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Balani, Kurt Russell T.

G12-CSS 01



My Reflection on this online courses entitled “ Maintaining Computer Systems and Network “in
TESDA is the on how will you maintain the computer system and network, and also there are
some questions too to be answered quickly in our mind this is the – Why is it important to
maintain computer system and networks ?and also why do we need to diagnose and identify the
parts and the issues on the computer network systems?. And also there are some plan too on how
to planning and preparing to maintaining computer systems and networks and furthermore of
that, there are some troubleshoot to in computer systems and networks these are the following :
Diagnose faults,correct defects, and inspect computer systems and networks and all of these is on
our previous courses or module to be answered in TESDA and to attain the NC or the National
Certificate. And that’s all my reflection on this quartering online courses. THANK YOU &

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