2017 Carolina Gildred V Michael Foster LETTER CORRESPOND 295

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Re: New Judicial Complaints

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NYResTel ResTel24 Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 11:56

<webmail.network@gmail.com> PM
Reply-to: Michael.Foster@tbcelebrity.com

To: PremierAdAgencyNYC.com TalentAgent


Tuesday 15, March 2022 11:05PM

VlA E-File

Ms Renee Woody Justice's Clerk

111 Centre Street Room 1166

New York, New York 10007


New York Supreme Court Judge

The Honorable Justice Louis L. Nock

111 Centre Street room 1166

New York, New York 10007

Dear Ms. Woody,

Please submit to Justice Nock.

Dear Hon. Nock,

It is clear an error of law, perhaps an oversight on the

Courts part in a rush to respond to the letter submission from

Complainants attorneys Mr. Seth Alan Rafkin.

Your Honor the said letter in part is laced with innuendos, falsity &
therein can be found is a thin layer of a direct threat to a sitting Judge
from an attorney.

A bold threat directed at you, your honor & directing you, your honor to

either your Honor respond in the complainants affirmative & such as


a specific date, or else.

In addition to threatening the Court, the letter further


reproduce statements supposedly made by your Honor during our

previous video conference hearing.

The letter furthermore concludes with inundations highlighted the

Court's assertive remarks in regards to the Court's promise to upload

an Order Decision to direct Mr. Philip T. Gildred & Mrs Carolina Gildred &
Myself to provide under oath a response by evidentiary hearings as to
quote "How this Stipulation agreements have affected our and

"The Courts conclusions of what police reports by Complainants could

not garner any results over a period of 4 years".

Though your Honor must've acknowledged the forgone error in Law

and the Courts ability
to issue a Judgement Order in Complainants

favor & only

that Complainants attach "An Appropriate Bill of Costs".

Not withstanding your Honor's Order exemplifies the Courts error in law

in response after Complainants "Fifth

Consecutive Attempt"? and

to wit convince the Court that a judgement order is only now deemed

necessary, worthy? And your Honor, it will not have any adverse affects

upon the Courts Honary bench?

Your Honor, I
humbly submit, "Judgment is no excuse for

contemporaneous error of the law in any Courts decision order.



P e.

New Judicial Complaints

FIom PremlerAdAgencyNYC.comTalentAgent <dancetango@michaeltango-com>

To <mfoster@fosteronet.com>
Date 2022-03-1012:28

Alleged Charges:
4.Abuse of Power (Threatening to inflict contemporaneous "Contempt of Unprovoked upon a Prose Respondentin ex parte) .
5.Additional Abuse of Power

I write this complaint reluctantly, but with retroactive retort more so with an intent to highlight a direct threat to Judge Louis L. Nock ************
****************** statements oral & written in a direct preposition letter to the Court understates: A "Judgement" & "Order" to include specific
title & wordings directing the Honorable Justice Louis L. Nock to execute or else and further threatening Justice Louis L. Nock to execute such exact
"Judgement" "Order" in "30"
& no more than days or by April S, 2022. (NY5CEF: Doc#291)

Gildred of San Diego CA brought complaints to the New York Gupreme Courts underlining clairns of IIED, Defamation against Foster of New York
This case in part was reported in a previous complaint to State Judicial Board for purposes of judicial inisconduct but the prior complaint did not
include the broader spectrum of allegations as described herein:
L On or prior to January 15, 2020 an allegation of is hereby included in this complaint. Whereby on January 15, 2020 Justice L. Nock
&************pucing a direct threat to a prose respondent in "Contempt of Court" solely in ex parte to obtain favor or favors from plaintiff's
husband Mr. Philip T. Gildred for Justice Nock's, Justice Nock's Clerk Mss Renee & Justice Nock's Chamber Security Officer Jesse solely for its own
2. On or prior to January 15, 2020 an allegation of is hereby included in this complaint. Whereby on January 15, 2020 & onward ******
**************** Justice Louis L. Nock succumbed to bribery in the sum one hundred and fifty thousand doilers ($150,000.00) proposed by
, d upon by Plaintiff's Husband Mr. Philip T. Gildred to which after said agreement Justice Nock rechted: Quote "Thank You" & "Let
Me Sit WIth Good by vacation & response in person Justice Nock stepped to the lower & shook the hands of Plaintiff's Husband Mr. Philip T.
Gildred and relief/sighs & wide cyed exasperation just Nock repeated the words Thank You).
3. On January 15, 2020 an allegation of (holding Foster Hostage against his will). Whereby on January 16, 2020 while seated at the
bench: i.Justice Nock summoned respondent to the bench. ii. Justice Nock, Justice's Clerk Renee Woody & Court Officer Jesse witnessed Plaintiff
Carolina Gildred, Plaintiff's husband Philip T. Gildred, Attorney Jennifer Bogue & Attorney Seth Alan Rafkin exited the entire Court Room Part 38. iii.
Justice Louis Nock proceeded toto pull at Foster's Neck-The, closer to respondent Foster from over the bench in retort: Quote: "If you don't sign this
**Expletive** agreement," & "its either or else **************************

4. On January 15, 2020 an allegation of "Abuse of Power". Respondent Foster did sign a 5tipulation Agreement under forceful pressure, in ex parte,
Power" & the fact respondent was held hostage or threatened to be held in Contempt of Court.
soley as a result of Justice Louis L, Nock's "Abuse of

5. On or before April 8,2020 Justice Louis L. Nock mustissue an "Order" or "eise" and is threatened by Plaintiff's in a Letter to His Honor dated
March 9, 2022. The said letter is attached and found to contain layers of distinct threats to the court, a litany of falsehoods equivalent to legal
shrapnel aimed at his Hon. Judge Louis L. Nock or cls

See: Gildred V Foster #153554/2017

On 03/09/2022, the NYSCEFSystem received the documents listed below from filing user SETH RAFKIN
Doc # Document
A letter guiding & proposing "Further Abusc of by a sitting Judge further ads merits to each underlying complaints listed in allegations
A letter to Justice Louis L. Nock to wit includes no acknowledgement to the factual findings of statements of frauds, in said stipulation agreement
"3" of
and acknowicdgements after review by Justice Louis L. Nock of of up to "30" URL's proposed to be de-listed by plaintiff and only up to said
urlsfound to have statements mentioning "Gildred" and statements by Justice Nock in video Conference i **************** =nJanuary 20, 2021
to wit alerted plaintiff to a substantially flawed stipulation agreement.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of New York, a ************************ correct.

Executed this 10th Day of March 2012 in New York, New York.

e5ig: Michael Foster

Michael Foster
E: info@VirtualTBS.com
Web: Http://MichaelTango.com
Virtual Technique & Balance Studio

Iof I 110h.022.I

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