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IHRM can be defined as set of activities aimed managing organizational human resources at international level to

achieve organizational objectives and achieve competitive advantage over competitors at national and
international level. IHRM includes typical HRM functions such as recruitment, selection, training and
development, performance appraisal and dismissal done at international level and additional activities such as
global skills management, expatriate management and so on.
1. Cultural Factors - Culture means shared beliefs, values, norms, and moral by the people. Organisational
culture means a pervasive underlying set of beliefs, assumptions, values, shared feelings and perceptions, which
influence the behaviour of people in the organization. The same distinguishes one organization from another.
2. Economic Conditions - Like cultural differences, there abound economic differences among nations/countries.
Differences n economic conditions or systems cause inter-country differences in HR practices. For example, in
case of a country with free enterprise systems, the need for efficiency tends to favour HR practices and policies
that encourage productivity, efficient workers, etc. On the other side, when one moves along the scale toward
more socialist systems, HR practices tend to shift toward different direction like preventing unemployment. It may
do so even at the expense of sacrificing efficiency.
3. Labour Cost Factors - HR practices are also influenced by differences in labour costs existed in different
countries. If the labour cost is high, it can require more focus on labour efficiency which, in turn, can influence HR
practice to shift toward improving labour performance. Labour may get remuneration as per performance i.e.,
4. Labour Relations Factors - Labour relations or industrial relations i.e., relationship between employees,
employers and the government that vary from country to country and have an enormous bearing on affecting HR
practices. For instance, in Germany, codetermination is the rule. Here, the employees enjoy legal right to have
their voice in the matters of their company.
On the other hand, in India and many countries, the State has its role to play in the relations between employees
and employers. In India, for instance! HR policies on most matters such as compensation (wages/salary) and
retirement benefits are set by the government. The government does so by enactment of the various Acts such
as the Minimum.

There is so much happening in the recruitment itself. Lot of new and innovative practices are now being used
now a days by the industry.   Being the most importart aspect of business, recruitment is always on priority list of
any of the organisation.  There are various new trends are being noticed which are in practice such as :

Outsourcing - Outsourcing firms build up their human asset pool by utilizing individuals for them and make
accessible work force to different organizations according to their necessities. As result, the outsourcing firms or
the intermediaries charge the organizations their services cost.The outsourcing firms help the association by the
underlying screening of the candidates as indicated by the necessities of the association organization and
making an appropriate pool of ability for the last choice by the association.
Poaching/Raiding - Poaching means Developing it. "Purchasing ability" (as opposed to creating it) is the most
recent mantra being trailed by the associations today. Poaching implies utilizing a skillful and experienced
individual officially working with another presumed association in the same or distinctive industry; the association
may be a rival in the business.An outsourcing association can draw in gifted applicants from another association
by offering alluring pay bundles, advantages, reward and different terms and conditions, superior to the present
business of the organization.It Comes as a challenging task for HR managers to face and tackle poaching by
other organizations, as it weakens the competitive strength of the firm and trustworthiness
E – Recruitment - E-recruitment is the an smart use of technology to accelerate the recruitment process. Many
big organizations use Internet as a source of recruitment. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web.
The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae i.e. CV or resume through e mail using the Internet.
Either  job seekers place their CV or resumes over internet , job portal , apply through company webpage, which
can be drawn by prospective employees depending upon their requirements. 
Video Profiles -A key one among 2021 recruitment trends is that a candidate can now use video content to
enhance his or her professional profiles. Many candidates are adding a brief video of their professional accolades
on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn to ensure that a recruiter doesn’t have to spend a lot of time in
finding and then reading up on what a candidate can offer.

Social Media Recruitment is on a New High -Technology has made us so close to one another via social
media platforms that we can communicate with anyone across the planet by just signing into a social media
platform. Recruiters are making the most of this by devising new recruitment strategies and searching for
candidates on social media platforms. Apart from giving them an idea of the professional qualifications of a
candidate, it helps a recruiter to understand the personal interest and family priorities of the candidate a swell
which later helps in attaining a great work-life balance.
the main challenges in the implementation of HR strategy

1. Be O rganized - HR pros have a lot on their plate, that’s why it’s so important to stay organized. HR is
pulled in so many directions and interrupted throughout the day that you need to be able to switch gears at
the drop of a hat. Invest in sticky notes, to-do lists, task management software—whatever helps you prioritize
your day, improve your daily workflow, and keep you on track to meet your goals, should interruptions arise.  
2. Communicat e E ff ectively - Being a good communicator is an essential skill for any people-facing role.
From interviewing job candidates to solving issues around the office, being able to communicate your ideas
and decisions effectively will help you tackle whatever comes your way.
3. Lead by E xample - Most HR professionals are natural born leaders. While they might not necessarily
view themselves as a “people person,” they generally find joy in helping the people around them grow and
reach their full potential. Whether you oversee direct reports  or just help your employees out around the
office, HR practitioners need to lead by example and ensure their talent has everything they need to have a
successful career at your company.
6. Take Risks  - Sometimes you may find yourself in a situation that requires you to trust your gut and take
a risk, even if it means you might make a mistake. When it comes to hiring new talent or implementing a new
HR initiative, you may have to embrace the unknown and take a leap of faith.
7. Love Data - Being able to build a great presentation is a must for any HR pro. Thanks to modern HR
software, today’s HR pros have access to all of their company’s people data right at their fingertips.
Measuring workplace trends and visualizing the impact of your initiatives is easier than ever before, making it
easier than ever to prove your team’s worth and ace your next senior leadership presentation.
9. Have St rong E thics - HR teams handle sensitive and confidential employee and business information
every day. HR professionals are responsible for keeping that information under lock and key to prevent it
from falling into the wrong hands. That means working closely with your IT team to ensure your security
practices are up to date and your team is aware of phishing scams or other security risks.

Learning is good for everyone

Human resources management is an important skill for a number of reasons. Firstly, they take care of an
organisation’s most valuable asset – an extremely important responsibility. Secondly, most organisations need,
or could benefit from, human resources management. Human resources managers are valuable to businesses.
As a human resources manager, you benefit businesses in the following ways:
Improve performance: You use techniques and strategies to help staff work efficiently. This could involve
assigning them to roles that suit their strengths and interests.
Increase employee satisfaction: Happy employees are efficient employees. You’ll strategize to put employees
in roles they find challenging, and reward them with adequate salary and benefits.
Provide training: Professional development doesn’t just make employees better at what they do, It also
motivates and increases job satisfaction. You allocate resources for adult training and provide staff with
opportunities to take adult education courses.
Reduce staff turnover: In keeping staff competent and motivated, you help reduce staff turnover. This saves
your organisations a lot of time and money.
Control budgets: Your role as a human resources manager involves budgeting for hiring, onboarding,
professional development, and payroll.
Resolve conflicts: Disputes will inevitably arise in any organisation. Your role is to manage these conflicts to
reduce negative impacts for employees and the organisation.

What is the role of a HR manager in administering remuneration to executives?

Depending on the size of the business and the industry in which the HR manager works, day-to-day duties and
responsibilities can vary. For example, an HR manager that specialises in learning and development (L&D) won’t
often get involved in generalist duties such as absence management or handling of workplace grievances.
Likewise, although a generalist HR manager may touch on developing a strategy for compensation and benefits
(comps and bens) or establishing tools for employee learning, these are tasks that are most likely to be handled
by specialists.
An HR manager is responsible for “protecting the business and developing coherent business processes relating
to employees,” says Alasdair Hobbs, employment law solicitor and managing director of specialist HR
consultancy Human Results. “HR managers should ensure a safe and thriving environment for all employees,
help the company comply with employment law, facilitate positive employee relations through development of
employee management strategies, resolve workplace disputes, be involved in training and development, and
provide the business with necessary tools to define and influence organisational culture.”
Describe the role of the HR Manager.
 Partners with the leadership team to understand and execute the organizations human resource
and talent strategy particularly as it relates to current and future talent needs, recruiting, retention,
and succession planning.
 Provides support and guidance to HR generalists, management, and other staff when complex,
specialized, and sensitive questions and issues arise; may be required to administer and execute
routine tasks in delicate circumstances such as providing reasonable accommodations,
investigating allegations of wrongdoing, and terminations.
 Creates learning and development programs and initiatives that provide internal development
opportunities for employees.
 Oversees employee disciplinary meetings, terminations, and investigations.
 Maintains compliance with federal, state, and local employment laws and regulations, and
recommended best practices; reviews policies and practices to maintain compliance.
 Maintains knowledge of trends, best practices, regulatory changes, and new technologies in
human resources, talent management, and employment law.
 Performs other duties as assigned.

Write short note on HRM Environment.

Human Resource Environment is a part of social environment which includes the concept, viewpoints, work
culture, attitudes, efficiency, skills, productivity, nature and behaviour of HR, employees’ demand and supply,
motivational aspects, compensation methods and industrial relation concerning of HR practices. Within the
globalised economy, there are several significant environmental trends and changes faced by HR managers and
employees that pose major challenges. Here, there is need to study the HR environment in order to make proper
awareness in HR practices, to raise skills and efficiency, to uplift HR productivity and to overcome the problems
and challenges.
The entire social as well as business environment duly effect to the HR concepts, practices and performance in
a wide range of operations. Comprehensively the social environment have a wide scope to influence and direct to
HR scenario within economic and industrial areas.
The Human Resource Environment is a part of social environment which includes the concept, viewpoints, work
culture, attitudes, efficiency, skills, productivity, nature and behaviour of HR, employees’ demand and supply,
motivational aspects, compensation methods and industrial relation concerning of HR practices.

Human Resource Management deals with the management functions like planning, organizing, directing and

 It deals with procurement of human resource , training & development and maintenance of human
 It helps to achieve individual, organizational and social objectives

Human Resource Management is a multidisciplinary subject.

 It includes the study of management, psychology, communication, economics and sociology.
 It also deals with building team spirit and team work.
 It is a continuous process.

Behind production of every product or service there is an human mind, effort and man hours (working hours). No
product or service can be produced without help of human being. Human being is fundamental resource for
making or construction of anything. Every organisation desire is to have skilled and competent people to make
their organisation competent and best.
Among the five Ms of Management, i.e., men, money, machines, materials, and methods, HRM deals about the
first M, which is men. It is believed that in the five Ms, "men" is not so easy to manage. "every man is different
from other" and they are totally different from the other Ms in the sense that men possess the power to
manipulate the other Ms. Whereas, the other Ms are either lifeless or abstract and as such, do not have the
power to think and decide what is good for them.

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