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General Physics Laboratory Report




Class: CC12 / Group 01 Team……. Lecturer’s comment

Full name:
1) Lê Khánh Nguyên
2) Nguyễn Quang Thịnh
3) Voòng Vân Quân
4) Đặng Hoàng Phúc

I. Aims/Purposes:
- Determine the electrical resistance and capacitance by oscillating circuit using neon lamp.
II. Method, Equipment and Procedure:
1. Method:
U n −U t
Method 1: Indirect measurement:τ o=Ro . C o . ln
U n−U s
Where τ o : period of the accumulate−released oscillation circuit ( s)
Ro : sample resistor (MΏ)
C o : sample capacitor (mF)
U n : voltage of electric supply (V)
U t : “on” electric potential of the neon light (V)
U s:“off” electric potential of the neon light (V)
Method 2: Direct measurement:τ o= o
Where τ o : period of the accumulate−released oscillation circuit ( s)
t o :interval time of n = 50 of the period τ o of the accumulate released oscillation (s)
tR tC
R x =Ro C x =C o
to to
Where R x :resistance of the accumulate −released oscillation (Ω)
C x : capacitance of the accumulate−released oscillation (F)
t R :interval time of n = 50 of the period τ R of the accumulate released oscillation (s)
t x :intervaltime of n = 50 of the period τ x of the accumulate released oscillation (s)
2. Equipment:
- The physics experiment equipment MC- 958
- Capacitance to be measured Cx
- The multifunction versatile chronometer MC-963A
- Sample capacitance Co=1,00+0,01µF
- Sample resistance Ro=1,00±0,01MQ
- Resistance to be measured Rx
- Protective resistance of circuit R = 100kΩ
- Sensor transceiver infrared photoelectric.
3. Procedure:
3.1. Measure the “on” electric potential US and the “off” electric potential of the neon
a. Do not plug in the electric plug of the physics laboratory equipment MC-958 into the
electric source 220V yet. Observe the machine on the schematic in Figure 3.

b. Connect the circuit on the machine MC-958 according to the diagram in Figure 4, in
- Protective resistance R =100k is connected in series with the neon light Ne between
two points P, Q.
- Voltmeter V is connected in parallel to the neon light Ne between two points L, E (two
points S, E2 are using to observe the accumulate-released oscillation on electronic oscilloscope).
- Spinning knob of the electric supply Un is placed at position 0 (the electric potential of
this electric supply can be changed from 0 to +100V through a spinning knob of resistor
connected between two point P, E1).
- Key K (switch) is located in the electric interruption state.

Note: Before plugging in the electric plug of the physics laboratory equipment MC-958
into the electric source 220V, need to ask the teacher to check the circuit and guide the using to
avoid damaging the machine!
c. Press the key K on the machine MC-958: the LED light glows. Turn slowly the knob of
the supply Un to gradually increase the potential between two poles of the neon light Ne until the
light glows. Read and write the value of the on electric potential Us on the voltmeter V into the
table 1.
Then slowly turn back the knob of the supply Un to decrease the potential U between the
two poles of neon light Ne until the light go out. Read and write the value of the off electric
potential Us on the voltmeter V into the table 1.
Perform this movement 5 times again. Read and write the corresponding value of US and
UT of each measurement in Table 1.
d. Turn the knob of the supply Un back to 0. Press the key K on the machine MC - 958 to
disconnect power. Remove the protective resistor R out of the circuit.
3.2. Test the formula to determine period  of the accumulate-released oscillation circuit
a. Connect again the circuit on the machine MC-958 according to the electric schematic
in Figure 5, in which:
- Voltmeter V is connected between two points P, E1.
- The sample capacitor C0 is connected in parallel to the neon light Ne between two points
L, E.
- The sample resistor R0 is connected in series to the neon light Ne between two points
P,Q .

b. Place the tip of the sensor transceiver infrared photoelectric on the surface of machine
that the neon light Ne is located between the two windows holes of the sensor. Plug the sensor
into the plug A of the multifunction versatile chronometer MC - 963A (Fig. 6). Turn the knob to
select the type of measurement "MODE" to position n = 50. Brushing the time scale selector
knob "TIME RANGE" to position 99,99s.

Ask the teacher to check the circuit on the machine MC -958. Plug in the electric plug
into the electric supply ~220V.
c. Press the key K on the machine MC - 958 to close the electricity: the LED light glows.
Turn the knob of the power supply to let the voltmeter V has the value Un = 90V and keep this
value is constant during the time the circuit R0C0 oscillating.
From the equation (5), the accumulate-released oscillation of circuit R0C0 has the period:

d. Plug the power grab of the chronometers MC - 963A into the supply ~ 220V. Press the
energized key K: the glowing digits on the window display PERIOD"" and "TIME". Press the
"RESET" to put the digits back to the state 0.000. Then, the chronometers MC - 963A
automatically measures the interval time t0 of n = 50 of the period 0 of the accumulate released
oscillation of the circuit R0C0 corresponding to 51 consecutive glowing times of neon light Ne.
Perform 5 times of the t0 measurement. Read and write the corresponding values of t0 of
each measurement in Table 1.
Then finding the period 0 of the accumulate-released oscillation of the circuit R0C0,
measured by:

Could test the formula (5) by comparing the results of determining the period 0 of the
accumulate-released oscillation according to the formula (6) and (7).
e. Turn the knob of the supply Un back to 0. Press the key K on the machine to disconnect
the power.
3.3. Determine the resistance Rx
a. Change the resistor to be measured Rx to the place of the sample resistor R0 connected
between to points P, Q in the circuit diagram in Fig. 5. Press the key K on the machine MC -
958: the LED light glows.
Turn the knob of the supply Un to let the voltmeter V has the value Un = 90V and keep
this value constant during the time the circuit RxC0 performs the accumulate-released
oscillation. Following the equation (5), the period of the accumulate-released oscillation  x of
the electric circuit RxC0 is calculate by:

b. Press the knob "RESET" of the chronometer MC-963A to put the digits back to the
state 0.000. Then, chronometer MC - 963A automatically measure the interval time tx of n = 50
of the period x of the accumulate-released oscillation of the circuit RxC0 corresponding to 51
consecutive glowing times of neon light Ne.
Perform 5 times of the tx measurement. Read and write the corresponding values of tx of
each measurement in Table 1.
Then finding the period x of the accumulate-released oscillation of the circuit RxC0,
measured by:

Divide the (8) to (6), also using (7) and (9), we found:

c. Turn the knob of the supply Un back to 0. Press the key K on the machine MC-958 to
disconnect power.
4. Determine the capacitance Cx
a. Change the capacitor to be measured Cx to the position of the sample capacitor C0
connected between to points L, E in the circuit diagram in Fig. 5. Press the key K on the machine
MC - 958: the LED light glows.
Turn the knob of the supply Un to let the voltmeter V has the value Un = 90V and keep
this value constant during the time the circuit RxC0 performs the accumulate-released oscillation.
Following the equation (5), the period of the accumulate-released oscillation  x of the
electric circuit R0Cx is calculate by:
b. Press the knob "RESET" of the chronometer MC-963A to put the digits back to the
state 0.000. Then, chronometer MC - 963A automatically measure the interval time tx of n = 50
of the period  x of the accumulate-released oscillation of the circuit R0Cx corresponding to 51
consecutive glowing times of neon light Ne.
Perform 5 times of the tx measurement. Read and write the corresponding values of tx
of each measurement in Table 1.
Then finding the period  x of the circuit R0Cx using:

Divide the (11) to (6), also using (7) and (12), we found:

c. Read and write the following data in the table 1:

- The maximum value Um and the accuracy v of the voltmeter V.
- The accuracy t of the chronometer MC - 963A
- Value of the sample resistance R0 .
- Value of the sample capacitance C0.
d. Turn the knob of the supply Un back to 0. Press the key K on the machine MC-958 and
MC - 963A to disconnect power: all the LED lights turn off. Plug out the electric plug out of the
electric supply ~220V. Arrange neatly all equipment on the lab desk.
III. Equations:
- Equations:
U n −U t
+ τ o=Ro . C o . ln
U n−U s
+ τ o= o
+ R x =Ro
+C x =C o
- Errors:

∆ τ o=ln
U n−U t
U n −U s [|
. ( Δ R o .C o + Ro . Δ C o ) + Ro . C o .
−| |1
U n−U t U n−U s
∆ U n+ | |
U n−U t
∆ Ut+
| ]
U n−U s

+ Δ U n=Δ U nsys+ Δ U n
+ Δ U t= ΔU t s ys + Δ U t
+ Δ U s= ΔU ssys + Δ U s
+ ∆ t o=∆ t osys +∆ t
+ ∆ τ o= o
+ ∆ t R =∆ t R sys +∆ t R
+ ∆ t c =∆t Csys + ∆ t C
Δ Rx Δ Ro Δto Δ tR
+ = + + =γ => Δ R x =γ . R x
Rx Ro to tR
ΔCx ΔCo Δto ΔtC
+ = + + =δ => Δ C x =δ . C x
Cx Co to tC

IV. Experimental Data:

- Analog voltmeter mV: Um = 100 (V) and δV = 1.5%;
Δ U m=δ v .U m (V )
- R0 = 1,00 ± 0,01 (MΏ)
- C0 = 1,00 ± 0,01 (F)
- Accuracy of timer: 0.01 (s)
Data U s(V ) ΔU s (V ) U t (V ) Δ U t (V ) to (s) Δto (s) tR (s) ΔtR (s) tC (s) ΔtC (s)
1 74 0 60 0 43,78 0,00 62,60 0,002 27,80 0,038
2 74 0 60 0 43,82 0,04 62,63 0,028 27,86 0,022
3 74 0 60 0 43,75 0,02 62,45 0,152 27,73 0,108
4 74 0 60 0 43,86 0,08 62,71 0,108 27,84 0,002
5 74 0 60 0 43,68 0,09 62,62 0,018 27,96 0,122
Mea 74 0 60 0 43,778 0,05 62,602 0,062 27,838 0.058
n 0
V. Calculations:
t 0(1) +t 0(2) +t 0(3) +t 0(4 )+ t 0 (5 )
43,78+43,82+ 43,75+ 43,86+ 43,68
t o= = =43,778 (s)
5 5
|∆ t0 (1 )|=|t o−t0 (1 )|=|43,778−43,78|=0,002 ( s )
|∆ t0 (2 )|=|t o −t0 (2)|=|43,778−43,82|=0,042 ( s )
|∆ t0 (3 )|=|t o −t0 (3)|=|43,778−43,75|=0,028 ( s )
|∆ t0 (4)|=|t o−t 0(4 )|=|43,778−43,86|=0,082 ( s )
|∆ t0 (5 )|=|t o −t0 (5)|=|43,778−43,68|=0,098 ( s )
∆ t 0 (1) + ∆ t 0 (2 )+ ∆ t 0(2) +∆ t 0(4 ) +∆ t 0(5)
∆ t 0= = =0,050 ( s )
5 5
t R (1) +t R (2)+ t R (3) +t R(4 )+ t R (5) 62,60+62,63+62,45+ 62,71+ 62,62
tR= = =62,602(s)
5 5
|∆ t R(1)|=|t R −t R (1)|=|62,602−62,60|=0,002 ( s )
|∆ t R(2)|=|t R −t R (2)|=|62,602−62,63|=0,028 ( s )
|∆ t R(3)|=|t R −t R (3 )|=|62,602−62,45|=0,152 ( s )
|∆ t R(4 )|=|t R−t R (4 )|=|62,602−62,71|=0,108 ( s )
|∆ t R(5)|=|t R −t R (5 )|=|62,602−62,62|=0,018 ( s )
∆ t R (1)+ ∆ t R (2 )+ ∆ t R (2 )+ ∆ t R (4) +∆ t R (5)
0,002+0,028+0,152+0,108+ 0,018
∆ t R= = =0,062 ( s )
5 5
t C (1 )+ t C (2 )+ t C (3 )+ t C (4) +t C(5) 27.80+27,86+27,73+27,84 +27,96
t C= = =27,838(s)
5 5
|∆ tC (1)|=|t C−t C(1)|=|27,838−27,80|=0,038 ( s )
|∆ tC (2)|=|t C−t C (2)|=|27,838−27,86|=0,022 ( s )
|∆ tC (3 )|=|t C −t C (3)|=|27,838−27,73|=0,108 ( s )
|∆ tC (4)|=|t C−t C(4)|=|27,838−27,84|=0,002 ( s )
|∆ tC (5 )|=|t C −t C (5)|=|27,838−27,96|=0,122 ( s )
∆ t C(1) + ∆t C (2) + ∆ t C (2 )+ ∆ t C (4) + ∆ t C (5 ) 0,038+ 0,022+ 0,108+0,002+0,122
∆ t C= = =0,058 ( s )
5 5

5.1 Indirect measurement

U −U t 90−60
τ o=Ro . C o . ln n =106 .10−6 . ln =0,629(s)
U n−U s 90−74

∆ τ o=ln
U n−U t
U n −U s
. ( Δ R o .C o + Ro . Δ C o ) + Ro . C o .

U n−U t U n−U s
∆ U n+
| |
U n−U t
∆ Ut+
| |
U n−U s | ]
∆ U s =ln

Δ U n=ΔU nsys+ Δ U n =1,5+0=1,5 (V )

Δ U t= ΔU t sys+ ΔU t =1,5+0=1,5 (V )
Δ U s= ΔU ssys + Δ U s=1,5+ 0=1,5(V )

5.2 Direct measurement

∆ t o=∆ t osys +∆ t=0,01+0,05=0,06( s)
∆ t 0,06 t o 43,778
=> ∆ τ o= o = =0,0012( s) and τ o= = =0,8756(s)
50 50 50 50
∆ t R =∆ t R sys +∆ t R =0,01+0,062=0,072 ( s )
∆ t c =∆t Csys + ∆ t C =0,01+ 0,058=0,068 ( s )
t 62,602
R x =Ro R =106 . =1429987,665( Ω)
to 43,778
Δ R x Δ R o Δt o Δ t R 0,01.10 6 0,06 0,072
and = + + =γ = + + =0,0125
Rx Ro to tR 10 6
43,778 62,602
=> Δ R x =γ . R x =0,0125.1429987,665=17874,8458(Ω)
t 27,838
C x =C o C =10−6 . =635,89.10−9 (Ω)
to 43,778
ΔCx ΔCo Δto ΔtC 0,01.10
0,06 0,068
and = + + =δ = + + =0,0138
Cx Co to tC 10
43,778 27,838
=> Δ C x =δ . C x =0,0138 . 635,89.10−9=8,78. 10−9 (F)

VI. Conclusions:
VI.1 Indirect measurement
τ o=τ o ± ∆ τ o=0,629 ± 0,200( s)
U n =U n ± ∆ U n=90 ± 1,5(V )
U t =U t ± ∆ U t =60 ± 1,5(V )
U s=U s ± ∆ U s =74 ±1,5 (V )

VI.2 Direct measurement

τ o=τ o ± ∆ τ o=0,8756 ± 0,0012(s)
R x =R x ± ∆ R x =1429987,665± 17874,846(Ω)
C x =C x ± ∆ C x =(635,89 ± 8,78). 10 (F )

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