Technical Vocational and Livelihood Grade 12

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of City Schools
Baliwasan Chico, Zamboanga City




I. Objectives
At the end of the period, the Grade 12 TVL students are expected to:
a. Identify the different kinds of tools and equipment.
b. Explain the function of the different tools and equipment.
c. Demonstrate the correct use of equipment and tools in automotive industry.

II. Subject Matter

Content: Types of Tools and equipment

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and underlying principles in
performing shop maintenance.

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to perform shop maintenance in accordance with OHS
(Occupational and Health and Safety) procedures.

Learning Competency
LO2. Store / Arrange Tools and Shop Equipment

Materials: Curriculum Guide, laptop, LCD Projector, PPT presentation

References: CBLM in Fundamentals of Automotive Technology, pp. 17-31.

Curriculum Guide (Industrial Arts-Automotive Servicing NC I), p. 14.
Code: TLE_IAAUTO9-12PSM-Iva-b-19

III. Procedure


A. Preparation
-Prayer Prayer leader will lead the prayer.
-Checking of attendance “No one is absent, Sir.”

B. Review
Before we start our class, let’s first have
a brief recall of our previous lesson. I will “I learned that workshop policy is
call one student at a time, and that student important to ensure safety in the shop.”
will have to share to the class one thing that
he/she learned from the previous lesson. “Last meeting, I learned about the types
and usage of cleaning chemicals.”

“I learned about the different steps in

cleaning tools.”

“I learned about the different steps in

cleaning the work area.”
C. Motivation
4 Pics One Word
Through a PowerPoint presentation, the
teacher will show 4 pictures at a time
related to the subject matter and the
students will guess what those pictures are



E_ _ _ _ _ _ N _

D. Presentation of the lesson

So based from your answers on the “I think the lesson for today is about type
pictures shown to you, what do you think is of tools and equipment.”
our topic for today?

Our lesson for today is about Types of

Tools and Equipment. Here are the
objectives of today’s lesson:
a.Identify the different kinds of tools and
b. Explain the function of the different
tools and equipment.
c.Demonstrate the safety handling of
equipment and tools in automotive

E. Unlocking of Difficulties
The students will have to know some
unfamiliar words that they will encounter
in this lesson.
The letters are scrambled and the
students will have to identify what those
words are. Definitions are provided so that
the students will have a clue as to what the
words are.


1. LOOTS- are things when properly used The word is TOOLS

will enable us to do the job with safety,
speed, and efficiency.
The correct word is EQUIPMENT.
2. EUIEQMNPT- are furnishings that the
technician uses in diagnosis and repair in
shops. The answer is HAND TOOLS.
3. HNDA TLSOO- tools controlled by
F. Lesson Proper
 Activity
Divide the class into 4 groups by
counting off from 1-4. Let them choose The groups will work collaboratively. The
their leader, secretary and reporter. Each leader will lead the discussion of the
group will be given an envelope that report, the secretary will jot down
contains the topic (Kinds of tools and important notes during the brainstorming
equipment with pictures) assigned to and the reporter will lead the presentation
them. The group will brainstorm and of the report.
study their topic and will present it to
the class. They will explain what the Each group will be called for the
different tools and equipment are and presentation starting with Group 1.
their functions. They will be given 20
minutes to prepare and 5-10 minutes to

Group 1- Striking Tool and Turning

Group 2- Gripping Tools
Group 3- Power Tools
Group 4- Equipment

 Analysis
After all the reports, ask the students
the following questions: The group activity was challenging but
1. What do you think about the fun.
group activity?
2. Did you enjoy working with Yes, we did.
your group?
3. Did you understand the Yes. But we have a few clarifications.
presentation of each group?
The challenging part was whether our
4. What challenges have you
explanations were enough or correct. Good
encountered while doing the
thing the teacher is there to help explain
activity? How did you overcome
and clarify.
these challenges?

 Abstraction The students share their insights and ask

The teacher will further discuss the additional questions about the topic.
topics presented by the groups. He will
explain the different kinds of tools and
equipment and their functions. And ask
insights from the students, and if they
have any additional questions about the
a. Hammer (Figure 1-10).
- The most commonly used for striking

Figure 1-10 Hammer

a. Screwdrivers
- Is a tool used to turn or drive a screw.
It has different types: common screwdrivers
(Figure 1 11), Philip (Figure 1-12) and
special purpose screwdrivers (Figure 1-13).
It is used in adjusting contact point
clearance and wiring installation in ignition

Figure 1-11 Common Figure 1-12 Philip


Figure 1-13 Special Purpose


b. Wrenches
- Is tools designed to tighten or loosen
bolts and nuts. Since there are many
different sizes of bolts and nuts, wrenches
must also be made on different sizes.
Types of Wrenches
1. Open-End Wrench (Figure 1-14)
- Have an opening at the end which is
placed on the bolt or nut. The opening is
usually an angle of 15 degrees to the
handle. This makes turning in different
sizes and shapes.

Figure 1-14 Open-End Wrench

2. Box-End Wrench (Figure 1-15)
- Is designed to fit around a bolt or nut.
They cannot be used as tight a space as an
open-end wrench. But they allow the
mechanic to apply more force with less
chance of the wrench slipping off the nut or
bolt. The handles of most are offset 15
degrees in relation to give turning room in a
tight space.

Figure 1-15 Box-End Wrench

 Application
Group Activity (Demonstration
With the same groups, the students
are to come up with a video that shows The students will create the video and
the use of the different kinds of tools present it to the class.
and equipment. They will choose 1
striking tool, 1 turning tool, 1 gripping
tool, and 1 equipment. They will present
their videos next meeting.

Correct use of tools and equipment-10
Clarity of the video-10
Total- 25 points
IV. Evaluation The students will answer the evaluation in
Directions: Given the following 20 minutes.
pictures, identify the name of the tools
or equipment and give their functions.

1. _____________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

5. ________________

V. Assignment/Agreement
1. What is the proper way of handling
tools and equipment safely?
CBLM in Fundamentals of Automotive
Technology, pp. 27-30.
Internet Surfing

Prepared by



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