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Qualification TEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 43: Internet of Things

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Student ID

Class Assessor name

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
REVIEW AND EVALUATE ABOUT IOT ASPECTS. ............................................................................................................. 6
I. Internet of things. ............................................................................................................................................. 6
1. Definition about IoT. ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Why is Internet of Things (IoT) so important? .............................................................................................. 6
3. How does IoT work? ...................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Applications of IoT. ........................................................................................................................................ 7
5. IoT characteristics........................................................................................................................................ 10
II. IoT functionality, standard architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs ....................................... 12
1. The architecture of IoT. ............................................................................................................................... 12
2. IoT Framework. ........................................................................................................................................... 16
3. IoT Tool. ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
4. IoT hardware ............................................................................................................................................... 19
5. IoT APIs ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
PLAN AN APPROPRIATE IOT APPLICATION. ................................................................................................................. 22
I. Determine a problem and IoT solution (P3-P4). ............................................................................................ 22
1. The architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware, and API techniques are available to develop IoT
applications. ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
2. The specific problem to solve using IoT ...................................................................................................... 30

Figure 1 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 4 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 5 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 6 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 7 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 8 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 9 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 10 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 11 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 12 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 13 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 14 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 15 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 16 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 17 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 18 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 19 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 20 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 21 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 22 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 23 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 24 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 25 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 26 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 27 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 28 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 29 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 30 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31
• Today, Internet application development demand is very high. So IoT is a major
technology by which we can produce various useful internet applications.
• Basically, IoT is a network in which all physical objects are connected to the internet
through network devices or routers and exchange data. IoT allows objects to be
controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure. IoT is a very good and
intelligent technique which reduces human effort as well as easy access to physical
devices. This technique also has autonomous control feature by which any device can
control without any human interaction.
• “Things” in the IoT sense, is the mixture of hardware, software, data, and services.
“Things” can refer to a wide variety of devices such as DNA analysis devices for
environmental monitoring, electric clamps in coastal waters, Arduino chips in home
automation and many other. These devices gather useful data with the help of various
existing technologies and share that data between other devices. Examples include Home
Automation System which uses Wi-Fi or Bluetooth for exchange data between various
devices of home.
I. Internet of things.
There’s a lot of noise at the moment about the Internet of Things (or IoT) and its impact on
everything from the way we travel and do our shopping to the way manufacturers keep track
of inventory. But what is the Internet of Things? How does it work? And is it really that

1. Definition about IoT.

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects— “things”—
that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose
of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the
internet. These devices range from ordinary household objects to sophisticated
industrial tools. With more than 7 billion connected IoT devices today, experts are
expecting this number to grow to 10 billion by 2020 and 22 billion by 2025. Oracle
has a network of device partners.

Figure 1

2. Why is Internet of Things (IoT) so important?

• Over the past few years, IoT has become one of the most important
technologies of the 21st century. Now that we can connect everyday object:
kitchen appliances, cars, thermostats, baby monitor to the internet via
embedded devices, seamless communication is possible between people,
processes, and things.
• By means of low-cost computing, the cloud, big data, analytics, and mobile
technologies, physical things can share and collect data with minimal human
intervention. In this hyperconnected world, digital systems can record,
monitor, and adjust each interaction between connected things. The
physical world meets the digital world and they cooperate.
3. How does IoT work?
Devices and objects with built in sensors are connected to an Internet of Things
platform, which integrates data from the different devices and applies analytics to
share the most valuable information with applications built to address specific
These powerful IoT platforms can pinpoint exactly what information is useful and
what can safely be ignored. This information can be used to detect patterns, make
recommendations, and detect possible problems before they occur.
4. Applications of IoT.
5 popular applications of IoT.
➢ Smart Homes
One of the best and the most practical applications of IoT, smart homes
really take both, convenience and home security, to the next level. Though
there are different levels at which IoT is applied for smart homes, the best is
the one that blends intelligent utility systems and entertainment together.
For instance, your electricity meter with an IoT device gives you insights into
your everyday water usage, your set-top box that allows you to record
shows from remote, Automatic Illumination Systems, Advanced Locking
Systems, Connected Surveillance Systems all fit into this concept of smart
homes. As IoT evolves, we can be sure that most of the devices will become
smarter, enabling enhanced home security.
Figure 2

➢ Smart City
Not just internet access to people in a city but to the devices in it as well –
that’s what smart cities are supposed to be made of. And we can proudly
say that we’re going towards realizing this dream. Efforts are being made to
incorporate connected technology into infrastructural requirements and
some vital concerns like Traffic Management, Waste Management, Water
Distribution, Electricity Management, and more. All these work towards
eliminating some day-to-day challenges faced by people and bring in added

Figure 3

➢ Farming
Farming is one sector that will benefit the most from the Internet of Things.
With so many developments happening on tools farmers can use for
agriculture, the future is sure promising. Tools are being developed for Drip
Irrigation, understanding crop patterns, Water Distribution, drones for Farm
Surveillance, and more. These will allow farmers to come up with a more
productive yield and take care of the concerns better.

Figure 4

➢ Telehealth
Telehealth, or Telemedicine, hasn’t completely flourished yet. Nonetheless,
it has great future potential. IoT Examples of Telemedicine include the
digital communication of Medical Imaging, Remote Medical Diagnosis &
Evaluations, Video Consultations with Specialists, etc.
Figure 5

➢ Smart Supply-chain Management

Supply-chains have stuck around in the market for a while now. A common
example can be Solutions for tracking goods while they are on the road.
Backed with IoT technology, they are sure to stay in the market for the long

Figure 6

5. IoT characteristics.
Figure 7

There are 7 crucial IoT characteristics:

• Connectivity: This doesn’t need too much further explanation. With
everything going on in IoT devices and hardware, with sensors and other
electronics and connected hardware and control systems there needs to be
a connection between various levels.
• Things: Anything that can be tagged or connected as such as it’s designed to
be connected. From sensors and household appliances to tagged livestock.
Devices can contain sensors or sensing materials can be attached to devices
and items.
• Data: Data is the glue of the Internet of Things, the first step towards action
and intelligence.
• Communication: Devices get connected so they can communicate data and
this data can be analyzed. Communication can occur over short distances or
over a long range to very long range. Examples: Wi-Fi, LPWA network
technologies such as LoRa or NB-IoT.
• Intelligence: The aspect of intelligence as in the sensing capabilities in IoT
devices and the intelligence gathered from big data analytics (also artificial
• Action: The consequence of intelligence. This can be manual action, action
based upon debates regarding phenomena (for instance in smart factory
decisions) and automation, often the most important piece.
• Ecosystem: The place of the Internet of Things from a perspective of other
technologies, communities, goals and the picture in which the Internet of
Things fits. The Internet of Everything dimension, the platform dimension
and the need for solid partnerships.
II. IoT functionality, standard architecture, frameworks, tools,
hardware and APIs
1. The architecture of IoT.

Figure 8

IoT system architecture is often described as a four-stage process in which data

flows from sensors attached to “things” through a network and eventually on to a
corporate data center or the cloud for processing, analysis and storage.
In the Internet of Things, a “thing” could be a machine, a building or even a person.
Processes in the IoT architecture also send data in the other direction in the form
of instructions or commands that tell an actuator or other physically connected
device to take some action to control a physical process. An actuator could do
something as simple as turning on a light or as consequential as shutting down an
assembly line if impending failure is detected.
Let’s review this IoT architecture one stage at a time.
STAGE 1: Sensors and Actuators

Figure 9

The process starts with sensors and actuators, the connected devices that monitor
(in the case of sensors) or control (in the case of actuators) some “thing” or
physical process. Sensors capture data regarding the status of a process or an
environmental condition, such as temperature, humidity, chemical composition,
fluid levels in a tank, fluid flow in a pipe, or the speed of an assembly line as well as
much more.
In some cases, a sensor might detect a condition or event that requires an almost
immediate response so that an actuator can perform remediation actions in real
time, for example, adjusting the flow rate of a fluid, or the movements of an
industrial robot. In these situations, very low latency between the sensor and
analysis/triggered actuator is required. To avoid the delay of a round-trip of data to
the server, analysis of data to determine failure and sending of control to the
“thing”, this critical processing is performed in close proximity to the process being
monitored or controlled. This “edge” processing can be performed by a system on
module (SOM) device such as a Digi ConnectCore module and/or a Digi Cellular
Router with Python.
STAGE 2: Internet Gateways and Data Acquisition Systems

Figure 10

A data acquisition system (DAS) collects raw data from the sensors and converts it
from analog into digital format. The DAS then aggregates and formats the data
before sending it through an Internet gateway via wireless WANs (such as Wi-Fi or
Cellular) or wired WANs for the next stage of processing.
At this point, the volume of data is at its maximum. The quantities can be huge,
especially, for example, in a factory setting where hundreds of sensors may be
gathering data simultaneously. For that reason, the data is also filtered and
compressed to an optimum size for transmission.
STAGE 3: Pre-processing: Analytics at the Edge
Figure 11

Once the IoT data has been digitized and aggregated, it will need processing to
further reduce the data volume before it goes to the data center or cloud. The
edge device may perform some analytics as part of the pre-processing. Machine
learning can be very helpful at this stage to provide feedback into the system and
improve the process on an ongoing basis, without waiting for instructions to come
back from the corporate data center or cloud. Processing of this type will generally
take place on a device in a location close to where the sensors reside, such as in an
on-site wiring closet.
STAGE 4: In-depth Analysis in the Cloud or Data Center
Figure 12

At Stage 4 in the process, powerful IT systems can be brought to bear to analyze,

manage, and securely store the data. This usually takes place in the corporate data
center or in the cloud, where data from multiple field sites/sensors can be
combined to provide a broader picture of the overall IoT system and deliver
actionable insights to both IT and business managers. A company may have
operations in different geographies and IoT data can be analyzed to identify key
trends and patterns, or to spot anomalies.
At this level, industry-specific and/or company-specific applications can be used to
perform in-depth analysis and apply business rules to determine whether action
needs to be taken. The incoming data may indicate desirable changes to device
settings or other ways to optimize the process, forming a loop that facilitates
constant improvement. Stage 4 also includes storage in a data warehouse, both for
record keeping and for further analysis.
2. IoT Framework.
The Internet of Things (IoT) Framework can be described as being an ecosystem,
comprising of several connected devices that communicate with each other, over
the Internet. These connected devices usually work to transfer and sense data over
the Internet, while requiring very little human intervention.
The IoT framework is what makes it possible for the connected devices to have
smooth communication over the Internet. It is no wonder, then, that it is referred
to as the ‘Internet of Things’ framework, or in other words, the framework that
facilitates the interaction of ‘Things’ (devices) over the Internet.

Figure 13

The IoT framework is a very important element of technology in the modern world,
finding application in almost every sector. For instance, one of the major
applications of the IoT is in the designing of smart homes.
The IoT framework concept is also applied in the designing of different physical
objects, such as thermostats, electrical devices, security and alarm systems, as well
as vending machines, among many other objects.

Figure 14

The IoT Framework is comprised of four major components:

Device Hardware
The device hardware component of the IoT framework requires some basic
knowledge on architecture. The user is also required to have an idea on the
working of the different micro-controllers, as well the sensors.
Examples of hardware devices that form part of this IoT framework component are
sensors, micro-controllers and controllers.
Device Software
In order for the device software of the IoT framework to function properly, the
included writing applications are required to configure the controller, then operate
them remotely. The user is required to have a basic understanding of how an API
works inside the micro-controllers, as well how libraries are usually made for
Communication and Cloud Platform
The cloud platform is one of the most crucial parts of the IoT framework. It calls for
the basic knowledge of all communication, whether wireless or wired. The user is
also required to have a good understanding of IoT integration, as well as the
working of the cloud technology.
In summary, we can say the communication and Cloud Platform of the IoT
Framework is where all communications happen.
Cloud Application
The cloud application is a type of software program, which mainly consists of
components that can be accessed quite easier and faster. These components can
be either local or even cloud-based. The cloud application works to improve the
system, such that its maximum potential is realized.
In other words, the cloud application can be defined as the written application of
an IoT framework, that binds all the local hardware devices, as well as the cloud-
based devices.
3. IoT Tool.
IoT Tools stands for the Internet of Things Tools. It is a network or connection of
devices, vehicles, equipment applying embedded electronics, home appliances,
buildings and many more. This helps in collecting and exchanging different kinds of
data. It also helps the user to control the devices remotely over a network.
Today in the internet-driven world, IoT has engulfed the IT industry and is the
latest buzzword. It has opened many new horizons for companies and developers
working on IoT. Many exceptional products have been developed due to IoT app
development. Companies providing Internet of Things solution are creating
hardware and software designs to help the IoT developers to create new and
remarkable IoT devices and applications.
Some IoT tools and devices are discussed below:

Figure 15

4. IoT hardware
Figure 16

In the Internet of Things, hardware comes in many forms, whether the underlying
processors control the phones, the sensors collecting information from the physical
world, or the edge machines processing and analyzing the data. At the heart of any
wired venture is IoT hardware and the technical capabilities of these boards have
only become more important as the Internet of Things has developed. But, because
of the sheer number of design boards and modules in the room, choosing the right
IoT hardware for a project can be daunting. In this article, we will look at different
aspects of IoT hardware and see how these devices communicate data to the
5. IoT APIs
The application program (or programming) interface, or API, is arguably what really
ties together the connected “things” of the “internet of things.” IoT APIs are the
points of interaction between an IoT device and the internet and/or other
elements within the network.
As API management company Axway puts it, “APIs are tightly linked with IoT
because they allow you to securely expose connected devices to customers, go-to-
market channels and other applications in your IT infrastructure.”
Figure 17

The APIs allow devices to talk to each other in a consistent and structured way that
makes it really easy to get them to communicate. Writing about IoT we need to
mention various protocols (CoAP, XMPP, MQTT, WAMP, OMG DDS, Stomp) and
frameworks (Web RTC, ASP.NET SignalR,, Couchbase, Socket IO,
Meteor) so it leads that IoT API management system also integrates IoT devices
environment. The next very important issue is security. API Management system
creates a secure user-friendly identity. It ensures secure connections to devices
across mobile and the IoT environment. Besides using a platform, it is much easier
to identify and neutralize SQL injection, DoS attacks, and other online threats.
I. Determine a problem and IoT solution (P3-P4).
1. The architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware, and API techniques
are available to develop IoT applications.
IoT Framework
❖ KAA IoT:

Figure 18

KAA IoT is one of the most effective and rich Open-Source Internet of Things
Cloud Platforms, where anyone can freely implement their smart product
concepts. You can manage an N number of devices connected to each other
with cross-device interoperability on this platform. You can monitor your
machine in actual time by providing and configuring remote devices. Kaa
enables information exchange between linked devices, the IoT Cloud,
information and visualization systems, as well as other elements of IoT
❖ Cisco IoT Cloud Connect:
Figure 19

Cisco IoT Cloud Connect provides robust, automated, and highly secure
connectivity for the enterprise. IoT data management is done by the Cisco
Kinetic IoT platform to extract, move and compute the data. As Cisco is very
famous for its security services, it protects IoT deployment against threats
with a secure IoT architecture.
Figure 20

Zetta is nothing but a server-oriented platform developed based on the

REST, NodeJS, and the Siren hypermedia-API-strip flow-based reactive
programming philosophy. After being abstracted as REST APIs they are
connected with cloud services. These internet services include tools for
visualizing machine analytics and support such as Splunk. It builds a gero-
distributed network through connectivity with systems like Heroku to
endpoints like Arduino and Linux hackers.
❖ Microsoft Azure IoT:
Figure 21

Without the Microsoft Azure solution, a cloud service giant with AWS and
Google Cloud platform, the comparison of our IoT platform will be not
complete. The Microsoft Azure IoT Suite provides preconfigured solutions
and the ability to personalize and develop new solutions to meet the project
requirements. The strongest safety mechanisms, superb scalability and
simple integration with your current or future systems are achieved through
Microsoft Azure Internet of thing Suite.
❖ Google Cloud Platform:

Figure 22

Things can be done by Google. Google Cloud is one of the best IoT systems
available today with its end-to-end platform. Google stands out from the
others because it can process the large quantity of information using Cloud
IoT Core. Due to Google’s Cloud Data Studio and Big Query, you get
advanced analysis. With the help of Google Cloud Platform, you can
accelerate your business and with that, you can speed up your device.

IoT hardware

The building blocks of an IoT device are remarkably similar, whether undertaking
projects related to the wearable device, an integrated lighting system, or even a jet
engine. Wireless sensor node consists of three major hardware components they
are sensors, microcontrollers, and communication medium.

❖ Sensors

Figure 23

Sensors are the most critical hardware in IoT applications and are used to
gather information from the surroundings. These systems are made up of
power management modules, RF, energy and sensing modules.
Communication from Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, transceiver, BAW, and duplexer is
managed by an RF module.
❖ Raspberry Pi
Figure 24

Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computing platform which runs on Linux

platform. This board features USB ports for keyboard and mouse, a HDMI
port for display and an Ethernet port for wired internet connectivity.
However, for wireless connectivity we need to go for WIFI adapters which
we can get it from the market without any trouble. The vast community
makes it perfect to develop IOT projects since we get plenty of hands when
we stumble.
❖ Arduino

Figure 25
Arduino is pretty familiar in the world of prototyping however only some
boards have inbuilt internet connectivity. Meanwhile while other Arduino
boards can be used with a external shields to provide the connectivity. You
can use Ethernet shield for wired connections and Wi-Fi shield for Wireless
connection to the internet. Arduino is significant tool in IOT development
because of its robust community.
IoT Framework
❖ Arduino

Figure 26

Arduino is an Italy based IT company that builds interactive objects and

microcontroller boards. It is an open-source prototyping platform that offers
both IoT hardware and software. Hardware specifications can be applied to
interactive electronics and software includes Integrated Development
Environment (IDE). It is the most preferable IDEs in all IoT development
tools. This platform is easy and simple to use.
❖ DeviceHub
Figure 27

Considered to be one of the most crucial open-source IoT tools, offers a cloud solution for tracking, monitoring and
controlling devices. The data it collects is accessible directly from the
webpage and in real time, therefore its most popular use cases include the
ones in which instant and unobstructed access to data is of highest priority:
ranging from health care monitoring, through vehicle and movable asset
location, to gathering weather telemetry data, etc.
❖ Node-RED
Figure 28

Envisioned as an IoT tool, Node-RED is a programming platform for intuitive

and straightforward integration between various APIs, smart devices, and
online services. To put it in other words, Node-RED is a flow-based
development engine that groups together various visual flows using simple
and intuitive editing services accessible from a web browser. Used to create
JavaScript functions, it stores the created flows in the open-standard and
widely used JSON file format which makes it possible to easily re-use or
share them freely.
2. The specific problem to solve using IoT
Nowadays people only think about making money, very few people take care of
their health. It sucks to go to work with bad health.
Figure 29

We cannot sense if your heartbeat is normal or not. But with a heart rate monitor,
it can help you solve this problem.

Figure 30

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