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Population entirely exclusively Swedish-speaking.

Teschen area had been one of wealthiest and most

Aaland Islands belonged to Finland in early 1900s. industrialised regions of former Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Aaland Islands 1921 In 1919 violence erupted between Poland and

Inhabitants wanted to become Swedish. Teschen Czechoslovakia.
Finland reluctant to lose sovereignty over them.
Poland claimed region as 55% of population was Polish
Czechoslovakia based claim on historical arguments.
Sweden raised issue to League and island went to Finland.
both accepted decision.
League arbitrated dispute in 1920 – splitting region between
2 countries – 1920
Neither country entirely satisfied – both accepted and fight
Following border dispute – Greece invaded Bulgaria which
referred matter to League. City and region had been part of Turkish Empire until 1918
As a result of Paris peace settlement – Mosul became part of
Greece - Bulgaria border dispute Mosul 1924 British mandate of Iraq.
Meantime – Bulgaria ordered troops for resistance to avoid
bigger problems.
clear indication Bulgaria had faith in league. Turkey demanded control of region.

League: 1924 – League found in favour of Iraq – after reaching

· Condemned invasion Successes of the League of Nations agreement w/ Britain. - Turks accepted the decision
· Called Greece to withdraw and pay recompensations to
Bulgaria. Following ongoing disputes of countries over territory on
border between 2 countries.
Greece complied to League’s decision.
Yugoslav troops entered Albanian territory in Nov 21921

League set commission made up by representatives from -

Britain, France, Italy and Japan – to judge cause of
Port of Memel and surrounding area placed under control of Yugoslavia - Albania border dispute 1921 disagreement.
League of Nations – by terms of Treaty of Versailles.
Based on commission’s recommendations – League found in
People divided whether they wanted to be part of Germany or favour of Albania - Yugoslavia complained bitterly but had no
However – Lithuania claimed region and invaded in 1923. Poland - Both of which claimed the area. alternative but to withdraw troops.

Memel 1923
League decided: This led to a series of local riots between 1919 and 1921 –
· Port and surroundings would belong to Lithuania which the League then became involved.
Upper Silesia 1921
· But Memel itself – international zone
League decided to divide area between Poland and
Germany. - decision accepted by nations and most
Lithuania accepted decision. importantly – Upper Silesians.

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