Cultural Diversity and Global Awareness Assignment - Eric Turatsinze

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Views on Muslims Turatsinze 1

Views on Muslims

Eric Turatsinze

Sinclair community college

Psychology 1100

Professor Boone

April 10, 2022

Views on Muslims Turatsinze 2

Views on Muslims

Every country has very unique ways of how they view and treat Muslims. Following the

attack on the World trade center on September 11, 2001, Muslim people were viewed

very and treated negatively all around the United States. After the attack, every Muslim

Immigrant living in America experienced the consequences of the actions of a rebel

group called al Qaeda, American people started stereotyping every Muslim as a terrorist

because of the actions of one rebel who claimed to be Muslim. Muslims experienced

things like violence, hate language, and stereotypes against them. Still today, Muslims

still experience prejudice which makes it hard for them to live in America.

Although it is hard for Muslims to live in the US, there are other countries that are way

harder for them to live in. For example, Palestine. In Palestine, their government

methodically harms Palestinian Arabs (Muslims) to keep Jewish Israelis in power and try

to push them out of the country so the Jewish Israelis can have the whole country to

themselves. There are systemic oppression ways set by authorities to keep the Palestinian

Arabs outpowered. First, they are denied the right to own land, denied the right to return

to the country if they leave, have their families separated, they are also segregated from

the Jewish Israelis. The Palestinian Arabs also experience a lot of violence against them.

Many other countries use similar ways which make it hard for them to simply live. So

basically, Palestinian Arabs are experiencing Apartheid.

Views on Muslims Turatsinze 3

Muslim Experience

Recently, I Interviewed two of my Muslim friends (Oma Mohamed Ali and Talal Alawi) and

I learned a lot from them. I learned that this world is not a fairground for them. They are

both from different countries but somehow they have similarities in the way that society

treats them. Omar and Talal were born and raised as Muslims their whole life so we can

say that they know the experience enough to teach us something about it. While

interviewing them, I learned that Muslims are targeted everywhere around the world. I

learned that people are not open to learning about Muslims and accepting them for who

they are. Omar told me that “every Muslim is their own different person” by this he was

implying that when people see certain characteristics of a Muslim they associate it with

every Muslim in the world. For example, in the past, there have been bad people who

happened to be Muslim and society would use those people to define the whole

worldwide Muslim Community. When I asked my interviewers what were the

disadvantages that came with being Muslim, they both talked about how they are all

viewed as terrorists because of 9/11. This is Why we need to have a clear mindset when

we come across new people. As Omar said, “every Muslim is their own different person”,

so when you talk to a Muslim know that they are their own person.
Views on Muslims Turatsinze 4


It's incomprehensible that in the 21st century, people are still being labeled and treated

unfairly because of what they believe or what they look like. We should not label or treat

somebody wrongly based on their beliefs or the differences in our looks. Looking at

human history, we can see that we as humans have always found a way to hate on each

other which resulted in a lot of tragedies that still affect us today. If anything, we should

have learned from those tragedies and moved on with our lives, and been acceptive of

different people in our lives.

Views on Muslims Turatsinze 5


Bulut, E. (2019). Pride and prejudice: The context of reception for Muslims in the United States.

Crime and Society, 22-32. doi:10.4324/9781351207430-2

A Threshold Crossed. (2022, January 24). Retrieved from


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