
EDTA Clearance EDTA Clearance
Free Glycerol Free Glycerol; Free Glycerin
GFR from B-2 Microglobulin Adj for BSA GFR from B-2 Microglobulin Adj for BSA
GFR from Beta-Trace Protein Adj for BSA GFR from Beta-Trace Protein Adj for BSA
HDL Cholesterol/LDL Cholesterol Ratio HDL Cholesterol/LDL Cholesterol Ratio
HLA-B27 Antigen HLA-B27 Antigen; Human Leukocyte Antigen
Homostat Model Assess of Insulin Rstn Homostat Model Assess of Insulin Rstn;
Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin
Immature Granulocytes/Leukocytes Immature Granulocytes/Leukocytes
Immature Lymphocytes Immature Lymphocytes
Immature Lymphocytes/Leukocytes Immature Lymphocytes/Leukocytes
Immature Neutrophils/Leukocytes Immature Neutrophils/Leukocytes
Iohexol Clearance Iohexol Clearance
Jo-1 Antibody Jo-1 Antibody
Kidney Injury Molecule-1 Kidney Injury Molecule-1; KIM-1; Hepatitis A
Virus Cellular Receptor 1
Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 IgA Ab Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 IgA Ab
Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 IgG Ab Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 IgG Ab
Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 IgM Ab Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 IgM Ab
Non-Prostatic Acid Phosphatase Non-Prostatic Acid Phosphatase
Ova and Parasite Ova and Parasite
Pepsinogen A Pepsinogen A; PGA
Pepsinogen C Pepsinogen C; PGC
Pepsinogen I Pepsinogen I; PGI
Pepsinogen II Pepsinogen II; PGII
Pepsinogen Pepsinogen
Plasmodium Plasmodium
Platelet Hematocrit Platelet Hematocrit; Thrombocytocrit
Prealbumin Prealbumin
Proerythroblast Proerythroblast
Protein S Protein S
Retinol Binding Protein Retinol Binding Protein
Ribonucleoprotein Antibody Ribonucleoprotein Antibody; RNP Antibody

Ringed Sideroblasts Ringed Sideroblasts

Scl-70 Antibody Scl-70 Antibody; Scleroderma-70 Antibody
Sideroblast Sideroblast
Soluble Transferrin Receptor Soluble Transferrin Receptor
Tricyclic Antidepressants Tricyclic Antidepressants
Adenosine Diphosphate Adenosine Diphosphate

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Antiphospholipid Antibodies Antiphospholipid Antibodies

Arachidonic Acid Arachidonic Acid
CD34 CD34
Clue Cells Clue Cells
Dextroamphetamine Dextroamphetamine; d-amphetamine
Drug Screen Drug Screen
Endogenous Thrombin Potential Endogenous Thrombin Potential
ETP Area Under Curve ETP Area Under Curve; Endogenous
Thrombin Potential Area Under Curve
ETP Lag Time ETP Lag Time; Endogenous Thrombin
Potential Lag Time
ETP Lag Time Relative ETP Lag Time Relative; Endogenous
Thrombin Potential Lag Time Relative
ETP Peak Height ETP Peak Height; Endogenous Thrombin
Potential Peak Height
ETP Peak Height Relative ETP Peak Height Relative; Endogenous
Thrombin Potential Peak Height Relative
ETP Time to Peak ETP Time to Peak; Endogenous Thrombin
Potential Time to Peak
ETP Time to Peak Relative ETP Time to Peak Relative; Endogenous
Thrombin Potential Time to Peak Relative
Factor V Leiden Factor V Leiden
Factor XIV Factor XIV; Autoprothrombin IIA; Protein C;
Protein C Antigen
HCT Corrected Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes HCT Corrected Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes
Hematocrit Corrected Reticulocytes Hematocrit Corrected Reticulocytes
Hydrogen Hydrogen
Immature Reticulocyte Fraction Immature Reticulocyte Fraction
Lupus Anticoagulant Sensitive APTT Lupus Anticoagulant Sensitive APTT; APTT-
Lymphoblasts Lymphoblasts
Methamphetamine Methamphetamine
P50 Oxygen P50 Oxygen
Soluble Interleukin 2 Receptor Activity Soluble Interleukin 2 Receptor Activity
Sperm Motility Sperm Motility
Urine Conductivity Urine Conductivity
11-Dehydro-Thromboxane B2 11-Dehydro-Thromboxane B2
3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic Acid 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic Acid
3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine;
Activated Coagulation Time Activated Clot Time; Activated Clotting Time;
Coagulation Activated
Albumin/Total Protein Albumin/Total Protein
Alpha Tocopherol Alpha Tocopherol
Alpha Tocopherol/Vitamin E Vitamin E Alpha Tocopherol
Alpha-2 Antiplasmin Alpha-2 Plasmin Inhibitor
Amyloid Beta 1-38 Amyloid Beta 38; Amyloid Beta 38 Protein;
Amyloid Beta 1-38
Amyloid Beta 1-40 Amyloid Beta 40; Amyloid Beta 40 Protein;
Amyloid Beta 1-40
Antiglobulin Test, Indirect Antiglobulin Test, Indirect; Indirect Coombs
Apolipoprotein A4 Apolipoprotein A4
Apolipoprotein A5 Apolipoprotein A5

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Apolipoprotein B/Apolipoprotein A1 Apolipoprotein B/Apolipoprotein A1

Beta Catenin Beta Catenin
Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 IgG Antibody Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 IgG Antibody
Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 IgM Antibody Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 IgM Antibody
Calcium - Phosphorus Product Calcium - Phosphorus Product
Cancer Antigen 1 Cancer Antigen 1
Cancer Antigen 15-3 Cancer Antigen 15-3
Cardiolipin IgM Antibody Cardiolipin IgM Antibody
CD14 CD14
CD2/Lymphocytes CD2/Lymphocytes
CD20 CD20
CD56 CD56
Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Act Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Act
Clostridium difficile Toxin Clostridium difficile Toxin
Clostridium tetani IgG Antibody Clostridium tetani IgG Antibody
Collagen Type IV Collagen Type IV
Dilute Russell's Viper Venom Time Ratio Lupus Anticoagulant Ratio
Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Activity DPPIV Activity
Diphtheria IgG Antibody Diphtheria IgG Antibody
Factor IX Activity Christmas Factor Activity
Factor V Activity Labile Factor Activity
Factor VII Activity Proconvertin Activity; Stable Factor Activity

Factor VIIa Activity Factor VIIa Activity

Factor VIII Activity Anti-hemophilic Factor Activity
HDL Particle Size HDL Particle Size
Helicobacter pylori IgG Antibody Helicobacter pylori IgG Antibody
Hepatitis B DNA Hepatitis B DNA
Human Albumin Antibody Human Albumin Antibody
Human Anti-Mouse Antibody HAMA
Immunoblasts Lymphocytes, Immunoblastic
Influenza A IgG Antibody Influenza A IgG Antibody
Influenza B IgG Antibody Influenza B IgG Antibody
Isoleucine Isoleucine
LDL Particle Size LDL Particle Size
Leukotriene B4 Leukotriene B4
Leukotriene D4 Leukotriene D4
Leukotriene E4 Leukotriene E4
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Lysergic Acid Diethylamide; Acid
Myelin Antibodies Myelin Antibodies
N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase NAG; Beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase
Parathyroid Hormone, Whole Parathyroid Hormone, Whole
Platelet Aggregation Platelet Function
Procalcitonin Procalcitonin
Prostaglandin Total Prostaglandin
Prostaglandin D2 Prostaglandin D2
Prostaglandin D2 Synthase Prostaglandin D2 Synthase
Prostaglandin E Synthase Prostaglandin E Synthase
Prostaglandin E1 Prostaglandin E1
Prostaglandin E2 Prostaglandin E2
Prostaglandin F1 Alpha Prostaglandin F1 Alpha

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Prostaglandin F2 Alpha Prostaglandin F2 Alpha

Rubella IgG Antibody Rubella IgG Antibody
Thromboxane B2 Thromboxane B2
Thyroglobulin TG
Vitamin E/Cholesterol Vitamin E/Cholesterol
Vitamin K1 Phylloquinone; Phytomenadione
VLDL Particle Size VLDL Particle Size
Amyloid Beta Precursor Protein Amyloid Precursor Beta; Amyloid Beta
Precursor; Amyloid Precursor Protein;
Amyloid Beta Precursor Protein
Lymphoblasts/Leukocytes Lymphoblasts/Leukocytes
CD11A CD11a; CD11A
CD11B CD11b; CD11B
Cystine Cystine
Factor XIV Activity Protein C Activity; Factor XIV Activity
FibroTest Score FibroTest Score; FibroSURE Score
Sediment Examination Sediment Examination; Sediment Analysis;
Microscopic Sediment Analysis
Theophylline Theophylline
Alpha Fetoprotein Activity Alpha Fetoprotein Activity
Immunoblasts/Lymphocytes Immunoblasts/Lymphocytes; Lymphocytes,

Cancer Antigen 72-4 Cancer Antigen 72-4; CA 72-4; Carbohydrate

Antigen 72-4
Chloride Clearance Chloride Clearance
Cortisol/Creatinine Cortisol/Creatinine
Corticosterone/Creatinine Corticosterone/Creatinine
Cytokeratin Fragment 21-1 Cytokeratin Fragment 21-1; Cytokeratin 19
Fragment; CYFRA21-1
Cystatin C/Creatinine Cystatin C/Creatinine
Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen 1 IgG Ab Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen 1 IgG Ab
EBV Profile Interpretation EBV Profile Interpretation; Epstein-Barr Virus
Antibody Profile; Epstein-Barr Virus Profile
Interpretation; Epstein-Barr Virus Panel

Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3 Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3

Glucose-dep Insulinotropic Pep, Intact Glucose-dep Insulinotropic Pep, Intact; Intact
Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Peptide;
Intact GIP; Intact Gastric Inhibitory
Hemoglobin Distribution Width Hemoglobin Distribution Width
Hepatitis E Virus IgG Antibody Hepatitis E Virus IgG Antibody
HIV Antibody HIV Antibody
Potassium Clearance Potassium Clearance
Lipocalin-2 Lipocalin-2
Lipocalin-2/Creatinine Lipocalin-2/Creatinine
Myoglobin/Creatinine Myoglobin/Creatinine
Monocytes/Macrocytes Monocytes/Macrocytes
Myosin Light Chain 3 Myosin Light Chain 3; Cardiac myosin light
chain 1; Myosin light chain 1, slow-twitch
muscle B/ventricular isoform
Sodium Clearance Sodium Clearance

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Phosphate Clearance Phosphate Clearance

Specimen Weight Specimen Weight
Thrombin/Antithrombin Thrombin/Antithrombin;
Thrombin/Antithrombin III
TIMP1/Creatinine TIMP1/Creatinine; Tissue Inhibitor of
Metalloproteinase 1/Creatinine
Yeast Budding Yeast Budding; Budding Yeast
VSTESTCD Vital Signs Test Code
BMI Body Mass Index
BODYFAT Adipose Tissue; Body Fat; Fat Tissue
BSA Body Surface Area
DIABP Diastolic Blood Pressure
FRMSIZE Body Frame Size
HR Heart Rate
MAP Mean Arterial Pressure
PULSE Pulse Rate
RESP Respiratory Rate
SYSBP Systolic Blood Pressure
TEMP Temperature
SAD Sagittal Abdominal Diameter
KNEEHEEL Knee to Heel Length; Lower Leg Length
HDCIRC Head Circumference
SSSKNF Subscapular Skinfold Thickness
TRSKNF Triceps Skinfold Thickness
FARMCIR Forearm Circumference
HIPCIR Hip Circumference
LBM Lean Body Mass
PULSEPR Pulse Pressure
WSTCIR Waist Circumference
ABSKNF Abdominal Skinfold Thickness
OXYSAT Oxygen Saturation
BODLNGTH Body Length
TBW Total Body Water
VSTEST Vital Signs Test Name
Body Mass Index Body Mass Index
Adipose Tissue Adipose Tissue; Body Fat; Fat Tissue
Body Surface Area Body Surface Area
Diastolic Blood Pressure Diastolic Blood Pressure
Body Frame Size Body Frame Size
Height Height
Heart Rate Heart Rate
Mean Arterial Pressure Mean Arterial Pressure
Pulse Rate Pulse Rate
Respiratory Rate Respiratory Rate
Systolic Blood Pressure Systolic Blood Pressure
Temperature Temperature
Weight Weight
Sagittal Abdominal Diameter Sagittal Abdominal Diameter
Knee to Heel Length Knee to Heel Length; Lower Leg Length
Head Circumference Head Circumference
Subscapular Skinfold Thickness Subscapular Skinfold Thickness
Triceps Skinfold Thickness Triceps Skinfold Thickness

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Forearm Circumference Forearm Circumference

Hip Circumference Hip Circumference
Lean Body Mass Lean Body Mass
Pulse Pressure Pulse Pressure
Waist Circumference Waist Circumference
Abdominal Skinfold Thickness Abdominal Skinfold Thickness
Oxygen Saturation Oxygen Saturation
Body Length Body Length
Total Body Water Total Body Water
RIGHT LATERAL DECUBITUS Right lateral decubitus
LEFT LATERAL DECUBITUS Left lateral decubitus
VSRESU Units for Vital Signs Results
% Percentage
BEATS/MIN Beats per Minute
BREATHS/MIN Breaths per Minute
C Degree Celsius
cm Centimeter
F Degree Fahrenheit
g Gram
IN Inch
kg Kilogram
kg/m2 Kilogram Per Square Meter
LB Pound
m2 Square Meter
mmHg Millimeter of Mercury; torr; Torr
ohm Ohm
IECAT Category for Inclusion/Exclusion
FREQ Frequency
UNKNOWN U; Unknown
BID BD; Twice per day
2 TIMES PER WEEK Twice per week; BIS
QM Every Month; Per Month
PRN As needed
Q10H Every 10 hours
Q11H Every 11 hours
Q12H Every 12 hours
Q13H Every 13 hours
Q14H Every 14 hours

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Q15H Every 15 hours

Q16H Every 16 hours
Q17H Every 17 hours
Q18H Every 18 hours
Q19H Every 19 hours
QH Every hour
Q20H Every 20 hours
Q21H Every 21 hours
Q22H Every 22 hours
Q23H Every 23 hours
Q24H Every 24 hours
Q2H Every 2 hours
Q3H Every 3 hours
Q4H Every 4 hours
Q5H Every 5 hours
Q6H Every 6 hours
Q7H Every 7 hours
Q8H Every 8 hours
Q9H Every 9 hours
QOD Every other day
TID 3 times per day
3 TIMES PER WEEK Three times a week; TIS
EVERY 4 WEEKS Every 4 weeks; Q4S
QID 4 times per day
4 TIMES PER WEEK 4 times per week; QIS
Q3D Every 3 days
Q4D Every 4 days
EVERY 3 WEEKS Every 3 weeks; Q3S
Q2M Every two months
Q3M Every 3 months
Q4M Every 4 months
EVERY WEEK Every week; Per Week; QS
Q5D Every 5 days
EVERY 2 WEEKS Every 2 weeks; Q2S
BIM Twice per month
QD Daily; Per Day
1 TIME PER WEEK One Time Per Week
2 TIMES PER YEAR 2 Times Per Year
3 TIMES PER MONTH 3 Times Per Month
3 TIMES PER YEAR 3 Times Per Year
4 TIMES PER MONTH 4 Times Per Month
4 TIMES PER YEAR 4 Times Per Year
5 TIMES PER DAY 5 Times Daily
5 TIMES PER MONTH 5 Times Per Month
5 TIMES PER WEEK 5 Times Per Week
5 TIMES PER YEAR 5 Times Per Year
6 TIMES PER DAY 6 Times Daily
6 TIMES PER MONTH 6 Times Per Month
6 TIMES PER WEEK 6 Times Per Week
6 TIMES PER YEAR 6 Times Per Year

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7 TIMES PER WEEK 7 Times Per Week

PA Per Annum; Per Year; Every Year
EVERY 6 WEEKS Every 6 Weeks; Q6S
EVERY 5 WEEKS Every 5 weeks; Q5S
EVERY 8 WEEKS Every 8 weeks; Q8S
Q6M Every 6 Months
ROUTE Route of Administration
ENDOTRACHEAL Intratracheal Route of Administration

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INTRATUMOR Intratumor Route of Administration
NASAL Intranasal Route of Administration
ORAL PO; Intraoral Route of Administration

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Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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Code List Data Entry Prefix Code Label (In order of appearance)
RACE [Blank]
RACE Black / African American
RACE White / Caucasian
RACE Asian / S.E. Asian Decent
RACE Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander

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Code Value


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Decode Value



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Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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Visit Mapping Specification

Is Visit Mapping required for this project?

✘ Yes No

Target Source
SCREENING Screening 10 10.0 Screening (Day -28 to 0)
RANDOMIZATION Day 1 20 20.0 Day 1
TREATMENT Day 8 30 30.0 Day 8
TREATMENT Week 4 40 40.0 Week 4
TREATMENT Week 7 50 50.0 Week 7
TREATMENT Week 8 60 60.0 Week 8
TREATMENT Week 12 70 70.0 Week 12
TREATMENT Week 16 80 80.0 Week 16
TREATMENT Week 20 90 90.0 Week 20
TREATMENT Week 24 100 100.0 Week 24
TREATMENT Week 28 110 110.0 Week 28
TREATMENT Week 32 120 120.0 Week 32
TREATMENT Week 36 130 130.0 Week 36
TREATMENT Week 40 140 140.0 Week 40
TREATMENT Week 44 150 150.0 Week 44
TREATMENT Week 48 160 160.0 Week 48
TREATMENT Week 52 170 170.0 Week 52
TREATMENT End of Study 180 180.0 End of Study (Discontinuation)
TREATMENT End of Study 180 190.0 End of Study (Complete)
TREATMENT Protocol Deviation 210 210.0 Protocol Deviation
TREATMENT Unscheduled Increment Previous Evtorder Unscheduled
scheduled visit num with
0 0.1

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Effective Date: 14 Jun 12 Project Version Number:2.0
Related to: SOP-GRO-WW-024 Project Effective Date: Date of Signature
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