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Lesson Plan in English (Grade 7)

Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives: At the end of the activity, students are able to:

1. identify the elements of a short story;

2. use information presented in a reading or viewing selection to infer, to evaluate, and to express critical ideas;
3. respond to ideas, issues, and concerns presented in a reading or viewing selection in creative forms;
4. give meaningful comments and insightful observations based on ideas presented in a selection; and
5. perform literary in lined activities showcasing the richness of Philippine Culture incorporating some of the
traditions from the story read.


Focus Skills: Literature and Viewing, Writing

Title: The Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation or Visual Aids, Video Clip or Copy of the Story, Graphic
Organizer, Writing Tools
References: WBFQ1VoiSQg
Knowledge channel-Wedding Dances

Theme: Building Relationship

Sub-theme: Loving is Giving

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Learning Activities
A. Pre-reading Good morning Ma’am!
1. Daily Routine
Good morning class! (Students will pick up the pieces of paper and
May I ask everybody to stand for a prayer? will arrange the chairs properly)

Before you take your seats, kindly check if there are pieces
of papers under your chair, please pick it up and arrange Thank you Ma’am.
yours chairs properly.
(The secretary will tell who’s absent for the
You may now take your seats.
Ms. Secretary do we have any absentees for today?
It was great Ma’am!
Thank you!
Yes Ma’am! We are!

We will listen and participate Ma’am

Yes Ma’am!

I choose line 1 Ma’am, for me, it is one of the

needed factor but it is not the only factor for a
man to become a man.
Yes, if we truly love them we will give/ grant
them their happiness.
Yes, our traditions affect our decision- making.

Yes Ma’am
So how’s your day? Is it good so far?
That’s good to know. (Groupings)

So, are you ready for our new lesson?

2. Setting of standards
But before we start, what can I expect from you as we go Group 1 and Group 2
through our lesson?
Can I count on you for that?
2. Motivation
Task 1: Look, Listen ,Think and Share!
Now, I will show you first video then questions will be
asked to you after.
The teacher will play a video about family.
Process Questions:
Group 3.
1. What do you think is the video all about?
(The teacher will process the students answer.)
2. Do you agree with these lines?
 ‘A man, to become a man, must have a child ,
to come after him’
 Traditions bind us.
 Love is letting go

(This will be projected on the board) Group 4 and 5

Students will be asked to choose a line to discuss and an

emoticon. If they pick a smiley it means that they agree and
a sad face if they disagree.

3. Presentation of Lesson
Uhmm, interesting answers. Today we are to meet two
characters whose lives were change because of the societal
factors that surrounds them.

Task : Let’s Do this!

To know them, we are going to watch a summary video of

the Philippine short story ‘The Wedding Dance’ written by
Amador Daguio.
None Ma’am
But before that, you will be grouped first into five.
Each will have the following task to accomplish after
viewing and reading the text:

B. During Reading

Task B1 : Collaborative activity

Students will answer the questions within 15 min.
G1 & G2: Sequence the events through a Plot Diagram
We will further explore the significant human experiences
and together learn from it.

(A student will be called to answer)

G3: Character reference log- Character Profile

Write the relevant information about the important

G4 & G5: Look for the Symbolism.

Track the six symbols that this story uses to communicate
idea about culture and marriage.
Process questions :
What does Night as the setting symbolizes that best
describes Lumnay’s feeling?
What is the meaning of Awiyaw ‘s action of giving the
beads to lumnay? It only proves his?

What do fire, and floor mean, relevant to Awiyao and

Lumnay’s feeling towards each other?
How about the beat of the gangsas and the dancing? Relate
this to culture.
Do you have questions?
You are given 15 minutes to answer your task and a reporter
will be chosen to report the group’s output. This will begin
after you have seen the video.
The following are the bases for your points
Communicative competence (ability to clearly deliver the
Collaboration (group cohesiveness)-30%
Correctness of content (accuracy of details)-30%
Task : Viewing!

Now move to your respective groups and please pay close

attention to the video
The teacher will play ‘The Wedding Dance’ video summary

C. Post Reading

Task C1: Hear our Stand!

Each reporter will report their output
The characters, setting, plot, conflict and
Engagement Activities
Group 1: Accomplish the plot structure theme.
of the story “The Wedding Dance”.
Group 2: Make a Story Board about
“The Wedding Dance”.
Group 3: Character Map
Group 4 and 5 : Symbolism in the (The students’ answer may vary)
story “The Wedding Dance”.
Generalization and Valuing:
1. What are the elements of a short story?
2. If you were Awiyao, what would you
follow? Your heart or your obligation?
3. What did Lumnay do upon knowing the
decision of Awiyao?
4. If you were Lumnay, would you do the
same? Why? Why not?
5. If you are going to write your own ending
of the story, what would it be and why
2. Enrichment/ Extending Literary Experience/
Curriculum Connections

ARTS- The students will perform literary in lined activities

showcasing the richness of Philippine Culture. Incorporating
some of the traditions from the story read.

Group 1. Draw a thematic scene that showcased the

richness of Philippine Culture. They can choose scene from
the story that have read.

Group 2. Perform an ethnic dance wherein choreography

and theme mirrors the traditional courtships of our
ancestors.(Improvised any materials as instruments)

Group 3. The students will be able to write and present

Poetry in Motion incorporating their theme from the story

Group 4. They will present a Role play and make with

their own ending of the story.

Group 5. They will present a talk show discussing the idea

of how an ethnic couple value their cultural beliefs/tradition
in the midst of modernization.


The students will be able to draw a thematic scene
showcasing the richness of Philippine Culture.

The students will act as the artist.

The rest of the students who will wait for their turn to

In your ART class you are assigned by your teacher to draw
a thematic drawing showcasing the Richness of Philippine

The expected output will be the performance of the students.

The performance will be graded based on:
Content- 30%
Creativity- 25%
Presentation- 20%
Organization- 25%


The students will be able to perform an ethnic dance number
wherein choreography and theme mirrors the traditional
courtships of our Ethnic group in the locality.(Improvised
any materials available inside the classroom for the

The students will act as the dancer.

The rest of the students who will wait for their turn to

Your school is celebrating “TRIBAL FARE” wherein every
classroom must present a cultural dance number were
choreography and theme mirrors the traditional courtships of
our Ethnic group in the locality.

The performance will be graded based on:
Content- 30%
Creativity- 25%
Presentation- 20%
Organization- 25%


The students will be able to write and present Poetry in
The students will act as a Poet and Writer.
The students who will wait for their turn to present.
English club is having an Audition for great Poets, and you
were chosen from your class to represent your section.


The performance will be graded based on:

Content- 30%
Creativity- 25%
Presentation- 20%
Organization- 25%


GOAL: The students will be able to write their own ending

of the story.
The rest of the students who will wait for their turn to
present their output.
In your English class you are task to write your ending of
the story “The Wedding Dance.”
The performance will be graded based on:
Content- 30%
Creativity- 25%
Presentation- 20%
Organization- 25%


GOAL: The students will be able to present a live interview.

ROLE: The students will act as the host and the Guests
The rest of the students who will wait for their turn to
present their output.
In your English class your group is assigned to conduct an
interview with a married couple.
The performance will be graded based on:
Content- 30%
Creativity- 25%
Presentation- 20%
Organization- 25%
D. Application:

Write a flash fiction that offers character and plot

development based from the following elements below:

1. A handsome guy smiled.

2. A strong storm
3. A party held at the park.
4. In a dark room
5. Sobbing in the corner

To demonstrate understanding of the short story read, write
an appeal speech to the elders/members of the tribe so that
Awiyao will not be forced to leave Lumnay. Use RAFT
Writing template to write your appeal speech.

ROLE: A lawyer
AUDIENCE: Members of the Tribe
FORMAT: Appeal Speech
TOPIC: Write an appeal speech to the elders/members of the
tribe so that Awiyao will not be forced to leave Lumnay.
Detailed Lesson Plan
English 7

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