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BOOK TITLE: Mkapa B.W (2008). Leadership for Growth, Development, and Poverty Reduction: An
African Viewpoint and Experience.


This book was written in 2008 by H.E Benjamin William Mkapa (Retired president of United Republic of
Tanzania under the sponsorship of World Bank, on behalf of the Commission on Growth and
development The point of this paper is to emphasize the importance and role of leadership for African
growth, development, and poverty reduction. It is also an attempt to project a more objective
assessment of leadership issues during the first three to four decades of African independence. Agreeing
on shared responsibilities for Africa's failures in its early years will enable all who want to take part in
the continent's renewal to focus on the partnership that is now needed to close a sad chapter in Africa's
history, and open a new one. The core elements of such a partnership have evolved in the last decade,
and this paper argues passionately for the political will, in Africa and outside, for their realization. The
summary of main points of this work can be presented as follows:

(a) Aspects of colonial legacy

The author, has discussed in detail the phenomena of colonization of African continent by outsiders
especially European powers. The author has discussed the consequences of such phenomena on all
aspects of African countries in all aspects during and after colonization. The author has further reviewed
the situation which existed in African continent before the invasion of colonization. Economically
colonial invasion in Africa was very harmful as there was massive washing of valuable African resources
for the interest of colonial interests in Metropole. Also enslavement of African indigenous and
suppression of African production systems was not healthier for African countries economies. Politically
colonial legacy is still enduring in Africa, as colonial powers never prepared leaders who were able to
govern post colonial African countries in a sustainable manner, as they were made servants and puppets
of colonial governments. Socially and culturally, Africans were adversely affected by colonialism as they
were forced to abandon their values and norms and adopt colonialists ways of life. Example, the author
says “traditional, political and administrative systems in Africa were rendered inferior” (Page no. 06)

(b) Post colonial cold war years.

Cold war was also referred to as interwar period, which was characterized by military confrontation
between the two main blocks namely capitalist block and the socialist block. It was known as cold war
because it never involved actual military fighting rather than only threats to war. Africa was adversely by
the effects of this cold war even though it actually took place outside of Africa, this is because African
was turned the fighting ground of this cold war. The Consequences of cold war was directly manifested
in Africa, for instance great division took place where some countries were aligned to capitalist block
while other were aligned to socialist block and others never aligned with any of the block, Non Aligned
Movement (NAM). On other side cold has paved way for African nations to became self determined to
opt for which position to stand.

(c) The way forward

The author believes that Africa should never hold it’s history of colonialism and slavery as the factors for
current underdevelopment. But Africa needs strong and visionary leader like Nkurumah, Nyerere and
Mandela who will be able to unite people together and brings about development and reduce poverty
among people. The author insist that in Africa there is several leadership challenges such as historical
constraints, globalization as well as institutional barriers. The author also insist that Africa is not an
island, there is a need of Africa to interact with external world for it’s development. Example
appreciating the role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and private capital.

(d) Development of democracy for Africa.

By concluding, the author thinks, it is now a good time for Africa to develop democratic governance for
economic growth, development and poverty reduction. Adoption of democratic governance will help to
alleviate several problems facing African countries, adoption of democratic governance is manifested by
some conditionalities such as tolerance and inclusion, participation, transparency and accountability.

(2) Main points of the book

(a) Leadership and governance is the key determinants for growth and development.

For a country to develop, under develop, or remain static, leadership qualities is of great importance.
Leaders should be committed and dedicated to devote whatever they have for the interest of their
people, leaders need to have vision and targets which they intend to achieve. Africa needs non- selfish
leaders who will value public interests more than their personal affairs. Interaction between leadership
and governance will help to ensure leaders not only set goals but also ensure that they are accountable
for those goals.

(b) Past history can not be used to justify our present weaknesses

The author has revealed that, some African countries use to hide their inefficiency behind the shadow of
the legacy of colonialism and slavery. The author recommend that it is illogical to use past history to
justify present circumstance, therefore African countries must come up with strategies to deal with their
challenges rather than keep on lamenting. Example, put in power accountable and visionary leaders.

(c) Africa is not an island, therefore it should work with external world to benefit

Despite bad history and experience, African continent is having from colonial domination by Western
Metropolitan powers, Africa can never develop by separating itself from interaction with external world.
Cooperation with external world in terms of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), international trades and
private capital is very essential ingredient for sustainable development in African continent.

(e) In leadership, challenges should be treated as building stones (opportunities) and not
as threats.

The author has pointed out the fact that African continent is facing numerous challenges, caused by a
number of factors starting with historical problems, technological constraints and neo colonial issues.
But very unfortunately some leaders are giving up due to the intensity of the challenges, but in this
article, author recommend that problems are there but leadership should perceive these challenges as
building stones.
2. How does the author substantiate his point of view

Author believes that in African context, leadership and governance are very important ingredients which
will help to determine position of African continent development wise. The author also believes due to
historical experience of African continent, there are some variables to be taken into account when
discussing different leadership systems in different African states. These include the following,

•Ability and skills, which implies the need for some form of preparation

•The wherewithal to act, in terms of tools and resources, (financial and

human) and the state of institutions.

•The domestic and external environment (regional and global) that could

have been supportive, neutral, or obstructive to what those leaders set

for leadership.

3. significance of the above ideas to the study of Agricultural Administration and Management
and in particular administration and management of agribusinesses or firms.

The Course of agricultural administration and management (EE 205) is mainly concerned with creation
of capacity to students on how to manage and run agricultural based organizations as well as
agribusiness firms. The Paramount agenda of the book is to appraise the role of leadership towards
determining development of an organization as well as a country at large. The author has identified
some tips which can help to achieve effective leadership in organizations and nation at large. These
include the fact that Good governance is epitomized by predictable, open and enlightened policy
making, a bureaucracy imbued with professional ethos acting in furtherance of the public good, the rule
of law, transparent processes, and a strong civil society participating in public affairs.

4. Does this book relate to concepts, theories or empirical findings covered in your previous
course EE 105? Substantiate with evidence.

Yes the book is relevant to the course of EE 105, this course was basically about organization behavior
under which several topics were covered including, overview management, administrative
communication as well as overview of human resources management. In this book, the author has
discussed in details the concept of leadership as well as the way it is sensitive to organization
performance, the author has further analyzed the theory of leadership as follows, Just as we could not
discern a single theory of leadership for development in the first 35 decades of Africa’s independence,
we cannot prescribe a single theory of leadership for development in the years ahead. But as in the past,
so will it be necessary in the future to keep in mind the centrality of the following. A strong sense of
nationhood and shared destiny and good democratic governance, preferably with constitutional term

5. Does the book provide you with new insights or ways to interpret performance of
organizations or aspects of your own career?
Yes, the book gives new and different insight on the way of assessing performance of an organizations.
Strictly speaking the author has explained that in evaluating performance of any organization there are
some critical issues to be taken into consideration they include the following,

•Ability and skills, which implies the need for some form of preparation

•The wherewithal to act, in terms of tools and resources, (financial and

human) and the state of institutions.

•The domestic and external environment (regional and global) that could

have been supportive, neutral, or obstructive to what those leaders set

for leadership.

6. What is your evaluation of the author’s ideas?

The author has successfully managed to appraise the role of leadership in influencing development
position of an organization. According to the author, failure of leadership systems may also imply failure
of organization holistically to achieve it’s objectives.

7. Any additional critique that is considered relevant

Despite the fact that the author at some points has succeed to present to justify the contribution of
leadership on development, on other hand the author at some points has some failures, they include
the following,

 The author have not accounted for the negative side effects of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
The author have discussed only the positive effects of FDI, but has not accounted for the fact
that negative effects of FDI may outweighs positive effects.
 The author has not taken into account, colonial governments initiatives and efforts in at least
imparting basic elementary knowledge to African leaders, which is basically very essential
element in building leadership ability.
 Furthermore the author has failed to manifest, the distinction in terms of levels of growth
development between African countries, which were under colonialism (ruled nations) and
those which were not ruled. The author has explained that most African countries are
underdeveloped due to the legacy of colonialism and slavery, but what about African countries
which were not under colonialism and they are still poor. Example Ethiopia.

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