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World Liver Day: Interesting Facts About Liver

Every year, the 19th of April is considered World Liver Day in order to spread awareness about
liver related diseases. The liver is an important organ of our body and performs several different
functions. It is an integral part of the functioning of our body. Read on to know some interesting
facts about this organ.
Dual Identity
The liver is the largest gland in the body and the second largest organ after the skin. It weighs up
to 1.3 to 1.6 kg for a human adult. It is usually reddish brown in color. This organ filter exits all
the toxins or chemicals from the body. These toxins are then disposed of as bile and removed in
the form of stool or urine.
It Can Regenerate
The only organ that can regenerate and regrow is the liver. In order to regenerate, the liver only
needs 25% of the original tissue. According to a 2009 study in the Journal of Cell Physiology, if
a person donates more than half of his/her liver, then the liver returns to its original size in about
two weeks.
Affects Brain Function
The liver regulates plasma glucose and ammonia levels. If this gets out of control, then it will
result in a condition known as hepatic encephalopathy. This can also lead to a coma. This means
if we want the brain to function properly, then your liver should be healthy.
Helps In Water Storage &
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Liver is an organ that is vital in
controlling blood sugar levels. If a
person has fatty liver, then there is a
risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It
converts glucose from carbohydrate
rich foods into glycogen and is stored
in the liver. This is released between
meals in order to keep the energy
levels high.
Along with this, glycogen absorbs water over 6 times its own weight which means the liver plays
a vital role in the storage of water.
Helps In Hormone Metabolism
A major site of hormone breakdown is the liver. It breaks down estrogen and secretes it into bile.
Then, this enters the intestines for excretion. If there is an overload on the liver, then it will not
excrete the estrogen properly which can lead to lumpy breasts, fluid retention, menstrual cramps,
Along with this, if the liver does not break androgen (the male hormone), then it can lead to the
problem of acne, scalp hair loss, and facial hair in women.
Stores Vitamins & Minerals
You might be surprised to know that vitamin A, D, E, K and B12 are stored in the liver along
with iron and copper. Also, it helps to convert vitamin D into its active form.
Performs 500 Different Functions
According to the scientists, the liver can perform about 500 different functions including
producing enzymes and chemicals, storing sugar, breaking glycogen into glucose and many
more. Therefore, a liver is an important organ of our body.

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